Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

this is the obsession line and there's nine plus

the galaxy s 9 has a dual aperture smartphone camera that's actually

designed to work like the human eye it's bright outside the camera will

automatically use a smaller aperture and when it gets dark the camera switches

over to a wider aperture in fact the widest ever included in a smartphone so

you can take bright clear shots day and night we set out to reimagine the camera

we focus on the experience or users love the most and everyone loves slow-mo

one of the most popular shooting modes you can use dual aperture multiframe

processing and super slow-mo on both the s9 and s 9 plus cameras and now for the

very first time we're bringing the incredible dual camera to the Galaxy S

series with the s9 plus yes time plus comes with both a

wide-angle lens and a telephoto lens and it has optical image stabilization in

both lenses so you can take clear focus shots whether you're snapping a close-up

portrait or a wide shot we didn't stop there

we also made a camera it brings a whole new level of visual intelligence to your

phone so all we do is open up the camera

good AR emoji create my emoji and now use the front-facing camera to

take a photo it's actually as simple as taking a selfie to remove my glasses so

it gets a clearer view of my face

there we go

now it's taking my image and creating my AR emoji and there it is the s9 features

speakers on both ends of the device they're the loudest ever in a galaxy


these are new AKG Tunes dual stereo speakers and they've allowed us to do

some truly incredible things with our partners Adobe think back to the last

time you went to your local cinema the sound was totally immersive right well

we've brought that feeling to the s9 with Dolby Atmos bringing cinematic

sound to a mobile device for our enterprise customers we are for a full

suite of services to help corporate IT IT managers configure deploy and update

all their devices easily including through the cloud users and companies

love decks so we made it even better we've introduced a brand new decks pad

and Knox integration to create a seamless experience for IT managers and

services like Samsung decks among the most exciting frontiers of technology

but as I said earlier they don't stand alone they built on a foundation of

amazing hardware powerful security and intuitive software and now embedded

throughout it all is guess what intelligence you can check it out

starting on march of sectors when it's available in retail stores please

come and check it out thank you

For more infomation >> Samsung S9 and S9+ Event in 5 Minutes | MWC 2018 - Duration: 4:54.



Did you know that all galaxies, planets, stars, comets and so on. only represent only 4% of the total universe?

The universe then, is actually 20 times larger than we thought

This is due to matter and dark energy

And that's what we'll see in today's video

What is matter and dark energy?


Singularity '' Helping to disseminate science in Brazil ''

Hello cosmologists all right? Here it is the Vini of the Singularity channel

This is another video from our mini-course on astronomy

In this video we will see what is the enigmatic matter and abundant dark energy

Let's start with this graph.

It shows the amount of matter that forms the galaxies, planets and stars...

Matter and dark energy

The universe is formed of 4% of baryonic matter or common matter

That is, everything we know only represents 4% of the universe

26% Dark Matter and 70% Dark Energy

But after all, what is matter and what is dark energy?

. Let's start with what is dark matter

the scientists using the knowledge of gravity and physics, predicted that the rotation of the stars of galaxies should be so

This was the image that the calculations showed

However, when the galaxies were actually observed if they had this image

The rotation of the galaxies is much faster than the calculations

The stars that were far from the nucleus of the galaxies orbited at the same speed as the stars that were in the center

That is, for this observation to make sense

There needs to be more gravity in galaxies

And as we know, more gravity equals more matter

Astronomers also realized this strange dissonance of what was predicted from what was observed

When they used the gravitational lens technique

When a large mass body distorts space

This distortion curves light

Changing the real location of the stars

This technique is very useful for seeing black holes, neutron stars, etc. bodies that emit low light

They realized that there is matter in regions of space where it was not foreseen

These observations were no exception.

They realized that all galaxies had this rotation

They realized that several regions of space had gravitational lenses

That is, to explain these facts there were only two ideas

The first most unlikely is that the laws of physics are wrong

But this is very difficult, as they are confirmed numerous times

The other sensible idea is that there is much more matter in the universe than we can see

A matter that is difficult to detect, which does not emit light

This is why it is called dark matter

By the calculations, this matter is 6 times more abundant than the common matter

Dark matter, then, is a hypothetical matter. which has not yet been confirmed

However, there are several indications that it is true

Astronomers do not really know anything about it.

Because of this a few hypotheses were created to try to explain what dark matter would be

So that part of the video is speculative physics that has not yet been proven or refuted

So do not take it all seriously.

The first hypothesis is of the astronomical objects of compact halo and great mass

What a great name, by the way.

It is the idea that there are several stars that we do not take into account our calculations

Black holes, neutron stars, brown stars, white dwarfs etc.

These stars emit too little light

Thus, difficult to detect

Those stars that emit little light would be responsible for the matter that is missing

However, using gravitational lens techniques

it has been observed that these bodies actually help in the severity of the galaxies however they are very few

Still a lot of stuff to explain the rotation

This hypothesis of the astronomical objects of compact halo and great mass

It only explains a small fraction of the matter that we are missing

Thus another hypothesis was created

Hypothesis called the WIMP particles

WIMP is an acronym for weak interaction particles

They would be very heavy particles, that is, very serious

However, they would interact very little with ordinary matter

WIMPs would only have interactions of gravity and radioactivity with common matter

The atoms that we are accustomed are formed by protons and neutrons

Which in turn are formed by 3 quarks or 3 anti-quarks

Protons and neutrons are called baryons

What form the baryonic matter that we are accustomed to

Then I and you, all the atoms that make up our bodies, the stars and galaxies are baryonic matter

A matter that is formed by protons and neutrons

However, the hypothetical WIMPs

They would be a non-baryonic matter, which is not made up of protons and neutrons

It is made by something totally different that we do not know what it is

To justify the amount of dark matter in the universe

These WIMP particles need to be very abundant

If this hypothesis is correct

billions of dark matter particles pass through your body every second

Within a year, quadruple-sized WIMPs passed you

However, it is estimated that only 10 WIMP particles interact with common matter

WIMPs would be like neutrinos

Abundant in the universe, but very little interaction with matter

This hypothesis is the most accepted in the scientific environment

If it is correct, the Higgs boson particles

It should in its disintegration emit particles of dark matter

So we need to wait for this hypothesis to be confirmed or refuted

Another less accepted hypothesis

It is the idea that dark matter is a matter of another dimension

A matter from another universe that interacts with our universe

This hypothesis makes sense, but WIMPs are much more likely

Well, this is dark matter.

