Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

[Playful music]

>>Vic: What?!

>>Vic: I landed on another Dragon property! Dragon! You're rich!

[Cash register]

>>Vic: Ahh man, I knew I should have bought that donut factory.


>>Vic: You bought the Albert Einstein memorabilia house.


>>Armond: [in a panic] Vic! Vic! Vic! Guess what?!

>>Vic: Wh..wh..what?

>>Armond: I..get to go on a date with Cheerleader!!!!

>>Vic: Who's Cheerleader?

>>Armond: Ah! Only the most famous pop singer in the world!!

[Electronica music]

>>Vic: Ah sweet! Well, well....have fun!

>>Armond: [in a panic] Vic! I don't know how to go on a date Vic!!

>>Vic: Oh, oh...don't worry...

>>Vic: I am a dating expert!

>>Vic: So uh, when is the date?

>>Armond: Uh..uh..uh..uh...Valentine's Day.

>>Vic: Perfect!!

[Dance music]

>>Vic: Yeah, okay. All you have to do is open the door for me.

>>Armond: Oh, okay Vic..uh....toria.

[Door opens and hits Vic in the face]

>>Armond: Ooh! Sorry Vic! I mean Victoria!

[Dance music]

>>Vic: Ok...

>>Vic: all you have to do..

>>Vic: is walk up there..

>>Vic: and talk to her.

[Armond nervously inhales and exhales]

>>Armond: Okay

[Elevator music]

[Armond stammers] >>Armond: Uhhhh...I really like your fiery eyes.

[Armond screams offscreen] >>Vic: Oh! Oh!

[Armond screams offscreen]

[Offscreen] >>Armond: I really like your ey....AHHHH!

>>Vic: Okay....Next!!

[Dance music]

>>Vic: Okay, all you have to do is run down there and back.

>>Armond: Ok!

>>Vic: Are you ready?

[Armond starts to run, panting]

[Triumphant music]

>>Armond: [yelling] I'm doing it Vic!!

[Vic offscreen, yells from down the road] >>Vic: Ok, now come back!

[Triumphant music]

>>Vic: [yelling] Armond!!

>>Vic: [yelling] You can turn around!!

[Triumphant music]

>>Armond: WHOAAAAA! [Armond screams]

[Vic screams too]


[Triumphant music ends]

[Dance music]

[Easy listening music]

[Water running from shower]

>>Armond: [from inside of shower] Okay Vic, I'm done.

>>Vic: Nope, more time!

>>Armond: [from inside of shower] What??

>>Armond: [from inside of shower] is freezing Vic!!

>>Armond: [from inside of shower]'s c..c..cold...

>>Vic: Okay....Next!!

[Armond shivering]

>>Vic: Okay, if you are going to go on this date, you have to smell good.


[Armond coughing]

>>Armond: What is that?

>>Vic: It's uh...Endless Love.

[Easy listening music]

[Water running from sink]

>>Armond: Dah!!

>>Vic: Are they clean? Let me smell..

[Armond exhales for Vic to smell his breath]

[Vic sniffs]

>>Vic: Okay....Next!!

[Dance music]

>>Armond: Tie out?

[Easy listening music]

>>Armond:Tie tucked in?

>>Armond: This?

>>Vic: Beautiful!

[Smooth music]

>>Vic: Hey Armond!

>>Armond: Yes?

>>Vic: Ready for your date?

>>Armond: Oh yeah!

>>Vic: Hey Armond!

>>Armond: Yes?

>>Vic: Ready for your date?

>>Armond: Mmm Hmm

>>Vic: Beautiful!

>>Armond: Beautiful!

>>Armond: Ohhh yeah!

>>Vic: Beautiful!

>>Armond: Right?

>>Armond and Vic: Beautiful!

>>Armond: Hey hey, that's me!

[Smooth music]

>>Vic: Yeah!

>>Vic: Beautiful!

[Smooth music]

>>Vic: Yeah!

>>Vic: Beautiful!

[Smooth music]

>>Vic: Beautiful!

[Smooth music]

For more infomation >> VicandFriends: Pop Star Date! Part 1! PUPPETS AND TOYS KIDS SHOW - Duration: 6:08.


||Doki Doki Literatur craft T1 cap 4 y5 - Duration: 3:24:36.

