Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

There was a time

I used to look into my father's eyes.

In a happy home

I was a king, I had a golden throne.

Those days are gone,

Now the memory's on the wall.

I hear the songs

From the places where I was born.

Upon a hill across a blue lake,

That's where I had my first heartbreak.

I still remember how it all changed.

My father said,

"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.

See heaven's got a plan for you.

Don't you worry, don't you worry now."


There was a time

I met a guy of a different kind.

We ruled the world,

I thought I'd never lose him out of sight.

We were so young,

I think of him now and then.

I still hear the songs

Reminding me of a friend.

Upon a hill across a blue lake,

That's where I had my first heartbreak.

I still remember how it all changed.

My father said,

"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.

See heaven's got a plan for you.

Don't you worry, don't you worry now."


"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.

See heaven's got a plan for you.

Don't you worry, don't you worry now."


"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.

See heaven's got a plan for you.

Don't you worry, don't you worry now."


"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.

See heaven's got a plan for you.

Don't you worry, don't you worry now."


"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.


For more infomation >> Nightcore - Don't You Worry Child - Duration: 2:52.


Essaye de ne pas sourire 😊 (et rire) - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Essaye de ne pas sourire 😊 (et rire) - Duration: 1:14.


Rise of Fawful (FULL) - A day with Bowser Jr - Duration: 35:10.

BOWSER: My beloved Koopa Empire... is a very special day.

For today is the 15th anniversary...

...of the Koopa Empire's final defeat of Fawful...

...our longtime and most dangerous enemy.

Sorry, guys!

BOWSER JR: I forgot to put it in vibrate mode...

Just a few seconds...

BOWSER: The four years in which we had to endure Fawful's wrath...

BOWSER: ...were the darkest era in both the Koopa and Mushroom Kingdom's history.

BOWSER: But it was in that darkness...

BOWSER: ...that the light of hope shined...

KAMEK: I brought you some breakfast, Ludwig.

Thank you, Kamek. But I don't desire it.


Being locked up inside my room...

dispossessed of all the glory that should have been mine...

This castigation is unjust.

Unjust? You tried to murder your brother!


BOWSER JR: Kylie...

...I just wanted to say that...'s an honor for me to be contacted by you!

KYLIE: For you?

Oh, Junior...

...the honor is all of Kylie!

The having of communication with the one...

...and the only Prince of Koopas.

I must say that you... talk differently...

...than when I last saw you on TV.

Well, the job of journalism takes many tolls on Kylie's poor shell!

And are you knowing what would be making Kylie less aggrieved?

KYLIE: The having of an interview with you...

KYLIE: your airship...

KYLIE: ...face to face...

So what do you think?

KYLIE: Junior?


Yes, I'm down for an interview, of course! Yeah!

When shall we...


BOWSER JR: Uh, tonight?

Tonight! Yeah, tonight!

We shall be having the privacy!

However, in order to have the conversing in your room...

...Kylie is needing the location of your airship plus the code to get in!

Let me think it through for a sec. she's asking me the location of the airship...

...which is secret...

...and the code to get in...

...which is secret...

...she must be secretly in love with me!

Ok, your proposal has been meticolously thought through!

The code to get in the airship is B-J-R-R-0-C-K-Z!

BOWSER JR: The airship is currently right above the ocean of Water Land!

I have joy! Dissapointed you're going to be not!

Look out, Koopa Kingdom! There's a new player in town!

Hammer Bro!

Why did you wake me up at midnight... request my assistance in the control room?


HAMMER BRO:...we have an unidentified flying object reaching the airship...

HAMMER BRO: dangerously high speed!

Arm Bullet Bills for counter-attack!

HAMMER BRO: Sir, the enemy ship has reached us and...


What happened?

HAMMER BRO: Sir, two unknown men have entered the airship!

That's impossible! You need to enter a code to get in!

They did enter a code!

HAMMER BRO: It''s Bowser Jr's code!

What? Bowser Jr?

I've gotta look faboulous... for you, Kylie...

You... it's not possible!


UNKNOWN MAN: You shall crumble like a pathetic biscuit... the milk of my... Rejuvenation Beam!


LUDWIG: What are you two clowns doing in my room?

UNKNOWN MAN: Ludwig Von Koopa... today... you shall have...

...the freedom!

LUDWIG: Hey! Let me go, right now!

Leave my brother alone, you bad man!

UNKNOWN MAN: Bowser Jr! I have chortles!

Where are you?!

UNKNOWN MAN: Over here!

No, no, no, no! Over here!

Down here!

Hey, wait a minute, I've heard of you somewhere...

You're Fizzle, right?


I imagined you... a bit taller!

What Fawful lacks in the heightness department...

...he makes up for in the braininess department.

In fact... was because of Fawful having the braininess that Fawful is here...

...laughing at you!

So let me guess, I wasn't even talking to the real Kylie Koopa...

Yes! That Kylie Koopa trick was the cheese to Fawful's mousetrap...

...and you fell into it like a pea-brained ingenous little mouse, mon!

FAWFUL: You should have had the listening of yourself today!

