Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 1 2018

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For more infomation >> Pisces Money and Career January 2019 Horoscope Predictions - Duration: 4:06.



Selena New Skin Wasp Queen

For more infomation >> SELENA WASP QUENN GAMEPLAY - SELENA SKIN - MOBİLE LEGENDS - Duration: 14:08.


HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN WASHI TAPE | Easy Summer DIY Project | @karenkavett - Duration: 9:35.

Hi everyone, I'm Karen and if you know me, you know that I am obsessed with washi tape.

I have so many rolls, I just can't stop buying it.

But I know that it's not available everywhere or maybe you can't afford to buy a new roll

every time that you want a new color or pattern.

So today I'm going to show you a few ways to make your own that you can customize any

way that you like.

Let's get started.

So the secret ingredient for this project is sticker paper.

You can find this in any office supply store or get it online - right now on Amazon it

literally costs like $5, so this is not breaking the bank.

And as always I'll be linking to it and all of the other supplies right down below.

Next we're going to mix up some paints and start painting.

You can make any design you like, I experimented with stamping a rainbow which came out super


I also tried putting two colors of paint on my brush at the same time, which came out

so beautiful.

I think this one might be my favorite.

You can have fun filling up the pages with all kinds of patterns and designs, and experiment

with different ways to put the paint down on the paper.

Once you're done painting, let it dry completely.

Then use either scissors or a ruler and a craft knife to cut it into strips.

You can cut these to whatever size you like and use them just like you would use washi


But maybe you don't want to paint or you have some very specific design ideas.

You can also print onto sticker paper and literally make any design you like.

I'll link this page down below as well as a blank template that you can print and draw


So once you have it printed, just cut apart the different designs.

A few tips - don't throw out the edges from the paper - you can draw onto them and make

bonus strips of tape.

If you print out simple designs like these, you can add any colors you like with markers

or colored pencils even if you don't have a color printer.

Don't forget about stamps.

You don't need any artistic talent to be able to stamp out a cute design.

And the great part about this project is you can customize your tape however you like,

by making bigger designs or cutting them down into smaller pieces.

But ok, maybe sticker paper just isn't available where you live.

One more hack is to use office labels instead.

Your strips won't be as long as they are with the sticker paper, but you can paint

or draw onto them exactly the same way, and you can get labels like these at any office

supply store for less than five dollars.

So, once you have all of your tape, you can use it just like you would use any other washi


I'm real bad at bullet journaling, but I put together a quick layout so you can see

how nice the tape looks.

If anyone out there is good at journaling and uses this method, please send me a photo

because I would love to see how it looks on an actually well-designed journal.

I also used the tape to hang up some photos in a cute little collage, which would look

great in your locker or your bedroom wall.

I love this project because you can make a little bit of every color and pattern of washi

tape you could ever want without having to spend money on every single new roll of tape.

So I hope you guys liked those ideas.

Obviously washi tape is pretty cheap and you could just go out and buy some, but this way

you can make the exact color and pattern that you want.

And if you just need a little bit of a certain color, you can just make it yourself instead

of going out and spending a few dollars on another roll that you probably are not going

to use up.

So if you want more ideas on projects that you can use washi tape for, I have an entire

video about that which I made a few months ago, I'm gonna link it right down below.

As always I'm also going to link all of the supplies that I used right down below

as well.

And I'm also going to link my brand new jigsaw puzzle YouTube channel.

If you haven't heard yet, I decided to start a new YouTube channel just for my jigsaw puzzle

videos, that includes reviews, time lapses, soothing, oddly satisfying types of videos.

I'm gonna link that channel right down below and it would mean so much to me if you went

over there and subscribed.

So if you're watching all the way to the end of the video, your code word for the comments

is washi queen.

I love having this little message board here.

It makes it so easy to give you guys little secret messages.

So use that somewhere in your comment and I'll know that you watched the entire video

and that you are my new favorite viewer.

I'll see you all next time.

For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN WASHI TAPE | Easy Summer DIY Project | @karenkavett - Duration: 9:35.


8 Interesting Washington DC Facts Featuring Wolters World - Duration: 6:42.

I'm here with Mark from Wolters World and I'm going to ask him some trivia questions to see how much he knows about Washington DC.

Hello! Welcome to Trip Hacks DC, my name is Rob, and this is Mark from Wolters World.

Mark is a world traveler who has a YouTube channel with 1,500 travel videos right now that you should definitely check out,

I will leave a link to it in the video description.

And in this video, I'm going to ask Mark some trivia questions about Washington DC.

I actually have a new trivia tour,

which is a tour of the monuments and memorials here on the National Mall where I ask trivia questions as we go along the route.

So, let's see how well I do. Okay Mark, so this first one is a pretty easy one to get you warmed up.

What is the one thing that you should never do on a Metro escalator? Stand on the left? That is right.

You should never, ever,

stand on the left side of a Metro escalator. And Mark's going to have a video about the don'ts of DC and I hope he puts

this one as number one. Oh it's number one. You never want to stand on the left side of an escalator. Metro etiquette

is that when you're walking, you walk on the left, and when you're standing you stand on the right. And that's just something that you

should know before you come so that you don't,

you know, annoy any locals and so that you can prove that you watch Trip Hacks DC or Wolters World and you know exactly what you're

doing. Yes. Before you arrive.

Okay. So the next question is, speaking of metro systems, Washington DC actually has two underground subway systems, believe it or not,

the Metro, that we just talked about, and the second one, which is underneath what landmark?

The Washington Monument? Oh good guess, but sorry you didn't get that one.

The Smithsonian?

No no, it's not like in the movies. There's actually a subway underneath the Capitol. Some Congress members and Senators can use the little Capitol subway system to get from their office


into the Capitol chambers where they would go for a vote.

Can I go on that?

You actually can go if you contact your Congress member's office or Senator's office

And they're willing to take you on the Capitol subway. You can go in there and you can go do it.

Dude I had no idea!

A lot of the Capitol complex is actually underground. There's the subway, but there's also a lot of underground walkways

so it's actually pretty rare to see a congress member walking from his or her office

to the Capitol to take a vote or go into the chambers or something like that. Okay

so the next question is about the layout of the city.

The city was designed by a person named Pierre Charles L'Enfant and he was not an American,

do you know what country he hailed from? Hmm? Sounds like it would be French. That's correct. He was French.

He was actually born in Paris and came over to the United States during the Revolutionary War, and then he was commissioned by George

Washington and the other early leaders of our country to design the city.

So one of the things that most people notice about L'enfant's plan for the city is the street grid,

which has the north and south streets, east and west streets, and then the diagonal streets that are named after states, and the traffic circles

around the city. Some of the other things that L'enfant did, for example, was to put the Capitol building on the point of highest elevation

in the old city and that's why it is called "Capitol Hill" because it is actually on a hill and

so when you go visit you're going to walk up a big hill and that is all part of L'enfant's plan.

So this next question is about the history of the city. A lot of history is here in the city, but something specifically happened in

1814, do you know what that was? Is that when the White House burned down? That's right!

That's when the British came to Washington DC and they burned both the Capitol and the White House,

and one of the things that the British did unfortunately for us, was that they went into the Library of Congress

which was in the Capitol at the time, and they used the books as fuel when they were burning down the Capitol.

So both the Capitol and the White House were damaged during the War of 1812

but we did rebuild both of them and this is still the capital of the country.

OK so this next one has to do with the fact that Washington DC, as you know, is not a state,

but we do have a bigger population than two states. Any idea what those states are?

Montana and Wyoming? Well, you got one of the two. Wyoming is the first and Vermont is the second.

And we are quickly gaining on Alaska. So the population of the District of Columbia and 2018 is about

700,000 people. I did not know that. Now you do. Oh, there you go makes more sense for the statehood thing.

So on that same topic, why do the license plates of cars registered in Washington DC say "end taxation without representation"?

Because you have no representation in Congress so you can't really...

you're not represented. Right.

So it's a it's a bit of a protest because the city does issue the license plates and we don't have a congressional

representative in Congress that can vote and we don't have two senators like every other state does, and so that's a little bit of a

local protest we print "end taxation without representation" on the license plates because just like you I pay a federal income tax,

but we don't have anyone to represent us. Yeah because I saw that on the license plate

I thought it was a joke at first but then I was I saw it again and again and I'm like oh,

that's not a joke. That's a legit thing. Yeah, definitely not a joke, a lot of people take it pretty seriously.

Yeah if you live here that's no joke. That's true, so yeah.

Mark's doing pretty well,

he's got more questions right than he's gotten wrong so far, but he's brought in some reinforcements for these last couple of questions.

So the first one we're going, I'm gonna ask and whoever gets closest to the right answer, just like on the Price is Right

gets it right. So the question is: how tall is the Washington Monument?

He said a hundred feet. He said 200 feet.

100 or 200 feet that's his answer. What do you think Caleb?


And Mark, what do you think?

I'm going to go with 501 feet. Oh Mark got it right (or at least closest). It is

555 feet tall. It is the tallest building in the city and because of the Height of Buildings Act of 1910

We don't have any buildings that are even close to as tall as it. I got one more. So

When they built the Washington Monument, before they finished they placed a precious metal in the little pyramid

that's at the top of the Washington Monument.

So what metal did they choose to stash up there?

Copper? Good guess.

Silver and marble

Okay, you guessed silver. Silver is a really good guess but the answer is actually aluminum, which in the 1800s

was a newly discovered precious metal and at that time per ounce it cost about the same as

silver. And of course

it did not appreciate nearly as well as silver and now we

associate it with wrapping up leftover pizza and a can of soda or something like that.

But at the time it was quite a big deal.

So I want to thank the Wolters family for coming on this video and answering some trivia questions with me and if you want to come on

a tour and answer trivia questions with me you can head on over to and see the trivia tour and all

of the tours that I offer. Thanks guys!

For more infomation >> 8 Interesting Washington DC Facts Featuring Wolters World - Duration: 6:42.


TRUMP DÜNYAYI KATLEDİYOR - (Plague Inc) - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> TRUMP DÜNYAYI KATLEDİYOR - (Plague Inc) - Duration: 10:04.


🔴 15 ЯРКИХ ЦИТАТ ИЗ РОМАНА: "УНЕСЕННЫЕ ВЕТРОМ" ★ Women Beauty Club - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 🔴 15 ЯРКИХ ЦИТАТ ИЗ РОМАНА: "УНЕСЕННЫЕ ВЕТРОМ" ★ Women Beauty Club - Duration: 3:21.


8-Bit Unboxing May-June 2018 - Duration: 19:26.

Hello, and welcome back to this episode of 8-Bit unboxing, where I'm going to unbox

all the things that you guys have donated to me during the months of May and June of


So, I didn't really get enough stuff in June to do a full episode, but during the

last two months I definitely received a lot of interesting things, so let's take a look.

OK, so this is the first package.

And I have to admit being stumped as to who this was from or what it was because it just

says "an artist on redbubble."

Later I realized it was from Clayton Hickman.

So they are a couple of T-Shirts.

And apparently Clayton likes to make obscure T-Shirts that reference things that are just

seen for a short time in single episode of TV shows.

And I think he wanted to send me these Doctor Who shirts to see if I could recognize what

they were.

Well, I certainly recognized this logo right away.

This was only seen in the episode Castrovalva, originally broadcast in 1982, and is one of

my favorite episodes.

So yeah, I got that one.

Let's see what the other one is.

And this..

Ah yes.

I also immediately recognize this.

This is the dark tower from the death zone on Galifrey.

But more specifically, it is the computer representation shown on screen inside the


Anyway, very nice.

I'll definitely wear these!

Moving on, the next package is from Lain Mason.

And here's a note.

Ok, looks like he sent me some replacement gears for my armatron.

Let's have a look.

Well, I only needed one.

Now it looks like I have a stockpile of them.

Well, thank you Lain, I'll probably put this to use soon.

These are 3D printed by the way.

And while I received a million emails telling me to do this, I already had a 3D printer

but mine was simply not capable of producing these.

Next up we have a box here, and it is from Charles Bozarth.

And what do we have here?

Oh cool.

I remember this discussion.

I don't normally take printers for a variety of reasons.

But this was too good to turn down.

It's an okimate 10 in the original box and it looks brand new!

The Okimate was a very unusual printer for the time.

See what your computer can do when it stops playing games.

This was a color thermal printer that came out in a time when all other printers were

either dot-matrix or daisy wheel, both of which were very loud and obnoxious.

These, on the other hand, were practically silent and could print in vibrant color.

Let's take a closer look inside the box.

Hey look at this.

Charles even printed something on it for me.

Surprisingly it still appears to mostly work with the original cartridge.

And here it is.

