Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 1 2018

A child imprisoned in the night

Stopped breathing, expressionless.

Tokyo Ghoul:re OP - "asphyxia" vocals: Akano instrumental: Hiropon4th

There's nothing we can do about any of this!

We're drowning in a world we can't change.

Open your eyes.

The shadows sink. But no matter how it seems right now,

This is reality.

What is freedom? I selfishly hoped

That the pain you gave to me might be love.

I have no need

For this Schadenfreude that keeps me down.

I've grown tired of its heavy-handed drama

And discord aesthetic

How long can you keep saying

"That things are unfair or hopeless?"

How much giving up until you're satisfied? It's laughable.

Even broken, I live on.

My end roll betrays all expectation.

With a heart that's been broken again and again, I keep on.

Each time I breathe, my body continues to rust.

I need to accept the parts of me that fall away as I fight on.

Her face unresponsive to her elegy,

She starts breathing, in the dead of night.

For more infomation >> Tokyo Ghoul:re OP - "asphyxia" - Akano - Duration: 3:21.


Nightcore - Green - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:52.

Cavetown - Green (Lyrics) on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Green - (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:52.


GREENHOUSE SAGA: IS IT HAPPENING?! The FINAL Development Meeting - Duration: 19:15.

what's up


all fish tanks bringing it to you on a greenhouse like Sunday

siren continues how's everybody doing I hope you're doing well today's video

we're gonna talk about my final development meeting with our friends in

Jasmine County and we're also gonna talk about a surprise appearance from a lady

in the audience there's always somebody but first I'm gonna get a little bit

woowoo with y'all okay so I've spoken to multiple people both on the phone and

via email they said they liked the affirmations you're not from there what

our affirmation is basically something that you say to yourself every day it's

for your own self it's for your own personal thing that helps you live a

better life you think affirmations are weird or woo woo ask some of the most

successful people you know or your boss or owners of companies that they have

them I think the answer is that they'll give you will surprise you so here's

mine and I want to give this to you as an overlying context that I use while

I'm going through all this stuff that kind of sucks it starts like this if I

could have any job in the world what would it be I have the perfect job for

me so when stuff gets screwed up and stuff

sucks I say you know what I have the perfect job for me this is part of it

this is what I signed up for meetings getting delayed eleven people killing my

deal that's just part of the game my goal is to help people through my

service I strive to be the best in the world at what I enjoy doing I say best

in the world I look at the best in all situations I will not worry about things

I can not control I can't control those 11 crazy people on old Richmond Road I

can't control when the documents don't show up and my plants coming from Hong

Kong and I can't control when the meeting in Jasmine County was postponed

the day after Memorial Day and postponed until just this past Monday you can't

worry about things you can't control or you'll lose your mind the next part of

my affirmation I work hard at these things and understand that you can't get

what you want in life without paying the price and enduring the suffering to get

it editing videos every Sunday morning for the past eight years while my

daughter wants to play Legos driving to Atlanta only to find out my plants are

two days late spending over a year working on green house fail pointto work

hard at these things and understand that you can't get what you want without

paying the price and enduring the suffering to get it and here's the one

that everybody wants to skip I will postpone short-term gratification for

my long-term life goals setting up something big with the greenhouse is

gonna take some time it's gonna take some sweat it's gonna take some hustle

and with that as a backdrop I want to break it to you guys on how it went down

at the final development meeting okay I'm gonna stick with the wound

stuff real quick but it does totally relate to what I'm talking about with

the greenhouse I want to talk about the vision then listen to a lot of on those

spots and again when he talks about his vision when he goes Conan's of our

battery and it talks about how he wanted to envision himself as the world

champion or he was mr. universe for 13 years in a row Arnold Schwarzenegger was

mr. universe and he said every time he was lifting away he was smiling I smile

because I know exactly that every rep that I do there every set that I do

every way to they live they get one step closer to turning that vision of mine

into reality of becoming that mr. universe it was 13 years in a row

they're like best body builder in the world

I'm giving you that as a rant I want to talk about my vision my vision with

green house fail pointto was very clear and in fact if my wife kids family in

any of you knew how many times I drove out to that place by myself and walked

around you would cry because I had to have a crystal-clear vision I showed you

guys how I was gonna move in I had plans like for expansion of another building

off the side of once I filled that one up okay the vision was that crystal

clear and I had to reset it now you see around here what the vision looks like

today so I had to regroup and get my vision clear on what I have here is what

the vision looks like today all right so when I moved from green house fail point

