Shocking Age Of Hate Story 4 Actors And Actresses | You Won't Believe
Japanese 100 ¥ Shop Tour - Duration: 4:44.these are funny! here we have some Ebi crackers
I don't like them so much...
Today's challenge is getting serious!
WIll Seba be able to find 1€ fruit at the 100yen shop?
well, maybe only a lemon wedge
and no the fruit candy and the plastic fruits are not valid for this challenge...
so here we are at the Lawson 100yen store
I showed you another 100yen store but this one is different
because here they sell only food
here we have 100yen bananas
100yen onions, they are not so nice wrapped up...
you get 2 lemons for 100yen,
100yen grapefruit,
100yen cucumber,
also apple for 100yen? - ah no they cost 300yen, sometimes they change the price
here we have some chips with different flavours (the purple potato of Kyushu)
then here we have the bread
I show you the most disgusting one in the world
this is a very disgusting one!
bread with inside Yakisoba, I don't even wish it to my worst enemy
but the japanese children love this bread!
These sandwiches, I never took the risk to buy them
but maybe with these I will be able to do the bear form sandwiches
like the one that I did in another video, I leave you the link if you haven't seen it
then we have the chicken, it looks nothing like chicken at all
100yen and it has 60 calories, well I believe you it weighs 1 gram^^
Natto, everything cost 100yen
like I said before there are things that cost more than 100yen
the Onigiri cost 100yen
ah the rice also 100yen, but this one 300yen
so, yes some things cost also more!
look at all those types of tea's for 100yen!
all japanese tea
here we have jam,
here we have the Ramen and soup section
sometimes they also have some sorts of pasta, but I don't see them here
this one is for making Nabe...only 100yen!
it's not expensive for the Nabe sauce
then here we have the eggs, and this is me!
and then we have all this yogurt for 100yen!
all these cream puffs for 100yen, it's not so much, no?
some home utensils
food for your favourite animal, these ones are funny!
other home stuff, some socks, underwear,
then they have a beauty section for girls
pens, things for your bike,
because here everybody rides a bike!
some mini containers for liquid substances, here we have some ink for calligraphy
look at how funny the glue is!
some other containers, different detergents, drinks
then here we have other things,
this is all the "bad stuff for your body" section, I don't like these...
here we have some Ebi crackers
these are basically some New Year decorations, for your house!
here we have the Marshmellow
they have mango and normal flavour
if you want to stay healthy, then this is not the right place to come
but it's perfect if you have sudden hunger
these are like the things that I took for the snowman that I made
as you can see there are a lot of things!
I decided to take these socks from all of the things that are here exposed
obviously 100yen
then here we have different types of coffee, on the top the coffee is very hot! if you touch them you will get burn
and these are cold coffee
so if you want to buy the ramen here
afterwards you can come here and heat it up with some hot water
you only need to push here and the water comes,
and as you can see, here we have other types of ramen
So, I hope you enjoyed this visit at the Lawson 100yen store
see? in Japan you can also find fruit that cost less,
so, these immediatly disappeared
one apple cost 1€
I don't know if it's to much or not
these potatoes cost also 1€ for this bag
a bit less than 1€ - 80 cents
then we have radishes, and these carrots that cost also 100yen.
I hope you liked this video, see you tomorrow always at 2pm (GMT+1)
let me know in the comments what you think about this store,
and until tomorrow!
a funny p.s.: if you come from the lawson store
and you want to take the bus, this is the bus stop
with a really funny thing! look!
these are the chairs that the people brought from home
in 1 minute the next bus comes,
we are basically in sugamo district and it's a district where mostly old people live,
so, basically one can come here and sit on this comfortable chair, while waiting the bus
ok see you tomorrow at 2pm
if you have any questions, just write them in the comments below and subscribe, ok BYE!
