Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

hi everyone I have reached over 20,000 subscribers

right now I have 22,000 subscribers oh my gosh I never thought that I would

even get a thousand subscribers so me getting over 20,000 subscribers makes me

feel like oh my gosh

I'm just so grateful that all of you take time to

comment to like to watch my videos

some people tell me that listening to my

covers makes them happy and helps them and I just feel like oh wow like I

didn't know my videos could give such an impact to people because I never thought

that they were the best but you guys are so nice to me and I feel so grateful to

have you guys as my subscribers

I'm just so grateful I really am I I just thank

you so much for everything

so to celebrate my over 20,000 subscribers I

am going to do a Q&A

I posted on my YouTube community tab and also on my

Instagram and on army Amino asking you guys if you have any questions you can

ask me there

I received quite a lot of questions from you guys thank you for

asking me questions I shall try my best to answer every single one I'm sorry if

I missed out on any comment I really screenshot-ed every single comment I

could see I hope my answers will be okay

some of you asked me the same question

so I shall compile all the same comments if they ask me the same question so I

hope that's okay

by the way if you guys didn't know I made a video when I

reached 500 subscribers you can watch it down in the link below and also

a 'sing my life' video when I reached 1k subscribers so

you can check it down below too first I'm going too

First, I'm going to start off with FAQs

my frequently asked questions

if you look in the description box below I always have my

FAQs but people still ask me the same questions so I'm gonna just say it here

how old am I?

I was born in the year of 1996 so I will be 22 this November

where are you from?

I am from Indonesia I'm Indonesian Chinese

what mic do you use?

I use the Samsung q2u microphone pack to record

as for editing the covers I use

GarageBand and for editing the videos I use iMovie

so now on to the questions

Ami, Namjoon's baby, Yasmine and danareno_BTS

asked me basically when did I start singing

and vtneikim

asked me did I get into rapping or singing first

I got into singing first I

got into singing when I was 3 years old

my earliest memory of me singing was

when we first moved to Singapore and my grandpa said that me and my sister were

singing as we were walking down the streets in Singapore and this other old

man was saying "oh they are such beautiful voices but I can't understand

what they are singing" because me and my sister were singing in Indonesian

that was when I was 4 so I probably started singing earlier than age 4 but I'm not really sure

as for rapping I got into rapping when I got into

actually when I liked boyfriend I tried rap I tried learning how to rap their songs first

boyfriend songs were one of the first few songs I tried to learn the rap in

so a lot of people asked me this question

who is your BTS bias? who is your bias in BTS?

I mentioned this before in my wings tour in Jakarta video but

let me just say it again

when I first got into BTS June of 2013 my bias was V

but when it came to July 2013 it became all of them because I yeah I couldn't

choose a bias because I loved all of them

then when it came to September of

2015 my bias became V again because of my

fanmeet experience with BTS

I also made a video on that you can check it in the

description box below

then when I went to see them in their concert for their

wings tour in Jakarta in April of 2017 my bias became everyone again because I

just really love everyone I can't choose so currently my biases are all of them

Eshu0702 asked me how do I pull

the courage and the confidence to make covers because she likes singing but she

doesn't have the courage to post covers on YouTube

to be honest when I first posted my cover which was of BTS' 'never mind'

I didn't really think about what people would say I didn't expect people to even

watch my cover I just wanted to just post it cause it's like I'm like I already

recorded it on my iPod like why not just post it

so I didn't expect people to

actually watch them

to be honest the more I post my covers the more worried I

become because I know now that people actually watch my covers but at the

same time I have to understand the first reason why I even posted the covers

because I just wanted to post the covers it's something that I just wanted to do

I guess how do I pull the courage and confidence to make covers

I guess you just have to not care about what other people would think

whatever you want to do just do it if you like singing but you don't have

courage to post covers on YouTube you don't need to post covers on YouTube

unless you want to

I suggest you just do whatever you want to do because who the

heck cares about what other people think right even though it's hard I know it's

hard to not think about what other people think about you it's really hard

I know because I struggle with that myself

another reason why I pull the

courage and confidence to make my covers is because of you guys you guys

give me love that I think I don't really deserve you just give me so much

strength in posting and recording my covers because I know that you guys

would would be very nice to me just every time so that's how I have the

at least the little bit of confidence to keep posting my covers

Yasmine asked me on Instagram

what kind of advices would I give to those kinds of people who have

low self-esteem

I myself have very low self-esteem it's

a problem that I have had since I was very young I guess when I started

getting into kpop that's how I got low self-esteem in the first place

I guess my advice would be learn to love yourself I know it's cliche but that's

something that I'm trying to do also

look at yourself in the mirror and say

'I love you, you are perfect' that's what I would say sometimes I do look at the

mirror and I say 'wow you're so pretty' I guess it's just something to repeat so

that I would think that way too

yeah I just I would just say learn to love yourself

I'm sorry I really suck at giving advises for

example low self-esteem is because I also have poor self-esteem whatever

advice I give to you I give to myself so right now what I'm trying to do is to

love myself so my advice to people who have low self-esteem like myself is to

love yourself to try to love yourself I know it's hard

it's very hard but I know you can do it if I can do it you can do it

Thea Kim asked me a bunch of questions but one of them is also what would you say to those

who are trying to go for music but are scared

as what I mentioned before just

do what you want to do if you think you're ready go for it if you think

you're not ready practice more until you think that 'oh I'm okay I'm okay to go'

but at the same time keep in mind not to care about what other people think

go for music because you want to not because of what other people think

because that's what you want to do right who cares about what they think just go

for it okay you can do it

valeria and amazing ramen asked me what is my dream

and what is one of my dreams in life

I mentioned this in my paradise cover I

wrote it down in the description that I had no one dream in my life I guess

my dream is to just be happy to live a happy life also for my friends and my

family and people I love and and just everyone to have a happy life

i guess one of my dreams would also be to get married to a very nice guy and have kids

titania- I'm sorry if I pronounced it wrong me asked what is your

dream job?

honestly back in 2010 or 2011 my dream job was to be a kpop idol that

was a dream that wasn't going to come true so I have no dream job actually

right now I don't have a dream job I'm sorry my answers are very lame

but I don't have a dream job

in general my dream job would be a job that I love

doing which I don't know what yet

but I just want to have a job that makes me

happy that I enjoy doing and that pays me well

she also asked me what do I call

my fans collectively?

smallbabykoala or Hanna asked me is there a fandom name for my subscribers?

and Miso NAE asked me do you guys have a name?

