Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

hi guys this video is an eyebrow tutorial for thicker eyebrows and I'm

also going to show you how you can tweeze them yourself a little bit to get

a clean brow and also how you can fill them in so that it still looks very

natural and now without further ado let's get right into this video before

I'm going to apply any makeup products on my face I'm just going to show you a

little bit about tweezing so I would recommend going once a month to a

professional to get them nice and shape so that you feel comfortable with it

because I know that it's difficult to get them under control and then while

this month will past and you also will see that the hairs will grow back you

can tweeze them at home because now we know where the shape is and then you can

just pluck them by yourself with a little mirror and tweezers and then we can

move on to any products so I'm going to show you now how you can tweeze them

before you're going to start tweezing just make sure that if you have tweezeers

that it's a clean one so you always can take a cotton pad and some disinfect

spray just to make sure that everything is clean you can also use this for your

eyebrows and for scissors so I'm going to spray a little bit on the cotton pad

and then clean my tweezers to make sure that I have no infection around my

eyebrows so that they I'm cleaned up because this is so important and that's

also why I have no makeup products on yet now we can also take your scissors

if you need them then you always can clean them with the same spray and then

you can also take a clean cotton pad and just apply this also onto your eyebrows

and now we can start tweezing so now you can see a close-up from my eyebrows I'm

going to take a spoolie to brush them up at first so that I can see a clean line

from the bottom part and now you also can see where the hair is already trying

to grow back and these are now the ones that I'm going to tweeze so now I'm going

to take my tweezer I'm going to start to tweeze and pluck to do the little hairs right

here which are growing back and this might give you just a little pinch but

as long as it's not really hurting everything is fine so a little pinch is

normal but do not try to irritate your skin just take the little hairs which

I'm trying to grow back

and then you also can see sometimes how big the bottom part of this hair is when

you're I'm going to pluck them out and this is an easy way how we can keep your

eyebrows in shape so you don't have to go back every two weeks to a

professional but I would recommend going once a month and sometimes you will also

get some hairs right in the middle so now I'm going to start to clean up right

here because they are also some little ones so I'm going to take the tweezers

I'm going to pluck around it so you still can see the normal hairs and the

hairs which are growing back

and I'm also going to recommend taking a tweezers with a straight line so

sometimes you can get tweezers with an angled tip on this one

but these can scratch your skin so just be careful that you are taking the right

one for you if the tweezers is hurting you change it to an other one and you

also can get some plastic ones but I just feel that these are a little bit

more like easier to clean and also sanitize

and it already the other sides I'm just going to clean up this one right here

so now we can brush the hairs downwards so it's a clean spoolie and brush them

downwards if you have in the front some straight hairs like I have well you

can't really brush them downwards but just focus with them on the middle part

and at the end

and the cotton pad which you have used before you always can take this back and

just clean your tweezers with it because the little hairs will stick on it

so it's just about cleaning around the little hairs it's not about getting the

right shape if you want to get a right shape then go at first to a

professional and then later on you can tweeze them by yourself and melt with

the front part you can brush them upwards and if there are some hairs

which are really long like which are so that you can see the difference then you

can go and take your scissors and just cut them straight but since there aren't any