For more infomation >> ||Doki Doki Literatur craft T1 cap 4 y5 - Duration: 3:24:36.


Trump Memo Release 'Totally Vindicates' Me - Duration: 4:31.


Memo Release �Totally Vindicates� Me

President Donald Trump said Saturday morning that the four-page memo drafted by House Permanent

Select Committee on Intelligence chairman Rep. Devin Nunes released on Friday �totally

vindicates� him

�But the Russian Witch Hunt goes on and on,� he wrote. �Their was no Collusion

and there was no Obstruction (the word now used because, after one year of looking endlessly

and finding NOTHING, collusion is dead).�

Other key Republicans, however, don�t seem to agree with the president on what the memo

means for the Russia investigation

Rep. Trey Gowdy, who helped release the memo, said, �I also remain 100 percent confident

in special counsel Robert Mueller. The contents of this memo do not � in any way � discredit

his investigation,� according to the Washington Examiner.

House Speaker Paul Ryan added that the memo �does not impugn the Mueller investigation

or the deputy attorney general.�

�I think we should disclose all this stuff,� he told reporters on Tuesday in favor of the

memo�s release. �But I think disclosure is the way to go. It�s the best disinfectant.

And I think we need to disclose, that brings us accountability, that brings us transparency,

that helps us clean up any problem we have with (the Justice Department) and FBI.�

The release came after Trump and his White House legal team reviewed the document, as

required by law, and offered no objections to the document being declassified.

The memo includes information about what role the infamous �Trump dossier� � commissioned

by Fusion GPS and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democrat National

Committee � played in the FBI obtaining FISA warrants to surveil the Trump team.

Nunes wrote, �(The Committee�s) findings, which are detailed below, 1) raise concerns

with the legitimacy and the legality of certain DOJ and FBI interactions with the Foreign

Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), and 2) represents a troubling breakdown of legal

processes established to protect the American people from the abuses related to the FISA


The memo also reveals that former British spy Christopher Steele, who was paid by opposition

research firm Fusion GPS to compile the dossier � was apparently �desperate� that Trump

never make it to the White House.

�(I)n September 2016, Steele admitted to (DOJ official Bruce) Ohr his feelings against

then-candidate Trump when Steele said he �was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected

and was passionate about him not being president,�� the memo reads.

�This clear evidence of Steele�s bias was recorded by Ohr at the time and subsequently

in official FBI files � but not reflected in any of the Page FISA applications,� it

added, referring to Trump�s campaign adviser Carter Page.

Steele�s alleged bias is notable, particularly considering the memo claims the FBI used the

dossier � which was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democrat National

Committee � to obtain FISA warrants in order to surveil the Trump team.

The FBI opposed the memo�s release this week stating, �We have grave concerns about

material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo�s accuracy.�

Speaking Monday in the Oval Office, President Donald Trump told reporters that the abuses

by the FBI and the DOJ outlined in the memo are �terrible.�

�I think it�s a disgrace, what�s happening in our country,� Trump said. �A lot of

people should be ashamed of themselves, and much worse than that.�

What do you think? Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Trump Memo Release 'Totally Vindicates' Me - Duration: 4:31.


The Badass Personalities of People Who Like To Be Alone - Duration: 4:01.

The Badass Personalities of People Who Like To Be Alone

There are some people who prefer living in solitude.

Many reasons trigger this trait such as rejection, seeking for peace, and being introverted.

Those attitudes make other people think that they are people who need help.

However, it is worth noting that it is their decision to be alone.

They need time alone for various purposes such as calming themselves, reflecting, thinking,

and staying away from crowds.

Additionally, there are some perks that make people who love being alone awesome.

In this video, I'm going to share with you the badass personalities of people who like

to be alone.

If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the subscribe button below, and don't

forget to like this video if you find this information is helpful to you.

So, here is some personalities of people who like being alone.

#1 - They are not neurotic

People who like to be alone, based on research, do not always suffer from neurotic condition.

In fact, most of them are sensible people who like to think deep, and wider than average.

That may be surprising, but it turns out they have made decision to be single or to be alone.

That is why they don't regret their decision.