"Oh, she must secretly be in love with me!"

So here's Fawful's present to you!

Cheese for the camera!

And now the Koopa Kingdom shall be having the chortles too...

...when they see this!


Splatter him like a naughty mashed potato, mon!

Yes, Lord Fawful!

BOWSER JR: Good morning, Kylie! Do you like me now?


...neither does the rest of the Koopa Kingdom now.

Ludwig has been kidnapped.

Remember this fellow?

Who... who is this man?

What does he want?

KAMEK: Don't you remember what your father said about him?


KAMEK: Fawful tried to conquer both the Koopa Kingdom and the Mushroom Kingdom...

...not once...

KAMEK: ...but twice!

KAMEK: He was so dangerous...

...that your father and the Mario Brothers...

KAMEK: ...were forced to fight together to defeat him!

Well, it's ok! If my father beat him twice...

BOWSER JR:...then he'll also beat him a third time!

Your father? Your father?

This is your father!

My father?

The laser gun your father was shot with...

...was programmed to turn him into a baby.

KAMEK: The only way to turn him back into an adult... by feeding him the Age Mushroom!

Where can I get one?

It's an almost extinct Mushroom...

KAMEK: ...of which Fawful holds the last remaining samples!


...why did he choose me?

He probably thought you were the weakest link...

And I am!

My father would have never been cheated by Falafel!

KAMEK: Fawful!


This is all my fault!

Anybody can fall...

...but some people rise up again!

Let's see if you're one of them.

Oh, daddy...

...what do I do now?

LUDWIG: You have thirty seconds to tell me why I'm here…

...before you and that flab of bacon over there…

...deeply regret it.

Fawful understands…

...that's how you are wanting to play.


Please be so kind as to have the exiting of this room!

Uh...sure, Lord Fawful.

Are you trying to take your chances with me?

No, no, no, no, no, no!

We shall have… the friendship!

Fawful's sorry for the style with which he has brought you here…

...but do not be worrisome, my Ludwig!

FAWFUL: It is all for the greater cause!

Which greater cause?

FAWFUL: See, it is the longing of Fawful… take over his motherland, the Beanbean Kingdom…

...and form a mega-alliance with the Koopa Kingdom!

My father would never accept.

Not after all you've done.

Which is why Fawful was forced to do…


What have you done to him?

Just a taste out of the cocktail of my... Rejuvenation Beam.

That gun Midbus was holding?

Precisely, mon.

You turned him into a baby… so that I…

Exactly. Koopa Kingdom…


You dirty little vermin…

With the Koopa Kingdom on your side… can help me conquer the Beanbean Kingdom!

And the Mushroom Kingdom shall be turned into a sandwich… which we are the slices of bread…

...and they are the salami that gets squished between us!

How's that sounding to you, mon?

ANNOUNCER: We're now broadcasting Prince Bowser Koopa Jr's inspirational speech!

Feel free to boo now…

I know you might be upset about what happened…

KOOPAS: We are indeed!

You're not our king!

The kingdom is doomed!

Enough! Listen to me!

While we're all in here bickering at each other, Fossil…

KOOPA: Fawful!

Whatever! He's in some hideaway now, sitting back…

...laughing at us, preparing to destroy us!

Do we really want that to happen?

Well, I don't! Which is why I'm heading over to his lair… take that Age Mushroom and rescue our king!

Now, who's with me?

LUDWIG(ON SCREEN): Certainly not me!


Perhaps Bowser Jr would be apt in fixing our problems…

...if it wasn't him that caused them in the first place!

What are you implying, Ludwig?

Is it true that you told Fawful where the airship was?

No, I-- I mean yeah, but-- let me explain!

Is it true that you gave Fawful the code to get in?

Yeah, but I thought--

And, my "brother"... it true that you allowed Fawful to escape from the airship?

I never allowed him to escape!

What were you doing when Fawful attacked the ship? Come on!

I was trying to fend him off!

This beautiful picture says otherwise.

KOOPAS: Traitor! You're a traitor!

Those of you that are willing to prosper under your true king… shall unite by midnight in the Koopa Empire's new military base…

...the Tower of Yikk!

Unless you want to join this joker, of course…

The choice… is… yours!

KOOPAS: Ludwig! Ludwig! Ludwig!

Come back! Stop! Wait!

Stop! Stop… please… come back…

Oh, I'm screwed.

What the…

The airship!

BOWSER JR: Hammer Bro!

Please, that's my house! Don't go!

I don't take orders from traitors.

Well, I guess it's me against the world again…

KAMEK: You and me against the world!


Skitter on! If we're going to get that Age Mushroom…

…me and Bowser better be there!

But-- but-- but Kamek, look at me! I'm all alone!

Anybody can fall...but…

But some people rise up again…

...I guess…

Why would Ludwig lead the Koopas to an abandoned tower?

I don't know…

...what I do know is that Fawful is a mushroom collectionist!

BOWSER JR: Then we should follow the airship to the Tower of Yikk!