enough from my shape now I'm just going to take my tweezers and pluck them out

which are a little bit too long so you still can see this one and this one so

there are two ones which are the two long I'm going to pluck them

this one

and now I'm fine so if you have to which a little bit longer then you can't just

twist them by themselves as long as you are not going to create an area where

you have no eyebrows but if you need to you can also take the scissors and clean

them straight up so that you have a straight line right here and then you

can go back with the spoolie and just brush them in shape so now we plucked

our eyebrows back in shape and now I'm going to apply some foundation on my

face and then I will be right back so now I'm back and I have applied a

little bit of foundation and now we can start filling in our eyebrows and to

fill them in I'm going to choose an eyeshadow shade so if you have an

eyeshadow shade at home that matches with your brow hairs take that one so

you don't have to buy any well expensive products so just take the one which you

have at home and as long as it matches with your brow hairs everything is fine

and just make sure that it's more like a greyish and ashy tone so that it

still looks natural when you are going to fill them in so I'm going to take

this eyeshadow palette right here and I'm going to take the shade next to the

black which is this one right here and this one matches with my brow hairs and

then you also will need to take an angle brush now with the angled brush you can

take a very thin and flat one the thinner the brush the better because

then you can also draw a very precise line and you can get a beautiful shape

of your brow and if you're going to fill them and it would still look natural if

you have a very thick one then you can mess it up very easy and then you can

also take your spoolie to help out to shape their eyebrow and also to brush

through your brows so to start off we are going to brush the hair upwards as

we did before so that you can see the shape and then we are going to start

from the middle towards the brow trail so the front part will be our last part

and now we can just draw a line a very sharp line

but still natural just that you can get a clean shape and always dunk into the

eyeshadow back again if you need to and you can fill in so that you are going to

create a very thin line but it can also be a little bit more faded so it doesn't

have to be a sharp line it just should shape your brows a little bit so that

you can get a clean brows later on towards the brow tail since you have

now tweeze them back to the shape you just can follow the brow shape towards

the tail and the tail can be a little bit more intense when it comes to the

color but the middle part and the front part should be soft

and now we have created a very soft line and now we can take the spoolie again

and just brush them downwards and do the same to the upper part

when it comes to the upper part I personally prefer to use the brush like

this so I'm not going to use it straight ahead but I'm going to just slightly

press it into the hair lines so that I'm not creating a line which goes above but

still where my brow hairs are and I'm also going to follow it towards the tail

so and now we can brush them as normal back in shape and now we can start to

fill in the middle part where our actual eyebrow hairs are and if you can see any

spare areas where there's no or where there aren't any brow hairs fill them in

with the eyeshadow

now you always can take your spoolie to mix the eyeshadow shade with your actual

brow hairs so that if you want a little bit more intense at one place you can

brush it through your brow hairs and it will mix in with the other ones I'm just

going to be a little bit more intense at the brow tail because I'm missing there

some hairs and to sharpen the line we are going to clean up later on a little

bit with some concealer so now when it comes to the front part my brows well

are looking straight upwards with so I'm just going to follow the

shape and if you have ones that I'm going straight towards like the other

ones are then just keep this same shape so that they are still looking natural

but you can fill them in if you have any spare areas between them so I'm keeping

it upwards

and because the brush is a little bit thinner I can easily get between my brow


and you can always take this spoolie again

and now for the bottom part I like to create a very light handed line so that

they are in shape but not too harsh

and now you have filled in the one eyebrow with a little bit of eyeshadow powder to

clean up any mistakes or if you just want to get it a little bit sharper then

he always can take a concealer and a flat eyeshadow brush it doesn't have to

be a square shape but as long as it's a flat one so that you can get a sharp

line this is what you need to get so now I'm going to use a little bit concealer

around my eyebrows so now you can take a little concealer and just very light

handed underneath your brow if you want to get a sharper tail if you are using

too much concealer you just want to make sure that you can still blend it out so

you can start with a little bit and always build it up if you need to

and this is why I just like to recommend that you're taking a flat brush it

doesn't have to be a square shape as I said but as long it's a flat one it just

will give you the perfect line that you want to get

so I know also above my eyebrow I'm just going to focus a little bit more towards

my brow tail since this is the part where I want to get it to sharpest if

you have messed up your front part then just take a little bit of concealer and

I apply it on to the area where you just messed it up and just make sure

that you if you have some product on your brush about the eyeshadow then just

wipe it off your back of your hand so that you are not going to mess it up

even more

so and this is also how you can clean up your brow once you have filled in your

eyebrows we can move on now to the last step which is just make them stay in

place all day long and then you can get some brow gels which it's actually a

brow product and it's similar to mascara you can get a clear one or a tinted one

and you also can take your spoolie with a little bit of hairspray will do the same

job so it depends on what you have at home I have this one right here this is

a brow gel it looks similar to a mascara that's why I like to call it like a

mascara and it's a tinted one so this is now in a medium brown and I'm going to

brush it through my brow hair so that it will stay all day long at that same

shape so I know that if you have very bushy eyebrows then they can go

everywhere so they just won't hold that shape and this is where you just need to

get a brow gel or a little bit of hairspray and this will give you a

beautiful shape and you don't have to worry about it anymore so I'm just going

to take this one right here and it's a tinted one as I said and it looks like

a little mascara I'm going to brush it through my brow hairs

so that they are staying in place and I don't have to worry about it

so so it depends on what you have hairspray will do the same job but it's

just a clear one and this will add a little bit of color to it and this is

now the last step and now they will stay all day long at that place this was not

the eyebrow tutorial for thicker eyebrows and I hope that you like it and

before you're leaving don't forget to give this video a thumbs up and share it

thank you so much and if you want to know how to fill in your eyebrows with

an eyebrow pencil then this is right here and if you like to subscribe to my

channel this is right in the corner thank you so much for supporting me and

I will see you soon bye

For more infomation >> Eyebrow Tutorial For Thicker Eyebrow | Youtube - Duration: 16:00.