It is very enigmatic and very abundant in the universe

Now let's go for dark energy

How different from dark matter we have more information

As I said in the video about the Big Bang

The universe is expanding

if you do not understand what the Big Bang is, I highly recommend you watch this video

The fabric of space itself is increasing in size

So by pushing away the galaxies

Dark energy would be like a reverse gravity

Instead of attracting the stars they keep them away.

But only the distances between galaxies are expanding.

The distance between the earth and the moon is not affected by this

The solar system has so much gravity thus interrupting the dark energy

So stay calm, this energy will not end with the solar system

The scientists also idea of what this energy is made

What we do know is that this energy causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate

That is, the universe is expanding and accelerating in the expansion

How this expansion works and the amount of dark energy

It's very important that we know

For it defines the fate of the universe

I will now speak two possible destinations


Starting with BIG RIP

The expansion in the future will be so fast that the universe will be dark

It will not be possible to observe the light of other galaxies

Atoms will begin to disintegrate

For the strong nuclear force will not be enough to contain the expansion

Another less scary and more likely hypothesis


The universe will continue to expand

Thus lowering the temperature until reaching absolute zero

The stars in the future have ended their thermonuclear reactions

Thus the universe will be dark and cold

this would be like an end to the universe, or at least an end to the universe as we know it

So this idea of matter and dark energy are well-founded

However, we know almost nothing about these two things. it's a big puzzle

So this is personal, if you liked let your liked

Comment us if you have any questions or suggestions

Sign up for the channel so you do not lose any videos like this

Subtitles: Vinícius Dutra

For more infomation >> THE UNIVERSE IS 20 TIMES LARGER THAN WE THOUGHT! - Duration: 10:11.


🌼 Going to Capture { Meme } ✨ - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> 🌼 Going to Capture { Meme } ✨ - Duration: 0:49.


קטעים מצחיקים 1# l אגדות ה-stickman - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> קטעים מצחיקים 1# l אגדות ה-stickman - Duration: 3:10.


【VOCALOID BRASIL】Party Junkie 【初音ミク_Hatsune Miku V3】Adaptação PT-BR - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> 【VOCALOID BRASIL】Party Junkie 【初音ミク_Hatsune Miku V3】Adaptação PT-BR - Duration: 4:26.



Hi, Polinesios, how are you? I am super super happy today.

As you know, Karen and Lesslie have accompanied me in this process from the beginning until

today, and to thank them for everything they did for me, today they take away my splint

from my nose, I prepared a breakfast for them.

I made salmon to Karen because I know what she likes, but since Lesslie does not

like it, well, I made meat for her. I also made them coffee and orange juice, but

since we did not have a juicer, I liquefied the whole oranges, like that.

Then I went shopping to buy them a salad and sweet bread.

I made them super homemade rice, that homemade rice that I know how to make, and when they woke up

I gave them the surprise.

I think they did like the breakfast, they never really told me, but I think they liked it.

Rafa, what do you feel that you are going to remove?

the points now? Oh, at last! I didn't want to have this anymore.

Nothing but, you know what, Polinesios? I don't know if it's going to hurt.

When they took the stitches out of my hand, it did hurt.

- Did it hurt? - Yes

Is not it going to hurt? No? It might hurt a little.

- A little? -maybe a lot

Oh My God! I can not believe it! Don't Pass, it did hurt, I even had

tears. Now let's go to another room so they can check me in here in the mouth.

Do you remember the surgery you had before? It had not been one hundred

percent well, then they composed me some things and that's why I also have an operation,

so that's what they're going to check right now if everything went well.

Now what they are going to do to Rafa is to remove the tape that he had on his chin.

Do not pass, is that I think it's the beard that I was tearing, so it hurt me

Wow! Is it inflamed?

No, no.

Do not you want me to see you yet? Lesslie, what do you think of Rafa?

Lesslie has just seen Rafa for the first time.

- Well here is a mirror and...

-It's time - Rafa is going to see himself.

-Put yourself backwards. Is important to mention that I'm still swollen,

What I'm going to see now, it's not how it's going to stay, right?

- Let's see - I'm stressed

Go away so that the Polinesios can see and when I tell you, you turn around. Ready!

Ready? I get close? More, get closer. Open your eyes.

One, two...


OMG! My nose! I really can not believe it, I liked it

my nose a lot, I mean, it is straight, it is not like that, all turned upside down wow! I'm bloated

down here, but it still looks great. What do you say, polinesios? Put it

in the comments, really.

Polinesios I want you to see this, here are

the pictures of the before and the after, that is, I am super impressed, they make magic here.

And now what are they going to do to you, Rafa? They are going to give me a laser to deflate me and

then they will give me an injection that I do not want, to deflate more.

10 days later.

Hello, Polynesians! How are you? I am

very happy to be here with all of you again, several days have passed since the

surgery and this is how the progress is going. This is not the final result, so at the clinic

they said "no, you are still very inflamed from here, you do not have mobility here".

If you see that my face looks strange, as paralyzed is because I still do not have good mobility

of the whole face, then I look super super strange, but we will see the

final result already in a few months which is when everything will be desinflamed, when everything

returns to recover as its natural movement and many of you were asking

me questions about the surgery, so I made this part of the video to answer many

comments that you had made. I entered my social networks and everywhere

it was like: How do you see yourself? How do you feel?

Why did I have surgery?

I could tell you "I had surgery because I had a deviated septum" and show you x-rays.

That I really had the septum diverted. I was at a party as a child and suddenly

the party stick ... From the piñata ... hit me

And I broke his septum. In other words, I had a deviated septum and I could

have lived all my life like this and be able to use that pretext for the operation, but

the truth is that I wanted to operate and that's why I did the operation, I did a lot of research

before doing it and when I was super sure was when I said "it's time".

What did they do to me in the operation?

What they did to me was the nose and you

know that I had another jaw operation and this time I went to Korea they corrected some

things from the previous operation. Many asked why I went to

Korea to operate. You know my friend Raiza, she once told me "Hey, do you

want to operate? You should go to Korea "and I ... I mean, Korea?

Then she started showing me several cases wow! Never in my life had I seen such radical

changes, that is that in Korea operations are super super common. 40 or 50%

of people in Korea have some operation and that's when we decided that this was the right

country to do it.

How did I choose the clinic where they operated me?

I chose that clinic, first because my friend Raiza is a super fan of Korean culture.