#2 - Open minded

Those who prefer staying at home alone or in apartment room may not possess the ability

to think deeply.

They are confined in their little space, and that is why people always think that way.

Unfortunately, it is not always true because people who prefer being alone spend their

time reading or doing things they like.

Typically, they read books or novels to satisfy their curiosity.

That is why loners are not always close-minded people as people assume they are.

#3 - They are kind

People who are not afraid of being alone are basically nicer and kinder to those who are

afraid of being alone.

The reason is simply because they love having conversation no matter how risky it is.

Their facial expression is also welcoming because they don't really care if their

tactics to get new friends fail.

#4 - Organized

This one is probably the best trait for people who like being alone.

Being organized keeps everything neat and controlled.

They can create plans accurately, and they will follow them accordingly.

They also can make one for others to follow, and it is absolutely the great personality

that not all people have.

#5 - extroversion

The next thing that should be noted is the level of extroversion.

This measures how baddish people who like being alone are.

Based on some research papers, it is found that loners tend to be more introverted especially

those who live with no partner.

People who are afraid of being single are less extroverted than those who are unafraid.

The reason being is probably because they don't have to be socially active to get

partner and to be happy.

Moreover, single people who are afraid of being single actually have more real friends

than those who are unafraid.

Therefore, it is no wonder why those who are unafraid are getting more extraverted because

they are okay with small numbers of real friends.

#6 - they have standards

The last baddass trait is related to how they plan their goals.

They don't just talk.

They have high standards, and they will make sure everything is properly done.

Additionally, they don't like making mistakes, and that's why they create flawless plans

before executing them.

All in all, that's the badass personalities of people who like to be alone.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> The Badass Personalities of People Who Like To Be Alone - Duration: 4:01.


नायिका सामाज्ञ्रीको गोप्य अंगको ट्याटुले हंगामा Samragyee RL Shah Tattoo On Breast - Duration: 1:38.

SabiSaugat & Murchunga Media

For more infomation >> नायिका सामाज्ञ्रीको गोप्य अंगको ट्याटुले हंगामा Samragyee RL Shah Tattoo On Breast - Duration: 1:38.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর বাংলাভিশন সংবাদ ৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Vision News Today - Duration: 15:19.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর বাংলাভিশন সংবাদ ৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Bangla Vision News Today - Duration: 15:19.


AIR JORDAN 13 "OREGON" PE REVIEW | DnA SHOW - Duration: 7:18.

What's good with you guys and we're here at index

They said they have some special force, so we're about to go and check it out, Rockwood

Yo was good job, so we heard John has something special for us

Alright Tom we got the Oregon 13th football 13 is we gonna give you a great comprehensive review. We're different. Let's do it

Let's get it right. Let's go

Into the world Oregon football is the presence of greatness

Many have paved the foundation that has sent shockwaves through the nation their gritty fast-paced hard-hitting placed. I was like

savage meets, whack

the fighting Doug's boasts over

17,000 uniform options with the potential for a different with each game until the year 33

44 and inside their equipment facility is like the gates of grilled heaven for sneakerheads sports enthusiasts

If you ask me that equipment manager position sounds pretty late

Now, but where I would want to be is on the field looking good playing good and winning the day

All right, I think it's time we got into the review

So if you don't know this picture right here is one of the most iconic

Organ duck pictures ever was the first one to release and once everybody saw this the world went

Insane the crazy designer behind this yet again Tinker Hatfield. He did a great job on this collection

He had the Jordan 9 3 4 5 29 and 14 G little scribble hunt tinker you're amazing

Anyways back to the review, so here's the Air Jordan 13 organ PE football edition this sneaker

I think we should just get into it because I want to give you my opinion about this one

So we're gonna give you a look at the Air Jordan

Bred 13 from 1998. That's the original colorway. We have here at the 2017. This is the retro

2011 playoffs playoffs you kidding me 13 the 3m

2014 retro and the

2015 dorm breaker we chose these so we can show you guys the different styles and cuts and also the materials the Air Jordan

13 Oregon PE has a lot of materials that are different as

Normal so we figured this would be a good comparison for you to give you a little perspective on that

So a good way to check out the materials on the sneaker is the backside of the sneaker because the way the shoe is built