I feel like I'm not I'm not I'm not qualified to have a bad name for you guys because I'm not

really a special person to have a fandom if you get what I mean I don't know

the 'chuchu's ?

please suggest names if you want to have a fan name because I have no

idea what to call you guys

Valeria, kpopismylifeu and Iamamusiclover asked me

what are my biggest fears?

my biggest fears would probably be mmm death is one

thing losing someone is one thing sickness I guess yeah probably death is

my biggest fear I'm not sure

I'm also very very scared of my loved ones being

hurt I cannot stand it if my loved ones are hurt be emotionally or physically

I just can't stand that so probably along those lines those are my fears

Yasmine and lulu.syaa asked me how I learn songs very fast how I learn

how I learn songs very fast is for example when BTS drops a new album the title song I listen to

the title song and then I get excited and then I just immediately learn it I

find the lyrics in hangul because I feel like hangul lyrics are more accurate

than romanization I guess that's one of the reasons why I learn songs very

fast because I read the hangul

hangul is way easier to read and I'm

used to reading hangul so that's why I learn songs very fast basically

Skye and BTS heart shape kiss emoji asked me what would I say to people who are learning to make

covers? and can I make a video to help those who want to sing and tell them

tips and some exercises I hope you would I really need it

I would say to those

people learning how to make overs I would say learn how to read hangul first and

then learning the songs will be way easier for you

as for making a video to

help those who want to sing and tell them some tips I'm sorry I don't think

I'm very qualified to make a video to help people who wanna sing because I sing

from my throat which is not good which is not good for your throat cause

you're straining you're straining this. you're straining the throat I guess that's why

I get a lot of sore throats every time

you're supposed to sing from your diaphragm

but I don't know how to I tried watching videos on how to sing from my diaphragm

but I can't do it but I guess it's because I've never really dedicated

myself into really learning how to sing from my diaphragm

so I guess like instead of making a video helping you guys to learn how to sing

you should watch professional vocal coaches on youtube teaching how to

really sing from your diaphragm from your diaphragm not from your throat it's bad

it's training your voice

Jjaelin_LY asked me how do you film

these covers without making the actual singer sound clear but it's more focused

on your voice if that makes sense

that makes sense

what I do is I go to this

website and I remove the vocals from the actual song I also layer the actual song

but decrease volume so that it won't overpower my voice the reason why I do

that why I don't use instrumentals is because I really don't want to lose the

vibe of the song because I feel like if I don't use the actual song the back-

some of the back vocals that I can't hear and yeah, all those

ad-libs and everything it's gone and the vibe is-

just the feel of the song is is gone and I personally don't like it that's why

golden red maknae asked I also want to make covers of BTS songs can you

please tell me what do I need (device or app) besides a good voice

I mentioned it before in my FAQ you need GarageBand and you need a mic if you

have a Mac then you use GarageBand if you don't have a Mac then you can use

audacity if I'm saying that right but I've never used on this audacity before a

lot of people ask me how did I learn Korean and which textbooks that I use if I

and if I can speak fluently and if Korean was just one of my languages that

I just know

Korean is not one of the languages that I just know it's a

language that I learned by myself I started learning Korean in

late 2010 when I started getting into kpop I first learned how to read Hangul

online so I found this website I forgot the website but I just found a website and

just learned how to read the hangul so I spent learning how to read hangul

by myself for I think a few weeks and then after that I started taking notes

of some words I hear in variety and reality shows after a few months or a

few weeks later I began becoming lazy so in these about like seven to eight years

I've been learning Korean just through shows

reality and variety shows just watching

them not diligently learning how to speak Korean that's why my Korean isn't

the best it's not that fluent

my best advice would be just to learn by

yourself online through the website as for

pronunciation you can watch videos so that you can practice how to fluently

pronounce the Korean words

Miso NAE asked would you make a little meeting with

your fans?

Amina Madani asked will you be having a meet and greet or any events

where you could perform for your fans?

i'm not sure if i would ever have a

meeting where i could perform for my fans because like i said before i'm not

a really special person if i could if i would if i'm going to another country I

probably would tell you guys if the chance arises I definitely would want to

Bangtan Laura asked which country would you definitely go if you were on a

world tour?

I would go everywhere but I would definitely go to Singapore I guess

because Singapore is like the closest to my place and it's very it's a very

familiar place to me so it will probably be Singapore but I really want to go to

Europe and the U.S. I've never visited countries outside of Asia yeah so I

really want to go there go somewhere outside of Asia. Australia? Canada?

Marwa asked what is my logo in this life and Mimi asked what is my motto in life?

I guess my motto in life would be probably to love yourself

Valeria asked what other groups do I like?

kpop is my lifeu asked what

other k-pop groups or solo artists do you like?

Marwa asked what are my favorite girl groups?

_aliicxe asked do I have an ultimate group?

af jiminie3 asked favorite girl group?

