Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

hey how's it going there ladies and gentlemen Shakti Moore's mr. Atlanta

Georgia but guess what I'm not in Atlanta Georgia today I'm actually in

Houston Texas and I'm sitting here with a very special group of individuals who

are a part of that now we know that's a no movement and awareness campaign now

you may be sent to yourselves Yaak what is now we know like what is that all

about well let me just say it's about the health of our women

that's our daughters that's our mothers that's our wives our cousins our our

nieces and so many others now he may be saying well exactly what do you mean

their health well let me share this with you you may or may not know what this is

but let me just tell you you know yes I am a man and yes this is a sanitary

napkin and so we're going to give you some insights and some perspectives that

you probably just are not aware of with regards to the now we know movement as

well as some of the health challenges that women are facing as a result of the

sanitary napkin product that they're currently using so if nothing else by

the time you finish watching this particular video you will have more

knowledge you'll have understanding and then it'll be up to you based on that

knowledge that you possess to make an appropriate decision so as you look

around the round table here we are miss Carla we have miss Nita we have mr.

Marcus as well as miss Vanessa and so I'm just simply going to go around the

table and we're just going to talk to each one of them and get their insights

and their perspectives as to why they personally decided to become a part of

or get involved in this particular movement which again is now we know and

basically we know better so therefore we're going to do better so let's begin

first with miss Carla here how you doing today miss Carla I'm doing great I mean

I'm doing great this is this is a life-changing moment for me

excellent excellent so let me ask you this question because many of us you

know we've seen the same video that had a demonstration on it what was it truly

about that video that actually compelled you to say hey

learn more you know I want to see what's going on and you even sent me a message

on facebook I didn't know you were even a real person and sent me a message but

what is it about that video Carla that actually compelled you to say hey I have

to be a part of this particular movement well I didn't really understand what I

liked all I knew for sure was what I was looking at and I knew it was something I

needed so I was more in the mindset of where do I find these people and how do

I get this product because this is this is something that I really need that can

can truly help me and after suffering a lifetime of debility debilitating cramps

blood transfusions from happy leaving all type of you know a lot of people

think that it's you know it's very taboo it's it's comical that women go through

what they call PMS or or and all of these symptoms and on a monthly basis I

guess what we don't understand because some people think it's comical is how

dangerous it is and has been to us all this time

and we didn't know so the now we know the more that I the more that I searched

through to look for other videos and I came across the video with you and your

sister and her testimony and then I saw the Facebook page and I said I need to

know more and I mean just BAM this really change is gonna change my life

learning that all this time that I was fighting a demon I didn't have to be

fighting and that it was just my knowledge and also the industry that was

had me all confused had me thinking that this is how it's supposed to be this is

just something I have to live with and it's not ladies out there it's not if

you are struggling with with female issues whether it be in health issues

that caused you to take medication or just you know debilitating times during

the month from your minstrel cycles you don't have

to do that there is hope for you and now you know

For more infomation >> The now we no campaign by nspire network cherish premium sanitary pads review and testimonials pt 1 - Duration: 4:15.


35 Bar Likh Kar Paras Mai Rakh Len | Ghareeb se ameer hone ka wazifa - Duration: 4:43.

35 Bar Likh Kar Paras Mai Rakh Len | Ghareeb se ameer hone ka wazifa

For more infomation >> 35 Bar Likh Kar Paras Mai Rakh Len | Ghareeb se ameer hone ka wazifa - Duration: 4:43.


Letter School app Learn handwriting uppercase cursive d'nealian letters ACBDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - Duration: 35:18.

Letter School app Learn handwriting uppercase cursive d'nealian letters ACBDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

For more infomation >> Letter School app Learn handwriting uppercase cursive d'nealian letters ACBDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - Duration: 35:18.


Thái vũ ( BlackBi ) livestream Rap - tán dóc " SuNo " - Duration: 51:33.

For more infomation >> Thái vũ ( BlackBi ) livestream Rap - tán dóc " SuNo " - Duration: 51:33.


JAYKII . Vài Tháng Sau ( MINOI Remix ) - PioDs BVNA - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> JAYKII . Vài Tháng Sau ( MINOI Remix ) - PioDs BVNA - Duration: 3:42.


Kamalimmat ensitreffit 2 (The worst dates ever) - Duration: 4:15.

You inspire me.

It is time for a song.


