Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

In the state where fearless people

are spitting in the eyes of tornadoes

are not afraid of any caves

and are floating like no tomorrow

in every



To be fair – they still can't decide some stuff

are they midwestern

or southern?

in which state Kansas City really is?

or even the name itself

is it


Forget it! It's a solid state full of solid people!

With one great weakness

Let's uncover it!



Like a square dance – a state symbol

Something sun-coloured…

Like a honey-bee – another state symbol

And… related to...


Because of the whole Kansas City – the Cowtown thing?



Let's check it out!

What is square?

A delicious Saint Louis pizza – that's what!

But… it isn't exactly sun-coloured

I know! Toasted raviolis!

T-ravs are square and golden!

And there is at least some cow in them!

But… There are not sticky

While the famous BBQ sauce is sticky as hell!

And yummy as well!

But it is neither square, nor golden…

Wait a minute…

What if it isn't sticky, but…


The secret Saint Louis recipe

Gooey Butter Cake!

It is rectangular, but – potato, potahto

It is gooeying!

And it's simply fantastic!

Just like the spirit of Missouri itself!

Sweet! Strong! Inventive!

Look, I'm no cook.

But I was so tempted by it, that I made me some.

It isn't possible to buy it here

because of all the Russia


Simply amazing...

Yes, it isn't a healthy food

Not by a long shot

It's clearly a very-very guilty pleasure

But I'm sure – if Missouri was a person, he would put it this way

Next one – Massachusetts

And believe you me

with all those puritans

their pleasures must be really guilty

We plan to cover all US states in the nearest year

If you are interested in this journey – please subscribe

See you next week!

For more infomation >> Missouri's secret weakness - Duration: 4:18.


PES 19 Android - Dream League Soccer - MOD - 140 MB - ULTRA GRAPHICS - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> PES 19 Android - Dream League Soccer - MOD - 140 MB - ULTRA GRAPHICS - Duration: 10:15.


ЧТО ЕСЛИ не есть мясо? #ИФ - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> ЧТО ЕСЛИ не есть мясо? #ИФ - Duration: 3:58.


A Quick Glimpse Of Beale Street & The Peabody Hotel In Memphis - B.B. King Blues Club, Peabody Ducks - Duration: 8:47.

Gma & Gpa Adventures does Beale Street in Memphis! There it is!

So we're gonna kinda walk down and show you each

side of the street, and see what kind of adventure we can see tonight is happening.

They've got the whole street blocked off just for us. Well, not blocked just

for us but all those people too. It's all about the music and the food!

This is a busy spot: B.B. Kings Blues Club!

This guy is out here earning his money!

Hey!! (Applause)

You can get Elvis pajamas here. There's a big guitar outside.

You can play it like a bass guitar!

Good job!

I do like that Memphis billfold, though.

There's the Memphis billfold. Donna's going in to see about that.


That's adorable!

There's a lot of music shops. In a way, it kinds reminds me of Nashville.

Doesn't it you, Stan? Yeah.

Here's some of the clubs up here. There's bars and nightclubs.

(Blues music playing)

This is the King's Palace Cafe.

There's Silky O'Sullivans.

World Famous Irish Bar.

A lot of those places have live music.

This looks like an

art studio. Like where you can buy art. Like a bunch of stuff on the Beatles even in there.

(Blues music playing)

People here on the street are just standing there listening to music.

Because the windows fold into the bar.

The Father Of The Blues: William Christopher Handy.

We're gonna see what the music is all about.

(Country Music playing)

This is the one called The Tin Roof.

The Jerry Lee Lewis.

There's a really cool, like second floor

cafe where you can sit on the top floor of that restaurant.

And you can listen to music and see what's happening on Beale Street.

We're sitting upstairs on the balcony at Alfred's. Gives you a good view of Beale Street.

It's a Thursday night. It's not real busy.

It's pretty crazy on the weekends. Kind of a light crowd. But there's still

a lot of people out here. A lot of clubs open. Music everywhere. There's always a lot going

on on Beale Street.

There's a live band playing outdoors at the Coca-Cola pavilion.

It's a good view from up here.

There's the Carriage Rides that you can do downtown.

These are some of the carriages.

Carriage rides.

How much are the rides?

$65 for half an hour.

An hour for $100.

I've been driving for a long time.

I try to make my rides as historical as you want them to be. I put in a lot of history. And you can end wherever you want.