I do have other groups that I like for boy groups they are Astro

Monsta X, Wanna One

yeah those are really the main ones but I also like I

IKON I also like winner

I mean, I do know a lot of other groups and I have

biases in a lot of groups

as for my favorite girl groups I never really

stanned girl groups like as much as like BTS right now probably I like blackpink

I like g friend I like red velvet for my ultimate group of course it's BTS

if you didn't know

hiryeom asked to drop a skin routine and saratesfooo

asked me to release a skin routine

maybe someday I will show you my skin routine

but really it's just very basic it's just the standard moisturiser and toner

and I don't know one other thing but I don't know what it's called

Ami, kpop is my lifeu, Zoey M, 지바보, and Stulecka asked me why how did I start

posting covers on YouTube what inspired me to post covers on YouTube?

nothing really inspired me to post covers on YouTube I just felt like doing it yeah it

was just my feeling at the time like

I wanted to just post my covers again do

what I want to do just do it you know

I treated YouTube as a memory thing

so whatever video I post on YouTube it was a memory for me to look back on

my actual first cover on YouTube was actually a B.A.P cover it was 빗소리

'Rain sound' and I got a hate comment in Korean

I got a hate comment from a Korean person the person said a lot of bad

words like the f-word in Korean and another Korean person replied that hate

comment saying to go easy on me because I probably am a foreigner I posted a lot

of b.a.p covers but I deleted them because it was only just snippets of

covers I guess

Soomi asked in your opinion what's the best cover you've done?

there are a few covers that I am proud of I can't name every single one of them but

the covers that I remember that I was proud of are 'first love'

Bobby's Holup

cover my ddaeng cover I liked it

my 'the last' cover my '2!3!' cover

I only can remember those covers but they're probably a lot more but yeah I

think I remember being very proud of the covers that I mentioned just now

kookie bun and ming ming asked me what was my favorite song to cover I had a lot of

fun covering the produce 101 show me the money song I also had a lot fun covering

the Bobby's holup and 'ddaeng' I had a lot of fun covering 'ddaeng' again there

are probably a lot more songs that I enjoyed covering but those three are

what I remember right now

kookie bun and cm_soveryshort aka ming asked

what was the hardest song to cover so far?

Agust D was really hard to cover

for me. Outro: tear, that was really hard for me to cover as well yeah those two

are what I remember right now

ming also asked me what was the easiest song to cover

'reflection' was quite easy to cover for me

'begin' was also quite easy yeah a lot of songs are very hard for me to cover but

I think those two were quite easy I don't remember as well, I'm sorry

Ming asked me which song was the most memorable to cover, doesn't have to be

your favorite one just the most memorable and why

I guess my most memorable song to

cover would probably be to '2!3!' and '바다' 'sea'

those songs are very just

emotional for me and also making the videos was very emotional for me so yeah

those two songs are very memorable to me I'm really proud of the videos I

put up for the songs for the '2!3!' cover I downloaded almost everything

every Bangtan bomb they did from the years passing and just made me look back on

how much they have achieved and also up till when they won 'daesang' for the

first time I was so proud

as for '바다/sea' I downloaded all their logs up to

date till that date and again it made me look back at how far they've come

how much they've grown and just yeah those two songs are the most memorable

for me to cover

also guys I forgot to take this but my friend helped me get

these from Korea she got me this chimmy Chimmy bag charm

and this may be others

I'll just hold this during the video


cooky is so soft so so soft I shall hold him but you cannot really see

look it's cooky


will just hold him even though you cannot really see him I wanted the

standing dolls but when she was there they were sold out so I couldn't get it

Hadicha asked me what are some things that I like for example my favorite dessert

or my favorite color stuff like that and Valeria also asked me what do you like and dislike?

a lot of people have asked me my favorite color favorite food and

my hobbies so I will start with favorite color

Marwa asked me what's my favorite color Thea also asked me what's my favorite color

my favorite color will be white and blue I've been liking yellow and orange and

those kind of colors these days but I guess my favorite color would be white

and food

Emma and mingming asked me what's my favorite food

I have no favorite food I love everything like I love eating so much I

love food so much as long as the food is nice I'll like it so I have no favorite

food I have no particular favorite food but I do have my favorite burgers

mcspicy, tender crisp from burger king

kookie bun asked me what is a hobby of mine outside

of singing Erika asked me what are my hobbies and things I do when I'm feeling

down or if I have any passions and ***Heidi Nava asked me in another language I

don't know how to read I'm sorry but I Google translated it and she said

apart from covers and singing what are other things you like to do?

I like to watch videos

so boring I know

I also like to draw

I like to write I wrote fanfiction

actually I wrote on tumblr and I wrote on AFF haha my old ones

in AFF are really embarrassing but I am proud of my 2015 -

2016 ones - 2017 ones I think they were okay my more recent writings were

okay the ones on my tumblr are the better ones i guess

yeah I really like writing like I would write more but I haven't had the passion

to write anymore but I really want to write again

as for things I dislike I

dislike insects I get fascinated by insects but I'm

scared of insects if you get what I mean I dislike misunderstandings I dislike

miscommunication I dislike hate I dislike putting people down

I'm gonna just put this down first

Hadicha also asked me how would I describe my personality?

I would describe my personality as a shy person I'm a very

shy person but I guess if you if I'm with one person alone I would be able

to talk to them if it's in a group and I'm unfamiliar with the group I

would probably stay quiet all the time I guess I sympathize with people a lot

at the same time but I'm also selfish at times it's human nature to seek

validation so it's normal to be selfish sometimes

BTS army for life asked me when did I first get inspired to cover all of BTS

songs I don't know what it was but I guess in 2016 after I finished covering

every single song in the wings album I was like oh my gosh I finished covering

every song in that album I should cover every song in every album that's when I

started my goal of covering every single BTS song r

Raibu says oh Congrats I loved your

cover so much

thank you

what's your motivation for continuing to upload covers?

I think I mentioned this before but it's you guys and also my want of

posting covers like it's my own desire to post covers but you guys like your

comments your likes your beautiful lovely words are my motivation to

continue covers because without you guys I guess I guess I would have lost

interest in posting covers like very early on

titania again

I'm sorry if I pronounced it wrongly

asked how do I deal with stress?

I deal with stress by watching BTS, watching youtube videos watching just

distracting myself from the stress that I was I'm dealing with but if I could

solve the stress like if it's like a relationship thing or like with friends

with family I would probably try to talk it out other than that it would probably

to just distract myself by watching videos or like drawing or listening to music

she also asked do I stalk my fans?