HOMOPHONES - wait and weight (confusing English words) - Duration: 0:53.

Hi, I'm Cate, and in today's video

we're going to focus on the homophones 'wait' and 'weight' and explain the different meanings.

So, 'wait' spoken like this is a verb which means to stay in a place until an expected event happens.

For example, 'The train is late. We will have to wait another ten minutes.'

'Weight' spoken like this with the silent letters g and h is a noun meaning a measurement

indicating how heavy an object is.

For example, the weight of my suitcase is 4 kilograms.

So that was a brief explanation of the main differences between these two homophones as they can be a little bit confusing.

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> HOMOPHONES - wait and weight (confusing English words) - Duration: 0:53.


С Днем рождения, подруга! Видео поздравление.Радуга слайд шоу - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> С Днем рождения, подруга! Видео поздравление.Радуга слайд шоу - Duration: 1:42.


Jour 21 - Les TRANSPORTS & l'intelligence artificielle - Le BILAN - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Jour 21 - Les TRANSPORTS & l'intelligence artificielle - Le BILAN - Duration: 2:19.


Akoú x Ob4 BRT illusion PARTE 1 MONALIZA ( Lyrics ) - Duration: 3:07.

I started rapping for sharing what i feel But unfortunately i find my self getting more broken hearted

All people that i trusted betrayed me this is some berrougian words ( algerian words )

God bless us they're talking in my bag without knowing my story

With some meaningfull words and it will be written in my death-note you khnow what i mean

They are jalous what they will gets from this jalousy

Please ALLAH help us to get out from this country say ameen

Say amine ^^

Mom keep telling me son watch for your self but when i woke up i realise that iam walking as an insane

I passed my hole life. Living in illusion if you don't wake up darknesse will cover your time-line

My herat is full of problems / my pan broken down Let me express my feelings

I describe what i only remember Every thing in this sick country is like a tragedy

Maybe allah will make it better

I have homies watching my bag your friends are good in snitching all what i can say just quite rap bro and do a pleasure and find another job

By her death

By her deathhhhhhhhhhhh

By her death yay yay yay

on the beats i droped this words


With an immortels and depression word i rap

My deep fire burn out because of the bla bla

They punish the people that say the truth and saying you are insane

No one will get my points

I don't care about anyone except my mom

Not anything can be descriped by words

Living in depression and pretheric way

My mind blow up because of this complicated words

a a aaaa

Souls are becoming every day black-hearted and they forgett the lord

The concsience have been destroyed because they made the religion dissapeared from there hearts

Let them do what they wants to do our history is allready written by them

Behind scenes there are souljars alot of people dies for there country

Snitchers survived and they named them heros

Actually iam confused about what is happening right now


They wants you to be a naif and savage as a drug dealer

They cirlce your body in routine and drive you insane they wants you to hate your country every day

They are the real mafia They are the real mafia

yay yay yay yaa

We are scared from what will happend

aa yay yay

We never felt the real life always. Being in an acted scenario

Everything is the same. The same image and the same impact

All what we have seen we had just discover that we didn't taste the real life

yiii yiii nn

We conclude that we are living in a stincy and disgesting world

yiiii yiii nnn

Flying high in sky Flying high in sky

Iam not lying in algeria baby iam losing my fucking mind

There is something wrong in my ill mind

Listen carefully and share this lines

For more infomation >> Akoú x Ob4 BRT illusion PARTE 1 MONALIZA ( Lyrics ) - Duration: 3:07.


How To Touch A Woman To Get Her Excited - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> How To Touch A Woman To Get Her Excited - Duration: 2:50.



Hi everyone, so here we are in the scenery you all know,

the Game Of Thrones scenery

Today we are going to visit all of this

A Vlog in Spain. Attention, go!

Good by cons, I admit that it's very hard to go down, but it's okay we're doing

For more infomation >> IN THE DECORS OF GAME OF THRONES - THOMY BRO - Duration: 3:18.