O to green house 2.0 I got to redesign my entire vision and get it set up

exactly the way I wanted it everything was going according to plan and I was

all excited the fishtank gods were in line with me but when my meeting on may

29th was cancelled I was pissed even though it was something I can't control

because my vision is clear I know exactly what I want and this was like

the one step that I wanted to get to complete that vision so I got delayed

for 30 days and yes I did worry about something that I could not control fast

forward you got to take that 30 days and you got to regroup your plan I always

tell Josh and Andrew for every hour we spent planning we save four hours I'm

going to Abraham Lincoln here for a minute when

he said you gave me six hours to chop down a cherry tree I would use the first

four hours sharpening my axe so actually the 30 days gave me time to sharpen up

the plan now the meeting is set I have hired engineers to do this a wise man

knows he isn't that wise I do not know the first freaking thing about

engineering but I have friends around me who are wise who I trust with this kind

of stuff and they've told me yes use this engineer I've got a plot plan and

I've got engineers working with the city of Nicholasville behind the scenes to

make sure everything is working look I paid these guys good money but quite

frankly paying professionals to do professionals do in the city that

they're you know the guys was a good move

so on Monday we cue up Andrew Josh wanted to come too but he was busy

putting out a bunch of packages and we roll to Jessamine County to go to my

final development meeting this is where it all happens folks this is B on the

way to the Jessamine County final development meeting we were delayed last

month I'm a dancer ahead of me here and the new property is actually over here

by that water tower and we're gonna find out tonight yeah we get the final

development that means we can start construction last time I went into one

of these meetings I got my throat slit I'm all nervous but thank you

this is Josh banks of banks engineering he is actually presenting for five

different companies at this meeting with the city of Nicholasville and then what

he is doing here is he is addressing the concerns that the city had that needed

to be addressed publicly about this this was submitted almost two months ago and

he's actually talking here about where the water runoff is gonna be and I

mentioned this later so he's actually talking about the drainage which is

gonna be a concern with all the water I'm doing this green anoles of this

master plan a little bit of polycarbonate panels now I get to take

the stage my name is Austin water like green out there's gonna be a structure

and that's the style I'm going for with atrium roof to open up to the full Sun

very similar the one at the Kings Way house the ones that use the Myers loans

is that that plastic that you know take a hail beating or whatever galvanized

steel engineering plants and concrete piers I would like to bring up one

Bobby and I met outfits about a month to go under the eight

wouldn't sound they will refer you to the D big downtown business history this

is the guy Dean who's the head one of the head guys in the city of

Nicholasville who I had spoken with and he's addressing here what I originally

had a concern about with the city of Nicholasville and having to get it

conditional you should remember I had problems with the conditional use and

he's addressing how we have spoken about this and conferring in this meeting that

we don't need to conditional use and this older gentleman is the attorney of

the city of Nicholasville and he actually didn't like it when and

returned the camera on him but huh he is talking about old sort of there's an old

