3 Minutes to Midnight (Teaser Trailer) - Scarecrow Studio - Duration: 2:21.Oh hello there... My name is, well that's not really important. What is important
is why I'm here, and that's to introduce you to Scarecrow Studio.
Scarecrow Studio is an independent video game developer
that specializes in Point-and-Click Adventure Games...
Do you mind? I am trying to get into character.
As you can see, everyone's hard at work on their Point-and-Click Classic 2D Adventure Game
"3 Minutes to Midnight".
That's it, security? Get this joker out of here!
See, just one example of the huge number of characters and their individual personalities and backstories
to discover.
Oh boy, what is that smell?
Hey, y'all turn that dang thing off and show some respect!
The game also boasts stunning scenes, plentiful puzzles, and humor by the bucketload
My mom always said I wouldn't go very far in life,
but look at me now... I'm in the movies!
Scarecrow Studio started production in 2016,
and will launch a Kickstarter campaign in 2018 to give you the chance to help make
the greatest story ever told.
"Don't make me hungry!"
Angry, the line is "Don't make me angry."
Why would it be, "Don't make me hungry."?
I don't know? I do get kinda angry when I'm hungry.
Arrrg! How do you even cross the street by yourself?
I just realized I haven't told you when you can actually play it.
That'll be the first quarter of 2019.
Do these people even realize I'm not actually a mechanic and I just play one in the game?
I need to speak to my agent...
It's the roaring late '40s, World War II has finally ended,
and celebrations continue. Yet, somewhere in the middle of New Mexico a secret
intricate plot to extinguish humanity has been unraveling for a long time.
Even if it could be stopped, what hope is there when inexplicably no one can
remember a thing. Tonight step into Betty's shoes and find out
exactly what happens at
"Three Minutes to Midnight".
Cut! That's gold! The pig stays in!
倉々電鉄 蔵太線開発物語 Part1 - Duration: 7:35.-------------------------------------------
ULTIMATE GUIDE TO PARAMETRIC FAMILIES IN REVIT - Duration: 16:19.Hello everyone ! So today we're going to make something very special and exciting
we're going to draw a new window like your very own personal window that has
not been there before and we're going to develop a new family
and we're going to make it parametric so if you've been resistant
to drawing your own families before, don't be scared! I'm going to show you
step by step how it's done and in the end you can be very proud of yourself!
Of course this doesn't only apply on windows you can use their things
I talked about in the video to draw your own doors or some kind of building
elements like some special foundation or some fixtures so let's get started!
Here we have this building with this sad facade, as you can see no windows - so
let's give this building a little bit of daylight with some newly created windows!
To do this we go to File - New - Family
And you see the good thing is we don't have to start from zero.
Revit gives you all these family templates with some kind of pre-settings that you
can work with. Now if you don't know what the right template for you is or if you
want to create something very complex with no pre-settings in the way, I would
always recommend you go with the generic model template.
But today we are going to use the window template
We click on open and as you can see Revit
already gives you some kind of orientation. Where the exterior side is
going to be and the interior side and you have this default wall piece.
If we open an elevation we can see that this wall piece already has an opening for
your window that is parametric you can see
You can check out the parameters in this family type window and as you can see
there is already a height parameter defined and a width parameter defined
and when we change them the wall opening changes with it and now what we want to
do is create a window within this wall opening. To do this we click on create
and here you have these different options to create some kind of form
I recommend you be adventurous and try them all out at a time to see how they work
But for now we are going to need an extrusion to create the frame
of our window. We select the rectangle tool and draw a rectangle directly on
the lines of the wall opening: Now you see all these little lockets appear and
we close them because we want to lock this rectangle to the edges of the wall
opening and thus to the pre-defined height and width parameter
Now to create the thickness of the frame we're going to draw a second rectangle
Just draw it somehow. It doesn't matter for now. We're going to change it later.
Now if you click on finish you see the little uneven frame that we created
You can check out if it's already parametric when you open
the parameter box again and then change the height for example and you see that
changes with it. Same goes for the width of course. Let's check that out.
