Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018




















For more infomation >> Color House Vehicles | Street Vehicles For Kids | Nursery Rhymes | Cartoon Car Video For Toddlers - Duration: 2:51.


ENG [LIT TV] Kendrick Lamar, SZA - All The Stars (Asian Reaction) - Duration: 7:40.


it's been a while everybody


hello to the world


we were so busy to shoot and Edit 'LIT live'

that's why we weren't able to do reaction

and also there were not many MVs to react actually

but now I realized i gotta react to this guy

who's this guy?

I heard it yesterday it's 'Kendrick Lamar' and 'SZA'


by Ms. SZA

lol is she Korean?

It's Ms. SZA she is lol

'All the stars'

I'm not sure that when the song has released

but the MV's just been dropped

oh the song had been released?


I'm so excited because every Kendrick's MVs are so fancy and so epic

he is also the king of hiphop lol

word can't express

he is the king

I'm expecting many views of our reaction lol

hope you guys enjoy our reaction

and also please watch our 'LIT live's. we have so talented rappers in Korea

we're gon upload 2 more 'PUP's live videos soon

so just keep focus on it because we keep shooting many talented artists

well, then let's start reacting

LIT action

they waving their hands like this

what is it?

seems like the movie ' the lord of rings'

Is it Kendrick?


he's finally become the god for real lol


seems like he's on 'Noah's Ark

it does

and it looks like Spinx in Egypt

i think his hair looks like the game character 'Paul' in Tekken

ah lol if you wanna do that hairstyle, should use a can of wax

no lol five cans lol

It's Africa

the song sounds so epic

this is Ms. SZA

ah She is lol

it sounds like she's living in Yang-Pyeong, Kangwon-do in Korea

lol SZA Kim

is it Gyeonggi-do or Kangwon-do?

lol i'm not sure

oh those red suits

he raps so comfortable

sounds so comfortable but It's very unique voice

he has such a cool tone

he's also the best lyricist

but sorry for my poor English this time lol

gotta turn the volume up

let's talk about love

he said let's talk about love

have you watched one of Ken's MV that he set the fire on his head?

yeah it's 'Humble'

like that MV, this one also has large scale

almost Blockbuster movies

i see some stars and some milky ways in here

Ms. SZA is in that milky way

she looks like Muse in this scene

and Kendrick looks like God in this MV

where is here?

seems like there's lot of dust

that kinda clothe makes lot of dust

if you're sitting next to someone wearing that clothe

you get all dust on you when you got home

looks like African make-up

the shape of the lights before looks like the continent of Africa

I just came up with 'Black Panther' movie

me too after you said like that

i'm a huge fan of 'Marvel'

what should i say um...

I can feel the native African people vibe in here

the tribes

she's so tall

so sexy

she's almost 'Jang-hoon, Seo'

they don't probably know 'Jang-hoon, Seo'

they are much taller than Kendrick

they look like 'Attack on titan'

it's Africa right?

it just finished with this Africa continent shape

we've watched the song by Kendrick Lamar, SZA

Kendrick lamar and ms, SZA Kim

all the stars

in Korean 'all the stars'

we've watched this MV

we could see the shape of Africa continent

and I could feel the native African vibe in here

i think they're tryna put that kinda vibe in here

the Excellence of their culture?

the directors might want to express that, I guess

I think, like the name 'All the stars'

regardless of race

they're trying to say 'everybody is the stars'

damn... i should've said like that....

I think it is that kinda message

I was so narrow...

like cosmic love

that's why the space scene was there

one love~

one love. peace and one love

I think he is right lol

I'm gon seach the lyrics of it

if you search and understand the lyrics, tell me who was right lol

we back with LIT action for a while

we've reacted to the famous Kendrick Lamars song

hope you guys enjoyed this

we kept calm this time

because he is so great and the MV seems so concious

and the video was so good

it was

looks cool and it has such a large scale and was so epic

and i think there're lot's of religious metaphors

Kendrick is still great and awesome

so that's all for today

we'll keep shooting 'LIT live' and uploading in Feb

if you are interested in K hiphop

keep focus on 'LIT live'

these are Live clips by such talented hiphop artists

if you watching it

we'll know cool songs and cool K hiphop artists from them

actually it's meaningless that divide K hiphop or american hiphop or etc

it's all hiphop

we are 'all the stars'

relating like this huh lol

that's good tho lol

I keep mumbling because of my bad condition

anyway, that's all for today

sorry for my bad condition

then let's say LIT action

For more infomation >> ENG [LIT TV] Kendrick Lamar, SZA - All The Stars (Asian Reaction) - Duration: 7:40.


Star Wars: Die 5 stärksten TIE-Jäger des Imperiums [Legends] - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: Die 5 stärksten TIE-Jäger des Imperiums [Legends] - Duration: 4:33.


Bientôt la FIN DES HYPERMARCHÉS ? 🛒 - Monkey - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Bientôt la FIN DES HYPERMARCHÉS ? 🛒 - Monkey - Duration: 3:15.


On the go with EF #63 – Angelina bikes along Santa Barbara's beaches - Duration: 5:09.

Hi and welcome back to On the go with EF. I hope everybody's doing really well.

