Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

English Adverbs Of Manner Exercise

For more infomation >> English Adverbs Of Manner Exercise - Duration: 5:05.


Color Song | Zeek And Friends | Kindergarten Learning Videos For Kids - Duration: 16:46.

Color Song Zeek And Friends

For more infomation >> Color Song | Zeek And Friends | Kindergarten Learning Videos For Kids - Duration: 16:46.


我的初體驗【第五人格】chu玩遊戲|有cc字幕 - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> 我的初體驗【第五人格】chu玩遊戲|有cc字幕 - Duration: 8:27.


Russian acused of spying to be held in U.S. without bail - Duration: 0:35.

A U.S. judge has ordered a Russian woman accused of being a foreign agent to be held without

bail after prosecutors warned there's an extreme risk of her fleeing back to her country.

Federal prosecutors have charged Mariia Butina... with conspiracy and acting as a foreign agent,...

saying that she attempted to exchange sex for political access and communicated with

Russian intelligence during her time in the U.S.

She pleaded not guilty to those charges Wednesday at a court in Washington, D.C.

Butina's case has drawn a lot a lot of attention in the past few days amid U.S. President Donald

Trump's contradicting comments about Russia.

For more infomation >> Russian acused of spying to be held in U.S. without bail - Duration: 0:35.


Learning Colors With Fruits | Cartoon Videos by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:00:51.

It's morning.

Let's go greet all the fruits in the farm.

♪ Apples are red, red, red, red ♪

♪ Bananas yellow, yellow ♪

♪ Apples are red, red, red, red ♪

♪ Bananas yellow, yellow ♪

♪ Good morning, fruits ♪

♪ Good morning, fruits ♪

♪ Good morning, fruits ♪

♪ Oranges are orange, orange ♪

♪ Grapes are green, green, green ♪

♪ Oranges are orange, orange ♪

♪ Grapes are green, green, green ♪

♪ Good morning, fruits ♪

♪ Good morning, fruits ♪

♪ Good morning, fruits ♪

♪ Blueberries are blue, blue, blue, blue ♪

♪ Strawberries are red, red, red, red ♪

♪ Blueberries are blue, blue, blue, blue ♪

♪ Strawberries are red, red, red, red ♪

♪ Good morning, fruits ♪

♪ Good morning, fruits ♪

Fruits are so fun and tasty.

For more infomation >> Learning Colors With Fruits | Cartoon Videos by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 1:00:51.


【聊聊】跟大家說我目前使用的電腦!! - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 【聊聊】跟大家說我目前使用的電腦!! - Duration: 3:10.


KARAOKE | Lạc Bước Trong Đêm | Noo Phước Thịnh - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Lạc Bước Trong Đêm | Noo Phước Thịnh - Duration: 4:10.


Цветы моего сада Слайд шоу - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Цветы моего сада Слайд шоу - Duration: 2:42.


How To Make Money Online - The Real Way To Leave Your Job - Duration: 19:34.