HULK Surprise Toys Play Don't Wake Romeo Game - Duration: 12:19.Hulk Surprise Toys Play Don't Wake Romeo Game
Hey, dino pals this is Toy Rex here let's see what toy surprise, we have today i?
found you paw patrol cuts, now, you're coming with, me
Romeo what'd you, do where are the paw patrol pups i teleported the partial pots to my, home see you later ah
Where romeo go i need, to go get help i know. Hulk can, help, me i
Always, wanted a pet pal now i have all the Paw Patrol Pups, haha
Romeo let us go
No, wait holiday you're mine now, paw patrol pups?
Haha, wow i'm really tired i'm gonna go take a, nap now. You later papa shuttlepod
Help, help, what's wrong ryder?
Took, all the papa show pups can, you go save them, what room y'all took the paw patrol pups no problem. Huh
We'll save them for you where is romeo now romeo is taking a, nap so if you're really quiet you can
Save the paw patrol pups, no problem hulk and his friends will go save the paw patrol pups let's go guys
If the hulk superheroes can, make it to the finish line, they'll save the paw patrol pups but if they, wake romeo then
They'll be in the jail too time to go to sleep
Trying to play the don't wake romeo game hulk, is first this, is the spinner he gets the spirit to see, what color you get
Who gets green just like, hulk
Hulk, is on the green square and there's a six here that, means hulk to suppress the alarm clock six times
Six is a really, big number can, help, pass let's count together here's one two
three four five, and there's the last, one
Six, yay, haha good job huh it's moving
your, neck it's time to save the paw patrol pup one two three pin
Wolverine, also got green
Since hulk is already on this green skirt, that, means more friend get to go all the way over here
Five times that's a big number
Okay, here you, go here's one two. Three four and five
Yay, wolverine pass awesome job over ii
Know it's she-hulk steering here, we go one two three spin
well she hug got green - we got three green colors that's, awesome and
Since hulk and wolverine are both on green colors that makes shiho get to go all the way over here that is so cool and?
There's no number on the square that means she-hulk doesn't have to press the alarm clock that's awesome she did so good
Dr.. Hawks turn one two three spin
Wow, hulk dream too everybody's favorite color, is green because green, means. Hulk awesome
Since boring and she-hulk are both fine green squares families
Hulk, gets to go all the way over here that's really far and there's a horn on the square
Hulk, is to press the alarm clock four times will he pass let's find out, well hulk, wake romeo let's find out you can
Do it hulk, why, oh, no, hulk walk romero, who, won't be from my beauty sleep, oh it's you you're?
Gonna, go to, jail
No, hawk is in jail - can she hulk and wolverine save the pups, and hulk let's find out turn her back to sleep romeo
Now it's wolverines turn, again, one two three spin good split
Wow he, also got green anybody, keeps getting the green color
She-hulk is on this green, square that, means wolverine gets to go all the way over here
And he has to push the alarm clock four times you can, do it over here
let's count, together here's one two
Three and four yay, wolverine passed good job all right it's she-hulk's turn
She arc is super strong just like the hulk one through three spin
She-hulk up blue
Sea, helical he got to move two squares and she has to push the alarm clock six times that's a really big number
Here she goes here's one two. Three four five only one more will she pass
Oh, no she won't romeo, oh wow. Yeah, oh it's you she hulk you have to go to, jail too
Both, hulk and she-hulk isn't you can, wolverine save everyone time to go back to sleep romeo
Its wolverines turn, again. You can't do it wolverine here, we go one two. Three spin
He got green again, everybody loves green color
Wow it's almost finished he only needs one more square to see everyone and look there's a four that
Means, yes push the alarm clock four times if hole vereen doesn't wake war mail he can, win next turn
Wolverine needs to plus the alarm clock for chumps and if he doesn't wait room you then he can, win next turn
Let's count together down. Oh friends here's one
Three and this is the last one can you do it and for y a. Wolverine path he didn't wake romeo
awesome if
Wolverine gets red, blue green or yellow, he'll, save everyone and win the game but if it gets, white he has to go back
One step that's really bad so, we need to get every other colors of light one two three spin
Awesome wolverine got yellow. Yellow just like his suit now. You can't say that one and win the game awesome
Wow you guys saved us thanks a lot, hulk she-hulk him over him you guys are the best no problem
Oh it's glad to help pop jukebox as a big thank you paw patrol team hunts, the prize toys for you, guys
Surprise toys, that's, awesome we love surprise toys
Let's see what surprises, we got?