She told me "look, I'm going to give you some companies". What these companies do is help

you find the right clinic for what you need, and there was one that I liked very much

everything they did all their work that is docfinder Korea and with them I started

doing the whole process to look for the clinic that was step number one.

They ask you everything and since it has as an analysis of everything you want, they gave me 5 clinic

options, but they never told me how they were called, they put me option A, option

B, I had to choose the clinic based on the characteristics that each had,

they wanted me to read what each clinic could do and based on that I could choose

the best one, the one I liked the most, all the work they had done with people,

this clinic is called Cinderella, then they already made the appointment and everything and this was

going to happen to me in December, but as it was the family vacations and things like that, it

moved until February. What I really liked about docfinder was

that during the process they took great care of me, they were super attentive to everything, when

we arrived at the airport, they picked us up, they took us to all the consultations and another

thing that you asked me a lot is that how was the process?

In the previous videos I showed you everything we could record, but I'm going to

tell you everything that we could not record that is just after I entered the operating room.

Many of you told me to record when they opened my nose and put

the knife in there, imagine the doctor there doing an operation and the cameraman watching,

that is impossible, but I will tell you. I went in, they sat me in a chair,

so strange, they leaned back and put me here I think it was the anesthesia

and then I was talking to one of the translators, they spoke English all the time

and they were with me so I could understand everything that everyone was saying because

imagine all in Korean ... One of the questions I asked was, and

here in Korea it shakes? Because just when it was the tremor in Mexico, I saw videos

of people who were in the middle of a surgery and there was the tremor, so I said,

"Imagine that I have an earthquake here" and he says "no, no here it does not shake. "

We were just talking about that, I do not remember the end of that part of the conversation,

because then it was like... boom! That is, I fell asleep. I wanted to be super conscious.

The anesthesia is already entering me, I'm already sleeping, like I'm already feeling

dizzy and it did not happen, suddenly it's like pum! Already, I had fallen asleep.

When I opened my eyes it was like, where am I? Ah, yes it's true ok ... the operation.

And they start to say "Rafael, Rafael, can you move?" And I "yes."

I spoke like super slow, like I was assimilating everything and they say "ok, I need

you to get up", then I'm lying down, I get up super dizzy, she hugged me

and she took me to another room where I had to wait for the effect of the anesthesia

to be lowered and they would put on me some pain medication.

It was like half an hour and they gave me the medicine, that half an hour it hurt my whole face so much,

at no time did it hurt anything, only at that moment it hurt a lot, and in while

the pain medication was doing effect, just when it begins to pass the effect,

a nurse arrives and says "can you sit? and so I sit and I mean like

super unconcerned, I had a robe and she put the hand in

and I was like "What are you doing?" Then she starts grabbing me there, she takes out

a tube that they had put on me so that I did not do the bathroom during the operation, it hurt me

like a second when she took it out, but it was like, at what time did they put it that

I did not even know? Later I had to be with the splint, it took 7 days, imagine

that I could not wash my face properly, that's why Lesslie and Karen had to help me.

After having put on his clothes we are going to clean that child to go out. We have

to clean it with baby wipes, or you're not a baby huh? I'm only telling you.

That is, it was very heavy, that is, I slept sitting because they told me to sleep. The first

days was like ... Then came a time when I was so desperate

to sleep so much that one day I went to bed and I got up as well as ...

Because I was drowning and I said "oh ok" that's why they told me to sleep sitting down.

And what I liked very much was that I never got purple here. I said, what's

going on with the doctors in Korea? They have it super dominated and they know how to do it perfectly.

Another thing that I could not do is that I could not eat, I had to keep my mouth shut,

I used to drink juices and I also took this food that has protein that has

a lot of nutrients, at first I loved it, but there came a moment I got tired

of eating all this.

Another thing that I liked a lot about the operation there

after surgery usually they tell you that you have to be in bed and here

they told me "if you can already go for a walk, get out so your face does not get any more inflamed".

The first two days I could not go out, it was very difficult for me to move.

Right now we're back, Rafa. Bye! But then I did it and it was like wow!

Is nice that you can do that after surgery.

They also asked me if I liked the result, this is not the final result, I

mean I'm still bloated, then I still have to deflate, in fact the second day

that I had removed the splint, I was bloated but so weird that I

said "it can not be, I did not stay as I wanted to stay" and then the fourth, it started

to deflate more the face and I was like "yes I have to wait" is that I am very desperate.

In fact we recorded a few videos, two, three days right after they had removed my splint

and I look super strange, so if you watch those videos it is because it was the second or third day.

Well, that's how it looks from

profile, I still need to deflate this part and this is also very bloated,

I'm really happy with the result because they are experts in

doing that. Until here today's video, I hope

you liked it a lot, that it helped you to get rid of doubts because many of you have

the concern of doing some surgery like that, I had the septum diverted

but that was not the reason for the operation I can breathe better but it is not like "Oh

my life changed for that!" but if you have like the deviated septum or something like that,

it does improve your breathing and if you are interested in that, you could also have

surgery for those things. And well, polinesios, see you in the

next video. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> ANTES Y DESPUES DE MI CIRUGÍA DE NARIZ | POLINESIOS VLOGS - Duration: 10:41.


6 'Undetectable' Poisons (and How to Detect Them) - Duration: 11:43.



From ancient times through the Cold War and even up to today, it's always been a popular

method of offing one's enemies.

Depending on the toxin you go with, you can kill someone slowly and quietly, or abruptly

and dramatically -- although, to be clear, we do not recommend any of this...

Murder is bad.

But is there really such a thing as a "perfect," undetectable poison?

Well, probably not -- but some are definitely more challenging than others to identify and

treat because of how they interact with the body.

Here are six poisons that, at various times throughout history, have confounded doctors

and medical examiners.

We'll start with one you've probably heard of: arsenic.

This poison has been around for a long time, and mixtures of it were known and used going

all the way back to the Roman Empire.

Arsenic is a type of element called a metalloid -- one whose traits put it in a fuzzy gray

area between metals and nonmetals -- and it's actually pretty common in the Earth's crust.

When it's mixed into food or drink, it's odorless, colorless, and tasteless, and the

symptoms of a single large dose resemble those of bad, fatal food poisoning.

Which can seem pretty sneaky if you don't know you've been poisoned.

Arsenic can also be given in smaller doses over a longer period of time.

That produces subtler, slowly progressing symptoms, including weakness, confusion, paralysis,

and, yes, eventually death.

Which is even sneakier.

