Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

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For more infomation >> احدف كل تطبيقات تحميل الفيديوهات اليك تطبيق رهيب How To Download YouTube Video on Android 2018 - Duration: 4:32.


Sridevi's Last Dance With Anil Kapoor - Duration: 2:22.

Sridevi's Last Dance With Anil Kapoor

For more infomation >> Sridevi's Last Dance With Anil Kapoor - Duration: 2:22.


আপনার জীবন বদলে দিতে পারে | Dr Mujaffor bin Mohsin | আহলে সুন্নাত ওয়াল জামাত | Bangla Waz MP3 - Duration: 53:26.


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Bangla Waz MP3

Bangla Lecture


Mujaffor bin Mohsin

For more infomation >> আপনার জীবন বদলে দিতে পারে | Dr Mujaffor bin Mohsin | আহলে সুন্নাত ওয়াল জামাত | Bangla Waz MP3 - Duration: 53:26.


জান্নাতুল ফেরদাউসের ওয়ারিশ হবেন কারা ? || মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> জান্নাতুল ফেরদাউসের ওয়ারিশ হবেন কারা ? || মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz Short Video 2018 - Duration: 2:23.


DIY Cómo hacer un corazón con papel periódico 3 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> DIY Cómo hacer un corazón con papel periódico 3 - Duration: 3:59.


אודיו זה כואב - (מערכון) - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> אודיו זה כואב - (מערכון) - Duration: 0:49.


What is a Case Report? - Duration: 2:48.

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going talking about Case Reports in scholarly publishing.

A Case Report is most closely associated with medical publishing.

It is a detailed report of the signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, and the follow-up

of an individual patient or sometimes patients.

Case Reports normally describe an unusual occurrence in medicine.

Some Case Reports may also review the literature associated with the disease state or particular


There are many types of Case Reports.

Some of them are: an unexpected connection between a disease or symptom, an unexpected

turn of events in the course of treating a patient, a unique aspect of a disease, a unique

approach to treatment, and many others.

Case Reports do have play a role in evidence-based medicine.

They have helped the with recognition of new diseases and adverse effects of treatments.

They can also help understand the spectrum of rare diseases and the unusual presentations

of common diseases.

Case Reports can also play a role in medical education, particularly with case-based learning.

In the hierarchy of scholarly publishing, Case Reports are seen as having lesser value

then original research because they are anecdotal in nature.

Many journals have rethought Case Reports for this very reason.

Case Reports can affect Impact Factor, leading to the further restriction of them among some


Some journals have stopped accepting them; others have moved them online only; others

have made separate publications.

Some Case Report publications have embraced Open Access as the way to ensure a continuing

avenue for publication for this format.

Some of the largest publishers, Oxford, Sage, Wiley, BMJ, offer publication opportunities

for Case Reports, either for Open Access or the traditional model.

I am sure the Case Report format will continue to be a valued educational format in scholarly


Well that's it.

I am a publishing consultant and work with associations, publishers, and individuals

on a host of content related challenges.

Reach out to me with your questions.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the playlist or more videos about

academic publishing.

And make comments below.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> What is a Case Report? - Duration: 2:48.



For more infomation >> EURO TRUCK SİMULATOR 2 OYNUYORUM (MUHABBET İÇERİR) ets2 BÖLÜM#1 - Duration: 27:05.


What to buy in Colombia? Land of Thousand Colors part 4 - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> What to buy in Colombia? Land of Thousand Colors part 4 - Duration: 5:19.


Tattoo Artists Cover Up Racist Tattoos - Duration: 2:18.

(machine humming)

- We don't have time to go to a picket line,

you know. (buzzing)

We have families to feed, we're working people.

So what we can do (clicking)

is we can cover up racist tattoos,

'cause there's racist tattoos out there.

(funky mellow music)

- [Narrator] When the staff at Bicycle Tattoo

watched the horrifying attacks

in Charlottesville, they lept into action.

They announced to the public

free coverups for racist tattoos.

Immediately, they were overwhelmed with requests.

- We had one person that was underage

who her whole family was involved in a group,

and she was given the tattoo when she was like 13.