I can take you to your hotel or bring you right back here.

Okay, awesome! We might come back. Thank you.

Oh, look at the little doggie on there.

This is the Peabody. Which is like a very historic, famous hotel in downtown Memphis.

There's like a little shopping mall that's in the lobby of the hotel.

There's the Italian restaurant, The Capriccio Grill.

We're going to lead you to where the famous fountain is. Where they have the

Marching of the Ducks in the morning and in the evening.

Oh, look! It's a player piano!

Or, it's being played by a ghost. I don't know which!

Is it a player piano, or is it being played by a ghost? A ghost. The Peabody Hotel ghost. He's good!

They have a famous ghost and famous ducks.

I think you're lyin'!

All the floors are made of marble.

This is the famous lobby.

Lots of people sitting in here just having a drink. There's the bar.

And here's the famous fountain.

Here's their different desserts.

There's a Peabody Duck one.

Oh, look at that!

German chocolate cake.


Key Lime Pie.

Banana Cheesecake.

Looks like there's some duck food there.

Yeah, I'm thinkin' that's the duck food.

We got to go upstairs in the elevator, and even helped march them down, didn't we?

We went all the way to the roof with the Duck Handler.

Walked them out of the elevator and marched them to the fountain.

Yeah, it's pretty cool. And here's the elevator over here. We'll show you.

These are all fresh flowers. Isn't that beautiful!

I think this hotel is gorgeous. It has so much class and so much history.

The Duck Palace.

Okay, we're trying to find the ducks. We know they're up here somewhere.

There's a sign telling about the Duck Palace.

Yeah, there they are.

Are they sleeping? They're awake, aren't they.

There's their little duck house. It says, "The Peabody".

And then they have a little fountain of their own up here, that they probably practice with them in.

There's two of them right over here.

And they do this like, "Marching Of The Ducks",

and this guy like wears this suit, and everything, and marches them down.

But not till 11:00 in the morning, and then 5 pm in the evening.

Okay, so now we're gonna give you a view of the city. We're just gonna kind of walk around the top of the rooftop, and show ya.

So those were the famous ducks, the Peabody Ducks. And how many years has

that been going on? Like a hundred years or something right?

Here's a view of Memphis from the top of the Peabody Hotel. The sky is very

cloudy tonight.

There's Stan taking a picture. Whoa, look how far down that is. Pretty far down.

Oh, here's the ball diamond where the Memphis Redbirds play. Right over there.

I'm not sure about the significance of the two statues in the hotel.

For more infomation >> A Quick Glimpse Of Beale Street & The Peabody Hotel In Memphis - B.B. King Blues Club, Peabody Ducks - Duration: 8:47.


500g Broccoli Challenge - Matt Stonie Edition - Duration: 6:48.

Welcome to a new video!

In this summer heat, I don't really feel like eating a lot of food.

And I've been asked a lot to do Matt Stonie's

Well, not "Matt Stonie's"...

Matt Stonie did a 500 gram broccoli challenge

that, for some reason, a lot of people have done on the internet.

So, in this challenge, you're supposed to eat 500 grams of broccoli

as fast as possible. Raw.

I think only a few people have succeeded in this. I don't know why.

Matt Stonie currently has the fastest time - exactly 6 minutes.

The next one is EricTheElectric, with about 12 minutes.

As Matt Stonie said, this looks like a pathetic amount, so...

It feels like this should be easy, but for some reason it isn't.

Anyone can try this.

It's ~175 kilocalories

So, really not a lot.

And yes, this would be easier standing up

but because I'm 195 centimeters tall

I can't stand in front of an average table like this one

and eat properly at the same time, because I'd have to be so hunched down.

This does look like a pathetic amount.

Very many have almost - and have puked.

I think Matt Stonie also puked in his mouth a few times.

I don't know why.

But soon I'll find out.

The time...


The time starts...

Oh right. I'm filming with only one camera

so that no one's going to complain about the angles changing.

The other videos will have more than one angle.

The time starts...

Welcome to the voice-over part.

So, today we have a 500g broccoli challenge, eaten raw

which has caused a lot of puking, and giving up on the attempt.

I've got 3 broccolis here

because I just didn't find 1 big enough, that would've weighed 500 grams.

This challenge has been attempted by surprisingly many

even though I don't think it's anything super interesting.

But, because Matt Stonie did this a week ago...

and EricTheElectric about a year ago

I wanted to try it out myself.