Johanna, your eyes are blue.

The worst dates ever part 2

I made a list of what I want in a wife.

Let's fill the form.

Your name is Johanna. - Johanna Bo--

You will take my surname. - What the...


Would you like to see a photo? - What photo?


This is really good.

I'm so sorry. It's just that Mary liked food too.

I tought I got over her.

We broke up last week.

I tought we would get married.

Now I have ruined your night.

No you didn't. - I gave my all.

Don't take this the wrong way. I think you are pretty.

You would be prettier if you were thinner.

I have read all your books.

Oh my god.

I liked them. Can you sign these?


I have watched all your videos.

I have been following you many years.

I know where you live. I know what are your hobbies.

I know with who you were eating sushi last week.

I know everything. I have your hair in this bag.

Can I have some more?

I hate that grannies feed the pigeons.

They should not feed the flying rats.

The pigeons move like they are seizuring.

Look at me! I'm a pigeon.

I hate pigeons!

Can I have some?

My precious.

For more infomation >> Kamalimmat ensitreffit 2 (The worst dates ever) - Duration: 4:15.


Kötü Duygular Beyniniz İçin Kokain Gibidir►Alışkanlıkların Psikolojisi►Motivasyon - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Kötü Duygular Beyniniz İçin Kokain Gibidir►Alışkanlıkların Psikolojisi►Motivasyon - Duration: 4:02.


The now we no campaign by nspire network cherish premium sanitary pads review and testimonials pt 2 - Duration: 3:47.

excellent excellent well man Karla we truly appreciate you two sharing that

with us and for you know you ladies and gentlemen that again are looking at this

particular video that's what we want you to understand that these are real people

you know that have real challenges or real concerns if you will in their life

you know nobody is a paid actor again I'm from Atlanta Georgia but I'm out

here in Houston Texas and simply by means of the internet ladies and

gentlemen and the internet is powerful because it allows you to be able to

reach individuals all around the world I contacted these individuals and found

out that they were in Houston I said hey let's meet up let's have a discussion

let's share with the world what it is that we're doing and who it is that

we're actually trying to help because everybody everybody I don't care who you

are man or woman there are other women in your life that need to know about

this information and one of the things that we recommend is that you share this

video all across social media share via email

share it with whomever so that way people understand that this is a serious

serious concern because let me ask you this question do you know anybody with

fibroids do you know anybody with heavy heavy heavy flow feminine flow if you

will do you know anybody that has died of cancer now again we're not making any

type of medical claims but I'm sure that you know individuals that have been

challenged on a number of different levels and now we have some information

that is very very important and we're and we're going to share this

information with everybody so let's go over here you know there's another male

in the focus group if you will this is mr. Marcus Mohammed and Marcus if you

could just share with us why is it that you decided to come on board here with

the now we know awareness campaign and movement thank you for the question I

gotta say for me unlike you guys it wasn't because I tried a product

I just saw the opportunity I actually saw another video when it took to

sanitary napkin place one right here and one right here and they did the

demonstration you put the paper towel down one the leading brand pulled it up

it was still wet and they put one down on you you guys products and pick pull

it up it was dry now I never experienced a woman's flow

never really we don't as males and then pray we don't exa bout it we just know

that is it is this and we kind of you know will last a out towards the

situation right but we never go into details about you know I have three

daughters myself and when when I saw that particular moment I was like wow we

have a game-changer it's a no-brain you don't have to sell that product I've

been in it I've been in network marketing I think I did four companies

last company I did pretty well now but it was a consumer product that you

really didn't have to sell but that person really didn't need it but this

product I say personally it's a no-brainer it is not like you know you

have to use helps people exactly it's all that sudden everything I've been

plagued with from this product it's gone right all the medications the miles the

pills the surgeries unnecessary ladies right so me personally I've seen a

opportunity opportunity right make some residual income that's what I've seen

and then after the game we will be able to help millions of women that's out

there suffering from the issue that you mention so it feel good about

collecting the dollar on something that's really good so hey it's the

twofold beautiful thanks

For more infomation >> The now we no campaign by nspire network cherish premium sanitary pads review and testimonials pt 2 - Duration: 3:47.


ANLAT BAKALIM OYNADIK! - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> ANLAT BAKALIM OYNADIK! - Duration: 11:21.


MRvlog#9: Moto accident ! - ضربتو؟ وعلاش تعصبت؟ - Duration: 10:18.