James Greaney here from and in today's video I

want to give you a push I want to give you a push in the right direction so

maybe you're at a job at the moment that you dislike the job simply doesn't

satisfy you anymore you need something else to motivate you you're not jumping

out of bed in the morning you know looking forward to going into whatever

job it is you're doing and this could be whether you're currently running your

own business but you're not enjoying it or simply that you're working for

someone else and you simply don't enjoy what you're

doing anymore today's video I'm going to be giving you the post that you need to

find what it is that you love doing so that you get the energy each and every

morning when you wake up to do what it is that you love doing so first off

figure out where you are are you currently just going through the motions

are you currently you know just waking up going into work doing the same thing

or is it even worse than that is this that you're dreading going into work

each and every day is this something that you just don't look forward to

doing and while you're doing it you're just not happy doing this do you

currently fit into one of these buckets or are you one of these spaces look

forward to every day if we do and you enjoy what it is that you do every day

then great this video isn't for you but if you are in either of the other focus

that you're simply just not motivated you're not looking forward to each and

every day or even worse that you're dreading each and every day then this

video is for you because I've bad news if this is you

then you're currently not going to become the best whatever it is that

you're trying to become the best eyesore that you're working towards you're not

gonna make it to the top and there is a quick and simple and

for ye are not going to become the top calm the best at what it is that you're

doing if you're not motivated to become the best if you're not looking forward

to each and every day and that is because everything is constantly

changing and to become the best you have to people no matter what line of work

you're in no matter what line of business you're in you have to keep up

and improve each and every day even if it's only a tiny tiny bit that you're

going to improve every day you have to be motivated to learn what it's gonna

take to become the best if you want to become the best because let me tell you

something there is someone out there no matter what line that's on you know you

might say you know I'm only a real-estate agent I'm not doing what I

do each and every day to become the best

real estate agent in the world I'm just doing it to make enough money to get by

let me tell you something there is someone out there that wants to become

the best real estate agent and this is the person that is going to become the

best real estate agent and that is simply because they're going to learn

whatever comes along whatever new whatever changes there is they're going

to be in the position that they are going to learn whatever this is to take

them to the top so if you're not motivated to become the best then you're

simply never going to become the best at whatever business or whatever job it is

you're working at okay so maybe you're saying you know I don't want to become

the best average is good enough for me first off this isn't a good mindset to

have and it's actually very dangerous to be thinking like this because whatever

market or industry you're in if the market or industry is continuously

growing then it's easy to just be average and still continue to have work

and make you know decent money at water whatever it is that you're doing

but when markets start to shrink then it's a lot harder to do this and again

this makes no difference whether you have a business would say if you have a

business and real estate and real estate is just continuously growing then it's

easy to keep you know keep your business growing along with this trend but when

real estate you know drops back then again it's not easy to you know continue

to make an income from this business or if you

working a job in it they're simply gonna be redundancies in this line of work

when it takes a hit so it's very dangerous to be just average because

you're the one that's gonna be cause they're gonna be looking through all the

average businesses all the average employees these are the ones that are

going to get cooked first whereas the best people who are striving to be the

best are gonna be the ones that are gonna make it through these difficult

times even if you don't like the job that you do or the business that you run

it is still important to strive to become the best unless you want to risk

getting left behind in whatever industry you're in so you

have to love something and be motivated to do it each and every day when you

wake up in order to become the best artists but the big question is how do

you find something that you love doing enough that you can become the best at

it and that's the big question that I'm attacking in this video but first it's

time to find me a hairdresser because this mock is a joke that's right up my

street it's gonna go in see what they can do

okay so now that I have the haircut out of the way I can continue on I give you

the tips that I have that will allow you to find what it is that you love doing

so that you can become the best Alice so the first thing that you have to be

aware of is that whichever way you'd go it's going to take a lot of work and

it's gonna take a lot of research and a lot of action to pull it off but what

you should definitely keep in mind is that if someone is currently doing

something similar and making money from us whether they're you know doing it

full-time or just doing a parent time at the moment then you can do the same you

can also make money from it and again just you can model what someone else is

doing but you'll always put your own spin on us you know it's not going to be

the exact same so I would say for example if you're into vlogging you

might want Casey nice tattoos probably the best vlogger on YouTube but you

could model his style are floggin but again you're gonna be putting your own

twist on it it's not gonna be the exact same as what Casey nice texts do but

what you can use is an example of you know his vlogs and that he you know

makes loads of money doing what he does so this is enough proof if this is

something that you've interests in doom but you know you don't know how it's

gonna generate enough money for you to you know ever go out at full time or you

know leave your job to do something like that you can use him as proof that

someone like him can do it so you also can do it so just model whatever it is

you're after find someone that's currently doing what you want to do and

model it try different teams if it's businesses that you want to try

Business beat the line you want to go to try different business models for me I

tried making money online in moulds of different ways before I actually started

you know what I do now which is important products from China my own

brand of products and selling them online mainly on Amazon at the moment

but try lots of different things like you can try drop shipping a Kindle

e-books you know these are only ways online

there is people making money with these the different business models and it's

no harm to give any of them a try and see if you like it for yourself to see

if you see it as a business model that has a future in it for you something

that you would strive to become the best at or if it's a job that you want try

different jobs pick a job that you think you would like go and do it see if you

like it after a couple of weeks if you like it keep doing it if you don't I

guess try another job no matter what age you are no matter what you know position

you're in and life at the moment give things a try because you are not going

to know if you really like something unless you have tried enough things

because you won't know what you're missing out on unless you have tried it

and you know you know that you dislike it and the more things that you try the

more chances you have find something that you really do like that you're

really passionate about and that is why it's really important to try as many

things as possible if you're someone who's even parently motivated by money

and make sure whatever line you go down whatever you're trying is monetizable

within a three-month period because after a three-month period it becomes

difficult to keep at something if you don't see any money common in brush but

for you you might be money orientation for example you might already have a

business that's already you know making great money and you can live off that

business or you might be working at a job that you don't mind going to

and you're simply just looking for something to light you on fire to you

know get you energized each and every day maybe this is a hobby maybe it's

something that you don't plan to monetize in the near future if that's

the case then just go towards that if the money is an important but for you

know 95% of people out there they don't want to see some money you know for the

effort that they put me into whatever it is they're trying and that's why I find

Amazon a great way because you know it will be selling products in the near

future it's not going to take more than three months to get your product

developed manufactured sent in to Amazon FBA and sellings

that's why it is a great business model to follow because you can start seeing

results you know very quickly compared with other business models you know like

vlogging or something like that that will take a lot longer to stand

seeing results so yeah the next one is one that you don't have heard of a loss

and that is really don't bring other people into it other people really

confuse us spend a lot of time trying things by yourself see what you are

happy with don't be trying to please other people and I know you are probably

like most people if you're watching this and you're saying you know I don't go

out to please most people because most people don't intentionally go out to

they go out to please themselves or when they are constantly around people then

you know it just happens that they are so much trying to please someone else

make sure that you get comfortable spending a lot of time you know figuring

yourself out figuring out what you like what you dislike about whatever it is

you're trying you know whether you're trying a new business or you're trying a

new job that you're simply not you know just doing it to please someone else

because you might see that someone else around you whether it's your girlfriend

or you know family member or someone else is really happy with what you are

doing at this time and that might give you some kind of happiness seeing them

happy but again this won't last forever so that's why it's important to kind of

take time to yourself to reflect on what it is that you're currently doing or you