I'm in Santa Barbara, which is a small beach town on the west coast of the United States.

Today, I'm going to explore the beach area by bike.

I'm going along the beachway right now. Wow! So many boats!

Well, I can see why. Santa Barbara is absolutely beautiful.

If I had a boat, I would definitely come here.

They're all different sizes. Some people have huge boats out here.

I'm so happy I rented a bike. I can definitely recommend it.

You know, Santa Barbara is known to be the American Riviera - and I can really see why.

You've got the ocean, the sunshine …

The vibe is just so laid back. It feels like you're on vacation.

Apparently, there are about 90,000 people living here,

but honestly, you could never tell because it's so empty.

There's so much empty space. You still see a lot of people and

there are quite a lot of tourists here, but it doesn't feel crowded.

It's beautiful and I love the smell of the ocean.

Oh, look! There's a pier! This is such a nice bike ride.

I'm really enjoying the palm trees and the blue skies.

And I quite like people watching, too.

It's fun to see what people are up to when they go to the beach.

I'm coming up to the pier. I'm so excited to explore it.

It looks really fun.

Okay. There we go. Let's go to the pier!

Pelicans, I think. It looks like it. They're big birds, anyway.

I wonder if there are a lot of fish here.

This is called Stearns Warf. The people are super laid back.

A lot of people are just walking in their shorts and t-shirts.

Nobody's really dressed up. It's super casual.

There's a fish and chips shop. It's quite cool.

I like the vibe of having a fish and chips shop on the pier.

Then, you can walk all the way out and I bet there's a nice lookout spot out there.

This is the end of the pier and wow, it's beautiful.

This view is incredible, too. Over there is Santa Barbara.

And these are the Santa Ynez Mountains.

I'm so happy I walked all the way out here. It was definitely worth it.

The pier was really nice, but now I'm ready to hang out here at the beach.

Let's go get some snacks.

I got them. Let's go to the beach!

Yes, the perfect spot. I've got some strawberries and some chocolate.

I'm going to take my shoes off…. I'm going to have a strawberry.

Mmmm. That's really sweet.

Santa Barbara really is a year round tourist destination

and it's famous for its amazing weather, its downtown beaches and its Spanish architecture.

If you saw me last week, I was in town

and you could really see how the buildings have been influenced by the Spanish.

So, that's pretty cool.

Also, this beach is really close to the town centre.

It's only about a 10 minute walk.

The perfect way to end a day.

I've had a really great time today. I got to explore pier, I rented a bike,

and I went all along the beach, which was fabulous.

Now, I bought this really cute mug. It's a Santa Barbara mug.

I like it and wish I could keep it myself, but I can't

because I'm going to give it away to one of you guys.

Please answer the question: What is your favorite snack to bring to the beach?

Comment below for a chance to win this - and that's it for me today. See you!

Next week: Liam goes bungy jumping in Auckland, New Zealand.

For more infomation >> On the go with EF #63 – Angelina bikes along Santa Barbara's beaches - Duration: 5:09.


Торт сердце ко дню всех влюбленных - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Торт сердце ко дню всех влюбленных - Duration: 3:56.





UFOs (doesn�t always mean extraterrestrials), extraterrestrials, and life on other planets

have been a hot topic for decades. These are the topics that receive some of the highest

search engine results every single year on the internet, which is no surprise, as we�re

naturally inclined to ponder about the unknown, or, as more people are starting to find out,

the known.

At the end of 2017, the United States government officially admitted to the existence of UFOs

with the release of previously classified footage of two navy pilots scrambling to intercept

one (a UFO), with more footage on the way. Luis Elizondo, a former high ranking military

intelligence officer who was in-charge of the Pentagon�s recently disclosed UFO program,

made an appearance on mainstream national news to discuss the topic.

The video released showed an object travelling at a high rate of speed, and performing maneuvers

that should be impossible based on our known laws of aerodynamics. The Pentagon released

two videos of separate objects, and both of them were displaying maneuvers that no known

man-made air-craft can perform. In one of the videos, a smaller object was seen coming

out of another, making three objects. When the pilots began approaching the object at

a close range, both of them accelerated instantaneously (from an already high speed), and disappeared

within seconds.

Louis made it a point to emphasize that this is something that�s been happening for a

long time, and something that happens a lot. This has been made clear by hundreds of other

high ranking personnel from within the military, several other fields, and the release of millions

of pages of UFO documents from dozens of governments.

These documents are full of radar returns, visual confirmations and electrooptical data.

The next question to ask is, who is the intelligence behind the wheel? I discuss that further in

the article linked below:

It�s Official � We Now Know That UFOs or UAP are Real � So Are They Extraterrestrial

or Not?

You can see some examples of more documents and instances in the article linked below:

This is What Happens When A �UFO� Is Tracked on Radar

When asked if he believed these objects are extraterrestrial, he stated that there is

�compelling� evidence to suggest that we �may not be alone, whatever that means.�

�I will tell you unequivocally that through the observations, scientific methodologies

that were applied to look at this phenomena, that these aircraft are displaying characteristics

that are not currently within the US inventory, nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware


He also made another strong point in the interview,

�We have deliberately stayed away from going down the rabbit hole of, who�s behind the

wheel and what are their intentions, because a lot of people have a lot of feelings towards

that, and are very emotional about that.�

The pilot, as with hundreds of others who have had the same type of experience, stated

his belief that these objects are not from our world.

