Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 9 2018

Ruby Rose: Hiiiiyah!!!

"Ruby": Smiling huh?

Don't. You're about to get your butt kicked!!!

"Ruby": Ohhh... this is going to hurt isn't it?

"Ruby": You hurt something alright and it wasn't my face.

Ok, maybe my face is stinging a little...

But my pride is also hurt!

Oscar Pine: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!

Ruby Rose: Ha!

"Ruby": GG EZ, get rekt scrub!

Ruby Rose: Yes! I did it! Oscar?

"Ruby": Oh wait... did... did I break him?

Professor Ozpin: Not bad, Miss Rose. But, Oscar

doesn't have the years of training that you do...

Or I do.

Ruby Rose: Oh... ah maybe we should uhh take a break?

Ruby Rose: Nope, nope, nope. I'm not doing this.

"Ozpin": Miss Rose. I wonder if you know?

Omae wa mou shindeiru.

"Ruby": Nani?

Ruby: Hey, I'm not doing too bad

Wait.. where's his other fist?

"Ruby": Yo! Could you like not aim for this one part of my face?

"Ruby": "Be a huntress," they said. "Travel," they said. "Help people," they said.

Well what if I want to help myself to a tall scotch right about now?!

Woah... where did that come from?

I'm usually not that salty.

"Ruby": Ohhhh whyyyyyy?!

Nora Valkyrie: Ouch.

"Ruby": Ugh... BG report Ozpin for smurfing IRL.

"Ruby": Also report noob teammates for watching while I got rekt.

Ruby Rose: Got it...

Oh hey! Are you okay?

Oscar Pine: How's this so exhausting?

"Ruby": Oh hang in there, Oscar. At least the rest of your training will be off-screen

Lie Ren: Your body isn't used to this kind of training.

Not to mention generating a defensive aura on your own

It takes intense concentration at first, but in time it will become second nature

"Ruby": You know, I'm starting to think that Ren is a better teacher than Ozpin...

Hey guys Eric here

Hope you enjoyed that video subscribe if you haven't turn on notifications

because how else are you know the next funny video drops?

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> What Ruby Thinks of Ozpin's Training [FT. MariFandubs] (RWBY Thoughts) - Duration: 2:57.


Spending deal faces opposition as shutdown looms - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> Spending deal faces opposition as shutdown looms - Duration: 7:30.


Pork Chops with Mustard Sauce - How To Cook - Duration: 8:13.

Hi I'm Erin. I've said it before but it never changes, food is universal. And it's

a great way to connect with the important people in your life. Today I'll show you

how to make a delicious pork chop recipe that's quick and easy and tastes wonderful. With

Valentine's day fast approaching Mike and I take a little time to enjoy dinner just

the two of us with no kids and it starts here in the kitchen on Our Wyoming Life.

Hi and thanks for joining me today on Our Wyoming Life. Ranch life can often get in

the way of the holidays. Our anniversary is during haying and trust me when I say Mike

doesn't stop the tractor so we can celebrate. This year on Valentine's day we both have

other commitments in town, so we take a minute when we can and enjoy a nice meal after the

kids have gone to bed. If this is your first time here please subscribe and come along

to explore the ranch life and escape the ordinary.

The busier we get it's often easy to forget to make time for what's important. And before

too long it will be calving season, then gardening season, haying season comes next and then

farmers' market starts. The next few weeks are the calm before the storm. As things pick

up here on the ranch family meals sometimes don't happen. Frozen pizza or even a bowl

of cereal before bed becomes more normal. Winter is the time of the year that I really

get to spend time in the kitchen preparing the meals I love cooking. It's also an opportunity

for Mike and I to spend time together and once in a while we even put the kids to bed

and get to have a meal with just the two of us.

About a year ago I had taken pork chops out of the freezer to thaw and didn't have a

plan on what to do with them. I just knew we were having pork chops for dinner. So I

stuck my head in the fridge, assessed the ingredients I had on hand, looked at a few

recipes online for a little inspiration and came up with an idea to make pork chops with

a mustard cream sauce. I love mustard and cream and anything saucy. When we sat down

the first time to eat my new creation I knew that I had come up with a winner. It's now

something I make often when pork chops are on the menu. It's a super simple recipe

that doesn't take long at all to prepare but it tastes elegant and like it should be

found on a menu in a restaurant.

We get started cooking by turning the oven too 400. For a side dish we are having roasted

brussel sprouts and they take a little longer then the pork chops so they will be prepared

first. The brussel sprouts are rinsed, cut in half, tossed in olive oil, salt and pepper

and laid out on a cookie sheet cut side down. This way they will get nice a crispy on one

side. They will take about 20-25 minutes and will need stirred at about the 15 minute mark.

