Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of the Danny Morel show this is

an exciting one for us it's the first time that we're using all of our

incredible new lighting and video equipment this is all temporary what you

see right now we are preparing an incredible studio to produce for you a

weekly show that helps you to grow in every area of your life and if you

haven't figured this out by now one of the things that we're dedicated to to

here on the Danny Morel show is providing you content that helps you

improve what's going on in here and in here if you can improve what's going on

in here and in here what goes on in here we'll get a lot better right and I think

that that's a lot something that a lot of people get confused right they get

that confused they don't understand that money is very simply a reflection of the

value that you are bringing to Planet Earth of the value that you're bringing

to your customers of the person the human being that you are right so if you

want to increase your money if you want to increase your business if you want to

increase what's happening with the amount of clients that you get you first

got to increase yourself and that's why I respect the fact that you're joining

us right now live on the show if you're joining us right now on Facebook I'm

actually watching you right here let me know that you're out there tell me your

name and your state please I've got my trusty little iPad here and I can

actually see what's going on so let me know your state and your name please and

it's another great way for you to connect with other like-minded

individuals as well let's get started I want to respect your time I know that

you're taking away time from your business from your family to be here and

what I was just saying is I respect the fact that you were investing in your

growth we are excited about this we do this on a weekly basis live we do it for

one purpose and that's to help you so a couple of things while we're getting

started here if you're just joining us on Facebook let me know your name and

what state you're joining us from and what industry you're in named State and

Industry and I'm able to watch all of you guys right here so I can interact

with you guys Instagram you guys do the same it's a

great way for you to meet like-minded people that might be close by to you a

couple of great posts this week on Instagram and on Facebook and I'm going

to first start with this one stop being attached to what people think

and you'll become the hunted versus the hunter stop being attached to what

people think and you'll become the hunted versus the hunter people listen

to me right now I'll tell you one of the things that is going to help you

increase your income increase your ability to generate new leads and that

is for you to stop being so attached to what people think about you I'm going to

say that again it's not being at so attached to what

think people think about you it's not being so attached to what happens when

you go out there and make an effort right if you look up a baseball player

for example right my brother just brought this up yesterday's when it came

to my mind you look up a baseball player a baseball player when they strike out

they strike up for the most part the best baseball players what do they do is

walk away you look at the best baseball players when they hit a home run where

they do is hit a home run and walk around

if you look at a rookie or if you look at a baseball player that isn't that

great you know when they strike out they get mad they get pissed off they get yes

