Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

En conferencia de prensa, el hasta ahora candidato presidencial de la coalición "Todos por México", José Antonio Meade, se mostró sereno diciendo sus impresiones de esta jornada electoral, en la que mencionó: "de acuerdo a los resultados preliminares, reconozco que las tendencias no nos favorecen", para dar pie a desear suerte a Andrés Manuel López Obrador, quien en sus propias palabras, es el puntero de estas elecciones

Hablando con la voz entre cortada, y manteniendo las lágrimas, José Antonio Meade dio las gracias a todos los que lo apoyaron, en especial a su esposa

"Le agradezco mucho a Juana, y a mis hijos por toda su solidaridad y a todos aquellos que estuvieron pendientes con sus oraciones y esperanza

Todos buscamos un mejor país, México es y debe ser un país unido. Le deseo mucho éxito al país

Seguiré trabajando por un México mejor". "Me voy como llegué, con la frente en alto, y el corazón lleno

El camino sigue, y estoy seguro que nos volveremos a encontrar", dijo. "Mexico es uno, todos compartimos la misma historia

Tendremos grandes retos, pero también grandes oportunidades. Agradezco al Presidente, Enrique Peña Nieto la oportunidad de haber sido parte de esta transformación", dijo para dar la palabra a René Juárez Cisneros, Presidente Nacional del PRI

Esto es historia, ya que es la primera vez que el PRI acepta que las tendencias no lo favorecen… Ebrard, el actual coordinador de campaña de López Obrador en ocho estados, subió un tuit en el que reconoce el acto de José Antonio Meade, tras reconocer su muy probable derrota

For more infomation >> "Las tendencias no nos favorecen": Meade le concede la victoria a AMLO - Duration: 2:13.


Cách xem trộm tin nhắn zalo người khác - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Cách xem trộm tin nhắn zalo người khác - Duration: 1:43.


Nhắm Mắt Thấy Mùa Hè - Nguyên Hà | Lê Minh Hiếu Cover「 Lyric Video」 - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Nhắm Mắt Thấy Mùa Hè - Nguyên Hà | Lê Minh Hiếu Cover「 Lyric Video」 - Duration: 4:46.


Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v1 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v1 - Duration: 5:33.


Ryan Zinke ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v2 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Ryan Zinke ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v2 - Duration: 5:33.


Ryan Zinke ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v5 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Ryan Zinke ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v5 - Duration: 5:33.


Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v8 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v8 - Duration: 5:33.


Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v10 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v10 - Duration: 5:33.


Melania Trump ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v8 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v8 - Duration: 5:33.


S. Korea kicks off 52-hour maximum workweek starting from July - Duration: 2:09.

South Korea officially shortened its maximum workweek to 52-hours starting this month,…

to improve people's quality of life by tackling the country's notoriously long work hours.

Won Jung-hwan reports.

The South Korean government is expected to bring a new change in the public's everyday

life as the country kicks off 52-hour maximum workweek system starting from July 1.

The new change, effective for businesses with more than 300 employees,… limits Korean

workers to work less than 52 hours per week from the previous 68-hour system.

The new 12 hours of extra overtime will now include the previous 16 hour slot that was

used for Day-off or weekends during each weeks.

The government has been stern to chance the working hour system.

If the rules are not followed, there will be consequences for business owners as they

can face up to two years in prison or a fine of up to nearly 18-thousand U.S. dollars.

While many big businesses, which have been bracing for the system for the past few months

by hiring new workers and overhauling their working hour system, are expected to adopt

to the new system without much of a hitch,… the problem lies with small and medium-sized

companies as they have been facing a variety of difficulties, including trouble hiring

new people and adopting flexible hours to meet employees' particular needs.

Given the circumstances, the government is implementing a six-month grace period for

those companies to take their time in applying the change and allow the system to take soft-landing.

Also to implement a smooth transition in the whole South Korean labor market, the government

will follow a roadmap to reach everyone in the near future as well.

Companies with 50-to-300 workers should implement the regulation starting January 2020, and

those with 5-to-50 should do so on July 2021.

But as the system has just been adopted, there will inevitably be some confusion in many


Some voiced concern about possible side effects as it could lead to some people to force to

look for part-time jobs to supplement their reduced earnings due to the cut of overtime

work payment.

As a result, the government needs to closely cooperate with workers and employers to mitigate

any adverse effects of the policy in the coming years.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea kicks off 52-hour maximum workweek starting from July - Duration: 2:09.


Delegations of North Korea, U.S. resume denuclearization talks at Panmunjom - Duration: 0:47.

Nearly three weeks after the historic summit between North Korea and the U.S.,... the delegations

of the two countries have met again to discuss Pyongyang's denuclearization.

A senior U.S. State Department official told CNN that the U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines,

Sung Kim met with North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui at the inter-Korean

truce village of Panmunjom on Sunday.

