Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Welcome to the man economy here is a quote from actress Jodie Foster

attacking the rich is not envy it is self defense the hoarding of wealth is

the cause of poverty the rich aren't just indifferent to poverty they create

it and maintain it I want to explore this idea because this is an assertion

and we live in a time where we have statistics and data on many things so

it's a time where opinion can be driven by fact rather than ideology which is of

course what drove Karl Marx to say these kinds of things that Jodie Foster was

just quoted as saying I will compare left-wing and right-wing ideology

pertaining to the potential to class jump and then introduced data to test

which ideology is correct or which is more correct the above comment is based

on the idea that wealth and future income is allocated at birth the amount

of wealth in society doesn't change and there is nothing people can do to change

their level of wealth from the level that they have inherited in other words

we have the classic socialist or far left wing theory and as I'm increasingly

referring to a matriarchal view on the world this ideology leads to the idea

that all people should have equal income regardless of how productive educated

smart or hard they are working let's contrast this ideology with the right

wing idea where you are your own destiny you take risks work hard become

productive get some education you can determine your future we can all be rich

together if we deserve to be and of course by deserve the right means that

you make or contribute to making products that people actually want then

if you are successful in this endeavor you will get to take out from the

economy ie you are paid or more valuable work this is just market economics now

common sense tells us there is going to be some truth to both sides but let's

try to see which side is more true I'm going to explore these ideas using

various data I'll concentrate on the USA because they probably have the flattest

Inc tax system in the Western world however

their system is clearly still progressive this more moderate

progressiveness makes it more difficult to class jump so we know that whatever

happens in the USA that other Western countries will probably be more mobile

ie will be easier to change income levels compared to your parents in other

Western countries compared to the USA let's start with the big money first the

billionaires according to a new report sixty-two percent of US billionaires are

self-made that is the right wing theory of personal effort being the primary

cause for almost two-thirds of billionaires eighteen percent of

billionaires have a mix of inherited and self-made wealth which is a center wing

idea which I assumed would be the most common but I was wrong while twenty

percent of billionaires inherited their wealth which is the left-wing socialist

idea so it looks like the right is well right

however the absolute number of billionaires is quite small so let's

look at the proportion of millionaires who are self-made sixty-seven percent of

millionaires in the USA are purely self-made which is surprisingly high now

after my reaction to this being surprised I considered why I found this

so surprising I've never looked into this data before but I realized that

I've been exposed to constant socialist ideas like that from Jodie Foster my

whole life and had internalized this left-leaning idea which is perpetuated

by the West that your future is more or less determined by your parents as

income so the constant passive absorption of comments like Jodi's do

affect people and we do absorb this information and adopt opinions based on

this information in a passive but definite way this is very concerning

when extremely unqualified people with no knowledge of the problem are so vocal

and influential with their emotional and factually baseless commentary again we

live in a time where the data is out there we don't need ideology to drive

these ideas we have the facts let's zoom right out now and look at income

quintiles in the USA in particular look at intergenerational influence on your

income what a chance of you having an income in the

top 20% in the USA if your parents did and what's the chance of you dropping

out of this income bracket 39% of people in the top 20% of income earners had

parents who earned in the top 20% while 61% of people earning in the top 20%

didn't have parents earning in this range when you consider that random

chance says that 20% of high earners will have high earning parents there are

only an extra 19% of high earners with higher earning parents so in effect over

three-quarters of the non random high earners jumped up to the highest income

quintile meanwhile 42% of people in the bottom income quintile are from families

that were in the bottom quintile as well remove the random chance and it's only

22% more that remain in the bottom 20% of income with 58% dropping down from a

higher income quintile I have to say that changes in income from parents to

their children are remarkably common in fact for three-quarters of people it's

normal of course it's hard as a jump from the very bottom to the very top or

to drop the very top very bottom but nonetheless the idea that your life

circumstances are primarily determined at birth are simply untrue one further

point to note is at the level of real net wealth in the USA meaning that I

