Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Another day another dollar lads

Absolutely mate, good weekend?

Not bad, didn't get up to much to be honest

quiet one

I'm still tired though.

I need to take more days off I reckon

How'd you get on Tom?

Ah same thing,

Just chilled out,

did nothing really

bit of netflix, something like that

Netflix right.

That's the way to do it man

Ah lads, went out for this beautiful Italian meal on Friday

place in town yeah

Was that 'Taste of Italy'

You recommended it of course

Ah man I absolutely adored it

I got a pizza

One of those thin crust pizzas

What are the pizzas like?

Ah they have these beautiful thin crust pizzas man

I can't believe it,

I was so impressed

Did you do anything?

I actually did a bit of home cooking myself

Really yeah?

I was doing this casserole chicken dish,


with vegetables and

I chopped the vegetables separate,

put it all in the dish, then i added the sauce

Put it in 200 degrees, wild rice

Takes a little bit longer but it's actually quite nice

that's nice man

Ah lads the weather forecast next weekend,

good things on the way!


Boys I'm booked into a yoga course

No way.

I know right?

You doin yoga?

Not my normal shtick

you know what my back has been killing me

Does it help your back at all?

Its meant to loosen up everything

Im just so tight

all the, I don't know what it is,

But like, give it a bash

do it once see what happens.

Is that the one with the radiators on?

No, I think that's like bikram or something

No, it's not that

It would be nonsense doing that

Yeah, so are you doing any hobbies,

new year, new you kind of stuff?

Yeah, actually I've joined a hiking club

You have not!

Every Sunday 10am in the Pine forest.

That's amazing

Yeah, it's a great crowd,

and the girl who runs it Debra is an absolute sweetheart

Lovely people

Once you're with good people..

makes such a difference

You should come with me sometime Tom

Well I can't cause I've got the kids usually on Sat & Sun

We're doing something fun with them

whenever you get a chance to do something,

you know you really gotta......

It's like completely covered in something...

How do you get inside the thing?

I don't know...

Someone's got trust issues.

Where's it going to?

Eh Dublin.

Oh, fair enough.

Beijing it is.

We're foil arms and hog, we've a new video every thurs

Yes, please subscribe to the Youtube channel

And if you want to see us live well,

our brand new show craicling is premiering at the

Edinburgh.. oohhh close

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival,

in all of August, and then we come back

to Dublin for the Dublin fringe festival

Eh Doomdah!

For more infomation >> The Baggage Handlers - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 2:54.


Evonik in three minutes | Evonik - Duration: 3:42.

Maybe you know us as the biggest fan and partner of Borussia Dortmund football team.

But do you know us as one of the world's largest specialty chemicals companies,

and what we do? Let us tell you.

This is bridge construction without Evonik.

This is bridge construction with Evonik.

The difference: Modern surface protection results

in less need for repairs and fewer construction sites.

This is commercial fishing without Evonik.

This is sustainable fish farming with Evonik.

The difference: Feed based on algae and amino acids

instead of fish oil and fish meal.

In this way we practically turn salmon into vegetarians and help reduce the feeding of fish to fish.

This is a home without Evonik.

This is a home with Evonik.

The difference: Innovative high-performance insulation material with no risk of fire.

That's how we save up to 50 percent energy.

We are a globally leading specialty chemicals company.

Specialty chemicals means small quantities with a big impact. And a whole lot of creativity.

As a partner to our customers, we develop solutions for people and the environment -

in almost all areas of life.

"We have an ambitious goal:

We are making Evonik

the best specialty chemicals company in the world."

Evonik will become the most innovative and profitable company in the industry.

We will become even more international,

driven by innovation

and a results-oriented corporate culture.

We will grow.

By expanding our existing business.

Through acquisitions. Through partnerships.

Through the opportunities offered by digitalization.

And through the success of our own research and development.

"We are on the set course

to becoming more focused and more innovative

with stronger results."

With more than 4,000 products, we make life better -

and develop innovations above and below water.

We bring fabulous colors to life with our organic care products,

and produce inert gases for sustainable energy using plastic spaghetti.

Our durable coatings give rotor blades permanent protection against weathering.

Our specialty coatings enable container ships to glide smoothly through the oceans,

and our plastic powder for 3D printing is the ink of the 21st century.

"Evonik is shaping the future.

Each and every day.

That's what drives us on our path to becoming Number One."

For more infomation >> Evonik in three minutes | Evonik - Duration: 3:42.


Дима Масленников | секрет успеха, почему он такой популярный - Duration: 9:03.

Hello Friends.

This is a new issue of a given I want to talk about the issue

with you,

but rather to make out the nuances and aspects of what is the secret

success and popularity

known to many channels Dima Maslennikova.