or no this is what happens when they hit a home run it's like if they've never

had a home run ever in their lives it's like like celebration goes off why

because they're attached to the outcome and so when you're attached to the

outcome when you're attached to what people think guess what happens you are

hunting for business think about this you are hunting for

business versus people hunting you to come and help them if you're live right

now anywhere right now just please just for kicks kicks and giggles I'm working

on my bad words right now right I want you to let me know do you want to be the

hunted or the hunter doesn't matter who you are right now do you want to be the

hunted or the hunter share it with me on Facebook right now you want to be the

hunted or the hunter think about that think about that next post this was a

good one on Instagram you guys love this one

this is these students reacting to finding out that they were all going to

go see Black Panther and I'm sure you guys got a kick out of that got

something like 3,000 views this video that I posted and what I loved about it

I wrote down imagine if we were all this free this happy this unattached of what

others think free to just go for it without hesitation without worry or

without concern this beautiful group of kids brought a smile to my face and I

thought I'd share with you guys because whatever you're going through it's not

that serious let loose and let it go it reminds me right now as you guys can

tell we're a little bit late with the show right and the cameras were working

and you know to be honestly maybe things should bother me a little bit more they

don't bother me Nick got all nervous my other cameraman got all nervous to be

honest Ian I mean what are we gonna do about it we can't control it right it

wasn't working we started the show the audio wasn't worthy no big deal right

the more that you kind of just like let loose and let joy come into your life

the list of things bother you and the more that you become the hunted versus

the hunter I got a whole bunch of people writing hunted hunted

yeah absolutely okay and the next post number three this was a big one it's not

about what happens to you it never will be for the rest of your friggin life

people for as long as you're in business it never will be about what happens to

you can I tell you why because the things that you don't like that happened

to you are going to continue to happen people are going to continue to let you

down deals are going to continue to fall apart

appointments are going to continue to cancel it is never ever ever about what

happens to you it is always about how you react to what happens to you I'm

going to say that again it is never about what happens to you it is always

about how you react to what happens to you the best of the best in your

industry the best of the best in business the best of the best in the

world at whatever it is that they do they have learned to do one thing and

that is manage their emotions manage their expectations and manage the

meanings that they give to things write that down please manage your

emotions manage your expectations and manage the meanings that you give to

things so what I mean by that guys that I'm going to end with this post will go

into the Today Show I mean that listen things are always going to happen the

way your going to grow as a human being which eventually affects your business

is to understand that you got to learn to fix and adjust and improve the

meanings that you give to those things that happen right if somebody lets you

down or if somebody walks away or if somebody doesn't come through or if a

deal falls through guess what you can't cry over or get upset

over something that you never had so you gotta learn to manage the

expectation you got to learn to manage the meaning and the attachment then you

have two things right as a matter of fact if you're watching me on Facebook

yeah I'm getting a lot of thumbs up right now if you're watching me on

Facebook right now I just gotta ask you real fast what's one thing that you can

get better at managing the meaning that you give to it you all know there's one

downfall there's one thing that gets you like down an out or gets you bummed out

or whatever the case may be what's one thing guys that you can learn you could

say you know what okay Danny you know I hadn't thought about

it that way you know maybe from now on when this happens right let me know what

that thing is maybe you know what maybe I won't be so upset anymore maybe I'll

just realize that that's always gonna happen and as long as I keep getting all

bent out of shape about it I'm never going to grow as a business person

however if I can learn to make adjustments effective learn to make

adjustments with how I'm attached to things then maybe I can become stronger

maybe it won't bug me out as much and maybe instead of wasting two to three

days to a week to a month in a mental funk maybe I can just keep on keeping on

tell me what that is I Stephanie bandage the meanings that

you attach the things boom let me know what that is I'd love to hear from you

guys we've got David from California joining us all bunch of you guys from

Irvine from Utah Brett Graves shout out to all of you guys I love it I love it I

love it all right let's get started with today's lesson everybody

oh listen relentless I know that I promised you we were going to announce

the first second third or the fifth speaker this Monday I'll tell you what

happened the contract is not Inc just yet and I just feel a little bit

uncomfortable announcing that with without the contract written right so

and my letters in Gerard Adams is in Andy Frisella is in but for these last

two these are big big big nationally recognized names and so the final one

our keynote speaker which I'm really really excited about is it's done I just

want to wait to announce that one last so it looks like I'll be announcing both

of them back-to-back here pretty soon if you

haven't already done so get your tickets go to relentless event calm we've got a

brand new website coming up and we look forward to seeing you all there July

11th and 13th guys anticipation write this down please I looked up the meaning

I looked up the meaning of anticipation anticipation is what you look forward to

what you expect or what you predict will occur write that down

anticipation what you look forward to what you expect or what you predict will

occur and the best way that I can give you this example is just what's in front

of you you guys can't see this right now if you're on Instagram maybe you can

just kind of turn it around right my desk my entire office I got rid of it I

got rid of it I sold them I sold all of it because we're literally gonna create

a studio in here what am I what I am anticipating is creating the number one

business podcast in the world that's what I'm anticipating so if I'm

anticipating something that big well then I can't do the podcast anymore

looking into a MacBook does that make sense everybody does that make sense

just write me a yes if you're watching line is this makes sense see if I'm

anticipating creating the best of something in the world

whoa I can't be using cheap equipment right I can't Nick my nephew walks in

today and goes yeah we bought it all it's all ours right new super duper

macbook new beautiful cameras new lighting we got a custom desk coming we

got this beautiful incredible whiteboard coming back and draw and teach to you

guys why it's because of my anticipation because of my anticipation that's why

it's because of what I see in the future is because what I'm predicting will

occur it's because of what I'm looking forward to so then people ask me all the

time well then then wait a minute wait a minute so what does that mean it means

simple it means that when you anticipate a big future you're willing to step

up in a big way I'm gonna say that again when you're anticipating a big future

you're willing to step up in a big way if you got to cut a check to buy

equipment you cut a check to buy equipment doesn't matter there's revenue

coming in to cover the check doesn't matter anything as long as you have it

you plant the seed you plant the seed because of what you anticipate in the

future will happen so here's what that means I want you to really think about

that it means that if you're not investing in your business and if you're

not growing your business could it potentially be that you're not

anticipating something exciting enough for your future something for you to

think about see because the reality is guys is when you anticipate a big future

you gaurd two things with everything you have

write this down when you anticipate a big future you guard two things with

everything you have by the way I think more people need to be listening to this

message if you're on Facebook help me out share it share it and invite people

tag them right now when you anticipate a big future you

guard two things with everything you have and people listen I'm gonna tell

you right now this right here what I'm about to show you this is the disease of

the human spirit right now is that we let go of these two things we give these

two things to everybody and everything and every situation and every occurrence

our two most valuable resources we just give them away for free to whoever wants

them write this down time and energy

time and energy people I want you to think about this when you

anticipate a pretty crappy future guess what it doesn't matter you have to guard

this you don't have to guard or respect your time

you sure as heck don't have to guard and respect your energy you have to guard

and respect what you focus on you can feel free to do whatever it is that you

want to do why because there's nothing to hold you accountable in the future

does this make sense there's nothing that you're looking toward that is big

enough and exciting enough so guess what you can easily distracted by anything

that happens I'll give you a perfect example of everybody everybody if you

can just write down I see a lot of you guys or yes as it JT I see you

Gus absolutely just write down I protect my time and energy write that

down as an affirmation Instagram Facebook write it down right now

wherever you are step out of the ego step out of the comfort zone

the ego tells you don't be writing nothing down yeah that's why we're

stuck where we're at because we're listening to the wrong voice write it down I protect

my time and my energy my time and my energy are my two most valuable

resources it's not your money by the way it's not your money many of you are

stuck in mediocrity and we're stuck not growing life because we think money is

our most valuable resource no time and energy

many of who you are afraid to invest in mentorship you are afraid to invest in

coaching you're afraid I can mention I could mention that I'm bringing I've

been mentioned that I'm bringing Tom Brady Barack Obama and uh I don't know

for entertainment Jennifer Lopez and you still would be scared to invest $299

which the event is kind of gonna be that good right it's gonna Nick is like shut

up it's gonna be that kind of good the people I got coming but I want you to

really think about this like I can bring the world to you but if you think money

is the most valuable resource and if you feel like you have and if you have a

money scarcity guess what I can tell you it's $199 for the event you'll still oh my god it's $199

because your consciousness is off because you're giving away your time and

energy to anything because you're not willing to plant the seed in the future

that you see for yourself it's because you're not anticipating something

incredible something majestic something beautiful

you're really not listen you're hoping hope

you're hoping someday you can buy your family that dream home you're hoping

someday you make it you're hoping someday your income goes up you're

hoping something your business grows but you ain't anticipating it two different

words two different words completely and I know this is striking a quarter of

people so let's keep moving here your energy write this down I got to protect

my energy share with me on Facebook come on I see you guys that's right Rudy says

scared money doesn't make money absolutely write it down I gotta protect

my energy here's what I mean but I'm gonna give you a couple different

examples you see when I'm anticipating a huge future I got to be careful with who

I surround myself with period point-blank

because the wrong people will SAP your most valuable resource

your energy you've heard me say this before wherever you're at you've heard

me say this before there's only two states that you can be in a beautiful

state and a suffering state a beautiful state and a suffering and say write this

down on Facebook come on bring it bring it if you want to be in a

beautiful state you need to step out in faith I live in a beautiful state write

it down write it down I live in a beautiful state right so how do you

protect your energy I'll give you a perfect example some of you guys call me

mean you call me cutthroat I don't give a damn what you call me I'm protecting

my energy I don't protect my energy you're literally taking food off of my

kids table I am NOT gonna let your stupidity take food off of my kid's

table I'll show you how Facebook Facebook you guys have a Facebook

account you all do right absolutely we all do yeah Instagram right so this what

happens when the flu season comes what does everybody start posting I'm sick

I'm feeling bad why one reason they want attention

how about these people that post all these negative videos of people beating

each other up how about people that constantly post when they have a problem

with politics or with the president they're constantly just discussing and

arguing how about these people that constantly post what's going wrong in

their life how about these people that constantly how about these people that

constantly how about these people that constantly and guess who's the worst one

you because you're watching all of it

whether you realize it or not it's sapping you of your energy and so for me

personally I protect my energy so much my future that I'm anticipating is so

bright I love my family so much if there is anything that I see that is not in

alignment with the positivity that I want to feel in my heart my mind and

soul I delete you and I cut you you're no longer my friend oh but that's so

mean no no no no what's mean is me not being able to provide for my family

what's mean does not mean I being able to fulfill my destiny my god-given

destiny that vision that vision that I see in here that's what's me

I'd rather protect that and then by the way if you get mad at that and you come

to me the right way I'll show you and I'll teach you and I'll help you but

outside of that I've got to protect my energy think about this when it comes to

relationships think about this when it comes to what you watch think about this

when it comes to the people around you think about this when it comes to what

you focus on think about when it comes to your attachment to things deals fall

through cameras don't work whatever why am I gonna get upset about it all I'm

doing is I'm giving my energy away the things that are out of my control I'm

anticipating such a great future it's very very difficult for you to take my

energy away just recently here locally just recently I shouldn't even be giving

any energy but whatever I'm gonna use it as an example

people love to post negative things about me on Facebook I'd love to make

their little jabs they love to make their little cheap shots they love to

that's okay it's no problem here locally they just you know sometimes they just

get a little mad or whatever they have a negative opinion that's okay

as a leader I've got to protect my energy I can't comment back I can't

respond back can't say anything why because I'm anticipating such a

great future I don't have I don't have the energy to give to that my energy is

focused on better things people guard your energy

because all money is you want me to tell you all money is is energy if you want to grow

your money you got a guard your energy number one number two you got to pour

your energy into the right things versus the wrong things the next thing number

two your time your time time

absolutely Robert Walkins just put that's called business maturity that's

called business maturity that's exactly what that is we'll probably talk about

that next week but it's the same thing with your time right the more and more

that I anticipate a brighter future the more and more that I gotta guard my time

so as a salesperson for example I cannot waste my time with anyone that isn't

pre-qualified if I don't I anticipate a great future guess what I can go talk to

and meet with whoever wants to meet with me look I love you guys and for the most

part I'm giving so many messages right now it's getting to the point where it's

getting kind of tough to respond to everybody but everybody I respond with

like a thumbs up or a fist bump or whatever the case may be I at least want

to acknowledge you that I appreciate you following me and I appreciate the

community that we're building right now I really really do but then I got to be

able to guard my time because sometimes you guys have you know take it a little

step further and said listen there's so much that I'm giving a lot of you're

asking me for mentorship this is mentorship I don't got to get on the

phone with you and I don't got to walk you through a 30 minute coaching session

to do I can but it's gonna cost you 2,500 bucks you want to pay me 2,500

bucks for 30 minutes that's great if not here's what I'm to recommend go back and

watch all of the podcasts that I've ever done before you will find all of your

answers there gotta guard my time I think about that real fast okay if you

can just walk away from today understanding that you must guard your

time and your energy it'll literally change your life it'll change your

business it'll absolutely change instantly a minute that you make the

decision that your time and your energy are your two most valuable resources okay