accounted for inflation and for changes in debt levels has increased from 18

trillion US dollars in nineteen sixty to ninety three trillion u.s. dollars in

2016 and given the performance of markets

since this time total wealth is almost certainly increased to over 100 trillion

US dollars this shows that wealth is not a static

value to be shared amongst people like savages fighting over scraps wealth

grows and shrinks over time based on the productivity and factors of production

in the economy this is the exact opposite to what is implied in Jodie

Foster what I want to dig a little deeper here so back to Jody's quote

again now I have to say that being poor in a country full of rich people is

awesome why because rich people buy so many things so I can sell things to them

and we share the wealth it's a

win-win at the very least I'm able to get a job in a company that is making

things for them and get a higher wage than if there were no rich people to

sell to this is how an economy works and an embarrassingly simple concept that

the Socialists don't seem to understand I feel like the average ten-year-old can

grasp this comment every time you buy something the sales revenue is split

into wages profit and even taxes for the government wealth creates wealth which

is why so many all countries stay poor because no one has money or wealth to

spend having rich people in your country is a true blessing and remember chances

are these rich people were not born rich they engage in the economy the added

value to other people by selling goods and services or working in a company

that did Jodie Foster also said that rich people want to keep all people poor

why would they again if we are all rich it's easier to get even richer because

the overall purchasing power within the economy is so much higher so the exact

opposite of what she is saying is true if she made her money in a less

privileged way she would understand such a basic economic concept the only come

back that socialist will have to this is you need money to make money in general

people who are rich borrowed money whenever big firms expand they borrow

money an insider tip it will get rich from borrowing other people's money if

you have a credible idea investors are fighting themselves to throw money at

you aside from this in the current year we have a thing called the Internet in

the Internet era people can start online businesses with no capital you literally

need about 50 bucks the barriers to enter business are basically zero

nowadays it's a perfect storm for those wanting to try their luck take a risk

and work hard to increase their income you look at the risk and potential

reward and you make a decision should I go for it or not I'll leave you with a

quote from Murray Rothbard it is no crime to be ignored of economics which

is after all a specialized discipline and one that most people consider at

dismal science but it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and

voracious you know in economic subjects while

remaining in this state of ignorance very well said Marie the sheltered

Hollywood elite should probably stick to their knitting which is ironically

pretending if you like this content please consider subscribing to the man

economy YouTube channel as always references are in the description I make

extra exclusive content that accompanies every single video that I make go to my

patreon page to learn more

For more infomation >> Jodie Foster Quotes | Can Poor Get Rich? Left Wing And Right Wing Theory VS Statistics Jodie Foster - Duration: 9:21.


Tanu Dula Kanu Banaya Butani K !! with akshay kumar [sigh is king] - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Tanu Dula Kanu Banaya Butani K !! with akshay kumar [sigh is king] - Duration: 0:40.


Cher Complimented Christine Baranski's Dancing - Duration: 6:51.

-First of all, always wonderful to see you.

-Oh, great to see you.

-And I want to talk about that clip right away.

I couldn't help but notice an incredibly high leg kick.

Like, an impressively high leg kick.

-It's my one good dance move.

It's the one thing I do, is I do high kicks.

So Anthony had me kick in the first movie. I did a big kick.

And in the second movie I get to kick again.

[ Laughter ]

-And this was something that he -- this was 10 years --

and I want to point out, so 10 years later,

you still have the kick.

-I'm still high kicking. -Yeah.

[ Cheers and applause ]

And for -- for any who forget, I do want to show how exact --

how good your leg kick was in the first "Mamma Mia!"

Let's take a look.

-Oh, okay. Let's look.

♪ Now you're so cute, I like your style ♪

♪ And I know what you mean ♪

♪ When you give me a flash of that smile ♪

♪ Oh, but, boy, you're only a child ♪

-It's like -- [ Cheers and applause ]

-I would do it right now, but my Spanx would show.

[ Laughter ]

I know. It's like a rubber Gumby. It just goes up.

-Yeah, it's like a door that's off its hinge or something.

-But the funny thing is it's my one good leg because --

[ Laughter ]

I broke my -- I smashed my kneecap

when I was preparing to do a musical.

I was on my way from a ballet class to a jazz class.

And just by a fluke, I slid and I wasn't even on high heels,

and it was flat pavement.

But I went down on my kneecap and I broke it.

I've told this story too many times.

But I smashed my kneecap,

so actually this is my one good leg.

