Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

Team Korea finished seventh overall with a record-breaking medal harvest in the Pyeongchang


17, comprised of five gold, eight silver and four bronze.

A disbanding ceremony was held inside the athletes' village in Gangneung for the athletes,

coaches and officials of the host nation.

Culture Minister Do Jong-hwan,... was also there to praise the athletes for their hard


South Korea fell short of its target of winning eight golds and a fourth-place finish,...

but raked in record number of medals in six different disciplines,... beating its previous

best of 14 in three events.

For more infomation >> S. Korean delegation for PyeongChang 2018 disbands - Duration: 0:34.


Audio book for subba second paper part 23||shakha adhikrit||खरीदार को लागि पनि महत्वपूर्ण - Duration: 18:20.

For more infomation >> Audio book for subba second paper part 23||shakha adhikrit||खरीदार को लागि पनि महत्वपूर्ण - Duration: 18:20.


Cream cheese Homemade recipe - Duration: 8:24.

And so it turned out very delicious Here's a look at our

lovely shirt now my try and so fresh

home fragrant without preservatives without any

filth with real home products Today we will

fumble I promised you the announcement

and now we proceed to this an interesting recipe For

this we need 1 half a kilo of cottage cheese

home cottage cheese And without Take the necessarily fatty

what tastes better cottage cheese the more delicious the cheese will be

2 we need 100 g of creamy oils softened to us

one egg is required we need a teaspoon of soda

half a teaspoon of salt and look I want to fused

Cheese check then add to fry mushrooms I now

I'll tell you everything processed cheese very All

recommend this recipe do yourself and children look

I'll take a close look written on fused

calculate and produce how many ingredients are there

which do not suit us at all and for our health is very

we do not take cottage cheese badly put it in the cake

the check is scattered from the store I generally do not recommend

do this recipe I did tried nothing for me

It turned out and so we lay down before the cheese Now we are here

add soda add one egg

we add he packs of oil is done very simply and

quickly do in my opinion recipe you always have it all

it will turn out write me share it worked out

Whether And now we add here salt and now we are fast

at first a little crib and now blender. You see what

it is pasty now we will continue to pour on

in the scoop of water how much so that when you

put on top a saucepan so that it does not touch

water bath and now she this is put on the fire and that's it.

now what happens see gradually begins to heat up

the effect begins to appear Here you see it stretches like

honey when you take a spoon this is the beginning of melting continue

we do not stop further if there are any small

breasts it's not scary she now everything will be homogeneous

its main thing is not to overexpose so that the bundle does not occur

Try it already unusually delicious real fused

raw it many times Tastier than the one we are in the store

buy the smell of tenderness Here she is already seeing the beauty

I'm very glad that I have this recipe I tell you

taught me a lot I'm glad if you put

me like that What the beauty see all the lie sensors

everything melted And what No better of course blender

Look what beauty is like tasty and useful

appetite So we continue now we will do

processed cheese with our mushrooms for this we

Next We already have mushrooms ready for what degree of roasting

Here are the mushrooms that we opened 15 minutes now

we take the blender

and blend the blender So we connect

processed cheese licky all this until tomorrow

at room temperature it will cool tomorrow morning

I'll show you What happened What is it resulting from

Do not forget to put a look my recipe is meat with mushrooms

in Polish it's also easy superlux recipe Find it

necessarily And it is better to subscribe on my channel there at the bottom of the button

sign up and press all all absolutely recipes

will see first Let cool now look

delicious sweetie the best the most useful

only butter only cottage cheese now we

it will try the class here cook this cheese

be sure you will be melted make cheese only at home

we invite you all to us on the channel is very tasty

with Natalie Subscribe Thank you very much that

Thank you for you see us Thank you

you write to us We always welcome to meet you

Subscribe to our channel the button below sign up

and so fused raw here such Before new meetings in

the next program cooking lamb meat

But superlux it will be emollient the most delicate

lamb that you only This is my personal recipe.

checked up to new meetings bye Bye

For more infomation >> Cream cheese Homemade recipe - Duration: 8:24.


మీ ఇంటిలో పొరపాటున ఈ వస్తువు ఉంటే | Taj Mahal History In Telugu | Taj Mahal Photo | Taj Mahal | JKR - Duration: 4:05.