Wow that's awesome we got so much surprise toys, which one should, we open up first only my mouth
Well it's the power rangers keychain, that's so cool
Pink rangers that's, awesome the pink ranger is one of the five mighty, morphin power rangers when, they transform they
Also get super powerful megazords and the pink majors megazord is the powerful
Pterodactyl, the pink rangers your name is kimberly, she's super nice and super pretty let's go mighty, morphin power rangers
Next let's open, up this one wow it can x-men mystery mini there's wolverine and colossus, and here all the awesome figures
we can, get there's wolverine cyclops, storm professor, axe beasts colossus mystique sabretooth
Wolverine ice queen and here the exclusive ones so cool, i want to get cyclops
Because he is the leader of the awesome esmond here we go guys
Cool, we got storm and she's a bobblehead bottle serve as a member of the powerful x-men her special abilities to control the
And even cause, blizzard, she's super powerful and she teaches as the x-men school to train the, new
Awesome super, moons let's watch, don't go for up
Next let's open, up this one wow it's a superman and batman mr.
Me i see wonder woman batman and superman and you can even get aquaman
And super powerful armored batman that's awesome i want to get armored famine cuz. You look, super, tough here, we go guys
Snippety, good time, ssss it this is so fun
Wow, we got superman that's awesome superman's wearing his?
Blue red sir man uniform there's a really long red, cape, and look, there's his logo the super s for
Superman sir man is really really strong he can, fly and even has laser eyes
He works together with evan and wonder woman when the justice league and superman is one of the strongest superheroes time for a blast-off
next let's open, up this one
I see joker and harley quinn and as they glow
In the dark, joker cool, and these are the awesome figures you can, even get mr.
Bernie super shot crocodile the, which the swordsman kadena and i really
Want to get this glow-in-the-dark, joker here we go guys
Here we go?
Wow, we did it guys, we got the glooms our choker he looks so cool, did your crazily, awesome tattoos and even says
Joe cronus stomach you've got really, bad teeth with braces, and he's got green hair, joker looks really creepy
Look, it's it's arkham
In the arkham, asylum joke i always cause trouble for famine but beneth, always beats him time for a flip, oh?
Time to put this one it's the supercool transformers look, there's megatron it's the decepticon bad guys and then look
There's optimus, prime and bumblebee the supercool autobots let's open, this up guys
Here we go?
Awesome we got bumblebee that's so cool, bumblebee is a super, awesome autobot
Transformer and look here's his logo it's the autobot he's a good, guy, and look, super, happy he's all yellow
With blue, eyes, and here's his heart it's a. Yellow. Corvette let's take, over the first big, whoa
And since bumblebee is a robot transformer he can turn into a transfer a robot all we have to do is push the car
Well nobody it is turn into a robot that's so cool, let's go
Now, let's turn it back into a car, we'll just push it look, there's the car, whoa
Two, more surprise toys left any meenie miney moe we'll put up this one?
Cool it's a spider-man mister egg it's already, and look, there's captain, america iron man hulk is thor so awesome shaky-shaky
Super cool, we got spider-man, and he's a?
Bobble head battle spider-man looks so cool, he's red, and blue and he's ready to shoot his spider-man
Spider-man, has spidey sense so he can, avoid, any danger he can climb
Walls any super-smart his real name is peter parker he's a student that, was trained to be a
Superhero, hey man this girlfriend is mary jane and he lives at home with aunt may let's watch him do a spidey flip
One more surprise toy left cool it's the paw patrol that's awesome look it's just super
Your, paw patrol they've all become superheroes rich super pup, do you, want to get i want to get them off?
Here we go citizen
Suzie, shake here we go?