Are you crazy or what ?

you could of killed him !

Say something you ****

It's all recorded , just to know

over there

Try to clean it

you see guys , it's always risky to ride a motorcycle in the city !

For more infomation >> MRvlog#9: Moto accident ! - ضربتو؟ وعلاش تعصبت؟ - Duration: 10:18.


The now we no campaign by nspire network cherish premium sanitary pads review and testimonials pt 3 - Duration: 5:09.

The now we no campaign by nspire network cherish premium sanitary pads review and testimonials

so you know again we definitely appreciate a male's perspective because

again as men are looking at this particular video obviously you know men

have not experienced the use of sanitary napkins we have not experienced feminine

flow I know myself I've been personally married happily married let me not say

personally but happily I've been happily married nearly 14 years and you know I

have to be very transparent and say that during that time of the month I go in

the opposite direction because you know I know it's my wife but because of the

pain that she's experiencing you know you know she's in her behavior is just a

little different but now that we know and now that we understand why she's

been experiencing you know such pain and again we're not going to get into all

the intricate details as far as your leading store brands and our brand again

we're just simply expressing from our hearts you know about this particular

movement but now again that I understand oh my goodness we were gonna make some

definite changes and just to share her a testimonial if you will she actually had

the opportunity to use one of the sample products and after using it for two days

it was so ironic she came down to my office and she was smiling now I know

from experience typically with my wife smiles at me there's one of two things

going on if you're married you already know one of the things that's going on

but then the other thing is that eight maybe I'm in trouble well I knew I

wasn't in trouble because I hadn't did anything I've just been in the office

you know working and I said well what's going on with you she said nothing I

said something was going on but you could hear smiling too hard

anyway she was just like look I feel so good after using this product and she

wouldn't want to relate her experience this Warren's the difference and I was

just absolutely taken aback in you know because now that I know and now that she

knows and she's had the experience I couldn't do anything but smile so next

what we want to do we want to speak with Miss Vanessa but that's how are you

doing it I'm doing great great great so Vanessa if you could just share what

those really really quick what is it that compelled you obviously as a woman

and then you know as a business savvy individual

like what is it that really moves you and you know maybe he'll want you to

make the decision as far as like look I want to be a part of this and I want to

share with other people when I first saw the video it kind of blew my mind

I suffered like stuck accounts in my early 20s so it makes me go back to

think that it could have been prevented not saying that it affected it but it

could have and I think about my sister and my friends so many are going through

the same thing you know bleeding heavily fibroids back pains daily so it's just I

think it's a powerful movement and now we know if you just let me excited also

I think financially it could really help you know it is a big opportunity

excellent excellent and again we appreciate you sharing your own personal

testimonial with us and ladies and gentlemen you know again if you're

looking at this particular video get back to the person that shared this

video with you there's probably gonna be a link somewhere below the video you can

actually click on that link to find out or learn more information but trust me

when I say that you need to know and share this information that we're

sharing with you today so again if you need more information just get back to

the person that shared it with you and tell them say I want more information I

want to know what's going on with that now we know movement because I know

women who have challenges and I know women who I absolutely love so finally

we're gonna go down the table here to Miss Anita Nina and you actually I

decided to join us today not not not sure about how much you know but just

share with us you know your excitement and what your vision is with regards to

this whole now we know awareness campaign I just learned about it late

last night and my blood began to boil because I was so upset that women all

this time have been using something detrimental to their health and I want

everybody to know it and I'm gonna do whatever I can to get that message out

to help them to be healthier excellent again appreciate you sharing

that with us so ladies and gentlemen you know again my name is Jacques Seymour's

and I actually live in Atlanta Georgia on all of these individuals that are

present with me here on today they actually live in Houston Texas so you

know I have the wonderful privilege and pleasure of connecting with them to

again give their personal insights their personal perspectives and we just simply

make it the share of this information with you because we want you to know

because see when you know better you do better and when you do better

you know life becomes more enjoyable so again we appreciate your time we

appreciate your attention please please please get back with the person that

actually shared this video with you because now you know and you have the

duty the responsibility and the obligation to help others no because we

are mission driven people see you next time

For more infomation >> The now we no campaign by nspire network cherish premium sanitary pads review and testimonials pt 3 - Duration: 5:09.



