Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 19 2018

Hello there guys and girls,

welcome to another monthly channel update of mine.

Today's video is gonna be a wild mix of topics because I don't have any big issues

to talk about at the moment.

I wanna start off by talking about my video schedule a little bit.

The big tutorial for Menyoo PC, which is almost an hour long and probably the most detailed

tutorial I ever made, kinda threw me off my schedule a little bit.

Scripting and research alone took weeks and when I went into the recording and editing

phase there was simply no room to work on anything else for weeks.

This is why there have been only some short clips lately but I definitely wanna dive deeper

into the possibilities of storytelling now because through that tutorial I learned a

lot of things myself that I hope to use in future videos.

I just couldn't find the time to script much content lately.

The ideas are piling up, but they often need to be reworked and developed.

And I really wanna do a serious and dark cinematic.

Some people have been asking me to do some longer movies like that, but the longer the

runtime, the longer I will be working on the video.

I really don't wanna leave you people waiting for eight weeks until a new video comes out.

I hope I can figure out a way to balance video frequency and video quality even more.

Also I am thinking about stopping to make Battlefield 1 montages because the Battlefield

V hype train is already taking off and of course I can't compete with that because

I didn't get an invitation for the closed alpha.

I'm also not sure if I will make videos with Battlefield V. While the gameplay may

be fun, I just can't look at it.

The art style is just so oversaturated and the color scheme of the game seems weird to

my eyes.

I'll decide once the final product is available.

Just for safe measure here:

Next up on the list is the fact that the growth of my channel has been slowing down a little

over the past weeks and months and I have no idea why that happens.

I don't think it has to do with changing the video titles from "machinima" to "cinematics"

because that process started way before that.

While in April I gained around 180 new subscribers I am currently at around 110 new subscribers

for the past 28 days.

Maybe it's just the usual summer low because people spend more time outdoors and less sitting

on a PC watching nerdy gaming videos.

Then again: When do nerds ever leave the house?

Well, I do.

I've been enjoying the summer so far which also kept me from making videos at many occasions.

Schedule, dear schedule.

I have failed you.

Here's another topic!

Thanks to the tutorial for Menyoo PC I had to actually update my GTA folder to the most

current state, which I haven't done since...uh...Smuggler's Run I guess?

And thanks to updating all the mods my setup runs pretty smoothly again.

I hope I won't have to update ever again because it took me more than five hours sifting

through all the shangs, backing up my game files and yadda, yadda, yadda.

Well, before I keep talking random shingles here it's better if I end the video.

That's about it for this month's channel update.

Let me know what you think and I will reply for sure.

Thank you for watching and stay tuned, whanowa over

For more infomation >> Channel Update: Video Schedule and Growing Slower [July 2018] - Duration: 3:42.


Sooraj Pancholi Workout - Fitness Freak Actor Sooraj Pancholi Gym Workout Video Compilation - Duration: 3:13.

Please Like, Comment & Subscribe.

For more infomation >> Sooraj Pancholi Workout - Fitness Freak Actor Sooraj Pancholi Gym Workout Video Compilation - Duration: 3:13.


Чанта за инструменти DeWalt 1-79-209 - 500мм - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Чанта за инструменти DeWalt 1-79-209 - 500мм - Duration: 1:28.


Was tun bei Feueralarm auf der ISS? | Alexander Gerst im Weltraumtraining - Duration: 4:23.

Fire alarm in space:

What happens when a fire broke out in the Soyuz capsule or on the Space Station?

"Well, you notice that your adrenaline levels shoot up if you know you're here in a locked room,

in a tin can, to put it crudely, and you can't just open a window."

"I think one of the things I had to get used to initially was how you actually extinguish a fire on the Space Station.

I used to work as a voluntary firefighter and the way you extinguish a fire like that would be

that you actually went into the fire and sprayed water on the flames or used a fire extinguisher.

You go right into the flames. And you could actually be inclined to employ the same strategy on the Space Station.

But, that is only the best strategy in certain cases."

The labyrinth of the ISS is home to thousands upon thousands of electronic devices that could set on fire.

The biggest challenge is to find out what's gone wrong when you hear an alarm.

Space travellers must learn a procedure for any emergency imaginable.

As the future commander, Alexander is in charge.

His main task is to ensure that the crew works well together.

A further three astronauts are doing the same training with him.

They must be able to recall every movement automatically if there is a real fire.

Who is where? That is the first question when you hear an alarm.

Alexander and Jeanette Epps, who will be flying with him to the ISS in 2018, already make a great team.

"Once you have the crew all together in a secure location, then you can confer and talk to ground control.

En route, you might be able to close a porthole behind you to stop smoke spreading to other areas and so on.

These are the sort of things that you need to know like the back of your hand,

even if you wake up at 4am and half-asleep, you need to react like a flash."

In an emergency, the hierarchy is immediately clear.

The commander makes decisions and delegates.

Even if the team should make a mistake, the buck stops with him.

Alexander excels in composure - a quality that can be life-saving.

There is always a Plan A, B or C, and in the worst case scenario,

the astronauts can always exit the spaceship in the departure-ready Soyuz Capsule.

"You start off by firstly identifying exactly what is burning and where it is burning.

Then, the electrical current should be shut down, as the most probable cause for a fire on the Space Station by far is a short circuit,

for example of a research modulus in an electronic device, a laptop, that is on fire.

If you actually have an open fire in the cabin, maybe because a laptop battery has caught fire,

then you can, or even must, use a fire extinguisher.

But that is really still solution number 2.