so now we've got a couple of minutes left in the show this is actually my

favorite part we're going to open up for our Q&A or a Q&A so if you're on

Instagram or if you're on Facebook I'd love for you to ask me whatever you're

going through whatever you need help with and I will let you know I'm not

going to keep asking you you ask me I will answer and we will get through all

of these all right guys what questions do you have that I can help you with

Instagram Nick you're going to help me out on

Instagram what questions do you have that I can help you with and I'll answer

them to the best of my ability we have anything on Instagram just yet nope so

who's the first brave soul on Facebook come on there's about 70 of you watching

Jose time is priceless it absolutely is

Cory Tran asks what advice would you give a part-time new agent what advice

would you give a part-time new agent the first advice that I would give you Cory

is get stop being so vague and start getting more clear

because that is such a broad question right and I'm gonna help you here Cory

what advice you mean do you want me to give you about what about eating about

producing about making money about about what so this is this is for all of you

guys the clearer you are with your intentions in one area the clearer you

will be in your intentions in another area

Cory imma change your life right now you need to get very very clear with your

intentions and you need to get very very clear with when you intend it to become

full-time that's my answer the best advice I can give okay Carlos what is

the one book that made you successful there is not one book that made me

successful that's impossible as a matter of fact if I can answer that

honestly I became successful at 18 years old

I became successful the moment that I got cleared with the type of man I was

going to be the type of business I was going to build it didn't necessarily

mean that I had all the answers but you can because you can't at that age

I just knew deep in my heart who I wanted to become in the future and I had

a sense of what I wanted to look like and then I became successful I think

when I took that risk at 18 years old I was in business I was driving the my

tortilla truck I took a risk that was a risk that I didn't see that many people

around me taking so success happened as a result of the vision that I had and

the risk that I took to accomplish that vision a book, a seminar, a coaching

agreement, a mentor those all come to support the risk and to support the

decision so there's not one book necessarily but if you want I am on the

last podcast what are the last one I gave you three just off the top of my

head the greatest salesman in the world The Four Agreements

and the one minute millionaire are three spot on books and then yeah spot on books okay

we got one on Instagram Facebook I'm coming back to you next MoeResoles_realator asks I want to hit 120 transactions this year with a team of 4 what should I or what should I

as the leader focus on to be the most productive? yeah that's a great freakin question Moe number one you need

to get coaching message me honest to god that's the first thing you need to do

you need to humble yourself to realize that it's you listen guys in business

you can do things two ways the long way or the short way right and the short way

is to find somebody that's done what you've done and let them mentor you and

guide you but if I were to tell you the number one thing you need to focus on is

taking listings if they're not high quality pre-qualified listings you

absolutely do not invest your time in anything outside of that everything else

must be outsourced everything else must be delegated and in order to take a

to close a hundred and twenty you're gonna need to take realistically

realistically in the perfect model if I was coaching you a hundred and twenty

listings which would mean you need to take about ten listings a month which

would mean you need to average two to three listings a week that's what I would do and

it's doable because that's what I do

can I be successful working solo with no okay hold on we're getting a lot of

them down I'm getting backed up so hang on what's up Danny I get stuck whoa we're

gonna a lot of them Danny I get stuck on not doing my

follow-up religiously my issue is that I often feel like I'm pestering people

what advice would you give me that's a great question Alex um change your

perspective of it so this changed my life I used to feel

like I was bothering people until one day what I did is I started to realize

you know the reality is is that I'm the best guy out there doing the job that I

do none of my competition is better none of them and so as a result if people are

going to do something if they are going to buy or sell a house or if they are

going to do something that I happen to do the best option for them is me and

then I started developing the story a little bit deeper I started telling

myself wait a minute if the best option for them is me then what that really

means is if they choose another option that other option could be harmful for

them and then I started to reinforce that story like listen I did that as a

real estate agent and that's what got me the 10 to 12 listings I did that when I

built my brokerage and that's what God has looked if you're in Southern

California right now go look at the closed units for all brokerages in

Southern California two of our seven offices are in the top ten right now and

the beauty is is that those two have less agents than all of the other

offices and the other beauty is that those two offices don't have a national

name brand and the other beauty is then those two offices are the newest offices

out of the ten how does that happen it's simple I realized that I'm the best

at what I do at providing the service and the

training that the people need and where did I learn that I learned that as an

agent so Alex to answer your question listen my man you need to get clear with

how great you really are because when you are you're not

pestering people on the contrary you're helping people ok great question Alex

great question Shannon I need help creating my listing

presentation please steer me in the right direction Shannon you're with us

go talk to Wendy she could take care of that right away for you

Raul Tobates Raul what's up buddy I know you can I be successful working

solo and no team well Raul that depends on what your definition of

success is so for example just to give you an idea we have agents that we train

that are no team by themselves in some cases with no assistant closing 40 to 50

deals a year earning half a million dollars a year so I think that that's

pretty successful as a matter of fact Raul I think that you could be more

successful by yourself because for a couple of different reasons you'll be

more profitable by yourself so the answer is yes Raul you can become

whatever you want to become you just got to decide to become ok you got to

decide to become it and you got to guard the stories that you're creating about

whatever it is that you do so yes they're successful individuals they're

successful teams I don't think that's what matters I think that you've got to

just guard what it is that you're doing and you got a guard beneath it Instagram

E Jones news asks what is one unique technique you used to get business E Jones News

says what is one unique technique to get business you E Jones you're not going to

like this the one unique technique that I use to get business is that I don't

ever look for any unique techniques to get business

don't try to reinvent the wheel people look people this is the best advice I

can give you and I'm telling you this because this is what I do here's

here's the key I go and I find people that have done what I am looking to

accomplish I knock on their door and I say excuse me excuse me yeah me yohoo hey can I get your attention okay

you're really good at what you do I eventually want to do what you do how

much would you charge me to teach me everything that you know and then since

I'm not afraid of money I just pull out my checkbook

I ran a check I say here you go when do we start and then on the first

conversation I shut up and I listen to whatever they tell me to

do and then whatever they tell me to do this is theokay you're going to want to

write this down because this is going to blow your mind

I actually do it that's the key that's the key and so if you were to ask me what is

the unique thing that I do to generate business it's that I don't look for a

unique thing I looking for what works for other people and I go frickin

master those things that's what I do I keep it simple I'm not the brightest guy

in the world guys I'm really not I'm really not so I'm not trying to reinvent

the wheel what I am trying to do is I'm trying to see what works and then I'm

trying to get really really really really good at that as a matter of fact

I'm trying to become the best at that hope that helps let's see as busy as you

are okay so we're okay here's another one

Rimmel Sanchez writes how do I stay on track with my goals I want it now but

they seem so far this is a big one you got to stop looking at the yearly goal

and start looking at the quarterly goal and the monthly goal so Rimmel in your

case I know your goal you're one of our clients you want to close 30

transactions this year I wouldn't be focused on the 30 I would be focused on

what I to do in February to be on track to hit

the thirty how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time how do you eat an

elephant one bite at a time we've discussed this before on this show by

the way the minute you start looking at the big

picture is the minute you go oh my god it seems so far away so take that

picture and bring it down into bite-sized pieces and on a weekly on a

daily basis you should have something that you need to do to make sure that

you hit your weekly targets to make sure that if you hit the weekly target you

hit the monthly target if you hit the monthly target you hit the quarterly

target if you hit the quarterly target you will hit the yearly target as busy as

you are what is the key to managing work and family time to be successful and

happy Michael it's a decision to some of these answers you're not going to like

but they're they're the truth and I want you to listen to them over and over

Michael the key to managing work and family time to be successful and happy

is to decide that you are going to be a successful and happy businessman and

family man that's a it's a being choice Michael I want you to go watch the show

that I did with Claudia my wife it's a couple of it was like a year ago but

it's one of the best shows we've ever done but the key is Michael there's

going to be periods and phases in your life where you kind of gotta go all in

and then there's going to be period and phases in your life where you can take a

step back a little bit in the peak periods and phases of your life where

you got to go all in guess what you also need to go all in with communication you