We've had a lot of guys from,

they got 'em when they were in prison.

We've had some that were just honestly,

they believed in it at one time.

You just kinda see it in their eyes when it's done.

It's almost like you got somethin' that's been in your life

that you've been carryin' around, and then all of a sudden

you don't have that weight there anymore.


Some of these coverups were huge!

You know, like thousands of dollars worth of work.

And my guys (buzzing)

are doing these coverups for free

just to make sure that it was done.

So a lot of times, I know with a lot of the swastikas

we've been coverin' up, we've been doin'

a lot of roses over those.

So you can take some of those swastika lines

and then kinda curve 'em out and fake it out

into the shape of rose petals.

- [Narrator] No matter how permanent a tattoo may seem,

there's always a second chance.

With each drop of ink, these artists

are turning hate into beauty.

- When you have something like a symbol of a swastika,

it's actually a way of putting down your neighbor,

to say that this other person's not human,

not worth being treated as a human.

I was raised Potawatomi pretty much my entire life.

My mother's native, and then my dad's white.

For me, I can see us all as equal,

'cause we all have a struggle.

And we should all be joinin' together

so we can keep movin' on.


(bells chiming)

For more infomation >> Tattoo Artists Cover Up Racist Tattoos - Duration: 2:18.



Yeah, I just roll with the Magnum

Evening on you

All right well we're starting now, so

Playing some more pirates or uh as it should have been called Spartans of the Caribbean


Dude, remember where we started?

Steven damn it

Well remember where we started we just help help the camera

We just help the camera and then just like one of us would play while the other was talk, okay, it's

Day eight on seven days to die with Stephen and myself Kenny

Yeah, and it looked like so lopsided that

Yeah, I just roll with the Magnum

Evening Anya oh

I just blew up more the fusion coils dude. I can't move I'm

Okay there we go I'm moving now. Oh, no. I'm stuck that's stuck I

Think the game's broken

No, I'm literally not moving like

There's a border

I just meet you in the middle of the mongoose

There's no one goose are you that's what it is

It's on top of the Mongoose that's a lie

But it's like with Maggie now that might be also why?

Just this wait, I'll get there eventually

Dude what the crap is going on with you oh, it's under you here, let me move it, okay?

Just move it, and then we'll meet back over there. Well. I would choose for now

Well to choose for now. I'm in and then once you get to you this will give you time to give I it no no

What are you doing, No?

Hey, I need a ride

Well I'm document really yeah, I

Thought you were gonna kill me anyway


Okay, Kenny if I

If I say I'm not gonna kill. You just know you can trust me

Okay, I just didn't

Okay, the lag is real people

What's your the thumbnail will be called all right then click mate?

It's not Christmas so we can't call it Mary laghima's oh?

No, not again. Not again. Not again. Yeah. Yeah, I'll just go back and turn around I

Got this it might take a little longer, but I'll turn it around so we won't meet in the regular spot

Prepare to board

Good I'm step no. I have the right weapons

Hey, ah

I'm lagging out CNN no

Please please give me mercy give me more sleek. You are safe

Well I'm liking out like crazy, I thought you were shooting me

Dude I'm literally lagging out like crazy

Okay, I'm barely moving

Barely moving not

lagging not

Lagging, I will not like it

May take me a while to get places, but I won't like Stephen. Don't kill me yet please I I wouldn't

Get the stuff

Not lagging not lagging

Not lagging

Not like a Oh

Know what what's what's going on okay? I had the gravity lift on me. I didn't throw it and

It just okay there it is it's right there no Steve it. What are you doing? I?

Am lagging out like crazy I can barely move if I don't want to like out

Dude this is insane

Are you shooting at me cuz I can't tell dead what are you doing it in banshee? I?

Will fly her out

Dude I'm literally lagging so much I can't do anything

Now I try to get back to the ship

Stopped reading I'm trying to get back to the ship dude. Oh, my goodness the lag is

Do it I will kill your computer if you come any closer?