For more infomation >> ICH REAGIERE AUF FORTNITE TÄNZE IN REALLIFE - Duration: 3:37.


Nerf N-Strike Double Down Blaster Unboxing - Duration: 2:36.

On this episode of Scott vs. Box. I open up nerf n-strike

Double Down oh this makes me want to go to Atlantic City and really eat it a buffet

(Hungry chomp and swallow )

Scott Vs. Box (singing)


This is nerf n-strike

Double Down yes

Do it I'm doubling down hit me-

oh. I've already got the I've got the prize. Oh, I understand, Las Vegas

uh we got here four darts included made by Hasbro

Double-barrel blasting- good, so that's that leaves me with two shots to go

Put the darts towards back down there on the bottom. It's all pretty standard.

also available the snap fire

Oh, it says the double zero

double-barrel blaster fires two darts in a row for double tap battle action

Ooh, I feel like Gregory Hines though the tippity-tap or sh-shirley Maclaine no Shirley Temple

That's it, not Shirley MacLaine come on the kids don't know their. Shirley MacLaine.

They clearly know the Shirley Temple

Who's the tap star of now is there anybody?

the lord of the dance? I don't know is there a modern-day-


Icon other than myself, but I'm retired. I just can't keep up

I'm just too good. I'm too good

So okay, we got the double down here pretty uh pretty

Slender and sleek you have to pull back in order to load

We've got the extra darts storage in the side here. It says double down on one side not on the other

I don't know why with dart guns

They always just want to do one side and not work on the other one then we put two darts in there

Load them up good load them up good

Pull it back, and then we going to fire


So it shoots one at a time I guess I misunderstood


That it shoots two at once and it doesn't

But pretty simple though, at least it's not complicated. You know any batteries and all that stuff pretty straightforward

Shoots pretty good, and my darts are gone now.

I have to go fetch them like a tennis player oh

and it twirls, right

Real good yessir!

Nerf DoubleDown

Another successful unboxing in the bank now subscribe to Scott vs. Box by tapping right up here and us even more Scott vs.

Box tap right over here, and then join the notification squad by tapping on the bell below well

I got to get back to it. Nothing's gonna unbox itself. That's my job! Not yours!

don't take my job

For more infomation >> Nerf N-Strike Double Down Blaster Unboxing - Duration: 2:36.


Diego Ƶapater - Nightmares (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Diego Ƶapater - Nightmares (Official Music Video) - Duration: 2:36.


Donald Trump Hints at #ReleaseTheMemo Success 'We Caught 'Em … I - Duration: 2:33.

Donald Trump Hints at #ReleaseTheMemo Success �We Caught �Em � It�s So Much Fun�

President Donald Trump alluded to the successful Republican effort to release a House Intelligence

memo that exposed new details of FBI officials colluding against him.

�Did we catch them in the act or what?

You know what I�m talking about, oh did we catch them in the act,� Trump said.

�They are very embarrassed.

They never thought they were going to get caught, we caught �em.�

The president made his remarks during a speech in Ohio on Monday.

He did not specifically mention the memo but hinted strongly at its success.

�It�s so much fun,� he continued.

�We�re like the great sleuth.�

President Donald Trump on Monday accused the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence

Committee of being among �the biggest liars and leakers in Washington,� listing Rep.

Adam Schiff alongside Obama-era intelligence officials, former FBI Director James Comey

and another prominent Democrat.

�Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest

liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper!�

the president wrote on Twitter, placing the California Democrat in the company of fired

FBI Director James Comey, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Calif.), the ranking member on the Senate

Intelligence Committee, former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National

Intelligence James Clapper, all of whom the president has feuded with at one time or another.

�Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information.

Must be stopped!� the president continued.

A spokesman for Schiff did not immediately return a request for comment.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Hints at #ReleaseTheMemo Success 'We Caught 'Em … I - Duration: 2:33.


Welcome to The Idea Revolution - Duration: 4:39.

As of this recording, almost a million of you watched my chat with Jordan Petersen and

Ben Shapiro last week on YouTube, and a few hundred thousand more of you have listened

to the audio podcast.

While mainstream media continues to spoon feed the masses soundbite clickbait, we're

doing some real proof of concept work right here to prove that you are a lot smarter than

they think.

While mainstream focuses on Trump's diet coke habit we're here talking about the marxist

roots of postmodernism and the secular and religious arguments over where rights come


I received a slew of emails from you guys about Jordan often saying things that go over

your head, but then you pause the video and do some research yourself.