I'll draw your attention to this area here.

You see, this printer was brilliant because it could interface with various different

brands by changing the interface cartridge.

Right now it has a cartridge for Commodore machines.

And it looks like there is some software here too.

Thank you Charles!

OK, well, moving right along, we've got something here from Thomas.

I thought this might be a bill.

But I felt something inside of it.

And look at that!

Even more armatron gears.

I have enough to fix like 20 armatrons now, hahah.

OK, well thank you Thomas!

Next I got a little something here from Ollies.

Oh look.

There's my logo!

OK, that's interesting.

Here's a note.

Looks like a custom 8-Bit Guy letterhead there.

Anyway, looks like he sent me a nightstand for my Apple Watch, which looks like an old


Well, let's try it out.

OK, so it plops in there like that.

I guess you have to mount the magnetic charger in the back before it really works properly,


Still, you can see what it would look like.

Nice, thank you!

Next up we've got a big ole' box here.

It's apparently from David, tanning machine.

That probably has some meaning that has escaped me.

Here's a note.

OK, apparently he's sending me some sort of keyboard.

Ah.. and tanning machine is the name of his band.

OK, so what we have here is a Bontempi electronic computer organ.

Yeah, this kid isn't posing at all here, right?

Well, let's see if we can get it out.

This is definitely not the original packing material.

This design looks very 1970s.

Well, this should be something interesting to play with, so thank you Tanning Machine!

And next up we have a big box from The Home Depot.

Ok, not really, it's from Antibishonen?

Is that a name or a company?

I'm not sure.

Well, let's open it.

OK, wow, there are quite a few things in this box.

So first we have a digital sound lab here.

Never heard of this, but looks interesting.

And then a lite'n learn.

Never heard of this one.

And next we have a talking teacher.

Again, never heard of this, but looks interesting.

It's made by Coleco.

What's next.

Hit Stix 2.

These sticks look remarkably similar to the Casio sticks I reviewed a while back.

But instead of attaching to a keyboard they appear to be connected to a proprietary little

beat box.

I'm sure they are just as terrible and gimmicky to use.

But I'll check it out!


The Etch-a-Sketch that plugs into your television.

I've always wanted to try one of these.

And it has a cartridge port.

I wonder what that's for.

Anyway, very cool.

Moving along, we have a brain baffler.

Never heard of this one.

And look, and original magnetic etch-a-sketch.

I wonder if it still works.

And it does!

Drawing on these things was always such a challenge!

And the etch-a-sketch animator.

I think this is the original thing that we discussed in the email.

All of this other stuff has been a bonus, I guess.

Anyway, I've always wanted to try one of these out.

I've come across a few in thrift shops or estate sales, but they are always broken and


So yeah, I'll be interested to try this out!

So yeah, here's all the 8 things that were in that box.

So thank you!

OK, guys, you can definitely stop emailing me about this now.

I have received a Sous-Vide Cooker.

I hope I'm saying that right.

This was not mailed to me, but in fact it was hand delivered by Christopher Foskey.

So let's take this thing out a look at it.

So the reason I've gotten like 800 emails about this product is because I mentioned

I wanted to try retrobriting something by placing it in a large tub of heated water,

and this is the product everyone suggested I should use.

And apparently it has controls for setting an exact temperature.

So this just might work.

I'll definitely give it a try in a future video.

So, a big thanks to Chris, as these definitely aren't cheap!

Next up is a box from Germany, apparently from Arne Schmitz.

The customs paper says it is a computer sound card.

And here's a note.

It appears this is an Ad-Lib replica.

Wow, check that out!

This is really cool because genuine Ad-Lib cards are insanely expensive and rare these


Very cool.

You'll definitely see this again in future videos!

Thank Arne!

And the next box is from Chris Lozaga.

He has sent many quality donations in the past.

OK, this looks like some sort of laptop.

And a battery pack, no doubt long dead.

And how do you open this thing?

Ok, that's just a carry handle.

Oh.. that's not a screen, it's actually a keyboard cover.


So there's the screen.

What a fascinating little portable.

I've never seen one of these before.

Apparently it stores data on these little micro cassettes.

That's so cute.

Look at that!

Apparently this is some sort of modem attachment.

So,yeah, I guess it connects to the bottom of the laptop like this, and that's what

the giant ribbon cable is for.

Well, thank you Chris.

I'll see what I can do to get this working!

Next box is from Dmitry K. Lets's see what's inside.

Ahh… yes!

So he saw where I mentioned that some jerk had taken my Osborne handle and never returned


And so he found another one somewhere and here it is!

Obviously it needs retrobriting but I'll have to figure out a way to retrobrite it

without damaging the leather this time.

So that should make a neat challenge!

Thank you Dmitry!

You'll be seeing this again!

OK, so this is an interesting box.

It appears to be from Puckaway Motor Club.

"I expect to see some blue painter's tape over these addresses."

Well, you got your wish!

And it says here, "Do not cut with a knife, but he says Nah, go ahead."

Over here it's the same thing.

It says "no, seriously, it's ok."

Diatomacious earth, food grade.

Food grade?

Who would eat this?

I use it to kill ants.


Over here it says, not really from this website.

If you are expecting some actual diatomaceous earth, prepare to be disappointed.

These guys are very proud of their website, and yet I bought this on amazon.

And on the underside, it says "do not open this end.

You are likely to be eaten by a grue?"

I don't even know what that is.

OK, well, we know what it isn't, so let's see what is actually inside of this.

Here's a note from the Puckaway Motor Club.

And it appears to be Atari cartridges.

Wow, so there's a bunch of game manuals.

I don't have most of these.

And here are two large bricks worth of games.

Let's open these up.

So, it looks like the ones on the left here are Atari 2600 cartridges.

Adventure is kind of an interesting one I've been wanting to get my hands on because it

was recently used in the movie Ready Player One.

And these are all Coleco games.

And thats interesting as I didn't even know that Gorf was available on the Coleco.

These actually say Coleco Vision and Adam, so they are for the computer as well as the

game console.

And Smurf.

I've never played this before.

That should be interesting.

Next up is a package from Landon Balk.

What the heck is this?

OK, I know what this is.

It's a drum machine.

I remember the email conversation, but I actually had no idea it was this large.

And here's a letter to 8-Bit Keys.

Let's see what it says.

So long story short, the LCD doesn't work on this thing and he thought maybe I could

fix it.

So yeah, it's an RX-15.

I'll just plug it in right quick and see what it does.

Apparently the unit actually works, but this is all the screen displays.

Well, I'll have a crack at fixing it in a later episode.

Thank you Landon.

Next up we have a small little box here from James Labarre.

Here's a little note.

Apparently these are Timex Sinclair cassettes.

Which is cool because I'm planning a documentary on that machine sometime this year.

And here they are.

I noticed some of them like Chess here requires 16K of RAM, where others just require the

standard 2K.

These are in great condition.

Thank you James!

Next we have a box from…

Interworld highway?

Actually, I later discovered this was a drop shipment from Pete Brown.

And what we have here is a desoldering tool.

Often people are suggesting I get these little $5 pumps and stuff, which I've tried all

of those and they are junk.

So I don't use them.

This, on the other hand, will probably work really well.

Of course I can't imagine what this costs.

Probably a few hundred dollars if I had to guess.

Let's open it up.

Yeah, this thing will probably work great!

Well, I'll undoubtedly be using this the next time I need to desolder a chip or something

in a repair video.

Thank you very much Pete!

Next up we have a fairly large box from Michael Latheberry.

Very interesting packing method.

Ah yes.

I remember this conversation.

This is a Yamaha VSS-30, which is a digital voice sampling keyboard sort of like the Casio

SK-1 or the SK-5 like this one.

I've never actually played with one of these.

So, after I get it cleaned up, I'll be curious to see what it can do!

These stickers always baffle me.

I've seen these on so many keyboards.

They are usually placed there by the original owners, of course, probably 30 years ago.

But it always amazes me how randomly placed they always are.

Like they didn't even try to line them up.

Anyway, thank you very much Michael!

Next up we have a box from Samuel.


What is this?

Just says Atari on it.

Ahh neat.

It's a cartridge holder.

I've never actually seen one like this before.

And I do not believe I have any of these games.

I think I sent him a list of the ones I had, so he found some ones I was missing.

All right, well, thank you Samuel!

Next we have a box from 1097…

Actually, that's just the address of the UPS store.

So this is actually from Peter Metzger.

Here's a note!

And there's a C64 cartridge in there called Dance Fantasy.

I am not even familiar with that one.

This is the color tone keyboard for the Commodore 64.

What's interesting is this thing is completely flat.

When he sent me the photo I got the impression there were real keys on it.


Not that it matters.

I would have still taken it.

Apparently it plugs into the joystick port of the Commodore 64.

Now I'll have to try to locate the software for it.

Anyway, thank you very much Peter!

Moving along, here's a box from The Future was 8-Bit.

They are always sending me cool stuff.

This comes from overseas and the customs paperwork says computer parts kit.


OK, looks like they sent me several things.

And here's a note.

OK, first thing we have here is a 264 diagnostic cartridge.

So this should work on the Commodore Plus/4 and probably the C16 as well.

And next we have a C64 dead test cartridge.

These are handy for troubleshooting the C64.

I already had one of these, but it didn't have this fancy case on it.

So that's cool.

OK, and this next one is a modern EPYX fast load cartridge.

I think this one has been modified to be more compatible with the SD-2-IEC.

So that's cool!

Plus it gives you a reset button, which the C64 really needs.

Speaking of, this appears to be another SD-2-IEC device.

These are SD-card readers for basically any Commodore machine.

I already had one of these, but apparently this one is made from original VIC-20 cases

that were melted down, according to the note.

I can't understate how handy these are for getting new software on your Commodore machines.

And this appears to be a cassette case for a game, but there is no cassette inside.

And the last, but definitely not the least, is a new Penultimate Plus cartridge for the


I had the previous version of this and even did a video on it a while back.

This one, is supposed to be even better.


And there it is.

It's in two colors now.

Very cool, well thank you for all of this great swag!

Next up is a box from Belgium.

And that is a lot of stamps!

This is from Serge, who always has these neat inventions that he creates.

Let's see what he has made this time.

OK, so this is the new version of the parallel port adlib card.

The old one used an OPL2 chip and the new one uses a surface mount OPL3 chip.

Which is still fully backwards compatible with the Ad-lib.

But yeah, I definitely like the layout on this one better.

Especially the location of the volume knob.

And this here is a MIDI synthesizer for the parallel port.

I think it is based on his dream blaster product.

This should be interesting as another sound option for laptops and other old DOS machines.

I'll have to play around with this!

And what do we have here.

Ok, apparently these are cases for the OPL3 cards.

So yeah, they just snap on like that.

And same thing for the MIDI synth cards.

And the last thing he sent me.

This is a prototype, apparently.

It will convert old RGBI signals, including Hercules, CGA, and EGA over to VGA.

This should be handy for using a modern monitor with my old Tandy 1000 machines.

This will be interesting to try.

So yeah, you connect the RGBI on one side, and then VGA connects to the other.

Next up is yet another package from The Future was 8-Bit.

OK, this is apparently a new ROM for the penultimate cartridge.

He said there was a bug in the version he sent me.

Although I haven't noticed it.

Might as well install it now.

So we'll just pull the old one out.

And then I'll stick the new one down in there.

And let's go ahead and try it out.

Yep, it seems to be working.

While we're at it, I'll show you a few things on this cartridge.

They redid the whole main menu, it looks so cool now.

It also includes a lot of new games.

For example, it now includes Cheese and Onion.

It also has a great version of Tetris on here.

And it even includes Pentagorat.

All some great games for the VIC-20.

Moving along, here's a package from David Schirpke.

Let's see what this is.

Here's a note.

Ah hah!

These are Commodore Plus/4 cartridges.

These are super rare as there weren't many cartridges made for the machine.

It's a pity I couldn't have gotten these a few weeks ago, I could have shown them in

the Plus/4 documentary I did.

Nevertheless, I'm still thrilled to have them.

Thank you David!

And this package sneaked it right at the last minute.

It's pretty heavy.

I have no idea what it is in.

It's from Genevieve Catalano.

OK, well let's see what's inside.

It appears to be several books.

It appears to be for some Kaypro software.



That means it can't be for the CP/M machines.

OK, here's a note that explains it.

Yeah, this is from the same family that sent me the big trunk full of old Kaypro laptops.

Apparently, these books go with that.

OK, cool.

Thank you Genevieve.

All right guys, and a big thanks for everything that was donated.

And I did want to do a little bit of self promotion here right quick.

I mad kind of a big mistake recently, and I bought 155 Commodore VIC-20 motherboards

from this guy.

