Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

Welcome!! In this video we'll learn how to write code for WATER LEVEL Sensor using arduino IDE

The output will be shown using led (ON/OFF).


For more infomation >> Arduino code for water level sensor - Duration: 3:48.


EM SAI RỒI ANH XIN LỖI EM ĐI (#ESRAXLED) - Chi Pu | Hieu-ck Ray Dance Cover | BEHIND THE SCENES - Duration: 15:57.

For more infomation >> EM SAI RỒI ANH XIN LỖI EM ĐI (#ESRAXLED) - Chi Pu | Hieu-ck Ray Dance Cover | BEHIND THE SCENES - Duration: 15:57.


Essence Of Murli 26-02-2018 - Duration: 7:21.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 26th February 2018

( Sweet Sweet Baba has come to take us to the new world )

( Also to relieve us from pains and attractions of this old world. )

( If we do not now shed our attractions to this old world, then we will not be able to return home with father to our real home )

( not just that, we will also come late into the new world )

( So lets hear what teachings Sweet Sweet Baapdada is giving to each one of us )

Essence: Sweet children, in order to claim a high status in the future, have no desires in this old world but simply become a conqueror of attachment.

Remember the Father and remain pure.

Question: What direct and easy path does the Father show you? What does the Father have nothing to do with?

Answer: The Father shows you children an easy and direct path to the land of peace and the land of happiness:

Children, simply remember the Father and remain pure.

However, if you have to face obstacles,

if sorrow or illness comes to you,

if you become bankrupt,

all of those are your own karmic accounts and the Father has nothing do to with them.

The Father shows you methods to use, but it is the duty of each child to become free from his karmic bondages.

Question: Due to what reason do some children not become worthy of serving?

Answer: When there is a slight intoxication of familiarity between children

or when there are insects of Maya inside them, they don't become worthy of serving.

Song: The world of sorrow has gone away.

Essence for dharna: 1. Don't take the law unto your own hands.

Live together while remaining very sweet with one another. Don't cause anyone sorrow.

Wake up at the time of brahm muhurat and have a sweet conversation with the Father.

2. Become a conqueror of attachment in a second. Create methods to remain pure.

Have courage. Settle your karmic accounts with knowledge and the power of yoga.

Blessing: May you be a fortunate soul who makes your worldly interaction easy on the basis of your Godly interaction.

For half the cycle, you laboured in your worldly interaction,

in your devotion and religion and you have now been liberated from labouring.

Now, even the worldly interaction has become easy on the basis of your Godly interaction.

You are just doing everything as an instrument.

Those who do everything just as an instrument always experience everything to be easy. It is then not interaction but just a game.

It is not a storm of Maya but it is a gift to move forward with according to the drama.

So, you have been liberated from making effort, have you not?

Maintain the awareness: I am an elevated soul who saves myself from labouring.

Slogan: To imbibe the virtue of sweetness in your life is greatness.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 26-02-2018 - Duration: 7:21.


3 easy & deadlicious meals to make in a mug & with a microwave|Deadlicious Cooking Studio - Duration: 6:15.

3 easy & deadlicious meals to make in a mug & with a microwave|Deadlicious Cooking Studio

3 easy & deadlicious meals to make in a mug & with a microwave|Deadlicious Cooking Studio

3 easy & deadlicious meals to make in a mug & with a microwave|Deadlicious Cooking Studio

3 easy & deadlicious meals to make in a mug & with a microwave|Deadlicious Cooking Studio

3 easy & deadlicious meals to make in a mug & with a microwave|Deadlicious Cooking Studio

For more infomation >> 3 easy & deadlicious meals to make in a mug & with a microwave|Deadlicious Cooking Studio - Duration: 6:15.


House Hunting Tips for First-Time Homebuyers - HGTV - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> House Hunting Tips for First-Time Homebuyers - HGTV - Duration: 2:25.


Kniebeugen (Squats) | Tough Mudder Training - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Kniebeugen (Squats) | Tough Mudder Training - Duration: 0:50.


water indicator using water level sensor (For code read description) - Duration: 0:29.