Now we already made the height and width parametric but we also want the depth
of the window to change with the wall thickness. For this we look at it from
the left side or the right side. We see this is the extrusion that we just
created and the depth of this of it is defined by this extrusion start and end point
Now for example if we change it. Yeah, you see that the extrusion - the frame - gets thicker
But we want it to be as thick as the wall so we drag it
here onto the edge of the wall and we see another locket appears and we lock
it to the wall thickness. Now we can check if it works, if we click on the
wall and change it from 200 millimeters to 300 millimeters and we see that the
frame - the extrusion - that we created changes with it. But as you remember
we're not yet happy with the way our frame looks so we create a new parameter
to define the thickness of the frame. We click on this symbol down here and give
it a name "Frame Thickness". Now it's going to be a type parameter,
defining a length and grouped under dimension. This is fine.
And we see here our new parameter. We give it a default value of 50 and hit OK
Now to connect this new parameter to the actual width of the frame we're going to double click
the extrusion to get back to the Edit Extrusion mode and we're going to need
some dimensions under Annotate and we create an annotation for every piece of
the frame. Now this doesn't have to be pretty. Okay now when you click on one of
these dimensions. You can see this label box right here that allows you to
connect this dimension to a parameter and you see our Frame Thickness right
here and we're going to do this for all of the frame pieces.
Okay now I see it has already changed the frame to an even value of 50
If we hit okay now, we can see that we can change the thickness of the frame
when we change this value right here.
Now the next thing we need is of course the glass for our window but because we
want the glass to be sitting in the middle of the window we have to select
the Center (front/back) work plane. To do this we click on Create - Set work plane
And we change it to Center (front/back). Now we create another extrusion
with the rectangle tool and again fix it to the inner corners of the frame.
Now we want our glass to be - let's say - 3 centimeters thick
Then we can already finish. We check out our window in the 3D view to
see the glass piece in the middle of our window frame. Now you might see that the
glass piece is not yet see-through this is because of course it
doesn't know it's supposed to be glass yet. To change this we are going to
assign a material parameter to it. Now if we click on the extrusion we see in the
properties that there's this material option and we don't click on <By category>
but we click on this little gray box right next to it. This is also a way
to create a new parameter. We click on this New Parameter button right here and
as you can see it has already selected a material as the type of parameter we are
going to name it Glass Material click OK. Now in the parameter box we see our
new material parameter and we can select a material now and our window becomes see-through
We're going to do the same with the frame. Gray box and new parameter
Frame Material - OK - and change the material to default, because you're
going to select the actual materia when they're in your project
Now if we take a look at it with consistent colors we can see it already
looks pretty much like window! Now the last thing we want to do is add a piece
of mullion going from top to bottom of the window. So we go back to the exterior
view and you already know how to do this we
create an extrusion. Now be careful we have to set the work plane back to Exterior.
Now we take a rectangle and create the mullion. Now to make this
parametric we're going to need a parameter for the distance to frame and
the parameter for the mullion thickness and the way I showed you before was now
to finish off, then go to the type properties, create the new parameters and
then asign them to the mullion but there is a quicker way to do this if we draw
some dimensions now. So the first one for the distance and the second one for the thickness
When we click on the dimensions now we can see this label function
appearing right here with this shortcut to creating a new parameter
You see it already has the length selected. We give it a name Mullion Distance to Frame
Okay and the second one Mullion Thickness. Now when we finish off our extrusion
we can find our two new parameters in the family types. We can change
it to send the mullion to the other side or to make it thinner let's say five centimeters
But now I'm as before with the frame we also need to take a look at the depth
when we open left or right view we find our mullion right here
This is it and we drag it to the outer edge of the wall and lock it just like
before with the frame. We can check if it works when we change the thickness of
the wall and we see everything works perfectly fine. Now we also want it to
have the same material as the frame so we select them mullion and under
properties we go to this little grey box next to material and select Frame Material
Okay now I think our window is now ready to be exported into the
project. For this we click on Load into Project and we can place a new window on
the wall. Now to change all the parameters that we created we need to create a new
Type and you see here all the different parameters that we created on our own.
Now for example we can create a bigger window with a square shape and then we
can also move the mullion a bit more to the center maybe and then of course also
give the frame a new material and I want to make this a wooden window
and because we use the window template we also have these pre-defined parameters
like sill height that we can use well yeah that was it
So that was it. I hope this was helpful for you and if you do create your own family now I'd be so
excited to see what you came up with you can send it to me via email. I'll have my
email address in the description box or if you're struggling on your way you
can of course always write me and I will try to solve your problem
You can check out my other videos or subscribe to my channel if you like my
videos and bye bye take care
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