Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

I turn that key and drop this rock a little early

and it's still billions dead.

Even you can't stop that.

I am Thor, son of Odin,

and as long as there is life in my breast...

I am running out of things to say! Are you ready?

It's terribly well-balanced.

Well, if there's too much weight, you lose power on the swing, so...

I got it. Create a heat seal.

I could...

I could supercharge the spire from below.

Running numbers.

A heat seal could work with enough power.

- Thor, I got a plan. - We're out of time.

They're coming for the core.

Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier.

- On it. - Avengers, time to work for a living.

- Are you good? - Yeah.


You and Banner better not be playing "hide the zucchini."

Relax, shellhead.

Not all of us can fly.

- What's the drill? - This is the drill.

If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose.

Is that the best you can do?

You had to ask.

This is the best I can do.

This is exactly what I wanted.

All of you

against all of me.

How can you possibly hope to stop me?

Well, like the old man said...


You know, with the benefit of hindsight...

They'll try to leave the city.

We can't let them, not even one. Rhodey.

I'm on it.

Oh, no. I didn't say you could leave.

War Machine coming at you! Right...

Okay, what?

For more infomation >> The Avengers vs Ultron & His Army | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) CLIP HD (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:08.


Türkiye'de 500 Kişilik Ufo Gözlemi - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Türkiye'de 500 Kişilik Ufo Gözlemi - Duration: 4:50.


FAQ - DorianPHD #1 - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> FAQ - DorianPHD #1 - Duration: 5:24.


CGI Animated Short Film HD: "The Daily Dweebs Animation Short Film" by Blender Animation Studio - Duration: 1:01.

Aww, Dixey!

There you go sweety.

Have a good day!

Like - Share - Subscribe - CGMeetup

For more infomation >> CGI Animated Short Film HD: "The Daily Dweebs Animation Short Film" by Blender Animation Studio - Duration: 1:01.


যে ভাবে পন্ডকরা হলো বিএনপির কালো পতাকা কর্মসূচি। BNP। Bangladesh Topnews - Duration: 1:41.

Bangladesh Topnews

For more infomation >> যে ভাবে পন্ডকরা হলো বিএনপির কালো পতাকা কর্মসূচি। BNP। Bangladesh Topnews - Duration: 1:41.


Best Makeup Transformations 2018 💄😱 New Makeup Tutorials Compilation | Part 18 - Duration: 11:00.

For more infomation >> Best Makeup Transformations 2018 💄😱 New Makeup Tutorials Compilation | Part 18 - Duration: 11:00.


歡迎來到聖誕的頻道~~(2.0版) - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> 歡迎來到聖誕的頻道~~(2.0版) - Duration: 0:17.


[Honkai Impact 3rd] Matrix Explore 43~45F at Lv4 Difficulty feat. Mini-Guide for Triple Bronya Team - Duration: 6:32.

CC is added. Disable it if you're not interested on the mini-guide.

Hello guys, welcome back for another mini-guide.

Although today's video won't be the usual abyss showcase/guide. This one will be all about matrix exploration.

So for those who doesn't know what matrix exploration is, it's a feature unlocked around Lv30 on your armada menu.

It's quite similar to infinity abyss where you fight mobs per floor and after reaching certain floors, you fight a boss instead.

I won't dig much into the basics because this is only a mini-guide. I'll only give crucial information starting from here.

Okay, so first is choosing your exploration skill.

You might ask, "How do I even choose an exploration skill? Isn't that random?"

Indeed, exploration skill is random but you can reset daily until you get the team buff that suits your matrix team the most.

You can climb 1F or even up to 5F before resetting the team buff per day. What I do is climb to 5F so that I get boss rewards before resetting.

Now, there's a very huge noob trap exploration skill in the list of available buffs. It's the increase damage by 250% if combo is less than 5.

While this works really well very early, it's not as good later as it really limits your gameplay.

What I choose is "All damage of Cannon valkyries +50%" (obviously) because my team is a triple Bronya setup.

Now that we're done with choosing the ideal team buff, we now go to the team composition.

So let me start with the question, "Why Triple Bronya Team?".

There's a number of reasons but let me start answering that by explaining why I chose Valkyrie Chariot.

Opposed to what majority of players believe, Valkyrie Chariot is actually an extremely good valk.

She has so many passives that increases her damage. Either if enemy is in a specific debuff status, increasing her critical damage or ...

Even having the capability to inflict ignite status with a quick normal tap that combos with her passive that let's her increase her damage dealt against ignited enemies.

Not to mention, her ultimate is just extremely good. Super low cost and alot safer compared to Valkyrie Ranger's blackhole.

Next up is Snowy Sniper. Although I think most already knows why Snowy Sniper is good.

Her ultimate is just too good.

It's an extremely long duration crowd control and at SS rank, she gains a debuff that makes enemies recieve 35% (max) more damage when frozen by ultimate.

Next up is the super famous Dimension Break that everybody is dying to have.