BOWSER JR: If Ludwig is there, then Follicle is there…

BOWSER JR: ...and if Follicle is there, then the Age Mushroom is there!

KAMEK: His name is Faw-- oh, forget it.

FAWFUL: Fawful's heart is rupturing with sentiment!

That… was the acting of a thousand Oscars!

I wasn't acting.

FAWFUL: And now you can have the relaxation, mon!

By tomorrow, the Koopa Kingdom shall be at your feet… a flock of hungry pigeons!

FEMALE VOICE: Junior… Junior… Junior…

Kylie? Kylie!

BOWSER JR: Kylie… oh, Kylie…

I have chortles!

FAWFULS: I have chortles!

No, no, no!



What the?

Come on, eat your dinner!

I must still be dreaming…

This is no dream, Junior!

Just the morphing power of my magic scepter!

KAMEK: I was trying out every method to feed him…

BOWSER JR: Can I try? I think I know how to get through to him…

Of course!

Chomp, chomp, chomp, daddy! Chomp, chomp, chomp!

You do have a way with children, Junior!

That's how he used to feed me…

KOOPAS: Ludwig! Ludwig! Ludwig!

We're here.

KOOPAS: Ludwig! Ludwig! Ludwig!

TOWER VOICE: Greetings.

Only ten Koopas at a time are allowed for recruitment and eventual brainwashing--

--Oops! Don't wanna spoil the plot!

What the--

Help me! Help me!

What? No, no, no, no!

Ooooh, no, no, no--

TOWER VOICE: Fawfulization process complete.

FAWFUL(OVER SPEAKERS): I have chortles!

KOOPAS: We have chortles. We have chortles.

Oh, the glory!

Fawful is tasting a plate of adoration spaghetti with glory meatballs!


KOOPAS: We have chortles.

TOWER VOICE: Please, wait for your turn to be recruited by Ludwig!

TOWER VOICE: Please note, we do not take any responsibility…

...for any eventual cases of brainwashing. Proceed at your own risk.

FAWFUL: I have chortles!

KOOPAS: We have chortles.

FAWFUL: I have chortles!

KOOPAS: We have chortles.

KAMEK: What's happening?

KAMEK: My eyesight is not what it used to be…

Here, let me film it for you!

LUDWIG: Junior will die…

I think I know who this is.


Uh, Ludwig?


What are you doing here?

Let him go!

What are you doing here?

FAWFUL(RECORDING): I have chortles!

KOOPAS(RECORDING): We have chortles. We have chortles.

All these guys outside…

...they come in as free Koopas… and come out as slaves.

By tomorrow morning, Fawful will have enough Koopas… take over all of the kingdoms.

How will you stop this?

The Age Mushroom.

KAMEK: But first, we must get rid of Fawful's bodyguard.

Midbus. I know the way to beat him.

The Rejuvenation Beam. He holds it.

I think I have a plan…

Are you sure this plan is gonna work?

KOOPAS: Ludwig! Ludwig!

MIDBUS: Okay, ten more! Now you shall enter...

TOWER: ...and you shall be recruited.

Now, other ten wait for next turn...



What is this commotion that is being having had?

These puny turtles! They tried to attack me!

FAWFUL: Bowser Jr..

I guess I shall be giving you two the same treatmentness that I have given to your father.


The Rejuvenation Beam.

FAWFUL: Who are you thinking I should be shooting first?

The little one, sir!


Nice job Ludwig!

Now, moving on to step two!

Does step two also involve us being slammed onto a wall?

No, it involves finding the Age Mushroom.

This tower is immense. How will we find it?

I have an idea.

A female Midbus?

That's Mama Midbus to you, Junior!

My little pork chop, could you please tell Mommy where the Age Mushroom is?

Waffle's office. Come with me!

LUDWIG: His name is--

MAMA MIDBUS: It's worthless.


BOWSER JR: Daddy, wait here.

We'll be back.

♪ You take me up

♪ You take me down

♪ And you bring me to the ground

♪ Take me up and let me down and...

♪ ...spin me round and round

♪ You take me up

Lord Fawful!

FAWFUL: Oh, m-m-Midbus!

What- what is being the matter?


These little reptiles have tried to attack me!

Is that being so?

Fawful scoffs and coughs at your ridicolous ridicolousness!

Well, I scoff and cough at your dance moves.

The very fact that you were having the thinking...

...that you could possibly rescue the Koopa Army...

...puts the flabber in Fawful's flabbergastedness.

FAWFUL: You almost remind me of the red and green moustaches which Fawful hates so much.

FAWFUL: But do not have the worries...

Shoo, shoo, shoo!

Is it not right, Midbus?


Why you...

FAWFUL: Fawful is leaking with rage!

But have you the readiness...

...for the trapness?

The painness!

FAWFUL: Next time, Fawful will be drawing a circle where these things are gonna land!

Daddy, quickly! Get that Age Mushroom!


FAWFUL: Gorge that fungus down now! Now!

FAWFUL: Get it!

Make turtle soup out of him!

Show 'em who boss, daddy!

You can do it, Bowser!

Show no pity, Bowser.