For code read description

For more infomation >> water indicator using water level sensor (For code read description) - Duration: 0:29.


Speed Run ♫ 21 thank parkour + The Amazing World Of Gumball Parkour♫ KoGaMa #8 😎😜 ♫ - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Speed Run ♫ 21 thank parkour + The Amazing World Of Gumball Parkour♫ KoGaMa #8 😎😜 ♫ - Duration: 3:06.


[AOM] Summer - Stephen Pendleton (inspired by Alan Walker & Elektronomia) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> [AOM] Summer - Stephen Pendleton (inspired by Alan Walker & Elektronomia) - Duration: 4:07.


ESSERE ou AVERE: a regra DEFINITIVA! Boh! I Vou Aprender Italiano - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> ESSERE ou AVERE: a regra DEFINITIVA! Boh! I Vou Aprender Italiano - Duration: 5:06.


Kai'sa Montage 16 - God Kai'sa Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:05.

Kai'sa Montage 16 - God Kai'sa Plays | League of Legends Top

Kai'sa Montage 16 - God Kai'sa Plays | League of Legends Top

Kai'sa Montage 16 - God Kai'sa Plays | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Kai'sa Montage 16 - God Kai'sa Plays | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:05.


The Classical Magic Rope Through Body Revealed - Duration: 3:48.

hi friends

if you seen any magic show or magician in your life

then you seen this magic

if you seen big magician like dynamo

then you have seen this already

but you don't know the secret of this magic

today i will show this magic

and after i reveal the secret behind this magic

the name of magic trick is the rope through body

magician have a rope

magician pass through the rope from his body

same magic i will show today

and after perform i wil tell you the secret of this magic

so you can do the magic trick easily

watch video till end and hit like button if you like the trick

as you can see i have a rope in my hand

it's normal rope in my hand

and not cut at any point

i put the rope behind me

now i will pass thorugh rope from my body

now i just started magic

the rope is passed from my body

so friends this is today's magic

that ever done by big magician

if you don't know the secret of this magic

don't worry now i am going to reveal the secret

watch this video till end

hit like and leave a comment of your feedback

and share to your friends and family and subscribe for update

first you need is two same quality rope

you need to set the rope in your cloths

i choose this one for setup

first put the rope in your cloths like me

look at the setup of rope

anybody can't see the setup

don't see anyone your backside

now get the second rope

now get rope backside of your body

now leave the second rope

at the last you need to pull the ends of first rope

now pull the ends and magic was done easily

it's look so cool to spectators

For more infomation >> The Classical Magic Rope Through Body Revealed - Duration: 3:48.


ICE EATING ASMR Compilation - Satisfying Ice Eating and Drinking Juices | OSVchannel - Duration: 3:39.

ICE EATING ASMR Compilation - Satisfying Ice Eating and Drinking Juices | OSVchannel

For more infomation >> ICE EATING ASMR Compilation - Satisfying Ice Eating and Drinking Juices | OSVchannel - Duration: 3:39.


5 Easy Ways to Stop Kids from Interrupting | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 9:36.

Hey hey, my friend! Welcome to Parenting A-to-Z! I'm Kelly Bourne, and this week

we're diving right into interrupting! Why are kids do it, how to deal in the moment --

Cuz that can be a messy business, huh?! Especially when it gets a little bit

annoying after a while! And then what we can do to set our kids

up for success moving forward, so that they're interrupting less and making

things a little bit easier on us! Comin' right up!