For more infomation >> మీ ఇంటిలో పొరపాటున ఈ వస్తువు ఉంటే | Taj Mahal History In Telugu | Taj Mahal Photo | Taj Mahal | JKR - Duration: 4:05.


لعبت بتل فيلد 5 # تحشيش - Duration: 18:10.

For more infomation >> لعبت بتل فيلد 5 # تحشيش - Duration: 18:10.


[kt Rolster TALK] A 100 point disguise from a man who haven't served his military duty - Duration: 1:11.

Score concerned on what champion to pick for the last game (Score) Ahew-, it's, the composition is somewhat..

(Score) strange~?

After a lot of concerns he chose Kha'Zix! (Score) Let's leave after playing a game of Kha'Zix

Score likes the deathly flower Kha'Zix skin the most (Score) I think I haven't played Kha'Zix today!

But he is trying to choose another skin

A curious viewer asked him directly

(Score) Kha'Zix this, I played this green one because

What will be Score's answer?

Disguise tactic (Score) look at this, it's a protective coloring so

Perfect disguise

(Score) you can't see it well, don't you?

Score's strong will for the victory Light-core(25 years as human, 3 months as light/Didn't serve his duty yet)'s disguise (Score) Trying to make it as helpful as possible

(Score) I was planning to use this..

Score is fitting into the jungle naturally by using Kha'Zix's skin (Score) It's certainly a protective coloring, you can't see this well~ You can't see it even more.. when its on stealth..

His disguise was perfect.. (Score) Just like.. Cameleon..

For more infomation >> [kt Rolster TALK] A 100 point disguise from a man who haven't served his military duty - Duration: 1:11.


How to Turn Negative Thoughts to Positive (Positive Thinking and Mindset) - Duration: 4:38.

I am Marat from Emmotion and today I'd like to talk about Positive Thinking.

How to stay positive and how to turn negative thoughts into positive?

Taking negative thoughts or emotions and turning them into positive is actually not that hard.

Everything in this life is so relative and it all depends on how we choose to look at

things, how to perceive them, depends on our state of mind or our expectations at that point.

If we want to eliminate negative thoughts we need understand where do they come from?

Many negative emotions come from blaming someone or something for situations that happen in

your life.

Since you can't change the outcome of the situation it's useless to be angry about


Constant negative thoughts can weigh you down both physically and mentally.

These 5 tricks will help you translate negative thoughts into positive ones before they ruin

your day and even your life in a long term.


Push Negative Thoughts Out It takes about 25 seconds of dwelling on a

thought for it to enter our consciousness and affect our mood.

As soon as you notice negative thoughts or images enter your mind, just say "stop!"

to yourself.

You can even say it out loud, preferably if no one is around :) but it is also effective

when just said in your head.

Train your brain to reject these thoughts, stop them before they get stuck in your head.


Make Time for Positivity If you surround yourself and your life with

negativity, your thoughts will not be optimistic.

Make time to do things that make you happy personally.

A hobby, reading, sports, anything enjoyed by you is a good distraction from negativity.

Focus on things that promote happiness and positive thinking and let them be in charge

of your emotions.


Picture something you are happy and grateful for

If you start feeling frustrated, sad, or pessimistic, remember something you feel good about, and

focus on it.

Think about your loved ones, your pet, your friends.

Recall something you are grateful for!

Absorb that feeling of gratitude for a few moments.

Lingering on a positive memory and experience helps to settle a positive mood.


Replace the negativity around you (toxic people/things) You may have to distance yourself from negative

people or negative things.

People that tend to 'bring you down' or that you suspect are "talking behind your back"

are toxic and should be avoided.

It's difficult to focus on the bright side when you're surrounded by negativity.

Identify the positive people in your life, spend time with them on a regular basis.

Positive people love helping others, don't be afraid to express your admiration for their

emotional health.

Their positive energy is contagious and you will end up developing optimistic thoughts



Smile often :) It does sounds cheesy but a lot of people

don't realize that happy thoughts can be projected from your actions to your mind,

feeling good doesn't always come from the inside.

Smiling persistently activates endorphins responsible for making us feel good , they

also help us lower stress levels.

Smiles are very powerful, free, and extremely beneficial in building a positive mindset


Like attracts like.

Positive thoughts and happiness create more of the same, you can't deny that a positive

mindset is a key for living a healthy and satisfying life.

It's time to quit the negative thinking for good and it won't take long for you

to see the results.