And, I probably should have, but I have managed to get about 80 of them working and I'm

literally like, the walls are closing in on me here.

So, I would absolutely love it if you guys would go take some of these off my hands.

Also, they are available on my website and I also got 55 of these Commodore 16 keyboards.

Then again, I don't know what I'm going to do with all of these.

So again, please take these off my hands.

Anyway, I guess that wraps it up for this episode.

So, you're going to be seeing a lot of that was donated in this episode in some follow-up

episodes really soon.

I'm actually working on an episode right now on some of those sound cards like the

ad-lib and the SSI, and some of those little parallel port cards, and stuff like that.

So you'll be seeing that here in just a few days, hopefully.

So, anyway, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 8-Bit Unboxing May-June 2018 - Duration: 19:26.


Što je Akademija digitalnog marketinga? - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Što je Akademija digitalnog marketinga? - Duration: 5:12.


PSU QB Trace McSorley "We got answers for you" - Duration: 1:57.

I kind of always approached a game that I'm gonna need to you know the defense

can try and take what I do what my approach doesn't change too much

obviously with a guy like se Kwang teams will focus more pack four more guys in

the box and you know teams might show us some different things now but I know I

think you're there and trying to take what I do away then we'll be able to

open up something else for us in our office I think that's the beauty of what

we do is you know kind of what we've done the last couple years all right you

want to take away safe long we have all these other options on the outside and I

think it's just kind of a mentality that we have an office to try and take one

thing away we got answers for you kind of as an offense you go as offensive

line goes and they've been great the last couple years but I think this year

they're kind of gonna be a strong point for us and that's something that you

know probably a lot of people wouldn't have said in the last couple years so

I'm excited for those guys they've been working their butts off this entire

offseason and really for the last three years and kind of a lot of guys were

kind of young and inexperienced the last couple years now they're getting their

third fourth years and it's kind of their opportunity to kind of be the be

the guys up front and they're ready and they're excited about it so I think

we're gonna be able to improve from our offensive line standpoint as far as a

run game they're gonna be able to you know they're working together now

they're the offensive lines of position where the more you work together the

better things offer you guys so I'm excited about that and especially with

the young Jeff that we got behind them you know when you're a kid you're

growing up playing football you want to start playing college football it's kind

of when things you dream about and you know you're going through high school

recruiting process you choose a place like Penn State and again you dream that

one day it's gonna be like that so it's awesome to see all that recognition you

know kind of like I said earlier though it doesn't really matter right now it's

just all preseason hype and what's gonna matter is what happens next next fall so

that's kind of all I'm worried about it's great to see it as I walk by but

understanding that I got a job to do and if I don't do that job and all that

stuff is you know gonna not be worthless but it's not really

gonna make a difference

For more infomation >> PSU QB Trace McSorley "We got answers for you" - Duration: 1:57.


Straftaten mit Messern stark gestiegen | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Straftaten mit Messern stark gestiegen | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:11.


LIVE ENGLISH LESSON - UK Heatwave - 1st July 2018 - Improve your listening - INTERACTIVE CHAT - Duration: 1:38:03.

welcome to a hot and steamy England

doo-doo-doo-doo here we go again it is Sunday and it is a very very hot

day all I can say is here in the studio at the moment I am melting ever so

slowly just like a big mr. Duncan shaped ice cream hi everybody this is mr.

Duncan in England how are you today are you okay

I hope so are you happy well are you happy I really really hope so

so here we go again it is Sunday afternoon and it's mr. Duncan that's me

live on YouTube first of all I need to explain one or two things first this

morning I was feeling a little bit unwell ah poor mr. Duncan

I wasn't feeling very well this morning and my hay fever

yes once again I am suffering from the dreaded hay fever and of course we know

the reason why I get hay fever it is because of all that horrible pollen in

the air all of that disgusting pollen which is ever so annoying so that's the

reason why I'm feeling a little unwell today because of my hay fever I was

lying in bed this morning thinking to myself should I do my live stream

because I was feeling so unwell so if anyone out there also suffers from hay

fever you have my deepest and most sincere

sympathy because I also suffer from hay fever during the lovely warm months and

it's really really horrible that's all I can say I do not like hay fever I love

summer don't get me wrong I love the summer months but the problem is during

those lovely warm months I sometimes suffer from hay fever

and today I have been really really suffering quite badly

in fact as I'm just mentioned the the live stream was in danger of being

cancelled that's how serious it was this morning

shall we have a look at something you have already seen yes we have the live

cameras first of all the daihlia camera there it is so that actually is a live

view in the garden at the moment you can see all of the lovely dahlias in the Sun

enjoying this beautiful July weather yes it's July we are now into the month of

July and well there is no doubting that summer is here especially today because

it's so hot here in England it is around about 30 I'm not joking it's around 30

degrees here today in the place I live which is much wedlock in Shropshire for

those who are wondering a lot of people ask where are you in England I am NOT

near London I am a long way from London I am in a County called Shropshire and

the town I live in is called Much Wenlock and today it is absolutely

boiling hot it is so hot here I can't begin to tell you how scorching it is a

little bit later on we're going to look at some words to do with being hot and

also how to express a hot day and how it makes you feel so that coming later on

also we have another camera there it is there is a live view from my studio

window you can see that everything is looking very dry if you look in the

distance you can see that the grass looks very dry at the moment and it is

true that in certain parts of the UK we are

now suffering water shortages so there is a shortage of water in some places

and of course if you were watching last Wednesday you will know that here we

actually lost our water for three days three whole days we had a little water

and then it went off and then we had a little water again and then it went off

and then we had the water returned and once more it went off so we have had

quite a few disruptions with our water supply which is not very good at this

time of year because it's so hot I can't begin to tell you how hot it is today in

fact in case you can hear some strange noises here in the studio I have some

electric fans in the studio blowing cold air towards me because it is so warm in

here you can imagine what it's like and of course I can't go outside because of

my hay fever it's true my hay fever is so bad at the moment Oh No so

unfortunately I have to stay in the studio but we will be enjoying some of

the lovely sights some of the beautiful sights that there are around at the

moment and we will be taking a look at that as well as the live view of the

daily is and they look quite spectacular another thing that I should be doing

right now is saying hello to you because it's the live chat so let's open the

live chat and have a look at who is there so I wonder who was first on the

live chat I think I think it was Julie today I

think Julie was first yes I'm right Julie well done you are first on the

live chat today welder Sheeran is second hello Sharon nice to see you again Olga

Olga is here of course a regular viewer Francisco hello to mr. Duncan and mr.

Steve and all the classmates thank you very much for that what a lovely welcome

there Thank You belarus series here sue cat hi everybody it's cloudy in

argentina and it's a little bit wet well maybe that's because of the dramatic

events yesterday during the World Cup because Argentina are no longer in the

World Cup Mika says how are you it's really hot in Japan 34 degrees well can

I tell you now it's not far off here it's around 30 degrees today very very

hot and apparently this weather is going to continue for two more weeks yes I

noticed this morning on the weather forecast they said two more weeks of

very hot weather hmm Anna is here hello Anna nice to see you in the live chat

also Jeff who apparently is watching with his boxer shorts on oh I say with

one eye open and also you are drinking coffee as well what I want to know is

why are you tired why do you feel tired have you been up watching the football

maybe flour flour is here also Franco hello

it's boiling hot in Italy so I get the feeling

that the weather in Italy is is very similar to here in England very hot hi

from vanillas the capital of Lithuania hello to Palmyra welcome and once again

you are more than welcome here on the live chat I am going to sneeze excuse me

did you enjoy that I just sneezed because my hay fever is terrible today

I'm really suffering with hay fever hello teacher

Brazil is here hello Glacia also satury no it is hot and also there is a very

choppy sea so the sea outside your window is very rough very choppy I love

that word choppy Ivan says greetings from Russia

hello to you as well I'm not sitting out my desk though I'm not sitting in my

desk today I'm not sitting there I'm standing Oh mr. Duncan I hate the hay

fever that makes you feel so bad you enlighten my Sunday breakfasts Thank You

tsukete well I don't feel 100% today but I'm still here anyway even though this

morning I felt so unwell I can't begin to tell you how ill I was feeling this

morning Kunal says it's scorching it's sweltering it's blistering it is burning

Thank You colonel for that we are going to have a look at some words connected

with heatwave and being hot in a few moments time Anna

fortunately you look well now thank you Anna

can I just say that I don't feel well I might look well but I can I can promise

you now that I don't feel well I've been watching your first ever live

stream oh yes because this month on July the 15th we will be celebrating or at

least I will I don't know about you but I will be celebrating two years of doing

live streams on the 15th of July and as a way of celebrating that I will be

showing you some excerpts from my first ever live stream that I did way back in

2016 don't forget also I have been here on YouTube for over eleven years today I

understand you very much I am NOT very well because of the change of weather Oh

Svetlana is not feeling very well can I send you my best regards and I

hope you feel better soon Hildur says hello mr. duncan it's very

hot in France I think it's safe to say that all over Europe we are having very

hot weather hello from Russia and also I understand oh I think I've just read

that we have 42 degrees ok thank you colonel

you have you have won the contest for the hottest place during my livestream

42 degrees in Azerbaijan that's incredible I can't believe it

sue can't I don't care about football it is sad for the football fans but not

for me thank you sue ket for that of course not everyone likes football

some people don't follow it like me I don't follow football at all but of

course I am slightly interested because on Tuesday England

ah playing I can't remember who they're playing now I want to say I want to say

Panama but I don't think it is Catherine says I've been for a lovely walk this

morning before the heat wave I've seen the viaduct lost in nature which was

built by oh the same man who built the Eiffel Tower there was a railway once

that went underneath and it ran for a few years before being dismantled that's

a great word dismantle if you dismantled something it means you take it to pieces

you take it apart you slowly take it to pieces you dismantle it

Julie G says bless you for your sneeze oh thank you very much for that that is

so nice when I hear your voice I feel so good mr. Duncan Thank You al Amiga al

Amiga Hussein you are welcome no problem don't forget there are also live

subtitles during this live stream some people have got them and some people

have not so if you have live stream and you have the live subtitles then weld oh

good look if you get it would you like to have a look at the sign here is the

sign that you are looking for so underneath you will see this sign which

means that there are subtitles available and if you are lucky you will have some

subtitles on the live stream pretty good hello mr. Duncan I learned some new

words because of the World Cup all right okay that's good to know I love your

intonation mr. Duncan Thank You Praveen for that very kind of you let's have a

look at one of my full English lessons and this is an excerpt from one of my

full English lessons this is one that I did I think a couple of years ago during

one particular heatwave and this is an excerpt from my very very popular series

of English lessons called live English

can you see what sort of day it is here today is a hot day it is a Midsummer's

day this seasonal period is when the days are at their longest and quite

often their hottest a hot day can be described in many ways it's a scorching

day it's scorching hot today it's a sweltering day to swell tip is to

feel uncomfortably hot it's baking hot today it's burning hot this sort of

weather makes me feel all sweaty and sticky if you stay out in the Sun too

long you will burn your skin will turn red from the sun's ultraviolet radiation

too much exposure to harsh sunlight will literally burn your skin which can lead

to serious health issues later ironically exposure to UV light is

necessary for the production of vitamin d2 in the human body so a hot day like

this can be described as hot scorching sweltering dry baking the extreme heat

is overwhelming oppressive harsh and


oh my goodness I'm so thirsty I feel parched I'm gasping for water to

refresh yourself by drinking something cold is to quench your thirst

your thirst is the need and the drink is what will satisfy that first we can also

use the word thirst to show the desire to do something or to obtain something

beneficial you can have a thirst for knowledge

a thirst for social interaction we can also use the need for food hunger as an

idiom for want and desire i hunger for your soft embrace I'm hungry for success

both hunger and thirst are often feelings that need to be satisfied

that's better

there can be no doubting just how hot it is today it is so hard to escape the

heat by the way the word heat can relate to other things besides temperature we

can use heat as an idiom for danger or trouble let's wait here until the heat

has died down to feel the heat means to be aware of possible dangers or an

approaching situation that might cause you trouble we can say that the heat is

on which means that a tough situation is happening then there is things are

really heating up now this means that there is tension and maybe a sense of

excitement in the air to be in hot water means to be in

serious trouble then there is a heat which is around in a contest or

competition a part of a contest can be called a heat congratulations mr. Duncan

you are through to the next heat

ah this is a much better place to be standing if you want to escape the harsh

sunshine then you will need to find a nice shady place in which to hide from

those nasty UV rays you need to shade yourself from the Sun whenever possible

a shady spot gives you relief from the sunshine and the heat the word shady can

also mean suspicious or untrustworthy we can describe a person we don't trust as

being shady a shady character is a person who should not be trusted a shady

deal is an exchange or business deal that is being dishonestly carried out

there are many ways to keep yourself cool on a hot day a quick way of doing

this is to use one of these this is an electric fan a set of blades rotate to

produce a flow of refreshing air very nice when you need to feel cooler

without making much effort a fan can also be something used to cool yourself

up with by waving it whilst holing it in your hand any large flat object can be

used as a fan such as a piece of cardboard or a magazine or even one of

mr. Duncan's old flip-flops


right now here in the UK we are having a hot and sticky time and it has nothing

to do with the brexit as we hit mid July the temperatures are set to soar as lots