got to be able to talk to your spouse you got to be able to talk to your kids

I'd invite them and I talk to them about everything I'll tell them hey guys

listen kids I just want to let you know I'm gonna be going away for a trip for

three days but as soon as I get back I'm gonna take the day off and I'm gonna

hang out with you guys or the opposite I'll take a day off or the afternoon off

before right or if I know I got to go for a good stretch of hard work you know

for like a four or five day hard stretch then I'll make sure at least one of

those days I get home a little bit early and I spend time with them but guess my

why that happens cuz you make a decision that that's what you're gonna be about

that's why okay Instagram Sandy properties asks how would

you best market yourself if you wanted to be available for the community you

want to serve okay Sandy how would you best market yourself if you wanted to

be available for the community you want to serve how would you best market

yourself if you want to be available you know this whole time I've been

wondering like where is that noise coming from it's coming from the iPad

but how would you best market yourself if you want to be available to the

community that you want to serve or I think the first thing I would ask myself

it's so funny I was just on those podcasts this morning all of you pay

attention please there's three types of lead generations

there's high profit low leverage

there's high leverage lower profit and there's higher profit high leverage

that's it whatever anybody tells you there's no wrong way to do it what you

got to do in this case what is her name Sandy in this case what you got to do is

you got to first identify where you're at in your life and your business I'll

give you an example yesterday we ran an ad right nationwide for our coaching

company we want to get it going because we believe and we know we're the best

available for anybody that needs coaching in the real estate space we

know that for a fact so now decide to spread the message

right so I can go about it two ways I can either go and start asking people to

let me go speak or where I'm at in my life I can afford to take my money and

leverage that money and run ads so that's being honest with myself I can

afford it all day long I can even keep putting it out there and keep putting

out there even if nothing else comes back I'm ok with that

but you may not be able to do that right now you may not have that luxury so if

you want to learn how to market yourself correctly the first thing you got to do

is you gotta learn to be honest with yourself right you gotta learn to be

honest with yourself how good are your skills

how good are you at converting if not you need help with

right how good are you and uh at going out and writing if not maybe I

wouldn't do that how much money do you have to invest in marketing if not I

would put that aside I would go out and I will go knock on doors and meet people

it's not what anybody nowadays wants to hear because it's called hard work if I

were to go on and work my tail off for three years doing the basics getting in

front of as many people as I possibly can and after three years when I'm

making a quarter of a million three hundred thousand four hundred thousand a

year by the way you're never going to get there if you don't anticipate it

there's a little key then I can start changing and I can start running

Facebook ads which for me if you're going to spend any money anywhere it's

on Facebook right uh guys I think I am done because

I gotta rest my voice I gotta get a bite to eat and I've got a coaching webinar

right here at one o'clock we have one here I'm gonna go rapid fire I don't

know how to invest and I have three thousand dollars to invest what I should

or should I invest in the short-term nothing that's too little keep going

keep working hard and keep saving your money you need way more money to invest

there's not much you can do with 3000 bucks just put it aside you know what I

did invest I did invest in peace of mind and I start to put away six months

reserves that's what I would do Danny you were in a funk before and you

mentioned that your kids in the ice chest was a turning point for you yes it

was what did you specifically for the 12 months after that experience yeah Dave

I went back to basics I'll tell you exactly what I did I told my wife babe you're

not gonna see me for the next four months she goes good get the hell out of

here and I went and worked seven days a week for four months in a row

and I went back to what I knew how to do which was it wasn't even all that

luxurious I didn't even go back to listings I really didn't to be perfectly

honest with you I went back and I worked with buyers the lowest hanging fruit

possible because I was in such a mental funk in my mind I knew I just needed to

feel good about myself people I couldn't even afford rent we couldn't even afford

our own place like I know now you follow me on Instagram and stuff I show you our

home and our property it's over an acre it's a beautiful property yeah just not

too long ago I literally couldn't afford a gallon of milk or rent Nick you were

right there Nick was literally right there when Claudia was 9 months pregnant

and got her car repossessed that wasn't too long ago so when you're in a mental

funk you gotta again be honest with yourself that's the problem

nowadays human beings hate being honest with themselves don't like the truth the truth was

I was in a mental funk so I couldn't expect myself to go out and

do videos I couldn't expect myself to go out and take listings I needed to go

after the lowest hanging fruit which at that time were first-time homebuyers and

so I went out for six months people and I am NOT fibbing at all

I closed 28 deals in six months I think it was even 30 deals in six months

working seven days a week I made enough money to pay everybody back

I got us our place and then I took a deep breath and I asked myself all right

now I'm out of the funk what do I want to do and that's what led me to this

but I would have never been here today if I wasn't honest with myself and

just you know be brutally honest mentally I wasn't strong enough to do

anything but go after the lowest hanging fruit Danny what do you recommend for

lenders in this market to best partner with agents like yourself and your team

Nate you're not partnering with myself and my team because we got a pretty

strong relationship unless you want to go talk to the relationships that we

have but if you want to talk to people you know other top people you got to get

in front of them you got to perfect your skills you got to perfect your value

proposition you got to get much much much stronger at much much much stronger

at understanding what your value proposition is and then you got to keep

dripping on them and dripping on them and dripping on them and dripping on

them and dripping on them relentlessly you got to be forefront of

their minds so that when they're ready to make a switch guess what boom they

call on you anything else I'll do these fast I have a schedule you're one of my

clients just message me you're welcome Thanks Danny thanks Danny yup you got it you got

it you got it friends I know

you'reu getting a lot from this but three days with myself and everybody go

check that event out we've got a new website coming up next week thanks again

if you brought any value or if you found any value from the show please

share it with some friends who might need this type of this type of advice you know

what this type of energy just kind of put them all right see you next


For more infomation >> Anticipation: How It Affects Everything You Do! - Duration: 43:55.


Färglägg Babblarna - Babba, Bobbo, Bibbi, Diddi, Doddo, Dadda - Coloring Colors - Färger för Barn - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Färglägg Babblarna - Babba, Bobbo, Bibbi, Diddi, Doddo, Dadda - Coloring Colors - Färger för Barn - Duration: 4:04.


After the Show Show: Priest's three-pointer goes viral - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> After the Show Show: Priest's three-pointer goes viral - Duration: 2:58.


Catchlights: Two Minute Tips with David Bergman - Duration: 2:19.

Hey there.

I'm photographer David Bergman,

and this is Two Minute Tips for


Today we're going to talk about

catch lights. Why they're important, and

how to create them. What is a catchlight

you say? Well I'll tell you. Our

eyes are very reflective, almost like a

mirror. Catchlights are simply the

reflection of the light source and your

subjects eyes. Often it's a small

specular highlight that gives your

subject just a little glint in their eye.

They say that the eyes are the window to

the soul, and catchlights are important

because they give your subject life.

Catchlights can come from any light

source, with the most common being the

Sun. We're used to seeing that tiny speck

of light in the top corner of our

subjects eyes, because that's usually

where the Sun is.

When using a flash we often put it

higher than our subject. Not only is it

generally more pleasing, but the catchlight

mimics the look of the Sun since

you can't see it, once it's below the

horizon. Now to get a good catchlight,

your subject needs to be facing the

light source, whether that's the Sun, a

window, a reflector, or even a flash. Catch-

lights come in all shapes and sizes, and

if we're controlling the light with

flash, the size and shape will change

depending on which light modifier you're

using, and how close it is. As a

photographer you can look at other

people's images and try to figure out

how they lit the photo, just by checking

out the catchlights. In this photo you

can see that I used a photo umbrella

because there's a round shape reflected

in violets eyes. If I was using a softbox

you'd see a rectangular shape, and when I

use a ring-light you see that funky

round donut right in the middle of her

eyes. Catchlights are a small detail, but

don't underestimate their importance to

your portraits, even if you're not

shooting close-ups of the eyes. Control

the size and shape so that you can see

them and bring life to your subjects

through that extra little twinkle in

their eyes. Thanks for joining me today

on AdoramaTV. Don't forget to subscribe

for more amazing videos. Follow me on

social media @DavidBergman and go to

the Adorama Learning Center for lots

of other great tips and tricks

For more infomation >> Catchlights: Two Minute Tips with David Bergman - Duration: 2:19.


The Trapper Trailer Ufficiale - Duration: 0:40.

I'm Hide

I am 17 years old ...

I heard your new song ...

The first Esflix series

nice shit


You would betray your ideals

I decided to start doing Trap

For fame

and what should I do to become a trapper?

From March 1st

I feel like a jerk!

For more infomation >> The Trapper Trailer Ufficiale - Duration: 0:40.