Murder him in cold blood...

...and drag his corpse through the kingdom streets.

What? I'm the dark and edgy character here.

No! My mushroom collection!

Get that mushroom!

No, not that one!

FAWFUL: Get that fungus, Midbus!


BOWSER JR: That's the one, that's the one!

BOWSER JR: That's the one, Daddy!

Yes, take that one, take that one!

He can't understand me!

Chomp! Chomp, chomp, chomp!

Chomp, chomp, chomp, daddy!


Why does my mouth taste like broccoli?


Oh, no, you don't!

They can handle him!

We should think about freeing the Fawful Army!

Fawful Army?

KOOPAS: We have chortles. We have chortles.

We've lost him.

FAWFUL: Were you really having the thinking of beating Fawful?

FAWFUL: Fawful Army! Make scrambled eggs out of these two...

FAWFUL: ...and season them with pain!

KOOPAS: We have chortles.

The wall!

Ludwig, remember that time that you actually punched down multiple walls?

Oh yeah, the time I tried to kill you--

I mean-- one of the times.

Yeah...good times...

You think you can get us through?

KOOPAS: We have chortles.

We don't have much time!

Good thing the walls aren't made of titanium, eh?

Too bad your skull isn't made of titanium.

I'll just shut up.

Oh, shell.

KOOPAS: We have chortles.


BOWSER: The computer behind it all.

How will we hack into it?

Like this!



Get out of here! Warn the others!

LUDWIG: Okay, everybody is out.

LUDWIG: They're all safe.

FAWFUL: Look what you have done!

FAWFUL: My Fawful Army of Fawfulness... gone!

FAWFUL: But now... I will have... the comeback!


We've got to get to the Clown Car!

Over there!

KAMEK: The Clown Car is parked right next to the hole!

How could this...

We've got no choice!

ICE BRO: King Bowser, get away from the tower!

Look out, your Awfulness!

I... have...


♪ "We have chortles", you had to sing!

♪ But now you're free, and boy, that stings!

♪ Fawful must conquer you the old-fashioned way...

♪ wiping out the Koopa King!

FAWFUL: How are you liking Fawful's modifications to this tower?

HAMMER BRO: King Koopa!

Hammer Bro, at your orders, sir!

Hammer Bro! Where's the airship?

I parked it over...


Just keep the other Koopas away from trouble.

Yes, sir.

FAWFUL: One Koopa pancake to go!

So long!

FAWFUL: Tower! Stop this fink-rat!

TOWER: Activating enhanced reflexes.

Give it up, Fawful. I've already faced machines like yours.

But... have you readiness... for this?

The biggerness they are having...

...the harderness they are falling!

KAMEK: Hey, you!

FAWFUL: The patheticness of you two makes Fawful overheat with chortles!

Now is the time in which a loser is you!

Fawful has arisen!

And you... have fallen.

Anybody can fall...

BOWSER JR: But some people rise up again!

Nice shot, Ludwig! little fink-rats!

No, no, no, no...

Tower! Do that hand-to-hand thingy!

TOWER: Activating enhanced reflexes.

FAWFUL: No, wait--

I have panic.

I... have...

We'll take it from here...

...Koopa prince.

You really are one of those people.

KOOPAS: Junior! Junior!

Well I'd like to start out by...

Oh come on, now...

Let's hope it isn't Freckle again.

DANNYWAVING: Hi, I'm Daniel.

If you liked this cartoon, remember to subscribe...

...comment, like this video and share it with your friends!

Thanks so much for the support, and have a great day!

For more infomation >> Rise of Fawful (FULL) - A day with Bowser Jr - Duration: 35:10.


حقائق مذهلة عن الثقوب السوداء قد لاتعرفها..؟؟ - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> حقائق مذهلة عن الثقوب السوداء قد لاتعرفها..؟؟ - Duration: 4:00.


BØRNS answers fan questions - Live on The Current - Duration: 2:26.

BØRNS singing: Galaxy, galaxy... [fades]

[offscreen voice:] Has Michigan - where you're from - and the Midwest culture and atmosphere influenced your music?

Yeah. I mean, definitely, it's like you know - I grew up in Michigan, and I think my sort of...

...nostalgia of childhood is always kind of coming up in my music - or just songs that I listened to growing up...

...are always sneaking their way into my songs.

So, yeah. I mean, I think where you grow up has a big influence on your artistry.

I don't think there's any escaping that unless you're trying to completely... from somewhere else.

[offscreen voice:] Is there a performance that sticks out as a pivotal moment in your musical life?

Speaking of Elton John, I saw Elton John for the first time in Norway, of all places.

We played this festival in Norway, and we like had to take a ferry over there. It was our first time ever going to Norway and...

...and it was on these, it was at this really beautiful kind of green hills and...

And at that time we were covering "Benny and the Jets." And I remember we like played "Benny in the Jets"...

...on our stage and then...

...we heard like, "Tiny Dancer" in the the distance. We're like, "Wait....

...where is that coming from?" And then we're like, "Oh my god...