Arsenic is absorbed through the small intestine, and once it gets into the bloodstream, the

body mistakenly substitutes them for phosphate.

This wreaks havoc on around 200 enzyme-based systems necessary for a functioning metabolism.

Arsenic was a popular murder weapon for much of modern human history, but it's a lot

less common these days, because it's easier to detect.

A chemical test for confirming the presence of arsenic in bodily fluids was perfected

back in the early 19th century.

Around that time, it had been discovered that when zinc is added to arsenic dissolved in

sulfuric acid, a colorless, smelly gas -- called arsine -- will form, along with hydrogen.

Marsh used this to develop his test.

He suspended a piece of zinc in one arm of a closed, U-shaped glass tube, which was filled

with sulfuric acid.

Then, when a sample -- a bit of the victim's blood, for example -- was added to the opposite

arm of the U, hydrogen and arsine would form if there was any arsenic in the sample.

After that, the tube was opened, and the escaping gas was lit on fire.

If you held a piece of glass over the flame, it would show a characteristic brownish spot

if arsine was there, proving that a victim had indeed been murdered.

Once it could be reliably detected, arsenic's popularity began to wane, and today, murder

by arsenic is mostly found in old detective stories.

Another classic, cyanide was supposedly used in an attempt to murder the famously hard-to-kill

Russian mystic Rasputin back in 1916.

And it's still used for the occasional murder today.

Cyanide is made of a carbon atom stuck to a nitrogen atom, and it has several forms.

Hydrogen cyanide is a pale blue or colorless liquid at room temperature, while sodium cyanide

and potassium cyanide are white powders.

All of them may smell like bitter almonds.

Once someone ingests some cyanide, it quickly enters their bloodstream.

But it might not always be deadly.

In small doses, the body can get rid of cyanide by tacking on a sulfur ion onto it.

That converts the poison into a different chemical called thiocyanate, which can leave

the body through urine.

But with larger doses, the body gets overwhelmed, and it can't turn all the poison into thiocyanate.

At that point, the cyanide starts preventing cells from using oxygen, and eventually, cells

start dying off.

And a lack of oxygen is not good news for the heart, respiratory system, or central

nervous system.

Because all of these essential systems are affected, there's a pretty long list of

symptoms for cyanide poisoning, including weakness, nausea, difficulty breathing, seizures,

or cardiac arrest.

But what makes cyanide especially tricky for doctors, even today, is that it's so fast-acting.

Depending on the form of cyanide and the dose, it can kill in hours or even minutes.

It can be detected in blood, but a patient would probably be dead before the lab results

came back -- the commonly used test takes about a day.

Still, there are some secondary indicators doctors can check for.

One is extra oxygen in the blood,

which happens because cells can't use all the oxygen someone's breathing.

Unfortunately, some of those indicators can actually show up with other poisons as well.

Ultimately, a patient's best chance for survival is for doctors to make a careful,

educated guess based on the symptoms and circumstances, and to start treatment right away.

So cyanide poisoning may be detectable -- but by the time doctors know for sure, it'll

probably be too late.

Thallium is a heavy metal with multiple radioactive isotopes.

It was discovered in 1861, and it's been implicated in murders worldwide ever since.

Although today, it's also used in some types of medical imaging.

As a poison, thallium is tasteless, odorless, and very deadly -- ingesting as little as

a single gram of the stuff can kill you, and it can also be inhaled or absorbed through

the skin.

Once it gets into the body, it corrodes the lining of the digestive tract, which leads

to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

It also replaces potassium in certain enzyme systems throughout the body -- like how arsenic

replaces phosphate.

That impairs the production of proteins.

Still, thallium is at least pretty slow-acting compared to some other poisons.

The gastrointestinal symptoms last from 12 to 96 hours.

Then, 1 to 5 days after the poisoning, neurological,

cardiac, liver, and kidney symptoms can kick in.

Patients also eventually lose all their hair -- if they live long enough.

Now, even though thallium is slow-acting, that doesn't necessarily mean it's easy

to detect -- at least, not at first.

Which is partly why it's such a popular choice.

Thallium can be detected in blood and urine, but the slow progression of symptoms may not

be caught right away.

And it's uncommon enough that doctors don't necessarily think to test for it.

So by the time doctors figure out what's going on or the victim dies... the poisoner

might have already fled the country.

Polonium-210 is a metal found in uranium ore, which often shows up

as a byproduct of nuclear reactors.

It can be processed into a tasteless, odorless compound that dissolves in water, which makes

it a good candidate as far as undetectable poisons go.

This stuff is also many times more deadly than even cyanide: The lethal dose is as little

as a few milligrams.

And if you don't know exactly what you're looking for, it's really hard to pin down.

Thankfully, as far as anyone knows, this has only ever happened once.

In 2006, a former Russian spy named Alexander

Litvinenko was assassinated in London, likely with tea laced with polonium-210.

Litvinenko was taken to the hospital that afternoon, feeling ill.

Then, he died three weeks later after experiencing multiple organ failures.

Doctors first thought our friend thallium might be to blame

Then, they eventually figured out that Litvinenko had some sort of radiation poisoning,

thanks to his hair loss and immune system failure.

But they didn't ID the culprit as polonium until just a few hours before his death.

What makes polonium-210 so dangerous is that, as the molecules break down, they emit alpha

radiation, positively charged particles made of two protons and two neutrons.

Outside the body, alpha particles can be blocked with a sheet of paper.

But inside the body, the radiation breaks apart oxygen molecules to create dangerous,

highly reactive free radicals, which damage DNA and kill cells.

In this case, those alpha particles also helped doctors figured out what poisoned Litvinenko.

See, the ones emitted by polonium-210 have a characteristic energy of around 5.3 mega-electronvolts

-- which is a unit of momentum used in high-energy physics.

And when doctors found particles with that exact, unique trait in Litvinenko's urine,

they finally identified the element that killed the spy.

As far as we know, this is the only case where polonium-210 was used as a poison.

But it was definitely a tricky one and, if it turns up again, we'll hopefully have

a better idea how to identify it.

Ethylene glycol is the base for a lot of common antifreeze you use in your car.

It tastes sweet, and it's readily available, making it a popular choice for murder by poison

in the U.S.

But to be clear, no matter how it good it tastes, you should not drink it.

After someone ingests it, they'll seem fine for a few hours -- but their body is actually

busy breaking down the poison into other, toxic substances.

Eventually someone will start to feel groggy, experience abdominal distress, and then go

into a coma.