sort of various stuff that he's bringing up here about having agricultural sales

in a b1 zone so there's and I want to make a point here they're going the long

winded route to have the attorney in the room but while this seems like it takes

a while this is actually everybody's on board everybody knows what's going on

the attorney of Nicholasville is in the room they're going through any sort of

probable situations stuff that could happen and other sort of like laws and

rules that are around just to get everything up on the table for this

usually the scene the meetings inform behind my it was a cakewalk compared to

some of the stuff these people were talking about your John shit it was

following plants for aquariums Mike yeah my core business is selling plants that

go into where's that doesn't mean that it might

not sell like a poke those are like a hanging house plant at some time that

this is all just basically stuff that we sell online on we

should've out you know boxes every Monday Tuesday Thursday we have

wholesale shipments that come in once or twice a week but it's primarily a

clearing plants and go into fish tanks that's important note on that because

anything that we use in that water has sufficient so there's no concerns of any

sort of runoff or anything in the chemicals is that and I'm going on my

long-winded rant right there because I want to make sure everybody knows what

the runoff is because all about erosion control or what's actually going in to

the water runoff it's always area concern I remember old bro back in

greenhouse Phil point out what's in the waters the water runoff concern was also

mentioned as one of the things they wanted to talk about going into this

meeting was one of the lists of line items that they had to discuss so let's

one of the hammer home that everything that I'm releasing when we do water

changes is completely safe for the environment we 10-foot high sidewalls

1902 peace by Canada so you know master plan if this became like a just got

fruit and he started telling

that's what's made of plants well yeah I clearly thank you

first up I think you do

and while this drove me nuts while I was in the meeting this guy talking and

talking about you know what ifs or whatever I love that all this is being

put onto the table here and everybody who is voting on this is hearing the

worst-case scenario or what ifs and all that getting that all flushed out is

actually doing my heart good here even though it's kind of annoying how long it

takes I can only ponder what would have done

within the realm of their that contemplation forty years ago I don't

believe this very limited area of internet sales so you're saying that

this this use is not your typical retail you want retail and I love having this

young guy involved too by the way did we address something we did that was

a permitted use okay so those two just confirmed when I went to a board of

adjustments meeting where everybody said that I would not need a conditional use

for this so my guy over there is verifying with Dean that they had

discussed about this that I do not need a conditional use and the words of the

wu-tang can protect your neck I did get that in writing so I do have that

doctrine i didn't bring it with me to this meeting but i definitely have that

document of riding that a do not need a conditional use for this just as a

precautionary measure for what they're talking about and then about to vote on

here in a second when I plant flowers you know reading these for retail you

have come before the board again and get approval on this but I gotta kill them

so I'm gonna just flush it all out here so if I want to see if I'm selling

aquarium plants in this location he asked me if I understand I'm never this

anal but after what we went through on the first round

I'm definitely protecting my neck with this conversation right I very

for that or is it like if I'm going to get into production such as red barn

where I've got rows and rows and rows of these 92 variants advantage when I

clarify kind of where the line is with this listen the word says establishments

primarily engaged in agricultural sales and services they also ignore ficus

trees and plants been operating plant section yeah that'll by the way I would

look at I got just my core business is aquarium plants I don't intend on

expanding really beyond that I always think expansion as long as I stay

aquarium plants and let's say I buy the lot next to me and I'm still doing the

corn plants everything is still the same I want to know more about this variants

from 1982 or whatever like water not variants what's what's the like will

hanger for you now we're talking about that in Tanana waters is old confirming

I'm allowed to have retail sales at this location yes I'm trying to confirm that

y'all can come and say hello to dusty at the new location here and this was

something that I was not gonna be allowed to do a green house fail point O

so just double checking everyone's here all the cards on the table I like this

kind of here's where I scrapped myself

this is the vision that this would be in it would be in its own arsenal to

commercial subdivision I wish Andrew were to zoom din and seeing the armpit

just sweating just just puff and sweat out while she's talking nervous scared

worried about things I can't control

it's more this way so okay so will its effect I say with the Brahmans fairy

expansionists - that's the all wheel novel and I wasn't there going to be the

white house yeah chuckles at the end of that and I smile with shoes god but what

was the hot nervous but she opened her mouth let me tell you I look around the

room I make sure nobody else has any concerns there were some people in the

room that I didn't know what they were for and I was concerned that they're

about to raise their hands with none of them said anything they were there for

other other properties like that smooth

yeah I bought this property right here next to this next to the water tower

right right to the water right there anything so what's now this right here

is the bypass that's going through Jessamine County right here this is

proposed I'm gonna quote Napoleon Hill and Think and Grow Rich right here it's

real simple for every seed of adversity for every

bit of failure it plants the seed of equivalent or greater benefit when I

bought this property I did not know that there was a bypass going in right here

biased a little cherry on top for Dusty's deal I feel bad for her by the

way because she's being negatively affected by this for me it's dope it'll

go it just making it far my Internet's good it's going to take off to just

disarm land I'd like to retract my tone in the word

lady with her because she was actually extremely sweet and delivered

good news okay so any of the bad juju associated with the term lady I'd like

to retract from earlier part of this video so I saw you and us when that's

doing us like oh that's the one no no but I was like oh man so it's great dude

this is this is like actually been almost better news than the you know I

didn't want to say in front of her but that's pretty tight to go right to 75 so

now it's approved dude so now it's game time

contractors cutting ground getting on it you've miami engineer the dude from

banks was like it's like you got a dude like he was trying to give me chill out

i just wanted to confirm all that stuff so final developments approve now it's

time to break some ground first things first we got to figure out where the

water lines are and how we're gonna tap into those suckers i'm thinking a two

inch main even though it's gonna cost me about four grand

super stoked these guys out here are checking out where the water lines are

run do me a favor folks hit the like button subscribe button share button and

drop me a comment on how you feel about how does this green house saga is going

sorry continues folks tank on later

and so I put you meet honey work and you're probably not through here all

right so that's talking to my plumber about doing a two-inch main and you're

the subject matter expert on that so I'm gonna ask you my crazy forgetting that

big of a main to which main would service a whole

For more infomation >> GREENHOUSE SAGA: IS IT HAPPENING?! The FINAL Development Meeting - Duration: 19:15.



For more infomation >> PES 2018 YENİLMEZ ÇİN SEDDİ TAKTİĞİ !!! PES 2018 DEFANS YAPMA TAKTİKLERİ - Duration: 4:02.



For more infomation >> COMO FAZER 5 DÍGITOS POR MÊS? | GABI FERREIRA - Duration: 9:02.



It's back! The king of languages

it's back with the language


we ask "why it exists?"!


This video contains some jokes that can hurt susceptibilities. Whoever is butthurt

please close the video

Hello people! Here is RubenCosta and welcome to another video

And this time we're here for one more video

and bros...

will be...

Probably, you are asking right now... "But, german?"

German is a very well known language

But that shi* is complicated!

Like, it's very complicated! But, I will teach you

I spent

I have 17 years old and I spent 15 years

training. I spent 15 years studying in Germany!


I am german, pure, in my blood!

I'm joking, ok?

But, let's go then! If you want this type

of videos, don't forget to leave a like, and

Comment below more languages for me to speak

But don't write, like, imagine, this,

because "Afrikaans" no one deserves!

Let's start with the basic. If you go

to Germany, what will you say?

"Hello", right? So

First, I will talk and then

I listen to confirm if I said it well!

I say that's "Hallo"

Very easy! Easy!



Now, we will not only say hello

Let's say "How are you?"

I can't see because I have a spot in my monitor

Now that's perfect, right? Now I can see all the screen

So, let's speak!

Not bad, not bad! I think I would give my perfomance a 8/10

Why this guys complicate so much?


Imagine, let's say now

Germany has what? Beer!


Hail master Hitler!

I said I have studied in Germany!

It's "saúdem" [with accent]

It doesn't matter, it's the same thing!


Because I have one near me


Why?? Why, man, why?

But why?

Man, this is immoral. Why someone has created this language?

Why, man?

Well... Let's try something else! For example...

Now we'll start with phrases

that everyone likes, like that ones I did in my video

seaking swedish! So, let's write



a man

Oh my god!

I'm seeing that translate getting weird!

"Hitler was a man


has killed

a lot of people!"

Look at that!

Man, look at that!

Almost... almost!

I've only said wrong "tötete"

That's immoral what this guys do!

It's immoral! Why man?

Why man?

Why man?


"Leave a like on the video!"

Respect me, respect

Respect! Respect!

"I spent 5 years studying in Germany!"

I don't know how to say five!

Let's see first how I say five

And ok!

This [with the fingers] is italian

Just one thing left!

To learn how to live in Germany

I need to learn how to say this:

Merkel, do me a son!

That's very hard!