DRINK ? | New Short Movie 2018 - Salman Shaikh Music | Full HD New Video 2018 - Duration: 9:32.

For more infomation >> DRINK ? | New Short Movie 2018 - Salman Shaikh Music | Full HD New Video 2018 - Duration: 9:32.



Materials 100 gr white chocolate 2 tablespoons coconut 2 tablespoon cream Almond

Melt chocolate with Benmari style

2 tablespoon cream

2 tablespoons coconut

1 hour in the fridge

For more infomation >> BEYAZ ÇİKOLATALI TRUFFLE - WHITE CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:10.


Business Productivity - How to get Productivity Superpowers - Duration: 3:36.

Hi.. I'm Judy Machado-Duque author of life purpose playbook and founder of

productivity goddess. In this video I am going to share with you how to get

productivity superpowers, so make sure you watch this video until the end so

that you can get a copy of my free worksheet called my before noon

income-producing method. So, let's begin. What's your revenue goal? If you don't

have a revenue goal that's like getting in a car and not having a destination

not having a GPS because you don't have a destination. And therefore you drive

around and around and around and around and you don't even know really where

you're going similar to in your business if you don't have a revenue goal then

you. Your GPS won't know what routes to take to get to to get you to your final

destination. You already know this the first step to

getting anything you want is to get clear crystal clear on exactly what you

want, because everything that we want in our lives we must first imagine it we

must first see it in here before we can see it out here. So, go ahead right now

and write on a piece of paper exactly what your revenue goal is for this year.

Income producing activities. What are some income producing activities that

will help you to reach that revenue goal that'll help you to grow your business

the reason why these are called income producing activities is because they

have the potential of producing income for you there are activities that you do

that have the potential of producing income for you. So for example contacting

somebody who is an existing client and asking for referrals, another example

would be booking a networking event or attending a networking event where your

potential clients are there and you're speaking to them, another example might

be following up with somebody you've already spoken to about your products or

services. My favorite one is reaching out to people every day and asking them

if they know anyone in their network who might benefit from your products or

services. I guarantee that there are so many income producing activities that

you can take on in your business so just take a minute right now and think of

those think of all of them and write them down and create a list

yourself. Step 3 pick one income-producing activity and do it

every single day. Ofcourse you can do any one of your income-producing

activities one every single day a different one every single day. However I

want to challenge you for a moment I want you to imagine that you chose only

one of those income-producing activities on your list and what if at the very

least you follow through with that one income-producing activity every single

day before noon. Imagine the possibility that can come from that imagine how

quickly you'll become an expert at that one income-producing activity just from

doing that over and over and over again and imagine the momentum that you can

bring into your business. You can see just how powerful it can be choose one

of those income-producing activities and follow through with it every single day.

So, there you go now you know my three tips to help you to get some

productivity superpowers but can you use some guidance to help you to take action

on those income-producing activities every single day? Well no problem! I have

got a free PDF for you called my before noon income-producing

method so make sure you click on the link in the description below and

download that now. If you like this video hit the like button below share with

your friends and be sure to subscribe! Thanks for watching and I'll see you in

the next video!

For more infomation >> Business Productivity - How to get Productivity Superpowers - Duration: 3:36.


Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ Hands On First Look! || Samsung Galaxy S9 Clone Unboxing! - Duration: 1:16.

Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ Hands On First Look! || Samsung Galaxy S9 Clone Unboxing!

For more infomation >> Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ Hands On First Look! || Samsung Galaxy S9 Clone Unboxing! - Duration: 1:16.


Gonen & SonDorock - Beni Hor Görme Gardaşım - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Gonen & SonDorock - Beni Hor Görme Gardaşım - Duration: 4:25.


Empadão de Atum com Espinafres e Batata Doce - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> Empadão de Atum com Espinafres e Batata Doce - Duration: 7:24.


spice | MV (happy birthday jon!) - Duration: 1:55.

Though, it'd be fine if I were to give up...

Though I'm thinking I should just quit;

I can't even run away.

So unsteady, so unsteady...

Because I have no confidence,

I can't even express myself.

Which makes me lose my confidence, in a spiral.

Spinning, spinning...

If I have a smile,

I don't need a single thing;

I don't need,

expensive things,

or flashy jewlery.

Let's gather around the dinner table,

setting spaces for,

yesterday's mistakes

and uncertain tomorrows.

Hey, y'know, I don't need a single thing.

I don't need,

exquisite flavors,

or fancy presentation.

Even if the taste of tears

are salty-

In the end,

If you can still smile,

That's spice.

For more infomation >> spice | MV (happy birthday jon!) - Duration: 1:55.


Peppa Pig Puzzles with Baby Peppa and Friends - Cartoons for Children - Duration: 2:33.

Peppa Pig Puzzles

Awesome Cartoons for Children

For more infomation >> Peppa Pig Puzzles with Baby Peppa and Friends - Cartoons for Children - Duration: 2:33.


2018 BMW M760Li xDrive REVIEW - Duration: 5:12.

Today I'm in the back of a car with a price tag of €300.000,-

I can stretch my legs, I am almost lying back here

For the record: I'm in a BMW M760Li, powered by V12 Biturbo engine

Good for a maximum power of 610 hp and 800 Nm torque

0 to 100 km/h only takes 3.7 seconds and it stops accelerating at 305 km/h

And when I hear those numbers, I definitely want to get behind the wheel

Let's change!

This is the reason that I wanted to change!

Today we are in Germany, currently on the German Autobahn witht the M760Li

It feels like a fish in the water on the Autobahn

This specific car has the M Driver's Package, which means that it's limited a 305 km/h instead of 250 km/h

Unfortunately we are currently also driving with winter tires... They are limited at 240 km/h

But still nothing the complain about; the max speed in the Netherlands is only 120 km/h

And a car like this only comes to live above 120 km/h

It's no joke, this car feels good at speeds above 150 a 160 km/h

Of course it's also very fast from 0 to 100 km/h, only 3.7 seconds

But the best are the 100 - 200 km/h accelerations, crazy!

610 hp worth of luxury...

Even before I started driving this car today...

I was doubting if the M760Li was worth wearing that M-badge

But as soon as you start driving, you forget about that question

1) It has the looks of a BMW M

2) It has the performance of a BMW M

3) And it also has the sound of a BMW M

This V12 engine sounds absolutely gorgeous

Of course it's not a car for the Swiss Alps

Also not a car for any other mountain road, although it's still possible

It's just way too heavy; 2.2 tons and is 5.2 meters in length

But it are the ingredients to drive in a very comfortable and relaxed way

And thát's what this car doest best

Is it worth wearing an M-badge? Yes of course it is!

It has the sounds, the looks and the performance... We accept that M-badge

BMW is producing the 7-series since 1987, also available with a V12 engine all that time

But BMW never produced it as a luxurious and powerful BMW M limousine

And now they finally do it, it's definitely a success

We see more and more cars like the M760Li getting registered

The only downside is that I can't get it with diplomatic license plates

You should need one... It's só fast

The BMW M760Li is ridiculous!

For more infomation >> 2018 BMW M760Li xDrive REVIEW - Duration: 5:12.


Contradicciones de la ley contra los consumidores de marihuana en España - Duration: 6:55.

- Brotsanbert is one of the best cannabic lawyers office in Spain. We talked with them in Thc Valencia...

- They revealed a few incongruences of the system agaisnt cannabic activists.

- We've come to talk about drogo test... How our processes at constituonal work... We've got a bad new...

- Not surpising because the last sentences are being really conservative... And it says that

- like all of we know... Constituional question we presented to court in Vitoria,

- the judge, understanding the law as not constitutional, traffic law wich punish only via presence of drugs in

- your body while driving... As simple as that sounds. Constitutional court didn't admitted it but their resolution

- is that cannabis presence in your body affects to driving capacities. It means... Juridic aberration. Only for havin

- a molecule, a person can be punished without subjective proves about its affectation to drive.

- We're studying a resource to Human Rights court and other resource for a therapeutic member of an association

- and we're waiting for a better answer but we has no great hope... We'll do all we can to fight this.