[acid-osis -- like it looks] One of the byproducts ethylene glycol breaks

down into is glycolic acid, which causes a dangerous condition called metabolic acidosis.

This is when someone's blood becomes too acidic, keeping all the chemical reactions

that make up their metabolism from functioning properly.

The poison also creates calcium oxalate crystals in the kidneys,

which physically tear up kidney tissue.

Sounds...not fun.

Ethylene glycol can be definitively detected in the blood, but for most hospitals, it'll

require sending a sample to an outside lab and waiting days for results.

So, kind of like with cyanide, doctors generally have to diagnose ethylene glycol poisoning

indirectly, using tests for things like the presence of osmotically active substances

in the body.

These are substances that can't move across cell membranes, like ethylene glycol.

But also like with cyanide, the results of these tests aren't really conclusive, making

it hard to ID this type of poisoning fast enough to treat it effectively.

The moral of this story?

Don't drink antifreeze, and also, prevent other people from drinking antifreeze.

No matter how delicious it tastes.

California mortician Timothy Waters died in 1985 of what was originally believed to be

a heart attack.

At first, no one suspected that the culprit might be a poisonous plant called oleander.

Until his alleged murderer started bragging about the crime.

The name "oleander" refers to several small, shrubby trees in the genus Nerium,

which have attractive pink or purple flowers and are commonly used in gardens.

What makes oleander toxic are two potent cardiac glycosides, oleandrin and neriine, which are

found in every part of the plant.

These molecules are similar to digitalis, which you may have heard of because it's

sometimes used as a heart medication.

Cardiac glycosides work by manipulating the ion pump that powers heart muscle cells, which

increases the force of heart muscle contraction.

This makes them useful for treating some heart conditions in small, controlled doses -- but

they're not so good if you ingest a whole lot at once, as they can totally mess up your

heart rhythm.

In addition to cardiac symptoms, oleander poisoning also causes nausea, vomiting, cramps,

and diarrhea, usually about four hours after ingestion.

Waters spent two days vomiting before he died.

But oleander isn't a common poison, and medical examiners had no reason to test for

it at first.

Only when a rival funeral home owner supposedly bragged to an informant about poisoning Waters

did investigators expand their search.

During an autopsy where the cause of death isn't certain, medical examiners typically

check for about 100 compounds, including alcohol, common illicit drugs, and common poisons.

If those tests all come back negative, then the examiner might order detailed tests to

check for less-common toxins.

In Waters's case, it took analysis by two outside labs to finally isolate oleander compounds

in samples of his blood.

But even then, the murder charges were ultimately dismissed when a toxicologist hired by the

defense couldn't confirm the results.

So either this wasn't a case of death-by-oleander after all…

or oleander really is the perfect poison.

It should go without saying that we here at SciShow do not condone poisoning your enemies.

Or your friends.

But the chemistry and medicine behind a lot of these compounds and how they're used

is undeniably cool.

And if this wasn't enough poison for you and you'd like to learn even more, you can also

watch our episode about 10 plants that could kill you.


For more infomation >> 6 'Undetectable' Poisons (and How to Detect Them) - Duration: 11:43.


Vulture Incinerate Shocker | Spider-Man Homecoming (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:36.





Your wife keeps texting you. Something about a brake light.

What'd I tell you about looking at my phone?

Sorry. You left it out.

You know I'm a curious person by nature.

I finished designing that high-altitude vacuum seal.

In case you want to, you know, go for the big one?

You're still on that? I told you, no.

The answer's no. Forget it.

I mean, that was badass.

How many times have I told you not to fire them out in the open?

- You said, move the merchandise. - Under the radar.

Under the radar!

That's how we survive.

If you bring Damage Control or the Avengers down here, we're through.

You're out there wearing that goofy thing, lighting up cars...

...calling yourself the Shocker.

"I'm the Shocker. I shock people." What is this, pro wrestling?

Whatever, old man. Come on.



I know you don't give a crap about anything.

But I do.

I built this whole place because I got people I have to look after.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know what?

I can't afford your bullshit.

- Get out of here. - What?

- You're done. You're off the crew. - Yeah, all right.

All right.

Wonder if you can afford me out there, though, right?

With everything I know.

- Excuse me? - I'm just saying...

...maybe your wife would like to know where you really get your money from.

- You know what? - What?

You're right.

- That work? - I don't know.

I can't afford that.



- I thought this was the antigravity gun. - What?

No, that's that one.


Now you're the Shocker. Go out there and find that weapon he lost.

All right.

Hey, thanks for bailing on me.

Yeah, well, something came up.

What is that?

I don't know. Some guy tried to vaporize me with it.

- Seriously? - Yeah.


I mean, not awesome. Totally uncool of that guy.

So scary.

Well, look, I think it's...

...a power source.

Yeah, but it's connected to all these microprocessors.

That's an inductive charging plate. That's what I use to charge my toothbrush.

Whoever's making these weapons is combining alien tech with ours.

That is literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said.

I just want to thank you for letting me be part of your journey...

...into this amazing...

Keep your fingers clear of the blades.

I gotta figure out what this is and who makes it.

We'll go to the lab after class and run tests.

Let's do it.

For more infomation >> Vulture Incinerate Shocker | Spider-Man Homecoming (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:36.


The Biggest Scandals In The History Of YouTube - Duration: 4:58.

YouTube personalities now make up a huge part of the entertainment space, with the most

popular YouTubers earning millions of followers and millions of dollars.

But some YouTubers have gone a little too far trying to chase popularity.

Here's a look at the biggest scandals ever to hit YouTube.

Logan Paul's big mistake

Logan Paul kicked off 2018 by uploading a video of himself touring Aokigahara, a forest

in Japan known to be a place where countless people have ended their own lives.

In the now-deleted video, Paul filmed himself with the body of a person who hanged themselves

in the forest.

According to New York Magazine, Paul then looked at the camera and said,

"Suicide is not a joke.

Depression and mental illness are not a joke.

We came here with an intent to focus on the 'haunted' aspect of the forest.

This obviously just became very real, and obviously a lotta people are going through

a lotta s--- in their lives."

"Was there a point when you said, 'Hmm.

Maybe this was not a good decision.

Maybe I should NOT show that.'"

"... Yeah."

After worldwide outrage at him and his giggling companions, Paul was forced to apologize,

claiming that

"I didn't do it for views…

I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the Internet."

Instead, YouTube cancelled their business relationship with Paul, who put his channel

on hiatus to "reflect."