I do stalk you guys sometimes when you

guys like comment on my video I also check your YouTube channel I also like

on Instagram I check your Instagram page

kookie bun also asked me a few other

questions have you ever taken singing classes?

no I have not unfortunately

how did you manage to learn so many languages?

I grew up speaking English and

Indonesian so they came to me naturally I also grew up learning

Chinese even though I'm not good at Chinese but yeah I can speak

basic Chinese I guess and Korean I mentioned before that's how I learned Korean

goals for this year?

goals for this year would probably be

to finish my internship to stay healthy stay happy most of the time hopefully

get 50k hahaha I know it's very far but like yeah and and and and and also like

to cover more BTS songs I have like 70 more songs to cover but I want to finish that

Fatima asked me will you do a cover for other groups or just BTS?

I do cover other groups besides BTS I did Blackpink recently and I also do Monsta X

covers Ikon covers Bobby covers Winner I did a Winner cover I also did Wanna One

I did Seventeen I did Loona I will do covers of other groups but not that

often until at least I finish covering all the BTS songs

Trance form Tyrone

asked me what will you do after you've covered all BTS songs?

I would cover other songs other groups more I guess and wait until BTS release new songs

Hidden ARMY asked will I do a cover of the truth untold?

yes I will

a lot of you have been asking me to cover the truth untold and I will I'm just I'm

just not confident in covering that at all my vocals aren't their level of good so

I'm a bit nervous for that

Samantha asked if I were to sing one BTS song to

my bias what would it be and why?

I imagined before my biases are all of them

one song to sing would probably be I would sing magic shop because because

magic shop also says things that I want to say to them it would either be '봄날'

'spring day'

둘!셋! / 2!3!

or magic shop because magic shop as I mentioned

before would be what I want to say to them

'2!3!' is also what I want

to say to them 'spring day' is just because it's such a beautiful song

when they say 'i miss you' (still sick im sorry ;;) and then I'm just like i miss you too

it's just a meaningful song

for somebody you lost you miss you love yeah it's such beautiful song

nayeoni blog asked can you do vlogs?

I think my life is very boring so I think vlogs

would be very boring me as well because I probably would be mostly at home I guess if

I do something interesting I could do a vlog

Ivena asked me I'm sorry

if I got your name wrong by the way which city does eonni live in?

I live in Jakarta

Eonni's religion?

I'm Catholic

can eonni teach me how to speak Korean?

I can but I'm not really sure if I'm the right teacher

and if I could make vlogs

telling either experiences-

I could I could about like story time but only if

you guys want them if if majority doesn't want them then I won't do it

Sofia asked what do you think about the future I mean are you in some way afraid

of it or are you fine because you know everything's gonna be okay

I am afraid

if I'm being honest I'm afraid because as I said before I have no goal in life

like I have no dream job I'm currently interning but after that I'm not sure

what I am gonna do what job I should apply for for full time and how I'm gonna earn

money whether I would get married the future is unpredictable I guess even if

you paved your way for something something can just happen and just

change how your life would be like so I am afraid I think the future is

the future has endless possibilities I guess the only thing I can do is just live in the

moment not worry about the future not care about the past just living in now

Marwa asks me what was my reaction on seeing BTS live?

I said this in my fan

meet and my concert experience videos in my fanmeet I was starstruck I was shy I

didn't want to look them in the eye if I did I would look away and it's stupid

for the concert I was a bit more brave but they didn't look me in the eye at

all but I was happy seeing them like I was happy and emotional for the fan

meet it's because like I finally saw the people I loved for three years I finally

got to see them for the concert it's like I finally got to get to see them

again because I missed them

if I got the chance to see them someday what would I

tell them one by one?

I have so many things I would say to them it would be

different for each member but this is the one thing that I would say to each member

"I've liked you from debut thank you for being part of my life and changing

my life and just giving me hope making me happy being being the pillars of my

life when I couldn't stand and just making me happier on my happy days and

just thank you for existing thank you for being born thank you and I love you"

did you like talking to me in amino?

I did love talking to you in amino

you were very very very very nice to me - thank you

Crystal asked me what is my

favorite BTS song or the most meaningful sound to you?

Elizabeth also

asked me what song of BTS is the most special to you in an emotional way and

it was not too much could you tell us why it's so special to you?

for their songs I have so many like emotional songs for me and my favorite songs like...

for happy vibes I guess it'll be '24/7= heaven' it's a very underrated song I

like every one of their songs I guess to name a few I like 'I Need U'

'I Need U' is very emotional

'Spring Day' I mentioned before how emotional it is for me um

'2!3!' 'Sea' 'Lost' is emotional

I like '21st Century Girls' the vibe of the

song I like 'Anpanman' 'Go Go' 'Magic Shop' I like 'Love maze' I like

'Paradise' I like so many songs oh my gosh I I have too many to name

I have too many I also like 'For You' I like 'Good Day' I like 'The Stars' it will be

just too much to name 'The Last' is meaningful to me '마지막' is really

meaningful to me so many songs are very meaningful of me it will take I think

it will take another whole video for me to say what songs are meaningful to me and

what songs are my favorite so I cannot list them out right now because it'll

take such a long time

hoeforym 05 asked me do you dance?

I don't dance I'm very

bad at dancing I can't dance but I really want to dance so that I can look


Jimin Mochi asked me what is one of my favorite things about BTS?

one of my favorite things about BTS is that they are genuine they seemed very

genuine to their fans and I appreciate them just being so open to us even

though in Outro: HER they say that they're putting a mask on I believe that

what they show to us is real is one of their best sides of course everyone has

a bad side that they don't want to show people but I believe that the good side

that they show us is real it's not a mask it's real

cloudy sky asked what is your

haircare routine because your hair is goals

thank you but I just use shampoo

wash my hair with shampoo that's my hair care routine I don't do anything else

Emma also asked me

what is my job?

I'm interning right now I'm currently a PR and a graphic design assistant

jimsatisfy K asked me how long did you learn rapping each song?