Press 1 button and she instantly timelocks in a huge AOE. What more would you want?

Although even with that explanation, it doesn't fully explain the question "Why Triple Bronya Team?" yet.

So what is it really?

It's simply the nature of Matrix Exploration.

At Lv4 difficulty, meeting enemies with shock buff can be extremely fatal to melee valkyries. There's other buffs too like flame aura, etc.

Melees are simply always exposed to danger in matrix exploration.

Of course this doesn't mean that there are literally no melees that can step on Lv4 difficulty matrix.

Now add the fact that Bronya valkyries specializes in 3 things, crowd control, AOE damage AND being ranged.

This makes them extremely comfortable to use on matrix exploration.

Last but not the least, team buff skills.

This isn't rocket science so I'm pretty sure most players can judge which good skills to have.

I simply want to note one thing here.

It's to never take any other HP healing skill other than Energy Enhancement.

Energy Enhancement is an extremely good team skill buff. It let's you regenerate a good chunk of %HP and a fixed amount of SP upon card usage.

It's enough to act as heals for your team, it also serves as an emergency SP pack so you can spam ultimates.

If you rewatch my video and look carefully, you can see that I've used a couple of cards either to heal my wounded valks or use as an emergency SP supply.

And that sums up this mini-guide for Matrix Exploration!

As always, I hope you guys liked it. Enjoy the rest of the video~

For more infomation >> [Honkai Impact 3rd] Matrix Explore 43~45F at Lv4 Difficulty feat. Mini-Guide for Triple Bronya Team - Duration: 6:32.


gta 5 german deutsch hir könnt mit machen - Duration: 1:38:09.

For more infomation >> gta 5 german deutsch hir könnt mit machen - Duration: 1:38:09.


Star Wars: Warum war Hosnian Prime der Hauptsitz der Neuen Republik und nicht Coruscant? - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Warum war Hosnian Prime der Hauptsitz der Neuen Republik und nicht Coruscant? - Duration: 4:36.


My Raw Vegan Diet ♥ What I Ate & Why It's Not For Me - Duration: 13:06.

So this is my story of trying out being raw for entire 7 days

mark, and i have been in costa rica now for about a month and

you, know after traveling and doing the tour in the states and being in canada and like launching our new program like we just felt

kind of

sluggish and


not Well in a way and so we knew like once we you know came here and settled and we wanted to truly find something that

will allow us to detoxify our bodies and allow us to kind of

connect deeper with our bodies and our minds and the environment so we thought okay this would be a really cool challenge for us to

Do a juice cleanse that's actually how it started first

So we decided we're gonna go ahead and do a three-day juice cleanse

we asked some people questions everyone you know gave us advice we did a little bit of research and

kind of just don't write it like we started it out the day we got our first green juice for like yeah life is good

We can do this is gonna be easy and then literally like five hours after it was like i hit a brick wall

not freeling feeny becoming frail

They, say the first day is the hardest i get the health benefits but man i can't do anything

like writing an email unlike takes every inch of energy hurt me

I'm feeling so weird

we tried to actually document

the first three days but like we're gonna shoot every single day and we're gonna talk about you know how we feel and even the

Process of just getting the shoot started was the most difficult thing ever we were so indecisive

Couldn't figure out what camera to use like you stand here i stand here we were frustrated with each other

And we've had one juice of?

Green juice with was a parent know so it was cucumbers parsley

We did it one day and to be honest i got

extremely sick from the juice and i think you know it's because

out of nowhere i just sort of putting all these really heavy like green

juices and

when i woke up the next day i was like you know what i had to listen to what my body was saying and

i decided to stop the juice cleanse but i would continue and challenge myself and

Continue to eat, raw foods i've always wanted to try a raw food diet and this was my opportunity to do so

So after starting the first day with just

juicing i feel like my digestive system had a little bit of a break got a little sick

So in the morning when i woke up i started to slowly introduce

foods again so i would start with a smoothie and then a little bit of fruit and

surprisingly even after one day of juicing like i felt like my stomach

shrunk like my portions were cut in half right away which was a little bit crazy that took one day

To do that and then yeah i just started slowly introducing like different fresh fruits

veggies and you know my breakfast always

started with a really filling smoothie bowl do i top it with lots of fresh fruits superfoods cacao nibs

hemp seeds like anything that would you know really fuel me up for the day when it's da good morning i am on

day, six now of the raw

challenge and for breakfast i made the most amazing thing today i made this frozen banana smoothie

blended with almond milk and cacao nibs and then i topped it with passion fruit

mango pineapple and morgantown it's because in my little chocolate zest and it looks amazing

and i'm so excited to eat it

One of my main inspirations for you know taking on a challenge like the raw challenge was to truly just give myself the opportunity


connect with my body and understand it a little bit

deeper and

that's actually just like the app that sponsored this video today called clue and it's a free app that you can download on your phone

on your tablet

It's for the female audience and what it is it allows you to track

how your menstrual cycle affects your body your overall well-being from you know your moods

your skin your hair i

Mean it's everything even your fertility and i think apps like that just are there for you to use on a daily