Austin Jones arrested

Before the #MeToo movement gained momentum in response to the rampant harassment issues

in Hollywood, YouTube dealt with its own unsavory scandal when, according to the Chicago Sun

Times, Austin Jones was arrested in June 2017 for allegedly asking girls to expose themselves

to him.

The official criminal complaint accused Jones, who had over a half million subscribers, of

He was placed under house arrest while awaiting trial, with an order to stay off of the internet.

Sam & Nia

Christian vloggers Sam and Nia are certainly no strangers to online controversy.

But things got serious in August, 2015, when an internet leak revealed the names of men

using the online adultery website Ashley Madison - including Sam's.

Sam and Nia responded with a since deleted video where Sam said,

"She has forgiven me for this mistake that I made in opening the account…

This is in our past, and this has already been completely resolved within my family

and within my church."

Adam Saleh kicked off plane

In December 2016, YouTube prankster Adam Saleh uploaded a video to Twitter appearing to show

him being kicked off a plane for speaking in Arabic while on a phone call.

The airline received backlash for what many saw as racist behavior.

But according to other passengers on the plane, Saleh's account was fabricated, as he and

a friend allegedly began shouting back and forth across the plane in order to provoke

a response for his video.

The airline released a statement which read in part, "Based on the information collected

to date, it appears the customers who were removed sought to disrupt the cabin with provocative

behavior, including shouting."

Considering the sensitive nature of Saleh's accusations, and the fact that he had been

caught faking this sort of thing before, it's no surprise people were upset over the video.

Sam Pepper's fake pranks

Speaking of so-called pranks gone terribly wrong, Sam Pepper ignited a media firestorm

when he supposedly pranked Vine star Sam Golbach by having a masked man execute a friend right

in front of him.

After a wave of internet outrage, Pepper temporarily deactivated his channel, eventually uploading

an apology video where he revealed that pretty much all of his supposed pranks were fake,

and the victims were in on it all along.

Ten months later, Pepper returned with new content, which involved his 15 year old brother

dressing up as an old man in order to illegally buy alcohol.

So, clearly… lesson learned.


With over 60 million subscribers, the man known as PewDiePie is the most popular YouTuber

in the world.

But PewDiePie, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, has had more than his fair share of controversy

over the years, mostly stemming from inappropriate and offensive content.

"Prepare to get your best 'Hmmm' face on!"

In February, 2017, his digital network, the Disney-owned Maker Studio, released the YouTube

star from their roster after a Wall Street Journal article questioned anti-semitic content

in nine videos PewDiePie had released in the prior six months.

Following the backlash, PewDiePie released a statement that read in part,

"I am in no way supporting any kind of hateful attitudes…Though this was not my intention,

I understand that these jokes were ultimately offensive.

As laughable as it is to believe that I might actually endorse these people, to anyone unsure

on my standpoint regarding hate-based groups: No, I don't support these people in any way."

Just a few months later, in September 2017, the YouTuber faced backlash yet again for

using a racial slur during a livestream.

He took to YouTube to apologize for his actions.

"It was something I said in the heat of the moment.

I said the worst word I could possibly think of.

There are no excuses for it.

I'm just an idiot."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Biggest Scandals In The History Of YouTube - Duration: 4:58.



#repzillavstitanicsinclair hey welcome back and in today's video really just kind of like an update video

nothing big going on I just wanted to get my piece to you tomorrow is the 26th

I just decided to go ahead make a video because you know the 26 I go back to

daily videos very excited about that update videos I've made the Repzilla.

blog it's a it's on tumblr if you wanna go and follow me on

that I don't know anything about tumblr so you guys can help me quite a bit just

trying to get the rep squad out there got the Facebook community going well go

to Facebook search Repzilla you'll find me he's trying to get the rips got

established over across all social medias and things like that just because

I know everybody has different preferences but the yesterday we

continued the episode 3 of hi I'm Mary Mary himm it's doing pretty good I'm gonna go

ahead and I think get those episodes knocked out and then looking for

suggestions of what other videos you want me to check out I'm very excited to

do that episode 2 of on poppy I have heard is supposed to be released today

if it's released today there will be a video tomorrow other than that we were

working on Greg's TV series it's very great

it's got a very good you I'm not I don't want to do everything about it but you

should definitely go follow Greg on Twitter to keep up to date with what's

going on there and yeah Twitter fans doing good

Instagram fans of doing good everything's just really doing good this

is the year for the red squad I'm currently working on the discord server

when the discord server is done if you're interested in joining the discord

server let me know in the comments I can't think that's I think that's but

let me show you this this is my pin taxes me super it is a retro film camera

and man it is it is cool it's so cool I'm gonna be going on adventures with

this I'm gonna be live streaming on periscope which is awesome the link to

that is going to be in the description follow me on periscope I'm going to be

doing that daily I might even do it after my videos just take this time to

tell you guys that I love you you guys are awesome the red squad community is

growing at a phenomenal rate last year we had our notification squad over a

thousand something happened where even though people have notifications turned

on you guys aren't getting notifications from a videos that's a bummer but don't

fear I will be uploading at 5 p.m. est every single day like last year you know

last year I didn't miss a single day I'm gonna try to not miss a single day after

tomorrow so as interesting as this is I really want to hear from you guys so why

don't you go ahead and leave your creative and/or interesting responses in

the comment box be those likes this always brothers and sisters I will see

you in the next video yes and that is right this channel loves




MI AMADA BOGOTÁ // ME VOY DE CIUDAD DE MÉXICO *explicación* (Shago&Lucho) - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> MI AMADA BOGOTÁ // ME VOY DE CIUDAD DE MÉXICO *explicación* (Shago&Lucho) - Duration: 8:03.


