Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

Mysterious Shinko

Ugly clouds over there...

Himawari, we will go another day to the park...

So what do you think about going back home and watching the <i>Handsome Paradise</i> DVD?

Well, you really feel like playing in the sand...

See, nobody is here as it is going to rain for sure.

Do you want to play alone?

Himawari, alone!

It seems I will have to stay here for a while...

Himawari likes sand!

What's that cloud?

I think we'd better come back home.

The cow, in the winter, never gets vaccinated!


The cow doesn't go to work, it's on holiday!


The cow plays and goes moo moo.

Where did this girl come from!


Morning good ma'am!

<i>This girl greats the other way round, so funny.</i>

What's your name?

Before asking other people their name, you should reproduce yourself, don't you think?

It's not reproduce, it's introduce, little girl.

You can say so, so cool!

She is a bit strange...

Well, I am Shinko, the dancing girl under the sun.

Nice to meet you.

Didn't you say I had to introduce myself first?

So you are Shinko, nice to meet you too.

Himawari, give me the budget, please.

And she says budget instead of bucket...

But wait! How did you know my daughter's name?

I can't believe it. You called her like that a moment ago...


We are going home, it seems it will rain soon.

Do you live nearby?

That's personal information.

It started raining... Shall we go home?

Do you mind ma'am, if I go to your house to play?

You know? I come from a distant place...

I see, but, won't your parents worry about you?

No no. No need to worry.

With your comission!

I guess you wanted to say 'with your permission'.

Okay Himawari, let's play with this one.

Ah, you chose Hima's favourite toy. What a coincidence!

Don't you want something to drink? Shall I bring you juice?

It's over Hima, it's over.

Don't cry anymore. Look at this, it is so beautiful!

Calm down, don't worry...

I guess you have little brothers, don't you Shinko?

That is personal information as well.

I see.

Madam, I'll stay here taking care of Himawari. You can go and keep doing the chores.


Don't you worry, no problem.


Ah, can you wait a bit?


Here you go!


It suddenly started raining.

Yes, that's true.

I was planning to return it later, but I had to go out to do errands, so I came...

It was the neighbour from the house nearby, wasn't it?

How did you know?

By the way, as I thought you would be talking longer, I dippered Himawari.

Diapered, I see. Thanks.

Isn't it beautiful, Himawari?

It really suits me that she is helping with Hima...

But I still don't know where this girl came from...

Mum! My afternoon snack!

Okay, but you could have said hello first...

Ah, a friend of Himawari came before.

A friend of Himawari?

Yes. And I don't know why, but she really reminds me of you.

You'll get along with each other.


Sure! The cow, in winter, never gets vaccinated!

Hey! Don't throw your bag!

I only see Himawari here.

Maybe she went to the toilet.

Nobody's here.

What a strange girl.

She left without saying goodbye to us...

The next day

Oh come on, exactly when I am hanging the clothes...

Hi, Shiro!

Ah, Shinko. You came?


You worried me yesterday.

You left without even saying goodbye...

It was because I don't like farewells...

Did I say something I shouldn't have said?

This situation keeps getting stranger and stranger...

Well, I was saying that because people often say goodbye as if you were a little poop in the toilet..

Come on!

Shiro, cotton candy!

Well done!

So, you don't mind if I vacuum clean now, do you?

No, please. As if you were in your own house...

She pooped!

Don't worry. I'll change her.

The clean diaper are in...

In the drawer.

Yes, in the drawer...

No, wait!

Be careful!

Got it.


So it's finished, Himawari. Good girl.

Where is Shinko?

I just heard a flushing toilet...

It's a really strange girl. She also seems to already know about Shiro.

Maybe she was a ghost!

But I prefer a nice looking girl!

So do I!

You people are the worst...

Some days later

And suddenly she stopped coming.

So you say she is called Shinko?

I've never heard that name...

Forget that. Kids are soo capricious.

Yes they are..

Yes, let's forget it...

For more infomation >> Shin Chan - Mysterious Shinko - English subs (Japanese version) - Duration: 7:51.


【CC中文字幕】被youtube拔掉營利資格後的感想 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> 【CC中文字幕】被youtube拔掉營利資格後的感想 - Duration: 2:04.


Garbage Truck | Toy Factory | Learning Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:30.

Garbage Truck

For more infomation >> Garbage Truck | Toy Factory | Learning Videos For Toddlers by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:30.


KITA BUKTIKAN !!! Cheat Free Fire Indonesia Bisa Atau Tidak ?!!! - Duration: 8:06.

For more infomation >> KITA BUKTIKAN !!! Cheat Free Fire Indonesia Bisa Atau Tidak ?!!! - Duration: 8:06.