Yonhap News Agency reports that the two countries most likely discussed the details of U.S.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's visit to Pyongyang scheduled for this week,... which

analysts see as an important step in Pyongyang's denuclearization.

Kim and Choe held a series of meetings leading up to the Singapore summit on June 12th.

For more infomation >> Delegations of North Korea, U.S. resume denuclearization talks at Panmunjom - Duration: 0:47.


Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v2 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v2 - Duration: 5:33.


Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v3 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Wayne LaPierre ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v3 - Duration: 5:33.


Další nechvalné datum pro Babišovu vládu: Důvěra na socialistické výročí - Duration: 1:57.

„Problém je v tom, že je to vláda, která se bude opírat o komunisty. To je výsměch obětem komunistického režimu

Je to něco politicky nechutného," řekl Blesk Zprávám předseda poslaneckého klubu ODS Zbyněk Stanjura

„Za 40 let minulého režimu je jistě plný diář různých historických výročí. Kdybychom je chtěli dávat do souvislosti s dnešním hlasováním, asi by byl problém hlasovat kdykoliv

Takže je to z tohoto pohledu poněkud dětinská zábava. Včera není dnes a kočka není pes," reagoval Dolejš

Důležité pro Hamáčka je, aby kabinet získal důvěru „Pro mě je zásadní, že pokud vláda ten den získá důvěru, vznikne levicový kabinet, který bude moci pokračovat ve všem dobrém, co ČSSD dokázala ve vládě od roku 2013 a co by jinak spadlo pod stůl," dodal

Mimochodem ve čtvrtek to bylo přesně osm let, co byl jmenovaný premiérem někdejší předseda ODS Petr Nečas

Stalo se tak v den výročí spáchání atentátu na Františka Ferdinanda, což v roce 1914 odstartovalo první světovou válku

For more infomation >> Další nechvalné datum pro Babišovu vládu: Důvěra na socialistické výročí - Duration: 1:57.


Ryan Zinke ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v3 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Ryan Zinke ft. Violent Femmes - Confessions v3 - Duration: 5:33.


La Agencia Tributaria acredita la financiación irregular del PSPV - Duration: 4:37.

3 comentariosVer comentarios La Agencia Tributaria ha acreditado finalmente, gracias al cruce de datos en sus bases, la financiación irregular del Partido Socialista del País Valenciano (PSPV), varios de cuyos gastos de campaña de 2007 fueron abonados por empresas privadas que le pagaron directamente a la mercantil de publicidad Crespo Gomar, la firma de comunicación de cabecera del socialismo valenciano

 Lo que habían declarado trabajadores de la firma, que aseguraron haber realizado facturas falsas a empresas financiadoras del PSPV entre las cuales se hallaban por ejemplo Metrovacesa o Burguer King, está ya contrastado con datos tributarios, tal y como ha certificado la Policía en un informe que consta en uno de los sumarios de la causa, a los que ha tenido acceso EL MUNDO

 Tras la apertura de varios procedimientos por financiación irregular al PSOE valenciano, la Agencia Tributaria ha comprobado las facturaciones tanto de Crespo Gomar como de las principales empresas que presuntamente financiaban a la rama valenciana del partido

 El resultado, que ha encajado incluso en los céntimos, ha arrojado coincidencias con los correos electrónicos que dieron comienzo a la investigación de este caso en el Juzgado de Instrucción número 21 de Valencia, así como con las declaraciones de los antiguos empleados de la agencia de comunicación Crespo Gomar

 Ésta es una pequeña firma de Gandía que duró un decenio, entre 2001 y 2011, que estuvo presidida por el hijo de un teniente de alcalde del PSOE en la localidad y que, aun siendo una modesta firma de provincia consiguió contratos de los ministerios de Vivienda y Sanidad en la época de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero en el Gobierno central

 Los peritos de la Agencia Tributaria han comprobado la información fiscal de Hospimar 2000 S

L., Construcciones Blau Verd S.L., Quick Meals Ibérica S.L. (que es en realidad Burger King Spain), Centro Comercial y de Ocio La Vital y la constructora Metrovacesa, además de la propia Crespo Gomar, que es el punto en común de todas las partes de esta investigación

 El modelo 347 de la AEAT, el de operaciones de empresas con terceros, corrobora que Crespo Gomar cobró de las presuntas financiadoras y declaró dichos cobros, y estas otras empresas, por su parte, hicieron lo propio

 En el caso concreto de Hospimar 2000, por ejemplo, se han encontrado operaciones por valor de unos 12

000 euros que coinciden con la cifra de los trabajos electorales reflejados en los correos entre Crespo Gomar y el PSPV

 Eso mismo ocurre con Quick Meals en el caso del PSPV, pero hay otros ejemplos que también afectan al Bloc-Compromís: la Empresa General Valenciana del Agua (Egevasa), Construcciones Blau Verd o Luis Batalla (Lubasa)

 De ese cruce de datos y el estudio de los modelos 347 salieron las operaciones que actualmente se investigan precisamente en dos juzgados de Madrid y afectan a los ministerios de Sanidad y de Vivienda

