What will be in 5 season in Fortnite BR?
In this video, I will present my Fortnite theory
I have a few similiar theories about Fortnite
[홍콩러블리너스] Lovelyz (러블리즈) 여 름 한조각 Wag-Zak Reaction - Duration: 6:58.Are we Ready?
Shine on me please!
Shoot me! Shoot me
I want to ask What do you guys think about the music video?
What do I have to say?
We are too happy and excited
It's so good!!!!
MV has this toy!!!
Try to make the thing pop-out with one knife please
You don't need to put in a knife and it still popped up
Even though we are happy,
because Lovelyz came back this quickly
It's their 2nd comeback in 3 months
sadly Jin did not participate in this comeback
We hope Jin gets well soon!
We Hong Kong Lovelinus wishes Jin gets a quick recovery and join the team for the comeback.
Movie reference *not important*
So I guess we can just talk about your Favourite member
I guess our video will end here
We hope that all lovelinus will see that
In Hong Kong there are lovelinus too
I realized that Lovelyz is underrated as hell
They aren't as popular as the other groups
But what we want to say is
We want people to watch this video
and understand Lovelyz is a really talented group
We hope more people will get to know Lovelyz
🎧NCS DRUM & BASS 30 MIN MEGAMIX "JOURNEY INTO WILD" - Duration: 28:48.-------------------------------------------
NEW Mysterious and Unexplained UFO Sightings 2018 (Crazy UFO Footage) - Duration: 6:57.Hey guys, it's Jessie what died nameless today I've got some crazy and new UFO footage. I've been dying to show you
So let's just get to it, right
Okay guys so as promised here's that UFO footage so this comes from one of our followers on Facebook
His name is Barry Nichols Thank You
Barry filmed all the way in the middle Lynn's in the UK from his bedroom window
He is captured honestly one of the best sightings this year and even more than that
So I'm gonna let you guys go ahead and check this one out. I'll be back in a sec
But make sure you stick around until the very end because later on I'm gonna show you something that no one has ever seen before
Okay guys, so once again from Barry
Here's another one of his amazing pieces of fridge
From this looks like a bird but as it gets closer and closer and in the still frame, I'll show you
You can obviously tell it's not
Very mysterious whatever it is another great find
So hopefully you've waited this long because here is the one that I was wanting to show you earlier
It's my favorite out of the three
Best one and this is the best sighting I have seen in a long time
It is a mid day. Very clear sighting which you can tell it's not a bird plane helicopter
Superman skydiver
What have you it is clearly something we cannot identify
Therefore makes it a genuine
unidentified flying object
Also, this thing doesn't look like a typical rocket launch either as it's going way too slow
It's just like gliding through our skies and towards space as if it was nothing like it wasn't a struggle at all
So far, there is no explanation for this nor the other two I've shown you so it makes these very mysterious
That no one has even tried to attempt to explain any of these sightings
This one here. I have never seen anything like it before. It kind of reminds me a little bit of the Black Knight satellite
However, this thing is travelling way too fast
Way too freely for it to be just orbiting but it's just incredible footage
thanks again to you Barry Nichols and
Everyone make sure you go ahead and check out his Facebook page. He's been doing this a very long time
He's got thousands upon thousands of footage
It seems like also great finally picked three out of all his footage to share with you guys today
But I promise you he is so much more. You have to check it out
I'll drop it down in the description. And other than that guys wanted to see if anybody knew anything about this footage
If you've seen it before did, you know about it?
There was a while back, but I have never seen it and I don't know if it's real fake nothing
please drop me a comment and
Tell me
Anything that you know about this thing and I really want to find out what this thing was who made it or how was one?
I just really want to know what is going on here
Other than that guys drop me a comment about this thing or let me know what you think of the other UFOs
Make sure to drop off a Barry's Facebook page. I got more videos that I got to get done for you
So give me a like subscribe if you haven't share with everybody and I'll see you guys real soon
The people's war
It is our war
We are the fighters
Fight it then
Fight it with all that is energy
May God defend the right
GO: Portugal Immigration Open 2018 || Easy Permanent resident Visa || Requirements || Hindi/Urdu - Duration: 13:58.
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Morning Routine Compilation United States Part 6 - Relaxed Day Routine - Duration: 6:26.Morning Routine Compilation United States (Part 6) - Relaxed Day Routine
5 questions about LG G7 ThinQ! - Duration: 6:28.Oops! I didn't ..... I didn't ..... Again~
I didn't turn on the microphone.
I didn't turn on the microphone.
Hi! This is LazyDoo!
I used LG G7 ThinQ for about 2 weeks.
So today, I will tell you a short review about LG G7
in Q&A format.
First question is....
You switched from Galaxy S9+ to G7 ThinQ.
What is the general impression of switching from Galaxy S9+?
I don't see much change
because I've switched from Android to Android.
I use the same Nova Launcher and same icon in Galaxy S9+.
I can't feel a big change.
there are a few differences between Galaxy S9+ and G7 ThinQ.
But I think it is a small difference.
I'll tell you about it later.
Second question is...
What is the impressive feature of G7 ThinQ?
and What's the slight missing feature of G7 ThinQ?
What I think of now is the lock screen function.
Lock screen changes depending on weather.
And when I listen to music,
it turns into a picture of a song album.
That's different from the S9+.
That kinds of small features are different.
And Notch Design...
