Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

I just came over here from all the way over there just to see the heck this

pretty boys got it pick up me I'll get her number for a hundred bucks you going

they go in for cash Reverend no I'm not Bill Cosby hundred dollars from each of

you which is $400 to give her a kiss and get her number

babe yeah just gonna kiss you and grab your ass okay so you gonna pretend to

take my number first five zero one five three okay just saw that all the way

from the bike cool I'll literally go up there and get a number 20 bucks

you just around

For more infomation >> My girlfriend and I teamed up and made 400$ in 40 seconds😂💰 by HammyTV - Duration: 1:01.


Phan Mạnh Quỳnh - Có Một Nơi Như Thế 「 MV LYRICS HD 」#Thương - Duration: 11:46.

For more infomation >> Phan Mạnh Quỳnh - Có Một Nơi Như Thế 「 MV LYRICS HD 」#Thương - Duration: 11:46.


Nhạc Chơi Liên Quân Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất 2018 #1 - Duration: 1:02:11.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Chơi Liên Quân Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất 2018 #1 - Duration: 1:02:11.


♥AMAZING DOLL FACE POMERANIAN!! - Teacup Puppies♥ - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> ♥AMAZING DOLL FACE POMERANIAN!! - Teacup Puppies♥ - Duration: 1:37.



Why is it so cold?

It's not cold.


Do you need a heat pack?

Yes, thank you.

Thank you my friend.

Are you out of your mind?

Gustavo! Gustavo!


Quit it! Silence!

Hello my Love!

Hello Ms. teacher!

Silence! Silence!

What's that?

Hot pack!

This is all really insane!

The new students are about to come in, so please be seated and pay

attention to their introduction. Help me out.

New students, come in please!

Hello sirs!

1, 2, 3, Por sensasion!


Our "Hola school" is a very prestigious art school.

As you can see… people like Santiego Cabrera~

Beautiful Shakira, Antonio Bandreas…

very famous latin people, have risen from our school.

Merci merci merci merci

Please help us graduate! Shouldn't you introduce us?

I got it! I got it! Introduce yourselves!


Hi! My name is Nacho!

You know Nacho?

I want to be a wrestler!

Ouch! He is hurt!

Corazon! Introduce yoursel!

My name is Corazon!

I want to become a sensational movie star!

Nice to meet you!

Teacher! Do these students have Spanish names?

I think I agree! Their names are difficult! How do you like to have latin names?

You can just pick your names one by one!

Pick something you feel will suit you! Starting from inseong!

a gift!

You said you wanted to eat that and that's why you bought it!

I wanna eat too!

I hate teacher's pets!

Corazon! What's the meaning of Delicioso?

It means sweet, delicious!

Tae Yang, come out and pick your name!

Pick something handsome! Tae Yang dances well!

Bailarin! I see!

The meaning of that name is swift dancer!


You picked a good name!

Corazon! Please contain yourself!

Corazon has a lot of latin passion!

Thank you lady!

What are you two doing? What is this?

Chani, will you pick yours now?

This one? This one is estupido!

The meaning of this name is silly!

That's good!

It means fat!

My name is Gordo! How much do you want of me?

This means a very good singer!

Say it out loud: Pedoro!

Why is this one so tall?

Tonto is not a good name! Tonto is not a good name! I know its meaning!

Be quiet! Go stand in the corner and put your hands up. tonto is not a good name! You cannot pick a bad name!

Why do you get into trouble!

Make your sentence!

One more time!

He is moving! Please take your seat!

What are you doing here?

No! That's not ok!

Please smack him!

What's the meaning of it!

Mihito rico means hot guy!

That's a good pick!

It has a sexy tone to it!

It means sweet, hot, good looking! All of those included!

One more time!

One more time!

One more time! One more time! One more time!

You have to stick your tongue out!

Be sexy! Be cute!

That's it! That's the way to do it!

Da won is next!

I pick this one'!

Yes! Are you sure?

I'm a loser/lazy potatoe!

Always sleeping in, not studying much, hanging out with Corazon and nacho!

You appeared out of thin air!

I will leave the class for a little bit, keep practicing what I taught you today.