Basis, to again just

Understand how your environment eyre everyday activities to the foods you're eating

affect your everyday life if you guys want to try out this app there's a link below in the description

Of the video and it's free so go ahead and give it a try

this is our little office here in our home at our laptop water

man this is gonna be fun three days

but the thing i found with

Going rods that i would get hungry a lot faster so it always you don't have to keep snacking or fuelling myself and?

for lunches i would have you know some sort of fresh green salad or chop up veggies

lots of tahini sauce love tahini sauce

and then you know i just try to kind of switch it up throughout the day

another my favorite meals for these salad rolls which is again like veggies wrapped in rice paper

dipped into he need us to get him obviously obsessed with tahini sauce

And that's the thing like now that i go through it and talk about my meals i feel like that's one of the things that?

Kind of bothered me about the raw died is that i felt

Personally that i didn't have a variety to choose from i love food like i love

Creating different you know things with food and cooking them in a certain way so this

Part of it was definitely a challenge for me and at times i had like even touched my mind being like ah like i'm almost

Sick of it i don't want, to have another?

Salad i'm sick of a smoothie like i want something else so it was interesting

to watch my mind to go through these patterns so we pulled up by this organic little store and they had

in frost cinnamon buns it's incredible i've never seen anything like this it's plantain


dates and

coconut meat

coconut oil cinnamon and it actually

like a cinnamon bun


I need to figure out. How to do this holy crap

You, know sometimes i attempt any sort of

sugar cravings even with for example like a a

banana, ice cream where you literally just blend frozen bananas to a point where they they taste like ice cream and that would really fuel

Me up for a little bit but then again like so it's just this this

weird cycle and this is what i'm doing is i'm putting these orange slices in the waters so i

like drinking this much water and then we also have mint in our little tiny garden

That i like to also put into this water as well

and what's really interesting if you look at the study of ayurvedic

medicine you know everybody has their doshas and i'm more of a vata pitta dosha if that dosha requires a little bit more grounding

and so

switching up my diet really allowed me to see

what worked and what did it

there's certain things that my body went through for example i'd feel really really bloated like once a day at least i just feel like

my stomach was bloated up and it was confusing like i thought i'm eating like a very

healthy raw diet like why am i so bloated and

apparently it's because you know raw food is a lot harder on your digestive system so

My digestive system had to work really hard to digest the raw food

and i guess overall for me i just felt a little bit

lower on the energy side

like for example i love going up for runs

On the beach hair in the morning and what i was eating raw like i just felt like my body was

just, not as strong i get tired really fast and i just didn't feel like i had enough energy so

So i was kind of almost waiting for it to be done so i could have some cooked food and some veggies and stir-fry

It was so interesting

For once to actually feel how food affected me i feel that we eat

So much on a day-to-day basis that we don't even realize

how the fuel you're putting into your body affects your mood affects your your being your energy level and when i

did a one day fast technically we juice and then i put fruits and healthy foods into my diet i

felt this burst of energy it was so interesting because it mean you really realized that


we put into our bodies is so

important you know it's it's our fuel it's the energy you put into it as well like what kind of energy are you

welcoming into your own digestive system into your being

like when we start to look at food in that sort of way is more of energy more of as frequency that is

part of everything that you are i think it'll help us make better choices

and all the way to a beautiful place called the body tree and we're going, to take a

transformational yoga class with our friends chris hawk who the deejaying live during the yoga

he's mixing in the energy healing sort of giving physical energy what i do it again i mean i

love the idea of an 80/20 diet meaning that 80% of

Your diet is brawn than 20% is not

So you know for example breakfast and lunch could be raw and then your dinner is something a little bit more

comforting i think that would be a perfect diet for me because

naturally that's how i eat you know i start my days always with some kind of fruits i

Love smoothies so that that has no change for me if i'm wrong or just vegan?

and then you know having lunches that are involved a lot of salads and again smoothies that's wonderful but then having that comforting

Meal at dinnertime i think is something that's really helped me and ground me to start the day so

ending the 80/20 by week more my style than a fully raw diet

In the end i think what's most important is that

We truly tune into our own bodies and listen to them listen to how our bodies respond to food

you, know spigen diet and a raw vegan diet i mean there's not that much difference except the cooked portion of food yes there's a

big difference between a vegan diet and a regular you know north american diet that includes a lot of

Animal products dairy products because those products actually cause harm to your body because harm to our environment

they contribute to a lot of horrible things in this world but when you

Take that to the side and you compare vegan diet and a raw vegan diet i mean it really you're not harming the environment


any of them you're not hurting the animals with any of them you are fueling your body in the most wonderful way it's just truly

understanding of what works for you so if you're one of those people that needs that grounding the comforting you know

then maybe a vegan diet is the best thing you should be doing but maybe you thrive on just raw

Vegetables and foods and that's for you so you know i just wanted to share my experience of how i felt

Rob you can diet is not for me vegan diet is definitely what i will stick with but i'm all for trying new things

All the time new challenges to challenge my body to challenge my line is just to truly understand how

this physical form of mine reacts to the fuel i put into my body


For more infomation >> My Raw Vegan Diet ♥ What I Ate & Why It's Not For Me - Duration: 13:06.