...Elton John's playing." So we just like ran to the stage and there he was.

So um, so that was a pretty memorable moment, [plays note on the guitar] seeing...

...yeah, the man himself.

[offscreen voice:] What is your favorite aquatic animal?

Aquatic animal?

Oh, my. Um, favorite aquatic animal...

Probably uh, like a sea otter.

You know?

I can relate to a sea otter, I think. They're just - they're floaters. They're just like chillin'.

[offscreen voice:] Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

I guess it depends on the...

...the experience.

If you're watching the sunrise because you...

...haven't slept since the sunset...

...that's always a good experience.


So yeah, I guess...

...I prefer sunsets first, and then sunrises, I think. Yeah.

For more infomation >> BØRNS answers fan questions - Live on The Current - Duration: 2:26.


Craziest or Best Youtube BIKER of all time | MaxWrist - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> Craziest or Best Youtube BIKER of all time | MaxWrist - Duration: 10:42.


Дом 2 новости 27 февраля 2018 (27.02.2018) Раньше эфира - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 27 февраля 2018 (27.02.2018) Раньше эфира - Duration: 6:10.



today we're going squishy hunting stick around to the end I'll show you what we

picked up today and a little review plus I'll tell you if it's a best dollar deal or

not staples looking for some squishy I think

I see some already six dollars let's see okay so that was like bread this is

a sandwich super slow rising though

is boarding all the squishy you're rewarding everything this one is open oh

my this feels amazing it's definitely different they're like a

regular squishy


okay so we were getting in line and I spotted them

finally soft and slow and $6.00 here I haven't seen any of the oh yeah we're

definitely definitely going to get some of these so make sure you guys stick

around for the haul looks delicious oh and these are the jumbo squishies for

13 dollar so you all saw it in the soft and slo brand a little bit

bigger size like maybe this size I bigger is at Walmart or I think seven

dollars but all the ones in Walmart are like the Jumbo like this size these are

is so hard doing this of one hand they literally have endless squishies in here

so these smaller ones are I think already said that 5.99 limbs are a

scratch piece I'm like so

see I don't think I squished this one

all of these looks so yummy you want one

which one you want the macaroon macaron you want to squish it yeah I'm not

really feeling this one right here even though it's like super slow rising I

like really big squishy like really big ones and fluffy ones - ice cream one is

nice like mint chocolate chip grain so I find this squishies one riding in the

back I was about to leave but then I was like knowing I'm a check thank you

Michael obviously you guys

can tell this is our first time finding squishies at Michael's so we were a

little a little excited so we're in Walgreens they're not Squishy's but it

means they're so cute they're super soft too they are at $13

oh it's so cute oh my goodness oh these are the squish mellows they are so soft

and cute thank you guys they have some more these

are so soft they're like this weird

squishy jello a plushy feeling so cute I'll just keep finding them there so

they just have the small ones and we saw these squishies

these are like the keychains let's see yeah we saw all of these and the other

squishy now we're in CVS we found some FLARP you can get this at Dollar

Tree for one dollar three dollars they have the little beanie babies

they're super cute oh look at his eyes that's cool

this is Peppa Pig yeah look paw patrol yeah I forget his name I

think is this chase I don't know I can't remember the names laughs thank you

I'm terrible with the names laughs Lego a little Avengers - these

are so cute oh look this is the unicorn I think from the minions so we found

that this one

and then they have like the little small keychains that we saw in Walgreens

Thank You liquid okay strawberry marshmallow is Hello Kitty

strawberry jelly inside let's dig right in with I want to start with one of

these series two jumbo squishy from the animal pals collection this is Kitty

ice cream oh it's not as soft as I thought it would be for like something

jumbo from soft and soft and slow yeah this one is super cute but it's

definitely not one of my favorites to squish so I paid $12.99 $13 for this at

Michael's these are going online for fifteen to twenty dollars and in my

opinion this is not worth fifteen to twenty dollars I'd be okay maybe eight

to ten dollars more and eight I wouldn't consider this one a best dollar squishy

deal at all next up from series one the sweet shop we have a strawberry cream

puff oh it's soft it's not like butter soft but it looks realistic I just love

the little swirl details okay let's squish it feels like bread the bottom is

so smooth

so if I remember correctly we paid a $6.99 for this I thought this was going

to be a best dollar deal because of how soft it felt through the packaging but

you've seen better squishy for three dollars

this was also $6.99 for Michaels but through the packaging oh my gosh I mean

I saw it and I was like oh it's really small first $6.99 but then I touched it

oh my gosh it's not as soft and like a butter filling like the amazing

squishies we saw at Walmart but it just reminds me of a brownie like I just want

to eat this but you can't I'm not like super impressed with the details on this

so is it worth $6.99 debatable I'm gonna say it is the best dollar deal just

because of how soft it feels and how realistic it looks I mean it looks like

a heart-shaped brownie do any of you all own this what are your thoughts on this

do you think it's worth seven dollars especially when you compare squishies

like this to ones that cost $20 you really start to get an understanding of

what you should spend your dollars on and what you shouldn't that's why I love

doing these videos so you guys don't have to waste your money unless you just

really want to and before I forget squishy is the icing a heart cake from series 1