know what you're currently trying at this time and seeing that you are truly

happy with this with what it is that you are trying to achieve because pleasing

other people is great but it's definitely not something that's

going to give you ultimate long-term happiness because again that law is

where off you know other people can be happy for you for a time but unless

you're deeply happy at what you're do and you know really energetic towards

that each and every day you're not going to become the best at it

if you usually view things as either a success or a failure then try and rewire

your thinking on this are trying not to just simply view something as a success

or as a failure try and be able to add in a learning element to that so that

you can learn as you go along for example I don't drop shipping for a time

and I didn't you know make enough from drop shipping to quit my job it wasn't

something that I could just solely rely on as a full-time income and you could

go and see this as failure if you wanted or again you could see this as learning

learning what didn't work learning what parts of a deed worked and what you can

improve on and again do this with whatever you try whether it's a

different business or a different job from it and see it this way that you

have learned from it because you don't know when in the future this experience

is going to benefit you and I can guarantee from most of your experiences

they will come a point that they will benefit you even in a tiny way whereas

if you just write that off at this time as a failure then you're going to miss

out on this opportunity or you're gonna end up beating yourself up about failing

at this are your perceived failure at this a different business model or job

or whatever it is you're trying so try and view it as learning from it and this

will make it a lot easier to allow you to go ahead and try new things all of

the time because you won't simply have this fear what if I fail at it because

you won't see it as failure you'll see it as learning as a learning experience

meet as many people as possible who are doing what it is that you want to do and

the reason for this is because it normalizes it so for example if you want

to make you know full-time income just online you want to be able to kind live

anywhere you want the freedom you know doing doing what you want to do being in

control being your own boss and you want to do this by making money online and

you want to leave your job then be around people who are doing this we were

actually making full time income online and you can do this in a number of

different ways a great way to do this is by going to different conferences

different meetup groups join in different major poop's

around your area wherever you live and by doing this this will normalize it

with you because you'll be talking with people who are doing this do you know

every day wake up and do this and that's their life and this will normalize it

for you and make it not seem impossible I remember when I first started back in

2013 my own brand of products on Amazon I knew I could get it to work for me but

again I struggled with belief you know I thought this is too good to

be true this isn't gonna happen for me I was working at construction I just found

it hard at times to see that I was going to be able to leave my job replace my

income and do this full-time but by being around others who were doing this

by talking with others who were doing it it of course it gives you that

additional belief that these people are doing it so why can't you you see that

they're no different from you there's no way any more special than you they've no

more additional knowledge than you they're

just doing things slightly different than you and that's why being around

someone who's on the path that you want to be on is a great way to achieve what

what it is that you want to achieve one of the most important things that I've

learned from leave of my old job in construction to now work for myself in

e-commerce is that there are two main resources that you have available and

you have to use these two resources correctly that is time and money you

know if you are currently lacking time maybe you're working all the hours under

the Sun and you simply don't have a lot of time when you get on the even get a

few bits that you need to get sorted and then crack down to work on something

then you simply have to manage this time efficiently and you can't just be using

you know your your evenings and your weekends not on getting to where you

want to go whichever line path you want to go on you have to spend the time that

you have available to do this that is you know your evenings and all of your

weekends you can't simply you know spend your weekends like maybe you would want

to maybe just you know out with your friends and just socializing all the

time you have to spend it on the things that you need to learn to get on the

line that you want to get on so you need to spend this time researching what you

want to be doing and doing what you want to be doing and the same thing goes for

money you know you only have a limited amount of money you have to spend this

money wisely so that you can learn the things you need to learn in order to get

on the path that you need to get on or that you want to get on so that you can

actually become the best that you can become because as I stated at the start

of this video in order to become the best that you can actually become you

have to be doing something that you love doing and that is the whole point of

this video is that you have to spend the time researching and implementing and

trying out new things until you find exactly what it is you love doing and

then going all in doing this all of the time learning everything that there is

to know about it until you become the best at it because one thing that I

don't want for anyone who watches my videos you know myself included is to

look back in ten years time and say I wish I'd done things differently I wish

I had spent the time that I had available doing the things that I loved

and spending a width the people that I love and that's what I hoped for you as

well that's what I hope you take away from this video so what I'm working on

at the moment is I'm updating that unique private-label course it's

currently closed I didn't get any of it done today but I will be getting you

know put my head down and getting it done this week sometime it will be

available again I will update you again through a YouTube but also if you want

to be notified by email you can click on the link below to the unique private

label course and leave your email address and I will email you when this

course opens again again this is just a course but shows you

that by step how to get set up how to start your own unique brand or private

label products import them from China start selling them on Amazon and all of

their and more advanced American techniques that I'm now using to

increase my sales and profit for my business so you can again click on the

link below and leave your email address if you're interested in that I hope that

you have enjoyed this video and I look forward to speaking the mmx1 fight

For more infomation >> How To Make Money Online - The Real Way To Leave Your Job - Duration: 19:34.