If none of that is helping either, then there is always solution number 3,

where we turn off the whole modulus, as well as the entire electrical current for the modulus, close the hatch

and then any fire should then go out, purely down to the fact that a flame cannot sustain itself in zero gravity.

On earth, a fire burns because there, hot air rises and new oxygen is pulled into the flame beneath.

In space, that doesn't work quite as well, because there is no above and below.

So, that means that a flame stifles itself if there is no airflow.

And the first thing that actually happens on the Space Station when there's a fire is that the cabin ventilation is switched off.

That way and by also turning off the electrical current, you can make sure that a fire will stifles itself and eventually will go out."

Teamwork is everything, and every fire is under control.

For more infomation >> Was tun bei Feueralarm auf der ISS? | Alexander Gerst im Weltraumtraining - Duration: 4:23.


Airports Authority of India Junior Assistant Recruitment 2018 | AAI Junior Assistant Notification - Duration: 3:29.

Airports Authority of India Junior Assistant Recruitment 2018

AAI Junior Assistant Notification

For more infomation >> Airports Authority of India Junior Assistant Recruitment 2018 | AAI Junior Assistant Notification - Duration: 3:29.


MTOTO wa AJABU: Anamiliki KANISA, Anaombea na KUPONYA! - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> MTOTO wa AJABU: Anamiliki KANISA, Anaombea na KUPONYA! - Duration: 5:45.


ڈاکٹر نیوترشن کے ساتھ وزن کم کرنے کے طریقے- Dr nutrition steps for weight loss - Duration: 4:17.















For more infomation >> ڈاکٹر نیوترشن کے ساتھ وزن کم کرنے کے طریقے- Dr nutrition steps for weight loss - Duration: 4:17.


SAHİP ÇIKALIM UZAYLIYA !!! (Uzaylı Saldırısına Uğradım) - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> SAHİP ÇIKALIM UZAYLIYA !!! (Uzaylı Saldırısına Uğradım) - Duration: 5:37.


Samsun Bandırma Vapuru / Trabzon' dan Samsun'a / Yol Manzaraları - Duration: 17:51.

For more infomation >> Samsun Bandırma Vapuru / Trabzon' dan Samsun'a / Yol Manzaraları - Duration: 17:51.


IGTV Instagram | Как загрузить видео более 10 минут в Инстаграм | Секреты Инстаграм - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> IGTV Instagram | Как загрузить видео более 10 минут в Инстаграм | Секреты Инстаграм - Duration: 3:33.


袖にハマって幸せそうにくつろぐ猫さん。しばらくすると同居猫が乗ってきて・・・とっても不思議な姿に【癒される】 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> 袖にハマって幸せそうにくつろぐ猫さん。しばらくすると同居猫が乗ってきて・・・とっても不思議な姿に【癒される】 - Duration: 1:21.


KLM Podcasts - Episode 6 - The Hand of God - Duration: 35:47.

At about 11:30

I woke up

feeling some pitching motion

in the ship and

aware of the sound of breakers.

A nasty sea had already got up

and Solace had swung round

towards the reef.

We were lying off a lee shore

within 100 yards of the breakers

with a rapidly rising

sea and wind.

Pitch dark


the anchor chain was clearly

foul of a rock

and liable to part

at any moment

and the engine was useless.

This is Rose Clark.

Rose is reading an excerpt

from a book written by her father


about his trip around the world

in a small wooden sailboat

with only a teenage mate.

This passage is

about their dramatic shipwreck

in November of 1954

on the reef

surrounding a place

in the Pacific Ocean called

Palmerston Island.

The ship was pitching

like a rocking horse.

It had all the appearance

and feeling of having parted.

There was now no hope.

It was a matter of seconds.

I sent Stanley below

for the lifebuoys

and we had scarcely

put them on when the keel

thank God it was an iron one

struck with a jarring shock.

We clung to the rigging

smothered by the seas.

As the ship was held by

oh, it's getting a bit emotional for me.


We clung to the rigging

smothered by the seas.

As the ship was held

by the series of crashing breakers

onto the reef.

During the next six hours

the tide fell.

It was barely light

when we saw the islanders coming out to us.

Some in canoes

some over the reef.

There was a lot of long faces

but little was said.

The ship was obviously hulled

though she didn't look a wreck

but what a position to be in

on a reef

exposed to wind and water

on a tiny coral atoll

with only 70 inhabitants

hundreds of miles from anywhere

almost thousands from civilization.

I think I'm a born optimist

but my heart was never nearer my boots

then at that moment.

For Victor Clark

his Mate Stanley

and surprisingly enough

decades later

for Victor's daughter Rose...


is the trip that changed


Hi, I'm Jonathan Groubert

and this is The Journey.

The Journey is an original podcast

from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

where we meet extraordinary people

whose lives are transformed

by travel.

The story of the shipwreck

you just listened to

is an excerpt from the book

"On the Wind of a Dream"

written by Rose's father.

Rose is 37


like her father

ginger and


And she knows her dad's stories

by heart.

Her childhood was filled with

tales of his adventures on the high seas.

The whales, the storms and

all the exciting details.


Victor found them exciting.

For Rose…

not so much.

In one sense he would love to tell his stories

you know, if people came around for dinner or whatever

and I think I just switched off.

I think I just didn't realize

how amazing he was.

The one place

the one story

that Victor returned to

again and again was:

the shipwreck

on Palmerston Island.

So it's between

New Zealand and America

in the South Pacific Ocean

probably a bit closer to New Zealand

and it's kind of like halfway around the world from

where I am in England.


it is..

a couple of hundred miles from

the nearest other island

the nearest other Cook Island.

Palmerston doesn't have shops or anything

so we're literally talking

200 miles away

for the nearest shop.