Hope this was useful to you and please like, comment, and subscribe for more.

Subscribe to my channel.

For more infomation >> How to Turn Negative Thoughts to Positive (Positive Thinking and Mindset) - Duration: 4:38.


فيلم كرتون قصير كوميدي روعة التكنولوجيا والغبــاء أنمي رائع - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> فيلم كرتون قصير كوميدي روعة التكنولوجيا والغبــاء أنمي رائع - Duration: 4:48.


Pondělí vtip u Horvího # (7) mix vtipu - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Pondělí vtip u Horvího # (7) mix vtipu - Duration: 0:46.



For more infomation >> BUT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE, THE SUN CAN NOT FLINCH - Duration: 4:12.


GOD'S PLAN - Drake | Music Mondays | Official Spoof Parody | Meal Plan - Duration: 3:25.

Yeah I'm planning and planning and planning and planning I'm planning to feed

I been sitting here tryna plan what to feed

Always knowing what to cook is a struggle for me

Cant't have family dinner time with nothing to eat

I know what they like to have when they are hungry

I don't wanna die from all the questions

"What's for dinner?" really got me stressin

Hopefully I get some help from hubby

He can watch the kids while I'm at the grocery

Meal plan, Meal plan

Takes an hour to complete Different dishes every week

Rollin dolie to the sto'

Aldi, shoprite, then costco

I'm a coupon G.O. D.

I go hard with groceries

But still

Good things

It's a lot of good things that I'm planning and planning and planning and planning Yeah I'm planning to feed 'em


Good things

It's a lot of good things that I'm planning and planning and planning and planning Yeah I'm planning to feed 'em

They say, "Is it ready?" I tell them only partly

I only got the entrees, no sides yet, I'm sorry

Savings club, I even got it tatted on me

All these kids, it's like I'm planning for a party

Monday, no meat

Taco Tuesday sprinkle with the 3 cheese, y'all

Wednesday keep it simple with spaghetti

Maybe Thursday we can make some hoagies

Meal plan, Meal plan

Takes an hour to complete

Different dishes every week

Rollin dolie to the sto'

Aldi, shoprite, then costco

I'm a coupon G.O. D.

I go hard with groceries

But still

Good things

It's a lot of good things that I'm planning and planning and planning and

planning Yeah I'm planning to feed 'em

Good things

It's a lot of good things that I'm planning and planning and planning and planning Yeah I'm planning to feed 'em

For more infomation >> GOD'S PLAN - Drake | Music Mondays | Official Spoof Parody | Meal Plan - Duration: 3:25.


Aira Yuuki - Donna Hoshizora yori mo, Donna Omoide yori mo (Zekk Remix) - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Aira Yuuki - Donna Hoshizora yori mo, Donna Omoide yori mo (Zekk Remix) - Duration: 4:15.


Amazon's Algorithm Has Changed - PPC NOT Effective - Duration: 14:50.

Hello James Greaney here from and in today's video I'm going

to be going through Amazon's algorithm change this is a change that I have

noticed on Amazon with their algorithm and I'm going to explain exactly how it

affects you if you use Amazon PPC which is also known as Amazon pay-per-click or

Amazon advertising so I've noticed these changes for myself on my own

Amazon listings but I wasn't too sure of how these changes were affecting

everyone and I wasn't sure if it was an algorithm change or what was going on

when I first started to notice it but now I have had people come to me and

asked me if I can look at the products listings they've said that their

listings have dropped severely in Amazon's rankings and they didn't know

what was causing it but it is definitely an algorithm change that amazon has made

in 2018 and in this video I'm going to explain to you everything that you need

to know about it and how to over comment so that it doesn't affect your product

listings going forward

okay so don't worry if you're a bit lost already you may be asking what's an

algorithm I'm gonna jump over and show you exactly what it is now so that you

know exactly what I'm talking about when I refer to the word algorithm in this

video so I've just jumped over to Google and I'm now going to give you the exact

definition for what an algorithm is so an algorithm is defined as a process or

set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving

operations especially by a computer so basically every search engine in the

world has an algorithm that algorithm tells the search engine what information

it should show when someone types in a search term so as you can see in Google

and we typed in algorithm they give us examples of what people would have typed

in with the word algorithm in the past as well as this the algorithm decides

which pages show up here after someone goes and searches for a search term in

the search engine and every search engine in the world has an algorithm

working for us but it does different calculations to determine which pages or

which links to show you after you search for a search term so I'm just going to

jump over to Amazon which is also a search engine and just show you exactly

what I mean so now we'll run Amazon and as you can see once you start typing it

will give you suggestions for what other people have searched for when they typed