We will also be having white rice. The first time I made this I was out of potatoes so

I cooked up some rice. We actually both loved it as it soaked up the sauce from the pork

chop and was delicious. Some jasmine rice and water are added to a pan and cooked according

to the package instructions.

Now it's time for the star of the meal. The pork chops. These pork chops were raised

right here on the ranch. They are one inch thick and are bone in. Leaving the bone in

helps keep the meat juicy and also has more flavor. The pork chops are patted dry and

sprinkled liberally with kosher salt and pepper. Over on the stove we add olive oil and about

2 tsp of butter to a pan and turn it on to medium high heat. Once the pan is hot we add

the pork chops. They will take about 4 minutes per side and it's important to leave them

alone while they cook so that the crust develops. When they are ready to turn they will release

easily from the pan. If they are sticking give them another 30-60 seconds. After both

sides are browned they are transferred to a cookie sheet and placed in the oven for

about 10 minutes to finish cooking.

Now we can make the sauce. More oil can be added to the pan if needed. Half of a small

sweet onion that has been finely chopped goes in the pan. A shallot would also work nicely

if you have one. After the onions have cooked for a couple of minutes one clove of chopped

garlic gets added to the pan. After letting the garlic cook for one minute the pan can

be deglazed with some white wine. We aren't big wine drinkers so I never have any around

and it seems silly to open a bottle when I only need ½ a cup for a recipe. So in the

grocery store in the condiment isle you can usually find white cooking wine. It's handy

to have around for when you need just a little bit of wine for cooking. Once the pan is deglazed

and all the brown bits have been scrapped up a half cup of chicken stock is also added.

We let this come to a boil reduce the heat to medium low and let the stock and wine reduce

by about half.

Once the sauce is reduced the mustard can be added. 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard and

1 tablespoon of whole grain Dijon mustard are used. You can add more or less depending

on how much mustard flavor you want in the sauce. Be careful and remember you can always

add more but it's a little more difficult to take it out! ½ cup of heavy cream is whisked

in and we let the sauce come back up to a boil for a few minutes to thicken. The last

step is to taste the sauce and add salt and pepper as needed. This is a great time to

add a little more mustard if you want.

Everything should be done all about the same time. We pull the brussel sprouts and pork

chops out of the oven, the rice gets fluffed and everything gets placed on a plate. The

mustard cream sauce can then be poured over the pork chop. And no one will judge if you

pour it all over your plate. It's that good!

Mike and I get to sit down and eat after a long day of work. The toys get shoved out

of the way on the table. We have some fancy pink napkins left over from Mackenzie's

birthday party. The dog is laying beside us waiting hopefully for leftovers. We sit and

visit about our days, tell funny stories about what the kids did, we of course talk about

YouTube and what Sunday's video is going to be about. We also decide what needs to

be done tomorrow, where the kids need to be and who is going to get them there. It's

definitely not the romantic talk of when we were first dating but I know for a fact both

of us wouldn't have it any other way.

Life often gets crazy and it's easy to take people for granted. It was so nice to sit

and have a meal as husband and wife tonight. Sometimes we forget what it's like to be

adults when there's three little ones running around all the time.

Make sure you subscribe and hit the bell notification so you don't miss an episode. We have new

episodes every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. The ranch life can often pull Mike and I in

different directions but I'm grateful for the time we got to spend together tonight

and now we even get to do the dishes together, if I can find Mike, he's around here somewhere.

Goodnight and thanks for joining me on Our Wyoming Life.

For more infomation >> Pork Chops with Mustard Sauce - How To Cook - Duration: 8:13.


Mario Gaming in powerpoint(subtitles on plz) - Duration: 1:10.

Hey guys, Mario Gaming here back with another video where I'm in powerpoint.

I really am not an artist so I have to say what I trying to make

I suck at drawing so it's not going to be an professional art or drawings

So that's why my drawing's will be different sometimes

I got inspired by a youtuber name TheOdd1sout for making this video and maybe series

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this video. If you did, please hit the like button and subscribe to see more videos like these and I'll see you guys next time

For more infomation >> Mario Gaming in powerpoint(subtitles on plz) - Duration: 1:10.


FLIP L'ALGORITHME : ÉPISODE 19 - Duration: 28:15.

For more infomation >> FLIP L'ALGORITHME : ÉPISODE 19 - Duration: 28:15.


Unique "Black Ice" Paper Crafting Technique Debut - A Club Project - Duration: 10:05.