Depending on the time of year

50 to 80 people live on this atoll

that is part of the Cook Islands.

Almost everyone on the island

is a descendent of the original settler

the English sailor and carpenter

William Marsters.

Back in 1863

he brought three Polynesian wives to the island

which is divided up between the three families

to this day.

Palmerston is the only Cook Island

where English is the first language

albeit with some anachronistic usages.

Palmerston is also

without exaggeration

one of the most remote inhabited

places on earth.

And despite having crashed his boat on its reef

that fateful November night in 1954

and being forced to stay here

far longer than he had ever planned or imagined

Palmerston was a place Victor Clark

came to love


He always said that..

Palmerston was his favorite place in the world

and his favorite time of life.

We used to joke and say

oh, we know what your happiest time of life.

What about your

your wife and your kids?

And he used to do his raucous laughter

and um..

you know

we all used to laugh about it

it was an incredible time for him

and the people of Palmerston

were on

in his thoughts and prayers every day

for the rest of his life.

Why were the people of Palmerston

in his thoughts and prayers until the end of his days?

Why was his time here

the happiest time

of his life?

Why exactly

was Palmerston so special to

Victor Clark?

Here's why.

Lieutenant Commander Victor Clark

had retired from the British Navy

a mere two months

when he set out on a 33-foot

all-white ketch

a two-mast wooden sailboat



His plan:

to sail the world.

He was having a really rough time in the navy

and uh, yeah.

So wanted to escape and..

have his trip round the jolly world.

Go for an adventure.

And for his trip

Victor needed a ships mate.

My name is Stanley Mathurin.

Born 14 March 1937.

While on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia

Victor met the then 16-year-old islander

Stanley Mathurin.

Stanley was already locally famous

for his sailing prowess

and he was looking for new adventures.

So when Commander Clark turned up in Solace

introductions were made.

He was a retired naval officer

and he knew that my great ambition

was to go to sea

and be a captain.

He figured that was a good opportunity

for me to..

go to sea.

He said that

he liked the cut of my jib

or something like that.

And so the next thing I knew

I was gone.

They left the Caribbean

in January 1954

and set sail towards the Pacific Ocean.

Everything went well until November

of the same year

when Victor and Stanley

stopped at Palmerston.

They had stopped off at Palmerston

and you have to anchor outside the reef

because you couldn't take the boat

into the lagoon.

Well we were on board

and it started blowing

and um

well we figured we better

take up the anchor

and sail away, you know.

What did you think to yourself

the moment you realized

everything was going wrong?

Well, I thought, that's it.

We're thrown on the reef.

Yes, I still remember

what he looks like

and his friend

that he brought with him

from the Caribbean


he was only 16

when he came here.

This is Bill Marsters.

He's the son of Tuakana

and Inano Marsters

the family who took Victor and Stanley in

after the crash.

I managed to reach him via Skype

something they have there these days.

Bill was only 6 at the time

but he has vivid memories

of the time of the shipwreck.

It took a great effort

but the islanders managed to

get the badly battered Solace

on the beach.

There were barely any tools and

no electricity, so

everything had to be done by hand.

It took 9 months

to make it sea worthy again.

But when it was

the duo set sail

but used Palmerston as a base

while criss-crossing the Pacific.

All told

they were on Palmerston

for more than 2 years.

Victor and Stanley

enjoyed life on the island greatly.

This is what

Victor wrote in his book.

I shall never cease to marvel

at my good fortune

in getting wrecked on Palmerston.

If I had wanted to get wrecked

and had had the whole world to choose from

I could never have found a better place.

Green waving palm trees

white sandy beaches

trimmed with verdant bushes.

Blue lagoon

cooled by trade wind

no noises other than nature's

wholesome food in abundance

Robinson Crusoe

did not do nearly so well.

As time passed

Bill Marsters remembers

how Victor and Stanley integrated themselves

into life on Palmerston.

He always have

classes for kids to study

about the Bible

and singing hymns.

As you can imagine

the arrival of two new men

for an extended period of time

was kind of a big deal

full of grand moments

carved into the history

of Palmerston Island.


like the air drop.

We had to light a fire

so that the pilot could see

how the wind was blowing

in order to know

where to drop his parachute

with all the stuff.

Screws and bolts

and nuts and glue

and stuff

to help with the repairs.

I was all excited.

This boy from St. Lucia

you know

all this is happening to him, you know.

I mean, I was living a dream.

Newspapers worldwide

ate up the story

of the daring airdrop

delivering supplies to a

shipwrecked naval commander.

Victor Clark had some notoriety back then.

Not just because of his daring circumnavigation

of the planet in a tiny wooden ketch.

But also because

Victor was a decorated war hero

who saw extraordinary action

in the Pacific.

He was bombed a few times

in ships in the ocean.

He swum in shark infested water

for a few nights

with a broken arm on a

piece of old barrel or

wood or something.

I think he absolutely believed

that God had his back.

That was always his first in life

is that he knew

that moment he was in the water

that God had his back and

that he would survive it.

Survived the oceans

survived the sharks.

And eventually got rescued..

by someone

and then betrayed

and then he was a Japanese prisoner of war.


and that is something he never spoke about.

And I think that's a lot to do with

the pain that they all suffered

he saw incredibly awful things.

After the war

Victor was passed over for promotion

and given a desk job.

He resigned

and immediately

began his ambitious trip

around the world

that lasted more than 5 years.

Back in England

at a youthful 68 years of age

he married a woman 30 years his junior

and had two daughters.

Rose was born

when Victor was 72.

