Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

Ever wondered why some people seem to have a gift for music have you ever

wished that you could play by ear sing in tune improvise and jam you're in the

right place time to turn those wishes into reality

welcome to the Musicality Podcast with your host Christopher Sutton

In our recent interview with Jeremy Dittus of the Dalcroze School of the

Rockies he explained how Dalcroze training can give you a physical

instinct for how pitch and rhythm work in music and specifically he gave

examples for how it can help you with understanding meter but what is meter in

music that's what we'll be talking about in this episode musical meter and the

time signatures that go along with them are thoroughly covered by most music

theory courses but if you haven't studied theory or you've studied it and

found it hard to really understand the concepts or put them into practice I

wanted to explain meter from a different angle the listening angle the word meter

was inherited from poetry where it describes the underlying structure of a

poem whatever the words might be there is typically a system of how many lines

are in each verse how many syllables are in each line and the pattern of long

syllables versus short ones and emphasized ones versus weaker ones now

there are names and terminology and detailed explanations and theory behind

all this but when you listen to a poem you just understand what's going on

instinctively and subconsciously it's what makes the poem sound like a poem

and not just a string of words and to a large extent meter is what helps music

sound like music and not just a sequence of pitched sounds so the concept of

meter is carried across from poetry to music but with one important difference

you probably already know that the timing patterns of notes in music is

referred to as rhythm not meter in music we actually have two layers what you

actually hear I eat the notes and what the underlying structures are which

influence where those notes fall and which ones are emphasized so when we

talk about Mita in music we're not necessarily talking about something you

actually hear that's the first big thing to understand it's something you feel

which is implied by the notes that you hear that's what can make it a bit

tricky to get your ears around at first but don't worry it doesn't take long you

can think of Mita as an underlying skeleton or a grid system of time which

we can then fit our notes into in fact I'll talk a bit in a minute about how

this all relates to what we talked about in our previous episode on grid notation

for rhythm so from what we've said so far you probably have a pretty good

sense of what would define the meter of a piece of music it's going to be the

system of when notes occur and which ones are emphasized there's a basic unit

of timing which we call the beat that's the regular pulse of the music if you

clap along with a song you're probably clapping in time with the beat for

example here's a bit of music and you might clap along like this now you might

accidentally clap at twice or half the speed of the beat which is because the

beat can naturally be split up into subdivisions we'll talk more about that

in a minute but we have this beat that creates a regular grid of when things

tend to happen in the music but not all beats are created equal we generally

emphasize certain beats and let others be weaker for example if we're clapping

along it might actually sound something like this

now remember we're not talking about rhythm

we're the exact notes and which ones are emphasized can vary continually

throughout a piece we're talking about the underlying structure which

influences those rhythms that underlying structure is generally really repetitive

this gives us a second level of structure which we call measures or bars

where beats are grouped together based on the pattern of emphasis for example

if we emphasize every second beat we'd have a measure that's two beats long one

two one two one two one two this is common for traditional marches where the

strong weak pattern will tell us soldiers when to swing their left leg

and when to swing their right leg to keep in time the strong weak strong weak

pattern becomes left right left right if instead we emphasize every third beat we