REDIFF STREAM 17/03/18 - Duration: 2:40:29.

For more infomation >> REDIFF STREAM 17/03/18 - Duration: 2:40:29.


Cake day. The sweetest day of the year - July 20 - Duration: 1:21.

Cake day. The sweetest day of the year - July 20

Happy Cake Day!

Frohes fest!

Good holiday I wish, Long life, glorious years,

I give you this cake, There is no sweeter pleasure!

To any moment from life So pleasant was, as cake.

That was not so cranky Life is a difficult turn!

Congratulations with the day of the cake!

For more infomation >> Cake day. The sweetest day of the year - July 20 - Duration: 1:21.


Mom Egnore Aiddent Crying Loudly How is baby monkey help each other? - Duration: 4:54.

Dear Monkey Lover !

Please enjoy watching about monkey video

I hope you all like my video

Please Like my video

Please Comment bellow my video

and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my Channel

For more infomation >> Mom Egnore Aiddent Crying Loudly How is baby monkey help each other? - Duration: 4:54.


KARAOKE | Bức Thư Nước Mắt | Trương Lạc Quân - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Bức Thư Nước Mắt | Trương Lạc Quân - Duration: 4:16.


🗝⚙ Mini Steampunk Accessories ⚙🗝 - Duration: 18:13.

Hi! It's Heather from Thicketworks - and today I'm going to show you how to make

these fun steampunk mini accessories! Like this little case...this top hat and

finally, these fabulous steampunk goggles! If you'd like to make them too, just

follow the link in the description to download your own free printable.

As usual, there'll be links to all the supplies used in the description...and the

first supply is Elmer's Repositionable Mounting Spray. A light dusting of the

spray adhesive is all that's required to adhere your printable to a sheet of 2

millimeter craft foam. Use a brayer to make certain that it's firmly affixed - it

will be so much easier to cut out the patterns if you're not fighting with

paper that's lifting up. I'm using a Walnut Hollow VersaTool with the setting

on medium and the knife blade installed. This first section is shown real time so

you can get a feel for the correct cutting speed when using this hot knife.

Take your time... Use long, slow, smooth cutting motions.

This will help you to follow the guidelines whether they're straight or a

sweeping curve like this one. By allowing the ends of the cut lines to extend

beyond the margins, you get cleaner corners. Use a metal straight edge to

help you if you feel uncomfortable making the straight cuts, but try

practicing doing this freehand. I think you'll surprise yourself at how cleanly

you can cut these designs. When cutting tighter curves like these, try

experimenting with keeping the blade almost in the same place while you move

the material - this can result in smoother curved cuts.

Once you've cut out all of your patterned pieces, decide which of the

mini steampunk accessories you're going to create first. I've chosen to create

the little case or portmanteau. Peel away the patterned paper and then, using a

straight edge and your bone folder, create creases at the base of each of

the flaps. This will result in a nice rectangular pattern in the center.

To create a firm base and to give us a sub structure for adding brads as tiny feet,

I've used a lightweight piece of chipboard. Use the chipboard as a

template to cut another piece of fun foam. Use a needle tool to create holes

about an eighth of an inch in from each of the corners on the chipboard and then

transfer that same pattern onto the base of the portmanteau. Increase the size of

the hole slightly - and now we can insert our brads. Thread the brad through the

fun foam and then through the lightweight chipboard, anchoring all four

of the corners. At the end of the process you'll need to bend back the prongs and

it may be necessary for you to fold them back so that they don't interfere with

the sides of the case. These brads make the cutest little feet for the bottom of

our portmanteau! To hide that ugly construction layer, we're going to add

another layer of fun foam right on top... but before we do that, use your bone

folder to reinforce the creases at the edges of the rectangle. We will be

folding the edges up and over like this. I recommend using Rapid Fuse for this

project - it's going to give you a secure bond very quickly. Once the extra layer

of foam is in place, weight it down with something heavy like a 1-2-3 Block. Once

the adhesive has cured for a minute or two, flip the piece over and use your

bone folder to create decorative incised lines around the perimeter.

Now, let's add some details to the handles. You can glue the tiny parts

down onto your work surface with a washable glue stick. You'll want to

change out the tip on your VersaTool to the needle. Be careful and don't burn

yourself! We're going to use the needle tip to simulate little stitching holes

at the ends and along the length of each one of the handles...and as a final touch

I like to put an X pattern on the flanges at the base of each of the

handles. I just think that gives one more layer of interest and authenticity.