Despite his advanced years

Rose says he was an energetic father

and, because he was already retired

always around.


he was around physically.


he may have been somewhere else...

Here's a tender moment

Rose sent us

of Victor and herself.

He used to love reading us stories.

He would dress up and

knock on the door as a

different character each time

and come and be that person

for a Sunday afternoon.

He was just really fun.

I felt close to him

but it was only when

I was older

at the age of 20

that I realized that

I had dad issues

in that I didn't know anything about

an intimate father.

There had been an emotional distance

between us that I hadn't

probably realized at the time.

I don't think

as a child

I don't remember

affectionate words being spoken to me.

I don't particularly remember ever being told

I love you

by dad.

So as a family

we're not

we're not very..

warm affectionately like that.

I think towards the end of dad's life I

I learnt to say

I love you.


And it was hard


I got there.

Did he ever say it back?

He was in hospital

one time

and I..

was just able to be really honest with him

but he..

I think he just smiled because

he probably actually couldn't talk at that point.

Lieutenant-Commander Victor Clark

died in January of 2005

at 97 years of age.

And as large as he was in life

that is how humble

his funeral was.

As far as mum's concerned

like when a body's dead

it's nothing because their spirit is gone to heaven

and the body's just the body.

So she wasn't precious about this kind of thing at all.

We weren't in a great state when

dad died.

We had like a tiny family funeral

with a few people

and that was it.

Dad had always envisioned

horses with feathers

and carrying his coffin on a

you know

a carriage, you know

like an important person

would have.


and obviously he definitely didn't get that.

Rose was 25 then.


she trained to be a special education teacher.

And got a good

but demanding job.

I had been working in a Manchester

central Manchester primary school

as a learning mentor

training as a

therapeutic play worker

to help with the children

that were really troubled.

I loved it

but I

as the years went on

I got increasingly burdened by it

and I just felt more and more useless.

And I didn't know

how to fix these people

that were very broken

and I think that really began

to frustrate and upset me

and it just became too much

and I guess you would say I got

burnt out.

Just like her father

Rose is a devoted Christian.

She walks around with a worn

dog-eared bible

full of notes and comments

written in the corners.

But back then

Rose says she became...

alienated from her faith.

I had begun to slip into..

patterns of life that weren't particularly helpful.

Um, so..

I had started


a bit more excessively again.

I had started dabbling in..

smoking weed again

but all the time going to church still

that was the thing.

It felt like I was being really hypocritical

because on one hand I was loving Jesus

and knew that I was

unconditionally loved by him.

But then on the other hand

I was doing things that

were just really not great

for my quality of life and

probably hurting other people

along the way as well I think.

Add to that

a difficult living situation

and a complicated

and unfulfilling love life.


just then

a couple of remarkable things

kind of..

came together.

Her cousin inherited Solace

the sailing boat Victor Clark and Stanley

circumnavigated the world with.

Rose and he were

refurbishing Solace together.

They came across all kinds of

silent witnesses to the long journey

Solace made with her father

like the improvised nails

the Palmerston islanders

used to stitch her together.

She started rereading her father's book

about his voyage around the world.

When she was a child

her father's stories often bored her

but now

for the first time

she found a new appreciation

for her father's amazing feats.

And she was particularly curious

about his time on Palmerston Island.

Yeah. So I was reading dad's copy

of 'On the Wind of a Dream'

and tucked in the front cover

there was a piece of paper

and it had a Palmerston telecom address.

And I thought, wow

this could be my route in.

So I emailed it and

I said, for the attention of Mama Inano.

And I wrote and I said

dear Mama Inano

I have no idea

if you remember who Commander Victor Clark is

but I'm his daughter

and I am wondering if

I could come and visit you

because, you know, Palmerston was a

great time of his life

and he spoke very fondly of you and

Tuakana and all your family

when I was growing up.


can I come and visit?

Tuakana and Mama Inano were

the people who took in Victor and Stanley.

Despite the passage of nearly 6 decades

Mama Inano remembered them very well.

She also told Rose

she was more than welcome.


Rose prepared for the trip to

tiny Palmerston Island

that speck in the Pacific

that played such an outsized role

in her father's life.

She took enough for a few months' travel.

My cousin Tom said to me

are you going to take your dad's ashes?

And I said..


if I got room I might

you know, it definitely wasn't a planned thing

from my point of view.

I had like a front pocket

on the front of the rucksack

and uh

so I had room

so I took some of dad's ashes

as many as I could fit in a jar.

It was a big old peach jar

that my mom had lying around.

So I stuffed his ashes into this peach jar

screwed on the lid

and thought that'll do.

Why, why would you take your dad's ashes?


it was..

the place he loved most in the world.

Getting to Palmerston

is still quite a journey.

First Rose flew to LA

followed by a long flight to Rarotonga

the largest and most densely populated island

of the Cook Islands.

Mama Inano happened to already be there

for a medical procedure.

So, the two met on the island.

And together they prepared

for the final leg to Palmerston.

There are no ferries or flights there.

The only way to get there from Rarotonga

is to wait for a cargo ship that

just happens to have Palmerston on its route.

They waited a month for the ship

to take a trip

which even today

is not for the faint of heart.


going across on the journey

you all lie on the deck

like little sardines in a tin.

Wrapped up in my sleeping bag.

We had a tarpaulin over us in case it rained

and to probably cover us from the wind a bit as well.

There were people chucking

chucking over the edge, you know

being sick.

And how long did it take?

It's about

three days. Two nights.

We had arrived at the nighttime

when we were sleeping.

I think the little boy Nariki

he had started to get excited when

he'd peeled up the canvas

to see that we'd arrived

and there was a light in the distance.