This is precisely why, when bringing up the topic to friends or family, you may receive

a bizarre look, or instantaneously receive �conspiracy theorist� allegations. The

truth is, people still ridicule the subject, despite the fact that it�s a very serious

issue. Perhaps the quote below from the first CIA director sheds some light as to why,

�Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs.

But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown

flying objects are nonsense.� Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960

Apart from secrecy and ridicule campaigns, the idea that we may have been visited, and

are currently being visited is becoming more of a reality, and the implications are far

reaching. From science and technology, to human history, the nature of our reality,

and more, this realization, if made, will change humanity forever and really open us

up to a much broader view of reality, and touch upon all aspects of life.

It also conflicts with the belief systems of many. When a human being has a certain

picture of the human experience in their head, and the way things are, when confronted with

information and evidence that completely counters it is something hard to do. As a result, our

mind hangs on to our current belief system, not willing to let go or even entertain the

idea that what they previously thought, might not actually be true.

Information like this can cause a global mental paradigm shift for many people

So, let�s take a look at one aspect of life that might be affected, or not? Religion.

Comments on Religion Religion is fascinating to say the least.

This is because, on one hand, we have multiple religions preaching the same message at their

core, one of peace, love, trust, good-will, non-violence , and the �Golden Rule.�

On the other, it�s not uncommon to come across several contradictions between them

all, and various interpretations of the same religion, which has created even more division

within religious movements.

It�s quite obvious that many of the core messages shared from religions resonate with

billions of people, as they should, there are some golden messages and guidelines in

there, which is why so many souls gravitate towards it.

What I also find very interesting is that, prior to the Roman Empire, the ancient cultures

from around the world were predominantly �spiritual,� with the same core message, and the same guidelines

for one to live their life. We also see similar ways of life prior to religion, a great example

would be the construction of pyramids by ancient cultures around the world that had absolutely

no contact with one another. The predominant theme in ancient spirituality is the fact

that a large portion of our world is non-material, spiritual in nature, and it did not use fear

as part of its preaching.

There was no fear of hell, or no �wrath of God� waiting to come down on an individual

for their wrongdoings, but rather a spiritual, non-material perspective, opportunities for

growth, and a recognition that we are more than just our physical body, and that non-material

�spiritual� forces play an important role in what we call our physical material world.

It is yet another �faith� that preaches the good-will of Earth and our planet.

When religion was born, it seemed to be made by man, originating within the Roman Empire,

a force that began conquering the world and eventually wiped out the last trace of spirituality

that pre-dated religion, which was the indigenous wisdom of North America, something that was

not contradictory to the teachings of global indigenous culture.

This type of religion killed, and forced it�s own beliefs onto others, and it�s something

that seems to have been happening globally for a very long time.

Religion has now turned into a business, a place of brain-washing, a tool used to explain

and justify war, which makes no sense at all and is completely contradictory.

A great modern day example would be the �Islamic State.� Today, it�s not a perspective

that�s commonly expressed by mainstream media, but despite that, multiple professors,

politicians and more have emphasized that the Islamic Sate, the group the United States

and their allies claim to be fighting against, is actually a creation of the United States

(and their allies) themselves. You can read more about that here.

Terrorism is not representative of Islam�Islam is just being used by those who wish to manipulate


This narrative has been emphasized by multiple people from within the field. Jon Shelby Spong,

a retired American Bishop, for example, told the world that that �religion is always

in the control business, and that�s something people don�t really understand. It�s in

the guilt producing control business.�

On a personal level, I believe religion is filled with much truth, real events and real

historical figures. I also believe much of it is made by man, some of which has been

changed to support the greedy interests of the powerful who wish to impose their way

on others. Many aspects of religion are simply used as a means to an end, but not to really

meditate, and inquire upon the mysteries of the universe, the origins of the human species,

the meaning of life and the good-will of humanity. It claims to work for the good-will of all

people, but seems to disguise itself publicly with the image of good-will while practicing

deceit behind closed doors.

That being said, there are many different religions, and all are different. Some may

be filled with lies, deceit and corruption, and others not. Again, this is why we may

get so many different contradictions, they can�t all be true? Can they?

Then we have weird, strange type of phenomena that seems to be taking place under the name

of God, one of many examples could Satanism within the Vatican.

This is why when it comes to the Religious interpretation of extraterrestrials, it�s

important to take with a grain of salt. Instead of looking outside of yourself for answers,

perhaps try looking within and seeing what your intuition tells you after examining a

variety of sources, before and after religion.

How can a group of powerful religious Royals, from the time of Ancient Rome, completely

take over the world and impose their views of reality on others? In ancient times, figures

like Plato, and scientists who opposed the church later decades after the Roman Empire

took rule were put to death.

Religion wiped out spirituality, ritualistic practices, our understand of the nature of

the universe and even our ability to inquire or entertain alternate views of reality.