the sweet shop moving back to series 2 the animal pals we have a jumbo cute

little koala bear yeah squishy is definitely softer and slower rising has

a little bit of fingerprints in there but this little guy or gal is just so


when I squish it it feels like there's something hard on the inside and this is

the Koala teacup people are paying or asking for $20 for these so it really

depends on what you're collecting squishes for if you're getting them

because of cuteness then I think 13 dollar is pretty good for this one because it's

just so and squishy and the little sleepy eyes you guys know the

sleepy eyes get me every time I just love how round it is what I paid 13 dollar for

this I would I would because it's super cute and it is soft and it's fun and I

want to squish it I don't want to squish this one I wouldn't mind squishing this

but I don't want to pay 7 dollar for it this next one is from series one sweet shop

and when I saw it I was just like oh my gosh give me this is the strawberry a

layer cake just from a slight touch it reminds me of the donuts from amazing

squishy that we shared in the last video

super slow this is worth 7 dollar in my opinion so this

will be considered a best dollar squishy deal

if you're into those things you will be happy with this purchase oh I could sit

here and squish this all day long and this little dollop of whipped cream well

if the strawberry on the top is just the perfect little touch next up from series

to animal pals we have this jumbo mint this is bear

so jumbo and oh I picked this up because of cuteness and I just wanted to give it

a chance but I kind of like it I think this might be my favorite of the Jumbo

animal pals I thought the koala bear would I don't know sometimes you have to

close your eyes and just do things and then you can get a true like answer I

would consider these best dollar deals for squishies and I still don't think

that this was a good dollar deal at all so next up for an animal pals we have

bear cupcake 10 out of 10 with 10 being the highest this gets a 10 for cuteness

so cute

none of the Jumbo animal pals have smells to them and they don't smell

heavily saturated with which is a huge plus like this does it smell

like chocolate this doesn't smell like strawberry and this doesn't smell like

bread it definitely makes me want to squish it

even though it's super cute oh look at them is this worth 13 dollar I'll give you the

same answer that I gave you for this squishy with the other ones these are

going for 14 to 20 dollar online please let us know in the comments if you've

had these for a while and if you squish them a lot how are they holding up those

are the squishies that we picked up the last item is a squish mellow oh my

goodness it is just so relaxing just like the squishies I paid 7 dollar for

this and this is the smallest one so

here is the little tag and they have some really cute ones to collect I would

pay 10 dollar for this so guys I hope you enjoyed this video and don't forget to

join the fam if you're not already we will see you in the next one bye guys

For more infomation >> SQUISHY HUNTING VLOG AND HAUL! SO MANY SQUISHIES! - Duration: 17:10.


Medics Don't Heal Scouts - Random Encounters [Synthesia Piano Tutorial] - Duration: 1:40.

Hey Medic! Don't go!

Please, my health bar's pretty low!

Look, the Heavy needs my help!

I'm a busy man, you know!

Come on, show me some compassion!

Forget the status quo!

Sorry, Medics…

don't heal Scouts!

Wait, Doc, I'm in pain!

Any moment, I'll be slain!

There's a bullet in my chest-

And a screw loose in your brain…

Oh, the lights are fading quickly~

This is only just a sprain.

That's why Medics…

don't heal Scouts!

I'm begging on my knees here

Cause it hurts too much to stand!

I'm the fastest friggin' member of your team!

True, but You're also pretty puny,

with the IQ of a crayon,

And you have the most unhealthy self esteem!

Doc, give me one chance!

Yes, I know your friggin' stance!

But my heart's starting to fail me,

and I think I crapped my pants-

You can stitch me, saw me, sew me-

Embed friggin' dove implants-

"…deal!" "Really?"

"Yes, but just this once, though, because-"

Medics… don't heal Scouts!

My own little nightmares by Random Encounters

For more infomation >> Medics Don't Heal Scouts - Random Encounters [Synthesia Piano Tutorial] - Duration: 1:40.


Running 10km every day for 7 days - Duration: 9:06.