I've been asked a lot to do some challenge that Matt Stonie has done

so I figured, why not a lighter challenge like this, in the summer heat

Matt Stonie currently has the fastest time

which is exactly 6 minutes.

Originally I thought the time's not anything special.

But when I started eating, and having looked at other people's times

I realized that it's a really good time.

Eric, who is also a competitive eater, and food challenge Youtuber.

He had the second best time, which was 12 minutes and 9 seconds.

So, twice the time of Matt Stonie.

My goal was to get somewhere in between.

So, if I got to under 8 minutes, I'd be very happy with that.

Because, Matt Stonie is...

or at least has been one of the world's fastest eaters.

In case you haven't seen his 60-second videos

in which he eats some specific foods as much as he can in 60 seconds...

In my opinion, those are his best videos.

If you've followed my channel, you've probably heard about Matt Stonie.

So, tell me in the comments what you think are his best videos.

In addition, Matt has won Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in 2015.

Although his conditioning has gone down a bit since then.

But in any case, he's still one of the best eaters in the world.

I want to say here at the end of the voice-over...

One reason I don't do a lot of these videos

where I'm trying to beat Matt Stonie's time, for example

is because I can't fully replicate the challenge

when it comes to the exact composition of the food.

If the broccoli in the US is any different than in Finland, for example.

In that sense, these aren't comparable.

Although it does give you a picture of

where I am when it comes to eating broccoli.

You also can't draw conclusions

that I could eat as many hot dogs as Matt in 10 minutes.

Because, eating hot dogs is something that Matt has practiced hundreds

if not close to a thousand times.

These are just the realities that I wanted to share here at the end.

But thanks for listening, and enjoy the rest of the video.


I don't know.

There's probably a lot of it around my mouth.

Some on the table.

My shirt got dirty.

But I just wore it for my workouts, so whatever.

The time: 6 minutes, 13 seconds.

My jaws are broken.

Anyway. 13 seconds worse than Matt Stonie's time.

But 6 minutes better than EricTheElectric.

I mean, when he originally did it.

I don't know if he could now improve it. Probably.

I'm sure he could, using a bit different tactic.

Thanks again for watching.

This was a bit of a summer challenge.

Bigger challenges are coming up.

But this was just fine for this heat.

See ya.

For more infomation >> 500g Broccoli Challenge - Matt Stonie Edition - Duration: 6:48.


How Hot Could It Actually Get? - Duration: 3:09.

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

Down here in the circuit boards, things can get pretty toasty, especially when my Animator

keeps watching videos of people eating 3,000 dollar hot dogs!

C'mon, man!

You know that uses a lot of processing power!


Thank you!

Appreciate it!

It does get pretty hot in there, but that's just in the digital world.

How hot can it actually get out there in your world?

According to NASA, the average temperature around the globe back in 2013 was about 14.6

degrees Celsius, continuing the general trend of climate change and rising global temperatures

since 1880.

In that time frame, the 10 warmest years on the planet have actually happened in the last

20 or so years, so things definitely seem to be heating up.

But that's just the average temperature.

We've seen a bunch of hot days on the Earth, but on June 26th, 2018, the town of Quriyat,

Oman saw one of the hottest nights ever recorded in history.

The day was pretty intense, reaching temperatures of nearly 50 degrees Celsius, but the night

offered no respite from the heat, falling to a low of only about 42.6 degrees Celsius.

Things can get toasty on Earth, but there are much hotter planets in your solar system.

Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, can heat up to temperatures of over 425 degrees

Celsius during the day.

That's hot enough to melt zinc and lead!

Interestingly enough, the nights there are just the opposite, cooling down to temperatures

below -170 degrees Celsius.

Water starts to freeze at 0 degrees Celsius, so that's pretty darn cold!

Those temperature differences may seem a little extreme, but hot days and cold nights are

actually pretty common inside many of the deserts on Earth, on a much smaller scale

of course.

Now, Mercury may have some pretty hot days, but it isn't even the hottest planet in

your solar system.

Venus, the second planet from the sun, has a thick atmosphere that helps keep it at an

average temperature of around 462 degrees Celsius.

Its high surface temperatures are so hot that they quickly overheat the electronics of any

spacecrafts that are sent there.

But if you want to see some /really/ hot temperatures, you can find them inside the Sun that you

see in the sky every day.