If you asked God about religion, I�m sure God would have no idea what it even is. I

feel that religion, for the most part, does not represent God, but powerful mens greedy

interests that capitalize on the tenderness and innocence of the human soul.

God and religion, in my opinion, do not fit in the same discussion, as I feel religion

is simply man made, much of which comes from good intentions, and much of which does not.

Religion & Extraterrestrials So, when it comes to religion, where does

life on other planets fit in? �Spiritual� type of cultures, those that pre-dated modern

religion like Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Summer and Babylon (to name a few) all make pretty

good cases for being in direct contact with people from other planets. It�s even a common

theme, and has been, throughout many indigenous culture traditions. Mysterious flying objects

in antiquity are filled with many examples, you can see/read about a few of them here.

For example, Richard Wagamese, One of Canada�s foremost authors and storytellers from the

Wabaseemoong First Nation in Northwestern Ontario writes how:

�My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people

brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these

freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say

there was a loneliness like no other.� (source)

If we look at modern day religion, the top three are no doubt Christianity, Islam, and

Buddhism, although Buddhism is not considered a religion by many, given the fact that its

origins alone predate modern day religion, similar to ancient Vedic scriptures, Greek

Scriptures, Sumerian texts and more. You can see a few examples of that by referring to

this article.

Buddhism has more of a spiritual undertone to it. And no, I personally do not believe

spirituality is just another religion. That�s a discussion for another article that could

also be quite lengthy.

In the article linked just above, you�ll find a link to is a video of Dr. Jacques Vall�e,

whose latest work includes a recently published analysis of 500 UFO cases from biblical antiquity

t0 1879 before the development of the modern day industry. That was published in his book

Wonders of the Sky. Vall�e co-developed the very first computerized mapping of Mars

for NASA. He is also noted for his work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), where

he helped create ARPANET.

Would Religion Collapse? Would modern day religions collapse with the

realization of extraterrestrial intelligence? That�s the common belief, but there is really

no evidence to support that belief, which makes one wonder, where did it come from?

For example, in early 2010 a survey designed by Ted Peters, a professor at the Pacific

Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California, was put out titled The Peters

ETI Religious Crisis Survey. He and his colleagues interviewed 1300 people, which included believers

from Roman Catholicism, mainline Protestantism, evangelical Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity,

Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. They hypothesis of the survey was that, �upon

confirmation of contact between Earth and an extraterrestrial civilization of intelligent

beings, the long established religious traditions of Earth would confront a crisis of belief

and perhaps even collapase.

Here are some of the responses the survey received:

�Finding extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI), I believe, would be a profound and wonderful


�Extraterrestrial religious beliefs and traditions will differ, perhaps greatly in

some ways. However, they live in the same universe with the same God, and a similar

array of religious responses and developments would likely have developed on their world.�

�Nothing would make me lose my faith, God can reach them if they exist.�

I believe that Christ became incarnate (human) in order to redeem humanity and atone for

the original sin of Adam and Eve . Could there be a world of extraterrestrials? Maybe. It

doesn�t change what Christ did.� (1)

8 years prior, a Roper Poll asked, �Would an announcement of extraterrestrial Intelligence

precipitate a religious crisis?� The answer was a big �no.�

The survey concluded that most religious people would not have a breakdown in faith, or even

fear any type of extraterrestrial contact.

Leaks made by Wikileaks� Julian Assange, which included the disclosure of more emails

connected to the Clinton Campaign. This time, it was John Podesta�s account, showing multiple

emails from Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut, showing how Mitchell (1940-2016)

had big plans, and big meetings set up.

Edgar Mitchell was very active in moving the �disclosure� process by discussing the

matter with various contacts inside of the White House and Pentagon, along with the Disclosure

Project�s Dr. Steven Greer. Here is one of the emails that was recently

released by Wikileaks, and it mentions the Vatican:

�Dear John, As 2015 unfolds, I understand you are leaving the Administration in February.

It is urgent that we agree on a date and time to meet to discuss Disclosure and Zero Point

Energy, at your earliest available after your departure. My Catholic colleague Terri Mansfield

will be there too, to bring us up to date on the Vatican�s awareness of ETI. Another

colleague is working on a new Space Treaty, citing involvement with Russia and China.

However with Russia�s extreme interference in Ukraine, I believe we must pursue another

route for peace in space and ZPE on Earth. I met with President Obama�s Honolulu childhood

friend, US Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto on July 4 at the US Mission in Geneva, when I was

able to tell her briefly about Zero Point Energy. I believe we can enlist her as a confidante

and resource in our presentation for President Obama. I appreciate Eryn�s assistance in

working with Terri to set up our meeting.�

Pretty interesting isn�t it? The Vatican has actually been quite open about extraterrestrial

contact over the past few years, which means it�s followers will be the same way.

Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a longtime friend of Pope John Paul II and the Vatican�s leading

exorcist, is one of multiple people from within the Vatican who has been very outspoken about

extraterrestrials. On multiple occasions, he has stated that contact between humans

and extraterrestrials has already happened.