in the search term that you've typed into the search bar this is the

algorithm telling it what you're most likely going to search next so then we

will click on one of these so I'm just going to pick out dog Street and now

Amazon displays the most likely pages that you are going to click on next and

they rank them in order so the ones that you are most likely going to be

interested in they're going to show to you nearer the top the ones who are

going to be less likely and they're going to show you further back in the

pages but in Amazon's case they allow you to

create sponsored ads otherwise known as PPC as you can see these first three

listings are sponsored ads so these three listings aren't there because they

are most likely going to be clicked on or purchased next they are there because

the seller has paid to have their sponsor are displayed the more you pay

the higher up your sponsor ad will be so this ad is paying a higher cost than

these ads for being displayed up in the first position but now I'm just going to

scroll down a bit further and these are the organic listings for the products so

it will be Amazon's algorithm telling Amazon which warns of

these two display in which order so Amazon's algorithm has decided that this

is most likely product that I'm going to click on and purchase so they show it in

the first organic position and it flows down from there so when we get to the

bottom of the page and as on value and has determined that we're less likely to

take and purchase this product then we are at the top in relation to the search

term that we have entered so that is why it's lower down and again you can take

through all of the pages for this search term we see that there's four hundreds

in total and Amazon ranked them accordingly to how likely we are to

click on them and make purchase of their product and as long as your listing is

indexed for the keyword that you wish to be ranked for then it will rank

somewhere for that keyword but that position can be anywhere from page one

to page four hundred depending on how likely Amazon thinks a customer is going

to purchase your product so I'm just gonna make this clearer and I'm just

gonna click into one of these listings and explain what I mean so as long as

your product is index for the keyword then Amazon will rank it in one of the

positions how Amazon indexes your products is to do with the keywords that

you have listed in your product listing and in your products back-end so as you

can see they have dog trees listed here they have dog treats listed here

and again they might have it down in the description and list it again in the

backend so this product listing will be indexed for dog treats and then

depending on how many sales it makes it moves further rock in Amazon's rankings

I have a video on YouTube that shows you exactly how you can see what keywords

your product is indexed for so I will link up that video here or below in the

description I will put a link so that you can click on it and watch that video

if you want to check if your product is indexed for certain keywords because

Amazon doesn't index your product for every keyword that is in your listing so

it is worth checking that you are still indexed for your main keywords okay so

now that I've explained the basics about algorithms and how Amazon's algorithm

works I now want to go into more detail I want to show you exactly how it's

changed because there has definitely been major changes to Amazon's algorithm

in 2080 I know this from seeing my own product listings seeing some of them

drop off seeing some of them push off even higher in the Amazon search

rankings and I've also been working with clients who had noticed the exact same

changes to their product listings so what I've done is I put it all together

in a graph showing you simply how it's all changed now we go through that graph

with you now okay so once upon a time in the world of Amazon algorithm a sale

used to be counted as a sale they all counted equally so if your product was

indexed for a keyword and then went on to make a sale it will be pushed up

higher for that sale on the Amazon search rankings and that is still the

case but all sales don't count equally and depending on where your sales are

coming from will affect how much it pushes up or lets down your product in

the search rankings so I don't have a graph which clearly shows you how the

Amazon algorithm works and how the different places you

get sales from matters more than ever in 2018 as you can see obviously organic

search and sales history are the two biggest drivers of where a mossad

position your product in their search rankings and you can clearly see that by

this chunk and this show takes up 40% off the Amazon algorithm but it used to

be the case that PPC sales or just counted as a sale but that is not the

case anymore and just because you are getting sales through PPC doesn't mean

that you're going to be ranking high for the search terms that you're getting the