Truck city videos for Children: Finding Treasure with fire truck backhoe tractor - Cartoons for kids - Duration: 5:09.

Truck city videos for Children: Finding Treasure with fire truck backhoe tractor - Cartoons for kids

For more infomation >> Truck city videos for Children: Finding Treasure with fire truck backhoe tractor - Cartoons for kids - Duration: 5:09.


MAJONEZ (Mayores PARODIA) | Na Pełnej - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> MAJONEZ (Mayores PARODIA) | Na Pełnej - Duration: 2:32.


NIEZWYKŁE Q&A! - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> NIEZWYKŁE Q&A! - Duration: 4:49.


"Квартирный вопрос": Красочная мастерская для творчества в спальне-гостиной - Duration: 51:13.

For more infomation >> "Квартирный вопрос": Красочная мастерская для творчества в спальне-гостиной - Duration: 51:13.


Дом 2 новости 24 февраля 2018 (24.02.2018) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 24 февраля 2018 (24.02.2018) Раньше эфира - Duration: 3:43.


EXCLUSIVE: Zari Kafunguka Ukweli Kuhusu Diamond! - Duration: 6:43.

For more infomation >> EXCLUSIVE: Zari Kafunguka Ukweli Kuhusu Diamond! - Duration: 6:43.


Jon Olsson about his RS6, YouTube & Racing | Daniel Abt - Duration: 13:13.

Whats up guys we are on the way to "Kempten" in the beautiful "Allgäu"

and with me is today "Jon Olsson" you allready saw him in the last Video

Right now its a little a time delay because we are driving right now to the company

to watch the car that you allready have seen. I am very happy that he is with us...

this will be super, super awesome, and i am very very excited what will happen

he has not seen the car right now and...

Verstehst du was ich sage?

Ja 60-70%

Yeah i will speak of course in german with you

he speaks not german, thats while he will answer in english (a little bit)

"a little bit?" - Yes? How are you?


How was the flight?

ähm Super! Super, Super!

Sehr gut, sehr gut!

So now we are on the way to Kempten to watch a car or better explained you pick up the car

Hast du das verstanden oder nicht?

Eher nicht, so 50/50

Lass es uns auf English machen!

Wir sind jetzt auf den Weg nach Kempten um endlich ein Auto abzuholen

Eigentlich haben die Zuschauer es schon gesehen

aber wir haben es noch nicht gesehen

Also wie aufgeregt bist du?

Den Letzten RS6 den ich von euch hatte, ist ja komplett abgebrannt! Und ich bin...

traurig seitdem gewesen und wollte schon immer einen neuen RS6 und dann kam ich zu den Formula E Rennen

und sah deine Felgen/Räder und da begannen wir darüber zu sprechen

also ich bin sehr glücklich darüber einen vier-Sitzer der wie ein Düsenjet klingt zu haben und ja...

ich denke es gibt kein besseres Auto als den RS6 und um ehrlich zu sein bin ich sehr aufgeregt weil

Du hast ihn ja noch nicht gehört? Ich habe ihn bis jetzt noch nicht gehört.

Ich habe ihn gehört und er klingt...

EPISCH! es ist verrückt. Straight Pipes

of course he wanted to have "Straigt Pipes" - Yeah so the car is a little bit

built on his wish and thats why a little bit crazy

Verstehst du "CRAZY"? Nein, "Crazy" ist "Verrückt"!

Ja aber verrückt ist gut :)

...because he is a little bit crazy we said we will do it!

Es ist nicht normal dass man ein Autoprojekt

mit Rädern anfängt, oder? Normalerweise fängt man mit einem Auto an und geht dann zu den...

Rädern! Wir haben es genau andersherum gemacht :)

ja aber Räder/Felgen sind so ein wichtiger Teil. In der heutigen Zeit

etwas zu bauen was anders ist als was es schon gegeben hat.

Dann musst du auf Dinge und Designs schauen welche anders sind als das was andere gemacht haben

Ich war ein bisschen überrascht als du zu uns gekommen bist, weil wir...

schon was am Felgendesign gemacht haben und ich denke es zeigt

dass du ein gutes Auge dafür hast, was details oder was

cool ist. Wir fahren diese Räder schon...