I will not discuss this video

format by whom was Dima before as became known.


In this video I will try

together with you to figure out in those moments that

made his channel popular.


for whom it's not a secret that Dima was looking for a long time

himself, was a dancer, led joint

channel for three and attached many attempts to

to become famous.


For a long time he did not succeed.

Dima extremely well I dare notice dancing and even

participated in the show "Dancing", but alas!

it did not bring those fruits for which

ambitious Dmitry


In Dima's life there were also dances and different shows, as well as together

with a friend and in

subsequent and sided they opened their friend

and began to channel on


But all attempts to unwind and become successful

vain, channel

developed very slowly and channel followers

there were not many more.

After a friend of the guys plunged head to work, friend

Dima retired and Dima

completely took the channel under yourself.

A turning point in the development and subsequent popularity

channel becomes

invented by Dima show GostBuster.

Show in unknown format.

Let's now

Let's analyze the main points which led Dima to


I singled it out for myself and

I will try to all these moments for you


And so the first moment is Charisma.

Charisma for success is very an important element.

there is

a lot of extremely charismatic people and Dima is no exception.

The man is extremely healthy

uses facial expressions, emotions, gestures that makes him extremely

charismatic figure at

any of his videos.

Look closely at the cut from its releases, is it charisma


can not drag you and to force to watch a video

to end?

The second moment that I highlighted this Interesting


Well agree that choosing

the topic of the unknown Dima picked up golden key to the hearts


And why

you ask?

Because people are extremely curious about their

nature and very

love mysteries and mysticism.

Here it is extremely artful and took advantage of Dima.


a bit of its releases, do not you wonder

what will he tell on this


The third and

extremely important point it is clear and delivered



excellent timbre of voice in my opinion, he bribes

and causes a failure at

world of history from video.

And also extremely competently speech delivered.

Listen to the

the voice of the blogger, does he cling to you?

Write in the comments of thought on this account Friends.

well and the fourth point I suggest

consider special receptions that

uses Dmitry in his video.

It has long been proven that in the video makings have such a

reception how to evoke emotions of people.

The more emotions you can call for time

the more the video will be percent retention.

Dima is coping with his shows with this

reception on hurray, here is and fear and interest and positive

and even love, people's love

to secrets.

All this in the aggregate becomes a powerful weapon

keeping the viewer.

Bravo Dima.

And we are looking at another narezochku with receptions.

The fifth point is of course And then without anything in YouTube.

High-quality shooting.


Dima everything is excellent, quality pictures, staffing,

processing, effects.

Thanks to this, all the videos Dima looks extremely beautiful,

vividly, organically and that

the most important thing in the high resolution.

Watch this content pure pleasure.

I would like to tell Dmitry Thank you.

Thank you for the quality content.

Well, perhaps we came to the key moment of our

analysis Friends.

And this

of course, quality installation.

In all videos of Dmitry I saw so

painstaking and quality installation, that already became a

white envy saying to me

would be so.

Bravo Dmitry because once again, quality installation

this is an important

elements on the way to success.

In this, Dmitry achieved level +100500 for what else

once a great respect.

This is what we should strive for Friends.

That's where success and


In conclusion, the main points popularity of Dmitry Maslennikov

this: 1.

Charisma 2.

Interesting topic 3.

Delivered voice 4.

Interesting tricks 5.

Shooting Quality 6.

Excellent mounting

That's actually the whole secret success Friends.

I wish Dmitry more success and


You are in a good mood and find your key to success.


like the format and this video put like, subscribe

on the channel and write in

comments on who else remove a similar video.

And I do not say goodbye I say to new


For more infomation >> Дима Масленников | секрет успеха, почему он такой популярный - Duration: 9:03.


Зоопарк в Новосибирске - Novosibirsk ZOO - Куда пойти vlog - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Зоопарк в Новосибирске - Novosibirsk ZOO - Куда пойти vlog - Duration: 11:05.


Простоев.НЕТ. Модернизация и замена оборудования. ТОиР. RCM. Управление надежностью. - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> Простоев.НЕТ. Модернизация и замена оборудования. ТОиР. RCM. Управление надежностью. - Duration: 4:47.


Train with Trotter – "The ball is in their court" - Duration: 1:38.

Hi! DeeDee Trotter here.

English has some weird phrases that we use every day, and a lot of them come from sports.

Today's phrase is: "the ball is in their court".

A court is where we play sports like basketball, volleyball, or tennis.

"The ball is in their court" comes from tennis.

If the ball is in your court, that means it's your turn to make a move.

Outside of sports, if "the ball is in their court," that means there's nothing more you can do.

You just have to wait.