[ Laughter ]

-There you go. -But it appears in the movie.

-Yeah, there you go.

I mean, they say all you really need in Hollywood

is one good leg. -One good leg.

[ Laughter ]

-Obviously this is an incredible cast.

Cher is in the cast.

-Oh, my God, it's such a great movie.

You're spending so much time talking about Mr. T,

and this movie will take people so far away from that.

-Yes, that's really nice.

-They can go to a beautiful Greek island

with wonderful actors and ABBA songs.

And they're just going to have a great time.

You're just going -- you're going to love this movie.

-It's a perfect definition.

Even the people in the movie are making --

having an escape from their lives, which is --

-We had so much fun making this movie.

We had great fun making the first one

and even more fun with the second one.

We were on this beautiful island

off of the coast of Croatia called Vis.

And we didn't want to leave.

We were, like, enchanted the whole time.

-And how -- I mean, do you guys still see each other?

Like, did you run into Cher at the premiere?

Is that something that happens?

-Well, we were all together

doing this eight-day press junket,

this marathon press junket.

And then we went to Stockholm and did press there.

And then we had this big premiere in Stockholm.

And then we did the -- more press.

And I kept bumping into Cher in the hall of the hotel.

And then we did the big premiere, just --

oh, my God, it was just two days ago.

I just got in from London yesterday night.

But yeah, Cher was at the premiere.

And she actually saw -- she came up to me --

I mean, she was across the room.

And I had my favorite Cher moment.

It was just mine alone.

She actually -- across the --

at the party of the premiere she went,

"Hey, you high-kicking bitch."

[ Laughter and applause ]

And then she came over and we had this wonderful chat.

And I got to tell her how great I thought she was

'cause she's sensational.

She sings "Fernando" coming down a staircase.

And she was very nice about me and my high kick,

so, yeah, I had a Cher moment.

-You mention you went to Stockholm.

Obviously, ABBA, they are Swedish.

What was your reception there?

-Oh, my God, they're like --

it's like the pope, you know, has arrived.

They're reverential towards ABBA.

And yeah, we were in a motorcade and then we got to the --

in front of the theater where the premiere was.

It was lined with beautiful Swedish people,

including this little girl who had a hat on that said,

"I heart Christine Baranski."

-We actually have a photo. -Oh, do you?

-It's an incredibly professionally made hat.

That is not a cheap hat.

[ Laughter ]

That would lead you to believe they sell those

in stores in Sweden.

[ Laughter ]

-It's just this little girl,

and she's 10 years old and her father was translating.

He said, "We've come six hours.

We drove for six hours to get to Stockholm

because she's obsessed with your character.

She wants to grow up to be Tanya."

But if you've seen the movie...

[ Laughter ]

Tanya's had multiple divorces and is addicted to Chardonnay.

-"She never wants to be with one man her whole life."

-No, she drinks a lot of wine.

I didn't know whether to encourage her or...

[ Laughter ]

...send her into therapy. [ Laughter ]

-You have a 2-year-old grandson --

-I have a 4 1/2-year-old grandson.

-Oh, 4 1/2-year-old.

-And a 2 1/2-year-old grandson and another on the way.

-On the way. -Any day now.

-Any day now. -Any day!

-Very exciting. [ Cheers and applause ]

I could -- Yeah.

-Is there an age that ABBA songs

become popular to young children?

-Actually, my 2-year-old... -Really?

-...sings, "Mamma mia, mamma mia, mamma mia"

and the other one sings "Super Trouper."

-Oh, wow.

-And I think I'm going to take my 4 1/2-year-old grandson

to see the second one, because there's nothing, I mean --

-Yeah. -There's nothing violent.

It's all just beautiful settings and music.

And, you know, I do say one word --

I have one sentence that has a word

that is descriptive of a female.

-Uh-huh. -An anatomical part.

-Okay, gotcha. -But I think that'll just --

-If you know it's coming,

you can throw the hands on the ears, right?

-Yeah. -Yeah.

-I could, but -- -I'm jealous.

I have a 2-year-old,

and he doesn't sing anything as fun as ABBA.

[ Laughter ]

-ABBA is amazing.

At the premiere in London, you had people of all ages.

I mean, there were 10-year-olds there.

