Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Modern agricultural is first of all advanced technology

Modern agricultural machinery is primarily a powerful machine

Modern agriculture is primarily an efficient economy

Modern agricultural machinery is a multifunctional machine

Modern agricultural machinery is ultimately a high-performance machine

Thank you for watching!

And if you liked the video we put Like and subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> Удивительная Техника и Технологии Сельского Хозяйства ✦ Amazing Technics and Technology Agriculture - Duration: 9:59.


Goodwood Festival of Speed | Motorvision - Duration: 8:54.

Es sieht aus wie ein Lamborghini

Und es sieht nicht groß oder schwer aus. Es sieht großartig aus.

Es sieht aus wie ein Familienauto. Wir könnten uns vorstellen, es selbst zu fahren.

For more infomation >> Goodwood Festival of Speed | Motorvision - Duration: 8:54.


3 Common Copywriting Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making - Duration: 5:14.

we sell ourselves every single day we sell our friends we sell our families we

sell others in our day to day lives we obviously also sell our customers

if you sell anything online or ever plan to in the future

you'll use copywriting copywriting for those of you that don't know is

basically the art of selling and persuasion in written form common

examples of this might be email landing pages for sales funnels or even YouTube

titles and today we're gonna identify three common copywriting mistakes you

don't know you're making all right guys welcome to the video straight to the

point we're gonna jump right in no fluff no add-ons no wasted time just wasted

about five seconds of your time right there it's got to have a little bit of

fun on this channel you know spice it up and keep things interesting but today

we're gonna identify three copyright mistakes that most entrepreneurs and

business people just in general don't know that they're making what are three

common mistakes we're gonna identify them here in a second and go into detail

so first and foremost they talk about themselves or their business way too

much ever get a landing page or a website and it starts out like at JP

Morgan and son we manage loans for a living we've been in business for 10

years and we've seen it all you just lost the customer the sad reality is the

customer doesn't care about you and they don't care about your business what does