eine menge Rennen, ich weiß nicht genau wieviele aber niemand kam und

sagte: "Ich will die selben Felgen!" und du warst der erste

apart from my dad and I also said it and he was quite impressed with what you

saying that yeah no we actually so the first time I kind of looked at that big

lip was on Mad Mike's drift car so they have a similar look but nowhere near as

cool and then I was actually trying to get wheels made that had that look was

for the Rolls Royce um but no one could do it for me so I was like okay I guess

I just have to drop that idea and then I saw from leh wheels again so this type

of wheel stuff is like two and a half years in the making

we're not alone actually and we haven't introduced the mister film just mr. film

you want to say hi hi what are you anything right now the travel flight

from from Tokyo to nice the first class plane no first class

plane yeah yes okay lifestyle very good yeah it was just the

price is too good not to try it yeah because I've not seen it on Kasey nice

that's channel and it looks really good and you only live once

yeah I'm trying to come up with a sidekick I'm trying to come up with a

good reason to do it but it's just it's really fun I can't imagine I can't

imagine let's talk about YouTube then because you said Casey Neistat

who do you like to watch on YouTube do you watch anyone or do you just watch

yourself here I barely watch this stuff we do but I I would say I have an

average view time on YouTube of 10 minutes per week yeah yeah because if I

should watch a lot more to learn and get a inspiration but there's just not

enough hours in a day so yeah I'm terrible

like not even my girlfriend's logs sorry honey

when I'm travelling though when she's on somewhere else I don't know what she's

doing that I check her dan you check it up but just to be sure

yeah no but it's just the time I mean you travel a lot you do a lot of crazy

stuff as I've already mentioned is there something that you feel you definitely

still need to do that you feel like you missed out up until now I haven't driven

a Formula One car I mean every car crazy person if you do that together can we

share that experience yeah I would but you haven't done it no I

I was sure everything apart from a phone okay yeah and then my problem is that I

would need quite a few laps in classes below in order to really be able to use

the Formula One car because I don't want to go and have four laps just to drive

it and drive it at thirty percent then I want like a at least the full day and a

Formula Renault or and then step my way up because I wouldn't want to drive it

just to drive it I would want to make sure that I could actually push it what

is the fastest formula car you've driven so far

I mean you've done informally other than anything else the L mp3 is probably kind

of formula yeah highest level of racing car Formula Renault but I think for me

or them that MPs are faster yeah not enough not enough but you draw formally

that I did how did you like that I mean

first of all sitting in a single seater it's like when you see pictures of say

Lewis Hamilton winning with like the Hans device and it's like I want to be a

racecar driver and not a skier because if you win and racing you're way cooler

so being able to come and sit down and uh I mean just the helmet and the Hans

device and a little sticker on the visor like all these things I'm so jealous

that these guys have because it's way cooler than anything I have yeah yeah to

me it's like if I was a girl I would be so into racecar drivers but no yeah I

like to sitting down there just in that tight little space makes you just think

about all the dreams you had to sit in something like that and then you have

the sound which is like wait what is it this that I'm driving and then going

onto the track knowing that this was in Hong Kong by the way and knowing that

the whole track is empty and there's no safety zone so you're just barriers they

have ten laps and you still want to have fun

it was just really surreal because you're in Hong Kong seeing like all the

skyscrapers and everything and being in a car like this it just reminded me of

like a monaco grand prix legendary but like 50 years in the future what you

made it huh yeah I didn't crash the car I locked up pretty good in one of that

I ran with it yeah I was I was impressed when I saw that I was like okay he's

pushy I would love to drive the car on a regular track so that I could push a bit