I got killed it anyway just for the fun of it

Dude I am lagging out like crazy I can barely take any steps without lagging

I mean Kenny. I'll show you leg. Oh crap

Huh got you though

Your bed she lagged on top of me. That's what she said. Yeah, dude. I oughta flagging out like crazy the

Clickbait has to be something about lag because you know I cannot move very far without

Just like dying

Are you actually getting me, what are you liking out now mm-hmm oh?

My goodness what happened look

Dude I am liking out like crazy, thanks Captain Obvious

Don't want to do that

Tonic fairway

By the way, I think I met your ship, so probably don't kill me cuz it took me through the portal


No Steven

Dude I literally like a lag dream

I'm not

See I am lying out so crazy

When you see the video later, you'll see how it didn't even hit you hey like who passed you

Did it actually hit you on your screen

Dude I cannot go anywhere without lagging I gotta get a rocket like I can go very slow without lagging

Of course it will

Any well if you get a lag and I take long time, but I have something

On board youth my Mongoose watched all dude straight on

Don't don't don't just kill me our guys my network

There to tell you you do you think I can just like do they stay here, and I'll be fine if I don't move

You see that home are you going back now cuz I can't see you on the radar

Can you see me dude, I just saw you Ezri cool


Dude that should've hit you not me I

literally shot way before

Did I cannot move with it? Okay? I'll start moving like

really fast and

If you want to see how bad the lag is you can come over just don't kill me

Dude the lag is so bad that stuck in this the lag is so bad

Laggy Pirates will call it like now. I'm just kidding dude. I saw you

Dude I am my I'm freaking yeah, okay, I'll just walk around just show you

It shows like I'm like oh

Dude, I'm lagging out like crazy

Is it gonna work now

Okay, I'm still letting you know it's not working once. I said something. It's not working anymore

I was I walk around a little bit see if it works cuz is no working right now

Hey hey hey

That was my ship anyway. Why'd you shoot me from my ship?

What you shot me from my ship that was my ship

Okay, well that was kind of late, I lagged out and

Dude I can't see you I don't know where you are. I just saw you now you're gone. I

Can't move very much without lying

I can't tell what you're saying laughs. It's a look

Well I can hear you perfectly, but I can't I can't go at all

Okay, let's see how long it takes me to get to that portal


Dude this is so much more boring oh, yeah

No a lie now

I'm Annessa Pez

Okay going crazy now

Can't get anywhere what I can't I cannot get anywhere

Dude I am lagging out so much

Dude oh

Crap oh no oh no oh no if I would start lagging

Damn ah that was a terrible game, but we'll still poses it anyway, huh?

I wish they'd gone you're stupid

Wait I still have

That was weird


Oh my gosh, I'm lagging out

Stop lagging out

Okay, I'm coming

Hopefully this couldn't be epic okay

So this is videos probably not gonna be anything like like a usual pirates video that we do

Because it's so laggy, and now I'm stuck on another

Okay, Steven go back to your ship right now. Go back to your ship

Okay now go back to your ship

I'll go bring my ship all right dude. I'm stuck again

Okay there we go I'm slowly making progress over something. I think it's another Mongoose

Yeah, hey let me destroy I got it, I got it come on Zach oh

Dude I'm actually stuck in stuff

You wanna help me or not oh

My why did you do that?



Thinks no, but dude. This is like not as fun as like

Because I keep lagging out

What were you gonna say

All right, I'm gonna back this thing up cuz it seemed to work better because I keep laughs

When did you do this time?

Okay, well that was an interesting video

Certainly a weird one. I don't know what the cook made should be oh

Well that was the video for today

Quite an interesting one very very laggy Sarvis not that entertaining. I'll do my best to make it entertaining but

Yeah, Steven you want to do the honors

For more infomation >> HALO MASTER CHIEF COLLECTION: SPARTANS OF THE CARIBBEAN (PART 3) (Feat. Steven Heath) LAG WARS - Duration: 20:24.


Talking Tom Gold Run - PRINCESS ANGELA VS KUNG FU HANK. Best for Android/IOS Gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 10:39.

Talking Tom Gold Run - PRINCESS ANGELA VS KUNG FU HANK. Best for Android/IOS Gameplay Youtube Kids

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Gold Run - PRINCESS ANGELA VS KUNG FU HANK. Best for Android/IOS Gameplay Youtube Kids - Duration: 10:39.