Yes teacher!

Will do as you told!

Keep practicing!

Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> [HOLA SCHOOL WITH SF9] MEET OUR FIRST STUDENTS! (EP1) - Duration: 9:27.


Polly will be the to Sweet Pea ?Coz She likes walk and jumps not sleep - Duration: 5:26.

Dear Monkey Lover !

Please enjoy watching about monkey video

I hope you all like my video

Please Like my video

Please Comment bellow my video

and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE my Channel

For more infomation >> Polly will be the to Sweet Pea ?Coz She likes walk and jumps not sleep - Duration: 5:26.


Así somos acosadas las mujeres en las universidades de Colombia | El Espectador - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Así somos acosadas las mujeres en las universidades de Colombia | El Espectador - Duration: 2:56.


Celebs Who Can't Stand Elisabeth Hasselbeck - Duration: 4:35.

For ten years, Survivor alum Elisabeth Hasselbeck occupied the token right-winger chair on The


An outspoken conservative, Hasselbeck seemed to counterbalance the more left-leaning members

of the panel, which led to some memorable showdowns.

"What about those people, what about those situations."

"They are boneheads."

Her biggest blowout was with co-host Rosie O'Donnell, over issues regarding the Iraq


But O'Donnell wasn't the only star to bristle at Hasselbeck's unfiltered approach.

So just exactly who isn't picking up what she's putting down?

Here are the celebs who can't stand Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

O'Donnell out

The center of this legendary argument between these former View co-hosts was Rosie O'Donnell's

allegation that Hasselbeck refused to defend her against critics who claimed O'Donnell

didn't support the troops during the Iraq war.

"Do you believe I think our troops are terrorists, Elizabeth."

"I don't think…"

"Yes, or no."

"Excuse me, let me speak."

According to People, the May 2007 blowout — which happened just three weeks before

O'Donnell's scheduled departure from the show — ended up prematurely pushing her out the


"Here's how it gets spun in the media: Rosie, big fat lesbian loud Rosie, attacks innocent

pure, Christian Elisabeth."

Days later, in a Q&A with fans, O'Donnell said via her website,

"I never tried harder to be friends with someone than I did with [Hasselbeck], but I don't

think we ever got there."

Eight years later, O'Donnell still had Hasselbeck on the brain when she tweeted in 2015, "some

are slow to wake," in response to Hasselbeck's controversial suggestion, on Fox & Friends,

that the Black Lives Matter organization should be labeled a hate group.

"Kevin, why has Black Lives Matter not been labeled a hate group?"

Andrews to Hasselbeck: 'Who dis?'

Hasselbeck chose an odd target when she criticized then-Dancing with the Stars contestant Erin


Calling the sportscaster out for her provocative costumes, Hasselbeck made a crack about how

the stalker who spied on Andrews in a hotel room in 2008 must have been delighted by the

risque attire.

"If I'm him, I'm like, man I just coulda waited like 12 weeks, and seen this, a little less

without the prison time."

Andrews wasn't amused.

In spite of Hasselbeck's tearful next-day apology, Andrews told Us Weekly,

"It was a mockery of something I've lived through this last year.

[…] I felt like it was a slap in the face for victims of stalkers and victims of sexual


Andrews later denied Hasselbeck's claim that the two made peace via phone call, telling

the mag,

"I didn't speak with her, no.

I never talked to her.

[...] I'm moving on."

Kathy Griffin dishes it out

Though comedian Kathy Griffin laughs off her feuding with Hasselbeck as fodder for her

stand-up act, she's issued some of the ugliest insults toward the former daytime talk show


The start of their beef was likely Griffin's 2010 guest spot on The View, when Hasselbeck

spent Griffin's entire segment mostly silent, according to TV Tonight.

But by the end, Hasselbeck took a swipe at Griffin, saying she'd made "untrue" and "not

funny" statements about The View co-hosts, adding,

"I debated in my head whether feeding your curious fire there, so, it's cool.

We're cool."

"I'm cool if you're cool.

I think it's all for a joke."]

But two years later, things were definitely not cool.