Let's Play - Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap Part 2 (Spitting Fire) - Duration: 10:54.

what's going on guys this is smashing bro ben and I'm continuing my blind

play of wonder boy in my last video I did a very quick intro and today we're

gonna see what other stages I could explore as I mentioned before guys this

is gonna be one of my shorter run playthrough so you could enjoy this for

15-20 minutes if you're really digging this let me know please I'll try to do

somewhat lengthy or gameplays but so far I want to just sit down and enjoy this

game at short bursts I just upgraded my armor let's test it enough in action and

keep getting that cache looks like all those coins are coming in handy for my

future items so I really I'm really diggin those little RPGs Schelling

that's kind of like reminds me a lot of Castlevania to Simon Simon's quest

alright whoa what the hell what did I press check this out guys isn't it

awesome so I guess the developers included the original graphics of this

game so I could enjoy both of them appreciate the origins oh this is so

freakin cool but you know what I'm digging this way too much this this

presentation here is amazing no no attack I saw

not wonder what's here Oh treasure chest Oh lovely oh I don't

mind I sense oh alright secrets I'm digging

that let's go

so I'm not even sure if it's gonna be continuous stages or it's gonna be one

like world but did you get to explore so I'll try to close chronological points

for you guys so you don't get confused too much I'm loving a stage pirate ships

little Ewok the puss guys here and we keep going out you bastard

son-of-a-gun you don't get to do this to me ouch as you guys guys can see my

platforming skills are kind of shitty I have not done platformer games in a

while I mean but for a guy who beat the original rayman mreow games i should be

fine right I hope so I wanna embarrass myself love little

original Mario craps here you guys remember that single screen mario bros

game where you just uh we have to knock down those flies and then and craps

that's why I'm reminded of looking at these guys here come on give me whores

dude I need a hearts I need to heal

that wasn't much help oh no yeah my jumping timing is way freakin off

ah here here we go this dude again this guy again you know what maybe I'm

getting stuck embarrassment you died

come on give me something good here give me a life give me an extra large yes

what does that get me what I get back to the village I guess they just healed me

for free well before I head out let's go check out the shop maybe I got some new

goodies in there that I've missed I picked up the shield this sword yep

I'm up to date so that let's keep going questing adventurer time I think I'm

gonna be hooked for this game

it's just so fun to look at but that jump button is my kryptonite so far I'm

not doing a an awful good job

maybe she's got to get more confident my confidence maximum efforts yay and the

music makes me want to go on vacation oh no I fell

not again don't try to figure out how to take that

flying cloud out it's like as this flying around swaggering around

just wants to damage me for no reason

come on bra what you got what you got what you got for me okay let's be

careful here Oh


I can zap underwater okay

do I get to earn points and distribute them I hope so

I got a tiny also tiny also tiny go it out

you got a freaking cloud is gonna come after me again

no no my money my money on my side

there we go oh no I hope it can't get me here yes you can let's go in oh okay oh

I got some new stuff I can buy

mastershield well I don't have enough money son let's not even look in that

direction dude it's expensive you're gonna work on

your prices yet man all right well pleasure I got the key all right I

hope that's gonna take me to a checkpoint go back all the way freakin

back really No

there's got to be a way


oh man this cloud is really messing me up it keeps following to is you don't

want to stop it's relentless

now I've been here

okay gotta be careful here

and here we go back to the village

I miss a coin

always welcome always well can we gotta get some cash what's here don't I can't

get here I gotta use the magic door to get back to my hub and I get something

like this door I guess yay yay come on dude let's do this this is the next

stage right yep the deserts alright guys this is it for

my short run hope you enjoy this and please come back next time I'm gonna

have some really good Wonder Boy goodies for you guys alright if you enjoyed this

video please follow and subscribe then see you next time

For more infomation >> Let's Play - Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap Part 2 (Spitting Fire) - Duration: 10:54.


How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Speech - Duration: 8:19.

Today we'll talk about how to write a thesis statement for a presentation.

I have thought a lot about this topic and I kept putting it off. But I think I've

come up with a great video for you to help move your thesis statements to the

next level. So let's unpack the details.

Welcome back to the channel. If you've never tuned in before, Communication

Coach does weekly videos on communication and leadership. Question

for this video is what are your tips for making a thesis more effective? I would

love to hear your feedback in that section below the video. First we'll do

an overview of what a thesis statement is to begin with then we'll give some

examples and I'll finish up with some pro tips to take it to the next level.

In terms of overview, a thesis statement should be one concise sentence in the

introduction of your presentation. You have to be really clear about leading

with a strong thesis statement in your introduction. It should be specific to

your presentation. It shouldn't be a general statement about the topic you're

talking about. It should be customized to exactly what you're going to say

during the rest of the presentation. A thesis statement answers the question.

What is the bottom line of your presentation? If a friend of yours said,

Oh, what are you presenting on? You would give them in one sentence, the bottom

line. That's when you know you're getting at a thesis statement. The thesis

statement does not merely introduce or announce your topic. A thesis statement

summarizes your point of view that you are offering during this presentation.

Some people call it your central idea, your argument, you might say it's your

judgment on the particular topic, your informed opinion. It's your position. A

thesis statement should also be debatable. Since this is your argument,

your point of view, in theory people should be able to say well I don't know

if I agree with that. That's not my point of view. So you want to make sure that

you have something that is a position that you're going to argue even if

you're doing a regular old informative presentation where you're just teaching

somebody how to do something, you should have a point of view on that to make

sure you drive it home during the presentation. So let's talk about some

examples. Let's say you're gonna talk about financial planning for college

students. That's your topic. Well a lot of people might just stop there and think

that if I just announced my topic, that's the same as a thesis statement.

But it's not quite there yet. In fact, it's not even really a statement. It's

just a description of what you're going to talk about. A thesis would sound like

this. The best time to invest for retirement is in your first job after

college. That is arguable. That's your point of view and it's going to take a

little convincing, even if you're doing just a regular old informative

presentation about investing for college students. By offering a point of view

you're going to be much more convincing and your listeners are much more likely

to put your suggestions into practice. Let's take another example. Let's say

we're going to talk about health and fitness. Now if I only said today I'm

going to talk about health and fitness. That's not really a thesis statement yet.

I've simply announced the topic. A thesis would sound like this. The most effective

way to lose weight is by eating less not exercising more. What I've done there

is I've narrowed down to my particular viewpoint that I am going to explain in

detail in the rest of this presentation. That's how you know you have a thesis

statement. So, let's add some details to this. A lot of people ask should I say "I

argue" before I state my thesis? I don't think you have to use that phrase but I

do 100% support making your thesis statements stand out in some way. And so

you could use that phrase to help it stand out. You could say I argue that the

most effective way to lose waves by eating less not exercising more.

If you said that phrase, even though it might sound a little overused, it

definitely will help your listeners know that that's your argument.

So anything that helps them know what your argument is then I think it's a

great idea. There are certainly other more natural ways to phrase it. And you

can look for your own ways. Here are some suggestions. You can say

any of these phrases right before you would state your actual thesis. My point

is this. What I hope you take away today is. I am

convinced that. I would like you to consider this point. Or, the bottom line

is. And again after each of those phrases you would simply pick one and then state

your thesis. But I encourage you to come up with your own wording but whatever it

is it should help your thesis statements stand out a little bit more. I'd like to

give you four pro tips now to take your thesis statements to the next level.

