Okay, well this is fine. Everything is fine.
Hey guys, I have decided to do something new. I'm gonna start doing this thing
I don't know how often I'm going to do the thing
But I want to do the thing and the thing is making videos directed at the people who I look up to the most.
With that being said I am totally kicking this off with my
number one most favorite person for like the past ten years who has inspired me the most
Shane Dawson. Dear Shane Dawson, I
have been on YouTube for 10 years
now as of June actually and a
huge reason why I started my channel was you. The three biggest
Influences that I had to start my channel were you, Meekakitty, and Live Lava Live. That is why I
still exist on YouTube. That is why I've had so many opportunities
come my way through YouTube. I'm living a life that
I truly if I think about it, like if I didn't
I'd if I didn't have YouTube if I didn't have
The opportunities that have come my way because of YouTube if I didn't know the people that I do because of it,
I don't know who I would be, and so I feel very grateful
To know you through the internet and I feel very grateful for the inspiration that you've given me over the years.
I didn't really have friends when I was younger.
I did a 10 year anniversary
video recently
and I featured a lot of different clips kind of showing how far I've come over the past 10 years on this platform and
the one thing that I've always said that like I've prided myself on is that I never succumbed to pressure to like
Be a typical youtuber and I felt like a lot of that came from just watching
You being so unique and sticking to yourself and being true to yourself.
I mean, I get it. 10 years ago on YouTube, It was a lot easier
To grow like on the platform.
Maybe I just missed my mark. I know that having over 60,000 subscribers
is something that other people will probably always dream about and never achieve. I feel like sticking to my guns and not ever like
Doing stuff for the sake of just literal clickbait to grow... I've never been that person.
I've always wanted people to subscribe and want to watch my videos for who I am and I was so inspired by you because Shane,
You are such an inspiring person. I'm so grateful
for you and for the platform that I do have. I think about so often
how badly I want to be friends with you in real life, and it's
It's such a weird thing to like say that to a camera knowing that like you're probably not going to see this video
But just like out loud like saying
like I want to be friends with you, like I get how weird that is and it's even weirder to think that I'm sure that
some people out there might even have that feeling towards me and so like
When I say it, it makes me realize how vulnerable
A thing that is to say. Like, I've tweeted at you before and said like "oh my god
we should be friends" but like to actually sit down and like say it out loud and realize how almost
insane it sounds..
That like I'm just a random person on the internet making a video to you saying "hey...
here's my vulnerability." Like I don't know. It's just a weird thing. I don't know if you will ever see this video.
It's very possible that you will never see this video.
But I just
need to put out into the universe how
thankful I am for you and how much I do really want to be your friend, and how much I can relate to the struggles
that you have. I struggle with anxiety and depression and
It's like watching you, It's just like you are the literal only person who I have on notifications
so when you put up a video I
immediately drop what I'm doing no matter if it's a 20 minute video or a 45 minute video.
I'm like invested. It's funny because my future husband, which is such a weird thing to say
I just can't get around the word fiance, it's SO weird, but Ian, future husband guy,
He'll watch me watching your videos and like doesn't understand how I can like be laughing
along with you in a video, like find something that you did so funny and laugh like I'm almost there with you but like I'm
not obviously and then I'll be crying like hysterically at like parts of the video that are just so meaningful and like
It's crazy. Like, no one else does that. You have..
such a way to like make people feel
Invested, like it's like you're like reaching through a screen and like just like touching my heart.. just sounds so stupid. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, but like you're you have a likability and familiarity that like just...
transcends the internet, like I don't know how to explain it. And I am
fully aware that I am NOT the only person on the planet that wants to be friends with Shane Dawson.
And I'm fully aware that I'm not the only person who's ever been inspired or moved or affected by the content that you create,
but I just feel like I
need to be more vocal with
myself and my feelings and doing a video like this is vulnerable and I wanted to make sure that like I start
putting myself out there a little bit more and letting people know how much they are appreciated,
whether they see the video or not. Because you have just affected me in such a way.
I just hope one day that our paths do cross and I can get to meet you and thank you in person,
and just tell you how much you have changed my whole life.
I have a speck of something in my eye.
I didn't think I would get emotional. This is like... it's weird like..
It's weird. This is a weird type of video. I've never done this before.
There are a million and one other things that I would love to say to you, and I would just love to go so
deep in depth of like the million times that you've inspired me to like stay true to myself and be myself and not
push content that like I don't love and I could go on and
I I don't want to like make this like a long drawn-out video. I just wanted to make sure that
you heard from this 30 year old gal who lives in "Sunny South Florida" that
you have inspired me and you've changed my life,
and I'm appreciative of that. Anywhoozer, 'ppreciate you Shane. Love you. Appreciate you
Thank you. Hoping we can meet one day.
I will be on YouTube for as long as I can and even if I've hit my peak
Like 60 thousand was my peak and I'll never go above that,
I am so grateful for every opportunity, every person
I have met everything that has happened in the past ten years
Because you inspired me to turn on a camera and film my first video and for that I will forever be grateful. Thank You
Shane, I will continue to support you for as long as you're on this platform and in every other endeavor that you ever try to do.
Anything that you do in life, you're gonna kill it, because you were just that type of person.
Alright, I don't really know how I'm gonna end these videos cuz this is the first
'Dear Whoever' video
But yeah
I'm gonna go if you're watching this and you are not Shane Dawson, or even if you are Shane Dawson and you want to subscribe,
I make
stuff so......
consider that. And I will see you guys in a few days with another video.. Bye everybody!
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