Hey DeeDee! I helped my friend with her school assignment,

but she hasn't submitted it to her teacher yet. What do I do now?

Well, now the ball is in your friend's court. You've done your part.

DeeDee, what do I do? My company asked me to move to a new country,

and I have to decide whether to go or stay here!

Wow! That sounds like an amazing opportunity, but the ball is in your court

and you have to choose for yourself.

When it comes to learning English, you don't have to wait for anyone else.

Keep practicing. The ball is in your court!

For more infomation >> Train with Trotter – "The ball is in their court" - Duration: 1:38.


Đội Đặc Nhiệm 2K1 Parody - Vanh Leg ( Phiên bản Mr.Bean chế ) || HiếuBùi - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> Đội Đặc Nhiệm 2K1 Parody - Vanh Leg ( Phiên bản Mr.Bean chế ) || HiếuBùi - Duration: 8:42.


הכנתי ליפסטיק במעבדה! וולוג - Duration: 17:20.

For more infomation >> הכנתי ליפסטיק במעבדה! וולוג - Duration: 17:20.


🔥SpeedSkin For Mapc_YT🔥ЗАКАЗАТЬ СВОЙ МОЖНО В ВК🔥 - Duration: 15:22.

For more infomation >> 🔥SpeedSkin For Mapc_YT🔥ЗАКАЗАТЬ СВОЙ МОЖНО В ВК🔥 - Duration: 15:22.


Uccidi il marketing: killing marketing di Pulizzi e Rose - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Uccidi il marketing: killing marketing di Pulizzi e Rose - Duration: 3:31.


The Rolls Royce Phantom 2019 NEW FULL Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 15:16.

For more infomation >> The Rolls Royce Phantom 2019 NEW FULL Review Interior Exterior Infotainment - Duration: 15:16.


韓国のコンビニをジャンル別に比べてみた。 - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> 韓国のコンビニをジャンル別に比べてみた。 - Duration: 6:02.


Simbu's Statement About Yashika And Mahath's Play In Bigg Boss! | Kollywood | Kalakkalcinema - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Simbu's Statement About Yashika And Mahath's Play In Bigg Boss! | Kollywood | Kalakkalcinema - Duration: 1:53.


Pay Attention to the Silence, it is Love in the Deepest sense - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 13:31.

Delmas arises the moment you become aware of silence because the mind is

noise so you use that as your teacher silence

teaches you that state you only have to be open to it for most people silence

doesn't even exist they even feel uncomfortable in their silence and they

say okay let's make some noise or if they can't make noise their mind gets

even noisier that more silent it is that noise the other mind gets as a

resistance against the silence and yet it's so simple to just listen to be

aware of pay attention to silence to the mind that's not a nice thing to do

it's nothing there and yet at that moment this consciousness that is beyond

mind arises the moment you become aware of silence the inner silence is there

and then it's no longer just silence there's a quality to it there's an

aliveness a preciousness treat that is not understandable through the mind

there's a goodness to it something unbelievable in that it's like some vast

power enveloping you within and without

and that vast powers is incredibly benign it's incredibly it's actually the

only way I can put it is it is love in the deepest sense because it is the

oneness I remember I said laughs what is love is the recognition of oneness of

knowing yourself as the other the oneness is love and these statements are

more like poetic statements you can't figure out mentally what I'm saying I'm

only pointing to that straight the silence is a vast power in that silence

that's why somebody said silence is the language God speaks everything else is a

bad translation so it is something infinitely precious

and it's far more than silence we are just using that word there's an infinite

power within and without and it's it has a gentleness to it and yet incredible

power to it and it is love itself it sounds strange but that's how it is

it's always there when it's not there means you've cut yourself off from it

and inner and outer margin that even the entire energy field of your body is

silent but alive and there comes the human mind and even when the once you

know you dwell in silence you don't the inner silence I call stillness once it's

very helpful to use Auto silence as a teacher especially in nature and then

after a while you don't even need that anymore because wherever you go you have

the inner silence is snare and even in the middle of a city noisy City Street

there's a stillness inside and we are not dependent on outer silence rich you

know it's back but whether that machine is going or not

it doesn't affect the inner but until you become deeply established in the

inner stillness or the inner stillness has emerged more fully it's very helpful

to use silence as your teacher the Altos silence

I mean you don't need any other teeth that were the only teacher you have it

would be quite enough if you never write another book on spiritual things we'll

never saw another never went to another workshop another talk and all you did

was to remember to listen to silence whenever possible that's all you need

through that the new consciousness the stillness would emerge more and more in

response and then there's a meeting of inner and outer silence a oneness

at this moment silence is teaching

you may find you drift out of silence and then move back into it out of it

mind comes in and then you move back into it that's fine

I mentioned last night the most profound statement in the Bible be still and know

that I am God

it's time for the body to move a little bit and we will take a break stay

connected with the body as much as you can when you listen to other people

during our lunch break listen from a place of stillness

just listen so bring a little bit of this into your lunch break that straight

without becoming self-conscious about it

thank you


For more infomation >> Pay Attention to the Silence, it is Love in the Deepest sense - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 13:31.