So the projects that we're doing now is

something I call "Black Ice" and

It's this

Really kind of cool effect hard to capture on

The video I do have some still photos

That I'll be sharing that will kind of help see it, but I've done this on several with several different stamp sets and even different

foil colors

but I'm gonna start with just showing the basics of how to

Put the card together so obviously

it's just a basic black card base, and I used the direct to paper technique to actually streak on the

Archival black onto the basic gray, but it's it's really very simple

so I'm just using this edge of the the black ink pad the one that's closer rather than farther from the end and

just going to hold my paper down and just gently rub it against and

I like how it catches that little bit of black at the top just a little bit darker, so that's why I'm gonna

Go from both sides so that I end up getting that little bit of black caught at the top

And I kind of like a little bit more

up there

So that's super simple and straightforward, and then of course just attach it to the card base



Once your focal piece is done

This is the basic assembly so the layers are just stacked one on top of each other and there are some

variations in the this piece this color the white

Depending on which package you get or choose

There will be gold and copper to choose from and each of those has a different

Color that goes in behind. The section down here is left open so you can

take your black piece of ribbon you'll put glue dots on the end

And then you're just going to attach it around the backside so

And then on the back side I have dimensionals on there

So I have left the sides free without dimensionals so that it doesn't get in the way

When I put the ribbon on. So that's really your basic assembly so straightforward

Now on to the fun, which is actually doing the technique.

And I have had so much fun with this

I'll show you some examples at the end with all the different variations and versions that I've done

So one thing I need is a piece of scrap paper

And I'm gonna also take a little bit of adhesive and put it on the back side of my foil

Mmm. Oh yeah, I like to not touch the surface of the foil sheet with my fingertips

Notice. I'm holding it here. That's what reminded me

Because your fingers have

Oils on them, so you don't want to necessarily get fingerprints on your surface

Unless you're intentionally doing some a design that you want fingerprints that are embossed which I think it's kind of a cool idea actually

But that's a story for another day, so I'm gonna start again with my black archival

ink pad and you do have to use the black archival because it's the only thing that will actually stick to the

Silver foil because it's a non-porous surface

And I'm just gonna again using that edge

I'm just going to do the direct to paper technique and just rub it against. Now I cut a bunch of black on the edge

you may want to

press not quite as hard to try to get more of a subtle edge

Obviously now. I I want to get more of a sort of generally consistent edge

But on some of them if you get a lot of edge like even with one like this

If you have too much edge it sort of interrupts the the image

You know it sort of gets in the way of really seeing the image, so that's just one thing to keep in mind

So I'm gonna now turn over and just like I did with the basic gray piece again. Avoiding putting my fingers on the surface

I'm gonna press it down so the adhesive holds it down

Now if it's not held down

What will happen when you streak or if you're you don't have adhesive to hold it down or your hand or both is the paper?

will shift and you'll end up getting like a curvy line instead of a straight line and

You know my goal here is to have the straight line so

Again, I'm gonna just do extra light with how I'm really not putting much weight on there at all, so I'm just gonna catch

It's like a lot on there

Okay, that was more than I intended

So I really want to be able to also run it along so I'm gonna get some of the streaks down the middle as well

okay, so

Just like with everything we do in paper crafting and stamping they're each gonna be a little different, so

That's a little bit more black than I want but I kind of want it to be a little bit more even on the other

Side so I'm gonna take the risk and actually do a little bit more on the left to get it a little more evened out

Yeah, it's close. It's okay

It's gonna be its own unique little creation right. What I want to use on this one is the epic celebrations

It actually I'm gonna use the guitar, but I've done some that also used the sneaker

And some that used all three in fact, so we're using the you're awesome and the guitar

I'm sorry that the guitar in this for the stamping again. I'm going to use the archival black and I'm gonna start with stamping the

You're awesome in the lower right hand corner of

the paper. You wanna make sure that you don't let it slide so press firmly, but not too so firmly that it moves

so you get a nice crisp image there and

then I'm gonna just do a series of

guitar images, and I'm envisioning like a wall with guitars, you know. My husband plays a guitar so

For this next segment. I have speeded it up to do my stamping

of the guitars

And then I'm going to quickly take my heat tool and dry the whole surface so all the black ink is dry for the next


If I don't dry it. I'll show you what happens and on another sample, but I'm using my

Stampin Up heat tool and

This new heat tool actually has a dual setting so ones

Like for drying and the other one is actually for heating when you're using embossing powder, so I'm gonna use the drying one

It's the first setting

And then I'm gonna do the same step, but with the Versamark as I did before the director paper technique

So now with this step especially with the Versamark if you really want to try to get that


Look of the streaks. You know almost like droplets without it being uniform

You need the ever so lightest touch of the Versamark pad like you're almost just

Using the weight of the pad itself to rub against the paper and no more so you're not pressing at all

so I'm gonna hold on the paper again and

just I'm actually just gonna hold it and

Let it run down in straight lines

So when I did it. I also was to the right of the scrap paper

I didn't straddle the scrap paper because that will give you a distinct straight line

And you don't really want that so now

I'm gonna go to the other side and hold it down and do the same thing

And I also want to make sure that I don't leave a gap in the middle

You want to try to get a little bit of Versamark over the whole surface?