So with that left side it will always be the organs out thirteen and the right side will continue to change from each retro

So we'll show you the years and the materials and break those down for you most players exclusive sneakers come in

high-quality materials

And they tend to match the og sneakers because a lot of the og sneakers came at high quality materials

Well, so there is some resemblance in these sneakers the thing that really sticks out to me

The most is the cut at the top of the sneaker and the stitch work as well

You can see they've gotten a little bit better and a little bit cleaner with that on the newer retros

and then the tongue side that's about it for this one them going into the

2017 retro this pair is obviously cut horribly doesn't look as nice and the materials

Just don't look as plush here on the play off 13 now

You can see they did a little bit thinner on the new buck

But the cut is pretty solid so I can't be mad at that so everything's pretty similar on the 3m retro the only thing

That's different is the 3m on the retro now

This is a pretty interesting one because it has a fake crocodile skin on it a different sock liner a different patent leather

material on the side

Kind of a gummy sole onto it so you can see they were definitely mixing it up with this on the materials

I mean the shoe has a pretty solid look

Yes, it's different, but I think it goes well, so going into the side of the sneaker

I want you guys to pay attention to the color blocking the outsole the midsole the materials and

just kind of how things were put together on the og you can see the difference between the toe here in here and then the

Sock liner here in here now looking at the retro

You can see the difference on the piping on the mesh the toe and the sock liner pretty bad

Huh one quick look at the Oregon 13 just to jog your memory on the shape the cut and everything about it alright

Let's get into the playoff 13 being that this shoe is made in 2011 the mold is pretty similar to this pair the only thing

That really sticks out is the toe it's not as boxy and the side of the sneaker

There's more nubuck if you can seal it here in

Here but besides from that everything's pretty close so the biggest thing that I was disappointed in was the ultimate

Cut of this sneaker the back is just completely flat

There's no round at all if you can see the difference here in here and there in there


If that so the biggest thing to take away from the dorm breaker 13 is the materials?

The cuts are solid everything's pretty good with this sneakers

You can definitely tell looking at this one and that one, but everything is pretty good

They are both very unique in their own ways

with the JC and the Duck logo

You got to love these shoes so that about wraps it up guys is a look at the top of the sneaker and a final

Look at the bottom of the sneaker that duck is pretty cool

But besides from that you can tell that it looks like the og the most just because of the cut and everything about it

So I hope you guys enjoyed this. Let's get it back to the boys

So that's about it guys. I mean what do you think was it was it a good review?

I don't know if so leave a comment down below telling what to do leave a comment down below like subscribe

Make sure you stay attentive to all material because we're coming out with some food he cute he hit hit the heat right here

so we're gonna let you know what we think about the sneaker or


The quality is amazing we have a knack for quality, but I'll be honest

This is not my favorite organ people yeah the colorway is trash

No quality is amazing, but like you said it's not my favorite organ feed

Comment down below. What is your favorite organ? PE? Did you like this one? Did you like the colorway?

Did you like the color blocking let us know and if you'd like to see any other organ is?


Think he wants to see some comment down below. Oh, we gotta go we gotta go

For more infomation >> AIR JORDAN 13 "OREGON" PE REVIEW | DnA SHOW - Duration: 7:18.


Kids excited on SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Launch - Duration: 1:20.

What did you do today?

I watched the rocket in the daycare.

Me too!

I have seen rocket in the daycare.

Can we watch it again now?


Blast off!!!!

Rocket made blast off!


Where is she flying?

I am the first man on the moon! :)))

Watch how she is flying!

For more infomation >> Kids excited on SpaceX's Falcon Heavy Launch - Duration: 1:20.


Top 10 Time Machines BEST MOVIES - Duration: 13:39.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Time Machines BEST MOVIES - Duration: 13:39.


Late Night White House Press Briefing: What Was Trump Doing on a Boat with Stormy Daniels? - Duration: 3:50.

-White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders,

holds a lot of press briefings,

but I don't think they asked all of the questions

we need answers to,

so we decided to hold another one

right here, right now.

That's right -- Sarah Huckabee Sanders

and the "Late Night" press corps

are here in our studio and ready to go.