�The existence of these beings is real. We can�t have doubts.� (source)

In 2005, Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno said that humankind is facing a future discovery

of extraterrestrial intelligence. In 2008, Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel

Funes stated that the discovery of intelligent extraterrestrial life, and its existence on

a planet other than Earth, doesn�t contradict their faith. You can read more about the Vatican

and extraterrestrials in an article we published earlier, here. There you will also find sources.

The fact that accusations of Satanism within the Vatican have been made, on a side note,

is something important to be aware of.

Other faiths are the same way, if we look at Sikhism, a faith in which my family comes

from, for example, just as our planet and life on it exist, so it does elsewhere in

the universe as well.

Charles Missler, one of the world�s leading Christian ufologists, and a graduate of the

US Naval Academy and Air Force, and holds a Master�s degree in Engineering from UCLA

knows a lot about UFO�s.

�He is well-informed about their history, the cover-up, and specific cases. He knows

about the testimony from astronauts, radar controllers, and jet pilots. He simply explains

UFOs and aliens through the lens of Biblical interpretation as inter-dimensional beings

that have a physical reality.�

Christia ufologist Dr. Michael Heiser describes these as an �inter-dimensional (that is,

spiritual) reality�one that can manifest in truly physical form, and not beings from

another planet.� (1)

�Ultimately, many Christians will interpret a Disclosure announcement in light of the

Book of Revelation, which discusses the Second coming of Christ, and a war in the heavens.

If we look in Chapter One of the Mormon Book of Moses, we find this statement:

�And wordls without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose;

and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only begotten. And the first man of all men

have I called Adam, which is many. But only an account of this Earth, and the inhabitants

thereof, give I unto you.�

According to this passage, God is telling Moses that there are other worlds and other

people on those worlds.

When we look at ISLAM, which has 1.5 billion followers, like other religions, there is

no clear firm stance on extraterrestrial contact. Perhaps the truth about extraterrestrials

was taken by the Roman Empire, when the conquered the world and destroyed the beliefs of many,

while trying to assimilate others to their own. Perhaps these sacred texts are locked

somewhere away in the Vatican library? Who knows?

That being said, ISLAM, like other religions does imply an extra-dimensional reality, from

which life forms come. That being said, at the global competitiveness forum, an interviewee

interviewing Elon musks states that, according to ISLAM, humanities origins are connected

to outer space, and we ourselves are in-fact extraterrestrial beings who inhabited this

world. You can view that clip below.

The Koran does imply that God is �Lord of all the worlds.�

During the 1930�s Islamic Scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali made the comment that, �It is

reasonable to the millions of heavily bodies scattered throughout space.� (1)

There is also the concept of the jinn, these are beings, according to the Koran, that occupy

other dimensions and parallel worlds, along with humans and angels, they are one of the

three sentient creations of God. Jinn, like humans, have free will and can be both �good�

and �evil,� the same way in which humans are.

If we look at Judaism, there are also references to other worlds. According to the Talmud,

there are at least 18,000 of them, and according to one kabbalistic book, the �Sefer HaBrit,�

there is even mention of a planet called Meroz, where extraterrestrial creatures exist. (1)

If we look at Buddhism, there will be no problems assimilating to extraterrestrial contact.

Buddhists have long understood that life is present throughout our reality. The concept

was taught by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, more than 2,500 years ago. (1)

�ET�s, would be, essentially, no different than other sentient beings, i.e., they would

have Buddha Nature and would e subject to karmic consequences of their actions.�

Another wrote:� �As a Mahayanna Buddhist, with a worldview that includes in scriptures

Buddhas and bodhisattvas from many different world systems, such news would not be shattering

theologically, though of course institutions and practices might reverberate.�

This type of reaction would also be seen in Hinduism, which stems from ancient Vedic teachings,

which were closely in correlation with Buddhism.

Here is a great clip of the Dalai Lama expressing these sentiments,

What Would You Do If You Were An Alien Coming To Earth? How Would You Feel?

Our race does have a tendency to label things as �good� or �bad,� angel and demonic,

so on and so forth�Perhaps we are not quite ready for contact, perhaps when we learn to

view the human experience, as just that, without so many labels, without so much judgement

and instant prejudice, we will be ready.

Instead of using labels, if we view our �negative� and �bad� experiences as opportunities,

we would move forward much faster.

If I were an alien, I certainly would not want to make my presence known, as the human

race, throughout history, has a tendency to reject that which is different or does not

fit within the frame. Just imagine how an intelligent alien would feel if they were

instantly categorized as demonic.

Imagine, if if your grandchildren live in a time where we�ve mastered star travel,

and come upon another plant that wants to vilify you for no good reason.

Personally, when I get confused I look to nature. In nature, you will find �good�

and �bad.� You will even find �good� and �bad� among the same races, like humans

and dogs. I am sure there are trillions of life forms out there having a physical experience,

no different to us. Maybe we should drop all of the labels and interpretations, and approach

it from a more neutral perspective.

That being said, UFOs were once a conspiracy theory, now they�re not. There is a lot

of evidence showing that these craft are, at least some, extraterrestrial (evidence

in an article linked earlier within this article), and based on knowledge that comes from the

�inside,� some of which may be false, there are all kinds of beings with all kinds

of intentions.