On her talk show, Griffin took Hasselbeck to task over Hasselbeck's grilling of President

Obama on The View.

But then she dropped the hammer, when she said:

"I'll say she's a "c---."

Manilow vs. Hasselbeck

Back in 2007, legendary musician Barry Manilow allegedly only agreed to appear on The View

if Hasselbeck wouldn't be there.

According to a statement on his website, the singer said,

"[T]he show was not willing to accommodate this simple request so I bowed out."

Prior to that, Manilow told TMZ,

"I strongly disagree with [Hasselbeck's] views.

I think she's dangerous and offensive.

I will not be on the same stage as her."

But according to show producers, it was The View who cancelled Manilow's appearance due

to his requests, not the other way around.

Another show source told E! News that Manilow backed out of the gig "out of loyalty" to

longtime friend Rosie O'Donnell.

Regardless of how it went down, Manilow sure can't stand Hasselbeck.

Behar burns the bridge

Though the two bickered often on The View, co-hosts Hasselbeck and Joy Behar saved their

most serious feuding for after Hasselbeck's 2013 departure.

When TMZ reported O'Donnell was returning to The View in 2014, Hasselbeck unearthed

the old O'Donnell beef, when she called into Fox & Friends to say of O'Donnell:

"The very woman who spit in the face of our military, spit in the face of her own network,

and really in the face of a person who stood by her."

But on CNN, Behar called Hasselbeck's comments "below the belt" and "nasty," while defending

O'Donnell, saying,

"I mean, say what you want about Rosie O'Donnell, she's a very generous person.

[…] What more does Elisabeth want?"

Behar and Hasselbeck may have appeared chummy in the past, but that was before Behar went

full Team Rosie.

For more infomation >> Celebs Who Can't Stand Elisabeth Hasselbeck - Duration: 4:35.


Conforma INE Comisión Temporal de Presupuesto 2019 - Duration: 2:13.

 Con el objeto de revisar, analizar y discutir la propuesta de Anteproyecto del Presupuesto, el Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) creó la Comisión Temporal de Presupuesto para el Ejercicio Fiscal 2019

 En la sesión del Consejo General se determinó que el grupo de trabajo lo presida la consejera electoral Claudia Zavala, además de que Benito Nacif, Marco Antonio Baños, Ciro Murayana y Jaime Rivera lo integren

Entérate: Publimetro México INE multa a Morena con 197 mdp por mal manejo de Fideicomiso La investigación de la la Unidad Técnica de Fiscalización (UTF) encontró que el partido utilizó el fideicomiso como un esquema de financiamiento paralelo  También participarán Bogart Montiel, director ejecutivo de administración como secretario técnico y Ana de Gortari, de la unidad técnica de planeación como invitada permanente

Quiénes integrarán la comisión: Claudia Zavala- presidenta Benito Nacif- integrante Marco Antonio Baños- integrante Ciro Murayama- integrante Jaime Rivera- integrante Bogart Montiel-secretario técnico Ana de Gortari- invitada permanente Desechan petición     Los consejeros del INE desecharon, por unanimidad, una petición del Partido Encuentro Social (PES) para que reinterpretaran la ley y eliminarán de la votación valida emitida los votos que obtuvo el candidato presidencial Jaime Rodríguez "El Bronco"

 Lo anterior con la finalidad de que puedan alcanzar el 3% de la votación que requieren para conservar su registro como partido político con registro nacional

 "Es importante resaltar, que en el sentido concedido a las disposiciones en estudio se parte de la base de que la votación válida emitida es aquella que resulte de deducir de la suma de todos los votos depositados en las urnas, los votos nulos y los correspondientes a los candidatos no registrados, acorde con la Tesis LIII/2016 de rubro “VOTACIÃ"N Và LIDA EMITIDA

ELEMENTOS QUE LA CONSTITUYEN PARA QUE UN PARTIDO POLà TICO CONSERVE SU REGISTRO†, en la cual, la Sala Superior consideró que para efectos de la conservación del registro de un partido político nacional la votación válida emitida se integrará con los votos depositados a favor de los diversos partidos políticos y de las candidaturas independientes, que son los que cuentan para elegir presidente, Senadores y Diputados, deduciendo únicamente los votos nulos y los correspondientes a los candidatos no registrados

", se precisó en el proyecto de votación. Lo más visto en PublimetroTV:  

For more infomation >> Conforma INE Comisión Temporal de Presupuesto 2019 - Duration: 2:13.