In the Culture: Mark Matthews - Duration: 3:34.

How do we live as men in the world?

How do we live as chaste men?

What does God really want for us?

For ten years, I worked for Dreamworks Animation in their visual effects department,

and only recently came to work for Google.

I worked on fire and explosions and clouds.

On hair, and I also worked on bellies.

My job is to, you know, look at the math that, say, goes into,

"Well how do you make a bulbous looking belly for a character like Poe in Kung Fu Panda?"

And then we try to make those mathy kinda tools more accessible to the artist.

I'm a geek.

I love taking things apart.

That's one of my passions.

So when I want to relax after a long day at work, I'll be taking something apart.

My last year or two at Dreamworks, there were some people starting up a Bible study.

And I found out that there were Bible studies going on in a number of the other studios

like Warner Brothers and Sony and Universal.

And I was like, "Wow, that's really cool."

So it was neat even just to have a forum where you could meet other Christians and talk about your faith.

I would say there are two main ways that I put my faith into action at my work.

The first one is to simply do good work.

If you're doing something as seemingly unrelated to the faith as something like a math integral,

you'd say, "Well how do I put God into that?

Do I use Christian characters when I'm writing out the integral?"

Well no, probably not.

Just do it like everyone else does, but do a really good job at it.

Love it. Enjoy it.

The other most important way, I think, of living my faith is to bring Christ into the workplace.

In your own personal holiness, character, virtue.

At the very least, we hope that Christ exudes through our character.

So we're called to be so close to Christ that we can't escape exuding him to those around us.

Hopefully the world will see that.

I'm originally from Canada.

From a city called Saskatoon Saskatchewan.

I grew up, I would say, in a culturally Catholic family.

It was never anything deeply personal to me.

It wasn't until my first year of University that I got involved

with a group called Catholic Christian Outreach.

One of their staff members challenged me.

They said, "Hey, how about making a choice to give everything to God.

Give everything to Jesus."

And at the time that seemed like a really scary thing to me because I said,

"Oh, what if God makes me become a priest or something like that?"

And so I did.

I basically said, "Jesus, I'm going to give you everything.

Probably the thing that was most important and formative in that was

having other really strong men of God to imitate.

I run a men's group called Bibles & Brew.

Bibles & Brew is a bi-weekly men's fellowship group.

We drink beer responsibly as we discuss and read theology.

We meet in my living room here once every two weeks.

We split our time between focusing on basic catechetics, basics of the faith, and then

also masculine issues.

So, like, leadership, fatherhood, purity, all those kinds of things.

And then we'll take time to pray together.

Pray for our needs.

It's a community too to help support each other in our growth of virtue.

There's nothing more important and nothing that will be more rewarding

than finding a way to share Christ with those around you.

For more infomation >> In the Culture: Mark Matthews - Duration: 3:34.


BRINDISI La Traviata G Verdi karaoke Playback instrumental edit by © Graziana '18 - Duration: 2:49.

Let's drink,

let's drink from the joyous chalices

that beauty so truly enhances.

and may the brief moment

be inebriated with voluptuousness.

Let's drink for the ecstatic feeling

that love arouses.

Because this all-powerful eye

aims straight to the heart.

Let's drink, my love,

and the love among the chalices

will make the kisses warmer.

Ah! Let's drink, and the love among the chalices

will make the kisses warmer.

With you all,

I can share

my happiest times.

Everything in life

which is not pleasure is foolish.

Let's enjoy ourselves

for the delight of love is fleeting and quick.

It's like a flower that blooms and dies

and we can no longer enjoy it.

So enjoy; a keen

and flattering

voice invites us!

Let's enjoy

the wine and the singing,

the beautiful night, and the laughter.

Let the new day

find us in this paradise.

Life means celebration…

Only if one hasn't known love…

Don't tell someone who doesn't know.

But this is my fate…

Let's enjoy the wine and the singing,

the beautiful night, and the laughter.

Let the new day

find us in this paradise.

find us in this paradise.

find us in this paradise.

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