There were teenagers who were obsessed.

And there, of course, people who grew up with ABBA, like I did.

But it just -- it just goes across --

it's cross-generational.

And this movie, I think, is coming at a great time.

The world is so dark and confused.

-Yeah. -As you say every single night.

-Yeah, so just -- it's time to --

[ Laughter ]

Let's get some fun music and some primary colors out there.

Yeah. -Exactly.

[ Laughter ]

-Thank you so much for being here.

It's always such a pleasure to see you. I really appreciate it.

Christine Baranski, everyone.

For more infomation >> Cher Complimented Christine Baranski's Dancing - Duration: 6:51.


KERİMCAN DURMAZA VURBANAYI SÖYLE! (#Yaparmısın) - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> KERİMCAN DURMAZA VURBANAYI SÖYLE! (#Yaparmısın) - Duration: 2:19.


Zedd & Elley Duhé - Happy Now (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:28.

You're a world away

Somewhere in the crowd

In a foreign place

Are you happy now

There's nothing left to say

So I shut my mouth

So won't you tell me babe

Are you happy now

You're the only one, who can up and run

leave me just as empty as the day you came

You hold all the cards, all the broken hearts

strung over your shoulder till it's all in vain

And only you know the strength of your teeth

Wash in the weight of your pockets so deep

And lonely

You're a world away

Somewhere in the crowd

In a foreign place

Are you happy now

There's nothing left to say

So I shut my mouth

So won't you tell me babe

Are you happy now

Are you happy now

In the palm of your hands, you can make me dance

spin me round in circles till I'm wrapped in string

You keep on talking sweet, till your fingers bleed

but don't you dare ask me how I've been

Now only you know the strength of your teeth

Wash in the weight of your pockets so deep

And lonely

You're a world away

Somewhere in the crowd

In a foreign place

Are you happy now

There's nothing left to say

So I shut my mouth

So won't you tell me babe

Are you happy now

Are you happy now

For more infomation >> Zedd & Elley Duhé - Happy Now (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:28.


優質山崩台!夾娃女神養成計畫!喬妹的資質如何?【Kman】#371 - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> 優質山崩台!夾娃女神養成計畫!喬妹的資質如何?【Kman】#371 - Duration: 6:21.



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you without a doubt firstly in Illustrator have you ever checked at the

bottom of the toolbar there are three settings here the first setting is set

to default and were allowing you to draw normally the next one is to draw behind

and finally the really interesting one drew inside when you have your shape or

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around the shape you end up with something like this however let's select

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the second part of illustrator that you might have missed which is right out in

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not perfectly on the out words you could resize the artboard with the ARB or tall

or you could come up to object our boards and fit our work to bounce in one

easy click your artwork is perfectly on the canvas right up to the edge the

third part of illustrator that you probably missed is another quick tool

function did you ever notice or inspect these settings here now I'm not sure if

these are only in CC but if that is the case can you please let me know in the

comment section below they work like the magic wand tool but obviously they're a

lot quicker you can select object and then for example choose to select every

other design element of the same color in a fraction of the second you of

course have other options in the menu which if you know about can be very

handy indeed

the last part of Illustrator that you might have missed is one I didn't know

about for a long time also if you like me and your spelling is not the best in

the world you can come into these settings here and check your spelling

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this video on social media if you want help on my channel until next time guys

designing future today peace

For more infomation >> 4 PARTS OF ILLUSTRATOR YOU DIDN'T NOTICE! - Duration: 5:40.


(爆雷!)《PRODUCE 48》瘋傳定位評價分組名單(Vocal)!Position Battle group list spolier ep6 180720 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> (爆雷!)《PRODUCE 48》瘋傳定位評價分組名單(Vocal)!Position Battle group list spolier ep6 180720 - Duration: 2:14.


Trump Derangement Syndrome, Queen Elizabeth's Broach - Monologue - Duration: 3:27.

-Let's get to the news.

During a cabinet meeting today,

President Trump repeated his claim that no president

has ever been as tough on Russia as he has.

And it's true. He was tough.

He even took away their soccer ball.

"You'll get this back when you can behave."

[ Laughter ]

According to "Vanity Fair,"

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was irate with

President Trump's comments

at his press conference with Vladimir Putin.