of lovely warm air makes its way from southern Europe to our shores of course

not everyone likes the heat some will of course complain about the heat they will

say that it is too hot some will complain about the muggy weather a muggy

climate is hot and sticky the humidity in heat combined to form what is for

some an overwhelming and unbearable atmosphere a sudden burst of hot weather

can be described as a heat wave British simmers tend to vary from year to year

with the occasional heat wave occurring from time to time in recent years we've

had heat waves as early as spring a heat wave can go on for a couple of days or a

couple of months like the famous heat wave of 1976 when weeks of scorching hot

weather led to a water shortage here in the UK fortunately for us the heat wave

we are having now will not hang around for long do you like hot weather what is

the climate like in your country

some people are never happy with the weather if it's sunny then it's too

sunny if it's cool then it's too cool maybe that is part of the reason why the

British are so obsessed with the weather because it's never quite right we can be

a fussy lot sometimes as for me well I love this heat I have no problem with

this heatwave in fact I love a sunny climate the hottest day on record here

in the UK was 36.7 celsius which is 98 Fahrenheit that's pretty hot extreme

heat can be described as scorching blistering sweltering baking blazing

boiling I wonder what the rest of this summer will be like more heat waves

perhaps I suppose we'll just have to wait and see

yes it is a very hot day I hope you enjoyed those videos taking a look at

some words to do with being hot being sweaty and it certainly is a day for

feeling a little hot under the collar because it is absolutely boiling here

and to heat things up a little bit more to make things even hotter here he is

yes it's your favorite co-presenter it is my partner in crime mr. Steve hello

hello mr. Duncan hello to everybody out there in a huge wide world and we're

here to help you with your English again and mr. Duncan's already been doing it

for half an hour it is hot and well something I've noticed mr. Duncan

everything's slightly different yes you're right the studio has had some

changes made now Steve noticed because of course we're in a completely

different place but a different position but of course

the day before yesterday I decided to completely take my studio to pieces I

decided to dismantle everything in here what I didn't realize was that I was

going to feel very unwell with hayfever so I couldn't actually build or rebuild

the studio so I had to do a lot of it this morning so I got up out of bed I

felt dreadful this morning because my hay fever has been causing a lot of

misery yes I know I keep talking about my house just for you mr. Duncan for

other people who are near you I think this desert causes misery as well I

think mr. Steve gets a little bit a little bit annoyed by my hay fever but I

can't help it even even about 15 minutes ago 20 minutes ago I was sneezing here

in the studio during my livestream anyway and I've got it all together I

have said Mr Duncan you on in an hour and you haven't even set

the cameras up yet yes so I was very busy in here redesigning the studio so

everything is slightly different now we've redesigned the studio we have a

little bit more space to move around in if I can sort of move here I can go over

here a bit coming back I'm still there so Steve is feeling very very pleased

because it's very because he likes to have a lot of room around him don't you

to breathe no but I've got here on the table mister don't know what's this it's

a thermometer oh look a thermometer and I brought this into the studio mr.

Duncan so we can see how hot it is getting in the studio so we're going to

actually find out how hot it really is it's in the studio it's an old-fashioned

thermometer so it's got mercury well I don't think it's mercury but it's an

old-fashioned thermometer and it's condit at the moment it's registering I

don't know if you can see that out there I used to have this in my greenhouse

when I was my father had a greenhouse and we had this in there so this is

probably over 50 years old 50 years old that let's hope it's accurate it is now

showing 29 degrees in here in here in the studio mr. Duncan so right now in

this studio it is 29 degrees outside I think it's about 30 maybe even 31 which

is so hot I can't remember the last time it was it was so hot here in England yes

so that's 28 29 degrees centigrade or I don't think anyone else uses Fahrenheit

apart from us here in the UK but in Fahrenheit it's 84 don't always grew up

with Fahrenheit yes but it's hot let's see if it gets any it's going up I can

actually see moving mr. Duncan he must be standing close to you so that's it if

I put it next to you yes it's going up it's going up mr. Duncan you're hot I am

well that's that's thing new everyone knows that I'm

everyone knows I'm hot stuff I met a fan down there and it's beautiful outside

today that there you can see mr. Steve's lovely dahlias and don't they look

lovely my friend will be very jealous because he gave me that day Leah and his

haven't started flowering yet oh my goodness

but of course I think I think you used a little bit of help there though didn't

you well I did fertilize it yes I gave it

some proper plant food liquid plant food and it's loving it I don't know how many

there are on there one two three got twelve twelve different flower heads on

there which is fantastic I'm sure the subtitles looked very

interesting when mr. Steve was counting very fast I think so

so here we go then it we were here on Wednesday we were talking about the fact

that we had no water fortunately the water is now back on I am trying my best

not to cough at the moment because my throat is very sensitive I'm ready to

take over at any minute if you start flagging mr. Duncan or show

signs of illness or a recurrence of your hay fever so I might at any moment now I

might collapse on the floor it will be very very dramatic I shall just let you

collapse because the show must go on mm-hmm so you can collapse I won't be

able to help you because I'll have to carry on with the English lesson so

Steve will step over my unconscious body yes and he will carry on just in case I

collapse on the floor because of course me being used to the stage oh I see your

show must always go on if something goes wrong you cannot you cannot make your

audience be let down because making them may let down no you can't let your

audience down so you must carry on even if someone dies or is ill okay hopefully

that won't happen mr. Duncan let's have a look at the live chat yes let's

because Steve loves the live chat don't you you you love to see the live chat so

there it is Alma gear her scenes as it's 37

where he is so that's very hot well we had 42 earlier and now all we have 48 48

48 degrees I would imagine that's in the Middle East somewhere maybe Saudi Arabia

or around that area so yeah they did say they did tell us what the hottest

country in the world is on the news the other night oh and it is so it is

somewhere like Saudi Arabia mm-hmm that's definitely that part of the world

okay yes I nearly went to work in Saudi Arabia did I tell you that mr. Duncan I

didn't know that yes when I was working in I was working as a laboratory

technician in a hospital in some laboratories doing blood testing and

when I was in my early 20s and a lot of people were going to work in Saudi

Arabia in the laboratories over there because you got paid but awful lot of

money and you didn't have to pay tax oh say you girls people were going over

there to Saudi Arabia being paid a lot of money and then retiring very early

with a huge pot of money and bringing it back to the UK I see yes so they spent

some time over there working in Saudi Arabia 10 years and then once they once

they had collected enough money they would come back to the UK to live they

would and bring all their lollies with them all their money with them and I

didn't do it in the end because it would have meant well I didn't want to leave

the UK for that length of time and plus I've got other interests I wasn't sure

whether I'll be able to pursue those in Saudi Arabia so I came back here but I

stayed here I didn't even go but I came very close to going I'd never met you

mr. Duncan and we'd never be doing these live lessons no so something positive

might have come from that you wouldn't have to suffer me it's gone up you know

it's gonna it's gone up one degree since I've since we've been in here so I'm not

joking look can you see that on there so what is it now it's now 30 degrees it's

dirty it's going up so we now have we now have 30 degrees

here in the studio of course that's nothing compared to 48

30 30 degrees to us that's very hot yes because we're not used to it here the

English weather is fairly temperate so it means that it doesn't tend to get

really hot and it doesn't tend to get really really cold

it's normally around the middle but of course over the past couple of years

we've had some very strange weather we had the most amazing cold but very

scenic winter recently so so that the winter that's just gone the winter that

happened just three or four months ago was one of the most dramatic that we've

seen for a long time it certainly was so we've had one extreme to the other we've

had lots of cold weather and now we've got lots of hot weather but that's often

how it happens here in the UK we have so much varied weather hmm that there's

always something to talk about satury no satury no likes your polo t-shirt oh

thank you yes it's another one out of my vast collection my huge vast expansive

collection of polo shirts all from one shop begins with a g ends in a pea I

always get them in the sale well we gave them a very good advertisement the other

day didn't we we were really promoting them so we might as well say gap funny

sound today's as Garcia it might be all the fens in the studio

I've got a fans going everywhere because the the studio is so hot and of course

we can't go outside because of my hay fever so that's the reason why for those

who are wondering how to get in touch by the way you can write to me my email and

also I am on Facebook as well you can see underneath now on the screen my

facebook address and also my email address as well and as you can see I

have been on YouTube since 2006 without a break

yes I'm now in my 12th year well stood here for the last 12 years constantly

doing lessons yes it feels like it looks a torino says that I'm posh oh I sit on

a polo t-shirt yes well that because well if you say polo that's a sport

isn't it yes but the very posh people engaging well that the polo t-shirt is

what you wear to play polo that's right hence the name that's why they call it a

polo shirt because people get on horses and they play polo but I don't play polo

because I'm not I don't mix in aristocratic circle is all with you know

members of the you know the king and queen the upper classes the other clans

yes so we just talk at the same time shall we Ricardo says he's 36 point

seven degrees that's the normal temperature for a human being I believe

I thought it was thirty-eight point four so you're actually two you're cool you

need to heat up a bit yeah Ricardo so maybe you're a little cool there Mika

says in summer in summer 2020 we will have the Olympic Games in Japan that's

true but I'm concerned that in the summer the Japanese weather will be

hotter and hotter can we do sport in such hot weather well I would say

probably no it won't be very very pleasant let's put it that way I think

it will be safe to say that it won't be very pleasant if you aren't doing any

activity but what the athletes will do is they what they will condition

themselves knowing that that's where the Olympic Games will be they will go and

the teams will be sent abroad to to practice in hot countries so that they

get used to the heat hmm actually you know we had don't we every year in the

UK we have with London Marathon yes which is 20 I

believe I think a marathons 26 miles isn't it it is about that yes 26 can you

imagine running for 26 miles even on a cool day I couldn't do that

well thousands of people do it every year and somebody always dies of the

heat somebody died this year mr. Duncan yes because it was a hot day room they

did it yes so it's very unless you're used to the heat it can kill you yeah

it's like rapidly but but of course the people that take part in the Olympics

are normally trained athletes so hopefully everything will be all right

but I would imagine if it's too hot if the temperature gets too high I would

imagine that you would not actually carry out the event you would probably

postpone it or have it later when the temperature drops because that is the

good thing about certainly here in the UK because we have very long days during

the summer so it doesn't matter you can go out at 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening

and you still have about two hours sunlight so it's great in fact yesterday

you were about to do some some gardening yesterday with with his new power tool

yes which we will show you NeXT's next weekend I think we will show

you that I was going to use it yesterday but it was too hot it was just too hot

so thought mr. Duncan was worried that if I went outside and because if you're

using a power tool one of these big extendable trimmers it's quite heavy

work physically and you need to cover up in lots of in protective clothing hats

goggles so it would make you hotter even hotter so it could have been quite

dangerous so I think if it wasn't for mr. Duncan telling me no mr. Steve

you're not going out to do that it's too dangerous

he was only thinking of me appearing today on the livestream about being here

well actually know what I did was was I actually made today harder the

I was going to film you yesterday using your your trimmer your new trimmer

so I actually made today's livestream harder to do so we have to we have to

talk more now that's right and we've got plenty of people making lovely comments

we certainly have look there they are now and a live chat very very busy don't

forget we are now only on for 90 minutes so you have another 30 40 40 minutes

Eugene says that in the Ukraine it's they're having unusually chilly weather

it's very cold in the Ukraine how palmyra says is the water expensive in

your area i pay 20 to 30 euros a month that's about the same as here oh yes i

that's about the same as what we pay here pal mir it's about the same price

Pedro says just available for a small group of people yeah so that will be the

subtitles is that pollo sorry oh it's cheap in Brazil it's only 10

euros for water there because you probably the Amazon is it flowing

through Brazil probably lots of cheap water there from the mighty Amazon yes

oh it doesn't go through Brazil I probably got like completely wrong I

would imagine that there is a lot of water but I would I would again assume

that I don't think you can just go to the Amazon and drink the water yeah but

what I'm saying is there's a lot of water available you could just take a

big a big sort of bottle of an empty bottle to the Amazon and and drink drink

straight from the Amazon sooo cat lives like a vampire

well simmer she stays in indoors and then only goes out after 7 or 8 p.m.