Add faux stitching along the exterior edges of the bag as well. Now it's time to join

the corner seams. Add Rapid Fuse along the interior edge of one of the wide

flaps and then a fix that to the edge of the end flap - making sure to enclose it

so you get a nice clean sharp corner. Hold the two pieces together firmly for

several seconds until you get a bond - then repeat that same process for all

four of the corner seams. There will be some stress on these corners, so make

sure you hold them long enough so that the bond is very secure. Aat the end of

the process your piece should look like this.

Before we move on to the next part, we'll need to leave this to cure thoroughly -

maybe five minutes or so. Use the same method to join these curved seams at the

ends of the bag. It's a little more challenging (that's for sure) but it's

totally doable. Just make sure you hold everything in place until the adhesive

has thoroughly bonded...and again we want to leave this to cure for at least five

minutes because we're really going to put some stress on those seams. Now, it's

time to gently but firmly press them in - creating a dimple!

I just totally love this effect! I think it sells the whole concept of this bag.

Yep - that's very cool. Okay, once you've got

the dimples in place at the ends of the bag, it's time to turn our attention to

the handles! Just eyeball the placement of the flanges and try to do your best

to line them up so that they're evenly spaced from the ends of the bag...and then

hold them in place until the bond is secured. Repeat that same process on the

other side. You can still open the bag by gently pressing from each end.

Okay, let's move on to creating the top hat! You can discard the oval piece from the

center labeled hat brim. Here's the crown and the brim and between the two we have

the flue - this will be under quite a bit of pressure so make sure that you hold

the ends together for as long as necessary - maybe a minute or two for that

bond to be really secure. Allow the adhesive to cure for a couple of minutes

before moving on to the next phase...and that's installing the crown. The crown is

fitted into the larger aperture and the smaller will fit into the brim. Fit the

crown into the upper opening of the flue - and do your best to get at least one

point really smooth and even. We'll begin the process by adhering that single

point and once that's cured you can move on to creating the same kind of smooth

level surface at the other end of the hat. It's much easier to work in sections,

verifying that one end is secure before moving on to the other end and gently

and carefully pressing that into place and making sure that it's as flat as you

can possibly get it before adding adhesive.

Excellent! That crown is nicely installed. And now it's time to add the lower edge

of the flue on to the brim of the hat... and that's challenging in a different

way. We'll work on that next. One of the interesting qualities of fun foam is

that you can stretch it - and you will need to stretch the brim itself very

carefully and slightly this will allow you to ease the bottom edge of the flue

into that oval aperture. Carefully slide the brim up until it's even with the

lower edge of the flue - this can be a little tricky, but if you're patient and

have a light touch, you'll be adhering it in no time.

Rapid Fuse cures pretty darn quickly, but if you want to speed up the process even

more give a little spritz of Insta-Set over the top of any recently adhered

area, and that will instantly cure the glue. And how cute is that?!

It looks really good, but it needs some shaping and for that we're going to use

a heat tool. Carefully apply heat to one side of the brim and then roll it

against your work surface - that will help it to curve up along the sides and then

curve it slightly downward at the front and the back of the hat. Let's make some

goggles! And for that we'll need a 3/8 of an inch hole punch, some acetate and a

couple of these rubber grommets. I'm using the 7/16 diameter size - these are

so cool! I love working with grommets and they are perfect for the frames of our

little goggles. You can get these online, but I usually pick mine up at the local

Harbor Freight. For extra detail I'm adding 10 millimeter bronze jump rings

on the front of my goggles as well. Punch out two 3/8 of an inch circles from your

acetate, place them on top of the aperture in the

center of each grommet and add a tiny amount of Rapid Fuse along the outer

perimeter. Now, super glues will cloud acetate so try not to get too much on to

the lens area itself...but how cool is that! I love seeing that little sparkle

inside of those deep dark grommets. Glue the jump rings onto the opposite side of

each of the grommets for that added touch of steampunk style. Now that the

lenses are in place, let them set up for a few minutes while we work on the other

components. Again, use a glue stick to anchor these tiny little pieces down

onto your work surface (it makes your life so much easier!)

Use the VersaTool to add detailing to these little pieces. This one will be for

the bridge and the crescent pieces arc around the exterior of the lenses. Fold

the bridge in half and then grasp the folded area with a pair of tweezers

apply adhesive to the back and allow that to set up. To make it possible for

the edges of the foam to be inserted into the slots of the grommets I'm using

the base of my tweezers to flatten out the edges of the flanges at either side

of the bridge. This way this tiny piece will slide

right into that slot. Add a small amount of adhesive, insert the flange into the

slot and allow that to set up. Repeat the process on the other side. Once both

halves of the bridge are in place, allow that to set up for a few minutes. Next

it's time to add the crescents to the outside edge of each one of the goggle

lenses. This adds a really cool effect! Press the pieces tightly in place and

hold them until they have bonded. I love the way that looks! Okay, we're going to

repeat that process on the other side and then to make sure that the profile

stays nice and clean looking, you can use the side of a toothpick or a skewer to

press down the very tips of the eye cups so that they blend into the silhouette.

Now it's time for a final adjustment to the bridge area - it's still too wide.