15 Lipstick Tutorials and New Amazing Lip Art Ideas from Instagram Make You Love - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> 15 Lipstick Tutorials and New Amazing Lip Art Ideas from Instagram Make You Love - Duration: 10:14.


New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2018 | Part 20 - Duration: 10:20.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you have a great time!

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For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation 2018 | Part 20 - Duration: 10:20.


Die schlechtesten Marvel-Schurken | Top 5 - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Die schlechtesten Marvel-Schurken | Top 5 - Duration: 7:03.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Snoopy de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Snoopy de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:24.


Nickelback Became The Most Hated Band In History - Duration: 6:50.

Becoming the most hated band ever doesn't happen overnight.

But what is it about this band — which sells out Madison Square Garden and has sold more

than 50 million albums worldwide — that makes them so despised?

And how can such widespread appeal and infamy coexist side by side?

Here's how Nickelback became the most hated band in music history.

"If you think the internet's rough you should sit in a van with us!"


Same song different day

As noted by the New Yorker, Nickelback started out as a '90s cover band in Alberta, Canada.

Lead singer Chad Kroeger's gravely voice and metal-influenced sound stood out at the time,

but instead of evolving through the years, Nickelback constructed tune after tune that

followed the same formula.

And no one could escape it.

"The only thing I wanna hear right now is the sweet sound of this Nickelback CD cracking

as I drive over it repeatedly."

Because the band's generic music is well-suited for the radio, it's not surprising that their

songs are tremendously successful, commercially.

"How You Remind Me" became the most played radio hit of the 2000s, with over 1.2 million

plays between 2001 and 2009.

A famous diss

Downfalls of Nickelbackian proportions rely on elements beyond the band's control.

One such incident came with Comedy Central's panel show, Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn.

On one episode, comedian Brian Posehn brought up a study that tied violent lyrics to violent


He quipped,

"No one talks about the studies that show that bad music makes people violent, like

Nickelback makes me want to kill Nickelback."

The promo clip ran during commercial breaks for months, and Nickelback's awfulness was

cemented early on for many viewers.

Chad Kroeger, frat boy

One of the most offensive aspects of Nickelback is frontman Chad Kroeger.

Rather than inhabiting the spotlight with grace, or even a rockstar's cavalier recklessness,

he repeatedly engages in juvenile behavior more befitting of a frat boy than a professional


During a Playboy interview, Kroeger talked about the time he… uh, blew his own love

whistle, so to speak, for a free case of beer, and bragged about his binge-drinking abilities,


"I drank 13 Coronas in a row once…

The little flap that seals off your stomach and keeps the food from coming back up in

your throat, I f---ed that up.

I can get a Corona down in five or six seconds."

Kroeger's oblivious behavior even veers into the harmful.

He told Men's Health of a time he was on tour in Germany and paid a drum tech approximately

600 deutschmarks to stick his privates into a fan with metal blades.

He recalled,

"I can still hear . . . the blade slowly sputtering to a stop and this blood-curdling scream.

It was fantastic."

Couple that incident with his 2008 DUI, and it's easy to see how Kroeger's antics show

an alarming lack of concern for others.

Lyrical misogynist

Nickelback's lyrical content, written by Kroeger, contributes to their bad name.

His descriptions of women reduce them to a series of actions and body parts aimed at

fulfilling his own fantasies.

Occasionally, these descriptions veer into darker territory, with imagery that hints

at violence and abuse.

In their song, "Figured You Out," after mentioning that he likes a woman's pants around her feet,

Kroeger croons that he...

"Likes the way you still say please / While you're looking up at me."

The transparently titled "Something in Your Mouth" brushes his misogyny in even broader

strokes with the lyrics,

"You're so much cooler when you never pull it out / 'Cause you look so much cuter with

something in your mouth."

But he lands himself solidly in left field on "Figured You Out," with...

"While you're passed out on the deck / I love my hands around your neck"

With that, many fans took their actual self-respect and walked out on Nickelback.

Patient zero

Continuing to march onward, Nickelback took it upon themselves to create carbon copies

of their band.

Theory of a Deadman is a Vancouver-based Canadian band that Kroeger pulled strings for, after

he heard a demo tape.

Besides bringing them onto the soundtrack of 2002's Spider-Man and co-writing six of

the 10 songs on their self-titled 2002 debut, he signed them to his record label, 604 Records.