So why do our kids interrupt? Lots of times it's

just because they really want to talk to us. They're excited,

they've got something on their mind, and they want to share it. And they're

impulsive at the same time! So they can't wait -- really, they quite

literally can't wait. They're bursting at the seams to share whatever it is that

they want to share with us right then. It doesn't matter if we're on the phone

with FedEx or we're making dinner or we're talking to somebody at the front

door, they'll interrupt to tell us what they want to do because they've got some

big ideas. They've got exciting stuff going on and they want to let us know

about it. The other reason why kids interrupt is that if this has become a habit,

sometimes kids can develop the mistaken idea that they only matter if they're

the center of attention. So part of part of breaking the cycle is showing them

that they matter and that they're loved even when they're not the center of the

universe. Because it can definitely feel like that sometimes, right? That

they're always trying to grab center stage and always

trying to steal attention away. So that's definitely something that we're going to

talk about. And it's a really important thing to work on because boundary

setting -- cuz that's what, really when we're working on interrupting that's

what we're working on, is setting a boundary, setting the standard

that yes, we are available -- but not at all times and at all moments. Because it's

it's a really important social skill, waiting our turn for those social

interactions and to share our piece and to say what's on our mind is a really

big social skill that that will serve them so well down the road. So it's great

that we're gonna start the process working on this together. And

it's also important to to show our kids that boundary setting and kindness can

go hand-in-hand. It's not like we're slamming the door in our kids' faces or

sending the message that that we don't care or we don't want to hear what they

want to say -- although sometimes those those thoughts cross our mind, right?! It's

showing them that it is possible to set boundaries and remain connected and have

kindness all at the same time. So before we get into any long-term strategies, I

think it's important to go over how to deal in the moment, because that's

where so many of us realize that this is an issue. When we have had it up to here

with interrupting. When we feel like we can't have a conversation with our spouse at

the dinner table, we feel like we can't have a phone conversation without

somebody constantly interrupting us. The first thing is to try your best -- I

know, it's hard to hold the nagging, to to hold the reminders,

to hold the, "I told you a million times! Just go over there! I already

told you this!" like "how come you don't know this?!", getting on their case and

coming down on them. Because if your kids are of the mindset that they only matter

if they're getting attention, any kind of attention counts. So they may be using

interrupting just as a way to keep you busy with them, to keep in the center

of your attention. So your nagging and constant reminders, not only are they

driving you crazy, saying that all the time, but it's not really helping change

the behavior. So instead, what you can try is letting them know when they CAN have

your attention. So still holding that boundary firm, "you know what, honey? I

really want to listen to what you have to say, I'm just cooking dinner right now.

Why don't you go read a book and I'll come and talk to you in 15 minutes."

or "I want to give you my full attention, so let's talk about that after

supper." So telling them when they can have your full, undivided attention.

And then if they still keep at it -- because hello, I live in the real

world, here! I realize that trying something out doesn't always (or very

rarely) works the first time, you just gotta hold that boundary firm. So

whether you are trying to cook dinner, you carry on cooking dinner. If you're

trying to have a conversation with your spouse -- one of the things you can do

after you have asked them to wait their turn and that you

want to give them your attention, if they can just wait five minutes until

you're done, and they still keep interrupting, try to keep talking with

your partner. Talk over them. It doesn't mean you have to raise your voice or get

all like [grrrr] about it, just continue trying to have your conversation. And it'll

probably feel pretty impossible, you may have to continue the conversation later,

but just keep your focus on your -- I'm looking at my husband's chair as if he's

sitting there. He's obviously not, but keeping your attention focused on the

original conversation so your child is forced to practice waiting. And

keeping your cool during that can be really stressful and really hard, but

it's really important to send that message that "I'm in a conversation right

now, I really want to talk to you, but you're gonna have to wait." One way

to practice this that I found really helpful was having "pretend"

phone conversations. And I know, you're probably thinking I'm totally nuts, but I

found this helped. Because it took away the stress of trying to carry on a real

social relationship while someone was constantly interrupting me. So I would

pick up my phone, (of course I've got it here, right in hands reach) I would

pick up my phone and I would have a pretend phone conversation. Talking,

talking, talking, saying "okay yeah honey, I see that, I'm just busy right now

but I'll come and talk to you in five minutes so I can give you my full

attention." And I would carry on walking around the house talking to myself on my

phone, having my pretend phone conversation to work out the kinks of my

kids practicing waiting when it was low stakes and nothing mattered and I wasn't

making anyone else upset or I wasn't making... Because you lose your train of

thought, right? When someone is constantly interrupting you it's hard to hold a

conversation. So that's where I found that pretend phone conversations worked

wonders. And then finally, I think it's also important to to make exceptions.