Trump will Putin gewarnt haben - Duration: 8:05.

 Pressekonferenzen, TV-Interviews, Tweets: Seit Tagen beschäftigt sich US-Präsident Donald Trump damit, seinen Auftritt beim Gipfeltreffen mit Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin zu erklären

Sein jüngster Versuch um Schadensbegrenzung fand nun im Sender CBS statt. Er habe Putin persönlich davor gewarnt, dass die USA Einmischungen in künftige US-Wahlen nicht tolerieren würden

"Ich habe ihn wissen lassen, dass wir das nicht dulden können", sagte Trump. "Wir werden es nicht dulden, und so wird es sein

" Er habe das Putin gegenüber sehr deutlich gemacht.  Er stimme mit US-Geheimdiensten überein, dass Russland sich in die US-Wahlen 2016 eingemischt habe

"Ich habe das bereits mehrfach gesagt, ich würde sagen, das ist wahr, ja." Auf die Frage von Moderator Jeff Glor, ob er Putin persönlich verantwortlich mache, antwortete Trump: "Das würde ich, denn er ist verantwortlich für das Land

Genauso, wie ich mich selbst dafür verantwortlich mache für Dinge, die in diesem Land passieren

Als den Anführer eines Landes müsste man ihn verantwortlich machen, ja."  Trump hatte bei seinem Gipfel mit Putin am Montag in Helsinki öffentlich Erkenntnisse seiner Geheimdienste angezweifelt, wonach sich Russland in die US-Wahlen 2016 eingemischt hat

Der US-Präsident war dafür in seiner Heimat über Parteigrenzen hinweg heftig angegriffen worden

Seitdem bemüht sich Trump um Schadensbegrenzung - ein Überblick: Montag, 16. Juli:  Trump und Putin treffen sich in Helsinki zu ihrem ersten bilateralen Gipfel

Sie sprechen rund zwei Stunden lang nur von Dolmetschern begleitet. Bei der anschließenden gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz vermeidet Trump auf Nachfrage, die nach einhelliger Erkenntnis der US-Geheimdienste von Russland verübten Cyberattacken auf die US-Demokraten während des Wahlkampfs 2016 zu verurteilen

Stattdessen bewertet er Putins Beteuerung, Russland habe nichts mit diesen Hackerangriffen zu tun gehabt, als "extrem stark und kraftvoll"

Dienstag, 17. Juli:  Putin gibt Trumps Lieblingssender Fox News ein Interview und beteuert einmal mehr, Russland habe sich nicht in die US-Wahl eingemischt

Das sei "absolut lächerlich". Auch Trump spricht in einem separaten Interview mit dem Sender, er nennt die US-Ermittlungen zur Russlandaffäre dabei eine "Hexenjagd" und eine "Schande"

 In den USA wächst die Kritik an Trumps Verhalten gegenüber Putin und den eigenen Geheimdiensten

 Im Weißen Haus verliest Trump eine vorbereitete Erklärung - und teilt mit, er habe sich in Helsinki lediglich versprochen

Dort hatte er auf die Journalistenfrage, ob Russland sich aus seiner Sicht in die US-Wahl eingemischt habe, unter anderem erklärt: "Ich sehe keinen Grund, warum es Russland gewesen sein sollte

" Nun sagt Trump, er habe das genaue Gegenteil gemeint. "Der Satz hätte eigentlich lauten sollen: Ich sehe keinen Grund, warum es nicht Russland gewesen sein sollte

" (Einen Kommentar zur dreisten Ausrede lesen Sie hier: "Zu dumm zum Lügen") Außerdem sagt Trump im Weißen Haus, er akzeptiere die Schlussfolgerung seiner Geheimdienste, dass sich Russland in die US-Wahl eingemischt habe - schiebt aber gleich hinterher: "Es könnten auch andere Leute gewesen sein