I take around 30 minutes to four hours for each song like not only rapping but

singing just like learning the whole song I take around 30 minutes to 4 hours

since when are you an ARMY?

since like a few weeks after after they

debuted I think one week after they debuted

Laura also asked me what kind of

student were you what were your favourite subjects?

I was a very average

student but I sucked at math my favorite subjects would probably be English and

art and music

_sha.q_ asked what's my best memory of 2018 so far?

oh my gosh I

don't know what's my best memory I have so many good memories but oh I guess

like today is a good day today I met up with my friends after a

long time like my x3 gang and we surprised one of our friends for her birthday

today's not her birthday it was like weeks ago but we finally got to meet

each other and today was fun

Ming Ming asked me do you love

ming ming your absolute favorite grandson?

I do love you ming ming I love you okay

but I'm not your grandma i'm not that old okay

ming ming also asked me if you could

teleport anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

Korea because I really

want to visit Korea at least once in my life

if you were stranded on an island

and could only bring three people to accompany you who would they be?

I don't want to I just wanna make them suffer but if I had to bring someone I

probably bring Jungkook I'm gonna just make it a BTS thing probably it'll be

Jungkook, Jin and and V?

Jungkook because I feel like he'll be able to do a lot

of things like he is strong so he'll probably be able to help out

Jin because he went on law of the jungle he had experience being on an island and

then V because actually I don't know like I it would be anyone of them

V, Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Min Yoongi just anyone because...

its.aliciaaa asked me what do you think about the popularity of BTS it's a negative thing

for you? say hi Alicia

hi Alicia

to be honest I wrote it in one of my posts on

Instagram before I guess it's it's kind of selfish for me to feel this way I've

been with BTS from the start right like

when they had very little fans when people used to make fun of me liking

BTS people used to make fun of them they used to be accused of sajegi and and also

I remember that one time V got hated because he sang 'loser' when like 'loser'

by Big Bang when they won number one for 'I Need U'

it was I mean it's just like the more they grow the more popular BTS

becomes the further I think they are from me I know it's selfish feeling this

way but it's just like sometimes I think oh what if what if because you know fan

signs are hard like freaking hard to get into right now but when they just

debuted it was easy to go to their fansigns I just sometimes I think Oh what

if what if I went to every fan sign from the start like they would remember me

probably because they do remember fans yeah I grew up with them I went from a

teenager to an adult and they did as well except for Suga and Jin but at the

same time like a lot of people haven't met them yet in real life so I feel

grateful that I got to meet them in real life but I just I just want to talk

to them I mean ok back to the topic I also feel the popularity of BTS

growing is good because like finally they're getting the love that

they deserve finally like the world would know how great they are you know

so yeah I will be like to all the people who bullied me for liking BTS (and who bullied them!!)

see, see, you know, see how far they've come

oh one other thing I think that is negative for the

popularity of BTS it's like you know those famous people or like almost

famous people that suddenly 'get into' BTS but they don't really like BTS for

BTS they only want Fame from armies I hate that okay I hate (and i hate hate lol) that they just

want armies to like love them because they love BTS it's so stupid

unless they really genuinely like BTS those kind of people I just

don't like but I'm happy I'm happy for them I'm really happy because they've

just gone so far and I'm proud of them I just wish I would be able to get a

chance to just talk to them and tell them how much they mean to me and just

thank them for everything

xcu_jimxi asked were you nervous

when you made your first video?

no I wasn't

I remember saying like my first video was my B.A.P cover right I wasn't

nervous I just uploaded it so I wasn't nervous


if you could go back in time what would you say to yourself?

I would say please make covers earlier now you have too many BTS songs to cover she also

asked me would you want to be friends with me I know it's weird but I really

look up to you and I'm really happy for you and love your covers

of course we can be friends thank you so much


if you weren't doing BTS music covers which groups or solo artists male or

female would you be doing instead if at all?

if I weren't doing BTS (songs) means I probably

would still be liking EXO EXO b.a.p boyfriend b1a4 yeah probably

them TEEN TOP yeah all the other groups that I liked before

ladiceq asked would you date me?

it depends it depends I would date you if I

get to know you in real life and I if I like you then I would date you

jason_d_luffy asked which company would you like to

sign with and what are your dream collaborations?

if you were an idol

I would like to sign with BigHit please they're a good

company and what are my dream collaborations I would love to sing with

BTS sing and rap with BTS please let it happen thank you or just like just let

me rap with one of the with just one member of the rap line anyone thank you

please let me do it thank you I just really want to thank you

boutaina_jimin asked is it too difficult to memorize Korean lyrics?

it is but because I'm used to hangul it makes it faster to memorise

Shannon asks me if you have the power to be invisible what would you first and

foremost do?

oh shoot I don't know what I would do would I secretly get on a plane

and go to South Korea I don't know it's stupid I don't know what I would do I'm sorry

aprwidyas asked have I ever thought to be an idol if yes what would

I be vocal or rapper or dancer if no why?

I have! I mentioned before that I

wanted to be an idol back in 2010 um I would be a rapper because I think I rap

better than I sing and I can't dance so probably a rapper

ming asked me future plans

for your channel aside from covers of course

I have a video idea involving

black pink just like some different video ideas I think of maybe aside from

my covers so look forward to that I hope I do it well

Emilio417 may I invite you

to dinner at my golf club next time you visit Rome?


official_helena asked were you born with an

amazing voice how does it feel knowing that many people watch and enjoy your covers?

um I guess I was born with the voice I have now but now

it's more improved because I keep singing throughout my life I feel like

it's very surreal that people watch and enjoy my covers it's really surreal for

me like I cannot believe people actually watch my covers until now I still cannot

believe it

I am a music lover also asked what do you want to be in the future I

want to be happy in the future

Thea asked me a lot of different questions

who are your favorite American artists?

I like James Arthur oh wait he's from the

UK um Troye Sivan is he from America...?

for voices I listen to a lot of people but sometimes I just don't know don't know

their names because I just if I like the song I will I will download it I don't

have a particular favorite American artist I like um I like Kehlani's voice I

like what's her name?

what did you eat for breakfast?