Because sometimes our kids have pretty big things they want to tell us.

Sometimes they have something serious or something that's really bugging them on

their mind, and nothing sends the message of being connected and that they belong

and that they matter and that you love and care about them, then shutting off

the stove and going and sitting with them if they have something they really

want to share with you. I feel like with parenting it's so hard, I think all

of us want a guide book of what to do in every situation at all

times, but we need to be flexible. Because our kids are unique and we're unique. We're

all having experiences all day long. And sometimes we need to make exceptions

to the rules. We need to allow our kids to interrupt and show them the respect

that, you know what? If you have a big thing I will drop whatever it is and

come and listen. Because you are important and I value what's on your

mind and we'll work through this together. So just keep that in

mind, to not be afraid to make exceptions. And then what you can do

moving forward, building some practical skills for your kids, is just practicing

conversation skills. The dinner table is a great way to do this. I know it's not

always possible for everyone to sit down and have a family meal, so it could be in

the evenings or whenever is most convenient for you. But just practice

having those conversations and practice what it's like not to interrupt. And call

people out in a fun way, of course. When they're interrupting, and making it

really low stakes so your kids don't feel like they're bad or they

don't feel like there's something wrong with them. Because it's just part

of the role-playing process, to work out those kinks and just kinda notice that

they are interrupting. And then also notice how good it feels when you have

everyone's undivided attention and can get your full thought out without

somebody else interrupting you. Another really good option - one that we used

with our kids when they were a little bit younger -- was making a secret signal.

So if my husband and I were talking -- I'm sorry, I keep looking over at our dinner

table -- if we were talking and the kids had something they really want to

interrupt and share, we would just have a signal, whether it's touching the nose or

touching the ear, that we could just kind of acknowledge with our head that they

had something that they wanted to say and then when there was a break in

the conversation allowing them to come in and say their piece. So it

sends the message that, okay, we notice there's something that they want to add

to the conversation, but then they also get to practice that skill of waiting. So

I hope that helps guys! It's a totally normal -- I know it can be crazy annoying,

but it's a totally normal developmental milestone -- so just really

practice setting those boundaries with kindness, practicing some pretend phone

conversations if you need to, talking over if you need to, maybe setting up a

secret signal, role-playing conversation

skills so your kids have a chance to learn what it's like when someone

interrupts them, right? Because that's the other piece of role-playing -- they get to

see what it's like when other people interrupt them and how that feels --

and just practicing that when it's really low stakes when nothing matters.

When you can just have fun! And of course, if you're looking for

more in-depth support, in-depth resources, join us over in The Parent 'Hood,

our private membership community. We'd be so happy to have you! And yeah, as always,

leave your questions, comments below. Always happy to chat with you guys! Have

a great day and I'll see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> 5 Easy Ways to Stop Kids from Interrupting | Parenting A to Z - Duration: 9:36.


Rules Of Survival ► Adam Profesyonel Hileci ►Hileci İfşa-1(BANLANDI) - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> Rules Of Survival ► Adam Profesyonel Hileci ►Hileci İfşa-1(BANLANDI) - Duration: 9:07.





برنامج #سوالف حسين الراقي || غرق البصره بسبب المطر وما سيقولون المنتخب السعودي عن البصره - Duration: 5:55.

For more infomation >> برنامج #سوالف حسين الراقي || غرق البصره بسبب المطر وما سيقولون المنتخب السعودي عن البصره - Duration: 5:55.


뱅드림/한글자막] 처음 하는!? 윈터 스포츠 #1 휘말리기 숴운 사람 - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> 뱅드림/한글자막] 처음 하는!? 윈터 스포츠 #1 휘말리기 숴운 사람 - Duration: 5:54.


TOP 10 Princess Gown Dresses For Girls in amazon shopping online - Duration: 1:09.

TOP 10 Princess Gown Dresses For Girls in amazon shopping online

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