Kroeger continued to add insult to injury when he signed My Darkest Days to his label

— a band which sounds like an unfortunate combination of Nickelback and Kid Rock.

Furniture 'Rockstar'

A Finnish researcher conducted a study on why Nickelback is so hated, which revealed

that the band's demise may have been thanks to the song "Rockstar."

Nickelback wrote "Rockstar" in 2005 and then licensed it for a furniture commercial in

the U.K. in 2008, proving the band had zero standards.

Their reputation then slumped and aggressive behavior toward the group went up.

Attendants at a hard rock festival in Portugal threw rocks and bottles at them during a performance,

causing Kroeger to stop the show:

"Have we got any Nickelback fans in Portugal?"

"Up to you, you guys wanna hear some rock n' roll or you wanna go home?"

And a petition asking Nickelback not to perform during an NFL halftime show in Detroit received

nearly 56,000 signatures.

But they played anyway.

"Every single human being that we came in contact with in Detroit was like, 'we love

you, we have no idea what this is all about.'"

Too cool to give back

Another nail in Nickelback's coffin came during the Alberta Flood Aid fundraiser concert they

headlined in 2013.

Over 32,000 people attended the live-streamed festival, which raised $1.5 million for flood


According to the Calgary Herald, the goodwill and good times lasted until Nickelback took

the stage and effectively cut the livestream.

"Ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together for Nickelback!"

Sponsor Telus tweeted: "Hi everyone.

The Nickelback exclusive performance was a request from the band.

Sorry we couldn't live stream this portion of the concert."

The social media backlash was swift and brutal.

But the damage was already done.

The internet made us do it

The internet changed everything.

And for Nickelback, that change meant an even larger platform for haters to band together

and churn out Nickelback-hating content.

[Singing like Chad Kroeger] "Look at this Instagram/eggs benedict side of ham"

Anti-Nickelback captions began appearing on popular trending memes such as Grumpy Cat

and Bad Luck Brian.

And other people just poked fun at Nickelback for being Nickelback.

Their bad reputation preceded them, making room on the bandwagon for knowledgeable haters

and newbies, alike.

"You know I did read on one website one time that you guys are goat f---ers.

You guys f--- goats?"

"We make love to goats."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Nickelback Became The Most Hated Band In History - Duration: 6:50.


Five Little Babies Jumping On The Bed Song | Learn Colors with Colorful Cats and Cute Baby Dog - Duration: 7:16.

Five little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,

And the doctor said

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

Four little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

Three little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

Two little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

One little monkey jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

"Put those Baby right to bed!"

For more infomation >> Five Little Babies Jumping On The Bed Song | Learn Colors with Colorful Cats and Cute Baby Dog - Duration: 7:16.


NFS Most Wanted - Facts about the earliest version of the game ft. AST - Duration: 8:52.

elaymm4 presents

Project, that came out. But what happened during development?

And again we are here! elaymm4 and AST are ready to provide you today with information that you have never heard of...

By the way, the link to the AST channel is in the description.

There I also talk about games, and not just talking about racing games. Will be very cool if you visit my channel. Thank you.

Need for Speed Most Wanted - A game that... well, you all know what this game is and why it is so loved.

But who knew that because of the shift to another year, a project will be born that will win the hearts of many people?

And no, you heard right, this game had a shift to another year. And this shift is very closely connected with all the known NFS Underground 2.

Why this happened, and what was in the development of NFS Most Wanted - we'll find out today.

But before we begin I want to express my great gratitude to Xanvier, who provided me interesting information for this video.

Sit back comfortably, and we'll start the main story!

NFS Most Wanted - Facts about the earliest version of the game

2002 year. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 has been released. Critics are satisfied, and people were just delighted.

Racing, chases, graphics, dynamics - all at the highest level. And as it already entered into the tradition of EA - a new game every year.

According to plans, Black Box had a combination of several projects

First, a cop game, which became Hot Pursuit 2.

After that: tuner game, then again cop game, again tuner game, and at the end again game with the cops.

As probably some guessed, the next tuner game became NFS Undeground.

Exciting night racing, car customization, the plot - of course this could not not gather audience.

And what can we say - the underground done very well with this.

At the same time, BlackBox was developing another project, the concepts of which were already drawn.

This project was NFS Hot Pursuit 3.

As we know, NFS Underground sold very well, and quickly assembled a fanbase around itself,

...which simply forced EA to announce the shift of HP3 and the start of the development of the sequel to the first underground.

As you understand, this decision was not entirely adequate, and all that remained blackbox - was take, what they had at the moment.

And thing they had at the moment was....

Yep, Most Wanted

In fact, the game was renamed in late 2003, it can confirm the name of this concept art from Al Kang, the former game designer.

As you can see, this concept arts have the oldest logo of the game. As we see, the style of Most Wanted was already formed at that time.

As a result, for 2004, instead of Most Wanted, Undeground 2 was planned to be released, and MW was shifted to 2005.

And yes, you still have not forgotten the BB plan?