MON FILM D'HORREUR PRÉFÉRÉ #1 (feat Simon Gosselin / Spooky Astronauts / Cinemaclub FR) - Duration: 10:07.

Hello it's Drawer and i present you a new concept of videos

Today new episode of "My favorite horror movie"

show where i invite 3 amazing people

those guys are gonna talk about their favorite horror movie

You will discover new people on the internet

I wanted to do something interecative with people i like

now we start with SImon gosselin

You can find him on twitter

He also makes video on Youtube on his channel Sexy and Dumb

In wich he makes theories of six degrees

he makes cookoing videos and a lot of stuffs

he is also photograph

all the links are in the descriptions, check them !

I let him talk now, he is gonna talk about his favorite horror movie

Your turn Simon !

Hello and thanks to Drawer to have invited me on this video

i am gonna talk about THE THING of John Carpenter

The thing is the best movie of Carpenter, that's what he says. And maybe the best movie of all time


It's a remake of Howard Hawk's movie

and also christian Nyby...nibi...nai by...


Anyway, a movie of the 50's that Carpenter was a huge fan during his childhood

But Carpenter used the original Novel

Taking original scenes from the book who are not in the movie of Christian nibi...nyby...


It's the first movie where carpenter didnt make the music himself

It was Ennio Morricone

He took the minimalistest music of Morricone whith the synthetiseur

Which is very look a like at his own work

35 years after

the Special effects are still great

The are made by Rob Bottin where he was 22 yo and created a lot of new techniques

He used mayonnaise, chewing gum, jelly...everything he could find at the grocery

The thing is a cult movie but was a disaster when it comes out.

Disaster for the critics, cause too violent and too gore

But also commercial disaster

Because 2 weeks earlier an other movie who has a little success cames out

ET from Spielberg and people prefered watch a movie with a sympathic alien

rather than an alien polymorph who kills everybody with violence

I dont know why...

When it comes out the movie was forbidden in Finland

Its an useless fun fact to be famous during party but i wanted to share it with you

If you like this movie i recommend you the 2011version

which is a prequel remake

which is...


but less cool than the original

but still cool

A video game exist from 2002

who takes place few days after the carpenter's movie

and the story is more advanced so its cool

but it's a little bit scary

and difficult to control

And i recommand you the hatefull 8 from tarantino

which is very referencial to the thing

The movie respects more the thing, than the remake itself

Think about it

Have a good watch !

It's True, the thing is awesome, thank you simon

Now let me introduce emma

emma is Australian

she has a youtube channel (spooky astronauts)

It's an horror channel like mine

she speaks about horror movies

she speaks to the camera and share impressions about movies

It's very cool

She seems very nice

Let's go !

I seen pet sematary a long time ago but it was pretty cool

Thank you emma for this recomandation

Last person of the video

He is not a youtuber but he is the creator of the web site Cinemaclubfr

You can find reviews of horror movies

They know their subjects

There are tonns of articles

It's a great website

You can also find them on Twitter of course

His name is Alex

He is gonna talk about his first horror movie watched

Alex, it's your turn

I have started my passion for the horror movies

With the Scream movies

especially Scream 2

It'"s my first DVD

My parents bought me a dvd player in april 2004 if i remember well

i was 13

a friend of my parents lends us

the scream 2 movie and halloween

i wanted to watch scream 2

it was weird cause generaly we dont watch the second opus first

i loved the cover

for a 13yo boy it seems more like a new movie

cause halloween was already quite old

so we watched scream 2

it let me a good sensation

scream 2 is my first DVD

my first horror movie

and we never forget our first times

the first movies we watched

remains memories you cant forget

even if it's bad movies

it will remains guilty pleasure

scream 2 was not only my first movie

it was a huge success

since first minutes

the movie show us his guts

and trust me for a 13yo boy

it's a little bit scary

The scene where maureen is slaughtered in front of hundred of people

nobody see shit

it's still scary for me

it let mark on you like chucky could do

to kids who watch child's play

at 10 or 11 yo

i identified myself to the characters

before knowing the first movie

and thats what i loved about the movie

i was quickly into it

characters, ambience...

it was...

pretty well made

i didnt know the codes of the slashers movies

because it was my first horror movie

i discover everything with that movie

after that movie i went to sleep saying to me

that i hope i will not make nightmares

i was a little bit stressed

the next morning

i went to the video club of my city with my mom

we rent Scream and scream 3

and we could finish that trilogy

we agreed that it was a good saga

and so i started with that

with this movie i discovered a passion

i was going to the video store

since april 2004

until it closes

the movie still follows me

cause cinemaclubfr is the web site i created

in october 2011

the named is tooked

from a dialogue in scream 4

with robbie and

one of the killers in scream 4

it follows me in my professional career

now i have a tatto on my left leg

the knife from scream

with " what is your horry movie" written on it

i had the choice between scream and halloween

i could have been fan of Michael Myers

but it was ghost face !