- It seems constitutional court has it really clear... They don't valuate the reality,

- from a moral point of view, navarra law has been destroyed... And catalan and basque laws seems to follow

- the same way... And Ebers sentence with fundamental rights vulnerated... They'll repeat the process

- but you can understand their ideology. Drug addicition is a problem all around the world

- and that all initiatives to secure consumption, it's a protection to something they consideer as morally incorrect.

- Yes, we're wainting for PANAC case... Constitutional admited it for not being a regular case...

- Over any kind of tecnic question... It's an important case at social level, also economic

- level and we understand that answer cannot be so simple. Or well or bad, we're waiting for an answer

- and acceptation... Without other motives that should drive to absolution, not only repeating the process.

- There's an important ellement in Panac's case. They consolidated right's reallity... Shared collective cultivation

- avaled by continuated absolutions giving them back their plants... Without interventions being from Panac...

- Avaled by basque courts and even basque police. Prohibitionism point of view by constitutional court

- avoids a lot of realities... They can't hide it.

- Absolute sentence of Besaya Bowling, that wanted to reflect it was an error, but the basis is a previous archive.

- Not cannabis returning... Only money return... So Panac' case should be absolved

- in constitutional court. We've recently got another absolution in Canary Islands

- of a grower that owned 13.5kg... Evidently it wasn't and weight in was erroneous. At the end it's like with clubs

- jurisprudence with wich it seems a few courts are opener... At penal level we get even marihuana returns

- and even in provitial audiences... But then the high courts... In connection with political power,

- make these kind of initiatives to fall down, even coming from other courts. We must fight for our rights.

For more infomation >> Contradicciones de la ley contra los consumidores de marihuana en España - Duration: 6:55.


TryOnesLuck - Minecraft Survival - Snapshot 18w08b - Duration: 2:07:10.

For more infomation >> TryOnesLuck - Minecraft Survival - Snapshot 18w08b - Duration: 2:07:10.


LGR - Resound OPL3: Surround Sound AdLib Card! - Duration: 10:03.

Greetings and welcome to an LGR thing!

And today's thing is the TexElec

Resound OPL3 8-bit ISA sound card released in February of 2018 and

currently costing $77.99.

So yep this is yet another

newly-made retro sound card with AdLib compatibility.

That itself is

nothing new, there are several good AdLib clones floating around these days.

But the Resound has one heck of a neat gimmick that sets it apart.

This not only

uses the OPL3 sound chip instead of an OPL2 -- you know this was the sound chip

that was really popular with tons of early 90s sound cards like the

Sound Blaster 16 and compatibles -- but it also introduces, get this: four channels

of OPL3 sound!

That's right, surround sound AdLib is

technically possible!

Before we go any further this is not a sponsored

video and they didn't give this to me for free or anything.

I just bought it

and I happen to like it.

So let's talk about it!

For one thing I just enjoy the

visual design of this card, it's a very striking look and it's clean looking and

there's a few items on it that stand out from your normal

AdLib clone kind of thing.

First off is this dip switch bank here for changing the base I/O address

from the AdLib's default of 388h.

At this point there's really not much

reason to ever want to change this but the option is there in case you do.

It also has a set of line level input pins up here acting as an auxiliary input in

case you want to daisy-chain other sound devices.

And you see all these red blocky

things here?

These are WIMA film capacitors, which it uses instead of your

normal electrolytics, which are paired with some input and output decoupling

capacitors to try and block DC noise in the audio path to get a much cleaner

sounding output.

It also has its own 14.31818MHz

oscillator instead of just relying on the ISA bus of whatever PC

you install it in.

This is done to prevent any pitch-changing on select

older machines with differing bus speeds than maybe the AdLib or the game expects.

And of course you have two 3.5mm audio outputs

one for the front left and right speakers

and the other for the rear left and right.

And being that this is an

AdLib-compatible kind of thing the installation is quite simple.

As long as

you have a free 8-bit ISA slot you're good.

But for the games I want to play I

like using it on 486 machines like this Unisys CWD-4002 I'm installing this

one in right here.

And that's it for basic usage, you don't have to set up any

drivers or software.

If an old game is gonna look for AdLib it's gonna look

for 388h, which is what this uses.

So let's hit up a few of the pros of the

device straight away.

And for one thing there is no emulation, as I mentioned

earlier this is a proper FM synth on-board: a Yamaha YMF262

OPL3 sound chip, ah!

Not only is it a great chip but it

has really clean output on this card, probably the best I've heard from any

sound card with an OPL3 chip.

Seriously it's dead silent if there's nothing

playing, and all the games I tried sound just as they should.

Listen to some of this stuff and enjoy!

*good AdLib stuff plays for a while*

*mmm, Tyrian. Sounds like OPL3 but it's using OPL2!*


*the lesser-played latter half of the Space Quest III theme*

Then there's the surround sound mode which just amuses me to no end that it exists!

Apparently while designing the card and researching the OPL3 datasheet

they noticed a feature which does not seem to have ever been implemented on

a commercial sound card back in the day.

Which is that on the OPL3 chip there

were two more channels beyond the usual two for stereo that are supported

straight from the factory.

It's worth noting this is different than what the Surround Sound Module did

with the Adlib Gold card in 1992.

That simply layered some reverb and echo effects on top of existing games and added simulated

stereo depth to a few games that supported that, but did not have any output for separate

additional sound channels and rear speakers like the Resound does.

Now at this point there are no games or really

anything that supports it except this one demo program that comes with the

sound card itself from TexElec.

But hey, it's there!

So you can get your

normal speakers, plug those into the front, and then two more speakers.

Like, I just have some random ones here we're gonna put behind the camera.

This is not a surround sound video, so it's only in stereo, it's

not gonna be the best example.

But yeah, just listen to this!

*front left channel plays*

*front right channel plays*

*rear left channel plays*

*rear right channel plays*

Yeah there are four distinct channels

all around you with AdLib sound coming out of it!

That's just so cool to me,

I hope that somebody does something with this in the future.

And that's really the whole idea of this feature of the card: put the hardware out

there and then hope that somebody in the homebrew scene does something with it.

And I really hope someone does because I want to hear more things coming through

and OPL3 chip all around me.

It does have some cons at the moment and

this is the 1.1 version of the card and hopefully some of these things will

change in the future.

But one of the biggest ones is that you cannot adjust

the volume, either on the card or through software.

And this is kind of an issue

because games with FM synth and AdLib support are loud, and then soft, and

everywhere in between.

I mean, just look at this line out recording of these

different games: they're just all over the place as far as their levels and

some of them do peak a little bit.

Or some are just really, really quiet.

So unless the game allows you to adjust it through software you're kind of outta

luck and you've just got to rely on external audio adjustment at this point

in time, like some good speakers or your amplifier or something like that.

But the bigger issue for me is that actually making full use of

its OPL3 capability is unpredictable at best.

The way you normally get OPL3

support in games is by setting it up to directly address a supported device,

usually something like the Sound Blaster Pro 2 or Sound Blaster 16.

The problem is that doing this with the Resound card typically won't provide

anything but an error message.

I'm not saying I expected this to work, I'm just pointing out one

of the inherent issues in making a card with this approach.

Considering there was

never a standalone OPL3-only card like this manufactured back in the day, it

makes sense that games don't always look for the YMF262 directly, and might rely

on detecting some component or a TSR something else this card doesn't have.

As a result, with games like Dune and Theme Hospital you're stuck with OPL2 support

for the time being, even though games like this technically

are able to support the more advanced OPL3 features that this card has.

That's just with DOS though: Windows 95 and 98 are a bit of a different story, since you

can just tell it to use the default AdLib Gold drivers from Windows and it

shows up straight away.

You still don't get any Windows volume adjustments since

that would require the card to have Windows Sound System support,

which it does not.

But you can at least use the OPL3 as a MIDI playback device in Windows.

So yeah, canyon.mid sounds pretty great!

*pretty great-sounding canyon.mid file plays through OPL3 sound chip*

And all this raises the question: who exactly is this card for?