sales floor because it plays a lot smaller factor in Amazon's algorithm

than it used to and I know this because I have seen product listings that make

hundreds of sales through PPC and they're not pushing up any higher

they're actually falling down in Amazon's rankings

whereas product listings that are making sales through external links are moving

higher quicker on Amazon's rankings that's why I took out this heat here so

you can clearly see how much of an influence

external links played in where Amazon ranks you for your product so if you

were making a lot of sales through external links meaning that other web

sites are linking to your Amazon product listing and people are coming through

those links and making a purchase off your product this will be causing it to

be pushed up extremely high in Amazon's ranks

whereas if all of your sales are coming through PPC which is Amazon's

advertising then your products and listings may be falling back even if you

are making a lot of sales through PPC and that is simply because Amazon

recognizes that it is not pushing the best products to the top it is simply

pushing the products that sellers have paid for and that is not in the best

interest of Amazon's customers because obviously you can have a product price

way higher than the rest just pay for sponsored ads and you will get sales

because your listing is so high up but that won't benefit the end customer and

that's what Amazon is all about so that's why PPC is in

as effective anymore as it used to be because the sales promise don't push you

up as high in the Amazon search rankings as it used to organic sales are always

going to be number one on Amazon and the biggest driver for where they will rank

your products in the future what you have to get to page one before you would

start seeing a lot of organic sales on your product and that's why you should

be focusing a lot of your attention in getting your initial sales from external

links because that will move you up higher in the Amazon search rankings so

that you can start making more of these organic sales and that will push you

even higher in Amazon search rankings and then as you can see here they also

measure your sales over 180 day period so even if your product is selling well

what runs out of inventory it will drop back in the rankings because it won't

have made any of the sales recently but it will push back up in the sales

rankings as soon as you come back into inventory and start making sales from

some of these places because it will have gained a lot of points here for

having sales within 180 days and then obviously there is a lot of other

factors involved in where Amazon ranked your products as you can see over here

on the chart but the main change that I've noticed in 2080

has been the sales from external links is ranking your products higher whereas

sales from PPC isn't having the effect on the rank that it used to have and

listings that are overly dependent on Amazon PPC are falling back in the

rankings because simply it doesn't carry the weight that it used to carry in

Amazon's algorithm okay so with Amazon PPC costs constantly rising and the

effect that it's having on ur search rankings decreasing all of the time

what's the plan going forward what's your plan for ranking your products and

keeping them high in Amazon search rankings well the answer is not to be

over dependant on Amazon PPC and to start focusing more of your attention

building your audience off Amazon so that you can drive more external sales

from off Amazon onto Amazon which will in turn increase your product

rankings on Amazon for the search terms that your already indexed for again I go

through all of the different changes that amazon has made in 2018 in my last

video and I will link that up in the description as well as the link to the

video which shows you how to check what search terms your products are indexed

for because again your products just might be indexed for the search term and

you might think that's the reason you're not ranking for them so check that your

product is indexed for them and then look to improve your rank by driving

external traffic to Amazon and making sales with this external traffic because

it's having a lot better of an impact then PPC is having in 2080 on product

rankings so because we've seen so many changes in 2018 on Amazon are important

to gather a few different videos a series of videos that's gonna show you

how to go about finding products that will be successful on Amazon in 2018 how

to get reviews on Amazon that will actually stick in 2018 because so many

of the old ways just are working and the reviews aren't stick and they simply get

deletion by Amazon so I'm going to put together a video on that this week and

as well as that I'm gonna show you how to launch your products to the top of

Amazon in 2080 taken into consideration all of these

changes and the changes that I've mentioned in my previous video in

regards to how Amazon is ranking products so make sure to click subscribe

on my channel it's down in the bottom right of this video so that you will see

a notification when I upload these videos to YouTube during this week at

this time the unique private-label course and the advanced private-label

course is currently closed but if you are interested in signing up I will be

opening them again in the future so you can click on any of the links to either

of em courses and put your name down so that I will email you when they open

again in the future again the unique private label course teaches

you everything you need to know as a beginner to be successful on Amazon

and I'm upgrading that at the moment so that I can include all of these changes

that I've noticed in recent months on Amazon as well as this the advanced

private label course shows you everything that I do to increase my

sales and my profits all my products on Amazon so you can check out them linked

in the description as well I hope that you have enjoyed this video and look

forward to speaking to you again soon bye

For more infomation >> Amazon's Algorithm Has Changed - PPC NOT Effective - Duration: 14:50.


South Korea's Moon administration makes all efforts to keep Olympic-driven detente with.. - Duration: 2:50.

South Korea continues to make various efforts to keep the dialogue momentum alive.

For the second straight day, President Moon's key officials met with the North Korean delegation.

Our chief Cheongwadae correspondent Moon Connyoung starts us off.