This video is over

thanks to simon emma and alex to have participated to this first episode

i hope there will be new episodes

if you liked it tell it in the commentary section

suscribe to my channel but also to the people you just see !

The purpose is about discover new people on the internet

Big kiss !

For more infomation >> MON FILM D'HORREUR PRÉFÉRÉ #1 (feat Simon Gosselin / Spooky Astronauts / Cinemaclub FR) - Duration: 10:07.


7 Reasons To Rub Aloe Vera On Your Face and Skin - Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin - Duration: 3:38.

If you've been following the videos on this channel

for a while, then you know that most of the plants found in nature have tons of benefits

for us, due to their nutrients and medicinal properties.

One of these plants is Aloe Vera, which we've already talked about several times since it's

considered to be one of the best herbal remedies.

It's able to have a positive effect on your whole body.

Aloe Vera aids your digestion, improves your immune system, relieves constipation and oral

problems, among other benefits.

In today's video we're going to talk about Aloe Vera's wonderful benefits for your skin:


It hydrates your skin Studies have shown that Aloe Vera gel is very

beneficial for your skin, which explains why it's used as an ingredient in several different

cosmetic products.

Rub the gel into your skin in order to moisturize and soothe your skin, without clogging up

your pores.


Aftershave Shaving isn't exactly a pleasant activity,

especially if you have sensitive skin.

Aloe Vera gel can be used as an aftershave, and it will soothe your skin and the small

nicks that happen when you shave.


It fights aging A study has shown that regular Aloe Vera application

improves your body's natural collagen production, the protein that is responsible for keeping

your skin toned and youthful.

Furthermore, Aloe Vera gel is rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene, important nutrients

for your skin's health.


Relieves sunburns When we spend too much time in the sun without

any protection, we're bound to get burnt.

Normally, we try and soothe our skin with a cortisone based product, but Aloe Vera has

been proved to be much more efficient at lessening the redness and irritations caused by sun



It speeds up the healing process One of Aloe Vera's most common uses is on

cuts, wounds, and burns.

Several studies have proven the gel to be efficient at accelerating the healing process.

This is due to the fact that the gel can penetrate your skin better, renewing your skin cells



It gets rid of dark spots Aloe Vera gel is great at treating acne scars

and stretch marks due to its ability to regenerate your skin and its anti-inflammatory properties.

You can mix the gel with some lemon juice to reduce freckles and age spots.


It fights acne Due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and

anti-bacterial properties Aloe Vera gel protects your skin from the agents that cause acne.

As we've said before, it's able to reduce redness and improve the appearance of acne


You can also use it as an astringent in order to deeply cleanse your skin and prevent acne

all together.

To use the gel, dab some on your skin and rub gently.

Rub it in the direction opposite to the growth direction of any hairs to ensure that it penetrates

as much skin as possible.

After this procedure, run your hand over the hairs to lay them down again.

You can use Aloe Vera gel anywhere on your body.

For more infomation >> 7 Reasons To Rub Aloe Vera On Your Face and Skin - Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin - Duration: 3:38.


Show, don't tell: Exurb1a facing jail - THE TRUTH - Youtube is investigating him - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> Show, don't tell: Exurb1a facing jail - THE TRUTH - Youtube is investigating him - Duration: 8:32.


স্ত্রীর প্রতি স্বামীর অধিকার । Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 || Sheikh Salim Uddin Madani - Duration: 16:53.

For more infomation >> স্ত্রীর প্রতি স্বামীর অধিকার । Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 || Sheikh Salim Uddin Madani - Duration: 16:53.



For more infomation >> HOMEMADE CHAMOMILE SHAMPOO FOR DRY HAIR - Duration: 5:50.


The Samsung Galaxy S9 is Here - Duration: 6:25.

- Hey guys, this is Austin.

I recently got the chance to head out to San Francisco

to get a sneak peek at the brand new

Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus.

