Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

What was that?

It's nothing. Nothing.

You're the Spider-Man.

- From YouTube. - I'm not. I'm not.

- You were on the ceiling. - No. What are you doing in my room?

May let me in. We were gonna finish the Death Star.

You can't just bust into my room!

That turkey meatloaf recipe is a disaster.

Let's go to dinner. Thai? Ned, you want Thai?

- Yes. - No. He's got a thing.

A thing to do after.


Maybe put on some clothes.

- Oh, she doesn't know? - Nobody knows.

Mr. Stark knows because he made my suit. That's it.

Tony Stark made you that? Are you an Avenger?

Yeah, basically.

You can't tell anybody about this. You gotta keep it a secret.

- Secret? Why? - You know what she's like.

If she finds out people try and kill me every night, she won't let me do this.

Come on, Ned, please.

Okay, okay, okay.

I'll level with you. I can't keep this a secret.

It's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.

Ned, May cannot know. I cannot do that to her right now.

You know? I mean, everything that's happened with her, I... Please.

- Okay. - Just swear it, okay?

I swear.

- Thank you. - Yeah.

I can't believe this is happening now.

- Can I try the suit on? - No.

How's it work? Magnets? How do you shoot the strings?

- I'm gonna tell you at school tomorrow. - Great.

Okay, well, wait, then.

How do you do this and the Stark internship?

This is the Stark internship.

Just get out of here.

What's the matter?

Thought you loved larb.

It's too larby?

Not larby enough.

How many times do I have to say "larb" before you talk to me?

You know I larb you.

I'm just stressed. The internship, and I'm tired.

A lot of work.

The Stark internship.

I have to tell you, not a fan of that Tony Stark.

You're distracted all the time. He's got you in your head.

- Delmar's Sandwiches was destroyed... - What does he have you doing?

- an explosion... - You need to use your instincts.

...after an A TM robbery was thwarted by Queens' own crime stopper...


...the Spider-Man.

As the Spider-Man attempted to foil their heist...

...a powerful blast was set off, slicing through the bodega across the street.

Miraculously, no one was harmed.

If you spot something like that happening, you turn and you run the other way.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course.

Six blocks away from us.

I need a new backpack.

- What? - I need a new backpack.

That's five.

- Sticky rice pudding. - We didn't order that.

It's on the house.


That's nice of him.

I think he larbs you.

You got bit by a spider?

Can it bite me?

Well, it probably would've hurt, right?

Whatever. Even if it did hurt, I'd let it bite me.

Maybe. How much did it hurt?

The spider's dead, Ned.

You were here?


You could've died.

Do you lay eggs?

What? No.

- Can you spit venom? - No.

Can you summon an army of spiders?

No, Ned.

The Sokovia Accords were put into place...

How far can you shoot your webs?

It's unknown. Shut up. begin regulating...

If I was you, I would stand on a building...

- ...and just shoot it as far as I could... - Shut up, Ned.

For more infomation >> Ned "You're the Spider-Man, From YouTube" Scene | Spider-Man Homecoming (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:54.


This Was Sweden's Last War - Duration: 5:46.

Sweden is one

great nation and one amazing

Country that although remains neutral has good concern for its defensive forces and for those who are unaware

Sweden is actually a country that has sworn off the military for many years as a matter of fact over 200 years

And hey everybody what's going on welcome to FTD facts now. My name is Dave Walpole and today

We are actually gonna look at the last war that Sweden ever fought

Now one of the reasons for this is because what we've done a lot of videos in the past here where we've talked about

Sweden and for me when I learned that Sweden was just a neutral country

I was like why is it and what it's the last

War it's ever fought now with that in mind guys if you guys love learning about

cultures you love learning about history and all that jazz


You'll want to subscribe to FTD facts if you guys haven't done so already because that's what we do here on the channel also keep

In mind guys if you guys are from Sweden, or you guys are just interested in Sweden well

We've done a bunch of other videos

I'll put them in cards throughout the videos you can check them out

And I'll put them at the end screen as well and before I get in this video

I want to know do you think that every country needs a giant military to defend itself?

Or do you think that possibly that there could be nations out there?

That could be having a small little military and still do amazing

Let me know your thoughts down there in the comment section below, but now let's get started

Let's go into the past and let's look at the Napoleonic war now the Napoleonic war lasted approximately

Twelve years five months and four weeks spanning from the 18th of May from

1803 to November 20th of

1815 and as a matter of fact historians will actually even say that this war was a continuation of the French Revolution and the French

Revolutionary Wars and as a matter of fact for most Europeans the 1812 war between can in the United States is

Considered part of the Napoleonic war as well but as for Sweden for it. It was generally in the coalition's with English and Russia

opposing Napoleon and his French forces now after many years of the Napoleonic war it finally came to an end and

With that Denmark was forced to give Norway to Sweden now

This was known as the Treaty of Kiel which was signed in January of?