yes but that's a good idea I think that's very sensible

some people go out during the day here and they get they either get sunburned

or they get heatstroke which means that the the heat gets so so high it gets too

much the body actually shuts down and then you faint you actually pass out so

that's not very good heat stroke heat stroke em Seska as Moe

says that he or she is coming over from

Barcelona visit the UK well we've got this weather for two weeks they but they

told us today so yes bring all your summer clothes with you I see

have we been to Egypt no we've never been to Egypt ever

no no Hagar Syed no we haven't been to Egypt I would like to go alessandro asks

a very interesting question of what kind of UK fruit are you eating these days

well there are there are many different types of fruit available normally

because if they are not available locally then we we sometimes import them

from other countries but I suppose when we think of summer we quite often think

of I would say well what would you think of when you think of summer summer

fruits in the UK apples pears plums

strawberries well yes strawberries are now available but the fruits from the

trees like apples pears that sort of thing won't be ready until August I love

I love strawberries because they're still growing so so we don't have many

but suppose we do have lots of fruits but we can't grow things like oranges or

anything exotic or bananas so we can't grow anything like that it's just not

hot enough so that's sort of normal sort of fruits that you would you would talk

about in the UK would be apples and pears and plums that grow on trees and

then of course strawberries really strawberries and cream that sounds good

to me and they can grow strawberries under glass in a greenhouse so that

they're they're ready UK UK strawberries have been available in the soup

markets for about the last four weeks at least and they've probably grown under

glass I would imagine but we the thing is with the UK's we import lots and lots

of fruit so because we haven't got many of our own during the winter we wouldn't

have any food at all so because obviously it's winter so once again it's

all once again it's about the temperature so we can't really grow

exotic fruit or fruit that needs a long period of warm temperature or hot

temperature and lots of sunlight although at the moment I have a feeling

we could we could probably grow oranges everywhere even in the studio I think we

can actually grow oranges in here today because what is it now Steve oh it's

gone down slightly half a degree it's now 29 and a half maybe because it's

near you you see oh yes because yes I shall I shall put it down my Shore it's

well that definitely will go down there Pedro says what do I think of Saudi

Arabia well I didn't go there in the end but I think what put me off going in the

end was the heat I think I thought well I don't want to be sort of having to

stay indoors all the time and not be able to go outside and go for nice walks

so that's why I didn't go in the end but I know somebody from I haven't seen him

for years know somebody that lived in Saudi Arabia and he had a lovely life

there because I believe that the government pay for a lot of housing and

all sorts of things for people so I think it's a very nice country to to

live in yes I think I think you have a good level a good level of life i

standard of living a high standard of living definitely in Saudi Arabia Oh

Palmier yes you are right mango is is mr. Duncan's favorite fruit

you are right I like mango very much at the moment I have some some special

yogurt and it contains mango it actually has mango

inside it so so it is a hot day let's have a look at the view from the window

look at that mr. Steve it's looking amazing today so that is a live view out

of the window looking out across the landscape near where I live and you can

see all of the grass in the distance is is brown I know that's a yes that's

right I think they've been they've been cutting the grass the farmers have them

putting them into bales a straw for the for feed for the animals winter so a lot

a lot of farmers are busy collecting the grass but in a lot of areas they are

starting to cut back on the amount of water that people can use they are

actually rationing oh I like that word if you ration something it means you

control the amount that is given out or used so you rationed something so in

certain parts of the UK Northern Ireland Northern Ireland at the moment are

experiencing a water shortage and because of that they are actually

rationing the water so you were not allowed at the moment to use use a hose

pipe to water your garden which is unbelievable because I've been to

Northern Ireland on many occasions out of work for a company that was based

there and it's one of the wettest places in the UK hey it's like Manchester if

anybody's heard of Manchester the city of Manchester in the UK it is renowned

as the wettest city in the UK it's always raining there whenever you go

it's raining all the dark clouds overhead

but Northern Ireland has a huge amount of rainfall so it's unbelievable to to

see on the news that they're rationing water I think there isn't a problem with

the amount of water available in the reservoirs I think they just can't

process it fast enough for the demand so I think that's what we'll find it is

it's the same problem we're having here I've watched everything in sight mr.

Duncan this weekend I've washed all the clothes anything that needs washing

because I've put water in saucepans look as I know I'm you know we've got this

weather for another two weeks I can't believe that we're not gonna run out of

water so I've washed everything so that we've got enough clothes to last until

this drought period is over well as out drought yes a drought is a is a water

shortage as I mentioned earlier on the lesson that I played so if you have a

drought it means there is a shortage of water haven't had any rainfall and they

think we were watching the weather the small in the forecast for the next two

weeks is the same as now very dry very hot until the middle of July

that's incredible so it looks as if we're going to have a very very hot

summer how Mara Lopez mm-hmm says that they're having a shooting near

their house in Rio oh I think it's a heat day the heat is on

oh so heat is on in Rio is that Rio de Janeiro I would imagine that must be him

I would say I would say it's definitely in Brazil Oh stay indoors okay then stay

outside it if anything interesting happens put your camera out of the

window Bob I'm not sure for if a shooting is interesting we want a bit of

drama no don't take Steve's advice if there is anything like that happening

nearby just just dive under the nearest table or just run and run as fast as you

can so don't take Steve's advice it's not good advice even though even though

the video footage would look amazing and if you do film something could you

actually film it in landscape mode and not portrait thank you Rosa says after

the trees she's talking about the view out of the camera oh okay is there a

river and yes Rosa there is there is a river yes let's just have a look at the

for you in fact if you look halfway up the picture you can see a lot of trees

going across the image and behind there there is actually a big river about

three maybe four miles further on there is actually huge river called the river

seven the river seven not like the number seven it's actually spelled

differently so there's actually an R a letter R in

the word seven but yes there is a river very close to where we live there is and

somebody suggested to me when I was telling people at work that I just go

down there and take a bucket of water out of the river

well Pedro has put lots of shocking emojis on yes I think something is

actually happening we haven't got the news here at the moment I might just

have a quick look see if there's any breaking news on my phone

Jeff says that you can do a puddle dance in order to get the rain to appear yes a

bit like a bit like like a chief Indian will do a rain dance I know what they

know that I think they're on about my puddle dance no that's what I'm saying

yes yes I put up my special puddle dance that's what I mean Jeff is saying why

don't you do your petal dance and you'll get some rain yes like an Indian chief

shall we show you try find my puddle dance you can do you carry on talking

Steve and I'll try and find the puddle dance I'm not sure what to say well

that's unusual I know it is mister don't well I think of something I have of

course got some phrases and idioms related to heat hot I know that we talk

a lot about the weather here and a lot of you there always get hot weather so

it might sorry if it's a bit boring us talking about hot weather that it's it's

very different for us to suddenly have such extreme hot weather so I'm going to

do some idioms and phrases connected with hot mr. Duncan has in fact already

mentioned most of them in his introduction before I came in

but there you go I've got about eight of them and if anybody else can come up

with some others there are many idioms and phrases connected with the word hot

or heat and I've got a selection of them here and we will start doing those quite

shortly okay here we go we want some rain so here it is as requested by no

one here is Jeff here is the puddle dance

there it is the puddle dance so now maybe we will get some rain after all

thank you for requesting that was it Jeff was it Jeff

Jeff there you go your well your wish has been granted

he didn't actually request it he just mentioned that if you did a puddle dance

then maybe we would get some rain we'll see what happens and back up to 30 again

yes we'll see what happens so the live chat is very busy oh it would appear

that we are losing one or two of the viewers maybe because it's very late

where they are I think it is Steve I believe you have some phrases and

expressions to do with the hot weather because it is a hot day

don't forget 25 minutes left of today's live stream we now end at 3:30 we do

indeed so Steve let's have a look at some of your phrases shall we the first

phrase is strike while the iron is hot strike while the iron is hot this is to

take advantage of a situation to achieve a favorable outcome strike while the

iron is hot apparently it comes from I don't know why I'm looking at the

cameras over there it comes from when blacksmiths heat up the iron in a fire

and you have to bash it with a hammer and turn into whatever shape you need

while it's still hot so it means you do something straight away and take

advantage of the situation so for example the notion is that often timing

is important to the outcome of some unfavorable event so for example this is

a work situation you know you wanted that promotion at work well you've got

that deal last week and the boss is in a good mood today so strike while the iron

is hot so in other words the boss is in a good mood you've been

doing well at work you want a promotion the timing do it now because if you wait

another week he might have forgotten about you good deal and he might be in a

bad mood so do it straight away so now is the time to do it or now is the the

best time to do it so strike while the iron is hot another example to strike is

to hit strike yes do you like strike well it means it's it's like the

blacksmith he's taken all that time to heat the iron up to its red-hot and he

has to take it out it's no good waiting before he starts

bashing it with a hammer to turn it into a horseshoe or whatever he's going to do

it straight away otherwise you'll lose his opportunity for example here's

another one Jane has just been dumped by her boyfriend so if you want to go out

with her ask her now strike while the iron is hot strike strike why Jane is

hot take advantage of the situation and do it straight you all know examples of

when you just know now is the time to do something because it's a favorable time

to do anything and just using that expression strike while the iron is hot

means do it now to get a favorable outcome yes do it now before it's too

late strike while the iron is hot I suppose

another similar one is make hay while the Sun shine yes that were being

equivalent yes so make hay while the sun is shining similar that is the best time

to do something do it at that moment because that's the best opportunity the

best time to do something okay another one another one to have the hots for to

have the hots for mmm if you have the hots for somebody it means you are very

sexually attracted to them or just attracted well the hots really it means

that yeah oh yes attracted to them but you're really turned on by that person

you've got the hots for them all sexually aroused yes if once wasn't

enough Steve gonna say it twice another another you could say you fancy somebody

that would be a similar a similar thing but if someone's hocked war look at them

they're hot yes my friend has the hots for the new instructor at the gym has

the hots you know looking at that person there may be scandal you know haven't

got many clothes on you can see their body under the clothes you're getting

hot mr. Duncan I'm getting all excited talking about who's getting the hots for

this doesn't this doesn't sound it sounds like something completely

different now this sounds like just some strange weird pervert maybe hiding in

the bushes having a look and maybe he has no trousers on I think so here's

another one what that's similar so this one here is to have the hots for so you

you're attracted to somebody and this one is to be hot so if a person is hot

it means they're very attractive so you can say oh look at look at her she's hot

look at him oh he's hopped so that's another way of

using it just means they're very attractive but it also means if

something is hot it means it's stolen hot property yes something is stolen

something that that maybe the police are searching for because it's been stolen

so maybe maybe a diamond necklace that was stolen from someone's house and now

someone else is trying to sell it they might say oh I can't sell this at the

moment because it's hot hot it's hot it means maybe the police are looking for

it so this particular thing has been stolen and it's hot and I've put on

there as well or on fire because if you're working very fast or very

efficiently then it means you're hot or you're on fire so if you're at work and

you're doing lots of things you're getting lots of deals in you're getting

all those projects done if somebody might say geo you're on fire

today yes maybe they are very busy or or maybe they're having a lot of success in

a certain period of time yes you can say wow you you are on fire today because

sometimes we all go to work and sometimes we just feel more on the ball

don't we in certain days so we really feel as though we can anything we can

turn our hand to it works and everything all the stars align everything seems to

work and people were people to sell you're hot today yes or not that's not

meaning that you're attractive but meaning that you're working very

efficiently yes you're on fire I think I think I think more often people will say