And he said to me, oh

this is Palmerston, we're home, we're home.

Yeah. It was amazing.

We get picked up by the little tin boat

you know, the islanders come out

and they pick you and your stuff up

and drive you back across the lagoon.

And I was in the same boat as Mama Inano.

We stepped ashore

and she put her arm around me

and she said

'Welcome my dear.

You have fulfilled your father's dream'

because she knew that he'd

always wanted to come back.

Your eyes are tearing up a little.


Every time.

It hit me that, that was what I was doing.

I was coming to -

because of dad.


So who came out to greet you?

All the island come down.

You know, when they know that family members

are coming back

they'll all come down to the seashore

to welcome you if

if they're physically able. Yeah.

Yeah. So big.

I mean that's a massive thing in itself

you know, they all come and

give you a kiss or two kisses

always two kisses.

I was explaining to them

who I was and they would say

oh yeah, we know

we've grown up hearing stories about

your father.

Bill Marsters explains how Victor Clark

is remembered on the island.

Well, I think he was a really..

a good man

a Christian man

and everybody who was on the island knows him

what he had did for the island.

We never thought that

his daughter will come back

to follow up...

her father's...

route what he did.

Rose settled onto the island

staying with Bill and Mama Inano

- or Grammy

as Rose calls her.

And then she showed them the peach jar

with her father's ashes.

I said to her, listen

I've got dad's ashes.

Is it okay if

I scattered them in the lagoon or whatever?

And she said, leave it with me, my dear.

I'll speak to Bill, her son.


I just felt that

she were just following up to the, uh..

the history of her father

one of the reason is to bring his ash back

but that's what the really aim.

She said she wanted to come to make

to get approval

from the family

if she can bring her father's ash

and bury besides my father.

I feel really happy about it

because I

my, my father had

a lot of time with him

and they seem to be

worked together

as like brother.

All the Palmerston islanders then

held a memorial service

laying Commander Victor Clark's ashes

to rest

in a manner closer to what

he had envisioned.

Death to them is

much more of a precious thing than

it was to our family, you know

they would think the idea of

throwing him in the lagoon or

something was outrageous.

You know, he needed a proper burial

and they were

you know, they, they were so honored

that I had brought him home

So it was a really

special thing for them.

All the islanders came to the memorial service and

the old mamas that were still alive that remembered him

told their stories and memories about him.

And we sung his favorite hymn.

Um, yeah.

And it was just really special

and definitely felt like

it had been how it should have been.

That's incredibly moving.

Well, I mean, at the time

I was a wreck obviously.

Yeah. All my emotions

that I'd

pushed down for years

came out and I.

Yeah, I definitely cried that day.

And another thing was that

on the day of his memorial

it rained and poured the whole day

and to Palmerston people

rain is such a blessing.

So they were saying to me

oh my gosh, this is God's hand of blessing.

Just the whole thing was amazing.

I love to think that he saw it.


I love to think that he, that you

can look down from heaven

and then see what's going on.

Rose's sojourn on the island

helped her gain insight

into a man she loved

and respected but

barely knew.

Like his inner struggle with God.

Take the story of the

night before the shipwreck.

So he's having a quiet time

on his boat that evening

just spending time like reading his Bible or

you know, with God

and he felt like God said

I want you to stay and teach these people about me.

And being the naval officer he was

he said, sorry Lord, I'm leaving in the morning

and just left it at that.

And it was that night

that the wind changed direction suddenly.

And he got flung on the reef

and ended up staying there for nine months.

Is that how he said it to you?

No, absolutely not.

So I found that out from Mama Inano

when I got to the island.

What did you think when you heard that?

It was amazing.

That makes so much more sense.


he had always said that on his grave

he would like..

sailor and missionary written.

And I used to kind of laugh at him going

you weren't a missionary

what the heck are you talking about?

But I see now why

that made sense to me more

because he had spent a lot of time

teaching them about Jesus

while he was there

and God's love for them.

Rose says that, after that

she was done.

She'd buried her father in the place he loved most.

Got to know him better

and finally closed off the chapter of his loss.

Time to leave Palmerston Island behind.


So my plan was to get a cargo ship

to go back to Rarotonga

and fly to New Zealand where

I would be for another few months and then

go back to life in England.


but what happened is

that a ship never turned up

so I missed my flight.

So the ship never came

Rose missed her flight

and there was one more thing...



She was seven or eight by then.

Carly had behavioral difficulties

and they didn't really know how to deal with her.

She wasn't able to start school

until they could get the funding

for somebody to come and

specially work with her.

At that point

the local school principal found out that

Rose had experience working with kids

with special needs.

So, of course

the principal…

asked Rose to stay.

I said, 'no way.

This is a tiny island

hundreds of miles away from anywhere else

and I am not going to stay here.

But thank you anyway'.


and then I think my conscience began to get the better of me

because I realized that

if I walked away

she would not be a seven or eight year old

who hadn't started school

she would be a nine, 10, 11 year old that

hadn't started school

and hadn't had that chance for education.

I totally believe

that God uses his word to speak to us at

situations where we need guidance.

So the next morning I was walking around the beach

doing my daily walk

and there was a weird strip of

red water right by the water's edge.

It was bright red.

A couple of hundred meters worth.

And um, God spoke to me about the Red Sea

and how he had parted the waves for the Israelites

to leave Egypt to their freedom.

Um, and...

just said to me, in my spirit

I'm going to make a way where

there seems to be no way.

I knew what I felt God was saying to me.


and then just thought, okay

there's nothing else I can do now.

I'll stay on Palmerston.


you plan to leave

something happens that intervenes

you change your mind and

you decide to stay.