1814 now if it wasn't for this you could say that the Napoleonic war was the last war that Sweden ever really

Participated in now when this treaty was signed and no regions obviously didn't agree to this and Prince Christian Frederick of Denmark

Became the elected king of independent Norway and although he didn't agree with this

He actually tried to get the nation to be its own independent nation tried to get help from other

Countries from around the world it didn't really go for him and this led to war now at this point Christian Frederick ordered his

30,000 troops of Norway to secure the border and self-appointed his country as an independent nation

Now Sweden on the other hand they didn't really like this as a matter of fact. They also outnumbered the Norwegians with

45,000 troops

and they had a much more superior Navy and because of that the first battle took place on January 26th of

1814 when the Swedish Navy attacked of Blair

Winning the day against the fleeting Norwegian ships who bought time to evacuate the army within the city now although no away did win some

Battles throughout the months of the war they did come to the conclusion that they could not continue to fight this sweet's

Because they would inevitably lose however after the Battle of Lange's

Fortunately enough Norway did not give an unconditional surrender

Because on August 7th of 1814 the next heir to Sweden Jean Baptiste Bernadette proposed a ceasefire

And it was due to the talks after the battles of Lang is

Which Norway had been granted that it would be considered a personal union with Sweden?

instead of a province or state and this was signed through the Eids Ville Constitution, but however it wasn't till August 14th of

1812 that Norway actually signed the official ceasefire with Sweden now this was known as the convention of moss which was the official

ceasefire that ended the last war that Sweden had ever fought with its brothers and

The entire world and what's amazing even after this with things like World War one and World War two

Sweden remained true to its words and

Remained neutral as a matter of fact during World War two it basically said to Germany

We're not having anything to do with you guys

We'll help trade with you guys, but we're not getting into anything and as a matter of fact

They even shot down German airplanes when they illegally use their airspace

But as of today Sweden remains one extremely neutral country

Surviving two world wars and other dark times in history and in today's world Sweden remains a powerhouse with a purchasing power parity

GDP of

Two billion dollars ranking 34th in the world and without a major war machine

Even its unemployment is under six percent which is fantastic and as for its nominal GDP per capita

It sits at fifty one thousand two hundred and sixty four ranking 11th in the world and because of all this

Sweden proves to itself and many other countries that you can make money in the world and be at peace in mind and

Heart, but my name's Dave, Auckland

I want to thank you guys for tuning in and learning about Sweden and the last word that ever Sweden took part in now before

You guys get out of here just to remind you guys if you guys have checked out the cards or at the end of this

Video there's some cool videos on Sweden if you want to learn more about that great nation because there's so much to learn on top

Of that guys hit the subscribe button and make sure to tune in to us every single day because this is the kind of stuff

That we do for you guys

but uh none that guys leave a comment for a future up to the facts video because we do listen to you guys and

You guys have a fantastic one until the next video. Bye


So you made it to the end of an FTD facts video now this has been a really cool one learning about wars

But now we've also done military videos, and we've also done really cool videos

Just talking about the countries, so here's some videos for you guys to check out some playlists

I recommend that you guys look into them other than that guys hit the subscribe button and we'll see you in the next one

alrighty bye-bye

For more infomation >> This Was Sweden's Last War - Duration: 5:46.


WARFACE: ЖЕСТЬ С АК АЛЬФА НА РМ - Duration: 13:47.

For more infomation >> WARFACE: ЖЕСТЬ С АК АЛЬФА НА РМ - Duration: 13:47.


How To Remove Watermark In Wondershare Filmora Without Buying- Filmora Full Version w/o Watermark - Duration: 6:22.







For more infomation >> How To Remove Watermark In Wondershare Filmora Without Buying- Filmora Full Version w/o Watermark - Duration: 6:22.


facebook autoliker II Get real Facebook Auto Liker 2018 Technical LUCKY - Duration: 4:47.



viral video

thanks for watching

For more infomation >> facebook autoliker II Get real Facebook Auto Liker 2018 Technical LUCKY - Duration: 4:47.


Top 20 Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating | Oddly Satisfying Cake Decorating | Cake Style 2018 - Duration: 10:40.

Top 20 Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating | Oddly Satisfying Cake Decorating | Cake Style 2018

For more infomation >> Top 20 Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating | Oddly Satisfying Cake Decorating | Cake Style 2018 - Duration: 10:40.


Less Than Famous Panel Audition Vidcon 2018 - Duration: 1:16.

"What does success on YouTube mean to you?"

I'd be lying if I pretended I didn't want telling stories to be my full time job, but

it's not about about money or fame, it goes way back to my prepubescent self.

Roll the tape.

I've always been obsessed with movies.

I started making videos in high school on my dad's digital work camera, the OG of

mirrorless cameras, and an amazing second hand computer we bought with 1 whole GB of ram.

Family videos turned arty and before I knew it I was submitting short films for my art

finals and rolling in those 100% grades like a true leader of the nerd tribe.

I was infatuated and convinced that this was my destiny.

But I was thrust into making life choices and soon I was sitting in accounting lectures

studying to entrench my frugal nature.

I needed a creative outlet, and that was YouTube.

Armed with my camera and editing software I could tell stories, funny stories, sad stories,

stories of hope and eventually I learned to tell my story.

My accounting has brought me from the plains of Africa to the shores of the Caribbean.

But my YouTube channel has kept me sane.

It's connected me to so many awesome people, and some weird ones too, but mostly amazing


Being allowed into those people lives is one of the greatest successes you can have on

YouTube, my hope is for even more.

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