Wow super pups guys she looks so pretty she's got her
Pink, mask, and picked superhero uniform on and check it out, she's super stretchy
What's so cool, that's her superhero, power she could, become super plastic. Stretchy skye
awesome whoa
Well look at her, eye that's so cool, and let's see her bounce whoa, ho
That was so fun deference we got these, awesome surprise toys i hope all my
Dear friends have a happy happy and if you have one in the next toy rise, video thanks for watching dino pals you
guys, are awesome
For more awesome surprises with, me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe enjoy the dino club
যে হাদিস ধারা মুসলিমের রক্ত হালাল মনে করে খারিজিরা । শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
মুসলিম শাসক যদি অন্যায় করে আমাদের করণীয় কি ? || মতিউর রহমান মাদানী । Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Anticipation builds for rivalries at PyeongChang 2018 - Duration: 2:41.The Games in Pyeongchang will be the biggest Winter Olympics in history in terms of the
number of athletes and countries participating.
There are 15 snow, ice and sliding events,... and that means a lot of exciting showdowns
between the world's top winter sport rivals.
Won Jung-hwan brings to light the key match-ups and stars to watch out for.
First off,… women's ice hockey will see an intense match between two big rivals.
The United States, who are number one in the world, are looking to make a comeback against
their northern neighbors, second-ranked Canada, on February 15th.
In men's hockey this time around, professional players are out due to a decision by the NHL,
so it'll be the women's teams getting the attention.
The Canadian women have won the gold medal in four straight Olympics since 2002,… while
the U.S. has won seven of the last eight world championships.
In skeleton, meanwhile, Korea has a chance to win its first medal in that event.
The first Korean skeleton slider to finish on top of the podium at international events,
Yun Sung-bin, could be on the road to gold in his home country on February 16th.
He's the current world number one, having won five golds and two silvers this season.
But he'll have a tough competitor in 33-year-old Martins Dukurs from Latvia, who has more experience.
Dukurs has won the world championship five times plus two silver medals at the Olympics.
South Korean speed skater Lee Sang-hwa has twice won Olympic gold in the women's 500-meter
race, and she's ready to add another in Pyeongchang.
Just last week in Germany she set a new personal best,
but she could have a strong challenger in Japan's "sprint queen" Nao Kodaira, who's
won the 500-meter in all seven of the most recent international tournaments.
Their final race will be at the Gangneung Oval Stadium on February 18th.
Finally, there's the glitz and glamour of figure skating, which will be a true spectacle
at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
Nearly 150 of the world's best figure skaters will be competing in five events, eager for
the chance to call themselves Olympic champions.
In ice dance, there are two teams, France and Canada, who could end up neck-and-neck
for gold.
French duo Papadakis and Cizeron won their fourth consecutive European title last month
with a new world record,… while Canada's Virtue and Moir, who paired up in 1997 and
have won Olympic gold before, are looking to cap their career with first-place finish
at PyeongChang.
The Canadians will face off with the young French team at the Gangneung Ice Arena on
February 20th.
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.
Уровень Интеллекта разных Знаков Зодиака - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Essence Of Murli 09-02-2018 - Duration: 7:30.Om Shanti !
Today's Murli Date Is 9th February 2018
Essence: Sweet children, wake up early in the morning and say to the Father: good morning.
( The moment eye opens the first thought coming to mind should be 'Sweet Babab' Good Morning )
( We may not say 'Good Morning' aloud, but let the first thought be for Baba )
(wake up early in the morning and say to the Father: good morning. )
Think about knowledge and the mercury of your happiness will then remain high.
Question: What is accurate remembrance? What are its signs?
Answer: Accurate remembrance is to remember the Father with great patience, maturity and understanding.
( those who have great patience and maturity will not ask anything from Baba. Neither directly nor indirectly )
Those who have accurate remembrance receive more current and their burden of sins continues to decrease
Such souls continue to become satopradhan,
their lifespan increases and they also receive a searchlight from the Father.