create measures that are three beats long and this gives us more of a waltz

feel one two three one two three one two three again this corresponds to how

dancers would move in repeating patterns of footwork for this music can you see

why the physical exercises used in Dalcroze can be so effective for helping

you tune in to the underlying meter in music the most common form of meter in

modern music is what's called 4/4 in fact it's so prevalent that it's also

referred to as common time in this pattern you have a strong first beat

followed by three weaker beats one two three four one two three four one two

three four normally the third beat is a little bit emphasized too but weaker

than the first one so we end up with a four beat measure this is where we get

our classic 4/4 rock beat pattern of bass drum hi-hat snare drum hi-hat like

we talked about in the grid notation episode the bass drum is the strongest

so it's on beat one the snare drum is a little bit weaker

so that's on beat three and then beats two and four just get the light cymbal

hit like this

often the percussion part is the best thing to listen for if you're trying to

tune in to the meter while the melody and harmony might be employing all kinds

of interesting rhythms typically the role of the percussion and the bass is

to follow the meter quite closely and give the other musicians and the

listener a solid clear sense of the beat we can certainly tune into the meter

without that for example if you just hear a solo melody line played on

saxophone if you have some experience in music you can probably immediately here

where the measures are and how many beats are in each measure even if the

notes played aren't strictly following that structure but in a lot of the music

you hear today you'll find the beat is outlined really clearly by the rhythm

section of the band now you might be wondering what that second four meant

when I said it's a 4/4 meter or whether beats are always hard or doubled to get

the other subdivisions of a measure or what happens if notes occur at times not

set by this underlying structure or whether you can even have an underlying

structure where the beats aren't all the same length those questions bring us

into interesting areas of time signatures syncopation and swing rhythms

each of which all deserve their own episode in future for now I just want to

leave you with that core concept of what meter is the underlying repeating

structure of strong and weak beats which all the notes you hear are built on top

of next time you listen to a piece of music try to clap along with the beat

ask yourself which beats seem strongest and whether it's creating measures of

two three or four beats you might like to seek out some marches waltzes and

rock songs to practice with each of these and we'll put a playlist in the

show notes that musicality podcast calm to help you get started thank you for

listening to the musicality podcast this episode has ended but your musical

journey continues get over to musicality where you will find the

links and resources mentioned in this episode as well as bonus content

exclusive for podcast listeners that's musicality podcast calm

For more infomation >> About Meter in Music - Duration: 8:49.


麵包超人進行曲アンパンマンのマーチ / 三木隆史 / 2008台北曼陀林樂團創團音樂會 - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> 麵包超人進行曲アンパンマンのマーチ / 三木隆史 / 2008台北曼陀林樂團創團音樂會 - Duration: 2:06.


【Kman夾娃娃】娃娃機台主收入大公開!聽說過年期間特別好賺!?#255 - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> 【Kman夾娃娃】娃娃機台主收入大公開!聽說過年期間特別好賺!?#255 - Duration: 11:15.


GodCoin and Giving on Demand - Duration: 1:56.

Over $350 Billion is donated to non-profits annually

On average 30% of the proceeds get "lost" to commercial fundraisers

We believe in connecting people directly to the organizations that they support.

What if there was an app that could connect donors and organizations

in an efficient and secure manner leveraging blockchain technology and cutting out the middle-man?

Giving on Demand is the solution

that will bring Blockchain together with social media to streamline the whole process.

Facebook, Google, your ISP and other big companies work together

to monetize your information to the highest bidder.

Not only are your likes worth money

but You are the product.

Giving on demand will turn that business model on its head

and let you control your own valuable data.

Your data is yours, not ours.

Imagine if instead of an ego-boost driven Like

you can use your social media influence

to directly impact the causes that matter to you.

In essence, we can make your likes MATTER

Giving on Demand will:

Expand Outreach, Build Donor Trust

Streamline The Giving Process

Reduce Advertising Cost

Let's see how giving will work on our Platform.

Traditional Social Media measures engagement through a rating system.

Likes, Upvotes, Retweets, Reposts.

They're just numbers.

On Giving on Demand, an organization will reach out to their followers

with a Post or a Live Stream.

Followers can engage with the organization using Godcoin

a Cryptocurrency with actual worth.

Your Likes, Prayers and Wishes will now have real world value!

Copacetic is creating Godcoin

and the Giving on Demand platform

to revolutionize the way non-profits and you can make a difference

For more infomation >> GodCoin and Giving on Demand - Duration: 1:56.


KARAOKE | Bí Mật | Mỹ Tâm - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Bí Mật | Mỹ Tâm - Duration: 3:29.