Es gibt viele Leute da draußen."   Video: Der Versprecher, die Ausrede, das Desaster Video White House  Bei Twitter beschwert sich Trump über die Medien, sie seien "außer Kontrolle"

Er habe ein gutes Treffen mit den Nato-Mitgliedern gehabt, aber das mit Putin sei noch besser gewesen - das werde so allerdings nicht berichtet, schreibt Trump

Mittwoch, 18. Juli:  Sein Treffen mit Putin sei ein "großer Erfolg" gewesen, "außer in den Fake News Medien", schreibt Trump bei Twitter und ergänzt später: Zahlreiche hochrangige Mitarbeiter der Geheimdienst hätten seinen Auftritt bei der Presskonferenz mit Putin geliebt

 Später fragt ein Reporter Trump, ob die mutmaßlichen russischen Hackerangriffe weitergingen

Trump antwortet: "Nein." Drei Stunden später dementiert seine Sprecherin Sarah Sanders: Trump habe keineswegs erklärt, dass Russland sich nicht länger einmische

Er habe vielmehr "Nein" gesagt, weil er keine weiteren Fragen mehr habe beantworten wollen (Trump sprach nach seinem "Nein" noch etwa eine Minute lang mit den Reportern)

Sanders sagt auch, Trump sei davon überzeugt, dass Russland eine Wahleinmischung erneut versuchen würde

"Wir glauben, dass die Bedrohung seitens Russlands noch immer besteht." (Mehr zur Aktion "Deutschland spricht" finden Sie hier

)  Der Sender CBS veröffentlicht erste Auszüge aus dem Interview mit Trump, in dem er beteuert, mit Putin Klartext gesprochen zu haben

Er habe "überwältigendes Vertrauen" in die Arbeit des nationalen Geheimdienstdirektors Dan Coats - seiner Ansicht nach ist Russland weiterhin eine Bedrohung für die USA

"Und wenn er das sagt, würde ich das akzeptieren", sagt Trump bei CBS. "Ich sagen Ihnen aber: dem sollte besser nicht so sein, besser nicht


For more infomation >> Trump will Putin gewarnt haben - Duration: 8:05.


5 For Good: Smile Mass making sure everyone enjoys the beach - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> 5 For Good: Smile Mass making sure everyone enjoys the beach - Duration: 1:14.


Chuyện tình không dĩ vãng - Đan Lê ft Húy Thái - Tài Năng Sân Khấu - Duration: 54:50.

For more infomation >> Chuyện tình không dĩ vãng - Đan Lê ft Húy Thái - Tài Năng Sân Khấu - Duration: 54:50.


4 Tricks to battle hunger while fasting - Duration: 9:02.

Hey guys, what's up?


Is it going today?

I know a lot of you out there are rebooting.

I slid in early on this one and I started my reboot on Saturday night.

I wanted to do the 72 hour and just knowing you all were doing it today would give me

the strength to keep going.

So, um, I wanted to give you four hacks for helping your hunger.


I'm, I'm talking a little bit, a little bit slower.

I'm actually on hour 71, but these four hacks have really, really helped me during the hunger


And I know for those of you who are going to go to bed tonight, um, you're on your final

night and tomorrow you get to wake up and it's like Christmas or you can be like me

and on the third day you get up, you're just feeling so amazing that you just go ahead

and push it into that 72 hour mark um

That's your call.

I just, this is my best day.

I really feel you know, the challenges more so during the first 24 hours on Monday.

Then typically the 48 on Tuesday and so usually on Wednesday when I'm waking up I'm like,

I can keep going.

So tomorrow if you feel that way, just have, have some coffee and keep going.

I know a lot of you, um, have been messaging me throughout the day and uh, one of the top

questions is can I have coffee and that really depends on you and what you want to give up,

what you want to break.

Like if, if you want to break the dependency of coffee, then you're not going to have coffee

during your reboot.

Is that me?

No, no.

I will never, ever even attempt to break my coffee connection because I adore it.

I love it.

I love coffee.

I love coffee.

Like it's my own child.

That's weird.

But that's how I feel about coffee.