The first one is to non-verbally emphasize your thesis. Let's say you've crafted

your words, you can use nonverbal communication to

add emphasis. You might add pauses for example right before and right after

your thesis statement to help it pop out a little more. The bottom line is this.

(pause) The best time to invest for retirement is when you get your first

job after college. (pause) So you pause right before and after and that one

sentence will stand out just a little bit more. You can also emphasize your key

words in your thesis statement a little more by just hitting them harder. You can

say the bottom line is this the best time to invest for retirement is when

you get your first job after college. And by slowing down and emphasizing the key

words a little more, it'll help your argument stand out as well. Another pro

tip is you should thread your thesis through your whole presentation. You

shouldn't just mention it in the introduction. You want to make sure once

you have your argument that you reiterate it over and over again. You

should at least do it in your introduction, in the first second and

third main point, whatever those main points are in your presentation. And then

mention it one last time in the conclusion. And you can certainly vary

your wording a little bit for style but you want to make sure you emphasize that

argument as often as possible without being repetitive. Another pro tip is to

create a theme around your thesis. So let's say you want to do that by using

an analogy or a metaphor to further emphasize your thesis. For example, if I'm

talking about long term investing, I might use the metaphor of farming to

make that idea stick just a little bit more. Farmers plant seeds early in the

season and then over time that food grows in the ground until it sprouts up

and then in the end you have a large harvest. That's a great metaphor for

investing. You can also create a visual theme by using visual aids for example

to emphasize it. Maybe you can find some appropriate pictures that somehow

associate farming with growth and money and then you could use those as your

slide backgrounds or integrate those pictures in some way. Any kind of visual

aids like that would help. The fourth pro tip is to use artful language. Once you

have a good thesis statement, you can actually craft it just a little bit more

using certain strategies to make it more memorable. For example you might use

alliteration, where a number of the words start with

the same first letter. That'll make it more memorable. You might say for example,

sow the seeds for your retirement savings in the first season of your

career. Now that might be a little much for some people and I personally like

alliteration because I think it's much more subtle than you realize. That's a lot

of "S" there but if I hadn't been emphasizing them and telling you that we

were doing it, you might just hear this as a nice sounding memorable sentence.

Another way to use artful language is to rhyme. Now I have never been a rhymer. I

don't think I've ever rhymed in any of my presentations, but I have seen many

people do it effectively. For example you might say exercise is great but it's

that food on your plate that changes your weight. Now that's a lot of rhyming

and again I couldn't pull it off. And if you like rhyming but you don't want to do too

much of it, maybe you could change one of those words like exercise is "wonderful"

instead of exercise it's "great" and that would downplay it just a little bit but

then you still get the food on your plate that changes your weight, which is

memorable and it helps it stick. So these four Pro tips if you add them to what

you're already doing, your thesis statement will certainly give you a

strong thesis. To recap, we did a little overview about what a thesis

statement is in the first place, we gave some concrete examples, and then we gave

some pro tips to take them to the next level.

And as I mentioned question of the day what are your tips for making a thesis

statement more effective? I would love to hear your comments in that section below

the video. I hope you got something out of this video on how to do it thesis

statement for a presentation. If you have not yet subscribed to this channel,

Communication Coach, I invite you to do so. Thanks. God bless and I will see

you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How to Write a Thesis Statement for a Speech - Duration: 8:19.


Imposter Syndrome - Duration: 3:44.

Hey, everyone. I'm relaunching the Positively Personal video series again

after a quick break. A lot has happen at my health tech startup Naluri. First, we

brought in Dr. Jeremy Ting who has been a tremendous addition as our chief

commercial officer and a co-founder with his very deep healthcare industry

experience. We hired a technical development team

headed by head of engineering, Syamil, we've expanded our panel of health and

clinical psychologists, we've launched our our apps that we've built with a

hundred early alpha users trying it out and as we announced, we've also raised

some external funding in a seed round with a global venture capital firm and a

Singapore based international healthcare diagnostics company. But now that we've

raised external funding and there's growing pressure from our business

partners who want a full working version with all the features and no crashes, the

pressure is really mounting. Even though I've been through these pressured

situations many times before, starting up AirAsia X, the early days of iflix,

but still the overwhelming feeling of incompetence, inadequacy, the stress and

anxiety is extremely overwhelming. You feel like a fraud and there's even a

psychological condition for this, it's called the "impostor syndrome".

So, with this impostor syndrome, you feel this real sense of anxiety and pressure

and self-doubt, you tell yourself you suck, why can't you do this better and

and the pressure can be really really overwhelming. So, what do you do about it?

First, acknowledge it. I have to tell myself,

remind myself that I've been through these very, very dark moments before and

somehow there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Secondly, celebrate all the

small accomplishments. You know maybe the app crashed five percent of the time

this week, but hey it's an improvement from the eight percent rate in the

previous week. And third, talk about it. Last year, I talked about peer support

groups and coaching. And it really helps to share the issues that you face either

with your founding team or you know external people. But avoid those who will

tell you, "oh snap out of it, get over it". That's not helpful. Oftentimes, we don't

need to be told what to do, we just need someone to listen, to acknowledge and

just validate that these are very very real fears and concerns. While it may be

frustrating to miss deadlines and fall behind plan, I'm reminded of a Bill

Gates quote and he says, "we often overestimate what we can accomplish in

one year, but underestimate what we can accomplish in 10 years." And so, as we

start to close off the first year of Naluri and I feel like are there many

things that we've not yet been able to do, I'm reminded of just the potential

that this is the hardest part, we've built momentum and we can grow from it

here. So, do share if you've ever felt this imposter syndrome.

For more infomation >> Imposter Syndrome - Duration: 3:44.


Reading Negative Black Panther Reviews - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> Reading Negative Black Panther Reviews - Duration: 12:26.


Glitter Nail Art Coloring Pages for Girls | How to Draw Nails for Kids | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 59:51.


























Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Glitter Nail Art Coloring Pages for Girls | How to Draw Nails for Kids | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 59:51.


Diagnostic suicidaire - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Diagnostic suicidaire - Duration: 2:31.


Plumbing Camera Inspection Placentia CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Camera Inspection Placentia CA - Duration: 1:07.

Plumbing Camera Inspection Placentia CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

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