Using the same method that we used before, we'll adhere this a little

closer together and snip off the excess. That's better! Now it's time to make

straps for our goggles. You can create nice pointed tips on your straps by

using a sharp scalpel. I really like that look.

Grab your VersaTool and add detailing down the entire length of each of these

straps and yes, they are far too long for the goggles - but don't worry: that excess

it won't go to waste. Now flatten out those pointed ends and glue them to the

exterior edge of the goggles one on each side.

Once the adhesive has thoroughly cured, it's time to start the painting process!

I'm using a small round tipped brush and a very loose wash of light brown paint

with touches of black acrylic paint as well. You'll get a much more nuanced

effect if you work with washes rather than with thick paints at this point.

Apply the same finishes to all three of your pieces: beginning with a wash of the

light brown and then going back in with the darker color to create aging and

shadows and grunge! Building up the color in thin watery layers like this results

in such a distinct and leathery look - I love that! To add a slightly contrasting

color for the interior of the bag I'm just using do-it-yourself coffee stain.

And now finishing up with the top hat. It's time to cut down those ridiculously

long straps, so measure the distance around the flue of your hat and then

make the necessary cuts. The offcuts from this process are going to result in

straps for our bag. Add pointed ends if you like and then attach them to the

center of the bag for an even more detailed effect. And here's the finished

bag! I love how used and worn and

authentically vintage this piece feels,,, now I added tiny pieces of brass

stampings to hold the tips of each one of our

straps and they are functional: they hold them in place and you can remove them to

open the bag. I think that is so cool. Yep, it's a favorite. And here's the

top hat - I love the shape of this thing... and adding a tiny hat band made of

coffee stained seam binding tape just adds the finishing touch.

And finally, our goggles. I think these look like they have been part of an

adventurers wardrobe for many a year and they've probably seen a battle or two!

Yep, they're worn, they're grungy, they're gorgeous! And they fit perfectly around

the top hat, so our adventurer will be ready for anything!

These mini steampunk accessories just

fire my imagination! I can't help but wonder about all of the escapades that

the tiny owner must have survived and what adventures may lie ahead! Fun foam

is such a versatile material - the possibilities with this stuff are

absolutely endless! Couple it with a VersaTool, and Rapid Fuse, and you can

make virtually anything! It's been so much fun demonstrating these techniques

for you today! I hope that you come away from this experience with a larger

appreciation for this humble but oh so versatile material. So, here's to fun foam

my friends - go forth and make magic with it!

Thank you so much for hanging out with me today.. it's been a real pleasure!

Until next time...Bye!


For more infomation >> 🗝⚙ Mini Steampunk Accessories ⚙🗝 - Duration: 18:13.


THE BEST CONCEPT FOR SUMMER PLAYLISTS ! (Jul, PNL, Dreezy, Nicki Minaj, Zaho ...) - Duration: 9:27.

- Hello !

How are you ?


Perfect !

You want to pass in the video?

-It's a small movie ?

- emm ... A small video yeah.

A small video.

- A video ?


- A video on which ?

- On Youtube

And that speaks about what this video?

One are going to say a little funny, of everything.

News ...

- Excuse I but I have a ... (call)

- There's no problem !

- you're crazy, I swear !

- I'm Ebdallah

I am Comoran.

- and me, i'm Samed.

Hi everybody !

Today, we are going to make a video rather special.

We are in "Parc de la Tête d'Or" in Lyon.

- Today's subject

- That we never have make.

It's summer playlist.

For it, we are going to put our best musics in game.

- Mine are the best

- Mine are the best

You will say in the comments who is the best.

I am going to make dancer Ebdallah.

One go to see how's that are going to take place.

- It is necessary to pay attention, if you want battles, write below...

- Yeah... If you want battle, write in comments.

If you make the warmth, will have you not your pay for this evening.

One are going to avoid going farther.

CONCEPT: - 3 musics each - The first music must be quiet music - Make it obligatorily a clip ! (Rap, Danse ...)

- For example, my music is Jul.

So, I open the music of Jul

Here, that was an example

tell us in the comments, the one with the best style of music.

Without further delay, it left for the video.

This one is the music of the summer

to feel good at the seaside.

- You can dance to this music?

- I dance on anything.

- What do you think of my music?

- But you're depressing yourself ... you're a ....

- He told me that I'm depressed.

Insult it in the comments !

- Don't laugh...

Don't kidding me !

You put on a music, you assume.

- Yeah, I dance.

- It's good, it's calm, but when you're in a group, it's not going to be.

- Not bad

- You can dance to it my friend !

Even when,

you want to make a sad scene.

Music + Small Flashback

In mode :


I swear it works!

- You're done ? it's okay ?

- Yes !

- As I told you, I'm really old school.

You know ...

I'm going to put you something...


- You have to check if the car is fine.

- She goes everywhere, even in bed !

*shit, it's not a good excuse

- Seriously she is good !

- I validate because you know I like music that moves.

he moves, nothing to say.

- All my music moves.