So without further ado, it's time for the "Late Night

White House Press Briefing."


Secretary Sanders! Secretary sanders!

Secretary Sanders! Yes, thank you.

Seth Meyers -- "Late Night with Seth Meyers."

I heard Robert Mueller's investigation is almost done,

What is the administration doing to get ready?

-We are preparing to leave tonight for Switzerland.

[ Laughter ]

-What did you always give Steve Bannon

before talking to him face to face?

-Additional Scope.

[ Laughter ]

-What was Donald Trump doing on a boat with Stormy Daniels?

-Offshore drilling.

[ Laughter, applause ]

[ Cheering ]

-What are Trump's thoughts on marriage?

-It's temporary. It's not meant to be permanent.

[ Laughter ]

-What do men use Viagra for?

-Growing their business.

-What does Melania want for her birthday?

-A small taste of freedom.

[ Laughter, cheers ]

-If Melania ever does try to escape,

will she have to do it on her own?

-I'm sure she --

If she decides to run,

which I think the President states he doesn't feel she will,

I'm sure she'll have help with that.

[ Laughter ]

-Secretary Sanders, I have a few questions

about the President's health.

Can you send out the doctor who performed his physical?

-Thank you. [ Clears throat ]

Dr. Jackson, I heard that before his exam,

the President got so scared of the needles,

he climbed on top of the cabinets.

What did you tell the orderlies?

-You leave him up there until he's ready.

How many vegetables does the President eat?

-One milligram daily.

[ Laughter ]

What were the results of his brain scan?

-There's no indication whatsoever that he has any.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-On a scale of 1 to 10, how dumb is the President?

-30. -Okay.

What happens when the President is a good boy?

-He can watch as much TV as he wants.

-You said that Trump got a 30 out of 30

on the cognitive test.

Does anyone else you know ever scored that high?

-My 5-year-old.

[ Laughter ]

What did you say to yourself

after you saw the President with his shirt off?

-I think I need a drink.

-All right. Thank you. Thank you for your time.

Can you send Secretary Sanders back out here?

Yes, Secretary Sanders, what do you do

when you're at a party on Capitol Hill

and the deejay drops a banger?

-We encourage the Senate to bring it to the floor.

[ Laughter ]

-What do you think about Jeff Sessions' eyes?

-I don't think they're that far apart.

-Okay. [ Laughter ]

How does Trump feel about getting Eric in the divorce?

-The President still strongly believes

this is one of the worst deals of all time.

-When I came into the parking lot today,

I saw you sitting on a Harley, smoking a cigarette,

blasting Van Halen.


-Because I'm awesome. -Okay.

-If you came up with a new wedding dance,

like the Electric Slide or Macarena,

what would you call it?

-The Trump Bump. -All right.

Well, it looks like we're out of time.

So on behalf of the rest of the press corps, have a good night!

We'll be right back with more "Late Night."

For more infomation >> Late Night White House Press Briefing: What Was Trump Doing on a Boat with Stormy Daniels? - Duration: 3:50.


The Flash 4x14 Promo "Subject 9" (HD) Season 4 Episode 14 Promo - Duration: 0:21.

Someone very dangerous is coming after you.


Why in the name of God would anybody be coming after me?

Because you have powers.


I think you just made me like country music.

The Flash all new Tuesday February 27th on The CW.

For more infomation >> The Flash 4x14 Promo "Subject 9" (HD) Season 4 Episode 14 Promo - Duration: 0:21.


HILARIOUS 5x MINER TROLL DECK in Clash Royale! - Duration: 11:17.


For more infomation >> HILARIOUS 5x MINER TROLL DECK in Clash Royale! - Duration: 11:17.


SPACE CATS HATE WATER TOO! | Cosmic Star Heroine - Part 20 - Duration: 12:55.

Welcome back to Cosmic Star Heroine!

I'm jetsetnickradio

and it's actually been almost seven months since I last played this game.

Now, normally, if I haven't played an RPG in like six months or more

I tend to forget important details. And when I do eventually come back to the game

I end up starting it over from the beginning.

But the cool part about doing a let's play series on YouTube is I can actually

watch my videos and

catch myself up on what happened in the game and

Kind of just get like a refresher course! So, yeah

It's pretty funny, at least I think so anyway!