 La labor de la Agencia Tributaria es clave porque aporta pruebas al punto de partida de las causas por financiación ilegal del PSPV: los correos dirigidos al partido por empleados de Crespo Gomar, que reclamaban al PSPV el cobro de facturas impagadas por las empresas donantes

 Así, una factura a nombre de Hospimar 2000 por valor de 11.478,20 euros coincide hasta en los céntimos con un documento de gastos electorales del PSPV de Benidorm en 2007, coincidiendo además absolutamente la fecha en ambos documentos, el 19 de febrero

Lo mismo sucede con una factura de Quick Meals SL de 6.960 euros del 17 de abril

En la investigación se incluyen, desde el principio, los correos que demuestran que la directriz con que operaban tanto los trabajadores de Crespo Gomar como los de las firmas pagadoras provenían del PSPV Benidorm, en concreto de Anabel Hallado, entonces secretaria de Organización local

For more infomation >> La Agencia Tributaria acredita la financiación irregular del PSPV - Duration: 4:37.


LeBron James agrees to four-year contract with Los Angeles Lakers - Duration: 8:53.

LeBron James is going to Hollywood.The NBA's premier free agent is leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers for the second time in his career - this time to play for the Los Angeles Lakers

  James will join the Lakers on a four-year contract worth a total of $154million, according to a press release by Klutch Sports Group

 On social media, James, the Akron native, bid farewell to his hometown Cavaliers - the team that drafted him No

1 overall in 2003.'Thank you Northeast Ohio for an incredible 4 seasons,' James said in a message on his Instagram account

 'This will always be home.'  The Lakers were considered one of the favorites to land James this offseason

The team, which has enough salary-cap space to sign him and another star player, is still said to be in pursuit of Kawhi Leonard

 Leonard, the Spurs star, has asked San Antonio to trade him, preferably to the Lakers

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Sometimes heroes do wear capes: Heroic golden retriever. Share this article Share However, it is unclear if the Lakers have enough assets to entice the Spurs

 Another team that made a pitch to James, the Philadelphia 76ers, got their chance on Sunday to appeal to James to relocate to southeast Pennsylvania

Representatives from the team met Sunday with James' agent Rich Paul in Los Angeles, a person familiar with the plans told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the talks

James, who returned to Los Angeles from vacation Saturday before NBA free agency opened, did not take part in the meeting, the person said

The Sixers offered James a chance to play alongside budding, young stars Ben Simmons and Joel Embiid as well as stay in the Eastern Conference, where the path to the NBA Finals is far easier than out West

Philadelphia hasn't hid its desire to land James, a three-time champion who would instantly make the club a championship contender

  Earlier this season, James was flattered when a Pennsylvania company paid for three billboards in Ohio urging James to come to Philadelphia, where the club has been abiding by a 'Trust The Process' mantra while rebuilding

The 76ers' contingent was to be led by their ownership group headed by Josh Harris and David Blitzer, a person with knowledge of the details told AP

 The 76ers recently parted ways with general manager Bryan Colangelo and their basketball operations are currently being overseen by coach Brett Brown

Paul also represents Simmons and James has been complimentary of the Rookie of the Year

Earlier Sunday, James had contact with the Cleveland Cavaliers, who were hoping to hang onto the best player in franchise history

Shortly after the 12:01 EDTam start to free agency, Cavs general manager Koby Altman spoke on the phone to both James and Paul, the person said

While there was a feverish flurry of activity involving big-named players in the opening hour of what has been billed as the Summer of LeBron, James did not announce where he'll play next season and it's not known if other moves, such as Paul George staying in Oklahoma City and Chris Paul staying in Houston, have affected his thinking

The meeting with the 76ers was first reported by ESPN.James wasn't expected to drag his choice out over several days

 He knows what he wants and he's very familiar with the Cavaliers after leading them to four straight NBA Finals since returning as a free agent in 2014 following four seasons in Miami

 Because they own his 'Bird rights' the Cavs can offer James more money than any other team - a five-year, $207 million deal

But the 33-year-old has interests beyond basketball and the massive Los Angeles market would give him a bigger stage and platform

The Lakers have a young, talented but inexperienced roster and they were hoping to land both James and possibly George

 But the All-Star forward opted to stick with the Thunder and will sign a four-year deal when teams are permitted to finalize contracts on June 6

It was previously thought that George's choice could sway James to sign a short-term deal with Cleveland, but the Lakers were determined to get their hands on the four-time MVP

The Cavs, on the other hand, have been mostly operating in the dark. While there had been dialogue between Paul and Altman since the season ended, James had not given the team any sense of his plans

 That's made it tough for Cleveland to upgrade its roster, but the Cavs remain committed to bringing back James even for just one more year

On Friday, James formally became a free agent when he informed the Cavs he would not exercise his $35

6 million contract option for next season, making him an unrestricted free agent and the prize catch in the 2018 class


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