The shift of Most Wanted broke the whole system, and in the end we got 2 tuner games for 2 years and one cop game for one year respectively.

You can ask, and where is now another game about cops?

Answer: Well... it was undercover.

Problems in its development were much more than MW and Underground 2.

More on this you can watch from the GrandTheftAero's video about the difficult development of NFS Undercover.

NFS Most Wanted - Facts about the earliest version of the game

Well, now we switch to the various remnants of the early Most Wanted.

For example, as I mentioned in one video, in the demo version of Underground 2 on the PS2 were found various audio files from early MW,

...such as conversations of cops, sounds of destruction of objects and an audio track for some unknown cutscene.


Listening audio files... If you do not want to listen, skip to 4:53

Listening audio files... If you do not want to listen, skip to 4:53 --Cops replics--

Listening audio files... If you do not want to listen, skip to 4:53 --Sounds of pursuit breakers?--

Listening audio files... If you do not want to listen, skip to 4:53 --Unknown cutscene?--

In the game code - in the final/demo version of Underground 2 there are many references to the chase system, such as:

Interactive music and Cop AI code.

And by "a lot of references" means a huge amount of code for all this, not just a mentions.

Too bad, interactive music aren't present in demo files.

Inside some files that contain different game screens there is also an early MW start screen.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that Underground 2 already in May 2004 was a completely different game (meaning a lot of MW material was processed), start screen displayed broken.

I'm sure the logo was around here.

What is most interesting, this old menu is essentially just hidden in the final version of MW.

One of my acquaintances managed to open all the old elements with the help of some manipulations, and as we see, it's the same screen.

Well, how do you like this fact? Did you notice how the filenames in Underground 2 are very different from the first underground?

Yes. This is not without reason too.

As it is not surprising, but files Underground 2 are strongly similar to files Most Wanted.

Even more, the files of the demo version of the second subway use literally the same names as MW.

The names of many textures are the same as some of the game's functions.

And at the end of this part of the video, I'll tell you something about Pre-Production video.

For example, everyone is clearly sure that everything - that is shown in this video - it's true. But this is far from the case.

Pre-production video is created at an early stage of developing a game.

And yes, although MW already had a lot of development things - the basic concept was still not approved at the time of 2004.

By the way, the presumptive date of Pre-Production video is dated in the summer of 2004.

This can be seen from the frame in which various car pictures are shown.

Yes, I said that not everything in this video is true, but this one is a slightly different situation.

In addition to the early logo, which is very similar to the first version, there is still a map concept.

On the question - is it real map, I can respond with this map, made from several frames of video.

Just compare it to the final map and you will understand everything.

By the way, if you look closely, you can see that the map already has buildings and neighborhoods,

...which means that the environment in the video is either made specifically for this video, or it is taken from another part of the early map, which is very unlikely.

NFS Most Wanted - Facts about the earliest version of the game

Welp, that's all! Yes, there may not be much information, but this is the early MW.

Not everyone could have thought that the game was in development for so many years, and certainly not everyone could have thought that this game had a shift.

The game concept probably changed more than once, but the style was formed from the beginning, and it's just amazing.

I want to once again express my gratitude to the person under the name of Xanvier for all the information he was able to provide me.

After all, now we know that Underground 2 is nothing but a part of the early Most Wanted.

And this is the main verdict of this video - Underground 2 was made from Most Wanted - not the other way around.

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This was elaymm4 and narrator AST.

Thanks for watching and... see you next time!

NFS Most Wanted - Facts about the earliest version of the game

For more infomation >> NFS Most Wanted - Facts about the earliest version of the game ft. AST - Duration: 8:52.


Government employee insurance strategies - Duration: 18:37.

Government Employee Insurance Strategies by The Gov Geeks, LLC

welcome to The Gov Geeks! We're honored to provide professional development

strategies to help you get in and get ahead in public service.

I'm Javier, and in this interview will hear from the chief insurance geek herself,

Ellen Davis. A top executive and sought-after expert for public servant

benefits her specialties include health life long term care and disability

insurance. Today, Ellen will share three government employee strategies to help

ensure well-being. Plus we'll also include a few actionable career tips along the

way and here we go... (intro music)