On Earth, the Sun might just give you a nasty sunburn, but at the core of the Sun, temperatures

can reach higher than /15 million/ degrees Celsius.

And don't worry, I do have a lot of sunscreen on right now, you just can't see it because

of my body.

Hot days on earth can cause wildfires, heat stroke in humans, and many other dangerous


Make sure you stay hydrated and please don't launch yourself into the sun!

I don't know how you would, but just don't do it.

So how hot does it get where you live?

Let me know in the comment section below!

We mentioned how hot Venus was in this video, but did you know that we could potentially

live there?

About 50 kilometers above Venus' surface there is an airspace with similar gravity, pressure,

and solar radiation protection to what we have here on Earth.

The temperature ranges from about 30 degrees to 50 degrees Celsius, creating a fairly livable


As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> How Hot Could It Actually Get? - Duration: 3:09.


Nightcore - Sora ni Utaeba (Boku no Hero Academia OP 3) [Seishin / Amazarashi] - Duration: 2:32.

Lyrics is on the screen dears! ;)♥

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Sora ni Utaeba (Boku no Hero Academia OP 3) [Seishin / Amazarashi] - Duration: 2:32.


About herbal diet pills of Korean Medicine clinic! YouTube channel "Arirang Diet School" - Duration: 2:01.

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For more infomation >> About herbal diet pills of Korean Medicine clinic! YouTube channel "Arirang Diet School" - Duration: 2:01.


Great garden and backyard ideas Landscape design with flower garden around your home - Duration: 10:21.

Great garden and backyard ideas Landscape design with flower garden around your home

For more infomation >> Great garden and backyard ideas Landscape design with flower garden around your home - Duration: 10:21.


Get increase your Facebook likes - Duration: 8:42.

Subscribe Now

For more infomation >> Get increase your Facebook likes - Duration: 8:42.


Why You Can't Understand Native ENGLISH Speakers (movies/TV & real life) - Duration: 7:59.

Hi guys. Welcome back to English with Max. Do you find it difficult to understand

native English speakers? Do you understand your English teacher, but then

find it difficult to understand movies and TV series? Well, don't worry, you are

not alone. This is actually really common, and in this video I'm going to tell you

the main reasons why. We'll look at understanding people in real life, and in

movies and TV shows. Hopefully if you understand the reasons why, you will

worry about it a bit less, because you'll see that it's very normal, and it might

also help you realise which areas in English you maybe need to focus on more.

Know hope!

As always, remember that you can follow me on social media. Don't forget

to subscribe (it's completely free, so why not?), and if you want to watch this video

with subtitles, you just need to turn on the captions. First let's look at

understanding native English speakers in real life. One reason why it might be

difficult to understand people is that native English speakers don't tend to

learn other languages. Often if people aren't used to learning languages, they

don't necessarily understand the difficulties that a non-native speaker

might have. In addition, they might assume that you understand everything and

therefore they probably won't make an effort to speak more slowly. If you've

watched my videos before, you will know that I do speak some foreign languages.

But I'm not saying this to sound superior. The only reason I learnt

foreign languages was because it's my passion - it's something that interests me.

Honestly, if it didn't interest me, I probably would have just

studied French for one year in high school, because when I was at school that

was the minimum requirement. I think it's a shame that it's not compulsory to

study a foreign language for several years in English-speaking countries,

but English is the international language and that's just the way it is.

Another reason why you might not understand native speakers in real life is that we

often speak badly. For example, we often make grammatical mistakes and some of us

mumble. Mumbling is when you don't open your mouth

very wide and you therefore don't speak very clearly. I'm an English teacher, so I

probably make fewer mistakes than the average person (I hope), but it does happen

to me sometimes as well. Particularly when I'm speaking quickly or I'm just

not paying attention. And I definitely mumble sometimes. It's a bad habit.

Now I have two things that just apply to movies and TV shows. The first thing is

that characters in movies and TV series often don't speak like people in real life.

Have you ever thought: Why do fictional characters often sound so smart?

Well, it's because they have scriptwriters, so very often they use

vocabulary or constructions that we don't necessarily use every day.