Where have I heard this story before?

You have heard that with my dad.

So for him

it was like a little argument with God

and for me it was a

God saying

this is the shape hold that I've carved out

that you fit perfectly into.

And it didn't take a shipwreck

for me to say, okay, I'll stay.

A religious person would listen to this story and say

"She read God's signs correctly."

Others might say

"she was looking for reasons to stay."

Whatever you believe

Rose, who, like her father before her

had no intention of staying on

one of the most isolated places on earth

decided that, for now

Palmerston Island..

is home.

And this is what Rose's routine was like.

So Carly was only in school for a few hours a day.

So then in the afternoons

I would go into the main classroom

and help out with all the other

20 however many kids.

Rose says time is a relative thing on Palmerston.

One day is much like the next.

There is abundant fresh food.

Limitless sunshine.

And, Rose didn't exactly say this

but I'll say it

a sense of purpose.

The feeling that she was there for a reason.

In this new environment

far away from everything familiar

she could reinvent herself.

I thought, okay

I'm going to try and live life without alcohol.

And for me alcohol had been a real confidence thing



It had always been a bit of a crutch for me.

So, um, to try and integrate into a little community

without my false

crutch of alcohol

was a challenge.

But, you know, it was one that I overcame

and managed it.

After that I never drank alcohol again.

And Rose changed her life in other small

but significant ways..

Apart from the alcohol thing

I would never step out the house

without a tonne of eye makeup

because I literally thought that I was gross

and like people wouldn't want to see me

as I am today

but when I got to Palmerston

I thought, okay

here's my chance.

These are people that have never known me with makeup

so they're not gonna know anything different.

So then I stopped wearing makeup.

That's a tiny, insignificant thing to a lot of people.

But to me that is just so freeing.

How long did you stay in the end?

Four and a half years.

Because I loved it.

There was no reason

not to be there.

I just really loved it.

I loved that slower pace of life.

I loved learning how to enjoy my own company.

At the end of four years

the day came that Rose

returned to Britain.

Bill and Grammy gave her a send off

befitting the departure

of a member of the family.

Took me to the beach where we always say goodbye

when anyone's leaving.

Same as when dad was there

big semicircle of people all gathered.

And then they sang their Maori songs

traditional Maori song that

they sing when people go

um, and yeah

then all the kissing begins

and all the tears obviously this time

because it was a final goodbye.

Um, yeah..

So very emotional.

Especially saying goodbye to Grammy

because I knew that

it would probably be the last time that I saw her

because she was well into her eighties already.

So that was really hard.

I think I tried to tell myself that

I would see her again

just to make it easier

but I mean we both knew that

we wouldn't this side of heaven.

So yeah, that was hard.

She, she like physically found it difficult to let go of me.


Psalm 121, verse eight.

The Lord shall preserve thy going out

and thy coming in

from this time forth

and even for evermore.

And that's what they read for your father, right?

Yeah. And for me.

I think it's just a real send-off

you know, a real beautiful send-off.

Now when you were standing on..

that yacht

and looking back at the island

as the trees and the sand

were fading in the coastline

what went through your head?

Uh, I, I went to the...

end of the boat and just sat looking out to it.

Yeah. And crying turmoil.


Rose has been back in England

for a year and a half.

She works for a charity

and loves it.

And she says her time on Palmerston

has changed her for the better.

Are you happier?

Yeah, definitely.


I feel like I went a prisoner

and came back free.

I've learned lessons and

I've carried them back into this busyness

and I'm determined not to get

caught up in the rat race again.

Do you understand your dad better, you think?


What part of his life do you think you understand better?

His need to find..

a purpose


just to run away from all the crap that life brings sometimes

and go and

I hate that expression

find yourself

I guess for both.

Well, for me it was to find..

God in a more intimate place.


And just to experience

the most loving people I've ever met


they definitely gave me a different outlook on life

without a doubt.


You think you'll ever go back?

Yeah, I'll go back.


And whether that is to live for years

or just to visit for months

I'm not sure

but I will without a doubt go back.

Your father said that...

his time on Palmerston was the happiest..

in his life.

How about you?

For me, I can say the same, as well.

If he were alive today

sitting here in this room

what would you say to him?

I love you so much, dad

and thanks for being an inspiration.



If you'd like to see pictures of Rose's time on Palmerston

or if you'd like to listen to an interview Victor Clark gave

to the Imperial War Museum

about his time in WW2

we will put them on our website:

Go and look

go listen

they are fascinating.

This was the last episode

of the first season

of The Journey.

An original podcast brought to you by

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.

To hear more stories about

the trip that changed everything

go to

And why not review us

on Apple Podcasts.

It helps other listeners find this podcast.

Thank you so much for listening.

I'm Jonathan Groubert.

For more infomation >> KLM Podcasts - Episode 6 - The Hand of God - Duration: 35:47.


Contreventement et arrachement MOB - Réparation de nos erreurs - LPDMP #68 - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Contreventement et arrachement MOB - Réparation de nos erreurs - LPDMP #68 - Duration: 6:40.


Рисуем вместе с детьми "Совёнок" (eng sub)We draw together with children "Sovetskok" - Duration: 11:41.

Hello everyone, I'm glad that you went to the channel TessaArt!