For the most part, take comfort in knowing that we�ve probably been visited for longer

than we know, and that if there were to be some sort of �attack,� it would have already

happened by now.

For more infomation >> WHAT CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM & BUDDHISM SAY ABOUT ALIEN LIFE - Duration: 25:02.


Как полюбить СЕБЯ. Часть 2 - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> Как полюбить СЕБЯ. Часть 2 - Duration: 7:09.


A CURA DAS FERIDAS - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> A CURA DAS FERIDAS - Duration: 5:27.


YGOPRO - YUGI TEAM EPIC - Duration: 2:29.

First hand is Full House

Destiny draw from absolutely cruelty

Behavior just after new card introduction is strange

The first hand is Exodia

Solitaire of opponent who can leave time

For more infomation >> YGOPRO - YUGI TEAM EPIC - Duration: 2:29.


Deck To Win The Sudden Death Challenge with Replay on Clash Royale - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Deck To Win The Sudden Death Challenge with Replay on Clash Royale - Duration: 6:11.


John Mulaney Lists What's Wrong with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's Induction Ceremony - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> John Mulaney Lists What's Wrong with Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's Induction Ceremony - Duration: 5:54.


John Mulaney's Grandma Schools Seth on Mispronouncing "Gerrymander" - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> John Mulaney's Grandma Schools Seth on Mispronouncing "Gerrymander" - Duration: 4:38.


KR _YouTube에서 검색 기록을 보거나 삭제하는 방법. - Duration: 2:14.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

How to View or delete search history in YouTube.

If you are trying to find a particular video you have searched for in the past, Search history may help.

Your YouTube search history lets you view your previous search queries on YouTube. Your YouTube and Google search history, also

influence the recommendations that you see on your Home. You are in control.

You can clear your entire search history. Remove individual search entries from search suggestions.

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After clearing your search history, your past searches will no longer show as suggestions in the search box.

Search queries you enter while your search history is paused will not be saved in your search history.

Keep in mind that any searches you make while logged in to your account will appear in your account's search history across devices.

To view or delete what you've previously watched on YouTube, check out your watch history. Access your search history by selecting History

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Select the X to the right of the search entry to remove it from the Search History. Delete your entire search history.

Select clear all search history to delete your entire search history. Pause your search history.

Select Pause search history to pause your search history. Hope, this information, is helpful,

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy, Please, like, Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> KR _YouTube에서 검색 기록을 보거나 삭제하는 방법. - Duration: 2:14.


Informacje Dnia 08.02.2018 [12.00] - Duration: 16:14.

For more infomation >> Informacje Dnia 08.02.2018 [12.00] - Duration: 16:14.


World Largest Building in China.. (Vlog) - Duration: 7:24.

yo welcome to another video hope you guys are doing very well and today I call

to my friend and we made a plan to hang on because these days we are spring

holidays because Chinese Spring Festival is around the corner so today we made a

plan to go outside and show you so now

we are ready and we are waiting for so we lines and now the rain is coming that

we will go to as

but this building is really big building and actually this building I think the

1.7 million square meter floor area and it has almost a 500 long I think and the

Y width is almost a 400 meter and I think it is long enough to contain 20

Australian I think Sydney Opera House's and something like this which is really

useful and it is obviously the world largest building now we decided to go

inside and I will show you the internal view of this building

I am important artists building

tomorrow be Angela discoteca la vista para pensar second

say la la la plancha

naso step I'm gonna buy this drum for next floor maybe

well first let me check the price pretty you know nice check negatively guys if

you want to take

steam steam friendly have canceled the movie back because we could not find any

English movie all the movies were in Chinese so now we made another plan for

ice skating because we find ice skating in this movie we find something else


yeah now I would sit here

this building contains water pork as well my god behind me there is a

paradise and waterpark so I can't wait to explode this area as well so I'm

going to see this water park with my friends

my friend that was ended up today now we invaded ride and now we are really tired

so we are heading back to our home and hopefully you guys will enjoy this video

if you enjoy this video don't forget to Like share and subscribe my channel and

now see you in next video so till now leave happy and enjoy life peace out

For more infomation >> World Largest Building in China.. (Vlog) - Duration: 7:24.


ปัสสาวะบ่อยช่วงหน้าหนาว - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> ปัสสาวะบ่อยช่วงหน้าหนาว - Duration: 3:39.


Norton Saint-Gobain Turkey | Cutting and Grinding Stones - Duration: 6:04.

Anyone from EnsarShopTV channel,

this video is about Norton

we will do a study.

we have Kerem Bey, we will leave it to him now.

Hi, this is Kerem.

Norton's product testing and

I take place on the promotional team

Norton branded today

we will introduce cutting and grinding stones.

We wish good times already.

Before you start the application,

we ask you to take all precautions.

First of all, let's talk a little bit about Norton.

Affiliated to 353 years Saint-Gobain

leading in the world and in many countries

market leader

abrasive products, that is to say, soon

cutting and grinding stones, such as sandpaper

we are a manufacturer of industrial products.

Active since 2013

we have the Turkey market

from our factories located in various countries of the world

we provide products.