Essence for dharna:1. Let the past be the past and first of all reform yourself.
Make effort to be soul conscious. Do not speak too much. ( observe silence as much possible )
( Speak only if needed and that too, as much needed. Speak less and speak slowly )
2. Fill your apron with jewels of knowledge, donate them and become an instrument to benefit many others.
Become loved by all and stay in limitless happiness.
Blessing: May you be loved by all with your accurate and elevated handling and receive blessings from everyone.
The Father didn't see anyone's weaknesses, but encouraged them: You belonged to me, you belong to me and will always belong to me.
Follow the Father in the same way.
From connections and relationships with everyone while seeing their specialities and soul-conscious love will then automatically emerge.
Together with being loved by the Father, you will be loved by all.
Where there is soul-conscious love, good wishes and feelings of co-operation are received from everyone in the form of blessings.
This is called accurate spiritual handling.
Slogan: By concentration your elevated thoughts, stabilize the wandering intellects of many souls. This is real service.
( These days we observe many suffer from depression.)
(When such people come to us Baba says...)
( " By concentration your elevated thoughts, stabilize the wandering intellects of many souls. This is real service. )
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.
The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our loveour remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste
Om Shanti !
MELINA SOPHIE LEARNS ITALIAN - Language Challenge | Kaio - Duration: 5:36.Melina Sophie learns italian - language challenge | Kaio
Yo Ninjas
I'm Kaio and I'm here with Melina
She is a german youtuber and we are gonna do a Language Challenge
I've prepared 5 sentences
and she will try to guess the meaning after repeating them
in his channel we did the same but in reverse :D
Katalog Tupperware SPAIN|España Februari 2018 - Duration: 4:15.-------------------------------------------
Signs of Heaven - Pictures Surprising - Medjugorje - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
HOVERBOARD IN PARIS - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
Hearthstone Funny Plays 5 - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
Ghét Thì Yêu Thôi - Parody Official - Đỗ Duy Nam - Duration: 5:57.-------------------------------------------
Tom and Angela - Stand By Me (NEW Music video from Talking Tom and Friends) - Duration: 3:00.Stand by me
stand by me
oh stand, stand by me.
When the night has come
and the land is dark
and the moon is the only light we'll see.
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand
stand by me.
So darlin', darlin', stand by me, ooooh stand by me.
Oh stand
stand by me, stand by me.
If the sky we look upon
should tumble and fall
or the mountains should crumble to the sea.
I won't cry, I won't cry
no I won't shed a tear
just as long
as you stand
stand by me.
So darlin', darlin', stand by me
oh stand by me
Oh stand, stand by me
stand by me.
Whenever you're in trouble
won't you stand by me
oh stand by me
oh stand now
stand by me.
Stand by me
stand by me
oh stand
stand by me.
Когда деньги захотят прийти в твою жизнь ? Что мешает стать богатым и увеличить свои доходы ?? - Duration: 4:08.-------------------------------------------
Talking Angela's Birthday Surprise - Duration: 1:35.Some say that February's short and dull!
But not for me.
With my birthday and valentine's day, it's actually a month of love and romance.
This year, the stars aligned in the most spectacular way ever aaand…
I made a brand new music video with Talking Tom.
It was the most amazing birthday gift I could ever get.
Right now, the song itself is a bit of a secret, but as you're some of my favorite people,
Little Kitties, I'm gonna give you a few hints…
So – it's a romantic song....
You know I love those!
And Tom was totally on board.
He's such a sweetheart!
We wanted this video to be a bit different, so it's set in the past.
But I won't tell you when exactly!
It was such an amazing experience having my own makeup artist, my own stylist and hairdresser,
and I love love LOVED my outfit.
I felt like a true star!
Oh just wait until you see Tom.
OMG – he looks really good.
I'm actually blushing right now!
I don't want to ruin the surprise!
So just promise me one thing – come back after you've seen the music video and tell
me what you think of it in the comments!
I want to know what your favorite parts are!
And be sure to share the video with the people you love!
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