the customer care about will they care about themselves use your copy to talk

about the customer and how you can help solve their problems don't talk about

yourself that brings me to point number two which is the language now most

people when they write copy they use the wrong language don't talk in your

language talk in the potential customers language so what do i mean by that well

let's look at two examples really briefly right here and we're gonna go

back to the customer a lawn care business and we'll pretend that that's

your business model you take out an ad in the local paper or maybe you run

Facebook Ads to you know a geolocation or something somewhere in close

proximity to your business whatever we're not here to argue you know

semantics so which ad works better or you know

which business I just want you to understand this crucial copywriting

mistake here's two examples of potential ad title number one get rid of

pesticides herbicides and enrich your grass overnight or number to grow your

grass twice as fast and keep it healthy which one is better well the second one

is clearly better why language speak in the customers language

not your own use layman's terms and keep it simple and short now you might think

that a lot of things that you're talking about and referring to like pesticides

or herbicides are common uses or common language or or common sense essentially

but you have to remember that you might be the expert in that field and your

potential customer might not see it that way okay here's one more example that

you might understand a little bit better I'm an entrepreneur and I sell a lot of

information products online that help other aspiring entrepreneurs make more

money quicker an example of an ad related title could be hacked the Amazon

algorithm what Jeff Bezos told me a better example of that ad title in

layman's terms might be rent your Amazon product with this one easy secret why

because not all people looking to purchase something Amazon related might

understand that there's an algorithm or even know what that is

some people might share but most people that would potentially buy that product

are new to Amazon and the same goes for Jeff Bezos do most of the people that

are watching probably understand or know who he is sure but a lot probably don't

- why fight an uphill battle alright moving on to number three now and that

is not using sentences or titles that leave the customer guessing or wanting

more or basically not leading don't tell them what they're going to get don't

summarize don't tell them the overall gist message or subject don't answer the

question instead use a few simple words to pique their interest you definitely

want the title to be relevant but you also want to leave out the answer to the

potential leading question so going back to that last example for instance rank

your Amazon product easiest with that one secret that's going to

the customer think okay clearly this is about ranking Amazon products but what's

that one secret what's the answer that I don't know and there you have it guys

three common copywriting mistakes you don't know you're making hit that like

button if you appreciate the value laid out and the analysis in this video today

I genuinely appreciate you spending your time with me here today watching this

video and talking all things entrepreneurship also let me know in the

comments section down below if you've ever used copywriting or what your

experience with copywriting has been in the past also let me know what could

even knew what copywriting was before you watch this video I know a lot of

people don't and I'll see you in the next one

For more infomation >> 3 Common Copywriting Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making - Duration: 5:14.


[ENG] LuHan x "Sing Out" promoting video 2 - Duration: 0:35.

To create a fortune in the music with a new melody

playing an accompaniment for the dream

Duet can make an incredible attraction

From unfamiliar to familiar

Make a surprises from each note without lying

Creating with heart

making voice for the dream

This is "Sing Out"

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan x "Sing Out" promoting video 2 - Duration: 0:35.


Counting Cars: Nick Proves Himself (Season 8, Episode 2) | History - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Counting Cars: Nick Proves Himself (Season 8, Episode 2) | History - Duration: 4:25.


Griffin Repo en tu Kodi - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Griffin Repo en tu Kodi - Duration: 4:13.


Nikon Coolpix L820. 2018 Year Of The Dog. Ducks - How much meat!!! (My Videos Hunting) - Duration: 1:43.

This Record Is Available For Informational Purposes Only!

For more infomation >> Nikon Coolpix L820. 2018 Year Of The Dog. Ducks - How much meat!!! (My Videos Hunting) - Duration: 1:43.


Das Vorstellungsgespräch - Der absolute Nummer 1 Hack - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> Das Vorstellungsgespräch - Der absolute Nummer 1 Hack - Duration: 6:27.


Scott Lang Controls Ants (Scene) | Marvel's Ant-Man (2015) IMAX HD - Duration: 3:58.

You can do it, Scott. Come on.

(HUFFS) They're not listening to me.

You have to commit. You have to mean it.

No shortcuts, no lies.

(SIGHS) Throwing insults into the mix will not do anyone any good, Hope.

We don't have time for coddling.

Our focus should be on helping Scott!


Is that where our focus should be?



I don't know why I came to you in the first place.


We can't do this without her.

Oh, God.

You gotta lock your doors.

I mean, really, there's some weird folks in this neighborhood.

Do you think this is a joke?

Do you have any idea what he's asking you to risk?

You have a daughter.

I'm doing this for her.

You know, when my mother died, I didn't see him for two weeks.

He was in grief.

Yeah, so was I, and I was seven.

And he never came back. Not in any way that counted.

He just sent me off to boarding school.

You know, I thought,

with all that's at stake,

just maybe we might have a chance of making peace.

But, even now, he still wants to shut me out.

He doesn't wanna shut you out. He trusts you.

Then why are you here?

It proves that he loves you.

Hope. Look at me.

I'm expendable.

That's why I'm here.

You must have realized that by now.

I mean, it's why I'm in the suit and you're not.

He would rather lose this fight than lose you.


You know, I didn't know you had a daughter

when I called the cops on you.

What's her name?


It's a pretty name.

You have to clear your mind, Scott. You have to make your thoughts precise.

That's how it works.

Think about Cassie.

About how badly you want to see her. And use that to focus.

Open your eyes

and just think about what you want the ants to do.

That's good!

For more infomation >> Scott Lang Controls Ants (Scene) | Marvel's Ant-Man (2015) IMAX HD - Duration: 3:58.


Polly and Lori are best friend they are close up always - Duration: 5:27.

Dear Monkey Lover !

Please enjoy watching about monkey video

I hope you all like my video

Please Like my video

Please Comment bellow my video

and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my Channel

For more infomation >> Polly and Lori are best friend they are close up always - Duration: 5:27.