Today we paint again with the children my brother will help me

get a soviet on a branch. list materials will be in the description under the video

first take the white, yellow, red and purple paint

as well as a flat synthetic brush more

begin to paint from the center of the sheet, make a circle with white paint

further around white color we put yellow. we will try to make a smooth transition

if the child something does not go then help him

Now do the same with red color and purple

by the way I advise you to look into my instagram there are video master classes that

you will not see on the channel, and also interesting photos, in general, go and

see for yourself in the description under the video.

take a round synthetic brush of a small

size and white paint add small strokes in a circle

In the same brush, draw in black sprig

Pencil out the silhouette of the owl and paint it in black try

make it as simple as possible. I made only the outlines of the head, ears and


if you change the tail a little, you can get a cat

take the thinnest brush

Which you have and draw your paws, eyes and beak

now you will need the cotton buds. fasten them with an elastic band, take the red

orange and yellow colors and starting with orange we start to put flowers or

leaves on a branch

repeat the same with yellow and red flowers

Do not forget to sign your work on memory

Here is such a suvenok left us, thank you for view, I hope you liked it, put it

thumb up, subscribe to the channel and Instagram. post photos of your work

in the group in contact do not miss the new video, bye bye

For more infomation >> Рисуем вместе с детьми "Совёнок" (eng sub)We draw together with children "Sovetskok" - Duration: 11:41.


캐보드와 함께하는 1박2일 워터파크 여행 첫번째 이야기! (feat.사랑을 했다) family reality ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> 캐보드와 함께하는 1박2일 워터파크 여행 첫번째 이야기! (feat.사랑을 했다) family reality ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 11:13.


2018 Chevrolet Trax LT AT - Behind the Wheel - Duration: 7:06.

There are some cars in the Philippine market

that just don't get that much attention,

hence you don't see them out

on the road very often.

Others might say that they don't really deserve

the chance to be out there

like the damn pimple on my forehead,

while others couldn't disagree more.

I tend to lean towards the latter

because I figure--why not?

Let the car show you if it does indeed,

deserve that Trax-tion pun intended

Let's see what the

2018 Chevrolet Trax has got.

Now, there's no denying that the front clip

of the Trax is good looking because

it just is.

On a compact frame,

you've got these large sweeping headlights

with DRLs from up here

all the way down here.

You've got a very textured--

a very unique emblem here,

a large grille and a chin

that is dressed up so well

that looks like it can probably

take on more punches than Ricky Hatton.

Sadly though, that line is back.

The shorter wheelbase is no more apparent

than when you look at the Trax from the side

2,555mm to be exact.

Now, apart from the 18-inch tires,

the 158mm of ground clearance,

and the keyless entry found on all four doors,

There really isn't much to say

when you're looking at this angle

at the very least about the side panels of the Trax

because well--it's not boring

but it's also not that exciting.

Now the rear is where it kinda fails for me a little bit

See, there are very minimal changes from the previous model

the bumper being the biggest one but it's not enough to win me over

The lower half doesn't really need any help

The top half might need a little bit of help

See, the glass back here is tilted just a little too much

I'd like if it were standing just a little bit more so that it would be

I don't know, much rounder

What doesn't need help is the 530L of space back here which is a lot

considering the car's size and plus it also does not have a lip on the lower floor

If you fold the 60/40 seats, that can go up to more than a thousand 300L of space

which is probably enough for the Philippines vs. Australia 2

Too soon? Eh?

There is definitely room for two average to large average size Filipinos back here

Just two though because even though the tunnel is flat in the center

Yeah, it's just enough for the two of them

Now this is my normal driving position but as you can see there's plenty of legroom there

and plenty of headroom, just a little bit tight up here

Now there are not many toys back here to speak of just the two speakers on the door

and the two cupholders found on the center

There are no airvents however there is an honest to goodness

230V 150watt plug found down in the center which you can power

just about anything really

It's not working

Now when you get inside I'm not gonna lie to you

It's not necessary gonna blow you away

There are cheap plastics that can be found all around the cabin

and the instrument cluster is really nothing there great

But as you spend more time inside the cabin you'll notice that there is this

fluidic flow on the dashboard which is very nice even this orange stitching

That's there too really cool too

Now it incorporates the 7-Inch touchscreen very very well

which has a MyLink system and it's pretty awesome because it does connect

to your smartphone very very well and it is better than some if not

most of the software that's available out there

Unfluidic however is… Unfluidic is that even a term well it is one now

Unfluidic inside the car is that there are no paddle shifters found on the steering wheel

There is however a plus and minus button found on the side of the stick

which activates when you put it in M mode. Kinda an odd place though

It's just I don't know, kinda weird

The seats are bolstered and comfortable at the same time

which means finding the right driving position not a problem whatsoever

You got a lumbar support that is controlled electronically

while the rest of the functions are controlled manually

Now the seat does come in two types of material which are fabric and leather

which means that it'll keep your butt cool and in place at the same time

Under the hood is a 1.4L that produces a 140horses and 200Nm of torque

Now that may not be a lot you might think but consider that there are other

subcompact cars out there that are more popular than this and have a larger

displacement engine but produce 30horsepower and 50Nm less

which makes this car an extremely peppy drive

And if you're talking about fuel economy. Well, we took this car

up the mountain and down the mountain through Metro Manila traffic

we played with it with a lead foot because we can

and the traffic I'm talking about is well, hell on earth which is the roads of Metro Manila

and we we're still able to clock 8.26km/l. Now that's misbehave driving

can you imagine what we could've done if we were behave

Driver aids is good, cabin functionality, better

There's enough cubby holes in here to fill a starships worth of tribbles

Safety however, best, because this car with this price tag has got 6 airbags

whether it's the top variant or the lower variant, 6 airbags include the driver

the passenger, and curtains on the side pretty good

Weighing in on the pros and cons of the Chevy Trax LT and a price tag

of P1,035,888 buyers may be hesitant and I completely understand

Fret not, there is a second option the LS variant

Now you may have to do a way with some driver comforts and creature aids

But it still does maintain the same 1.4L engine and those 6 airbags

aren't going anywhere, the beauty is, is that it's cheaper than P350,000

and that right there is where Chevy may deserve it's traction

For more infomation >> 2018 Chevrolet Trax LT AT - Behind the Wheel - Duration: 7:06.