Of course that's not always the case - it depends on the movie or the show - but

often the English isn't as simple as in real life. Secondly there is often other

noise that can make the dialogue difficult to understand. For example,

background music, sound effects or just other background noise. If you're a

native speaker, or you have a very advanced level, that's not normally a

big problem because it's not so important for you to understand every

single word. If you are very used to listening to a language, your mind will

subconsciously fill in the gaps, so to speak, if you

don't understand every word. But if you don't have a lot of experience listening

to a language, obviously it will be a bit harder. Now let's look at some things

that apply to both real life, and movies and series. Firstly, there are lots of

different accents in the world. Obviously if you're not used to hearing a certain

accent, you might find it difficult to understand. But if it makes you feel any

better, that often happens to native speakers as well. The second thing is

slang. Slang is something that you don't often learn in English lessons and it

also changes from place to place. (Yay!)

The third thing is contractions.

We use lots of contractions in English. There are the standard contractions like

"don't" and "I'm", and there are also spoken informal contractions, like "gonna",

"wanna", "coulda", etc. If you are not used to contractions, you will definitely find it

hard to understand native speakers. I've actually already made some videos on

contractions. The links will be in the description. The fourth thing is

reductions. This is something that I could probably make several videos about.

Reductions are sounds that change or disappear when we speak at a normal or

high speed. For example, this sentence pronounced slowly is: Do you want a cup of tea?

But we don't normally say that. We would say:

Do you want a cup'v tea? Do ya want a cuppa tea?

D'you wanna cuppa tea? Or even: Dge wanna cuppa tea?

And the final thing is connected speech.

This is something else that I could probably make several videos about, and it's

similar to the concept of reductions. Connected speech is when one word

follows into the next word. For example, we don't usually say: "This afternoon."

We normally say: Thissafternoon. Thissafternoon.

Thanks very much for watching, guys.

If you liked the video, please hit the thumbs up. Let me know in the

comments if you find it difficult to understand native speakers and why,

and also tell me if you can think of any other reasons that I haven't mentioned

in this video. See you next time.

For more infomation >> Why You Can't Understand Native ENGLISH Speakers (movies/TV & real life) - Duration: 7:59.


How To Add A Manager To Your YouTube Channel (Tutorial) - Duration: 4:11.

In today's video I'm going to show you how to add a manager to your YouTube channel.

So stay tuned

If you haven't done so already,

hit that subscribe button. And don't forget to hit the bell for notifications

First thing you may be wondering is why you want to add a channel manager.

One of the things a manager can do for you is upload a video.

So if you're hiring a video editor,

you can add them to your channel as a manager so they can upload your videos directly after they get done editing them.

This will save you a ton of time,

and save you having to upload it yourself.

Also, if you have somebody doing your description,

putting in links or adding tags,

you may need to add them too as a manager.

So let me show you how that's done.

And at the end of this video, I'm going to also show you how to get somebody to moderate your comments.

To add a channel manager, the first thing you want to do

is go up to your icon at the top,

left click,

and then go down to settings.

Once you're in settings,

you're going down to this manager button,

and you're going to click add or remove managers.

From this screen, you're going to hit manage permissions.

And up here in the corner

you just click on this little icon to invite new users.

Here you'll enter their email address,

and choose what role you want them in.

An owner would be you.

A manager can do everything an owner can do, except they don't own the page.

So in this case, we're going to click manager.

And then we're going to enter an email address.

Now after you've done that, it's going to send an invite to that person's email address.

And they can accept it from there.

That way they do not have to know your password or anything to get in there.

It's safe and secure.

If you decide you don't want that person to be a manager anymore,

you go through the same process. And then when you come back to this page,

next to their name down here, There'll be an X to remove them,

or a drop down menu if you want to change their role.

This is also the same screen you would use if you wanted to change over ownership of your YouTube channel to someone else.

Now let me show you how you can get somebody to help you moderate your comments.

That's a little bit different.

You go to the top.

And you go to creator studio.

In the creator studio you go down on the left hand side to community.

From here you'll be able to see all the comments that people have made.

And if you happen to like somebody's comment, and you want them to be able to moderate,

just click on the little flag over here to the right.

You can add this user as a comment moderator.

Be careful with this though, because you don't want just anybody moderating your comments. Make sure that you know the person.

And that you trust them moderating your comments for you.

Also, if somebody typically goes to spam,

you can always approve comments from this user.

And that's my short and sweet tip of the day.

If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments below. And have a great day.

Hey, thanks for watching.

If you haven't already done it, hit that subscribe button.

And give us a thumbs up. We'll see you next time

For more infomation >> How To Add A Manager To Your YouTube Channel (Tutorial) - Duration: 4:11.