you're on fire you're on fire today you are doing such a good job you are on

fire today I wouldn't say stay back yourself kind

you I'm on fire today yes look at me I'm doing so well I'm on

fire I wish I was on fire today the only fire I'm feeling is is from the Sun but

but I don't feel as if I'm on fire as in performing well definitely not today

because I'm not feeling very well fortunately I have mr. Steve here I'm on

fire today mr. doom mr. Steve is here to say things like this blow hot and cold

blow hot and cold or run hot and cold run hot and cold I think I put blow it

wasn't all you can say run hot and cold but that's very annoying mr. Duncan that

means if somebody blows hot and cold or runs hot and cold it means that they

they change their mood frequently and often go for one extreme view to another

so be in two minds to be you can be of one opinion one minute and then think

the complete opposite the next for example I don't know if Jane really

likes me or not one day she wants to see me there next

she doesn't she's always blowing hot and cold jamie is a very busy girl have I

mentioned Jane already hmm yes she does a lot

so yes it's somebody it's usually used just to express the fact that somebody's

mood changes a lot if you change your opinion a lot about something anyway you

can sell you you blow hot and cold you two in one minute you think that the

next minute you think the complete opposite I think Steve's a bit like that

you use it like that Steve sometimes blows hot and then cold you sometimes

can't work out what Steve's opinion is of something (just like his mum) I can go

from I can I can decide that definitely I'm going to do that one thing and then

within a few seconds I've completely changed my mind that I'm not going to do

it so that's blowing hot and cold but yes quite often it's used in in the

nature of relationships to describe somebody who's who he wants is attracted

to you one minute then isn't the next due to their moods mood swings another

one another one hot potato hot potato hot potato hot potato is something

obviously difficult to handle as mr. Duncan is demonstrating there for use as

an idiom it means a controversial subject talking about a subject that

will upset people is a hot potato maybe you should avoid talking about

certain subjects because they might upset people and they're regarded as a

hot potato for example don't talk about the merger at work it's a bit of a hot

potato so two companies were coming to get or anything at work that's sort of

upsetting and people don't talk about could be a subject that's a hot potato

politicians maybe something controversial yes

politicians you know certain subjects like racism for example is a difficult

subject and many politicians will avoid talking about it because that subject is

a hot potato it's a it's a difficult subject and you often avoid talking

about them because they might upset people and you want to avoid that a hot

potato so maybe a news story something that

people are talking about maybe it might cause a lot of arguments you

I describe that particular thing is a hot potato especially in politics maybe

you could describe a brexit yes as a hot potato because a lot of people at the

moment are talking about brexit when the UK leaves the European Union a lot of

people describe that as a Oh hot potato yes because if you talk about it in

social situations at the moment in the UK people have got one of opposite views

either in want to be in or out and that can start argument so it's often worth

not bringing it up best it's best not to mention it exactly Eugene says the very

mention of politics can be described as a hot potato yes I think so

there you go and religion they ought they play up they often say that when

you're in conversations with people avoid politics or religion yes because

they always cause controversy or controversy you can say that both ways

right new mr. Duncan you can we would say what would we say controversy what

you might also see what is the American version I think I think again it's one

word that it is often pronounced in different ways so controversy or

controversy I think you might find controversy is used more here and

controversy may be used more in American English Alessandra says hot potato is

the same expression too in Italy exactly so they couch potato who likes they're

watching TV on the sofa that's that's right somebody who sits on a couch yes a

couch potato someone who just wants to sit around and do nothing in the

Philippines they grow apparently oh I must go to the Philippines because they

grow lots mangos in the Philippines and also

bananas limes and also what's that one how do you pronounce that Steve where is

that Lang Lang's oh no I don't know that I've never heard of that what do you say

slang zones I've never heard of a Lang's own we don't we don't have them imported

here into the UK okay then maybe it's called something else here

yes perhaps it is mr. Duncan today you are not yourself you are not as lively

as you used to be we understand it very well well I'm not feeling great today

I've been suffering quite badly over the past 24 hours with hay fever this

morning I actually thought we weren't going to be on I actually thought we

were going to have to cancel today so I was not really prepared for today's

lesson and of course I I had also taken the studio to pieces so I had to quickly

build everything in here I had to build the studio quickly and now we have a

little bit more room to move her on mr. Steve I like it mr. Steve likes to have

his space don't you I do I do indeed somebody there has said I don't we can't

read the rioting second up from the bottom and then concede at the moment

how can improve my speaking in English and learn more vocabulary without

forgetting well that's just practice isn't it mr. well okay addition it's

something that I get asked a lot to talk about and it's really like learning

anything if you are learning a language or if you are learning to drive a car or

if you are learning to do a certain skill you want to learn how to do it it

is really about just sticking with it stick to it don't stop doing it you

carry on doing it you learn as you study so it takes time you can't rush learning

something repetition yes repetition is probably one of the best ways to learn

something learn like a child that's what I always say you learn like

a child so never be afraid never worry about learning something in a very

simple way because that's how everyone learns when you learn to drive a car you

don't just get in the car and then go racing around a track you wouldn't do

that you have to learn slowly you have to learn how certain things work how to

turn the steering wheel how to change the gear how to reverse so it's the same

with English you have to learn all of the aspects all of the parts of English

over time so never rush your learning never rush it can I ask something there

right at the dub can people see that in exactly the same way that you're

displaying it yeah so right at the top oh it's gone now don't worry Luis Luis

Mendez it am i pronouncing I just want to know because I think you're from

Spain I believe I know we've seen you before do you pronounce your name Luis

or Louie I think it's Luis Oh as soon as Louis I think it would be French but I

just wanted to check if you can let us know only because the reason I'm asking

is I was in this this as you know I've mentioned it before I was in this

production recently stage production well are we ever going to forget this

show I know but some of the characters we had somebody in there called Luis you

see he was Spanish and we but everybody says a few people said oh how do we

pronounce it how do you pronounce that word in Spanish so half the people said

Luis and half the people said Louie in the end we went with Luis so is that

correct we don't to know so Louie is Louis Mendez

or is it Luis Mendez hmm we will have to find out see if we were making any

mistakes we're looking forward to your answer to immigration question he just

said there is a hot potato immigration it is something we are talking about a

lot at the in Europe because there was a big

meeting a couple of days ago where they've agreed now to not only cut back

on the amount of people coming into the countries who are coming over on boats

refugees that is the more common word that they use but also they're going to

be looking at sending people back as well so this is something that's it's a

little controversial so you might describe immigration or maybe the

refugee crisis as a hot potato I think so

thank you pastor Donna she likes my shirt sure because I can't see a picture

organic and vegan food yes that can be a hot potato people can get upset about

that well animals in general yes yeah exactly vegetarians or are you a meaty

so that's a bit of a hot potato I remember once when I talked about dogs

and I was complaining about dogs and also people who own dogs

because sometimes there can be a real pain in the neck and I got into a little

bit of trouble about that because it's a bit of a hot potato when you're talking

about animals or animal welfare or the attitude towards animals so yes it's

it's a little bit of a hot potato definitely lewis has given us an answer

but I don't think it's helping me very much lewis has said my name is

pronounced lie with my wrists writer let's go let's number these and then you

can tell us number one number two or number three which one is correct so if

we say number one Lewis number two Louie number three Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis

which is correct one Louis - Louie three Lewis which is the right one I'm

not sure I'm not sure how interesting this is for the other 99

what happened Donna asked how I pronounce the name and that's it patched

we're saying pash Donna but whether that's correct

I don't know blimey we could really start something here everybody's yes to

pronounce their names correct well we always try to pronounce yeah we always

try to pronounce the names but we don't always get it right because of course

sometimes the spelling is different or maybe the way in which certain words are

used in the name might be different that of course the hardest one is anything

written with the Cyrillic so maybe look people living in Russia with their names

because they are actually written with a different type of text su cat says lewis

is pronounced by accentuating the I Oh Lewis oh I see so Lewis Lewis anyway

Jeff is already there we go he's using one of my we're not on Jeff as I've

already not that one prepared so I'm gonna mention it now Jeff to get hot

under the collar means to get angry about something usually unnecessarily

angry you get hot hot under the collar so obviously if you've got a collar on

and you're getting angry and upset then you're gonna get hot and all that heat

is gonna get trapped in your collar so if you describe someone's getting hot

under the collar it means they're getting angry calm down and don't get so

hot under the collar it was just a stupid comment and meant nothing it's

you I think that's right isn't it if you get hot under the collar about something

it's usually you're getting upset unnecessarily yeah so maybe or maybe

you're excited about something so excited can sometimes mean just you are

reacting too much to something so to overreact to something to get too

excited or to as you said you just get a little flustered or a little enraged or

angry so yes you get hot under the collar

quite often I certainly in British English we often use it to mean just

getting very excited about something as well here's another example look the

bosses said we've got to do it it's no use complaining and getting hot

under the collar hmm you've just got to do it

don't get upset about some things no point don't get hot under the collar

it's stressful causing you stress the football is taking place a lot of people

getting very hot under the collar about football because today it's Russia

against Spain so yes this is now the crucial the crucial time with the World

Cup because on Tuesday of course we play I think it's Colombia I want to say

Colombia I want to say Colombia I think I think England are playing Colombia on

Tuesday and England must win that match or else they will be going home they

will be they will be out of the World Cup so on Tuesday very interesting to

see whether or not England win their match I think they're playing

I'm sure it's Colombia they are playing on Tuesday and I'm pretty sure someone

will correct me if I'm wrong new controversy people are getting hot under

the collar hot under the collar on the pronunciation of of Louis's name's Luis

Luis says that's you cat some people are saying oh it's number two which was ice

which was tough I thought was a pret French production French pronunciation

which was Louie but I think most people assume cat says it's Luis Luis so there

we go we'll have to meet up with Luis and and ask him so it looks like we were

doing it correctly please all of you out there don't get hot under the collar

about my pronunciation of of one of our lovely viewers name

yes don't worry about it - sweat that's it

Rosa yes get hot under the collar to sweat we are going soon got someone are

we yes do you use up some more of my waves we have about five minutes to go

and then we are gone but don't forget we are back on Wednesday Wednesday night we

are back again yes sell to sell like hotcakes oh that means something is

selling very quickly because if you if you make hotcakes

everybody likes hotcakes they're delicious

and so if somebody bakes a load of hotcakes everybody will want one so to

use that as an idiom it means that something is selling very fast it's a

great commercial success for example it's very hot here today those ice

lollies will sell like hotcakes which is a strange way changing to say that new

book is selling like hotcakes that new sports car is selling like

hotcakes it means something's commercially very successful or a lot of

them are being sold in the heat of the moment - in the heat of the moment to do

something in the heat of the mode - something in the heat of the moments to

do something without thinking about it first

mmm to do something what's the word I'm looking for mr. Duncan make may be on

impulse on impulse reactive your emotions are getting the better of you

get caught up in your emotions and possibly regret your actions afterwards

to do something in the heat of the moment yes so in that moment when you

are getting maybe angry about something you do it almost as a reflex you do it

without thinking you do it in the heat of the moment road rage hell yes road

rage people do things in the heat of the moment they don't stop and think I'm

guilty of that mister Duncan here's an example I'm sorry I

called you that horrible name yesterday we were arguing and I just said it in

the heat of the moment hmm most apparently most sporting

talking about football at the moment there will be lots of fouls and lots of

people kicking each other and tripping people up and maybe hitting them in the

face that's just the fans most sporting offenses are in fact done in the heat at

the moment because if the situation is very emotional physical and people react

and do things in the heat of the moment and then often regretted afterwards

people are often cause they commit murder in the heat of the moment don't

they yes a lot of crimes of passion crimes of passion yes a crime and a

crime of passion something to do with love maybe maybe you want to run away

with shall we say Julie or Susan which one do you think so will we want to run

away with Julie or Susan and but the husband doesn't want her to run away so

you have to do something about the husband so you might do something in the

heat of the moment you you you commit a crime of passion

oh they remain that of course is no defense no not a moment the heat of the

moment is not defense last in law the last time mr. Duncan okay and then we're

going the heat is on Oh the heat is on that means the pressure is increasing

the pressure on you is increasing soon for example the heat is on John at work

because he's been underperforming for the last few months the heat is on this

is you mr. Duncan I've got nothing prepared for today's livestream and it

starts in half an hour the heat is on yes the heat is on the pressure is so we

might describe the pressure as being intense so if you are under in

it's pressure to do something we can say that the heat is on heat is on sometimes

the police can be described as the heat they're the police if you're a criminal

do you describe the police as the heat yes sometimes because obviously the idea

is that this pressure going to be applied yes I the police in trying to

catch it yes if the police are chasing you we can say that the heat on my tail

Oh hates in this room at the moment mr. Duncan literally that's not an idiom how

hot is it it's gone up now it's the hottest it's been since we've been in

here it's 30 and a half degrees oh I see so almost 31 tyranny that's incredible I

can't believe it I know you're into music Steve especially music from the

1980s do you know a group called blondie yes

blondie yes blondie a very big group the lead singer of course very very

attractive she's hot yes or some might say she was hot it's her birthday today

are you gonna say she's died she's her name is Debbie Harry or Deborah Harry

Debbie Harry can you guess how old she is today Debbie Harry from blondie

Debbie Harry now I know she's older than me yes let's say is it a special

birthday well it but when we say special birthday Ramin usually 40 20 30 40 50

when you when you reach at one of your decades no okay so I so in the nineteen

in 1980 I bet she was actually she was getting out of it then wasn't she let me

through I'm saying 67 no Debbie Harry today she was in the pop group who had a

lot of hits in the 1980s call me atomic atomic Daniel

then Ana 74 74 yes because I think I seem to

remember that Deborah Harry when she became famous she was already sort of in

her 30s isn't her real name Angela trembled is that true I'm sure her real

name I don't think Debbie Harry is her real name I'm sure it's something like

Angela tremble something like that which i think is an even better name she

should have kept her original name miss tremble a lot of men would tremble I

think so you see her she was a very attractive all my friends had picture

posters of her on their wall wasn't so Deborah Harry Debbie Harry from the

group blondie is 74 today that's incredible life I really do feel very

very old now we are going in a moment let's have one last look at the live

chat and then we are out of here Chris says are you allergic to pollen mr.