КАК ИЗБЕГАТЬ неудачи в бизнесе | Делюсь личным опытом | Забег Color Run и заплыв Oceanman. Розыгрыш - Duration: 19:35.

For more infomation >> КАК ИЗБЕГАТЬ неудачи в бизнесе | Делюсь личным опытом | Забег Color Run и заплыв Oceanman. Розыгрыш - Duration: 19:35.


이동욱, 글로벌 공식 홈페이지 오픈 - Duration: 1:09.

(서울=연합뉴스) 이정현 기자 = 배우 이동욱이 국내외 팬과 소통하기 한 공식 홈페이지를 열었다. 이동욱 소속사 킹콩 바이 스타십은 "이동욱 공식 홈페이지(www가 오픈됐다. 글로벌 팬들을 위해 한국어 비롯해 영어 페이지도 함께 제공하며, 앞으로 이동욱의 공식 소통 창구로 많이 활용될 예정"이라고 19일 밝혔다

홈페이지에서는 이동욱의 출연작 정보, 고화질 사진, 공개 영상, 활동 관련 공지사항과 배우의 메시지 등을 접할 수 있다. 이동욱은 "저만의 간이 생겨서 좋다"며 "저도 가끔 글을 올린다든지, 제 소식을 전하는 창 , 회사의 소식을 전하는 창구로 활용하도록 하겠다"고 소감을 밝혔다

이동욱은 오는 23일 첫 방송하는 JTBC 월화극 '라이프' 출연을 두고 있다.

For more infomation >> 이동욱, 글로벌 공식 홈페이지 오픈 - Duration: 1:09.


Filet crochet with a large mesh: decreasing straight up at the start and the end of a row - Duration: 10:17.

In this video I will show you how to do decreases when you go straight up and

I will show you how to do it at the end of a row,

and how to do it at the start of a row.

Well, as you can see here, I'm working

on this vest, and well, I did decreases here,

for my armholes here, and well, I will show you how to do that.

I actually don't have a pattern for making a vest,

I just use a sweater or a coat,

and I will take that and look

how to do armholes, and well, in this, I didn't go straight up for the decreases,

but I wanted to show you anyhow.

Okay, the first decrease at the end, well, it's actually

quite obvious. I will decrease

2 meshes at the end of the row, so I will stop here.

So I will do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

if you haven't seen my previous video o how to do

the basis of this large mesh, it's filet crochet, but just with

larger holes,

so watch that if you want to,

1, 2, 3, and a triple crochet here,

and do 2 more,

and 1, 2, 3, well,

this decrease is actually the most

simple decrease that you can do, because you just stop here, so

I will do my last triple crochet,

and I actually just stop and turn my work.

So, it cannot get more easy than that.

1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6, 7,

and then I will just finish my row.

1, 2, 3, because next I want to show you

how to do a decrease like this at the start of a row.

Nearly at the end,

1, 2, 3,

1, 2, 3, the 4th stitch,

I explained it explicitly in my previous video,

oh, did I do that correct?

Yarn over twice, 1, 2, 3,

so watch that previous video if you haven't done that already.

Well, not splitting my yarn.

Okay, now I want to do a decrease

and I want to do that over these

first 2 squares here,

so I will continue with my crochet when I'm here.

And then I have to get up, so how do I come to this part,

and that is by doing slip stitches

and well, I will show you one thing.

They always say slip stitches, they don't add height to your stitch.

Well, of course that is not entirely true,

but it's usually not very visible,

that's why it's done, because you don't have to cut off your yarn.

But instead of doing my slip stitches here with the chain stitch,

I don't do them here into this upper loop

I will do them through these two,

so it will get closer to the previous row,

so I will start here in this first stitch where I did my triple crochet of the

previous row, and make a slip stitch.

So then we are at the first

chain of the previous row of this square

and I will do my slip stitch there,

then my second,

and then my third,


and then into the top of the triple crochet,

and then again, so you can see now, we have come back over

this first square,

and now again, we have 1, 2, 3

chain stitches here, so

insert here into this first

chain stitch,and make your slip stitch,

then your second,

sometimes your hook needs a little help,

to push it through, and then our third one,

and then we have come to the top of our triple crochet,

and now we've come back over 2 squares.

So, and now you can continue like you did,

so you have to do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 chain stitches,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

and then you continue like you normally do.

So I will do 1, 2, 3,

yarn over twice, 1, 2, 3, 4 stitches here,

So now we have done a decrease,

I will take this out,

so you can see here, here we have decreased 2 holes,

here we have decreased 2 holes,

and well, this is how to do it without

cutting of your yarn. And well, I will show you.

Here I didn't go back with slip stitches.

I just didn't want that for my piece.

I just cut off my yarn and then

I attached my yarn again at the place where I wanted to go up again.

Okay, I didn't go straight up here, but I will show you in the next video how to do this,

so that's also a possibility, but if you do that, you have to finish 2

yarn ends, so, of course, that's also an option,

if you don't want to go back with the slip stitches.

So, well,

I hope you liked this video. If you liked it please give it a thumbs up, leave a comment

if you like to, and I would appreciate it if you would subscribe to my channel

and then I will see you back in the next video where I show you how to do a decrease

over 1 hole in 1 row.

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