hi everyone this is Javier Lopez with the gut geeks and I'm very excited to

welcome Ellen Davis today to talk to us about life liberty in the pursuit of

happiness welcome welcome thank you so much javi I'm so excited to be here

thank you absolutely we are so thrilled we've had

a lot of conversations before and I'm really excited about all the wisdom that

you have and also your willingness to share it with everyone oh it's my

pleasure actually the more that people are educated about what what is

available to them and their options the the better choices they can make for

themselves and their families so I'm really excited about this well please

tell us a little bit about yourself in your company well my name is Ellen Davis

and my company is life help home Insurance Group and I am a native New

Yorker that moved to Maryland 23 years ago I will always be a native New Yorker

I joke that though my children were born here they are New Yorkers that grew up

in Maryland though they are truly truly Marylanders so I'm actually very proud

of them and the fact that they feel so homegrown here we have four really cool

questions and I know you prepare them so I'm really excited looking forward to

them to your responses so the first question is who is your spirit comic

book character well you know when you asked me that to think about I realized

my spirit comic book character is actually the entire group of the

Avengers and the reason being is that I know you're very happy about that is

that the Avengers as a whole they come together I think and excuse me if I'm

incorrect but I think there's over 60 Avengers in the entire franchise but

they all come together to work together to take care of bigger problems that one

person can't do and one of the ways that I run my businesses is this is a team

sport for lack of a better word going planning thinking about insurance and

long term short term how do I take care of my family how do I take care of my

parents my children myself is a team effort and without experts in other

fields to work with how am I supposed to help my client go from point A to point

Z in the most efficient cost-effective way and so I I think the Avengers is my

spirit comic book group so question number two Star Wars or Star Trek

okay so easy Star Trek I'm sorry I Star Trek / Star Wars I know I'm gonna get a

lot of a lot of pings on this from friends and family but I grew up with

the original Star Trek I know not to wear a red shirt notice the purple

exactly never wear red shirt never wear a red shirt though yellow does happen

Reds get hit more than men yellows but I'm a Trekkie through and through Oh

perfect so question number three Marvel Comics

or DC Comics I'm sorry hands-down Marvel I mean you know the Avengers you got to

go marvel across the board and their franchise again when they started it's

all about the good guys it's all about coming together and I and I love that

not to say that DC comics is bad no no I'm not saying that it's just I happen

to prefer Marvel comic characters or you know at least I did as a kid question

number four PlayStation my home we have Xboxes my goal like Xbox so that's where

we are so I'm not really good at it they they love to tease me about that

yeah I know that you have a lot of experiences a lot of great things that

you've done and one of the things that we were focusing on is top three

suggestions that you would have for federal employees now this is a very big

question because of all the expertise that you have how do you smash it into

just you know three things but let's give it

a shot Wow you know it is really difficult so when when I talk to

somebody who is wanting to get into the federal government or state government

or local government or somebody who has been working within any government

agency for a short or a long period of time we tend to look at point planning

for now and for the future and so we take a look at this pie-in-the-sky

concept of this is where I am today this is where I'd like to be you know in five

years you know almost like an interview where do I want to be in retirement well

I have no idea nor do you and we don't know what will happen over the years so

let's take a look at pie in the sky and let's slice them by pieces because when

you take a piece of pie and if it's small enough you can go back for seconds

thirds and on occasion fourths and fifths but you can do it over a period

of time instead of trying to to eat the entire pie at once this is not a

pie-eating contest this is life this is something that that takes time so we

individual is just that they're an individual their wants their needs their

desires their goals they're all very different so it ultimately comes down to

them what do they want how do they want to get there and what vehicle or

vehicles are we going to take to do it and you know I'm I'm kind of thinking

you know you know beam me up Scotty is is I'm hoping in my lifetime I get to

actually see that that we that would be really cool and if there's some way that

we could plan for that I'm sure that you would have the answers for how to get it

done so it sounds like the recommendation is to really think

through the big picture and then break it into smaller pictures and see how you

can make the path forward that's right and and this is a living breathing

concept so no matter what you do there's nothing that's truly set in stone so

what you may start off with it has to be reviewed on a regular basis so I talked

to my clients minimum of once a year some clients I talked to multiple times

in the year because as you and I both know life changes

I have children the day each of them were born life changed the day that each

of them talked and walked and rolled over and one is about to go to college

and the other ones in high school life changes on a day-to-day basis and so you

can't just assume that once you put a document in place or once you put in an

insurance policy in place that's all that you ever need it's not the case you

actually have to review things every year every three years every five years

because life does change the people that you've involved in your planning they

may also change it makes me think of Ferris Bueller I said it before and I'll

say it again life moves pretty fast you don't stop and look around once in a

while you could miss it you miss it that's right that's right

planning sounds like a good first recommendation what would you say is the

second one day well once you plan well how do you execute that plan so again if

you're taking this big pie in the sky that's the plan oh this is what I want

all right now what do we need to do to execute well if we talk about life

insurance for a moment we talk about what do you want it to accomplish there

are a lot of rules out there you know people say oh you need seven times your

income ten times your income you need to protect your mortgage it could be

anything life insurance is this incredible organic product and and

that's how I see it because what you want it to do for you is ultimately what

we're gonna focus on does it mean that it has a dollar amount or a face amount

that equates to covering your mortgage or seven times your income or creating

an education fund for your children it might but that might not be how we got

there in addition those amounts they may sound great but what if you can't afford