Overcome | Episode 3 - Teaser #1 | Sims 3 Series [PL/ENG] - Duration: 0:40.

Why... Why did you forget about me?

Did you believe what people say about me?

Or maybe I just have ceased to be important to you?

I... I don't want to live like that...

For more infomation >> Overcome | Episode 3 - Teaser #1 | Sims 3 Series [PL/ENG] - Duration: 0:40.


V380 HD WiFi CCTV Camera Setup on Android Phone. - Duration: 12:14.

Aslam O Alikum

thanks for watching please subscribe my channel

thanks for watching and subscribe

For more infomation >> V380 HD WiFi CCTV Camera Setup on Android Phone. - Duration: 12:14.


【緊急】iPhoneを炎天下の車中に置いてた結果…とんでもないことが… - Duration: 0:21.

買ってまだ2年経たないんだけど昨日までは夜になってもバッテリー残量90%以上あっ のに今日は夕方で50%しか無い 熱でバッテリーがへたったみたい どうしたらい か教えてください 氷水に漬けて冷やせ 冷蔵庫に一晩入れとけ 買い換えろ中 おすすめ記事 iPhoneいくつ? 8: >>6 iPhone7だよ 冷凍庫入れたり冷やしたりするとへたったバッテリーが復活するの? 充電池のメモリ 能が熱でイカれただけだからレンジのマイクロ波でリセットできるよ 600wで1分 10: >>9 さすがに嘘末 1 設定のバッテリーのとこ見れば ど くらいへたったかわかるよ 1 設定のバッテリーの状態で最大容量は何%になって の 2 >>11>>14 バッテリーの状態(ベータ)の、最大容量は99%に ってます 1 使い切ってまた充電しろ 充分に放電させろ 1 >>12 いつの時代の電池だよ… 1 交換しろよ 2年使ったにしてはバッテリーの持ち いいな 90%かよ 1 買い替えるのも面倒過ぎるし 今時携帯電話なんてA azonでポチれば翌日に届くんだよなぁ 20: >>18 何を言ってるんだ 前は 2 >>20 買い替えるのにさほど面倒な要素ないでしょってはなし >>23 金かなあ 2 この24時間以内で一番バッテリー使ってるアプリ ? 2 >>22 sleep Meisterというアプリで87%になってま 25: >>24 今すぐそのアプリを消せ 2 >>25 消しました 一日中ポケ後つけっぱで三年目の6だけど まだ77%あるぞ 昼間は車でずっと けながら充電しっぱなし 3 とりあえずもう一日様子を見て 改善してないよう らまたスレ立てるね! 3 電池交換してこいよ いまなら安くなかったっけ? バックアップ取って初期化 これでバッテリー以外が原因なら直る 引用元:おすす 記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 00:00:00 ID:news atomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww

For more infomation >> 【緊急】iPhoneを炎天下の車中に置いてた結果…とんでもないことが… - Duration: 0:21.


This Video यह वीडियो इंटरनेट इतनी तेजी वायरल हो रहा है की जरूर देखें अब आगे Shivsagar csp - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> This Video यह वीडियो इंटरनेट इतनी तेजी वायरल हो रहा है की जरूर देखें अब आगे Shivsagar csp - Duration: 0:38.


Incidente in tangenziale: un morto, bimba tra i feriti - - Duration: 2:13.

 Torino.Grave incidente stradale nella notte sulla tangenziale di Torino. Un 75enne e' morto e altre quattro persone, tra cui una bambina di dieci anni, sono rimaste ferite

La vittima era alla guida di una Ford Fiesta, a bordo della quale viaggiavano anche la bimba e due donne di 21 e 35 anni di origini albanesi

Nei pressi dell'uscita di Debouche', in direzione di Savona, l'auto e' stata travolta da un furgone Renault guidato da un francese di 51 anni

La vittima, residente a Carignano e' stata sbalzata fuori dall'abitacolo. L'uomo e' morto sul colpo

Per estrarre dalle lamiere la bimba e le due donne, trasportate in ospedale, e' stato necessario l'intervento dei vigili del fuoco

Il conducente del furgone, risultato negativo all?alcoltest, e' stato portato all?ospedale di Moncalieri per accertamenti

Gli agenti della polizia stradale di Torino stanno cercando di ricostruire l'esatta dinamica dell'incidente

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