Nữ Streamer Kiều Anh Hera Phá Thai 2 Lần Cắm 7 Sừng | 360hot REN Vlogs - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Nữ Streamer Kiều Anh Hera Phá Thai 2 Lần Cắm 7 Sừng | 360hot REN Vlogs - Duration: 6:49.


我用什么洗衣服?使用后 分享心得【ADS】What Brand Of Detergent Product You Use? - Duration: 5:02.

Hello, everyone, I'm Sylvia

Welcome back to my channel

This video

It's a collaboration video

With Daia

This is my first time

Introducing detergent products

This one

Before filming this

I use this for several time already

I must use the product

before filming.

This one

I believe you guys have seen it before

In the super market

This is Daia

I still remember when the first day

When I put in my car

Oh my God

My car is full of fragrance from this

In fact, I haven't open it yet

When I arrive home

I brought it into my living room

I haven't start to use yet

In the next morning

Oh my God

My whole living room is full of fragrance

Fragrance is so strong

Suitable for in-door drying

Out-door drying also can

I tries this both way

It's works, very fragrant

My request is

I want my clothes to be very fragrant

And I thin it's works

It is very fragrant

Even bring it into your car

Your car become full of the fragrance

The living room too

Even now I can smell it

And my boyfriend's family also use Daia's product

One more thing

When you washing your cloth

If you want to soak your clothes in the bucket

Leave it for four or five days

It does not turn smell bad

This is one of benefit about Daia

Because other brands cannot do ths

By the way, when you buy this. You will get a dish

Where is my dish? I'll show to everyone

Yes, this is the dish (It's FREE)

Alright, that's all

about Daia powder

I'm pretty sure that you can find it in the market

They has four different colors

Four different fragrances

You can go to choose

And one more thing

I believe that you never see this before

because it's new. And I'm the first to use it

This one

This is Daia Smart (detergent liquid)

so far

Not every market to sell this

However, it is about to start selling soon

Because this is a color, right?

If you have color shirts

The color is not easy fade

It has fabric care effect

You no need to wash by hand

Soak it in water

Clean them


Very fragrant

Suitable for in-door drying

Very fragrant

Soon, you will see this in the market

Please remember this package

The most important to me is

It is very fragrant

My cloth very clean

And after washing

It's won't become stinky

So overall, I feel satisfy


After washing clothes, if they make my hand dry

I will definitely mention it in the video


After I wash my clothes

I use hand to wash my clothes (washing machine will damage my clothes)

My hand is still good

And after washing clothes by hands

My hands feel very soft and nice

and nice

But, please remember

When you washing your clothes

If your clothes are so many

Please pour more detergent

More a bit

But don't too much

Because last time

I'm failed

When I wash my clothes

I have too much clothes

And I didn't pour enough detergent

and end up it turn so stinky

So please be careful, alright

Please remember to put a little more detergent

And then

When you washing your clothes

Please separate your cloth(White)

If you wash it all together

You will regret

Your white clothes will screw up

OK, that's all for today

This is my opinion, and experience while using Daia product

so far

I still feel satisfied


If you want to change other brand to wash your cloths

You can try Daia's products

That's all for today

Please support Daia's products

I have a lot of clothes want to wash


I can enjoy to use this product

If you have

any endorsement products

Or you have any project to cooperate with me

Or business

You can find me in WeChat

If you want to see me next time

Please subscribe to my channel

Press notification bell

See ya


Love you ♥

For more infomation >> 我用什么洗衣服?使用后 分享心得【ADS】What Brand Of Detergent Product You Use? - Duration: 5:02.


CON MA GHÊ NHẤT THẾ GIỚI | 360hot REN Ghost - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> CON MA GHÊ NHẤT THẾ GIỚI | 360hot REN Ghost - Duration: 7:23.


Rap về Ticci Toby ( Đội ngũ Proxy - Người được chọn bởi Slenderman ) | 360hot REN Music - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Rap về Ticci Toby ( Đội ngũ Proxy - Người được chọn bởi Slenderman ) | 360hot REN Music - Duration: 3:33.