Design wise, it's definitely an evolution over the Galaxy S8

so just like when you went from the S6 to the S7,

it wasn't a huge difference,

on the surface the S9 looks very similar.

I'm definitely not going to complain.

The S8 already had one of the nicest looking designs

on the market, and here, we're keeping

that same infinity display that's going to be about

15% brighter as well as with some slightly smaller bezels.

Evolution, not revolution.

Amazingly enough, something else that carries over

is the headphone jack.

Yes, my friend, you heard correctly.

This is a flagship for 2018

which has a headphone jack.

For real though, props to Samsung for keeping it around.

While pretty much everyone has abandoned it,

a lot of people still really do appreciate

having a headphone jack,

and with the S9, it's going to be

one of the only high end options with one.

In fact, the audio side of things

has seen an upgrade across the board,

as Samsung took a page out of the iPhone playbook

and switched over to stereo speakers.

What they've done is combine the standard

bottom firing speaker from the S8

with the speaker grill that's going to give you

a decent sounding stereo setup.

Now it's not going to be quite as nice sounding

as the iPhone X or Pixel,

but it is a huge improvement over the previous generation.

In my brief time with the S9, it sounds pretty good.

And on top of that, you're going to be getting

Dolby Atmos support,

so this works not only with the speakers

as well as the headphone jack.

And while for normal stuff, it's not going to sound amazing,

it is cool to have that codec built in.

Something else improved this time around

is the fingerprint sensor.

After basically every tech reviewer on the planet

complained about the Galaxy S8 as well as the Note 8,

it has now been moved below the camera.

In addition to moving it,

it is also now a little bit raised,

so especially when you're just trying to

reach the fingerprint sensor from the back

without looking at it, it's much easier to find.

The S9 is going to be available in three colors

here in the US, black, blue, and pink.

Personally, I like the look of the blue,

especially when the light hits it,

I think it looks really, really nice.

But in a lot of international markets,

you're also going to get a gray option.

The rest of the design should look very similar.

You're still getting USB-C, fast wireless charging,

as well as IP68 water resistance.

Look, it is definitely not some huge overhaul,

but Samsung took pretty much everything that was good

about the Galaxy S8

and just cranked it up to 11 with the S9.

Two big thumbs up for me.

Inside, you're getting the brand new

Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor

with four gigs of RAM on the S9 and six gigs on the S9 Plus.

Not only is this going to be

the first phone launching with it,

but you're also going to be getting

a 25 to 35% performance improvement.

I'll have to take a closer look

when I get the S9 in for review,

but based on first impressions, it's blisteringly fast.

Although that shouldn't exactly be a surprise

because that's basically every flagship

from the last few years.

Now the software is still very much in evolution

of the Samsung skin on Android.

It's fine, it's usable,

it's not something that's going to be a deal breaker,

but it is going to be nowhere near as clean

as what you're going to find on the Pixel.

Bixby is also back and improved

with the same wonderful Bixby button.

So there's a few improvements,

so you can now use Google Translate to translate text live

as opposed to taking a photo.

But for the most part, I think everyone's

just going to ignore it and use Google Assistant,

or at least that's what I'm gonna do.

One thing that hasn't really been improved is battery life.

So the sizes are going to be the exact same,

3000 milliamp hours on the S9 and 3500 on the S9 Plus.

Now unless they've gotten some crazy efficiency boosts,

it's going to be fairly similar to last year,

which is to say, decent but not spectacular,

especially in a world where the iPhone X and Pixel 2 XL

can easily last all day and then some.

The screen, on the other hand, is still phenomenal.

So it's very similar to last year's phones,

which is to say, about as good as it gets on a phone today.

So it's going to be a little bit brighter,

about 15% or so on the max brightness,

but for the most part, it's going to be right up there

with the very best that you could buy.

One of the most exciting updates is with the camera.

So while the S8 had basically the same camera from the S7,

the new Galaxy S9 is going to have an all new camera sensor

as well as it's going to be getting a telephoto option

if you jump up to the Galaxy S9 Plus.

The coolest party trick is an adjustable aperture.

So this is typically found on higher end cameras.

What this is going to allow you to do

is actually adjust the amount of light coming into the shot.

So you have two options here, f/1.5 or f/2.4.

Now unlike a normal camera,

you don't have any options in between,

but it is really nice to be able to have

at least some flexibility when you take a shot.

So, for example, when you open it all the way up,

it's going to be a little bit softer.