that what is right now your income and your debt

mortgage car payments school payments you know student loans debt credit card

or maybe you're just starting out there's just not a lot happening so we

start small and sometimes we do something called laddering and we do a

little bit here and maybe in five years we add a little bit more maybe some of

it comes directly from what the government agency gives you you know X

times your salary as part of your benefit package maybe we add a little

bit through FEGLI depending on the cost versus cost outside of the government

agencies it depends because every person is different what if you have a medical

issue and the underwriting outside of the federal government or state or local

government creates a situation where your premium is too high but internally

because it's a group policy it makes more sense financially then we take a

look at that but what if it's the other way around we also take a look at that

so I would say the next part of you know this big picture plan is yes we plan and

then we look at different pieces to execute what can we execute today to get

you part of the way or to start the process what can we look at or what do

we choose to look at each and every year to get us to the next step and because

life changes and incomes change sometimes I have had government

employees leave the government go out on their own and all of a sudden what do I

do now okay well you might have looked at that planning the year before and

prepped for it as opposed to well I'm done now so now put everything in place

everything's gonna happen and and sometimes that happens as well so it

sounds more like that we have two steps really good recommendations so far

setting this goal setting the plan defining what the pie is and then

putting the pieces into place to appropriately execute how to go about

everything what is the third recommendation always review review

review review I mean truly this is life is organic

as as are your plans I talked about this a little earlier about that life changes

in every single day it is a new experience and so you need to not

constantly meaning every day every month but minimum once a year review those

plans review those documents I tell my clients no more than three years to look

at your wills your health care proxies your living wills all of those documents

need to be looked at your beneficiaries change your children all of a sudden you

know if you have a child's trust that brings them into their 30s all of a

sudden they're there outside of that child trust well you no longer need that

the that trust wording in your wills or in my case I'm truly as a Sandwich

Generation I have I have children I also have have had elderly parents I still

have my father with me that I have cared for for over a decade at this point and

so I have a parent trust in my documents because if God forbid something happens

to us I need to make sure that at the time my parents but now my father is

cared for in the manner in which he should be so there are lots of different

ways to do things so review review review kind of like I don't want to say

taking a test but you have to look at things you can't just write a document

put it in a vault and forget all about it you talked a little bit earlier when

we were chatting of that awesome picture that you have behind you that

autographed jersey the the picture and the faces of all the players that are

there can you tell us a little bit about the determination that they have on

their faces and where that picture was taken

yes absolutely so behind me is a jersey that is signed by every member of the

1999 Women's World Cup players at the time and the photograph that's taken if

you if you can see it clearly you can see bait

they are just super super focused and they almost look like what are you doing

well it happened to a taken right before they scored the

winning goal and one of the reasons why I love this is it reminds me again you

might recognize some people you might see me ahem in the front row you might

see brandy and you might see Brianna Scottie you you might see all of those

people but it's truly the team that got them from a group of people to the World

Cup winners I mean what about Sarah what about Kate what about Shannon what about

all of those players and so it's kind of the same conceptual idea like the

Avengers group it it is a team effort it feels like the three recommendations

that you have really come together with this idea about a government employees

responsibility to assemble their own team of experts to help them achieve

what their vision is well they can yes and sometimes that can be daunting how

do you find the experts well when you're working at your job you're the expert in

that job and you may talk to your cubicle maid or your office maid and

they may say oh well I did this this and this and that might be the perfect

solution for them but it may not be your solution it may not be your goal or your

dream so one of the things I always tell people is ask for recommendations talk

to people see who they've done business with if and and talked to several find

somebody that you connect with that you trust don't just take one person's word

for it find the people that really are going to well hold your hand through the

process these conversations I know are crucial and having that trust and

relationship with the right people to help them along the way is important and

on that note how is it that you would suggest that people get in touch with

you about finding out more about building these relationships looking at

all the opportunities that you're able to provide how can we connect with you

well Xavier thank you for for offering that so I I do have a website which is

WWF health home comm of course you can always call me at

three oh one seven two eight five five zero five I'm on facebook under life

health home I NS Twitter life health home

I do have an Instagram that's life health homes everything's kind of like

home so Ellen this has been a fantastic discussion I really appreciate your

partnership in helping the cupcakes community it's much more in our careers

than just showing up to work getting the next promotion to find happiness we have

to have a team of people that can help us and your insights as i mentioning

earlier help people see so much further down the road that we have the capacity

to see right now so you're just awesome thank you so much happy talking with you

has been an absolute treat today and getting my geek on is you know I I am

chief insurance geek here so you know to talk to another geek minded person I

love that absolutely thank you very much for the opportunity it's really my

pleasure and so if I can help anybody answer a question happy to do so really

Ellen has helped dozens of public servants and their families over the

years to benefit from her insights remember today's three strategies number

one build the dream piece-by-piece number two execute your plan and lastly

number three review your progress we hope you find them valuable in

application as we see it your work helps others so be sure to let good planning

take care of you too please follow us on your favorite social media site for more

great interviews and career advice check out (The Gov Geeks) for coaching,

courses, and resources. At The Gov Geeks, we're all about service for public servants!

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