ĐIỀU ANH CHƯA BIẾT|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> ĐIỀU ANH CHƯA BIẾT|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 3:58.


12 Powerful Ways to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy - Duration: 5:12.

Why are looking for super-glue to keep your relationship together?

Do you know there are some ways you can make your man easily miss you?

They are ridiculous.

Ok, no more talk to reveal these secrets if you are ready to hear it.

Let's start.


Makes Some Memories to Recall It's a very good idea to someone miss you

to make some great memories to remember.

If you have some awesome time spending together, it will be much memorizing when you leave


You have to do something special for him such as paying extra attraction, peculiar body

language, gesture, poster etc.

You may have some travelling memories which can be tonic to make him miss you.


Make him wait and respond at last moment When we get something very easily, we may

not have much interest on it.

You can use this trick to make your partner miss you.

Yes, you can make him wait for a long.

This will create a pain in him not for available you.

But here is the point to remember that you must respond and it is in the very last moment.

If you don't respond at all, you can miss him forever.


Move slower than he wants It's not wise to be fast at your relationship.

Naturally, men want everything fast than the women and they have more possibility to forget


So, if you are fast in your approach, no doubt, you are making mistake.

Be strict in your own way, leave the time to go.

Then see what happens!

Your slowness can surprisingly make your partner wait and miss.


Be the type of woman he actually likes If you know what type of woman your partner

likes, you can try to be like that.

And obviously he will have to cry for you, if you are away from his life.

You have to read the psychology of his mind.

You have to love him which can chase your partner at his loneliness.


Stop communicating with him now and then If you want your partner to make you miss,

sometimes you must pull away.

What you have to do is stopping call him or text him.

These will create loneliness in his mind for you, Mr. Right will wonder just why it is

you've suddenly gone silent on him.


Don't always be available for him It's very natural that your man won't

miss you if you're constantly available.

When the part of winning his mind is completed, then take a pause.

You shouldn't want to give up all of your time for him.

Take a night off within a week and go out with your parents of friends and spend some

time with them.

This will make your partner jealous, which is something like tonic to make him miss you.


Give your partner space more You know, men usually want a little more space

than women do.

In this circumstances, after giving him some space, start finding your own little space.

This will create respect for each other that will help him miss you when you are away from



End the conversation first No, it's not surprising.

You are suggested to end the conversation with your man first.


Well, the reason is to keep him wanting more.

It's psychological game.

When you do this, he won't be able to get you off his mind.

When you play the game of hanging up him by the phone or sending the goodbye or good night

text, you'll have him aching for you more and more.

This will make him wait to connect with you again shortly.


Restrict yourself on your social media using It's a very good idea not to interact with

your special man on social media.

Even what you can do is not to like or comment if he posts a photo or status.

It's better to resist yourself viewing it.

On the contrary, you can post your own nice photos on regular on social media.


Use a scent that will remind him of you Do you know our sense of smell is attached

to our memory?

Yes, certain smells will always be associated to different memories in our brain.

If you wear your personal scent every time you see him, it will make your man to miss



Make you busy, make you happy When you make yourself busy, it's difficult

for your man to contact you frequently.

You can find hobbies or something interesting to do with your life in this purpose.

You can start traveling, painting and so on what you like.

This will make you excited and happy which is important to make your man to miss you.

And guys really do like happy girls and miss them more.


Give yourself an outstanding look It's important to remember that men always

like women's appealing look.

So, try to have a cute, fresh and awesome look.

But you shouldn't use excessive makeup to have this.

You can have a new haircut, wear a new sexy outfit.

Above all, try to make a deep impression on your man's mind.

This will surely help to make him miss you.

So, that's all tricks to reveal before you.

Follow them and grab the control to make your man miss you.

If you have another trick, we want to hear from you.

Hit the like button and subscribe if you find this video beneficial.

As for always, stay happy, stay healthy and stay with SMOOSIE.

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