You're letting a lot more light in in a low light situation.

Whereas where you're out here on a nice bright day,

you might want to close it down a little bit

to get that extra bit of sharpness.

Speaking of low light,

there are also some other improvements

including taking up to eight shots

and combining them into one

to be able to get better noise processing

as well as they have a little demo set up

where you can actually see some of the low light photos

in action.

And it was very, very dark,

so it looked pretty decent.

But of course, this is something I'm going to have to try

when I get it in for a full review.

Now with the pro mode,

not only do you have the normal options

to be able to adjust things like shutter speed and ISO,

but you also can adjust the aperture here.

But on top of that, there's also a new mode,

super slow motion, which will record

at up to 960 frames per second.

The way it works is that it will start recording

standard 720p video at a normal frame rate

and then either when you manually trigger it

or you can set up a zone that will automatically trigger

when it detects motion,

it will record a quick burst of 960 frame per second video.

And while it's not going to be

the sharpest thing in the world,

you can do some really cool things with this.

And it's all made possible by the fact that this new sensor

has memory stacked actually on top of it,

very similar to some of the Sony stuff

and for example the RX100 Mark V.

Now this does mean that you can't exactly set it

to 960 frames per second and let it do

super slow motion all day long,

but when you get those short little bursts

with standard video around it,

even though it's not the sharpest thing in the world,

you get some really cool effects.

Video on the whole is actually pretty impressive.

So, in addition to your standard 1080p and 4K modes,

which the 4K actually now goes up to 60 frames per second,

but you're also going to be getting two options to record,

either to H.264 or the new and more efficient HEVC codec.

Now as far as the telephoto camera on the Galaxy S9 Plus,

it's fine.

It's not exactly going to be great.

In some of the portrait mode shots I took

actually aren't that impressive looking,

but for the most part, the standard camera on the S9

and the S9 Plus is going to look phenomenal.

Samsung is also introducing a brand new

revolutionary feature called AR Emoji.

So totally unlike Animoji on the iPhone X,

this uses the front facing camera

to paste a very, very scary version of your face on an emoji

which then will be hilariously shared out

not only as a photo or video if you want to record that

but as a series of stickers that go to your camera roll.

The Samsung Galaxy S9 will be available for pre-orders

starting on March 2nd and will be going on sale on the 16th.

Now yes, it is not going to be a huge update

over the Galaxy S8,

but there was a lot of nice little improvements here

that does actually add up to a pretty nice looking package.

So, what do you guys think about the Galaxy S9?

Let me know in the comments below,

and I will catch you on the next one.

For more infomation >> The Samsung Galaxy S9 is Here - Duration: 6:25.


Key & Peele - Someone's Gotta Say It - Uncensored - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Key & Peele - Someone's Gotta Say It - Uncensored - Duration: 3:10.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 340 - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 340 - Duration: 10:12.


Samsung Galaxy S9 takes AR emojis to the next level | CNBC International - Duration: 1:55.

All these people are waiting to get their first glimpse

of the brand new Samsung smartphone - the S9.

But luckily for you, we got our hands on it earlier.

Here's a look.

The big news?

Samsung has responded to the iPhone X's augmented reality Animoji feature.

The S9 has taken it to the next level with their AR Emoji.

You're able to take a photo of yourself, and it will capture over 100 different facial

features and give you your own emoji.

Maybe we'll turn down the skintone, give myself a little bit of a tan.

There you go.

Have been on holiday.

I can change the clothes he's wearing.

I'm not actually still on holiday, so I don't think shorts are quite appropriate.

There's loads of different options of outfits I can choose from.

I'm going to go with the blue shirt, brown trousers.

Lovely. Looking very fashionable.

There you go. Look at that.

I think the color of the hair is pretty accurate.

You can't change the color of your eyes, so I'll be going with a snake green.

And you get, not one, but 18 different emoji emotions.

One of the new features in the Galaxy S9 is the super slo mo,

which looks a little bit like this.

Samsung's previous phone, the S8, did have slow motion - but now it comes with a dual

pixel sensor providing better picture quality and automatic motion detection.

That makes it easier to slo mo the stuff you want.

Samsung has also built in a feature called Bixby vision,

providing real-time info about the world around you.

That includes the ability to live translate foreign food menus

just by pointing the phone at what you want.

Una cerveza, por favor.

Hi guys, thanks very much for watching.

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