I ate bakpia

are you excited for the

Shawn Mendes and BTS collaboration and who do you wish BTS collaborated with in

the future?

I'm excited of course I'm excited I wish

BTS will collaborate with Troye Sivan or James Arthur

are you well?

i am well, thank you for asking

where do you wish you could travel to in the future?


Clara Grace V asked who is your bias in BTS and what do you like the

most about BTS tell me your motivation to cover all the BTS songs my motivation to

cover all the BTS songs

I guess it's like because I started already

I already covered like 70 plus songs why not finish it you know yeah that's my

motivation so why not finish it because I already started anyway

that is the end of my Q&A oh my gosh it took me so long

I think I took two hours to answer this

I'm sorry it was very messy I'm sorry but I hope you enjoyed this and thank

you once again for subscribing for watching my videos for liking for

commenting for everything thank you so much I feel like I don't deserve all of

you but thank you so much

thank you

i love you

i love you guys bye bye!

For more infomation >> Q&A !! | 20K+ SUBS 💜 - Duration: 41:24.


Cities Skylines - Decals (Decal Prop Fix) - Duration: 1:46.

hi, i'm ronyx and this is an updated tutorial video

for decals using the decal prop fix mod by boformer

the mod is not required for creating and saving the asset

it's only required for loading it ingame

now you don't need to make a mesh anymore

you can simply download the premade mesh on

as for the textures the diffuse defines the main color of your decal

the alpha controls transparency

the specular map can add reflectivity

and the normal map only affects the reflective parts so it's not very useful

you can rename the mesh to whatever you want and then match the texture names with an underscore

and the corresponding texture letter so that would be meshname_d.png and so on

you should place the mesh and textures in the import folder

which you can open by pressing windows+R and typing in appdata

then going to local > colossal order > cities_skylines > addons > import

as usual I recommend using the asset editor in no workshop mode with mod tools locally

i have another video on that

the template you choose doesn't matter and no scaling or rotation is required for the mesh

now you can copy the new decal prop fix script and change the size to whatever you want

open the mod tools console by pressing F7 and run the script

this quick video was based on the decal article on

which is my wiki style website for cities: skylines asset creation

I hope this video is helpful or entertaining this is ronyx signing off

For more infomation >> Cities Skylines - Decals (Decal Prop Fix) - Duration: 1:46.


Арабский Лучшая Музыка 2018 Arabic Song 2019 █▬█ █ ▀█▀ - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> Арабский Лучшая Музыка 2018 Arabic Song 2019 █▬█ █ ▀█▀ - Duration: 4:40.


Nightcore - Solo / Rockabye (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:42.

Solo x Rockabye (Switching Vocals) - Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Solo / Rockabye (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:42.


How To Avoid Cryptocurrency Scams - Duration: 9:34.

Crypto's taking over the world and you know what? Is it a scam? Dude, there's some

serious scamming that is going on right now in the world and we've been able to

see some of the worst of it so in this video we want to actually talk about

what the scam part of it is and then whether or not there really is a real


Alright, friends. Stephen Michael Miller here, Kris Krohn and we are here to talk

about scams in the crypto blockchain world. You know, there's so many different

things out there they can be looking at, there's so much information out there. If

you don't or you haven't started to even dive in yet, we want to help you avoid

some of the largest scams. Now first of all, Kris, as we're getting into this, the

real crypto currencies that catch on that move forward, they typically have

real value attached to them. Oh hands down, there's coins of real value and

then there's fake value like take bitcoin for example. It's a good example

because it was the first of what's now become thousands of block chains and

there's different coins that offer different things what what bitcoin

offered was a way for the world to globally interact with each other

outside of governments, outside of a euro National than foreign currencies and it

was a way where we could have one currency owned by the people with no

Federal Reserve, no politics, no one messing around with it, no one deciding

when to create more or less of it, all the rules of the game got played out the

gate over the X period of time there was gonna be 21 million coins released and

what it's done in the last nine years, it's been a huge success. I mean, it's

somewhat volatile but you're talking about something that started a

penny that now the market collectively has decided is worth eight thousand nine

thousand at one point twenty thousand dollars and right now other coins, the

ones of value are following suit so Bitcoin actually created something of

tremendous value for the world and it also introduced the blockchain

technology which creates a way safer way, a way safer internet, a way safer world

where we can interact with each other with way less or most cases no fraud.

Yeah, so you talked about volatility and this is an interesting conversation

because when I think about volatility, I think about high risk and things

crashing and me losing my money and if you if you compare Bitcoin and we're

talking crypto currencies and you know what they do, you're talking about Bitcoin

and how it's changing the financial world a little bit, mostly the other fiat

currencies are over time going down in value. They do and if now they never last

more than generally a couple hundred years so they're horrible stores of

value and then they peter out dies. And that to me is the

volatility. I know for a fact that the dollar is gonna go down in value

year after year after year but I am also seeing right now that in the

cryptocurrency world, those that are taking hold, those that are being adopted

are actually going up in value. Well and every time and every bit which ones

volatile every now every Bitcoin, Stephen, is cryptographically, created a corrected

copy and it can't be counterfeit right, you know. When you go to the to the

checkout market around the worl, they take your dollar if there's a Terran

order, they can hold it up to the light of it they don't see all the marks

they're like, I don't want it because there's a chance that it's been

counterfeited or you know, cryptocurrency cannot be counterfeited, right? So

it's very cool valuem that's been created, there are some other coins

that are out there doing some really cool things etherium proof of stake what

they're doing in in smart chains, smart contracts, we've got real estate coins

that are merging where you can transact real estate through the blockchain

so there's a lot of different tokens that are really hid in the marketplace

and the bottom line is, some of them are pump and dumps and some of them are

value. I'm gonna talk about this real quick because these pump and dumps I

mean if you've been online recently, if you've been on social media recently,

you've probably come across some sort of Kickstarter campaign or something like

that right there's a lot of different programs that do a similar thing where

basically someone says, I've got an idea and I'm gonna raise a lot of money to

help support my idea and if I can get my idea, I get to move into into function if