I'll be totally honest with you, sometimes he says things which fly by me as well, and

while I usually try to pause him to clarify, obviously I can't always do that in the midst

of the conversation.

While you're learning through these conversations, know that I'm learning right next to you.

After the Peterson / Shapiro livestream, Jordan got in a well deserved nap and then spoke

to a sold out crowd of 2000 people at the Orpheum theater here in LA. Jordan was nice

enough to let me introduce him as a surprise to the audience and I gotta tell you it was

truly the best reception I've ever received.

I did a couple minutes of stand up, cracking jokes about lobsters and the importance of

cleaning your room, but there was something beyond just the laughs that I could feel on


The room felt lit with intellect and curiosity -- 2000 strangers coming together to hear

a middle aged psychology professor talk about how fixing yourself is the only way to fix

the world.

This simply wouldn't have happened even two years ago because so many of you who dare

think differently were silenced by false cries of racism and bigotry.

People like Jordan and Ben are using their intellect to say what they believe and that

in turn is showing millions of people out there that they can do the very same thing.

Whether you like or hate Trump, this idea revolution is directly because of his election.

Everything is up in the air right now from our political institutions, from the to our

educational institutions to our media institutions.

As Eric Weinstein and I discussed a few months back, perhaps some of us would've preferred

less upheaval to get us to address the problems with these institutions, but perhaps that

more selective, tactful upheaval never happens.

As I said to Eric, he wanted a panther in a china shop, but all that was available was

the bull.

As the Rolling Stones taught us, You can't always get what you want, but you get what

you need.

As most of you probably have seen already we followed up our chat with Peterson and

Shapiro with the Brothers Weinstein, Eric and Bret.

It was their first public appearance together ever and I have to say my brain is still in

recovery mode from taking in so many high level, important ideas.

If the dial of ideas was turned on low for the last few years it is quickly moving into

the hot position.

The dial is moving because the conversations we're having here are finally starting to

leak out into the rest of the world.

That's why thousands of you are showing up at Jordan Petersen events and at live Sam

Harris podcasts.

And by the way, Sam and Jordan disagree on pretty much everything, especially the most

fundamental existential questions that exist.

Yet we're all on the same side because the only real enemy is the authoritarians who

want controls so they can have us silenced.

Once you realized that, you suddenly will find yourself with many more allies and many

less enemies.

So it probably goes without saying that I'm feeling incredibly positive about the direction

things are heading and I hope you are too.

This month, we're going to continue having real conversation with people who are really

affecting the world with their thoughts and their actions.

We've got a 5 time bank robber who became a Georgetown Law professor, a former head

of FEMA, and a nuclear power expert running for governor of California.

Also I'm thrilled to share with you that we're also doing 5 shows in 5 days with 5 experts

on 5 different presidents of the United States to celebrate Presidents week.

From some founders like Jefferson, Adam and Madison to JFK and to Lincoln, the stories

of our past are as relevant as ever as we fight for the liberty of today.

Oh, and yes, we'll be doing plenty more of the 3 person sit downs as well.

Who do you want sitting across from each other let us know in the comments right down below.

After all, there's a Idea Revolution happening right now and it may not be televised but

it's definitely going to be streamed...

For more infomation >> Welcome to The Idea Revolution - Duration: 4:39.


Learn Animals for Toddlers with Wrong Wooden Slots | Episode 183 - Duration: 1:49.

Learn Animals for Toddlers with Wrong Wooden Slots | Episode 183

For more infomation >> Learn Animals for Toddlers with Wrong Wooden Slots | Episode 183 - Duration: 1:49.


Learn Colors and Animals with Soccer Balls for Kids - Colors and Animals for Kids - Duration: 3:47.


























For more infomation >> Learn Colors and Animals with Soccer Balls for Kids - Colors and Animals for Kids - Duration: 3:47.


Белые Розы, Очень Красивая Песня, Аркадиас - Послушайте!!! - Duration: 3:36.

White Roses, Very Beautiful Song, Arkadias

For more infomation >> Белые Розы, Очень Красивая Песня, Аркадиас - Послушайте!!! - Duration: 3:36.


Pepa Pig Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Learn colors for Kids - Duration: 25:16.

Pepa Pig Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Learn colors for Kids

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