The historic moment of unity that brought the two Koreas together for the first time

in years is now over.

The last two weeks of outreach have been sweet and friendly, but what happens from here on

forth is what actually matters.

The bare politics of things.

How do we make sure the Olympics-driven detente last?

The choices lay bare South Korean President Moon Jae-in's predicament... evidently on

his mind as he greeted Chinese President Xi Jinping's special envoy to the Olympics closing

ceremony, Vice Premier Liu Yandong at the Blue House on Monday.

"I believe it's extremely important to make sure the mood for dialogue between South and

North Korea lasts beyond the Olympic Games.

I would like to ask China for support for not only inter-Korean talks but also North

Korea, U.S. dialogue aimed at denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula."

South Korean media had been abuzz with suggestions that some kind of talks between North Korea

and the U.S. could take place while the respective delegations - U.S. led by its presidential

adviser and first daughter, Ivanka Trump and the North by a former spy chief Kim Yong-chol-

were in town.

The Ivanka-led delegation left South Korea on Monday and there has not been any word

of interaction between the Americans and the North Koreans.

The Blue House did announce, however, that President Moon's chief security adviser and

other key officials had lunch with the North Korean delegation... released a brief statement

that read "the two sides agreed to work together for permanent peace on the Korean peninsula,

sustainable relations between North and South Korea and balanced cooperation with the international


Little is known at this point - whether there has been any progress in the South Korean

president's efforts to bring North Korea and the U.S. to the dialogue table... whether

there had been any interaction between the two, even if low-key, working-level... and

whether North Korea has attached preconditions for starting talks with the U.S.?

What we do know is that something is in the works behind closed doors between the two

Koreas... with the South Korean president ever mindful that he must make headway before

the Winter Paralympic Games end on March 18th... when Seoul and Washington have said their

mass military drills, which North Korea may have laid out as precondition for talks with

the U.S., will begin shortly thereafter.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House.

For more infomation >> South Korea's Moon administration makes all efforts to keep Olympic-driven detente with.. - Duration: 2:50.


Trooper - Light Brigade - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Trooper - Light Brigade - Duration: 4:08.


Bhalobasha Emoni hoi ভালোবাসা এমনি তো হয় | Dukhi Lalon | দুঃখী লালন | মডেল সানিতা | Model Sanita - Duration: 4:53.

Plaes Subscribe our channel Simna Multimedia

For more infomation >> Bhalobasha Emoni hoi ভালোবাসা এমনি তো হয় | Dukhi Lalon | দুঃখী লালন | মডেল সানিতা | Model Sanita - Duration: 4:53.


Puzzle or Guzzle Challenge ft. Jimmi Simpson - Duration: 13:36.

For more infomation >> Puzzle or Guzzle Challenge ft. Jimmi Simpson - Duration: 13:36.


How to take the first step? - Duration: 2:30.

Hi my love! Are you all right? Today we are going to say that the whole race

starts with the first step. Is it or is not it?

It is true. I'm talking about this here because sometimes you're in a pain, at a

very difficult time. And then you read a book, you listen to

someone's words, you watch a video, and you say, "Gee, it's possible to change!"

Because it really is possible! It is possible to transform my life, because it is possible

even! The problem is that you decide to

run away, why do you think that tomorrow everything

has changed. You need to understand that it's not like this,

you're going to get frustrated. It is step by step. It's a process. And things change along the

way. When you think about running, in

fact, two things can happen. Either you stop and you can not take the first

step, or you run out wanting to take all the steps at once. One

of two things can happen depending on your story, your experience,

who you are. And neither is healthy. Catching is not healthy. Take the first step.

And try it. You do not even have to believe it, you just have to try it. He does not

go running, either. Someone taught you that you have to do meditation,

breath, affirmation and a lot of thing. You start to do that all day

there, a whole day, gave three days seems like it's been doing

that 10 years and nothing has changed. What do you do? You get frustrated and still give up on that. I gave up

on things that work. I gave up on things that work. Because

he did not know how to respect his space, his moment, his process.

Life is beautiful, it is possible to overcome, it is possible to get out of difficult times,

it is possible to be happy, yes. You have incredible stature, yes. But, it goes in its time. In

your moment, within your possibilities you will arrive.

And if you liked this video, help me to help, really,

from the heart. Share this video, okay? Help me to help. A kiss! Take it!

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