[ENGSUB] Run BTS! - EP.55 Behind the scene - Duration: 9:06.

[#1. Something's off]

If this falls, you can do it again.

Don't get caught.

But this is too...

- You can't put it on top. - It really got caught.

- Aren't there too much on top? - What?

Didn't we put too much on top?

[#2. Explanation King]

Let's play rock paper scissors and decide the order.

The loser goes first.

Then you roll the dice. Orange comes out, right?

Then you pull the orange straw.

If I pull it

- and the monkey falls, you take it. - Okay.

- The person with the most monkeys loses. - Okay!

The more the monkeys falls, you'll become the loser.

Does this come out on camera?

You get it, right? It's easy.

[#3. Rock-Paper-Scissors never ends] Rock-Paper-Scissors!


- Again. - Again.


We're doing it right, right?

Yeah, yeah.

[#4. Huh?]

[#5. Fuss]

Why are you making such a "fuss?" (He jumbled his word)

- "Fuss?" - What's "Fuss?"

- What a "fuss." - "A fuss."

[#6. The monkey friends come visit J-Hope] What's this?

It's not over yet!

Friends! So many friends came!

[#7. Failed to control]

You can put it elsewhere.

By hanging it...

He's using a bug!

[#8. A premonition] I think I got it. Good work, everyone.

Is it me?

- First, I have to get ready. - There's a lot of pink.

[#9. Super excited] We just need to avoid the pink?

Then we can avoid making dinner?

This is a shortcut to losing in one blow.

Please let me off this time. I'll live a kind life.

Hurry and do it.


- Why is RM's reactions good today? - I know, right?

He's excited from today's game. It's cute.

He seems like a baby.

[#10. This is J-Hope's passion]

- Hope! Hope! - Yes, pray!

- Don't throw it hard and hit this. - Right.

Then J-Hope will take it all.

Right. You need to be that passionate for bad luck to not come.

Throw it. Now!

Nobody touch it!


[#11. V's prediction] - Does it come? - It came.

- It's green. - Green?

- I'm sorry, it's pink. - It's green.

You're pink. Right.

[#12. Shaking] White. White is okay.

He's going to step on poop.


What are you doing?

Do you have a hand tremor?

If you look closely... there's nothing.

Will it fall together?

I'm very sorry.

- You hit that one. - I feel like it's not going to be me.

I'm really sorry, guys.

[#14. Tap, tap, tap]

He wasn't going to do it.

[#15. Spin the monkey]

Jung Kook!

Jeon Jung Kook, what are you doing?

[#16. Group Goosebumps] - What color do you have to do? - Gray.

RM, I'll help you. The most exact one is this one.

- This gray one. - This or these two.

- Don't tell him! - You think hard.

RM has to take it.

[#17. Calm down] RM was making fried rice, but the rice didn't cook and the pan burned.

The penguin right now...

- Hold on. Hold on. - Stop it.

Don't do it.

[#18. Helping with one heart] - Right now... - You don't know!

Really, really, I...

What do you mean you don't know? If it falls, it all falls.

- I think it won't. - It's 100% me.

No, it won't fall. Trust me once.

It won't fall.


- Wait, not that! - Not that one!

- You already touched it. - No, no.

- It's blue! - RM, let's go with this one.

If you hit this, it'll all fall.

[#19. Today's dinner duty goes to...]

It really won't fall.

I told you! I told you!

- J-Hope! - J-Hope!

[#20. We can't face each other] We can't face each other. Go away.

- Really? - You go away.

[#21. Quietly and Slowly]

It's a poem about moonlit sky.

Just half?

- What are you filming? - Without resting...

- What are you doing there? - He was behind you.

[#22. I wrote it well]

Mine is short but strong.

This is really...

[#23. I really wrote it well] The rhythm is alive. This is amazing.

[#24. Kim Brothers at full concentration]

[#25. Chef J-Hope] My name is J-Hope, in charge of cooking the meat today.

Today's ingredient, the most important. I brought pork belly.

[#26. Chef J-Hope forgets the tongs]

First...There are no tongs!

Where are the tongs? Is it here?

[#27. A savior appears]

Half the meat is going to burn!

Are you going to come?


[#28. Chef J-Hope also forgets the scissors]


Scissors please!

[#29. Pork must be cooked all the way] The way I see it, meat has to be...