more yeah cuz now you don't want to push the the g-forces when you know you have

a very hair on the outside yeah and the hardest part actually I realized was on

a city circuit it's it's not actually that you have barriers

it's the visibility that you can't see the apex around the the corners yeah I

thought that was really difficult so you had to learn the track a lot more

because you couldn't see what was going on yeah but generally I was really sad

after cuz I'm like it's hard to find something

yeah are you planning on watching another form of the race in the future

yeah we've looked at a couple more races this year my whole plan in 2018 was to

travel less but we worked really well yeah just now in the last three we have

three weeks with all slowed to Paris Cancun named Cancun Mexico City Santiago

Santiago Atlanta Tokyo Tokyo Dubai nice landed a nice yesterday afternoon and

then at 4:00 a.m. I went to the airport to fly here so after after all those big

cities you finally get to the biggest one the most exciting kept and Kempton

in I go I mean you know that yeah yeah I've seen it on I good I was like ah

I'll just fly to Kempton and then I might wait why doesn't my mundo like

show me any flight up chance to camp what am I doing wrong by spelling it

incorrectly it's only private jet arriving and get that it's always yeah

not not quite there yet I win the lottery first it then we have a nice

tunnel but yeah I want to go to more Isis I'm

just trying to figure out scheduling so that I don't kill myself trying to

travel around the world 150 times perfect last question what would you not

want me to ask if I can ask you executive yeah yeah

let me ask you one thing when was the last time you got a speeding ticket


minimum one Jaeger many serial points yeah yeah but I got a

shitstorm for my for video i uploaded recently because i put it out

speed yeah but sometimes we blur this pedometer to make people think we're

actually going fast yeah and I think that's what happened

we were not crazily fast maybe a little bit too fast but I I think people

thought that we were running very sweet yeah I didn't like it that much

I know in the Lambo once we shut spirometer at 90 km/h on the Autobahn

yeah blurred it just so it wouldn't look so lame going 90 on the Autobahn a

people who all they must be going through 50 yeah so yeah we works in that

direction but for me it didn't work was I shot myself in the need to say that

any suggestion to something and the foot maybe

should be better than English by now I'm very excited to see the car ought to see

your reaction huh yeah me too and because it's like you see pictures but

that never compares to seeing it in real life definitely and that some cars I've

realized look better on photos than others

yeah like the Rolls Royce looks great in real life I hate photos of it certain

angles you have to have a long lens from the front yeah it's cool yeah although

they are six works pretty good on the photos as well so if it looks good on

photos it's really good oh yeah most of all I'm

excited to hear the r6 sound should be

almost like Mike you said exact almost no I love this too I love the comfort

the shield Alice clarity that's bus that's why John Olsen in Auto of the

week indigo star captain vielen dank you know vielen dank yeah super super

one last German sentence to the German fans I mean I know

autosh listen all this is yeah I always forget that dismissal yes and I'm

getting out and my friend Werner taught me lighting Sasa light because that's

the cheapest water you can get so he learned how to say that say but yeah I

understand more than I speak but I should work on it perfect we're out team

overkill team all the way up or maybe the other way wrong

For more infomation >> Jon Olsson about his RS6, YouTube & Racing | Daniel Abt - Duration: 13:13.


Denken & erleben wie Jesus Christus - Yahshua haMashiach [dt. Untertitel- noch nicht komplett] - Duration: 47:11.

For more infomation >> Denken & erleben wie Jesus Christus - Yahshua haMashiach [dt. Untertitel- noch nicht komplett] - Duration: 47:11.


我的青春就有如這場婚禮般消逝了【輪子亂滾/RW Tv】 - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> 我的青春就有如這場婚禮般消逝了【輪子亂滾/RW Tv】 - Duration: 6:58.


Samsung Galaxy S3 How Fix Error Wifi Samsung Galaxy S3 YouTube - Duration: 2:20.

Hello guys I

Have Samsung Galaxy s3 but I have some problem here

About my wifey

This my phone my upon a

Jellybean Android version

4.1.2 this ban

I-93 0-0 expects e la I

Have some problem here about my Wi-Fi if I turn on my Wi-Fi

This my my personal Wi-Fi in my

Home if I enter enter password

My password kylo Ren and I connect

This chest scan and

So pop up again to enter a password

This happen again again and again

Here I just

Want us to you?

Please comment on my

My box inbox

How fix my problem

Problem by fee on samsung galaxy s3

Please guys this happened

Two weeks ago until now

sorry my English I

Can speak English very well? Thank you?

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy S3 How Fix Error Wifi Samsung Galaxy S3 YouTube - Duration: 2:20.


YGOPRO - YUGI TEAM EPIC 2 - Duration: 2:46.

Endless Rock-Paper-Scissors

The tragedy of Maxx "C"

Batting first Holactie

Ok Ok Lightning

For more infomation >> YGOPRO - YUGI TEAM EPIC 2 - Duration: 2:46.


YouTube TOS Changed. (Can't get ads!) - Duration: 1:19.

*Intro plays*


So, em... In my "A few updates video

Em, I said that YouTube was reviewing my channel

So I might get ads. (You're greedy, Cole :/)


Em... They changed their guidelines.

I've only seen this like, now.

"Get reviewed after reaching 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months...

AND 1,000 subscribers."

Well down here...

144 Watch hours in... the previous 12 months and

And I only... have 324 subscribers...

Yeah. Kinda mad at that

But uh, that's kinda all I have to say.

*Outro music* Thanks

*Outro music* Thanks for

*Outro music* Thanks for watching!

Please consider subscribing!

For more infomation >> YouTube TOS Changed. (Can't get ads!) - Duration: 1:19.


ᴴᴰ Funny Cartoon Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 14:25.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> ᴴᴰ Funny Cartoon Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 14:25.


Kai'sa Montage 11 - Gosu - Pro Plays Kai'sa | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:59.

Kai'sa Montage 11 - Gosu - Pro Plays Kai'sa | League of Legends Top

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