Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 4 2018



Corrupt OBAMA JUDGE ARRESTED After Being Caught!


Since the moment President Donald Trump released the much-anticipated memo that Democrats were

desperate to stop, there's been massive panic from everyone exposed in the memo.

They knew that with their corruption and secrets out, Trump would hold them accountable.

That seems to be the case now for a judge not named in the FISA document but associated

with it through his corrupt involvement with Barack Obama.

It's been clear for years that Obama used judges and the system to his advantage, even

outside the FISA court.

Since Trump has been president, defiant judges have come out of the woodwork to constantly

overturn the president's policies.

Now, one justice in Texas has been raided and arrested.

Looks like Trump delivered justice this time and not the man on the stand.

Ildefonso Ortiz and Brandon Darby joint reported for Breitbart:

Federal authorities arrested a Democrat Texas state judge after a series of raids on his

courtroom and his home.

Information on the charges and other details of the investigation remain sealed.

The judge is expected to be presented in federal court on Monday.

This week, agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigations conducted "law enforcement

activity" at the 93rd State District Court, FBI Spokeswoman Michelle Lee revealed to Breitbart


While she could not disclose the details of the operation or its purpose, Lee confirmed

the FBI made one arrest.

The identity of the person arrested and the charges could not be released until Monday,

Lee said.

Hidalgo County Sheriff Eddie Guerra confirmed the raids to local media shortly after they


The sheriff posted a message on social media about the presence of FBI agents at the Hidalgo

County Courthouse in the 93rd State District Court.

Federal agents, as well as state and local authorities, were reportedly present at the

judge's home in Edinburg.

Judge Rudy Delgado is the presiding judge of the 93rd State District Court.

In this position, he hears any type of state court cases including civil and criminal matters.

As a Democrat incumbent, Delgado ran unopposed in the 2016 general election and is currently

registered with the Texas Secretary of State website as a Democratic candidate for Justice

of the 13th Court of Appeals Place 4.

McAllen Attorney Al Alvarez confirmed to Breitbart Texas and to other news outlets that he would

be representing Delgado who he said is in custody.

Delgado will likely go before a U.S. Magistrate Judge on Monday at the federal courthouse

in McAllen.

At this point, all liberal federal judges who deliberately worked against Trump and

are tight pals with Obama should be investigated.

There's no level they would go that would be too low, as the memo exposed.

Obama, Hillary, and most government officials working closely with them, were likely caught

up in criminal activities.

Nothing stops a Democrat from getting what they want, abusing their power to do it, and

lying to cover it up.

The Monitor explains more about what led up to this arrest:

For months, rumors of a state judge facing a federal indictment had swirled around the

courthouse's hallways and throughout the county.

Alvarez visited Delgado's home Friday evening, where more than a dozen law enforcement vehicles

could be seen from the roadway.

Delgado is currently running for a place on the 13th Court of Appeals, and multiple sources

close to the investigation said the judge was detained at the Falfurrias checkpoint

while on his way to a campaign event outside the Rio Grande Valley.

U.S. Rep. Filemon Vela, D-Brownsville, said all statewide candidates and those vying for

a place on the 13th Court of Appeals had been invited to attend an event in Goliad Friday


The event, dubbed "Turn Our Counties From Red to Blue," was held at the Goliad Brewing

Company on Friday evening.

Delgado has had a problematic career since he was elected in 2001.

In 2002, he nearly lost his job following a DWI arrest in Edinburg.

In 2005, the charges were dropped, but Delgado was re-indicted on evading arrest and misuse

of information charges later that year.

He's also had his share of tragedies during his tenure.

In February 2017, Delgado's son, former Hidalgo County Assistant District Attorney

Ricco Diaman Delgado, was found dead in an Austin creek.

Before his death, the judge's son had several run-ins with law enforcement as well.

In 2007, another one of Delgado's sons, Roman David Delgado, died in a car crash in

McAllen at the age of 16.

The days of government and political leaders, judges, and others thinking they're above

the law and abusing their positions is over.

Politics is not a multimillion-dollar business anymore.

Trump said he was going to drain the swamp and has far exceeded that promised since taking


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For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! ITS HAPPENING NOW! Corrupt OBAMA JUDGE ARRESTED After Being Caught! - Duration: 5:17.


[심심할땐 토상놀22] 독감 예방접종 하셨나요? 다린이가 병원을 눈물 바다로 만들었던 영상 다시 한번 보실까요?ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> [심심할땐 토상놀22] 독감 예방접종 하셨나요? 다린이가 병원을 눈물 바다로 만들었던 영상 다시 한번 보실까요?ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 7:12.




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SHAMELESS No Democrats or left leaning publishers denounce shock - Duration: 4:25.

SHAMELESS: No Democrats or left-leaning publishers denounce shocking abuses of power detailed

in FISA memo release

The FISA memo release describes a shocking series of criminal abuses of power at the

highest levels of the FBI and DOJ � all under Obama.