The difference between the notch design of G7 ThinQ and iPhone x is
that the notch design is shorter than the iPhone X.
So I can see all the information next to the notch design.
This is not uncomfortable for me because the Notch is short.
Лучшие одесские анекдоты! Анекдот про мужчин и женщин! (01.07.2018) - Duration: 0:42.-------------------------------------------
Learning with rubikclour and kitchen tools- MinminTv - Duration: 4:36.Thank for watching . Please subscribe my channel
Mercedes-Benz X 350 d 4MATIC: Performance pickup for a sporty lifestyle - Duration: 1:21.-------------------------------------------
ハーレーXL883Rオーナーを迎えに行くよっ!〜安心!シュアショットさんの巻〜(日本語字幕) - Duration: 11:04.-------------------------------------------
Spain Vs Russia Starting Line Up, Prediction, History, Head To Head | Fifa World Cup 2018 - Duration: 2:49.Spain Vs Russia Starting Line Up, Prediction, History, Head To Head | Fifa World Cup 2018
Rochelle descobre que Karen trabalha para Roberval - Duration: 2:13.Rosa e Valentim reatam o namoro. Maura conversa com Nice. Remy registra em vídeo seu romance com Karola
Luzia encontra Beto e afirma que os dois precisam se afastar. Karola propõe fugir para São Paulo com Remy
Beto pede que Karola lhe dê uma nova chance e beija a mulher. Rochelle é expulsa do casarão e rompe o relacionamento com Acácio
Zefa desabafa com Severo sobre Roberval. Edgar, Severo e Rochelle questionam Karen sobre seu novo trabalho
Rosa conversa com Nice e apoia o amor de Maura e Selma. Gorete fica revoltada com a família Falcão por não manter viva a memória de Beto
Clóvis se preocupa com a reação de Gorete quando descobrir a verdade sobre Beto. Rochelle descobre que Karen trabalha para Roberval
Os resumos dos capítulos da novela são de responsabilidade da emissora. OFuxico se isenta de culpa no caso de alterações
HOW TO DRAW A PINEAPPLE | Cartoon Fruit Drawing & Coloring for Kids | Blabla Art - Duration: 10:59.How to draw a pineapple
Don't miss any Blabla Art episode
傳統硬舉5大技巧 part.4:啟動 by JTS【CC字幕】 - Duration: 5:32.-------------------------------------------
معارك بحرية بين الحوثيين والتحالف السعودي الإماراتي - Duration: 3:01.أفشلت القوات البحرية التابعة للحوثيين عملية إنزال بزوارق حربية للتحالف السعودي الإماراتي على الساحل الغربي لليمن، في حين قال التحالف إنه أحبط محاولة هجوم حوثية بزوارق صيد مدنية في البحر الأحمر
ونقلت وكالة الأنباء التابعة للحوثيين عن مصدر عسكري أن وحدات متخصصة من قواتها البحرية أجبرت قوات التحالف السعودي الإماراتي على الانسحاب بعد أن كبدتها خسائر فادحة
وفي مقابل تلك الرواية قال التحالف إنه تصدى لمحاولة هجوم حوثية بزوارق صيد مدنية في البحر الأحمر
وأضاف أنه استولى على قوارب تحمل صواريخ وأسلحة متوسطة وعددا من القذائف. وفي تطور ميداني آخر، قتل 11 شخصا -ضمنهم ثلاثة جنود- وأصيب آخرون في مواجهات بين الجيش اليمني ومسلحي الحوثي بمحافظة البيضاء وسط اليمن
ونقل المركز الإعلامي لمحافظة البيضاء عن مصادر ميدانية أن وحدات الجيش تمكنت من إفشال هجوم شنه الحوثيون على مواقع في جبهة قانية أسفر عن مقتل ثمانية من الحوثيين وإصابة آخرين، في حين قتل ثلاثة من جنود اللواء 159 مشاة في الجيش الوطني
الشأن السياسيوفي الشأن السياسي، قال وزير الخارجية اليمني خالد اليماني إن الحكومة لا تقبل مبادرة مبعوث الأمم المتحدة مارتن غريفيث لبدء مفاوضات في اليمن قبل انسحاب كامل للحوثيين من مدينة الحديدة غربي البلاد
وأوضح اليماني أنه لا توجد ترتيبات سياسية مطلقا قبل الترتيبات الأمنية، وأضاف "لا يمكن القبول ببند واحد من مبادرة غريفيث، وأن الحديث عن المبادرة يعني حزمة واحدة تنطلق في الأساس من خروج الحوثيين من مدينة الحديدة ومينائها"
وجاء هذا الموقف بالتوازي مع موقف التحالف السعودي الإماراتي الذي قال في بيان إنه سيرحب بأي اتفاق سياسي لإنهاء الصراع باليمن، لكنه يصر على الانسحاب الكامل للحوثيين من الأراضي التي سيطروا عليها منذ عام 2014
وتشير هذه المواقف إلى عقبات تعترض مساعي غريفيث لوقف إطلاق النار في الحديدة على أساس مقترح لتولي الأمم المتحدة دورا رئيسيا في إدارة ميناء المدينة
وقال المبعوث الأممي في أحدث تصريحات له إن طرفي الصراع في اليمن أكدا له رغبتهما بالتفاوض، ووافقا على أن تقوم الأمم المتحدة بالإشراف على ميناء الحديدة بعد أن تتسلمه من الحوثيين
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