For cutting and grinding stones in Eskişehir,

To make sanding products for our apparel

In Turkey, including in Gebze

We have two factories.

we are also producing in our Eskişehir factory

cutting and grinding stones

we are exporting to four continents in the world.

Now we produce in our Eskişehir factory

cutting and grinding stones

Let's test it together.

Vulcan series cut-off

we will do the app operation.

Before you start the application,

we ask you to take all precautions.

We now have the Starline series

we will do application work

So much for now

related to other product groups in progressive videos

we will do application work.

Thank you my friend Kerem for their narration.

under the video for your questions

you can send us comments

do not subscribe to my channel,

Do not forget to like our videos.

Thank you for watching us.

For more infomation >> Norton Saint-Gobain Turkey | Cutting and Grinding Stones - Duration: 6:04.


Fifteen Reasons INFJs Find It So Hard To Move On From Heartbreak - Duration: 12:28.

Fifteen Reasons INFJs Find It So Hard To Move On From Heartbreak

INFJs are gentle, caring and complex souls who naturally place a lot of value and meaning

in their relationships.

Few things devastate an INFJ like heartbreak or having lost someone they love.

While their friends may be able to get over an ended relationship more quickly and not

understand why the INFJ isn't able to do the same, there are a number of reasons that

the INFJ tends to find moving on from heartbreak a struggle.

1 - INFJs prioritize order and harmony over most everything.

Most relationships don't end amicably right away.

Someone is generally hurt.

For the INFJ who prioritizes the moral order of the universe over most everything and needs

for life to be copacetic, the imbalance that this creates will haunt them endlessly.

INFJs desire peace and stability in their lives and in the lives of those around them,

and when that sense of harmony is disrupted and broken, the INFJ often becomes self-blaming,

placing the load on their shoulders as they seek ways to restore order and balance.

2 - INFJs tend to be overly apologetic and self-blaming.

An INFJ's favorite word might just be "sorry."

They're sorry for pain they've caused.

They're sorry for pain they didn't cause.

They're sorry for pain you caused them.

They're just really sorry.

So when a relationship goes south, they often get hung up on the all the things they feel

an overwhelming agony to be sorry for, all the things they feel they did wrong.

It can be hard to move on when there are so many things they feel they need to apologize


3 - INFJs cope by retreating into solitude.

INFJs are naturally people who need to spend a lot of time alone to recharge.

It's good to take time to be alone, in the wake of heartbreak or otherwise.

But there is such thing as too much alone time, and if there's any type equipped to

write a novel about that, it's the INFJ, who slips into a ruminating and obsessive

mindset far more easily than they'd like to admit.

The thing about retreating into solitude for an INFJ who's dealing with heartbreak is,

that it'll move them past a place of healthy self-love and self-reflection, and into a

world where loss and emptiness rule, and that's a dark place for the typically idealistic


4 - INFJs have an innate and undeniable darkness.

INFJs are natural idealists, but there's a bottomless darkness to them that's always

circling them like a shark.

In the wake of heartbreak and feeling beaten down and broken, something about letting the

INFJ's darkness take over just feels so damn gratifying and peaceful, a gentle succumbing.

Finally, this is my true self, the INFJ might think, and where this gets dangerous is that

they might start to really believe it, that all there is to life is desperation and need

and disappointment and deadness.

What's worse, they might start to romanticize it, connecting deeply and painfully with the

kind of tormented music, art and books that only bury them further into the hole they're


5 - INFJs are conflicted by love and revenge.

INFJs are naturally fierce protectors, but the flip side of this is that, when hurt,

they can be made into destroyers.

While growth and maturity for the INFJ often yield a more gentle belief in karma or poetic

justice, an INFJ experiencing heartbreak is likely also experiencing a war inside their


The overly empathetic INFJ will want to love everyone and everything, to know and believe

that there is love everywhere, that we are love, and most importantly that the people

who hurt us are the ones we need to love the most.

On the flip side, the INFJ will wonder if love and kindness are recipes for being a

doormat, if maybe there's something after all to bashing those who have broken our hearts.

Which is worse?

For the INFJ, overthinkers by nature, maybe they'll never know.

6 - INFJs let in such a select few.

INFJs are incredibly private, harboring secrets in a way that others don't tend to do.

With trust no easy feat for them, if an INFJ has opened up to another person and revealed

who they truly are, it's been a challenging process for them, one laced with self-doubt

and caution always at the back of their mind.

When someone who the INFJ has exposed the most intimate parts of themselves to leaves

or hurts them, the INFJ often snaps backwards, retreating, feeling that they've given something

away that they shouldn't have.

This lingering sense of having made a mistake in letting someone in can slow progress in

moving on.

7 - INFJs tend to be building the future in their heads.

It's the INFJ's judging preference, in combination with being an intuitive, that

leads them to process information in such a way that they're often planning the future.

In this way, when a relationship ends, it can be devastating to the INFJ because they

had started building in their heads the life they thought they could anticipate.

While that's not to say that the INFJ is planning the wedding on the first date, they're

too practical or realistic to be thinking in this kind of way, they somehow do just

know in their gut, and often in a jarringly short period of time, when there is a true

future with someone.