So now I'm gonna grab my clear embossing powder

Again trying to avoid touching that surface

Put the clear embossing powder over the whole thing and then I'm gonna heat it on the full heat setting

Then you just want to make sure of course that it's all heated and melted

So here's a finished card made with that focal piece and a couple of close-ups

So you can really see a bit of the black ice effect that we're trying to go for

This final example is made with the heartfelt blooms stamp set and it's really my favorite example of the black ice technique

I'll show you the full card at the end of the video I

Have one last little tip for you this card was sort of an experiment

I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't dry the black ink before I went over it with the Versamark

So what you can see here? Is that image the the ink actually sort of got pulled down

By the Versamark when I went over it, so it's a little bit blurry there

So if you like that look go for it, it looks kind of cool, I think

But if you want to have a crisper image

Definitely dry your black ink before you apply the Versamark

So here are some additional

Examples of focal pieces for this card. This first one is the amazing you stamp set and here's a close-up

The second one is

made with the epic celebration stamp set

Now here's the final card for the heartfelt blooms stamp set and I can't resist but show that focal

close up again because I love it and

Last but not least this is made with the waterfront stamp set which is in the occasions catalog and a close-up I?

I hope you've enjoyed the technique and project today. To learn how you can get project kits for free project, documents especially

prepared for you, plus hostess rewards, check out my online and in-person stamp clubs.

It's simple, not a large commitment of time or money, but it comes with great perks and benefits.

Check out the details in the description below this video.

Have a great day and happy crafting

For more infomation >> Unique "Black Ice" Paper Crafting Technique Debut - A Club Project - Duration: 10:05.


İlham Əliyev Xəzər TV jurnalistini QOVDU 4 - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> İlham Əliyev Xəzər TV jurnalistini QOVDU 4 - Duration: 9:34.


Happiness | Short of the Week #049 - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Happiness | Short of the Week #049 - Duration: 1:40.


Taking A Break On A Cold Freezing Morning - Duration: 2:40.

We humans are busy beings.

Sometimes we forget to take a breath.

Sometimes we forget to relax.

So I did, I went to nature and took a break.

It was a cold freezing morning.

The sun hit my face and blindend me when I was shooting for this video.

It was quiet. You can hear the ducks and birds sing.

The sky was blue and clear.

After filming this video I sat down on a bench at the waters.

I was alone.

Sometimes it is great to be alone. I listened to the nature around me.

I took a deep breath. Stud up and headed home.

After a long stressful period, taking a break is amazing!

If your energy is low, go to nature.

Being in nature is a powerful tool.

Power up and come back to what you are doing but only better and stronger.

So if I can do it, you can do it!

Never give up and thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Taking A Break On A Cold Freezing Morning - Duration: 2:40.


8 Habits of the Wealthy - What They Do Differently to Focus and Achieve Financial Success - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 8 Habits of the Wealthy - What They Do Differently to Focus and Achieve Financial Success - Duration: 8:27.


Breaking Out Much? What You Need To Know About Acne - Duration: 1:39.

Do you have painful and inflamed breakouts?

This is acne and today

I'm going to tell you what it is and how to get rid of it for good.

Acne is when dead skin cells and oil build up in the pores and hair follicles and become infected.

The bacteria then spreads and causes larger breakouts.

This can be really painful and actually kind of hard to get rid of.

First and foremost, do not pop your pimples.

This is only going to spread bacteria across your face

increasing the amount of breakouts that you have.

Mind your diet.

Remove processed foods and sugar that can lead to more oil production in your skin.

Wash your face daily.

This can help remove any oil, any dirt and bacteria from your skin that can cause clogged pores and breakouts.

Add Daily Cleanse into your routine.

This was actually formulated by one of our co-founders

Because he struggled with acne.

He went to a dietitian and instead of doing topical treatments

they looked at what he was eating and found the right balance of herbs & minerals to help clear his skin.