Duncan yes I am I have seasonal hay fever and it makes me very it makes me

very ill thank you Jeff Jeff says we love the new set oh I see set yes I know

what you're doing there I know what you're trying because even if I can't

get them in Jeff will always get a use of the word set in thank you Jeff it's

not happening we're not like you when we're not having uses of the word set

it's too late we're late Jeff's got one in we have to go ha ha don't get hot

under the collar mr. Duncan just because Jeff is used

don't hurt set I will try not to get too hot under the collar yes Tomic yes

blondie 73-70 I thought I thought she was 74 today oh I think she'll find

she's 74 74 oh my goodness I feel so old now what's Lina saying they're all liner

is it right to say have you born I have born instead of where you were I know

Jews hmm I was born uh we normally say here I was born I was born in 1950 I was

born in 1960 my year of birth is 1960 my birth year even although that's not very

common so we normally say I was born in or she or he was born in yes so he was

born in 1978 she was born in 1980 so yes anyway I'm hoping that I will be feeling

better thank you Louie Louie for that also Hilda says it was great to follow

your live English thank you for this good moment yes we will be back on

Wednesday at 10:00 p.m. on Wednesday hopefully I will be feeling better

I really do or else it will be mr. Steve presenting I persuaded him to come on

today didn't I mr. Duncan I said you can't let all your students down just

because you're not feeling very well think of them think of them and we have

something very special coming next Sunday something incredible that some of

my viewers some of my online students have made and that's all I'm saying for

now but there is something very special coming next

we're teasing next Sunday so next Sunday we'll do that so I want to give plenty

of warning plenty of time for those watching in Turkey who made that

wonderful video and you've seen it haven't you

I showed me this morning mr. Duncan and I was amazed it's amazing amazed so a

whole class of children and their teachers have made a very special video

just for me and I will be showing it next Sunday so please don't miss that

and also don't misses on Wednesday 10:00 p.m. UK time for those who don't know so

there we go lie English Sunday 2 p.m. UK time and

Wednesday 10 p.m. UK time so there is no excuse now we are going thanks for your

company for the past hour and 37 minutes Wow I will see you later mr. Steve is

going as well I hope you've enjoyed it so I have indeed mr. Duncan I've enjoyed

it today thank you to file its gone down again oh it's gone down now to 20 oh

it's just exactly on 30 so we settled around 30 30 degrees I'll take this with

me so I will see you on Wednesday Steve bye bye everyone see Wednesday mr. Steve

is now going we are having one last look outside there it is the view looking out

into the distance and of course we can't leave without having a look at mr.

Steve's lovely day Leah's there it is a live view of the day Leah's maybe mr.

Steve will go outside and stand behind the dahlias maybe he will go outside

perhaps will he maybe not well it was worth a try I tried I will see you on

Wednesday 10 p.m. UK time this is mr. Duncan in the birthplace of English

saying thank you for watching me on this very hot day and of course you know

what's coming next yes you do...

ta ta for now 8-)

For more infomation >> LIVE ENGLISH LESSON - UK Heatwave - 1st July 2018 - Improve your listening - INTERACTIVE CHAT - Duration: 1:38:03.


Abandoned 10.000.000€ Castle Used In Movies - Urbex Lost Places Germany - Duration: 11:27.

High up on an old vineyard this mysterious fairy tale castle is located.

It's surrounded by a landscape you couldn't paint more beautiful.

This mansion in the Neo-Renaissance style is visible from far away, so it became the landmark of the region.

But the owner of the castle isn't interested in rescuing it.

Instead it's decaying more and more.

For decades this place has been closed to the public.

But a short time ago we had the chance to enter the castle.

We set out on a search for clues, to find out what happened to this historical site

which had become famous because of a story about a witch.

The history of this place in the heart of Germany goes back to the 9th century.

Back then at the very same location a castle was built.

At first it was used as a nunnery.

But some centuries later it became the home of monks.

At this point there were only the castle's main building and a few other houses.

Today there's a whole village with a population of around 230 people.

A spacious inner courtyard is part of the site.

As well as a large park.

In this building there's a horse stable and even a riding hall.

Nowadays it's possible to explore Schloss Vitzenburg with permission.

With a key we're opening a door to a side wing of the manor house.

There wasn't much stuff left behind.

Visitors are awaited mostly by long hallways and empty rooms.

Traces of decay can be found in the whole building.

Now we have reached the entrance hall.

Ways in all directions show us that there's a lot to discover which we won't keep from you.

But let's take a closer look at the entrance at first.

It is especially palatial and richly ornamented.

Those stairs are square-built and completely made of marble.

The first floor is elaborately decorated as well.

There are even partly mirrored walls.

Multiple parlors with several meters high stuccoed ceilings

suggest that splendid parties were hold here in the past.

But time marked the building during the ages.

This picture shows Schloss Vitzenburg in the 19th century.

Before and after the castle had many different owners.

Lords took turns, noble families came and went.

In course of time this group of buildings was reconstructed many times.

In order to practice husbandry, the property was extended bit by bit.

Today the overall area of the castle has a size of over 20.000 square meters.

In the 20th century

the palace passed into the possessions of the German aristocratic family Münchhausen.

Till today this family is known for one of their ancestors who goes by the nickname of "Baron of the Lies".

Baron Münchhausen lived in the 18th century and became famous because of his abstruse stories.

For example, he claimed to have saved himself from being drowned in a swamp by pulling on his own hair.

Another time he was riding a cannonball to scout enemy positions during a siege.

Oh, and in order to come back he just

changed to another cannonball that was flying in the opposite direction.

You know, just the regular things people did back then.

And then World War Two happened.

The noble family decided to shelter refugees.

There was plenty of them, because more and more people were coming from the East.

They were fleeing from the Soviet army.

Until war's end the palace was filled to the rafters with refugees.

Around 200 people were living here at once.

And the landlord shared nearly all his rooms with the refugees.

Until April 1945.

Suddenly American tanks were at the gates.

The allied soldiers occupied the castle and chased out the refugees.

Only a few months later the next occupants came.

This time it was the Soviet troops.

While other noblemen were running because they knew that they would be hunted,

the lord of the manor decided to stay.

He didn't do anything wrong during the Nazi era.

Apart from that he was very social and thought he had nothing to worry about.

But no - far from it.

The Soviet occupying forces brought him to Buchenwald concentration camp.

After it was liberated from the Nazis, the Soviet troops used it for their own purposes.

Political opponents were imprisoned here to ensure establishing the Socialist state.

Only a few years later the baron died in Buchenwald.

At this point the rest of the family had already fled to the West.

Their land was dispossessed and given to farmers and agricultural workers.

The buildings were now owned by a trust.

During the time of the German Democratic Republic

only a short time later the castle was used for different purposes.

As a young people's home, a school of home economics and an agricultural college.

In this order.

Finally, it was turned into a children and youth psychiatry.

Remnants of that time can still be found in many of the rooms.

Until then the castle was maintained by its inhabitants on a regular basis.

The decay of the place started with the political changes in 1989.

After the reunification of Germany, the psychiatry was closed and relocated in 1996.

And the castle was sold for a ridiculously low price.

The new owner was able to redecorate the pleasure ground.

But only a short time later he had fallen into insolvency.

In 2004 the castle had to be put up for compulsory sale.

However, the current owner is never on site.

He isn't caring about his property at all and it's already been decaying for years now.

In the past the whole site was full of life.

Today the castle has only a small number of visitors.

The people in the surrounding cities are appalled by the current state of their landmark.

But luckily this isn't the end of the story.

In 2013 the palace had been awoken from its deep slumber.

Because it is a dreamlike setting for movies.

A famous German audio drama series for children which goes by the name of "Bibi and Tina"

was turned into a movie here.

You can see it right there in the background.

The film is about the adventures of the little witch Bibi Blocksberg which are taking place on a horse farm.

So in the following years three sequels in total were produced here.

The castle which was already decaying for years now was brought back to life by those movies.

Today fans of the films are pilgrimaging to Schloss Vitzenburg.

For two Euros per person you can visit the courtyard.

For 20 Euros you can get inside the castle.

You can now decide for yourself if it's worth that much money or not.

An elderly couple is living in that trailer during the day

which makes spontaneous and unannounced visits possible.

At this point the future of the castle is uncertain.

The owner is willing to sell the whole property for less than ten million Euros.

Under the condition that the buyer has a good concept.

But until then the decay will advance.

This building complex on a vineyard was used as a monastery,

castle, home, shelter, school, hospital and movie set.

But nothing of that matters anymore when the place is falling apart

and no one dares to rescue this manor.

Next time on Broken Window Theory:

We explored an abandoned farm which was once owned by a successful dog breeder.

But when we reached the attic, we made a horrific discovery.

If you don't know it already: In the first two weeks of July we're on an urbex road trip in Italy.

The Proper People are joining us on that tour and we're really excited about that.

This trip is made possible by our supporters on Patreon.

Thank you so much!

Because of you we can start crazy urbex adventures on a regular basis.

For more infomation >> Abandoned 10.000.000€ Castle Used In Movies - Urbex Lost Places Germany - Duration: 11:27.


New Funny Videos 2018 || Funny fails and pranks compilation -p31 - Duration: 4:02.

Funny fails and pranks compilation

For more infomation >> New Funny Videos 2018 || Funny fails and pranks compilation -p31 - Duration: 4:02.


GWF WHO'S NEXT | Episode 7 | Season 2 - Duration: 13:19.

[NATHAN] Nathaan Phoeeeniix!

[DON] Because I am Don Sheen and you should be jealous.

[AHMED CHAER] Didn't understand that.

[JODY] Yeah, weird stomping. I didn't get that either. I don't think anybody did.

[AHMED] For example your hair was so many times

on your face so the cameras didn't see it,

they didn't see your face and we also didn't see your face so nobody saw your face.

Two pro wrestling talents meet in one on one competition.

But only one of them can advance to the second round and have the

opportunity to win a contract with the German Wrestling Federation.

You as GWF fans have the final say of who advances.

But before you can vote the contestants also have to convince this expert jury.

Who will take the opportunity to shine and convince

the jury and the audience and WHO IS NEXT?

Hey, my name is Ayden Cortez. I'm 22 years old and I am from Hungary.

I started my wrestling training in 2012 in the

Hungarian HCW Dojo. So far I've had around 30 matches.

I wanted to become a wrestler because it was a love

at first sight for me when I watched it on TV and

after that when I experienced the trainings and

everything about it it was pure love for me.

I'm here on the "Who's Next" show because I wanna make the next step,

I wanna make it to the next level because until this day I

only wrestled in Hungary but now I wanna conquer Europe.

[AYDEN] My name as you should all know by now is Ayden Cortez.

I'm an artist, I'm the man. I'm greatness itself.

You see I've already created something. And it's beautiful.

Don't you see? Oh no, oh yes. I see darkness in your eyes. It disgusts me...

[JOHN] I don't see darkness in your eyes.

[AYDEN] But don't worry my children.

I will be the one who lights fire in your dark, dark heads.

[TARKAN] Okay, I got already the name and I got already the gimmick.

[MATT CROSS] Yup, yup. [TARKAN] Kinda like it.

[MATT CROSS] Yeah. Something different. It's good. [TARKAN] Yeah.

Hello, my name is Maverick. I'm 23 years old.

I started wrestling in 2014. I had about 30 matches.

I want to become a wrestler because I love to perform in front of a live crowd.

I'm here on "Who's Next" because I'm the next

generation from HCW (Hungarian Championship Wrestling).

Icarus, Dover and Benji made it. But now it's time for Maverick to shine.

[MAVERICK] I'm Maverick. But I'm not alone. Lazarus is with me.

Lazarus is in every one of you.

And if you are with me together we are the Reptile Revolution.

We are next.


[TARKAN] I wanna say... [MATT] I have no idea what happened but he's committed.

[TARKAN] Let me say the sing-song is still a gimmick.

[JOHN] He's got a better body than the artist.

[TARKAN] Oh yeah.

[JOHN] What the heck was that?

[TARKAN] Jumping start.

[JOHN] Yeah, but there was no fire anymore.