But yeah! Um... we...

We're still on the run from the spy agency

Right now we're

at the Freedom Festival, and it's just Alyssa. The rest of the team went their separate ways and

While I'm, you know, trying to keep a low profile at the Freedom Festival, I'm also taking

part in a scavenger hunt and I believe I found

two of the four items so far?

Yeah, I think that's right.


So yeah, as we established in one of the previous episodes

I'm kind of a cheat! *laughs*

I looked up the solution to the rock-paper-scissors

game on Google. And I have to be honest, I looked up the scavenger hunt as well.

Is this the VR booth? Oh no, that's the raffle booth. I have to go find the VR booth.

Ah, here it is! Down here.

Yep, there's a little shiny up here!

Yup, there we go! "You found a glittering stone!" Okay, so that's one of the scavenger hunt items.

I just need one more now...


I'm pretty sure I talked to everyone up here already

Have I talked to you?

Eh, you're just talking about rock-paper-scissors. That's whatever. No one cares, that's so last episode!

"That alien cat is deceptively tough. I wouldn't enter the battle arena against it if I were you!"

Ooh! There's a battle arena, huh?


OHH! It's this guy! Okay, I know about this guy.

Its name is Paws and it says "I sense a familiar aura. Intriguing."

Uh huh.

Is that all you have to say? Okay, what about this guy over here?

"You look like a strong lass. Care to test your strength and skill in the arena?"

"500 credits to enter and 2000 credits if you win. What do you say?"

I say 'hell yeah, let's do this shit!'

Alright... "Paws: Not a cat!"

2800 HP. Weak against water. Okay, we can do this.

Drown the motherfucker!

Ooh, that was some good damage!

Okay, I think that's my only--

Oh, no, I've got another water attack! Cool.

Um... I should probably save that until I get Hyper again, though.

So... how about this? Let's "Inspire"! (Buffs attack damage for 3 turns)

Alright, damage up!

This guy doesn't hit very hard.

Alright. So... uh

We'll fire my laser!

Okay. Now that I've got Hyper, I'll go ahead and "flood" his ass!


Oh God! All right, I'm dying now. I need to heal.

There we go!

Okay. I'm uh... I'm running out of some moves to use.

Oh! Oh God! What have I done?

Oh, that was a bad idea! Okay, I can use Heal Wave.

Okay, that saved my ass. Alright, I need to Defend.

Okay, all right, I gotta use the laser again.

He's uh... He's getting tough now.

Ooh! That was some really nice damage!

Okay, I'll go ahead and heal.

Oh Jesus Christ, please stop beating me up!

Oh, oh no. Oh, no


Oh, oh, that's bad!

AHHHH!! Game Over!


I REALLY underestimated this green, totally 'not a cat'.

Okay, we'll retry. I'll get it this time!

Alright, let's do this!

I need to be more careful.


Let's see...

Ooh, he's vulnerable now! Okay, alright, this should do a ton of damage then.

Aw, look at that shit! Almost a thousand damage!

You are a bad kitty!

Stop it!

Stahp it!

No! Bad Kitty!

Ugh come on, man! This is bullshit!



*sighs* Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy.

You're fucked now, kitty!



There we go!

It's better if I heal before I get into the negative HP.

Because I don't heal as much if my HP is already in the negative.

There we go.


Aw, he's really close to dead now!

Yeah! Fuck you, Paws!

"You gained 1100 XP and 400 credits!"

Oh what the hell?! It costs 500 credits to fight him!

Oh, wait. There's a prize later, too.

"Impressive technique. I submit."

"Somebody actually won? I didn't expect that. I mean, congratulations on your victory!"

"As promised, here is your prize!"

"You got 2000 credits."

Okay... So I got 2400 credits in total. It's not a bad prize pool at all.

And now I'm gonna talk to him again.

"This is going to sound weird, but could I have a tuft of your fur?"

"A memento of our battle? Why not."

"You got a tuft of green fur!"

"Thank you."


So, unless I'm mistaken, I think I have all the scavenger hunt items now.

Now I just have to remember who gave me the scavenger hunt in the first place.

Uh... I actually do not remember who it was.

Was it this guy over here?