Daily Cleanse has chlorella, spirulina and zinc –

all of these really important and healing skin nutrients

that help clear the acne from the inside out.

OMG! is another supplement we have here at HUM

It decreases inflammation and can help even out skin tone.

If you liked this video and want to see more like this, comment below.

I'm happy to answer any other questions you have

Give it a thumbs up if you liked it and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest updates.

For more infomation >> Breaking Out Much? What You Need To Know About Acne - Duration: 1:39.


10 Ways to Sneak Meditation into Your Day - Duration: 6:24.

10 Ways to Sneak Meditation into Your Day

by Aisha-Sky Gates

For so many health benefit reasons, I recommend going on a retreat or taking classes at Omega

or Kripalu Center or the like whenever you can.

Even without meditation retreats, we can, all, treat ourselves to meditation in tiny

bits throughout our day and gain the same tremendous benefits.

What are some of the benefits of meditating?

Meditation is stress-relieving and healing:

�It�s been accepted as a useful therapy for anxiety and depression (and) . . . to

enhance performance, and� (to help) sufferers of chronic pain, addiction and tinnitus, too.

There is even some evidence that mindfulness can help with the symptoms of certain physical

conditions, such irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, and HIV.�

There�s more!

Meditation is transformative: �� Brain imaging techniques are revealing

that this ancient practice can profoundly change the way different regions of the brain

communicate with each other � and therefore how we think � permanently.� � What

Does Mindfulness Meditation Do to Your Brain?, Scientific American, Tom Ireland, June 12,


How to Reach a Meditative State You can sit still in a comfortable chair or

work in your garden or walk by the shore or go for a run or stroke your pet or stroke

your lover or listen to music or repeat steps on a dance floor or hum or chant repeatedly

or zone out in the shower.

That�s because what we are attempting is simply the �letting go� state of mind

that takes us into an altered kind of awareness.

Let go.

You know that you want to (let go of feeling that you must be in control every minute).




Give yourself a natural respite, a momentary meditation retreat using any and all of these

brief ideas.

10 ways to Sneak Meditation into Your Day: Staring out your window at the natural world.

Observe the plants in your garden, rows of trees, grasses bending in the wind, or taking

time to watch falling snow or rain.

No window?

Keep a mandala, Buddhist or Hindu spiritual symbol (meditation art), to stare into for

one minute.

If possible, keep fresh flowers or living plants on your desk as your meditative focal


Stroking a pet friend.

I do not have pets.

I make an effort to visit my friends� dogs and cats.

They are kind and generous beings.

Peaceful repetitious sound can carry you away.

If the real thing isn�t outside your window then recordings of a babbling brook or of

the ocean can be very effective.

Or, you can become the sound maker by humming or chanting alone, or with others.

Mindful sound-making might be your meditative path.


Turn the next long walk to yet another meeting into a walking meditation.

Replace worries and concerns with giving your attention to making the next step and the

next step as deliberate as possible.

Heel to toe.

Heel to toe.

Slow way down.

Relax your shoulders.

Notice where you feel a tension in the body and breathe into that area.

Slowly shift back into your normal gait.

What a release.

Extraordinary taste.

Allow yourself to fully appreciate each flavor hitting your taste buds as you eat�the ordinary

becomes extraordinary.

Savoring the taste of a perfectly ripe, sun-warmed peach is an uplifting experience.


Two to five minutes of a slow, languid stretch into a yoga pose will change you for the good.

Try Yoga Journal or YouTube videos.


Repetitive drawing strokes on paper to form an amazing design.

It�s great.

It is mindful doodling.

Sometimes, I Zentangle during meetings.


A repetitive motion will do it, such as washing dishes or vacuuming at home.

Polishing your desk or fingering your collection of natural stones at work is good.

Yes, allow yourself to zone out for a little while.


Sometimes, it is the �Not Doing� that will be your gateway to peace.

Five to ten minutes of sitting still in your very comfortable chair or prone on the floor

when you return home from work will reset your spirit.

Dinner and responsibilities can wait five minutes.

Observe your own breath.

Allow yourself to slow down.

Observe what thoughts pass by without needing to hold on to them.

Practice will give you the meditative state.

Foot massage.

I was comfortably seated on a couch deep in conversation one evening when my host�s

husband asked if he could give me a foot massage.

I nodded and kept talking� until I couldn�t.


Waves of relaxation arrested my attention and I was cross-eyed.

I no longer saw the room or heard what the other person was saying.

Call it what you will, but I�m calling the experience a meditative state.

This one is probably best suited for the end of your day.

Allow meditation to sneak into your day and feel refreshed.