I'm here!

And I'm german! I speak Swedish,

portuguese, english

and german!

And German, man!

Comment below the next language

'cause this video is ending

I'll see how I say goodbye


It´s very easy!

For more infomation >> COMO FALAR ALEMÃO - HOW TO SPEAK GERMAN - Duration: 7:39.


Sound In Color Gabriela Bee Song Cover Eh Bee Family Acapella Version by Mackenzie - Duration: 4:06.

Welcome to KidsToysandDolls

If you'd like to see all our new videos

click here to subscribe

Hi everyone, Welcome to KidsToysandDolls Im Mackenzie

by myself

and I love Eh Bee family so much

I love all their new videos like every new video that they post

and I saw that she made a song and I was like wow

she made a song!

and I have been practicing this song and I want to

sing it to you guys

so this is my attempt on singing

sound in color, wish me luck

I feel theres something changing in real


its a transformation that I can't hide


you light me up like its nothin you making me into


with a fire inside, yeah

when Im falling apart yeah your always my safety


I take a jump off the edge and I know that you'll never

let me fall

Its a rush to the sense such

a sweet luminescence

that I can't quite describe

oh, Im seeing sound in color

everytime that I get around ya

oh oh oh no

Ill never let you go

got me headed straight for the


turning every echo into a


and my hearts screaming loud yeah

when you came around yeah

no I can't turn it down

when Im falling apart yeah your always my safety net

I take a jump off the edge and I know that you'll never

let me fall

and I don't mean to push no

I just thought that you should know

you take the weight off my mind

Oh Im seeing sound in color

everytime that I get around ya

oh oh

oh no Ill never let you






Im seeing sound in color

everytime that I get around ya

oh oh oh no Ill never let you


Im seeing sound in color

everytime that I get around ya

oh oh oh

no Ill never let you go





that was sound in color by Ehbee Family


For more infomation >> Sound In Color Gabriela Bee Song Cover Eh Bee Family Acapella Version by Mackenzie - Duration: 4:06.


Sigaranın Zararları Deneyi Bunu Kendinize Yapmayın ! - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Sigaranın Zararları Deneyi Bunu Kendinize Yapmayın ! - Duration: 2:09.


Dance Moms: Dance Digest - "Hear No Evil" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Dance Digest - "Hear No Evil" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:57.


Learn Colors With Talking Raccoon , Numbers and Shapes for kids with Dinosaur! Surprise Eggs! New Co - Duration: 11:19.






light blue





For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Talking Raccoon , Numbers and Shapes for kids with Dinosaur! Surprise Eggs! New Co - Duration: 11:19.


GPX Legend 150S Bike Full Overview in Bangla/Introducing The GPX LEGEND 150S /Shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> GPX Legend 150S Bike Full Overview in Bangla/Introducing The GPX LEGEND 150S /Shapon khan vlogs - Duration: 5:01.


How To Draw Easy Flower Vase For Kids-Easy Kids Drawing Tutorial - Duration: 10:22.

How To Draw Easy Flower Vase For Kids-easy Kids Drawing Tutorial

For more infomation >> How To Draw Easy Flower Vase For Kids-Easy Kids Drawing Tutorial - Duration: 10:22.


Мастер и Маргарита 2 серия Master and Margarita 2 series - Duration: 42:25.

Mikhail Afanasievich Bulgakov.

The Master and Margarita.


Comrade Poplavsky?

Yes! It's me.

A telegram for you...



...clear the area... citizens...

...Annushka... our Annushka. From Sadovaya...

...It's her work...

...She bought sunflower oil...

...and broke it on the turnstile...

...She swore and swore...

Wait a minute, wait a minute... But the madman was saying the same thing...

But in what manner, may we ask?

Ah, no, this we're going to find out!

...I'll get to the bottom of it...

Confess, who are you!

No understand... no speak Russian...

The gent don't understand...

Don't pretend! You spoke excellent Russian just now!

You're not a German and you're not a professor! You're a murderer and a spy!

Your papers!

Hey, citizen, help me to detain the criminal! It's your duty!

What criminal? Where is he? A foreign criminal? That one?

If he's a criminal, the first thing to do is shout "Help!"

Or else he'll get away. Come on, together now, one, two! Help!

Ah, so you're in with him I'll hand you over to the police!

Buy your tickets citizens

No cats allowed!

Nobody with cats allowed! Scat! Get off, or I'll call the police!

He must have gone through the gate

Of course, he's hiding in the bathroom

Kiriushka! Stop this tomfoolery! Have you lost your mind?

Fyodor Ivanych will be back any minute Get out right now!

Ah, wanton creature!

Why, of course, he's at the Moscow River!...


Please, this way...

Bosoy - chairman of the tenants' association has the keys

Open up!

Where is the office of the deceased Berlioza?

How so? Already deceased?

Mikhail Alexandrovich was killed by a tram-car I am his deputy - Zheldybin!

we have to look through deceased's papers.

Who else lives here?

Director of the Variety Theatre Likhodeev but he's not here now!

We take the deceased's manuscripts for analysis

the apartment is transferred to the cooperative

other effects should be gathered in one place and given to his heirs!

I understand!

Watch this!

To Griboedov's! Beyond all doubt, he's there

What will be better? Sew the severed head to the neck?

It's not necessary

lay out the body in the hall at Griboedov's after simply covering the dead man snugly to the chin

with a black cloth!


Lets lay out...