So no, I don't give it up on a reboot and it really helps me.

So there's your hack number one, unless you want complete control over your life and to

be tied to nothing.

Have some coffee.

And the reason I got a couple notes on this because I got a little sciencey, but the reason

you can have coffee is because it actually helps mobilize free fatty acids and it in

essence can act as your central nervous system and it can cause the release of neurotransmitters.

And what that means is some dopamine and you know, what that means, it means were happier.

So I absolutely keep my coffee in and I even sometimes in the afternoon do a decaf coffee.

Um, so that's one hack for hunger pains.

And for all of you watching, I am talking to the people in their 60 hour Keto reboot


Some of them going into 72.

Um, the second that really, really helps me is sparkling water.


I do drink sparkling water during my 60 hour reboot.

Um, that carbonation, it helps with satiation.

It helps fill up my stomach.

Drinking water is obviously going to do that.

And a lot of, you know, the more water you're drinking, um, really the more sea salt you


And just a quick hack because if you ever start feeling.

Let's see, I think I put it in my bedroom myself.

I put it in my bed.

Oh, there it is.

All right.

I know this may be discussing, but if you're drinking a lot of water during your review,

quick little hack, a little lick, just poor that sea salt on your hand.

Look at and take some more water.

Headache, gone.

You're backup and running.


You just the more water You drink kind of the more sea salt you need, but that carbonation,

that sparkling water is everything and it doesn't have sugar in it and that that's what

you want because basically the more we stabilize our insulin levels, the more fat loss you're

going to have while you're rebooting.

If you drink, like, say a diet coke, you're still going to spike your insulin and you'll

probably actually ended up hungrier a little bit later because of what happens when your

insulin does spike.

So carbonated beverage, no sugar in it.

Stevia is actually okay.

Um, I've read a lot of studies on that, but um, some people actually are freaks and it

may spike your insulin, but most people are pretty safe with Stevia.

And the other one you want to do a, another one you can do is iced green tea with Ginseng

in it.

That's another way that you can increase your dopamine levels.

So just non sweetener.

Iced green tea, the third, so carbonated beverage I should repeat.

The third one would be moving.moving will increase your blood flow.

It starts - A short burst of energy will actually help release some adrenaline.

And when that central nervous system is activated, just like coffee can do what you're going

to have is a decrease in appetite.

So, um, you know, maybe you've already been to the gym or maybe you've already done your

steady state cardio after taking your ketones.

Um, I've got another four points of how to optimize your workouts with your reboot.

We'll touch on in a later video.

But let's say you're showered, you're pretty, but you're just going through some hunger


So, you know, the first movement you can do is literally just some air squats you can

do 20 air squats to just get moving up and down.

A second thing you can do, you could get some bands.

They're literally just, you know, get those bands that you can keep in your house.

You could do 20 up and down on that.

You could do 20 flies, you could do 20 laterals, you could, you know, hook it on your stairs.

You could do 20 rows with it.

You're activating back muscles, shoulder muscles, biceps, um, another.

The third movement you could do would be triceps.

You could in your chest, you could do 20 pushups.

If you're a beginner, just get on your knees, pop out 20 pushups if you're going to start

as you get into movements, releasing blood flow and endorphins and decreasing your appetite.

So I know, I know when you're sitting there on your reboot, you're thinking when that

hunger pain hits are thinking, I can't go anywhere, can't do anything, I can't move.


Best thing you can do in that situation is mind over body five, four, three, two, one

that thing, get up and move a little bit.

It's going to get you into a different state and much quicker.

And the fourth little tip, this is an easy one and you can come out with whiter teeth.

Keep brushing your teeth, go brush your teeth.

If you're sitting there struggling with some hunger pains, that always has a good effect

on people when they want to put sweets or sugar or something in your mouth, just a little


Go Brush your teeth, fill your mouth with toothpaste, and it can actually stop when

we start thinking about something we want, we can actually start salivating.

And so kind of wiping that out and brushing your teeth is a great hack for kind of moving

onto that next state you're into.

So those are my four little hacks to get through the rest of your evening.

I know a lot of you have your broth, you're about to take or your, you know, your chocolate

or caramel apple tea.