"Would you like to buy a balloon? Only 5 credits!"

No, you're not the scavenger hunt guy.

Is it you?

No, it's not you.

Eh, it's not you, either.

Is it you?

No?! Oh come on!

How about you?

"That's all the items! Congratulations, you're the first one done."

Oh cool, so this was the scavenger hunt person.

"Enjoy your prize!"

"You got a Leader Satchel!"

Okay. The fuck is a Leader Satchel?


*starts humming the festival music*

Under Equipment, probably?


Ah, here it is!

"Powers Combine"!

"Hyper 2nd turn. Repeat: Every 3 turns."

"This satchel means business."


It uh...

It doesn't seem to be better than the one I'm currently using, though. Because the one I'm currently using

buffs my water attacks. My water attacks are pretty great!

So, I guess I'll keep that one equipped.

But uh, that reminds me.



I got the Aqua Basher in the last episode for winning the rock-paper-scissors, and I never equipped it.

Uh... So that buffs my water attacks as well.

But I like how the Speed Stick gives me Hyper on my first turn...

So...I think I'll stick with the speed stick for now.


So, that'll be it for this episode.

We finally finished the scavenger hunt and maybe in the next episode we'll find our way out of the Freedom Festival!

Anyway, as always, thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> SPACE CATS HATE WATER TOO! | Cosmic Star Heroine - Part 20 - Duration: 12:55.




For more infomation >> DAILY TAROT CARD READING THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2018 - Duration: 9:28.


불안과 우울증을 야기할 수 있는 6가지 식습관 - Duration: 9:35.

For more infomation >> 불안과 우울증을 야기할 수 있는 6가지 식습관 - Duration: 9:35.


No-Hit Desert Scourge Deathmode Melee - Duration: 1:30.

Desert Scourge Theme: "Guardian of the Former Seas"

For more infomation >> No-Hit Desert Scourge Deathmode Melee - Duration: 1:30.