Where are you dining today, Stepan Bogdanovich?

What a question! Why, here, of course, at MASSOLIT dear Grigory Danilovich!

Archibald Archibaldovich whispered to me today that there will be perch au naturel

A virtuoso little treat!

You sure know how to live Stepan Bogdanovich...

I have no special knowledge just the ordinary wish to live like a human being.

One can also dine at home

I humbly thank you,' trumpeted Amvrosy, 'but I can imagine your wife, the communal kitchen at home, trying to do perch au naturel to order in a saucepan!

Historical Landmark XIX Century Griboedov's House

Respects to the grunts!

Anyhow, where is this Berlioz?

We've been waiting for 2 hours... midnight's close, and Herman is not here!

The laddie must've got stuck on the Klyazma in a dacha!

I've paid for 3 years so far, to send my wife with goiter to this paradise

but there's nothing nothing in the wind

We mustn't be envious, comrades. There's twenty-two dachas in all

and there's three thousand of us in Massolit.

So you see, naturally, it's the most talented of us that got the dachas

The generals!

Beskudnikov - five rooms to himself in Perelygino!

Lavrovich has six to himself and the dining room's paneled in oak!

Eh, that's not the point right now, it's that it's half past eleven.

Berlioz should have called

Let's go downstairs and maybe wait there...


I must say that my apartment

lost its reputation long time ago

Two years ago it had still belonged to the widow of the jeweler

Anna Frantsevna de Fougeray

who rented out three of the five rooms to two lodgers:

one of whose last name was apparently Belomut,

and another with a lost last name.

And then two years ago inexplicable events began to occur in this apartment:

people began to disappear from this apartment without a trace

Once a policeman came to the apartment

called the second lodger out for a minute

to the police station to put his signature on something.

Not only he didn't come back in a minute, but

he never came back at all!

This lodger disappeared on a Monday, and that Wednesday

Belomut seemed to drop from sight!

a car came, as usual, to take him to work.

but it did not bring anyone back!

Let's drink!

Then the late Berlioz moved in with his wife

and I moved in with my wife too!

Finally... within the space of a month both wives vanished.

But these two not without a trace. Of Berlioz's wife it was told that she had supposedly been seen in Kharkov with some ballet-master

Mine, I bought an apartment, but on the one condition that she never show her face on Sadovaya!

And tomorrow I will drop in at noon - exactly!

No... I won't be home!

But I'll come anyhow!...


What Berlioz... What's with Berlioz?

Berlioz fell under the tram-car!

A minute ago on the Ponds fell under the tram-car

We must... compose some collective telegram and send it off immediately

So what that Berlioz... How can we help? By going hungry?

And, really, can one let chicken de volaille perish?

But, after all, we're alive!

What's with you? What's he doing?

What are you looking for, citizen?!

Hail, friends!

He's mad...

That's it. Delirium tremens.

No, he's not there!

How could the police let him walk the streets like that

They tried to detain me twice, in Skaterny and here on Bronnaya,

but I hopped over the fence

Brethren in literature!

Listen to me everyone!

He has appeared!

Catch him immediately, otherwise he'll do untold harm!

Who has appeared?

The consultant!

and this consultant just killed Misha Berlioz at the Patriarch's Ponds.

Excuse me what do you mean "killed"? Who killed?

A foreign consultant, a professor, and a spy!

And what is his name?

That's just it - his name!

If only I knew his name!

I didn't make out his name on his calling card!

I only remember the first letter, "W"

his name begins with "W"

What last name begins with "W"?


What has Wolf got to do with it?

Wolf's not to blame for anything!

No, I'll never remember this way!

Here's what, citizens: call the police at once

let them send out five motorcycles with machine-guns

to catch the professor.

And don't forget to tell them

that there are two others with him:

a long chequered one,

cracked pince-nez,

and a cat, black and fat...

And meanwhile I'll search Griboedov's

I sense that he's here!

Comrade Homeless, calm down!

You're upset at the death of our beloved,

Mikhail Alexandrovich...

no, say just Misha Berlioz... We all understand that perfectly well.

You need rest.

The comrades will take you home right now, you'll forget...

Call a doctor!

Don't you understand that the professor has to be caught?

And you come at me with your foolishness! Cretin!

Pardon me. Comrade Homeless!

No, anyone else, but you I will not pardon!

Didn't you see he was in his underpants?

But, Archibald Archibaldovich,

how could I not let him in, if he's a member of Massolit?

Watch out, Nikolai!

This is the last time!

We have no need of such doormen!

Go find yourself a job as a beadle

Move it!...

Get Pantelei from the snack bar



A car.

To the psychiatric clinic.

Blow your whistle!

Let me go bastards!

I'm gonna get you!

Here, here

Have a run for your money! I've taken 'em to the psychics before!

I'm going to complain on all of you.

Especially you - you louse!

Here, Doctor, is the renowned poet Ivan Homeless

well, you see... we're afraid it might be delirium tremens...

Did he chase after cockroaches, rats, little devils, or slinking dogs?

No, I saw him yesterday and this morning... he was perfectly well

And why is he in his drawers? Did you get him out of bed?

No, Doctor, he came to the restaurant that way...

Unbind me you bastards!

Hello there!

Greetings, saboteur!

How old are you?

You can all go to the devil!

But why are you angry? Did I say anything unpleasant to you?

Because I, a healthy man, was seized...

and dragged by force to a madhouse!