Okay, that's fair.

But also when isn't this guy irate?

[ Laughter ]

Every photo of John Kelly looks like he just found out this play

has another 45 minutes.

[ Laughter ]

President Trump attacked his critics this morning tweeting,

"Some people hate the fact that I got along well with

President Putin of Russia.

They would rather go to war than see this.

It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Hey, man, just a tip --

maybe don't name a derangement syndrome after yourself.

The guy who discovered syphilis didn't name it Steve's disease.

[ Laughter and applause ]

"Oh, I got Steve's."

According to a new poll, 73% of Democrats want a fresh face

to be their presidential nominee in 2020.

And as soon as he heard this, Bernie went for the Botox.

[ Laughter and applause ]

That's right, 73% of Democrats

want a fresh face to be their presidential nominee in 2020.

Coincidentally, fresh face is what Stephen Miller

had for dinner last night.

[ Laughter ]

"Are you sure it's fresh?"

[ Laughter ]

"I like to eat the smile first."

[ Laughter ]

President Trump suggested last night

that he may not protect Montenegro

under NATO's mutual defense pact.

In fact, he doesn't even like to say Montenegro

because he thinks that's why Papa John got fired.

[ Laughter ]

During President Trump's visit to the U.K.,

Queen Elizabeth reportedly wore a brooch

given to her by former President Obama.


Usually -- [ Cheers and applause ]

I got to say.

Usually it's only her hats that throw that much shade.

[ Laughter ]

The House released a spending bill today that sets aside

$5 billion to build President Trump's proposed border wall.

Ugh, can we just tell him we built it and move on?

It's not like he's gonna go down and check.

He knows there are Hispanic people there.

Like, let's just do a Google search

for "Great Wall of China," throw some gold letters on it

and tell him it came in under budget.

Boom, there you go. We never have to talk about it again.

[ Laughter and applause ]

And finally, according to a new study,

men who drink four to seven servings of alcohol per week

are more fertile than men who do not drink.

They're calling this study Irish people.

For more infomation >> Trump Derangement Syndrome, Queen Elizabeth's Broach - Monologue - Duration: 3:27.


JSMR 아이스크림 그리고 컵누들 먹방입니다!! - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> JSMR 아이스크림 그리고 컵누들 먹방입니다!! - Duration: 9:36.



Like :)



[한 밤의 덕밍아웃 WANNAONE편 Ep.10] 아무 몸부림 대잔치 (부제 : 몸으로 말해요) [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:55.

(The conversation of my soul)

(Fan's Night)

(Once the lovely fan enters our realm) (We start the crazy conversation)

(Wanna One)

(K-POP WARNING) (This video is intended for all the ex-fans, so watch out)

This time we're gonna do

Speak with Your Body


Please understand that I'm a Muggle now

I might not express them exactly

- We understand well - Don't worry

(Game Rule) (1: Don't talk) (2: Use the body only)(3: Use only the words related to Wanna One)

(First Question START)

(Hah Hah)

(Clue 1: Heavy Breath)

(Clue 2: Unknown mime)

Is this mime?

(About to climb up the invisible wall)

No. 3

(Already has the right answer with these clues?)


(Will it be correct?)


(He's completely lost in miming again)

I really don't know

- No. 3 - No. 3

(What about this time?)

- 'Knock' - Correct

(After knowing the answer, it seems plausible)

I'm locked up (frustrated)

Here's the pantomime

But for 'open up'

You could do like this for 'open up' Why did you do like this?

Thighs You should wipe them

Ah, that motion is from 'Open Up'

(Boom's fault)

('Open Up' is all about Danial's thigh caressing)

(So focused)

Can't wait


(After his innocent look)

(Suddenly fainted)

What's that?

(One more time)

(I want to know his thinking)

Why are you faint?




No, You love 'Energetic' so much

- No. 2 - Wanna be?

No, there's a reason for faint

(After being so shocked)

(THE faint)

No. 1

(What will she say?)



(No.1's done this much difficult thing)

You faint because that's so beautiful

Right, Because of the beauty


Who the hell?

I faint when I meet a beautiful girl

I blacked out in the waiting room for 4 minutes

One minute per person

- I don't believe it - Really?