At $80 it still costs a whole lot less than an original AdLib card,

that's for sure. But it's also

on-par with or costlier than a good Sound Blaster 16 or any number of common

clones from back in the day that'll be more useful to more DOS games.

And as cool as the surround sound possibilities are in theory, it's not much of a selling

point right now since nothing supports it yet.

So I guess the Resound OPL3 is

made for full-time PC geeks like me who just like to cram fresh new homebrew

cards in slots and see what happens.

And I'll admit, it's been a blast to screw

around with for me, even with its technical setbacks and quirks.

Stuff like this is just straight-up cool in my mind and it's very close

to being a fantastic OPL3-based card.

And as far as support for the original AdLib goes with OPL2, this is the nicest I've ever

heard just because of how clean it is.

So if you want a dedicated OPL2 card that just happens to have some other stuff added

then this is a great choice.

But at the moment it'll be sitting around while I wait for

greater software and game support, especially in DOS.

And if you enjoyed this look at a custom made retro device then let me know.

I've got actually

quite a few more of these things to cover that I haven't yet.

In the meantime though there

are plenty of other videos on my channel and new ones coming

every Monday and Friday here on LGR.

And as always thank you very much for watching!

For more infomation >> LGR - Resound OPL3: Surround Sound AdLib Card! - Duration: 10:03.


Mysteriöse Entdeckung: Antike Totenstadt in Ägypten - Clixoom Science & Fiction - Duration: 3:55.

The fund is really quite mysterious an ancient city of death not only a gold mask but also thousands

Statues and stone coffins, a research team has now discovered in Egypt underground an ancient city of the dead

So the incredibly important insights into the life of the ancient Egyptians evidently everything to the mysterious customers now finally to the science fiction


Yes, we have often reported about it, he has already now really unbelievable

cultural sites to offer the pyramids of giza the pharaohs city the tomb of

Tutankhamun and so on and so forth, and more and more are added

Now another sensational discovery from the high culture of the country has been published

2500 years old is both the huge city of death which has now been discovered in the Egyptian mini

Excavations were already in the past year in the historic site of thuner algarve

This is just the beginning of a new discovery and I believe we need at least five years to get the job done

ending necropolis says the egyptian minister kaletta lena

Lee yes that

the research team hopes to gain new insights into the life of the ancient egyptians through these findings

26 dynasty of the ancient egypt originates from further finds

According to your belief, the deceased lived after their death

in the beyond and these metropolises so these

Dead cities are really particularly mysterious because such Egyptian cemeteries are not just simple

tombs but places of worship dead cities the grad buildings were as a kind of eternal

Luckily, many such graves are actually upscale

For example, civil servants or

royal graves a very large burial ground the so-called thebes west lies opposite of users

the responsible ministry in egypt has already had some exciting ones in recent months

Discovery announces but the now published from digging results of mini are really yes the hammer underneath, for example

Several grave chambers of priests that the god dead so

Tht was written that is the god of the moon of scripture and learning

Characteristic is its bird head in one of the graves was the mummy. The high priest

Hsa found his remains are adorned with bronze and numerous have been added

ceramic figures discovered 1000 of them are well preserved

If you follow that up, there is still a lot to discover in Egypt, and with modern technologies we are getting more and more

Secrets on the track ultimately I have here only on the

Hidden Chamber in the Cheops Pyramid Reports Umbrella Pyramids It was discovered and used by millions

Another exciting spending project is currently underway in the tomb of pharaoh Tutankhamun, in the Valley of the Kings

In 1922 this grave chamber was discovered and now it is supposed to

radar measurement determine if there is one so far

undiscovered space is exactly this assumption, the research teams have it might be the grave of nefertiti

and that would probably be one of them

The most spectacular finds ever, yes, if he wants to learn new things first and to all other topics then

register here whatsapp then you learn from me in front of everyone else from the latest video in advance just

you can guarantee there directly in the editorial of war and join in and suggest or topics

For example, with voting on voting with the whatsapp, I decided that I would like my hair soon

Dyeing violet has to be the celebration of the 200 million cans or the direct wire to me that is just click on it

And of course not the abo with the bell exactly forgotten here it goes on with it on it too click on it

Yes, it's about the mysterious

Newly discovered chamber in the shops pyramid otherwise until then

stay then

For more infomation >> Mysteriöse Entdeckung: Antike Totenstadt in Ägypten - Clixoom Science & Fiction - Duration: 3:55.


Meet Reinhardt (Overwatch Animation) - Duration: 2:53.

Winston: We have one minute to get to the payload.

Winston: Secure the area and move the payload to it's destination. Bastion will give us a clear path. Make sure you support him.

Winston: And Reinhardt...

Winston: You will protect us from the front, make sure you- GHAA!

REINHARDT: Huh?! What was that?

ZENYATTA: Reinhardt we can't do this without you... I mean... without your shield

REINHARDT: Did someone call me? My hammer is ready!

WINSTON: Listen here big guy, we have to work as a team if we want to- Hmmf!

REINHARDT: Don't worry my friends!

REINHARDT: My shield is ready!

Announcer: Capture objective A.

REINHARDT: Haha, stand behind me friends!

Meet Reinhardt Logo

WINSTON: Good job everyone! Reinhardt come here and shield us while we move the payload.

REINHARDT: Reinhardt is ready for action!

WINSTON: What are you doing?!

ZENYATTA: Oh my...

WINSTON: Ghhrr... Reinhardt! Stick to the plan! We must get Bastion on top of the payload, you shield him and then Mercy

REINHARDT: Reinhardt has a plan!

REINHARDT: Robot friend, stay here. And you, stand behind him... like this... perfect!

WINSTON: But that's what I've just said...

REINHARDT: Chaaaarge!

WINSTON: Reinhardt whatever you do don't leave us behind! We must stick togheter!

REINHARD:T Huh? Ha ha! Hammer time!

WINSTON: You idiot!

REINHARDT: Hammer down!

WINSTON: We might actually win this.

ZENYATTA: Maybe we underestimated him.

WINSTON: Hmmpf... In your reckless acts you managed to eliminate the enemy team. We also got the payload on time. Good job frien-ghaa!

REINHARDT: What?! Did I miss someone? Come back here!

ZENYATTA: That was impressive.

REINHARDT: Huh?! Stop hiding, show yourself!

REINHARDT: Come back here!

REINHARDT: Stop playing games! Reinhardt will find you!

REINHARDT: That's it I'm getting me mallet!

For more infomation >> Meet Reinhardt (Overwatch Animation) - Duration: 2:53.


Hoe reageert NOCHTLI op HITSIGE KIJKERS? - BEKEND & VERMOMD - Duration: 16:06.

Okay, well, I said I wanted to fill your inner walls


Okay, are we good to go?

Hi, Hi, Hi! I am jeroen and this is the

Newest famous and disguised video and this time we are featuring

the beautiful and amazing



Well rehearsed, haha

Are you excited?

I am really excited, definitely. Are you nervous?

A little bit, yes.

Everybody probably knows who I am, but I do not know who they are and what their opinion is.

So I don't know...

We will see.

That's it right? Just cut it.


Just cut it. Cut it away.

Do you like it? To be famous?

Uhm, it has two sides, but in general I find it a lot of fun.

What do you like about it?

Of course everything on social media is super personal, so

I like it to speak to everybody face-to-face

So that's what I find cool about it. And the downside is that there

are some really creepy people out there.

Do you have an example?

For example that they want to put it in your butt and afterwards stab you with a knife, that kind of weird stuff.

Of course you have those kind of people and normally it comes from abroad

oké, but those things are really weird.

What do you think will happen if you walk distinguished in public?

Are you excited? I am very excited, but I am also a little bit nervous.

What do you think people will say? I have no idea, because normally

when I meet them in public it is always very positive

But yea, they do not know we are connected so

they could be completely honest with you and not with me

and that suddenly everything comes up and that I am come to cry

But of course, you do not know that.

We are going to distinguish you as a security guard

which fits you I believe, and then we will just see what happens.

Nochtlii is getting dressed, which has been going on for an hour or two

No idea if she's successful.. [Music]

I was thinking, I have this one too. [Laughter]

Oh Jezus [Laughter]

Shall I do your make-up? You can go outside too.