I can raise enough moneym maybe I will be able to create a product of some sort or

create a service but then you'll get some benefit for your contribution right

that''sm kind of the basics of a Kickstarter type campaign well the

reality in the crypto world is a lot of these new coins that are coming up are

based on an idea or a thought with no proof behind it right there and some of

their ideas and thoughts are actually just borrowed ideas and thoughts from

other people well they're creating excitement around me we went to Thailand

We experienced this first hand. Dufr, it was it was it was nuts I mean we talked

about the whole scam of this industry and here's the scamm some people are

introducing a coin that they'll never create value behindm they're gonna create

this mass excitement, they're gonna create an initial value and then at the

end it's gonna leave body bags because the the coin value is going to plummet

when there's nothing real behind it it's just a matter of time before everyone

gets it and the reality is, someone's gonna left hold get left holding the

bag so there's a lot of garbage that way but Steve what you're talking about in

Thailand the real scam is that there are right now in the

world there are currently six different MLMs that most of them are international

they wouldn't dare actually be housed outside of the United States because

they're actually the United States right in sight because they're doing downright

illegal things what they're doing right now is for example, right now that one of

the popular ones that the feds are going in and shutting down like crazy as cloud

mining, righ? The blockchain needs miners to support it so these companies will

say hey, we've got all the equipment you don't own it, just give us piles of money,

we'll do it for you put money in your account and it ends up being a Ponzi

scheme, right. These people are going directly to jail do not pass go and the

reason why is because what they're doing is a security, the SEC is really

getting heavily into how they're going to be valuing what cryptocurrency is,

people are actually just saying give me money and I'll give you a pile of coins,

give me money and I'll give you a pile of equipment. When we were in that arena.

I was one of the keynote speakers in front of all of those individuals and

what a lot of people don't realize is that where they're laying out money and

they're not getting anything in return, that's a security, that's where the big

scams are happening so right now, it's happening in the coins but it's

happening really in the mining industry. Right now if you own a minor or a

supercomputer or a green box, a piece of equipment that you plug in to support

the blockchain, whether it's at your house or it's set at a location with

really cheap power, as long as it is title to you as long, as you have the

serial number then it's titled to you, it's yours, you own it, you pay a price

for it and then it goes to work and then you actually get money dropped in your

wallet on it and so the thing that you gotta ask yourself is, do I own something

or am i giving my money to someone? I have a personal friend that just got

taken on another way, one of them is the equipment game but the other one is

software. There's a lot of companies out there claiming to have a trip to a

crypto trading software and what they say is give me your money, hundred grand,

a million twenty thousand dollars, give me your life savings and what we're

gonna do is we're gonna put it in our software that we can't give you because

it's proprietary and what we're going to do is we're gonna have it earn all this

money 2% a day or whatever it's going to keep on growing and then we're going to

cut you distributions. Again, that's pooling of sources

pulling your money, right. So scams, the reality is, is the cryptocurrency world right now

because it's so unregulated, I mean this is kind of it's kind of a wild wild west

right now and government agencies from all over the globe are looking into it,

they're starting to become aware of what's happening and we're not too far

out from some pretty major regulation that's kind of gonna start happening.

Make sure that as you're doing your research, you take these things into

consideration, you're not just going off of smoke and you know, mirrors,

you're looking for something of value in substance, you have, if you're getting

machinery that you've got the serial number and that it's tied to you, you're

not doing the cloud mining thing and as long as you're aware of those things,

you're gonna be able to avoid some of those scams. Now let's talk about the

flip side, let's talk about the part that is not a scam. Right now, Stephen and I,

we're connected to a company and they actually supply equipment not four five

six eight or ten thousand dollars, they're supplying it for right now

currently around three thousand dollars which right now in the mining community

it is it's one of the highest Terra hashing pieces of equipment out there so

it's real, it's legit, you can own it, you could literally plug it into your home

and actually get paid. We work with a company that helps people do that, we

also work with a company that supplies crazy cheap power so that you can

actually have good margins and we also work with a company that has an actual

software where you don't give them money, you just connect the software to your

bank account, your crypto exchange account and what it'll do, it has the

ability to help you manage your crypto and see the different coins that are out

there that you can move in and out of and there's an opportunity there to

invest and make a lot of money. I know because I'm personally in on it so there

are good opportunities out there, you just got to do your homework and I think

Stephen said it best, the one thing you got to look for is are you giving your

money to someone else to do all the work and they're supposed to cut you some

back or are you investing simply in equipment and software that you own? And

that one distinction is going to eliminate 99% of the fraud and scam that

we're seeing in the marketplace right now.

Alright, friends. Hopefully, that helped out.

If you're looking at avoiding any of those scams or anything like that and getting involved,

maybe more than cryptocurrency world, there's absolutely more that we can do for you.

Check out the link down below, visit our website, we got a lot more information in there for you as well.

And hey, if you liked today's video and you want to see more like it, we have videos every single day

to financially educate you to turn into a financial boss so that you can crush it in life.

All you got to do is subscribe and share this video if you think it's going to be useful for

someone else that you know.

For more infomation >> How To Avoid Cryptocurrency Scams - Duration: 9:34.


Quality vs Quantity on YouTube? 7 Things to Consider - Duration: 7:59.

Here's an interesting question: do you

produce gold standard quality content or

should you produce as much as possible -

quantity content - and see where the chips

lie? Let's do this! And now I have to pick

all these up. Hello folks, welcome back to

it vidIQ the YouTube tool and channel

that aims help you get more views in

less time. My name is Rob and today we're

talking about the topic of quality

videos versus quantity videos. Now I'm

sure all of you strive to produce high

quality content but does the YouTube

algorithm push you to create more

content on a regular basis to satisfy

analytical needs? So the first question

is over to you: do you feel as if you're

producing high quality videos

irrespective of what YouTube wants or are

you producing as much content as

possible to satisfy your audience and

YouTube? Do let us know in the comments

below. Let's talk about posting schedule

first. Generally speaking

the benchmark on YouTube

is to post at least once a week,

it gets your audience into a watching

rhythm or pattern. Whether that be every

Monday, every Wednesday, every Friday. If

your audience knows to come back to your

channel at least once a week then you

are building a relationship with your


The next thing to consider is that

posting capacity. Let's say you can do

three or four videos a week, you might

want to aim for the lower end of that,

three videos a week.