running never really seen the attraction tired tired if I'm running it's

inevitably because I'm chasing a ball a train or a bus I do play football though

but running from running sake never been into it so for me this week's challenge

will be a proper challenge run ten kilometers every day for the next seven


I do love the simplicity of running all you need is a pair of shoes or my case a

pair of shoes some calf compression sleeves lashings of deep heats in an

enormous amount of willpower running on the pavement hurts my joints on the rare

occasion when I do run I prefer to use my wife's treadmill it's a lot more

forgiving on my creaking body it's like problem I have this week is

that I'm away in Switzerland for a few days directing a film this means that

the first to 10k runs will be outside

running shoes


run number one

the first run was always gonna be the easiest I'm feeling at my freshest and

I'm excited about finally starting this challenge it's cold feeling it tonight I

headed down to Lake Geneva tonight and found a long straight path which ran

alongside the water it's a shame it was dark and cloudy as it looked like a

really beautiful spot I'm about to head off to the studio now unfortunately due

to client confidentiality I'm not allowed to say who the client is or what

the film is for so that's just gonna have to remain shrouded in mystery

I ran a similar route to last night's 10k running alongside Lake Geneva and

pacing myself for the week and trying not to go too hard as I know I have a

long way to go in this challenge tired hardest part tonight run as a last

mile which was all uphill on the way back to the hotel 10k

I was wondering how it's going to feel after first 2:10 case especially doing

them outdoors I'm not used to doing a lot of outdoor running but not feeling

too bad setting a good pace not too fast not too slow and to carry a backpack

some carrying the camera and the GoPro so carrying the extra weight doesn't

make things easy but I'm pleased so far two down five to go I've got about an

hour and a half before I need to start making my way back to the airport so I

thought I'd take the opportunity this morning to go to Lausanne Cathedral and

unfortunately it's about a mile and a half uphill the muscles are aching but

maybe a brisk walk is exactly what I need

and it's a really beautiful view on a good day you can see all the way over to

France across Lake Geneva but sadly today too overcast

we've got about 20 minutes now so we got to get to the train station so gotta go

the last thing I want to do and I get back to Ed and Burroughs go for a run

I'm hurting today I know if I can just get through tonight run then I'm almost

at the halfway point so tonight's run feels pivotal to me completing this

challenge back in Edinburgh now let's start my third 10k just want to get

through this one got the small matter of this dude wanting to use the treadmill

that worked quite well

three K down - then okay then nicely warmed up now

that was hard it's a lot son then take care number three done possibly the

hardest of luck so hot in there don't think I've ever sweat so much my life

this is just a ride compression tights gonna help

last night's run was really tough but I know that if I complete another 10k

tonight then I've sailed past the halfway point of this challenge right

now that's a huge psychological factor that I'm focusing on I'm running at

night because this is the most convenient time for me to do so however

this does mean that my two little boys are fast asleep and the last thing I

want to do is wake them up so means I have to keep the door to the

treadmill room shut this just means that becomes an absolute sweat box in that

room after the halfway point

I think the compression tights were really helpful to run tonight we'd say

they made me run it faster but suddenly I felt a lot more comfortable please

they've got past the halfway point when this challenge you know the end is in

sight I really think I can do this now I've still got a long way to go on this

challenge and my biggest fear is I'm gonna get injured and I won't be able to

complete it so I'm trying to be as kind to my body as I possibly can be during

the day I've taken to wearing chewy grips on both of my thighs and calf

compression sleeves on the lower part of my legs I do look like a massive twat

but it is working looking good

the treadmill is making a big difference to my runs just over 48 hours ago I was

walking around Lausanne with a lot of pain in my legs but it feels like I've

got a new lease of life now it's feeling really good tonight

felt like it could run for longer felt like you could run faster and I've got

20k to go so trying to preserve those legs preserve those muscles but yeah

feeling really good right now it's Saturday morning now and a little over

12 hours since my last run I'm on the home straight now just want to keep the

momentum going have the luxury have been able to keep the door to the treadmill

room open this morning but I'm looking forward to completing

this challenge by doing my final run tomorrow outside take a down one more to


Sunday morning just one more run that separates me from completing this

challenge let's do this

this week I've run the furthest I've ever run in my life I probably never

sweated more in one week either the season runners running 70 kilometers in

a week has nothing to write home about but for someone who doesn't do a lot of

running this was a big challenge after the second outdoor run I was hurting my

legs were so stiff that to be honest I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to

complete this challenge I've only completed three weekly

challenges now but there seems to be a trends the first few days of the

challenge are the hardest by the middle of the week you get into a groove by the

end of the week you've adapted and it's become second nature plus you do get an

almighty sense of accomplishment when you get to the end of the seventh day

dare I say it I love doing this challenge and a converted runner now the

listening to music is important otherwise it becomes a very dull thank

you for watching if you've enjoyed this please like comment and share and join

me again next time for my next weekly challenge

For more infomation >> Running 10km every day for 7 days - Duration: 9:06.


Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up #60 [CC] - Duration: 4:50.

Hi, YouTube, it's Kathy, and this is my Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up for February 18th to 24th.

This week, I read 1 book, I watched 4 tv shows, and I listened to 1 book.

I also DNF'd my first book of 2018, and that was [The Natural Way of Things] by Charlotte Wood.

This wasn't an overly long book, at just over 300 pages, but I taped out at page 122.

This book is about a group of women who have all been in the news due to sex scandals or

rape accusations who find themselves on a compound in the middle of the Australian desert.

They have a couple of guards, and no way to escape.

The premise sounded interesting when I heard Russell from Ink and Paper Blog talk about

it, but I couldn't get into the writing.

It didn't compel me to read it, and every time I did pick it up, it felt like I had

been reading for forever without making and progress, so I stopped, because reading is

supposed to be enjoyable and this wasn't.

The book I did finish this week was Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin.

This is a book that I have been meaning to pick up for a while because I really enjoyed

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by this author,

and Chelsea over at Chelsea Dolling Reads is obsessed with this book.