It only takes a few minutes for this natural blessing to bless your life.

� Aisha

Meditation blows back your hair and gives you a glimpse, perhaps for the very first

time, of your original face, your true identity.

� Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith

For more infomation >> 10 Ways to Sneak Meditation into Your Day - Duration: 6:24.


스티프 : 평창 동계 올림픽 런칭 트레일러 (한글자막) - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> 스티프 : 평창 동계 올림픽 런칭 트레일러 (한글자막) - Duration: 2:03.


Top 10 Super Bowl Ads Of 2018 - Duration: 5:41.

Welcome back guys to Most Amazing Top 10 - today we are going to run through the Top 10 Super

Bowl Ads of 2018.

Theres been a little bit of time for the dust to settle and for people to decide their favourites

- is yours on the list?

Lets find out as we jump into number 10 with Doritos and Mountain Dew.

This one was released on YouTube a few days before it aired on TV.

Its a bit of a rap off between Peter Dinklage and Morgan Freeman - two very famous actors

- Peter is on team Blaze for Doritos and Morgan is on team Ice.


Next up at number 9 we have Jeep.

For this advert, Jeep took us back to the original Jurrasic park.


And then we skip forward to the present to see that Jeff Goldbloom is still being chased

by a T Rex, but he had updated his Jeep to a newer model.


At number 8 now we have Australia.

This one was amazing because the whole seemed like it was a movie trailer for a sequel to

Crocodile Dundee, all about the famous characters American son visiting Australia for the first

time to follow in his Dads footsteps.


But in the end, he realises that hes actually not in a movie trailer, its an ad to visit


Moving on to number 7 now we have an ad from Avocados From Mexico.

Its just an advert for avocados, but its pretty funny.


Now I kinda want some avocados …

At number 6 now we have Alexa.

Im sure youve all heard of Amazons home assistant Alexa - well in this Superbowl Ad, we got

to see what would happen if Alexa lost her voice and was replaced by some famous faces

- my favourite has to be Gordon Ramsay.


Coming in at number 5 now we have Gogurt.

Do you ever see someone younger than you and think, you don't know how easy you have it!

Everyone does.

Even the 4th graders in this ad think it when they see how easy it is to get into the new

Gogurts … Explain ed bud light.

Next up at number 4 we have Kia.

This ad featured Steve Tyler of Aerosmith - heres what he used to look like back in

the day.

This advert tries to take him back there by letting him drive a Kia car backwards round

a track really fast.


As you can tell, theyre trying to show off how good it as at reversing, I guess - but

the CGI they do at the end to make him look young is definitely the most impressive part

for me.


Moving on to number 3 now we have Pepsi.

The Pepsi ad was all over the place but in a good way.

It took us from Mars to Britney Spears, from Ray Charles to Back to The Future.

It was pretty jam packed.


Next up at number 2 we have Bud Light.

This ad really shows why you should be careful what you wish for.

Its pretty funny though.

Would you guys want something like this in your life?


And finally at number 1 we have Tide.

It couldnt be anyone else really could it?

This ad featured the fantastic David Harbour - best known as Chief Hopper from Stranger


It pokes fun at typical Super Bowl ads by replicating them perfectly.


For me, the best part is that the last line makes you suspicious that every other ad is

a tide ad.

That means youre watching other peoples ads and thinking about Tide.

I don't think you can get better advertising than that …

Well there you go guys, thats it for this years Super Bowl ads - which was your favourite?

What do you want to see next?

Thanks for watching guys and Ill see you all in the next video!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Super Bowl Ads Of 2018 - Duration: 5:41.


Corporate Raiders Enter The Pot Business - Duration: 7:41.

A growers association issued a complaint saying opportunistic marijuana corporations are taking

advantage of a loophole created by California regulators.

They say the loophole puts small scale cannabis farmers at a great disadvantage and that that

loophole should be removed.

Joining me to talk about this is correspondent Brigida Santos.

Brigida, who issued this complaint, and what is this loophole that they're referring to?

Why is that important?

Mike, the California Growers Association is suing the California Department of Food and

Agriculture over a loophole that is left in Proposition 64 that the growers association

says the defeats the entire spirit of the bill.

Now when Prop 64 was passed last year it did include a ban on large cultivation licenses

for the first five years.

Until 2023 any large canopies over an acre in size will not be allowed to get permits.

Unfortunately, there is an odd loophole in the language of this bill that allows for

an unlimited amount of licenses on small operations.

Now this would be canopies under a quarter acre in size.

Unfortunately, now the corporations are able to go in.

They have capital to buy 160 small farm licenses in some cases, which would give them a 40-acre

canopy in total.