As the memo reveals, not only did top FBI and DOJ officials conspire to defraud the

FISA court in order to illegally spy on American citizens, the key operatives in this process

were fully aware they were committing law enforcement fraud during the entire process.

The abuse of power now evident at the highest levels of the Obama regime � which weaponized

the government to target and destroy political enemies � is the most egregious political

scandal in the history of this nation, easily dwarfing the relatively minor events surrounding


CONFIRMED: America was a police state under the Obama regime

Yet despite the shocking abuse of power that now confirms America functioned as a police

state regime under Obama, the criminal actions of top FBI / DOJ officials are not being called

out by a single prominent Democrat or left-wing media publisher. In every single case, Democrats

and fake news media outlets are choosing to attack the FISA memo instead of apologizing

for their role in perpetuating these outrageous abuses of power that qualify as treason.

Remember: The entire purpose of this deep state operation was to remove a democratically

elected President from power by any means necessary, including the weaponization of

police state powers in a corrupt government that targeted American citizens.

To Democrats, there�s nothing wrong with government tyranny

It is stunning � and yet somehow entirely expected � that there isn�t a single left-wing

media outlet owning up to their role in this outrageous abuse of government police state

powers. Mother Jones, Yahoo, CNN, NYT and the Washington Post were all complicit in

this astonishing conspiracy.

To the left-wing media and Democrats, you see, there�s nothing wrong with weaponizing

government against your political enemies. After all, that�s what Lois Lerner did at

the IRS. It�s what the EPA did against farmers and ranchers. It�s what the BLM did against

ranchers in Nevada. It�s what the ATF did against David Koresh in Waco, and it�s a

perfect reflection of the way totalitarian Democrat lawmakers and bureaucrats see a �legitimate�

role of Big Government: To destroy their political opposition by any means necessary.

Astonishingly, this FISA memo release not only exposes the extreme corruption, collusion

and criminality of the Obama / Clinton regime, it also exposes the willing complicity of

Democrats and the left-wing media to willfully abuse government power in order to destroy

a political target. They aren�t even pretending to support democracy or the rule of law. They

aren�t even pretending to respect a democratic election or the will of the People. Instead,

they actively collude with deep state operatives to knowingly publish false, dangerous and

even treasonous lies in order to brainwash the public into an angry rage that now infects

the minds of millions of Americans who follow left-wing #fakenews.

We are now entering an era of unprecedented weaponization of the media, used against the

People as a mind control �journo-terrorism� institution. God help us all. Now, more than

ever, you need to take a stand for America and fight against the lies and deceptions

of the toxic, anti-American left-wing media.

For more infomation >> SHAMELESS No Democrats or left leaning publishers denounce shock - Duration: 4:25.



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Jawhar - Sghar (Official Video) - Duration: 3:50.

With a voice I was once filled

And then its memory vanished away

All I remember is we were little ones

We were big little ones...

Now I try to get back into that memory

But it's like a door closed before me

How in a tiny and closed courtyard

We used to feel so free...

It's your eye it's the form of your forehead

They are shapes of a fate flying us back

I'm not your lover nor even your friend

Just an adult come for recovery

It's your smell it's the form of your shade

They are secrets told by the old storyteller

I'm not your lover nor even your friend

Just a sick guy come for recovery

We were little ones...

Little little ones...

Your garden's wall is too high...

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波蘭聖誕節 | Polish Christmas Eve [Vlog] - Duration: 7:33.

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Table Tennis World Rankings | February 2018 - Duration: 2:44.

World Rankings February 2018.

Women's Rankings

Ng Wing Nam (Hong Kong).

Sun Yingsha (China)

Yu Fu (Portugal).

Elizabeta Samara (Romania).

Sakura Mori (Japan).

Li Jie (Netherlands).

Wang Manyu (China).

Feng Tianwei (Singapore).

Men's Rankings

Stefan Fegerl (Austria).

Patrick Franziska (Germany).

Jonathan Groth (Denmark).

Kou Lei (Ukraine).

Kristian Karlsson (Sweden).

Chuang Chih-Yuan (Chinese Taipei).

Koki Niwa (Japan).

Fan Zhendong (China).

For more infomation >> Table Tennis World Rankings | February 2018 - Duration: 2:44.

------------------------------------------- - Duration: 0:22.


For more infomation >> - Duration: 0:22.


Amazing roads of Senja, Arctic Circle - Duration: 7:15.