You are, not in a madhouse, but in a clinic...

where no one will keep you if it's not necessary.

Thank the Lord!

One normal man has finally turned up among the idiots...

of whom the first is that giftless goof Sashka!

Who is this giftless Sashka?

This one here - Riukhin - a poet!

That's the thanks I get

What trash, really!

Psychologically, a typical little kulak...

carefully disguising himself as a proletarian...

Look at his lenten physiognomy and compare it with his lousy verses.

Consider, yes, consider!

Look inside him and see what he thinks

Just ask!

I raised a serpent!

And why, actually, were you brought here?

Devil take them, the numskulls!

They seized me, tied me up with some rags, and dragged me away!

May I ask why you came to the restaurant in just your underwear?

There's nothing surprising about that!

I went for a swim in the Moscow River, so they filched my clothes, and left me this trash!

I couldn't very well walk around Moscow naked!

I put on what was there because I was hurrying to Griboedov's restaurant.

The name of the restaurant

And why were you in such a hurry? Some business meeting?

I'm trying to catch the consultant!

What consultant?

Do you know Berlioz?

The... composer?

What composer?

Ah, yes...

Ah, no!

The composer has the same name as Misha Berlioz.

The secretary of Massolit, Berlioz, was run over by a tram-car tonight at the Patriarch's Ponds.

Don't blab about what you don't know!

I was there, not you!

He got him under the tram-car on purpose!

Pushed him?

Pushed him, nothing His kind don't need to push!

He can perform such stunts - hold on to your hat!

He knew beforehand that Berlioz would get under the tram-car!

So. And what measures did you take to catch this murderer?

Here's what measures:

I took a little candle from the kitchen...

And why the icon?

Ah, yes, the icon...

...the icon...

It was the icon that frightened them most of all...

But the thing is that he, the consultant...

let's speak directly...

he is mixed up with the unclean powers... and you won't catch him so easily.

Yes, sirs!

An absolute fact.

He spoke personally with Pontius Pilate!

And there's no need to stare at me like that. I'm telling the truth!

He saw everything—the balcony and the palm trees

In short, he was at Pontius Pilate's, I can vouch for it.


It's two o'clock, and I'm wasting time with you!

Excuse me, where's the telephone?

Let him use the telephone!

Is he married?


Member of a trade union?



Comrade officer-on-duty...

...give orders at once for five motor cycles with machine-guns... sent out to catch the foreign consultant.


Come and pick me up, I'll go with you...

It's the poet Homeless speaking from the madhouse...

What's your address?

Are you listening?

Hello!... Outrageous!


For pity's sake, where do you intend to go? In the dead of night, in your underwear...

You're not feeling well, stay with us.

No thank you!

Let me pass!

Will you let me pass or not!

Ah, so?!... Well, then...

...Let me go I say!

...Let me go you bandits!

You have no right!


Let him go...

Locked me up after all,

Very well then...

I've warned you, you can do as you like but now it's up to you...'ll pay for it yourselves...

A bath, a private room, number 117, and a nurse to watch him

Doctor,' it means he's really ill?

Oh, yes!

But what's wrong with him, then?

Schizophrenia, I suppose!

Plus this alcoholism...

I'm now interested...

...most of all... Pontius Pilate...



looked into the case of Yeshua Ha-Nozri and confirmed the death sentence!

...three robbers were condemned to be executed...

Dysmas, Gestas and Bar-Rabban...

and there's another one - Yeshua Ha-Nozri besides...

The first two were accounted to the procurator, and, would not be talked about here...

But the second two, Bar-Rabban and Ha-Nozri,

...had been seized by the local authorities and condemned by the Sanhedrin.

According to the law, according to custom, one of these two criminals had to be released...

...released in honor of the great feast of Passover, which would begin that day.

I'd like to know which of the two criminals...

the Sanhedrin intended to set free: Bar-Rabban or Ha-Nozri?

The Sanhedrin asks that Bar-Rabban be released.

I confess, this answer stuns me...

...I'm afraid there may be some misunderstanding here.

The crimes of Bar-Rabban and Ha-Nozri are quite incomparable in their gravity.

While Yeshua is obviously an insane person,

Bar-Rabban's burden of guilt is more considerable.

He called directly for rebellion...

he also killed a guard...

On the strength of all the foregoing, I ask the high priest to reconsider the decision...

...and release the less harmful of the two condemned men...

...and that is without doubt Ha-Nozri.

And so?

Sanhedrin had thoroughly familiarized itself with the case and informed him a second time...

that it intended to free Bar-Rabban!

What? Even after my intercession?

The intercession of him through whose person Roman authority speaks?

Repeat it a third time. High Priest!

And a third time I repeat that we are setting Bar-Rabban free!

Very well!

So be it!


I feel cramped!

It's sultry today, there's a storm somewhere.

Oh, what a terrible month of Nisan we're having this year!

No, it's not because of the sultriness...

I feel cramped with you here, Kaifa!

Watch out for yourself. High Priest.!

What do I hear. Procurator?

You threaten me after you yourself have confirmed the sentence passed?

Can that be?

We are accustomed to the Roman procurator choosing his words, before he says something.

What if we should be overheard, Hegemon?

What's your trouble High Priest?

Who can hear us where we are now?

Do you think I'm like that young vagrant holy fool...

who is to be executed today!

Am I a boy, Kaifa?

I know what I say and where I say it.