Pork has to be cooked to the crisp.

Or else, you'll get a stomachache. I got a stomachache recently,

after eating uncooked meat.

[#30. The fire is really hot]

The fire is really hot!

It's burning. Uh oh. It's burning.

What do I do about this?

[#31. Nervous J-Hope battling fire, and the members who watch]

The outside is burning a lot...

so you have to flip it alot. Should I do it?

Let's think about it.

- You have to keep flipping. - It's burning!

It smells so good.

[#32. Who am I talking to?]

Should I close it?

Should I close it?

Should I close it? Will it not burn if I do this?

[#33. In the end, they cook together]

My hand feels like it's going to get cooked.

It's not joke right now.

[#34. Playing games was meaningless] You should all eat and do something, honestly.

There's too much work for two people.

Honestly, this is all the same.

But I can do it by myself!

- Jimin is helping me right now. - They're all helping inside.

We're all doing it together.

[#35. We're a team] - We're all cooking. - We're a team!

- As expected. - Let's clean up together.

[#36. I'm going to fly freely into the sky]

[#37. I'm a one-time use pair of chopsticks]

Why is it so smokey?

[#38. Let's taste it]

- Is it cooked? - It's good.

[#39. Scared me!]

Scared me!

[#40. Hot!] Is it good?

- The ramen is amazing. - Is it good? - It's hot!

It's hot! Sorry!

It's so hot.

Can I eat the meat?

[#41. Oh! Hey!] Ramen!

Is there ramen?

[#42. You have to eat ramen like this] You have to put kimchi inside.

- You have to dip it in. - Sorry.

[#43. Suga quietly starts something] Is there ketchup?

Is it good?

[#44. Guess he wanted to eat shrimp]

It's good.

[#45. Very brilliant]

You have to film this! You have to!

They're filming it.

It's amazing.

Do you eat jumbo shrimp too?

It's not a jumbo shrimp. This is just shrimp.

[#46. 3 members didn't do their homework] I didn't write my poem!

You didn't write it yet?

- Everyone else probably wrote it. - Really?

Jimin probably didn't either.

[#47. Bounce Bounce]

[Run BTS Episode 55 Behind]

For more infomation >> [ENGSUB] Run BTS! - EP.55 Behind the scene - Duration: 9:06.


Video Review : YVES ROCHER BALSAMO RIPARATORE Lavanda Bio - FOOT CARE [ ENG Sub ] | Matutteame - Duration: 3:21.

Hello today let's talk about foot care again

and we'll talk about it with this

Yves Rocher product.

This is the organic lavender repair balm,

the package is a 50 ml and the price is

€ 9.95 but is therefore removable

with offers and promotions or those

monthly postcards can be easily

purchased with a discount of 30-40

up to 50% and therefore it is also

a good price.

Even if it is a package that looks small

and you see that I have just finished it

really lasted a lot because it takes very

little product, but not really because

it is beautiful rich and full-bodied, it is

massaged and absorbed immediately.

It has a scent that really tastes like

lavender and I really find it perfect both

for winter when we use heavy and closed

shoes and we want to nourish our feet

after the shower, but also in summer

or spring when the heels especially with

shoes open, they must be perfect

Just apply it and we are already ready

so it really has a very high moisturizing

power then it is a balm that however

absorbs immediately.

For now I have to say it is the product

for the care of the feet that I liked most

among those I tried.

I recommend using it 1-2 times a week,

I use it after a shower and I feel

very comfortable.

The composition is paraben free,

without dyes and components

of animal origin, so even the inci is not

bad at all, plus the price is good and

I recommend it absolutely.

The lavender during the application tends

to refresh while the rich cream nourishes

thoroughly, I find it a truly

complete product.

Let me know if you have tried it

and how you found it.

As always I hope to have been useful,

and if you liked the video put me a like

and subscribe to the channel to not miss

the next beauty low cost reviews.

I also recommend that you click

on the bell so you will be notified

whenever I upload a new video.

For more infomation >> Video Review : YVES ROCHER BALSAMO RIPARATORE Lavanda Bio - FOOT CARE [ ENG Sub ] | Matutteame - Duration: 3:21.


HOT Shot & Crazy Shot 😜 !!! Mark Selby vs. Mark Williams - Duration: 1:30.