- I will go slowly otherwise I will bleed your ears.

- We want to bleed ourselves.

- I don't want you to hold me responsible.

- We will go slowly.

- She tells about her life.

NAE NAE with the head, okay?

- How do you do ?

- Frankly the one I like it too.

- I validate, well played brother.

- For once you put a good music.

- It'll be the last music.

I hope you will like it

He will be as we

- I know what you are going to say to you.

You're going to say, loh it's just a black ...

No no no

That's for fun.

To think of the caribbean, the sun, the beach ...

Let's go !

- We stop this video which degenerates completely.

- I tell you, ciao, see you guys.

- What was your favorite moment?


For more infomation >> THE BEST CONCEPT FOR SUMMER PLAYLISTS ! (Jul, PNL, Dreezy, Nicki Minaj, Zaho ...) - Duration: 9:27.


Ranieri Shark 17 [Test in Acqua] - Duration: 4:48.

RANIERI SHARK 17, a 5 meter long boat, that you can drive without a licence,

to enjoy the sea this summer. 5 meters long,

it can accommodate up to six people, so your whole family, right on board

of your new boat. I am now sitting on the bow, so on the final part of the boat,

of this really big and comfortable sun-deck.

As you can see, a very big and comfortable king-size sun-deck, in fact it fits,

comfortably, two people lying down and, why not,

if you have a kid, he can fit in the middle.

On the console, the instrument panel of this fantastic SHARK 17, you have everything

you might need to navigate.

All the original Honda instrumentation, the fuel control, the compass

to never lose your route and the echosounder to see the depths

and maybe find some fish. Comfortably sitting on the driving bench,

in the driver's spot, a two-seater, so that you are never alone.

It isn't only the driving spot, for navigating,

it can also become a comfortable seat in this position, to enjoy the boat

while it's moored, the seagulls passing by. This is the stern, 2/3

comfortable seats. There isn't a fourth because Ranieri preferred to install

a lateral passage to have a direct access to the sea for a swim:

so you can climb in and out of the water, get on and off the boat,

without having to climb over people. This is a great feature because you won't have any problems

when you want to go for a swim. We are almost ready to go, as soon as Agostino,

who, although he knows four languages, is having some difficulty with the awning.

The front and back pole are certainly not easy to handle.

You have to be careful, do things correctly, but I know he'll manage.

Let's quit the chit-chat and go and see how this boat, that you don't need a licence for,

with its great 40 horsepower Honda motor, performs.

Safety cable always strapped on to your wrist,

put into gear, give gas and let's go and have some fun.

Good, after this fantastic test run, as always I had a lot of fun,

we almost reached 27 knots, a perfectly acceptable speed

for a boat you can drive without a licence. Usually you will move at 16/17 knots anyway,

so great performance, comfort, low fuel consumption and lots of fun.

A second-hand boat, but basically new,

used on the lake, it's incredible. We have also installed the awning so as to protect my head from the sun.

The awning comes with the boat.

This boat is available and ready to be delivered. So why stay on the beaches during summer 2018

when you can spend your vacations directly on the sea, in the sea,

without having to get a licence and without any other problems? You can find

all the techinical info, the characteristics, the budget,

in the description down below: the link will redirect you to our site:, lake Garda.

This boat, I repeat, is ready to be delivered.

I'll be waiting for you, good wind and always pay attention to the weather.

For more infomation >> Ranieri Shark 17 [Test in Acqua] - Duration: 4:48.


Dit valg betyder alt! Guldtuben 2018 - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Dit valg betyder alt! Guldtuben 2018 - Duration: 0:55.


Niecy Nash Studied at Nail School for Her Role on Claws - Duration: 5:51.

-Welcome to the show! I'm so happy to have you here.

-I've never been to your house before.

-You have never been here. How do you like it so far?

-Oh, it's nice. -Oh, good.

-Really ni -- Hi, y'all!

-I want to -- I want to say something,

because I don't want you to think

that we waited until you got a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame

to have you on the show.

-Oh, you didn't? -We did not.

-Okay. [ Laughter ]

-It just so happens that you just got a star

on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. Congratulations!

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Thank you. Thank you very much.

And I will tell everybody, on Hollywood Boulevard,

my star is right -- Listen.

I thought it was gonna be right in front of the Pantages.

But guess where it is. Hmm?

Right in front of the CVS! Oh, it's lovely.

-That's fantastic. -Yes.

You can get gum and cold cream and then visit my star!

-That's great.

You gave a phone to one of your friends?

'Cause I know you had friends and family out there,

co-workers. -Yeah.

-And you seem very happy about your star.

Let's take a look. -Oh, you --

I came to check on my star. Okay?

It's still right here. It's not dirty yet.

Nobody has drawn on it or anything.

We doin' good.

I wanna sleep here!

[ Laughter and applause ]


-Yeah. I stayed out there a while.

-You stayed out there a while? -Because I wanted --

I didn't want anybody to step on it so it would get dirty,

so I just kind of directed traffic.