A cordon around the garden, a cordon around the palace... that a mouse couldn't get through any crack!

Not only a mouse...

...but even that one...

...what's his name...

...from the town of Kiriath!

Incidentally, High Priest, do you know him?

Yes... if that one got in here, he'd feel bitterly sorry for himself

in this you will, of course, believe me?

Know, then, High Priest...

...that from now on you will have no peace!

Neither you nor your people!

It is I who tell you so...

Pontius Pilate...

equestrian of the Golden Spear!

I know!

The Jewish people know...

that you hate them with a cruel hatred...

...and will cause them much suffering!

...but you will not destroy them utterly!

God will protect them!

He will hear us, the almighty Caesar will hear!

...he will protect us from Pilate the destroyer!

Oh, no!

You have complained about me too much to Caesar...

...and now my hour has come, Kaifa!

Now the message will fly from me...

...of how you in Yershalaim are sheltering known criminals from death!

It is not just one cohort that you will see here in Yershalaim, High Priest - no!

...The whole Fulminata legion will come!

...the Arabian cavalry will arrive and then you will hear bitter weeping and wailing!

You will remember Bar-Rabban then, whom you saved!

And you will regret having sent to his death...

a philosopher with his peaceful preaching...

Do you yourself believe what you are saying now. Procurator?

It is not peace, not peace...

...that the seducer of the people of Yershalaim brought us!

and you, equestrian, understand that perfectly well...

You wanted to release him so that he could disturb the people...

...outrage the faith and bring the people under Roman swords!

But I...

...the high priest of the Jews... long as I live...

...will not allow the faith to be outraged...

...and will protect the people!

Do you hear, Pilate?

Listen, Procurator!

Are you going to tell me that all this has been caused by the wretched robber Bar-Rabban?

It's nearly noon. We got carried away by our conversation...

...and yet we must proceed!

...I'm going to announce the sentence!


If you don't get up this minute...'ll be shot!

Shoot me!

Do what you like with me...

...I won't get up.

Good morning, my most sympathetic Stepan Bogdanovich!

What can I do for you?


And for exactly an hour I've been waiting for you to wake up,

...since you made an appointment for me to come to your place at ten.

Here I am!

Excuse me...

Tell me your name, please?


You've forgotten my name, too?

Forgive me...

...yesterday I got a bit...

I need aspirin now.

My dear Stepan Bogdanovich,

no aspirin will help you...

Follow the wise old rule...

...cure like with like...

The only thing that will bring you back to life...

is two glasses of vodka with something pickled and hot to go with it.

And you?

With pleasure!

Well, I hope... now you've remembered my name?

Really! I get the feeling that you followed the vodka with port wine.

Good heavens, it simply isn't done!

I beg you to keep it between us.

Oh, of course, of course!

But as for Khustov, needless to say, I can't vouch for him.

So you know Khustov?

Yesterday, in your office, I saw this individuum briefly...

...but it only takes a fleeting glance at his face, understand that he is a bastard...



...and a toady!

Perfectly true!

Professor of black magic Woland.

Yesterday afternoon I arrived in Moscow from abroad

...went immediately to you

...and offered my show to the Variety.

You telephoned the Moscow Regional Entertainment Commission...

...and had the question approved...

...then signed a contract with Professor Woland...

...for seven performances.

...and arranged that Woland... should come the next morning to work out the details... ten o'clock.

And so I came!

Seeing what condition you were in...

I sent Grunya to the nearest grocery store...

Allow me to reimburse you...

Oh, what nonsense!

May I...

...have a look at the contract?

Please do, please do...

...and receipt for the ten thousand rubles due to me for

One second!

My respects!...

Just what we needed!...

Ah, Berlioz, Berlioz!

This is simply too much for one head!


Hello, Grigory Danilovich...

it's Likhodeev.

...There's a certain matter... I have this... er...

...artiste Woland sitting here...

...So you see... I wanted to ask, about this evening?

Ah, the black magician?


The posters will be ready shortly... And you'll be coming in soon?

In half an hour.


What's this cat doing hanging around here?!

Where did he come from?

Don't worry, Stepan Bogdanovich...

The cat is mine.

Don't be nervous.

And Grunya is not here, I sent her off to Voronezh.

She complained you diddled her out of a vacation.

I see you're somewhat surprised... dearest Stepan Bogdanovich?

And yet there's nothing to be surprised at.

This is my retinue.

And this retinue requires room.

so there's just one too many of us in the apartment.

And it seems to us that this one too many... precisely you.

Theirself, theirself!

Generally, theirself has been up to some terrible swinishness lately...

Drinking, using their position to have liaisons with women...

...don't do devil a thing, and can't do anything,

...because they don't know anything of what they're supposed to do.!

Pulling the wool over their superiors' eyes!

Availing hisself of a government car!


Generally, I don't understand... he got to be a director?

He's as much a director... I'm a bishop.

Allow me, Messire, to chuck him the devil out of Moscow?

Messire!... allow me... Scat!

I implore you...

tell me what city is this?


I'm not drunk...

something's happened to me... I'm ill...

Where am I?... What city is this?

Well, it's Yalta...

For more infomation >> Мастер и Маргарита 2 серия Master and Margarita 2 series - Duration: 42:25.


Lukashenko Attends Republican Ball Of University Graduates - Duration: 9:07.

Dear friends,

I welcome the best graduates of this year.

And I want to congratulate everyone who received the diploma of higher education this year.