Her feature Selby's game is his tactical and safety play as well as everything else

Even there he covered the bunch with the green

So Williams got a difficult shot

Sometimes these little things can go unnoticed


The campus and itself a shark is so good that he was forced into playing there. He had no one a real


That is a stunner a

Few moments later or something just look at shots all day, but it must be

Difficult one it must be hidden Haute

Leads that ready to go safe. It won't be too bad

We're hoping endeavor complete flirting it up till that time

But he just had an old-fashioned whack and it could have been so much worse William

For more infomation >> HOT Shot & Crazy Shot 😜 !!! Mark Selby vs. Mark Williams - Duration: 1:30.


How To Upload Longer Videos On YouTube - Youtube Training - Duration: 4:50.

Okay so you're researching how to upload longer videos on YouTube. Duane here with

how to groww on YouTube TV and in this video I'm going to show you exactly how

you can start uploading longer videos on YouTube by simply verifying your YouTube

account. But before we get started I have a quick message.

Once again my name is Duane with how to grow on YouTube TV. And on this channel

we talk about everything you need to know to be successful on YouTube. This

includes how to start a YouTube channel, how to do keyword research for YouTube,

how to get more views, how to get more subscribers and how to make money on

YouTube. If this sounds like something in which you're interested be sure to

subscribe to our channel by clicking the word subscribe below this video to the

right and click that notification bell so you don't miss a thing. Okay so if

you're on youtube you probably need to know that it's important for you to have

a longer video on YouTube. So in this video I'm going to show you how you can

upload longer videos to YouTube and the benefits of having longer videos on

YouTube is the fact that this will increase your watch time and possibly

your audience retention. You would think that having a 2 minute video that most

people would have two minutes and they'd watch all of that video but that's not

quite the case. However if you had a 10 minute video and people are watching 5

to 6 minutes of that video that's gonna be very beneficial to you and your

success on YouTube. It will also increase your audience retention rate and of

course you're gonna get more watch time. So in this video I'm gonna show you how

you can verify your account so that you can upload longer videos to YouTube. What

I'm gonna do for this portion of the video is I'm gonna jump on my laptop so

you guys can see exactly what you need to do in order to upload longer videos

to YouTube. Give me one second and I'll see you on the laptop. Ok so as you can

see here I'm logged into my YouTube account and as you can see over here it

says longer videos upload longer videos than 15 minutes.

It's eligible but you need to enable it and if you click on it right here in

your account it's just going to bring you to this page right here which is the

verification process. You can unlock this by verifying your account and it's

really easy and very straightforward. You can also go directly to the website and it's gonna bring you to this exact same

web page right here and all you have to do is put your phone number in and then

you can request a call if you'd like or they can text you the verification code

and then you'll be good to go. So it's pretty easy as far as unlocking the

longer videos on YouTube all you have to do is verify your account and I'm gonna

show you guys how to do that.

It brings you here and all you have to do here is put in your phone number I'll

put my phone number in here and then they'll send me a text message and and

then I'll put the code in of course. The verification code of course it's gonna

take a little bit so I'll be back in one second when I have the verification code.

Okay so I have my verification code it's one zero five six zero nine and then

I'll submit it says congratulations your YouTube account is now verified. You can

click on continue and you're good to go. So as you can see now it has enabled

under custom thumbnails, it has enabled under external annotations and it also

has enabled under longer videos. So that's pretty much what you have to do

if you want to verify your YouTube account. It's a very simple process and

it's very important to do because it gives you some more features that you

can totally take advantage of on YouTube. I'll see you guys back in the real

video in just one second. Okay thanks for watching this video on

how to upload longer videos to YouTube. If you liked the video give us a thumbs

up please it helps our channel quite a bit and if you want to share this video

with someone that may find it helpful please feel free to do. So let me know

what your thoughts are in regards to uploading longer videos on YouTube. Do

you agree do you think it's beneficial to your watch time and your audience

retention rate? Let me know in the comments below. If you haven't subscribe

to the channel yet please go ahead and do so, because on this channel we talk

about everything you need to know to be successful on YouTube. This includes how

to start a YouTube channel, how to do keyword research for YouTube, how to get

more views, how to get more subscribers and how to make money on YouTube. If this

sounds like something in which you're interested be sure to subscribe to our

channel and click that notification bells so you don't miss a thing. Once

again my name is Duane with how to grow on YouTube TV and I approve this video.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in another video. Until next time take care

and be blessed. Peace!

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