Лекция 18. Мультипликаторы выручки - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> Лекция 18. Мультипликаторы выручки - Duration: 10:55.


Cơ trưởng Mimosa kể chuyện bị bê đê đòi xem "CÁI ẤY" ở sân bay ! Quá là bánh cuốn luôn ! - Duration: 16:55.

For more infomation >> Cơ trưởng Mimosa kể chuyện bị bê đê đòi xem "CÁI ẤY" ở sân bay ! Quá là bánh cuốn luôn ! - Duration: 16:55.


Tout c'qu'est féminin - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Tout c'qu'est féminin - Duration: 2:22.


Tomb Raider - ''Run Run Rebel'' by Hidden Citizens (feat. ESSA) - Duration: 4:11.

*musique* - electro/pop


Evil trickles down

Secrets screaming loud

It's burried in the ground

It's meant to come out

When I'm in your veins

Always finds a way

That's the price you paid

For the play... with the pain

Run run rebel

Run with the devil

Ahh... I'm coming for you

Run run run run

Run run run run rebel

Run rebel...

The tumor, the trumble, the dice that never settles

But I'm the waiting thistle

Hungry for skin on metal...

Run run rebel

Run with the devil

Ahh... I'm coming for you

Run run run run

Run run run run rebel

Run rebel...

But I'm the waiting thistle

But I'm the waiting thistle (with the pain)

But I'm the waiting thistle (with the pain)

But I'm the waiting thistle

Hungry for skin on metal

Run run rebel

Run with the devil

Ahh... I'm coming for you

Run run run run

Run run run run

Run run run run rebel


*musique* - electro/pop

For more infomation >> Tomb Raider - ''Run Run Rebel'' by Hidden Citizens (feat. ESSA) - Duration: 4:11.


Amazing Chocolate Cakes Tutorials - CAKE STYLE 2018 - The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video - Duration: 11:18.

The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video

For more infomation >> Amazing Chocolate Cakes Tutorials - CAKE STYLE 2018 - The Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Video - Duration: 11:18.


Лекция 14. Относительная оценка: введение и основы - Duration: 18:10.

For more infomation >> Лекция 14. Относительная оценка: введение и основы - Duration: 18:10.


Get Paid To Do Nearly Nothing | Fast Comedy - Duration: 2:06.

- If you have a job, you can get fired.

I'm a temp, I get fired every day.

(upbeat music)

People get defensive when there is a new person in town.

Don't let that scare you.

You're here to do a job and you're going

to do the bare minimum required.

(upbeat music)

I got this, you go do what you do, you know?

I'm a temp, I'm a professional.

- What can I get away with stealing?

- Everything.

You leave every day at 5:00 PM.

You got a dentist appointment,

a workout class, you got a bird at home you gotta feed.

Your apartment is on fire right now.

If all else fails, say, my agency doesn't let me work OT.

(upbeat music)

Never get sucked into office culture.

Thirsty Thursdays are a mistake,

if there is a softball game, do not go to it,

and if there is an office dog, befriend it,

walk it, that's your ticket outta that office.

Don't get too lovey dovey with your coworkers,

'cause they'll sell you out in a minute.

- Do I have to ask someone to go to the bathroom?

- Hell no, you come and go as you please.

You don't even really work there.

(upbeat music)

Take your shoes off, it'll make the day

go by faster.

If you show up late, leave early.

Have your phone accessible at all times,

you never know when something's gonna

happen on Facebook.

Yes ma'am, yes, I'm so sorry that

that happened to you.

Hold on one moment and let me get my manager.

You don't work here, that's not your problem.

(upbeat music)

You go here, you go there, you do a little bit

of this, you don't do nothin' at all,

that's your job.

I'm here to teach you how to better balance

your lives, but don't call me after this,

you call me, I'm puttin' in a restraining order.

45 minutes is not too long to be in the bathroom.

My name is Tricia Bond, and this is my masterclass.

(upbeat music)

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