all right so this is the Oracle part I just did the tarot reading and this is

for sorry I'm moving around in my chair here Thursday February 8th and it is

your birthday happy birthday and but this is for all astrological signs so we

had an amazing amazing read on that tarot reading I was led to just pull

from the bottom but I still was getting blockages and that was coming up and so

one of the things that kept popping in my head though was the Black Tourmaline

especially what they saw but could the devil as the Major Arcana that came out

so it'll just be interesting to see if it comes out in here so let me start

with love because Nicholas is going a little crazy there because I feel like

love is very important here so want to go through love for you because I

definitely feel like there's issues going on around love I don't feel no go

ahead true love this is the romance of a

lifetime I'm hearing also I'm getting something about the pillar maybe this is

a pillar of the community you know the devil card and I always say this because

you know every card does have its positive and negative and I said that in

the Tarot that it could be like it could represent a boss or something like that

the devil can definitely rep somebody with very it's in very has a

lot of power or is in a very high position so I'm getting the pillar of

the community so I would just I'm hearing the devil wears a three-piece

suit so you know yeah I think you'll know how this applies to you I'm not

saying that look true love may definitely be in the air and it may have

nothing to do with the the devil card but I do feel that some of you are

letting you know we had the old in the knew it wasn't the card that I was

thinking of in the ferry deck yesterday it was emotional healing but

it talked about the old and the new and in the Tarot we had the 10 of Wands

which represents to me old energy and what I mean by that something that has

been residual in building up because it's the number 10 it's not the number

you know - it's not new or energy so it's releasing the old or getting rid

and some of you will be plowing through that and then the new we have the

beautiful the Ace of Wands come in so I don't want to say look this true love Oh

Nikolas just jumped up here whatever he jumps up here I was going to show him

because he's just Nikolas you gonna say hi I guess not anyway as I was saying

with the with the with the old and the new

I feel like this love does not have to be anything toxic okay this could be the

true love or the new love energy of the Ace of Wands so could be that you are

releasing something toxic to come or to get to

this energy I'm also getting that it's the love of us I'm so sorry

this camera keeps driving me crazy it just keeps going out what I was going to

say this also could be love for a new job a new career this doesn't

necessarily have to be romantic love but I mean it is the romance angel Oracle

deck so alright so that's the card that we have here and let me just look on

underneath and just see what's here Oh

reconciliation oh it it wasn't reverse someone from your past is returning to

your life aha well that may be why let me put these

over here so this could be again out with the old in with the new now you'll

know for some of you could be that your true love is returning and you are

moving away from till something toxic the other way I'm hearing it though is

that be careful of a reconciliation there is someone from your past and

you'll know if this person is positive or negative for you in your life that's

probably you know you'll have a decision to make for some of you some of you can

be that you feel like you have found true love and it's new love or it's

newer love and just like the 10 of Wands there's somebody from the past coming

back or like you know somebody from your pal

and maybe they aren't the healthiest for you like the devil's energy and then the

two of swords you have a decision to make do you keep on with the 10 of Wands

and keep trying to work through this relationship or do you start something

new so that's another interpretation sorry about that I just hit the camera

let's see what the fairies have to say and we'll look at that Thursday Thursday

kind of knocked on me let me pull this one oh my gosh

we got birthday again a significant birthday holds the answer to your

question well the Nats just telling me there is

something that happened on someone's birthday from the past I feel like you

know the guides are saying you still have it or somebody hasn't figured it

out yet yes I do feel like it is a birthday it could be your birthday today

remember even I said at the end of the tarot reading that I saw the the 10 of

I'm sorry the Ace of Wands as one of the things I saw it as was a birthday candle

so it could also be a flame because I saw it as the Olympic torch and when I

think of torch now in the context of love it could be that someone's a twin

flame or someone's carrying a flame for someone a torch what is that saying

there their hearts I'm not saying it right but I think you know what I mean

so but I also feel that there is a birthday memory of significance and I'm

not gonna look underneath because I don't want to get like a huge long

reading again and okay they told me to oh my gosh

goodbye to the old hello - Wow okay if that doesn't speak to the turo reading I

almost didn't look at it I was like it's just gonna get too long these readings

end up so long and you know it's a lot of energy for me and I also gotta

prepare for my surgery but it also you guys are busy people you don't have time

to sit there and watch 20 minute videos Wow okay well I'm glad I look you've

finished one part of your life and now I knew and even better part is beginning

so I'm hearing like be careful of the choices that you make I'm just gonna

take this and we see the summer card so everything that you're asking for

becomes yours in summertime and I'm hearing that song again summertime and

thank you for whoever sent me that link actually two people sent me the link and

now her name escapes me oh I almost had it I'm hearing it again I you know I

haven't had time to listen to that song but I'm hearing it summertime is hurt

okay well that just kind of flew out of there so I'm going with this that's not

it oh gosh okay green moss agate do you

like to garden are you a nature lover spend more time

connecting with Mother Earth put your hands in the soil and your bare feet in

the grass investigate the use of nature's pharmacy such as herbs and

aromatherapy for general health and well-being that's very interesting

because I was seeing I also said I saw the 10 of wands as incense but I said

pine needles so green moss ad okay let's see what the saying is angel

of plants and herbs I spend quality time in nature every day I have an intimate

connection with Mother Nature and her loving tools for natural healing

essential oils and healing herbs allow me to balance all aspects of my life so

this is like the quote that you would say when you get these cards these are

beautiful cards I don't have I don't think I don't have any green moss agate

I see something I see like I'm seeing a flower in here flower something is

blooming and it could be by summertime

it could be I just want to see black tourmaline is here

no amber ah are you allowing someone or something to drain your energy just like

the devil when I think usually of the devil I get toxic toxic and I talked

about saging establish boundaries surround yourself in protective shield

to deflect negative energy tap into the ancient wisdom within to transfer your

life okay let me put these over here angel boundaries I have the courage to

set boundaries with love and grace I am protected from negative energy well I

was feeling the Black Tourmaline but they're saying amber I am connected with

powerful ancient wisdom that keeps me safe and provides me with the know-how

to make positive changes how beautiful what a beautiful reading you guys have

had both the Tarot and the Oracle reading have a beautiful day take good

care I'll talk to you soon bye

For more infomation >> DAILY ORACLE CARD READING THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2018 - Duration: 13:22.


Heart touching love story bangla 2018 - Duration: 0:28.


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