INFJs may try not to have expectations for life ahead, but they often can't help but

have at least some sense of a plan, and in the wake of heartbreak, the shattering of

the future they believed would be real can yield a lot of pain for the INFJ.

8 - INFJs jump into relationships hard, fast and intensely.

People often joke about how INFJs can see straight into your soul, and in some sense,

this feels quite true.

INFJs tend to get a premonition about something in about the same manner as being struck by


Though it's a rare occurrence, this "sixth sense" often leads the INFJ to fall for

people extremely quickly.

An INFJ may simply see someone from across a room and know immediately that they know

something about the other person, that there's an intense connection, before even meeting


In this way, though guarded, the INFJ tends to jump in quickly, opening themselves up

to be hurt regardless of whether things go south in six years or six days.

9 - INFJs are picky about their partners.

INFJs are incredibly selective about who they'll date.

Something about hurting another person is unbearably painful for the INFJ, so much so

that the INFJ would often rather see themselves get hurt before hurting another, burying their

own pain for the sake of keeping others happy, so INFJs tend to be very cautious about who

they get into relationships with.

To minimize the possibility of hurting another, they'll only allow themselves to date when

they 100% know they're interested in someone and they 100% see a realistic future with

that person.

That said, having been so selective about a partner can really backfire on them when

a relationship goes south.

This kind of intense investment from so early on can leave the INFJ devastated if their

partner wasn't 100% sure about them right from the get-go (and so often this is of course

the case).

To boot, the INFJ knows it might be a long time again before they feel a similarly strong

bond with another, making it even harder to move on and recover from heartbreak.

10 - INFJs simply aren't out meeting tons of people.

One might say that INFJs don't get out much.

They value time spent alone or doing quieter activities with a valued few.

A packed bar on a Friday night might not be the most appealing place for an INFJ; they're

more likely to be home building a pillow fort and reading.

So when the INFJ has stumbled across someone who they really connect with, when they've

finally found someone who balances them out and also understands them at their core, this

person inherently means a lot to them, and losing them can be devastating.

Meeting someone new seems to always be the final push over the hump of heartbreak, and

the fact that the INFJ typically just isn't out meeting tons of people may keep them from

moving on as quickly as others.

11 - INFJs are perfectionists who struggle with failure.

INFJs tend to bring perfectionist tendencies into all that they do, and relationships aren't

spared from that.

Because the INFJ gleans so much of their self-worth from how well they can keep everything together,

when a relationship falls apart, often so does the sense of worth of the INFJ.

Part of what holds an INFJ from moving on after heartbreak is the nagging sense of failure

that they just can't seem to kick.

12 - INFJs won't find much value in a rebound.

INFJs place a lot of value and meaning in a shared connection, which to them is built

heavily on something real and vulnerable and open more so than on sex or lust or physical


Sex for the INFJ is typically an extension of expressing how they feel about their partner,

and thus is entirely empty if there isn't a deep emotional and intellectual component

to the relationship.

While sex is an unquestionably important part of a relationship to the INFJ, it's not

the thing that's most deeply and painfully lost when a relationship ends.

What they most miss is that rare and intense sense of connection.

That said, the age-old, "go hook up with somebody else" rebound move won't do much

for the heartbroken INFJ who craves a bond and sense of mutual understanding with another.

13 - INFJs love the feeling of balance and completion that a partner provides them.

INFJs are notoriously often in their own worlds, living very much in their heads.

They tend to be outwardly serious and composed, keeping a playfulness locked away inside of

them that's often only accessed by a rare few across their entire lifetime.

Ideal partners for the INFJ tend to be a mirror: lively and fun on the exterior and harboring

a darker, more serious room inside of them that only a handful of people are let into.

In believing it's safe to let someone into that guarded place inside of them, the INFJ

feels and falls in love with the feeling of balance and completion that their partner

provides them.

Thus, when a relationship ends, the INFJ can be left feeling as if a part of them has been

stripped away, the rug ripped out from under them.

To go from that sense of being made whole and grounded by another, to suddenly being

without them leaves the INFJ feeling split in two and, now knowing what life was like

with the one they loved, far more aware of their shortcomings.

14 - INFJs are naturally romantic and imaginative people.

The mix of intuition and feeling in their type makes the INFJ a natural romantic, extremely

passionate about everything they do, and particularly so about the people they love.

Paired with their creative nature, the INFJ tends to live in a hidden world of possibilities,

often erring into fantastical thinking.

An INFJ in love is an INFJ floating through a daydream, and conversely, an INFJ experiencing

heartbreak is an INFJ struggling to believe in hope and living alongside a dark sense

of loneliness.

To feel stripped of their naturally romantic and imaginative nature leaves the INFJ lost

and confused.

15 - INFJs like to be needed.

While many other types desire to be wanted, INFJs like to be needed.

Combine this with the fact that INFJs, at less than 1% of the population, are the rarest

of the personality types and often feel misunderstood, and it makes sense as to why INFJs are devastated

and don't bounce back as quickly or easily as others after getting their heart broken.

After having found someone who they felt understood them and who had needed them, it's unspeakably

painful to lose both.

All in all, that's The 15 Reasons INFJs Find It So Hard To Move On From Heartbreak.

Really cool information isn't it!

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