This book is told from a few different points of view, as well as in a few different styles.

It concerns an intern who has a brief fling with a married congressman, and how it impacts

their lives and those around them when the truth comes out.

We start with the point of view of the intern's mother, move on to see the intern move out

of state and change her name she can get a job, whereas the congressman is just fine.

There's a section told in emails to an pen pal, and another set up as a choose your own

adventure with the paths she didn't take crossed out.

It was enjoyable to put together the pieces of the puzzle from these different perspectives,

and see how mistakes have different ripple effects for different people.

If you are looking for an examination of gender inequality or a book told in an alternative

format, pick this one up.

Our Tuesday night dinner club caught up on Riverdale, season 2, episode 13, and one of

the shady adults that I've been yelling for the entire season got even shadier.

There's just no one who isn't shady as all get out on this show.

We also watched episodes 6 and 7 of Survivor, mostly in which Rich walks around naked, and

people start talking about "the merger" which made us cackle, because that's not

what they call it any more; it's the merge.

Being that I was still sort of sick this week, I watched entire seasons of the following two shows.

First, I watched the third season of How to Get Away With Murder.

I'd seen and loved the first two seasons, and just hadn't realized that the third

season had come to Netflix.

I needed to skip back through some plot points in the second season just to remember what

was going on, and rewatched the final episode of that season just to make sure the plot

points were fresh in my mind.

This, of course, is another show where no one is innocent.

At the end of the season opener, you know someone dies in about six weeks, which has

been the format of the show, and it's always so remarkably done.

The show slowly reveals details about the character who has dead, and shows characters

to mark them off your mental list, and the misdirection is well played.

This show is written in a way where you want the next episode or season immediately,

which means I'm trying to stop my brain from obsessing over the end of this season.

If you like puzzles, and stunning acting, and messy interpersonal plots, this is a show for you.

The other season I watched in entirety was Orphan Black, the fifth and final season.

This show is extremely well put together and superbly acted, not just by Tatiana Maslany,

who plays about half of the characters, but by the rest of the cast as well.

The conflicts and resolutions in this season were everything I wanted out of it.

I can't believe I didn't hear more people talking about this show while it was airing.

If you have never heard of this show, it starts with a woman getting of a train and seeing

someone who looks exactly like her.

From there, it is a fast-paced story of family, discovery, and survival, and I highly recommend

picking it up.

This week I listened to The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.

Fun fact - this book that had been on my TBR list on Goodreads for the longest.

It has been there since 2013, and I was finally happy to pick it up for my local Nerdfighter book club.

This is a magical book that follows a traveling circus that is only open at night.

The circus serves as a venue for two proteges to show their magical talents, as their teachers

bound them to this competition as children.

Although Jim Dale did a great job narrating this book, I feel like I would have enjoyed

it, or absorbed more of it, if I read it in physical form.

The plot jumps around in time and location often, and since there are a lot of characters,

I found myself zoning out in a way that I wouldn't if the words were right in front of me.

Imagining what the circus would look like was a lot of fun, and I love that this narrative

also included a fandom element.

There was a group of people dedicated to following the circus around the world whenever money allowed.

This novel also originated as a NaNoWriMo project, which fills me with great joy.

That's it for this week.

If you've read, watched, or listened to any of these, let me know about it down in

the comments below.

On the way down to the comments, if you could hit that Subscribe button, that would be very nice of you.

You can also like and share this as you see fit, and I will see you next time.


[outro music]

For more infomation >> Weekly Entertainment Wrap Up #60 [CC] - Duration: 4:50.


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25 feb. 2018: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> 25 feb. 2018: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 8:36.


【完整版】小大瞳鈴眼!類戲劇興衰史!2018.02.26小明星大跟班 - Duration: 45:04.

For more infomation >> 【完整版】小大瞳鈴眼!類戲劇興衰史!2018.02.26小明星大跟班 - Duration: 45:04.


It`s Not Dubai it`s our Beautyful Bangladesh Hatirjheel water Taxi service Karwan Bazar to Rampura - Duration: 9:52.

Sakib tv 24Hours

For more infomation >> It`s Not Dubai it`s our Beautyful Bangladesh Hatirjheel water Taxi service Karwan Bazar to Rampura - Duration: 9:52.


How to Get Free Virtual Master or Visa Card in Pakistan For Online Shopping [Urdu / Hindi] - Duration: 7:26.

"Subscribe Now"


For more infomation >> How to Get Free Virtual Master or Visa Card in Pakistan For Online Shopping [Urdu / Hindi] - Duration: 7:26.


♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡Legends Never Die♡Tori♡ - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> ♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡Legends Never Die♡Tori♡ - Duration: 1:19.


TRUST 20378 MİKROFON KUTU AÇILIM !!! (TEST) - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> TRUST 20378 MİKROFON KUTU AÇILIM !!! (TEST) - Duration: 4:40.


باري تيوب - موسيقى القافلة (فديو حصري 2018) - موسيقى مجانية بدون حقوق - Duration: 3:42.

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