That's gonna knock you out.

And um, so once again, that's coffee, that's carbonated beverages, that's movement and

that's brushing your teeth.

So good luck to you all.

A really.

I am once again on hour 71 and I feel amazing.

I am going to go ahead and break it tonight because I had a good weightlifting workout


And so, um, I think I'll actually maximize fat loss more by getting in some protein and

optimizing some protein synthesis because of the type of workout I did today.

So, um, I think that's more effective than actually going to bed and keeping it a little

bit longer.

But we'll talk about workouts and fasting in another video.

Hope you all are doing great.

So proud of you.

Hang in there and um, you know, it's like Christmas tomorrow and you'll feel so good

that you got through this.

I can't wait to see your testimonies to see your before and after pics and just hear the

breakthroughs that you had while participating.

For more infomation >> 4 Tricks to battle hunger while fasting - Duration: 9:02.


Pray For Me - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Pray For Me - Duration: 0:53.


los "Tigres" en el camino a las Alturas de Golán ✭ Siria 16-18 de Julio 2018 Subtitulado - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> los "Tigres" en el camino a las Alturas de Golán ✭ Siria 16-18 de Julio 2018 Subtitulado - Duration: 2:03.


Manu Gavassi abrirá os shows de Maite Perroni no Brasil - Duration: 2:29.

Manu Gavassi foi convocada para fazer o show de abertura das apresentações de Maite Perroni no Brasil

 A mexicana se apresentará no mês de agosto em Curitiba (2), São Paulo (4) e Rio de Janeiro (5), neste último, Manu fará uma participação especial

Além de contar com participação especial de Manu Gavassi no Rio de Janeiro, Maite Perroni cantará com Wanessa em seu show na cidade de São Paulo, repetindo o sucesso de 2016

Maite Perroni é uma artista da Universal Music, uma atriz consagrada, muito conhecida pela atuação em novelas mexicanas

Ela alcança milhões de seguidores nas redes sociais, assim como inscritos e visualizações no Youtube

Serviço: São Paulo - 04 de agosto/2018 Local: Audio Av Francisco Matarazzo, 694 - Água Branca - São Paulo/SP

Vendas: Rio de Janeiro - 05 de agosto/2018 Local: Monte Líbano - Lagoa Av

Borges de Medeiros, 701 - Leblon - Rio de Janeiro/RJ Vendas: www.clubedoingresso


For more infomation >> Manu Gavassi abrirá os shows de Maite Perroni no Brasil - Duration: 2:29.


Axel Johansson - Next To Me feat. Tina Stachowiak (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:01.

♪ I hate that I love you, hate that I love you Try not but I do, but it feels so good ♪

♪ So good ♪

♪ I'm so drunk in love now, so drunk in love now Drinking about you, but it feels so good ♪

♪ So good ♪

♪ Oh, All I see Is everything that we could be ♪

♪ You'll never be alone with me You'll never be alone with me ♪

♪ Oh, All you need Is just a little clarity ♪

♪ You'll never be alone with me You'll never be alone ♪

♪ Right next to me ♪

♪ Right next to me ♪

♪ Right next to me Never alone no ♪

♪ Right next to me ♪

♪ Right next to me ♪

♪ I look into your eyes, look into your eyes Uh is you shaking? ♪

♪ Doesn't mean we're bound for life ♪

♪ For life ♪

♪ Just stay here for one night Stay here for one night, don't say maybe ♪

♪ Doesn't mean we're bound for life ♪

♪ For life ♪

♪ Oh, All I see Is everything that we could be ♪

♪ You'll never be alone with me You'll never be alone with me ♪

♪ Oh, All you need Is just a little clarity ♪

♪ You'll never be alone with me You'll never be alone ♪

♪ Right next to me ♪

♪ Right next to me ♪

♪ Right next to me Never alone no ♪

♪ Right next to me All night ♪

♪ Right next to me ♪

♪ Right next to me Never alone no ♪

♪ Right next to me All night ♪

♪ I hate that I love you, hate that I love you Try not but I do, but it feels so good ♪

♪ So good ♪

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