Wow really beautiful

good morning another beautiful day in sunny California or in the north Norway

way above the Arctic Circle. Interesting thing about Senja as an island and

generally the north of Norway is the fact that it is... let me put the

camera on a on a car... this places are big there are not that many people there are

not that many shops local amenities not many hotels so for example for us to get

to this local store

it took us half an hour - 40 minutes drive as you saw as you can see now so

yeah and this is where the nearest post offices and I think that were the

neighbors like cash machine is it's quite a while so there is a small shop

just opposite the hub where my friends live but it's tiny one is open like you

know seven eight hours day not many things but in order to get somewhere you

really need to take time and drive for half an hour an hour two hours you know

the the island this is like a circle but to get from one thing to the other you

sometimes it to drive like that the only route cannot drive through normal roads

that's a challenge so let's I'll be appreciating more by

post office which is seven minutes walk for my plot and sometimes I you know I

don't want to go that

Heide so I've been traveling a bit today around the island just to help my friend

to run some errands and we are stopping in a few minutes I'm just capturing some

really nice views look at look at this one let me show you

you're ready

Hey don't have many words to describe it it is nice it isn't be too rough so I'm

not sure how I would handle living here you know for months or years but but to

visit this place for a few days or a few weeks it's amazing if you've never been

to know North Scandinavia or northern places the must-see it's a must-see oh

and by the way did you see this is you know very quick time-lapse did you see

how I mount the the the gorilla put need to be creative and always think about

how you can mount this thing to be creative to see where you can mount it

you know with the gorilla pod it's quite easy obviously make sure you always wrap

it around something so it's not wobbly but yeah this thing allowed me to do so

many shots I couldn't do without it it's brilliant okay

just having a quick cup of tea in a diminutive France lovely place very nice


okay we're back home after spending most of the day driving around I'm hot and

okay today I'm going to eat a fish which is the most natural or the the closest

to them natural and like you know ecological as possible which was like

taken from a local local farm can I call the farm fish farm yes yeah so and uh

yeah it's going to happen just now this big boy

Michael fresh cell phone yeah like from the sea exactly let's see what's

happening Simon from being like Sheila

from Norton see

you mushed cauliflower carrots and some fresh local salmon I'm speaking in

English little one


For more infomation >> Amazing roads of Senja, Arctic Circle - Duration: 7:15.


How to Make Duotone Effect in Photoshop | Very Quick Tip - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> How to Make Duotone Effect in Photoshop | Very Quick Tip - Duration: 0:56.


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Talking Tom Gold Run Colors Talking Angela Cyber Angela Funny Cat Talking Tom and Friends

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Solo: A Star Wars Story "Big Game" TV Spot (:45) - Duration: 1:01.

[switches clicking]

So you want to make a difference?


Trust me, you're going to love it.

And which branch are you interested in joining?


I'm going to be a pilot... in the galaxy.

[laser fire]

Your name?

[Chewbacca growl]

For more infomation >> Solo: A Star Wars Story "Big Game" TV Spot (:45) - Duration: 1:01.


Red Velvet (레드벨벳) - Bad Boy | YAYLISSA Dance Cover - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Red Velvet (레드벨벳) - Bad Boy | YAYLISSA Dance Cover - Duration: 3:28.


"Angels and Heroes" - A Spoken Word Poem - Duration: 3:01.

What if I told you that angels exist?

That they fly through this world helping people, guarding them from the evils of this realm

or simply guiding them through life's trials and tribulations?

Would you believe me?

Would you search for haloes under the hats of everyone you pass?

Peeking under jackets to see if there were wings beneath overcoats?

Or checking closets to find flaming swords or staffs made of gold?

Would you treat people differently on the off-chance that they had the power to save

or damn your soul?

And what if Itold you that superheroes roam this planet?

That they stalk the streets searching for injustice, protecting the innocent while punishing

the guilty?

What would you say?

Would you strain to see through collared shirts searching for S's or other symbols?

Would you check people's baskets at laundromats looking for capes or Spandex?

Well I'm here to tell you that they do.

But real angels don't have wings or haloes.

They don't have divine powers or carry flaming swords.

They disguise themselves to look just like us, working in soup kitchens, or counseling

centers, or homeless shelters.

They give of themselves freely without ever looking for a word of thanks.

They help their fellow man because it's the right thing to do, because they realize that

we're all together in this world.

And we pass heroes everyday.

They wear badges instead of capes, travel to foreign soils to protect us, they trade

in the Spandex for uniforms made for fighting fires or being shot at, or that inspire hope

and a feeling of comfort and safety.

Yes, these people exist.

The heroes are our police officers and our soldiers, our firefighters and our doctors.

They're the ones who wear safety and community on their shoulders the way that Superman wears

that S on his chest.

Angels and Heroes.

We stand in the middle of roads searching the heavens for them to fly across the sky

or leap across rooftops. But in reality, they're standing right next to us.

We don't notice them because they don't cry out for recognition.

They don't see fame or fortune.

We pass them on the street without another glance, when actually they're the ones who

truly deserve it.

So this poem is dedicated to you.

To our angels who wear haloes of dark circles under their eyes because they just spent two

weeks volunteering at a homeless shelter.

Who have wings that look like hospital scrubs, the feathers of their apparel brushing against

the wrinkled bodies of our elderly as they sit in hospice.

It's dedicated to our superheroes that wear a badge instead of an S, and trade their Spandex

for bulletproof vests.

To the heroes that soar through the sky on transport crafts that are on their way to

warzones, and wear utility belts made of oxygen so they can run into burning buildings.This

is my poem dedicated to truth.

This is my official offer of tribute.

It's me straightening out my hand and offering a solute.

It's my recognition that angels and heroes DO exist, and that they look just like you.

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