Thank you for the work of the teachers who have become co-authors of the success of their students.

No wonder they say that the teacher and the student grow up together.

You really lived together these years.

You have passed the thorny, but fascinating way into the world of new knowledge, skills, experience.

You have become wiser and, I'm sure, internally wealthier.

Now your roads diverge (teachers and students)

Yesterday's students pass into the hands of the most strict and demanding teacher, whose name is Life.

Her lessons can not be repeated, there will be no chance to retake the exam, and even mistakes can not always be corrected, as it happened in school or college years.

Now comes the time of professional activity, which requires a serious and conscientious attitude to work.

The teacher and the doctor do not have the right to make a mistake.

People trust them with the most precious and valuable - children and their health.

In the activities of lawyers and rescuers, police and military personnel, oversights are unacceptable.

In their hands, the fate of people, as well as peace and order in the state.

Workers of the real sector ensure the economic security of the country and the well-being of compatriots.

Much in the life of society depends on the representatives of the media, cultural figures, influencing a person's worldview and forming his aesthetic perception of all reality.

Athletes raise not only the personal rating, but also the image of the country competing in the world arenas.

In practice, any activity is always subject to certain risks.

Such is the adult life - the time of decisions and actions that oblige to calculate all possible consequences.

This is independence - the freedom to which young hearts are so eager.

And independence goes hand in hand with the most severe responsibility.

These are not my requirements, and not even the state requirements.

This is the requirements of life itself.

It's up to you whether to take this cargo with you on the road or go for a light journey.

I'm sure your knowledge, skills, and character will suffice to make the right choice.

Dear graduates,

You bright representatives of your generation know the price of diplomas received.

Until now, your work has been converted into assessments, but now it will become a pledge of well-being, professional and society status.

Comfortable starting conditions for you are created.

Agree, for professionals who have not yet manifested themselves in the profession, to get the first guaranteed job is a high trust.

You do not understand this and will not understand (it is difficult to understand when it is).

Look at your foreign peers - then you will understand what the first job is, and how many young people can not find themselves, at least for pennies, but to be useful to society.

This guarantee means that the state gives you the first recommendation.

Everything else depends on you.

You are the children of modern, independent Belarus.

And if to a natural desire to reach great heights in your career, to improve your financial situation you will have a sincere desire to be useful to your Motherland, then its future is in reliable hands.

So be strong.

Believe in yourself how I believe in you.

Be sure to put high and noble goals, and the higher, the better.

A person who lives without a goal will achieve nothing - no successes in his career, no financial situation, and will be of little use to the Motherland.

Set yourself the most ambitious goals.

And if you work hard to achieve your goals ...

If He is, He will help you.

Not speaking about our help - we are obliged to help you.

I sincerely wish you that your hopes and dreams come true.

Let this traditional Republican Ball become a bright start to your new history!

Where you will always be as happy, beautiful and successful as today.

Dear friends, for many years I have come to this room saying the same phrase.

I want to repeat it for the current graduates.

Not only for those present in this room - this is a small part of people who today have gained independence.

In this regard, I would like to say this:

Do everything on time, because life is very rich.

Even I, for a short period of my life's history, saw and felt how much life accelerated.

It is very important not to be left behind so that this whirlwind will not involve you, and you have not lost the sensations of life.

The key to this is to do everything on time.

If you have postponed today's business for tomorrow, then probably you will not do it because of urgent tomorrow's affairs.

Yesterday it was still possible to correct something, change something.

Maybe even its purpose.

Today, at a modern pace, you will not have time to return and do yesterday's business.

Do everything on time, do responsibly, go to your goal and achieve this goal.

And now, by tradition, the best of the best will come to me

traditionally to receive gratitude from the hands of the Belarus President.

For more infomation >> Lukashenko Attends Republican Ball Of University Graduates - Duration: 9:07.


Transformice Warrior Cats: Into the wild Prologue (eng) CZYTAJ OPIS PO POLSKIE - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Transformice Warrior Cats: Into the wild Prologue (eng) CZYTAJ OPIS PO POLSKIE - Duration: 6:37.


Babblarna film - fargning for barn - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Babblarna film - fargning for barn - Duration: 2:13.


DAY6 - Feeling Good - Duration: 1:19.

Well, the weather is nice today. What are you doing?

It would be perfect if you go out now

I'll be with you, hey just come out

Wherever we go, I don't care, I just need you there

Whatever you do, I don't care, I just want to feel the night

To enjoy the day only once

We feeling good, yeah we feeling good tonight

It's a nice night, everything's on our mind

We feeling good, yeah we feeling good tonight

It's a good time for us to play

Let's run

Don't try to stop me

I'm going to crazy all night, because I got this feeling

For more infomation >> DAY6 - Feeling Good - Duration: 1:19.


Let me make you proud + reprise (Castilian Spanish | DVD) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Let me make you proud + reprise (Castilian Spanish | DVD) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:57.


DAY6 - 어쩌다 보니 (Somehow) - Duration: 1:26.

I was tired of trying hard, when I miss you so much

When you return home at your doorstep, oh no

I accidentally kicked it, but your phone number I never forgotten

Even if I deleted it, it's not forgotten, oh no

Time has passed, I never knew it

When I leave you, I'm was lonely again

Sometimes I see you

I was forgetting it little by little, in an usnstoppable pain

I don't know what to do, I was slow down in this moment

If I continue to live like this, it will be erased, I don't know what to do

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