"Move around, people!" -Yeah.

'Cause I wonder how -- it must be --

for a tourist in Hollywood, it must be so exciting

to see both the star on the ground

and then the actual star guarding it.

[ Laughter ] -I had to take a lot of photos.

-You had to take a lot of photos.

-I had to take a lot of photos.

-Congratulations on "Claws," as well.

-Thank you!

-You just got picked up for a third season.

-I did. -That's amazing. Well done.

[ Cheers and applause ] -Thank all of you!

-So, you -- you play one of the many women who work in a salon.

They do nail art. They give manicures.

And you guys all -- you went to nail school.

Is that what -- What would you call it?

-Yeah, we -- no, we all had to go to nail school.

-It is called nail school. -That's what they call it.

-Okay, great. -Yeah.

We all had to learn how to do nails.

My character, specifically,

had to also learn how to thread eyebrows.

-Okay. -Now, I'm on the show

with Carrie Preston, Judy Reyes, Karrueche Tran, and Jenn Lyon.

And I lovingly say, if all of the nail salons

ended in the world, the women from "Claws," we got you.

-Really? You're that good? -Oh, yeah.

-Now, how long did you have to go to nail school?

Was it -- Was it intensive?

-I had to go to nail school for two whole weeks.

-Wow! I'm very impressed.

-You thought I was gonna say years?

No, just -- Just two weeks.

-I was willing to guess days, so I'm very impressed with weeks.

And was there anybody -- was there a standout

among the -- of your cast?

-You're looking at her. [ Laughter ]

-You were the -- You were the best?

The show is on TNT, so, you know, it's a cable show.

You get away with some stuff

that maybe you wouldn't get on network TV.

You've done some pretty outrageous stuff.

Is there things that you are -- are shocked that you get to do,

or happy you get to do?

-You mean like have sex?

-There's a lot of sex on the show.

[ Laughter ]

There's a lot of sex on the show.

-I am shocked by when it happened.

Because, you know, one would think,

if somebody was gonna ask you to play a sexy character

or be some sort of a vixen,

maybe you in your 20s or in your 30s.

They didn't ask me to do it until I got in my 40s.

I'm like, "What is happening?" [ Laughter ]

"Now?!" -Yeah!

You're incredible.

It's an incredible compliment. I think that's great.

-Thank you. -Yeah.

You sighed like you're too tired for it now.

[ Laughter ]

-No, but here's the thing.

We film in New Orleans, and it --

They have the best food in the world.

And my jump suits on the show are so incredibly tight.

-Right. I see.

-And so, it is, you know, every day.

I just, I feel like a can of biscuits ready to pop.

[ Laughter ]

-That is very unfair. That is very unfair to film it

somewhere where the food is delicious.

-Very unfair! -This is very exciting.

In an earlier episode, we got to see you as a young woman.

And so, obviously, they had to cast an actress

to play you when you were younger.

And they cast your -- your daughter.

-My real-life daughter. -Your real-life daughter.

-Yeah. -And I gotta say -- Dia?

Is that her name? -Dia, yeah.

-It makes sense. You guys look a lot alike.

-Well, it makes sense until I say,

"Baby, there is an audition, and, you know --

but to play a young me,

and would you like mommy to help you?

Let me help you."

So, what she said, "Oh, no. I got an acting coach.

I'm good." [ Laughter ]

And I was like, "But it's me." [ Laughter ]

I mean, you're playing me. And let me help you.

"Oh, no, no. I'ma go to my acting coach.

I'll be fine." [ Laughter ]

So, I didn't get to see her tape or anything.

She did everything by herself. -Wow.

-So, I was sad because I wasn't a part of it

but happy because she took the initiative

and did it on her own, so good girl.

-And she actually had to audition for it.

-Yeah! Oh, yeah. -Oh, good for her.

-Oh, yeah. -Good for her.

-No, I don't give out freebies. -Yeah, no.

-I don't give out freebies.

I'm like, "No, you gotta work for it."

-Yeah. You earned your star.

She's gonna earn her star. -That part.

-There you go. [ Laughter ]

You -- And she is about --

You're gonna be an empty-nester soon, right?

-Soon. You know, we got three out, and she's the last one in.

But I did move her bedroom -- I mean, not her bedroom,

but her actual bed right by the front door.

-Okay, gotcha. [ Laughter ]

-Because I want her to know, time is ticking.

-The time is ticking. [ Laughter ]

-You know, yes, I want to walk around in my house naked.

I got a --

[ Laughter ]

This is a lot to unleash in the house

with other people in there, y'all.

Okay! I need the kids out, 'cause my husband is there.

We got things to do. -Yeah.

How quickly -- Well, do you think

you'll actually hear the door close

before you're both completely naked when she leaves, or...?

-Man, it's hard for me to keep clothes on now.

[ Laughter ]

My husband is like, "Knock it off, lady.

Go put something on." [ Laughter ]

-Well, congratulations, in advance, on when that happens

and on the show and on your star.

And thank you so much for being here, Niecy.

-Thank you!

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