(You girls are beautiful)

(He's explaining the third question before we knew it)

How many do I have?


I really don't know what that means

What do I do?

No.3, Cut!


(No.4's challenge)

(Don't tell me she's right about this?)



(No.4's amazing insight)

(No.4, you were very good)

It's really hard

It was 101 cuts

Were I wrong, were you going to get to 101?


(I made it)


There are three ties

So, now with ten points

With a broad view

(Last Question START)

(What's this?)

(Is he a pervert..?)

(Here you go?)

No.4 No.4

A brother next door

Correct answer!

Well, you're good

(A 37-year-old man who feels good because someone knows his song)

(No.4 is going to be a fan of Boom?)

- How did you guess that? - Great. Really

Because first of all, there was a hint to the word 'broad'

And as soon as I saw 'next door', I knew it

(The answer is 'A Brother Next Door')

(The final winner)

I'll give you a Wanna One gift set

I'll split this. Honestly I don't know what this is

Let's see

Please open it

(Explosive reaction)

It's really full of care

(A Wanna One snack set prepared by Fan's Night crew)

Down here too


Yohi! Yohi!

It's really hard to get every guys

That's different by branch

Right, exactly

OMG, Look at him, Min-hyun

(It is said that there were constant screams for a while)

For more infomation >> [한 밤의 덕밍아웃 WANNAONE편 Ep.10] 아무 몸부림 대잔치 (부제 : 몸으로 말해요) [ENG SUB] - Duration: 3:55.


যে কারনে, প্রধানমন্ত্রীর উপহার ফিরিয়ে দিল ওবায়দুল কাদের, দেখলেই বুঝবেন | Sheikh Hasina | be news - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> যে কারনে, প্রধানমন্ত্রীর উপহার ফিরিয়ে দিল ওবায়দুল কাদের, দেখলেই বুঝবেন | Sheikh Hasina | be news - Duration: 1:35.





Università di Cagliari rilascia certificati laurea Blockchain - Tlc - Duration: 2:13.

 L'Università di Cagliari, a partire dalla sessione di laurea in Informatica di venerdì, assicurerà la validità e l'integrità dei certificati europei di laurea grazie alla blockchain di Ethereum, una tecnologia informatica che rende possibile l'autenticazione di certificati e documenti ufficiali sul web in modo aperto, sicuro e trasparente

"Abbiamo deciso di garantire l'autenticità dei certificati europei dei nostri laureati con questa tecnologia, perché intendiamo dotarli di uno strumento moderno, semplice e immediato, utilizzabile ovunque nel mondo - spiega la Rettrice Maria Del Zompo -

Un certificato di laurea, sia cartaceo sia in formato digitale, è facilmente falsificabile o alterabile

 Grazie a questa tecnologia, i nostri studenti potranno garantire l'autenticità e l'integrità dei loro certificati digitali a potenziali datori di lavoro in tutto il mondo, in modo semplice e gratuito"

 L'innovativo sistema permette di emettere documenti digitali certificati, assicurandosi che non siano manipolabili o falsificabili

Alcune università statunitensi, come il Massachusetts Institute of Technology, hanno già iniziato a rilasciare certificati di laurea in informatica la cui autenticità è assicurata tramite la tecnologia blockchain di Bitcoin

La soluzione adottata dall'ateneo cagliaritano è legata alla blockchain di Ethereum, più moderna e adatta allo scopo rispetto a Bitcoin, e si pone all'avanguardia del settore grazie alle sue peculiarità: prevede una singola registrazione per sessione di laurea, con risparmio di costi e di complessità; non prevede alcuna dotazione o interfacciamento specifici per essere mantenuta da parte del laureato: solo la disponibilità del file col certificato di laurea; chiunque può verificare l'autenticità del certificato: basta la disponibilità del file e un accesso a Internet, seguendo le semplici istruzioni fornite nel sito web dell'Università


For more infomation >> Università di Cagliari rilascia certificati laurea Blockchain - Tlc - Duration: 2:13.


Convicted felon to face murder charges - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Convicted felon to face murder charges - Duration: 0:53.





Así fue el impresionante choque en Lugones: una camioneta embistió un camión y otros autos se salvar - Duration: 0:21.

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