That's simply not something that these local businesses can complete with, Mike.

This is an important fight because as soon as you let the ugly hand of big corporate

America get involved, everything starts falling apart every time.

I don't care what area you're talking about, whether it's the media, whether it's the car

industry, I don't care where it is.

You let the ugly hand of big corporations get involved in the whole process that's put

out there begins to fall apart to the disadvantage of people who don't have those billions of


What demands are they making to prevent this marijuana monopoly, and how do they know there

are groups taking advantage of this loophole?

I hear you that there are people out here looking at it, but how do we know about that?

The California Growers Association wants the state judge to rule against the California

Department of Food and Agriculture and say that they are violating the rules.

They also want Sacramento County, which is where the department is based to stop issuing

licenses to people who are going to violate the acreage cap.

Now what's so odd about this is that in the language of Proposition 64 it limited medium

size cultivation operations to one license per entity or person.

It's almost as if they left this loophole for the small unlimited buying of these licenses

on purpose.

Now the reason why small farmers know this is happening is because in some instances

single entities or persons have purchased 30 licenses, or they've applied for 30 licenses

for these small operations, Mike.

The case of Calaveras County is also indicative of why small marijuana farmers are having

a hard time getting licenses to grow the crop because of the crowding issue of too many


Could you tell us about that case and why small growers are threatening lawsuits.

What's that part of this case?

Two years ago in Calaveras County the board of supervisors began advertising to marijuana

businesses to relocate there in order to stimulate the local economy, which had been completely

destroyed after a wildfire in 2015.

In 2016 the board of supervisors began accepting applications and money for marijuana businesses.

In fact, they generated over $3.7 million in those fees as well as an additional $7

million in taxes, but as soon as Proposition 64 rolled out this year, the Calaveras County

board of supervisors completely banned recreational cultivation in the county.

Now about 200 licensed growers have about three months to completely shut down their

operations, and they have not been giving any of that money back.

They are accusing the board of supervisors of corruption and racketeering.

Now they are threatening the board of supervisors, Mike.

They're worried about corruption, racketeering.

Wait till the big corporations get involved in a big way.

As far as what we know right now what are the corporations?

Who are they?

What are they trying to get their hands on in the California cannabis market?

Right now it looks like everybody is trying to get into the game.

We're talking about a $7 billion industry.

You have venture capitalists getting involved, hedge funds and even Uncle Sam wants a piece.

It's unclear how this lawsuit is going to play out but again, as you said, it looks

like this is just business as usual in America where corporations take over, and the Mom

and Pop shops simply cannot compete, Mike.

I'm wondering, Brigida, California is facing legal challenges from Jeff Sessions, the Department

of Justice.

We're hearing him make these proclamations about we're going to change the way we look

at marijuana, which is an odd thing to say when you consider the number of states that

already said, "Hey, we are going to sell marijuana either for medical purposes, or we're going

to sell it across the board."

I think he's pushing against the tide here.

I honestly do believe the administration has said to Sessions, "Back off a little bit."

What's new from that side of things between the state's marijuana law and the federal

government's declaration to challenge it?

Do you really see it as a serious declaration?

I don't see it as a very serious declaration.

Now Jeff Sessions has abandoned the Obama era policy that prevented the Feds from intervening

in states that have legalized marijuana on a recreational level.

However, he has not rolled out any plans for how he intends to do that, and California

is not backing down as they had never intended to when it comes to this law.

In fact, they're moving forward full speed ahead.

They say that they intend to make California a sanctuary state for marijuana, which would

mean that local authorities and police departments will be banned from helping the Feds, if they

do come in.

Local authorities will not be able to allocate resources, time and efforts to federal interference


I really don't see this as being something that the federal agencies are going to go

after because it would simply be too difficult for them at this point, Mike.

While Jeff Sessions is talking about this, we have 150 people a day dying from opioids

created by corporations, distributed by corporations like McKesson, and Amerisource, and Cardinal,

produced by corporations like Purdue.

We know what they're doing.

It is a legalized drug cartel, and Jeff Sessions has not even investigated one of these corporate

CEOs that have made the decision to kill 150 people a day by addiction.

It's an interesting development I see taking place in D.C.

He really needs to pay attention to the real criminals.

Those are those cats dressed up in Armani suits up on Wall Street making decisions about

how to kill people with opioids.

Thank you for joining me, Brigida.

For more infomation >> Corporate Raiders Enter The Pot Business - Duration: 7:41.


The AR15 Bible - Barrel Lengths - Duration: 3:39.