[TARKAN] Yeah.

[JOHN] There is the fire. [TARKAN] Yes.

[TARKAN] Oh, Dropkick to the mid-section.

I don't know, when you're doing a roll-up without doing a pin?

Just at the beginning. For what are you doing the

roll-up? Was the roll-up a way for him to get to run?

[JOHN] It was just to interact with the movements.

[TARKAN] Okay. [JOHN] Makes no sense though.

[TARKAN] No, look at Matt. He's like...

[MATT] I like it. La la la. I'm stealing...

[TARKAN] You're stealing the gimmick. That's perfect.

[MATT] I'm, yeah... I wanna buy a t-shirt.

[JOHN] You're stealing the gimmick!? Which one?

[MATT] Lizard Man! That's me!

[TARKAN] In my opinion and maybe I'm on the wrong position here but most of the things

I didn't see because they're not doing them in the middle.

They're doing it somewhere near the ropes and stuff like that.

[JOHN] But at least Maverick knows how to get himself over.

[TARKAN] Yeah.

[TARKAN] The good point until here: Everything is safe,

right? There's not really... they're still rookies.

[JOHN] The start was a bit weak but now they're good. [TARKAN] Now they're in.

[TARKAN] Don't oversell it.

Out of the blue.

[TARKAN] Just watching the match or you're still thinking about the gimmick?

[MATT] I'm watching the match. No, I'm enjoying it.

It's better than I thought it will be. [TARKAN] Yeah, it is!

[JOHN] No, still no... What?

[MATT] Oh, nice.

[TARKAN] Time?

[MATT] What was right before the finish?

[JOHN] 3:35! [TARKAN] 3:35.

[MATT] What was right before the finish?

[TARKAN] The knee!

[MATT] Nice job! What I liked is that there are defined gimmicks right off the bat.

Both of them are unique. It wasn't like here is a guy and here is a guy.

You guys came out and you were both committed.

The "La la la"-thing basically got over instantly so the whole match

I was kind of into that and we saw the audience interacting with that right off the bat.

So that's great. If anything audiences love dumb noises - in

wrestling's history that's been proven time and time again.

If you make any noise like three or four time it's a thing.

I give you both 8 out of 10 on the promos because I

believed in the characters and I was entertained.

And then the match was good. Little things: I would just have a build in the kick-outs.

So the first time that there was a cover I think you guys got a two count.

So the first time someone covers somebody you know kick out

at one. And then maybe one and a half, then maybe two.

You know like save... we always think of one,

two... ah, one, two... and it becomes a cliché

but save that until that very last one and it will be more

meaningful. I don't like when guys kind of like hit the corner.

I think you did it at one point when you did all those corner attacks which are cool

but if earlier in the match whenever we get whipped in the

corner he hit it and we're like "Whah, it hurts my back."

And then all of a sudden you fire up and now

you're hitting it and it doesn't hurt at all?

There's a little disconnect with the audience.

There's other way of getting around it you could just slide into the corner

and turn around or you could do that step-up thing like Nigel McGuinness used to do.

There's way of getting around it just be conscious of that.

That's nitpicky stuff, other than that you guys I thought did a really nice job.

[JOHN] Yeah, I want to start with you Ayden. You had a good promo.

If you work a little bit more on your body, it would

be even better because you want to be an artist.

You wanna present something. So if you look

more like something built it makes more sense.

Your promo got me right away. You're kinda scary but touching as well.

The "La la la"-thing you heard it the people got it right away. It got me right away.

You know how to get yourself over, you just stand

there, do your thing and the people are with you.

Your moves were sometimes too close to the ropes so try to make them in the middle.

Because everybody wants to see it. There were a few roll-ups in the

beginning and in the middle where you didn't even execute a cover.

Don't do that too often because if you do a roll-up

make it mean something. I give you (Ayden) a 8 and you (Maverick) a 9.

[TARKAN] What I really like and everybody who knows me... I enjoy gimmicks.

Here's the point you came in and I really enjoy your thing.

I like also the colors black and gold. I'm wearing them by myself so good choice.

I like the story behind it you explained it and I really got into it.

Your gimmick as well but here is the thing, just as a tip right?

You both got that great gimmicks but also in your fight

have some gimmick moves where it means something.

Besides that everything positive what they've said. I really enjoyed it.

You went 3:35 which is 1 1/2 minutes less.

You know if a promoter comes up and says he wants to have 5

minutes usually he wants to have 5 minutes, he paid for that.

I'm completely with them, I give you both a 8 for that. Thank you guys!

The jury has given you their opinions now it's time

for you to decide who advances to the next round

with the chance to prove their talent even more.

Pick your favorite at

and in our next episode we will see WHOOOOOO'S NEXT?!

[ANGELICO] You lead on like you're some kind of strippery-kinda gimmick.

[JODY] Your "heeling" was good as well. It was really clear that you were the heel.

[AHMED] If you're asking me what I think about it...

not good because the last thing I saw was this.

For more infomation >> GWF WHO'S NEXT | Episode 7 | Season 2 - Duration: 13:19.


Altnau Apfeldorf・Mit Gnuss dur üsen Thurgau・Folge 5 - Duration: 18:43.

For more infomation >> Altnau Apfeldorf・Mit Gnuss dur üsen Thurgau・Folge 5 - Duration: 18:43.


The Largest Aquarium in America - Georgia Aquarium Tour - Duration: 4:49.

I'm on vacation with my family so we took a little stop in Atlanta

to see the biggest aquarium in the United States.

Let's see what they've got.

The biggest tank here is 6 million gallons.

It's called Ocean Voyager.

I can't wait to see it.

For more infomation >> The Largest Aquarium in America - Georgia Aquarium Tour - Duration: 4:49.


We are SV Laren '99! [INTRODUCTION] - Duration: 1:22.

For young and old

Fun for everyone

In the middle of Laren

Talent at every level

Just sociable

Fun always wins

For more infomation >> We are SV Laren '99! [INTRODUCTION] - Duration: 1:22.


TOP 2 BEST Builder Hall 8 Base +6000 Trophy!! | CoC BH8 Builder Base 8 Layout | Clash of Clans - Duration: 12:08.


For more infomation >> TOP 2 BEST Builder Hall 8 Base +6000 Trophy!! | CoC BH8 Builder Base 8 Layout | Clash of Clans - Duration: 12:08.


Uczulenie na hybrydę? || SEMILAC EXPERT 27 || Semilac TV (ENG) - Duration: 8:10.


My name is Paulina and I'm allergic.

When I was a child,

literally at the last minute I came to the hospital after

I spent a morning playing with rowan berries.

Another time, quite recently,

I came to the emergency room because of serious breathing problems

after working with a certain cosmetic product.

I can also forget about a stylist's career.

After contact with the glue, I do not sleep for two nights.

Despite this,

I have been successfully styling nails for over a dozen years

and so far - it happened without any skin problems.


Because I know very well mechanisms ,

which rule nail modeling

and I know how to take care of my own health.

Today, I will talk about how to enjoy nail styling

but without any health consequences

and why the alleged "allergy to a hybrid"

are simply a myth.

I invite you!

What do you need to know first?

Your products (and I'm talking about the gel and hybrid method now)

they are light-cured products.

What does it mean?

Nothing complicated,

it's just energy that's needed to start the curing process,

colloquially called UV light.

This UV radiation causes

that your product starts changing its state quite quickly

from the liquid state it goes into the state of the hard layer.

And this reaction is called polymerization.

For your own safety, you should know

that this reaction is cascading.

At least I call it that.

At the beginning, the product consists of a multitude of individual molecules.

After exposure in a UV lamp, these molecules begin to combine

combine in long, linear chains and achieve hardness.

But be careful!

It's that at first glance, a hybrid or a gel

it seems to be properly hardened

and you gauge "o! it's hard, I can cut it "

absolutely does not mean that the product is chemically hardened!

On the contrary.

Hardness that you judge so roughly

the product already reaches 50% of actual curing!

What does this mean in practice?

that if instead of 30 seconds,

you will keep your hand in the lamp for 20 seconds

because roughly you will find that the product has been properly hardened,

the mass will still be chemically active.

And you will go for a walk or let your client leave the salon

with a delayed-ignition bomb.

One must remember about the basic issue.

Sensitize or irritate is caused by unhardened product!

And what else is this "uncured material" in your treatment?

Of course, the inhibition layer, also called the dispersion layer.

It's this sticky, sticky coating that always stays

on the surface of the nail plate after removing the hand from the lamp.

What is it doing there?

It's lying to himself!

Air has an inhibiting effect on polymerization

and this film will never ever harden.

Therefore, let's also be aware

that our products will never cure completely,

but they must be polymerized like this,

that there would be no doubt about it.

But what am I heading to?

After all, most of you are punished and politely

he keeps his feet in the lamp for as long as the producer recommends.

So what do I pick up holes in if everything is ok?

I'm nitpicking o what your procedure looks like.

Because, unfortunately, over a decade of experience as an instructor

taught me one thing:

hardly any stylist works in accordance with the principles of health and safety.

I will say more.

Most work so that I feel like running to the table

and pull the brush out of your hand.

Because you yourself run the risk of problems.

What situations, in practice, I mean?

I am listing!

First of all, flooding skins.

Unfortunately it is extremely common

And those beginners and those who want to paint an effective "manicure under the skin".

And yet our products have all possible approvals,

they are admitted to market, they collect prizes,

but they are intended for application on the nail plate.

Not on the skin! Absolutely not!

Any contact with the skin is not allowed.

And touching the skins is even more a touching point for some time,

Ever since fashionable has become a combined manicure.

It's easy to get hurt there, it's easy to break the natural protective barrier

and irritants have an open path to your body.

In addition, some stylists often push the last skin

to coat the second layer of the hybrid deeper.

And what happens then?

The sticky product from the first layer is pressed under the skin.

Is it safe?

Absolutely not.

Secondly, the issue related in some way with contact with the skin,

that is wiping the brush with a glove

This is a mistake, we absolutely should not do it.

The glove is protection for us, but not in this sense.

So try to master this habit.

Brush a napkin, a cotton swab, a piece of paper towel

but not a hand.

Third ... this unfortunate tablecloth.

It's mostly on your desk,

protecting them from excessive dirtiness

And you brush the brush in this tablecloth, centrally in front of you.

After that, on the same cloth you will rest your bare elbow or forearm.

And so for 8 hours a day.

You see.

Fourthly, the question of the lamp is of course of great importance.

It's obvious that you have to be strong.

But that it must be super clean?

Do you pay attention to it?

A dirty mirror or stained 2 diodes already cause

that less radiation reaches the gel

and it is not fully hardened.

It used to be easier in the past.

The bulb, which was smudged by the customer, could be turned to the other side.

But you can do nothing with the LEDs.

All that remains is to keep it clean and regulary replace the lamps.

Fifth (though personally, it should be number one)

is invalid wiping of the adhesive gel or hybrid layer.

The absolute majority of students do this anyway.

They rub the top of the nail,

completely ignoring the sides.

Tons of sticky gel lie next to the lateral folds,

touching the client's skin.

And what later?

Then, for example, you start sawing such a gel.

And what?

Uncured product flew everywhere around as a dust,

it falls in behind the cleavage, gloves, settles on his face

and irritation ready, because it is an unpaved layer!

The sixth sin made by stylists,

is unfortunately not caring to keep their jars clean.

It is the classic to close your jar in this way

totally crooked.

And why is this wrong?

Because the mass is poured out of the thermos, it flows into the grooves of the cap

and it begins to spill out of the jar.

Then you touch the wet product while cleaning the desk

and again - irritation is ready.

The seventh little thing to remember,

it is a sensible way to put the brush down while working.

Never put it on an open gel jar.

After all, it will flake,

and you will take him back in a moment.

Then you finish gelling

and with the same sticky hand you will touch the client's hand.

And again, another contact with a fresh product.

What is also worth paying attention to when performing procedure

is using various types of tools and preparations.

Do you know that 17% of adults are allergic to nickel?

Over a dozen people have been writing to me happy,

that they discovered where their problem came from while painting nails,

from contact with tools!

Remember also to use good quality cleaners or primers.

And do not buy cheap, unproven ones

creams for irritation on foreign auction portals!

Perhaps you would prefer a nice and friendly episode

about new trends or decoration techniques.

But sorry!

I decided that the topic of work safety is important enough

that it is worth touching.

And besides, I'm allergic to storytelling

"Oh, this hybrid is evil, terrible, nasty, it must not be used."

It's not true.

Let's use products correctly,

and we will enjoy lovely stylizations

at every possible opportunity.

So I keep my fingers crossed for your beautiful designs

but also pleasant, efficient and trouble-free work.

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