How does it feel? The Make-over? Yeah, different shall I say haha. I am not sure

No one is going to notice as long as my eyes are hidden

Remove you sunglasses for a sec?

Yes then it is very obvious, even with this on my head.

Let's go!

Are you ready? No. [Laughter]

What are you going to guard? I am going to guard you.

Personal security. Manly Netherlands, eat your heart out.

*Thumbs up* Of course man.


What do think of Nochtlii? Yea I don't know, she's hot man.

Hot? Yeah man. Why do you think she's hot? You know, just how she is.

What do you mean? Her body, nice body. What is the best thing about her body? Her butt.

Her butt? Yes, the bibs.

What do you think about Nochtlii?

I don't know really, I think she's beautiful.

Do you know Nochtlii? Yes. What do you think about her? Good looking.

What would we do with her? I would

take her to a hotel. Take her to a hotel? Yeah. Which hotel? Van Der Valk.

Alright. And then? Unfortunately that's not something I can disclose.

Is it that intense?

Yes a bit haha. I would take her out to dinner. Also in Van Der Valk? Yes, yes. Schnitzel? Something like that.

And then? And then the 18+ stuff will follow. [Laughter]

Can you name them?

I am not sure if that is appropriate for the camera. But I would screw her man.

She would probably not survive.

She would not survive? That is shocking.

Yea, certainly shocking.

Sir, could you stop filming please? What? Who are you?


So now I am very curious what you said. He said that he wanted to screw you in a Van Der Valk Hotel.

Oh. And you would not survive. I would not survive? WOW! Okay.

Not sure how I think about that. Could you tell us what you just said? Interesting.

Don't be shy, come on.

Just give her a hand.

Did you have a Van Der Valk in mind you wanted to go? Akersloot. How were you planning to go?

Come on, just be a man a tell us your plan.

With car. Car? You have a car, or? No. That is something you would arrange?

Would you not take me on a date first?

Being a bit romantic is possible, right? In Van Der Valk? In Van Der Valk? Okay.

What do you think about this Nochtlii? That these young guys say these things.

I am not really stunned to be honest.

What I can arrange is a hug with Nochtlii.

Good luck booking the hotel. If I could give you one tip;

If you're going with a girl, make sure you have dinner first, with a flower, a bit romantic

and not immediately destroy her in a Van Der Valk hotel, right?

Because and I repeat, she would not survive. [Laughter]

Bye! What is happening with mankind.

I don't really think the reactions are all that shocking

Because I know many guys think that way.

But I do find it shocking that people can be so disrespectful and say these things to a camera.

Really, if your mom sees this or if I was your mom,

then you would get, you know what I mean? For me it doesn't matter, I can see the fun of it

I think its funny, especially when I am face-to-face with them and can interrogate them

about how they think about it.

But yeah, it is crazy. What do you think about Nochtlii?

I think it is very cool she was able to make a career switch.

Yes, and what do you think is most cool about that?

Mainly the fact that she was a police agent first

Which is a position where you need some kind of status which requires loads of training.

and subsequently received so many positive reactions

That she thought

That she made the decision to being something completely different than a police agent.

That deserves my respect.

What do you think about her looks? That's what you want to hear, right?

A really beautiful woman. She looks good right? Yes, she is very good looking.

What is the most beautiful asset of her? She has beautiful blue eyes.

Really beautiful eyes. Right? Or am I completely wrong?

Aren't they a little bit green? Sir you cannot film here.

Oh, I cannot film here. And who are you if I may ask?

Hi, I am Nochtlii. He was very positive.

Oh really? Haha joke. I am helping you man.

Yes, I was very positive about you.

I am not sure what you said, but... You really liked her career switch right? From police agent to this.

I think it is very cool you did that. Thank you, I love hearing that.

Just as I said to you, I think it is very

cool and I don't know you, but

you went viral or something because you were a police agent

of course, and then you decided yolo I become a model and see ya later

and that I think that is very cool. I really like hearing that, thank you.

Awkward. Just give each other a hug.

I don't look good today, but forgive me.

Jeroen is going to adjust my make-up, because we do not have a make-up artist with us

Exactly, and I studied for that. Swipe Jeroen, otherwise it will not work.

He just put lipgloss on my nose!

My god. Alright I just do it myself then.

Security guard is ready to go.

What do you think of Nochtlii? She looks good right? What do you think looks good? A hot women.

What do you think about the Instagram

phenomenon of fit girls and fit models?

I think it's a bit exaggerated. What do you think is exaggerated?

That everything is so tight, pants for example.

That's a bit exaggerated in my opinion.

Is that also the case with Nochtlii? Those tight pants?

Could you please stop filming? What are you saying? Could you stop filming?

Then you have to show yourself first.

This is Nochtlii. [Nervous Laughter]

He did not say many bad things, hot woman. And he thought it you were sometimes a little bit over the top

and wear too many tight pants.

Pants that are too tight? What do you think is over the top? You can be completely honest.

Yeah, sometimes a little bit too much, too much show.

What for example? For example... uh... I don't know.

Standing like this, with your hips? For example? Yeah something like that.

But, do you get why I make pictures like that?

Because I am very active in the fitness and I have to work very hard to look like that

So it is very hard to only make pictures of your face

and still communicate that with other people, you know?

So I get why you think like that, but maybe you can shift your perspective and look it in another way.

For example, if you look at other "fitnessmodels", who pose in strings, standing like this

Yea that goes too far

I'd say give each other a hug

Oh, oh, do not touch her, keep your hands to yourself.

You can see she clearly puts effort in her looks.

What do you think about that new phenomenom

Instagram models, fit girls and those kind of things?

Horrible. I don't know what you think about it, but I think it is horrible

I am going to the gym myself, but I don't have the need

to make a mirror selfie of myself every second.

Nochtlii definitely falls in the fit girls category right?

Yes, but there is a difference between fit girls that uhm..

That are not really like "look at me, I go to the gym"

that are more like to promote the healthy lifestyle.

I do believe she falls in to the latter category.

What is the most beautiful part of Nochtlii?

Uhm, her face. I think it looks good.

It fits everything well

I think it is a bit crazy that you can earn money through insta lifestyle

and those things. Are you a little jealous?

Hm, well jealous, she used to be a police agent

and that because of one picture she became world famous, well famous in Holland

Crazy. Yes indeed. That you do not really need any talent, or at least good looks

to get far in life. That sucks right?

Nochtlii is talentless. Yea I'd like to get Nochtlii better.

No, that is too nice. Too nice? Alright,

well, I'd like to fill her inner walls

Again without stuttering. To fill her inner walls.

Fill her inner walls? Yes. Ok, ok, that is something I need to think about

I think I know what you mean

Could you stop filming please? Yes. And who are you?

Now I am really curious what you said. I am going to walk you through it.

We have a situation. Now you want to what what they said.

Well, okay, I said I wanted to fill your inner walls.

He also said something like: "next to her looks she's talentless"

I said that I think it is peculiar that you can get very far in life with only your looks or something that goes viral.

You used to be a police agent, right? That is correct. And then a picture was taken, and since then you are a model, if I am correct.

He also said something like: "next to her looks she's talentless"

Something like that, yes.

That's a lot of work on it's own.

True, but do you think that only because of that photo it exploded? And that I gained so much succes?

I don't know if you did modeling work before that.

Then I do not really know the story.

Well, fill them up tonight. [Laughter]

Are you still alive? What did you think of the reactions?

Uhm, very funny in general and those looks in their faces

the moment they see my face is like [gasp] "shit" and the one that ran away

Thats what I maybe thought was the "worst" one.

But maybe it comes over like that

Uhm, very funny in general and those looks in their faces

the moment they see my face is like [gasp] "shit" and the one that ran away

Thats what I maybe thought was the "worst" one.

You still have to work very hard and one picture is not enough.

But maybe it comes over like that

But those other things don't really get to me, I just find it funny.

Alright guys, did you like this video, do a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel if you did not have already

in addition, subscribe to Nochtlii's channel the links are in the description.

and futhermore, thanks for watching and see you next time. See ya!

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