Welcome back to the AR15 Bible, presented by Clear Advantage TV.

We're going to be discussing AR15 Barrel length today.

There are some very specific opinions out there respective to which barrel length you

should choose for your AR, so let's lay out the important points of consideration

so that you are as informed as possible when selecting a barrel for your build or purchase.

There are several specific elements of the AR and 5.56 round that are directly impacted

by barrel length.

The first is velocity.

The general rule is, the longer the barrel, the higher the velocity of the bullet when

it exits.

This is important as it allows the bullet to travel flatter, longer.

This is a benefit for shooting at distance because the effect of wind will be minimized,

and, because the delta in the trajectory is mitigated.

Additionally, the faster the bullet, the greater the potential energy transfer will be, from

a terminal ballistics standpoint.

The SS109 or M855 is a standard 5.56 cartridge.

Out of a 20 inch barrel, the bullet achieves a velocity of approximately 3000 feet per


For each inch of barrel removed, down to about 14.5 inches, the projectile loses between

25 and 50 feet per second of velocity.

Barrels shorter than that tend to bleed velocity at higher rates of 60 to 100 feet per second

per inch.

The second impacted element is the gas system.

We'll cover the specifics of gas systems in another video, but suffice to say, the

longer the barrel, the further the gas port can be placed on the barrel, while also maintaining

sufficient dwell time.

Again, we'll cover the specifics later, but this generally equates to a softer recoil

impulse on longer barrels.

Controllability is the next major element impacted by barrel length.

The shorter the barrel, the easier it is for the user to control the platform in tight

spaces or in and out of vehicles.

But, it is pretty common for people to exaggerate the improvement in maneuverability when cutting

off just an inch or two of barrel length.

So, yes, going from a 20 to 14.5 inch barrel will be absolutely noticeable, but the difference

between a 16 inch barrel and 14.5 is fairly negligible.

Making that switch will not allow you to suddenly achieve John Wick levels of room clearing

and CQB skill.

As a point of reference, a true short barrel of 10.5 or 11.5 inches will be the only length

AR that actually allows for a different feel in close spaces.

Most top level shooters and instructors will tell you that a 16 inch barrel will be just

as efficient as a 14.5 barrel for almost every average shooters' applications.

Lastly, the legality of barrel length is a final determining factor.

The national firearms act regulates rifles with barrels of less than 16 inches.

Guns with 14.5 and 13.7 inch barrels can get around this restriction by having a permanently

attached muzzle device bring their overall length up to 16 inches.

While pinning a muzzle device isn't all too big a deal, it does make changing devices

annoying and also locks the gas block onto the barrel.

Is it worth it to save 1.5 inches?

That's up to you.

Keep in mind that it is legal to setup an AR pistol with a barrel less than 16 inches.

AR pistols cannot have stocks, but may use braces.

More on that in other vids.

So, which barrel length is the best?

If you only own one AR, a 16 inch barrel is likely the best balance of all of the above

considerations, but if you're building or buying for a specific purpose, that purpose

will directly drive barrel length selection.

Thanks for tuning in to this episode and we hope to see you around for the next one, until

then, stay sharp and shoot straight.

For more infomation >> The AR15 Bible - Barrel Lengths - Duration: 3:39.


스티프 : 평창 동계 올림픽 프리스타일 트레일러 (한글자막) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> 스티프 : 평창 동계 올림픽 프리스타일 트레일러 (한글자막) - Duration: 1:09.


US troops clash with Syrian government forces - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> US troops clash with Syrian government forces - Duration: 3:11.


"Using RT-MicS Wave Sender" Roland RT-MicS #03 - Duration: 2:39.

Using RT-MicS Wave Sender

Importing a Sample

Install RT-MicS Wave Sender.

Use a Micro-B USB cable to connect the unit to your computer.

Start RT-MicS Wave Sender.

Load the audio file that you want to import.

Transfer the file (Send).

Try out the sound that was transferred.

Rename the sound (Rename).

Move the sound (Replace).

Differentiating the Head and Rim Sounds

You can also make the sound be triggered only when you hit the rim of the snare on which the unit is attached.

In RT-MicS Wave Sender, set the [Trigger] button to "Rim Only."

Try differentiating between head and rim strikes.

You can also add a sound to rim shots on a tom.

For more infomation >> "Using RT-MicS Wave Sender" Roland RT-MicS #03 - Duration: 2:39.


Clear Slime - Clay Slime Mixing - Satisfying Slime ASMR Video! OSVchannel - Duration: 5:20.

Clear Slime - Clay Slime Mixing

Satisfying Slime ASMR Video by OSVchannel

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