Why? Well let's be honest, we all suffer

from burnout when we're posting videos

on YouTube and sometimes life events

get in the way. For example, we recently

went to VidCon and that took a whole

week out of my video editing schedule so

I had some videos in the back catalogue

that I was saving for a period when I

wouldn't be able to post anything, so at

least you still got two videos that week

and some regular vidIQ footage. So

consider not only what you're capable of

doing right now but what you're able to

create in the future without suffering

burnout. Now if you're given a

choice of quality or quantity videos you

should always opt for quality videos.

When you start to cut corners and rush

your audience is always going to see

that. For example, this video. I've

probably done this take three or four

times because I want to get it exactly

right, I'm editing it down to a tee so

it's nice and tight and it gives you a

better viewing experience. If I just

threw something out I could probably do

it in an hour but this will maybe take

five or six hours to make from beginning

to end and you've also got to

consider your long-term return on

investment. YouTube is the second biggest

search platform on the Internet and if

you just spend a few more hours crafting

the perfect video which is highly

searchable just imagine

the payoff there. It could

sit at the top of your search rankings

for years and years just because you

decided to add an extra little graphic

there or do a little reshoot of that

particular area. The payoffs can be

absolutely tremendous even if you don't

realize it at the time of producing your

content. Now even if it's your intention

to create high quality content all the

time you're still going to have

different tiers of that. If we look at a

content pyramid that might be hero

videos, hub videos and hygiene videos.

Your hero videos are your statement

pieces it's you projecting to your

audience: this is the best I can possibly

do. I've spent weeks, maybe months producing

something that's going to have a massive

impact on you. Welcome to my channel. But

you put so much time and resources into

those videos you maybe do one or two

a year and that's where you lead to hub

content. Once you have an audience you

need to keep them engaged on a regular

basis. This very video you would probably

treat as a hub piece of content. It's

right in your wheelhouse in terms of

what you're interested in in terms of

YouTube channel growth and that's why

you're watching it and engaging with it

right now. Now hygiene content maybe where

you're trying to target something very

specific within your target audience. For

example we do these 60-second videos and

over time we're covering one

specific topic on YouTube and we've had

a lot of success with the demonetization

and YouTube Partner Program shrot videos.

They're not intended to grab a massive

wide audience, but just answer a specific

question and bring you in to our content

and also consider

this: when it comes to

quality content done is a better than

perfect. If you're going to try and get a

video that you're completely satisfied

with with no errors ever you could be at

it for the rest of time and you'll never

get there. There's always going to be one

or two minor things that you might want

to improve but maybe that's for the next

video. Now we've got a look at the

quantity side of your content. Sometimes

you need to get a video out there as

quickly as possible because it's a

trending topic. Let's say you're a video

gamer and a new patch is released for

Fortnite. You need to get onto that

bandwagon as quickly as possible. You

probably don't have days to create a

video, it needs to be done within hours

to capture that search term if it's

going hot at the moment. Also live

streams are a fantastic way to increase

the quantity of your content. Once you've

got your camera lined up and all the graphics

there and whatever else you need for a

live stream you can do it without any

editing whatsoever. It goes out to your

audience and it's a great way to

directly converse with your community.

That's what we do every Tuesday with

Channel reviews and it's a fantastic way

to get videos out of a door that are

relevant and allow you a unique

interaction with the people who watch

your content. So think about live streams

as a quantity side of content if you've

not thought of it before.

There's also another theory to consider

when you think about quantity: quantity

can lead to quality. When you first start

your YouTube channel if you're trying to

be a perfectionist you'll never get a

video out of the door. So just make

videos as much as possible. Learn all of

the processes from filming to editing to

creating a thumbnail, uploading it to

youtube, optimizing the metadata: without

experience you're never

gonna really know what

you're doing. Now for different video

creators this can take a hundred videos,

50 videos, 10 videos. The most important

thing is that you need to try and go

through that beginning, middle and end

process as much as possible as quickly

as possible to understand all facets of

YouTube. Now for a teeny-tiny vidIQ

product pitch, but don't worry this is an

absolutely free part of our

channel audit tool, which shows you

content to double down on. It will show

you which are your videos with the

highest velocity, most minutes

watched, those videos that grab the

most new subscribers and those videos

that give the most engagement for your

content over the last thirty days. So

that will tell you which of your videos

your audience think our quality and

right in the bottom right hand corner of

each channel audit it will tell you the

quantity of videos published in the last

30 days. If you click on that it will go

to a YouTube analytic which shows you

when videos were published versus how

many views you gained from it. So a

little quality/quantity bonus there from

vidIQ. Those are some of the general

theories on quantity videos vs

quality videos but I'd love you to join

in on the conversation. Let us know in the

comments below your thoughts and journey

along this YouTube experience, how it

pushes you to produce a certain type of

content. And if you enjoyed this video,

you thought it was quality, make sure to

give it a double thumbs up. That would be

a like on the video and a thumbs up in

the comments with a lovely emoji. Enjoy

the rest of your video making day and

guess what? We'll see you all soon with

another quantity and quality piece of

video. Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Quality vs Quantity on YouTube? 7 Things to Consider - Duration: 7:59.


Endlich ein Vlog auf Deutsch (with English Subititles) | Kia Lindroos - Duration: 14:18.

Good Morning everyone! Today I thought I would film a vlog in German

So I just woke up

and made my green juice

At the moment I like to always make juice in the mornings

and this one is with apple, celery, cucumber and Ginger

it's really very good

if you ever have the chance to buy a juicer, I can really recommend it

because I think its a lot of fun and the juices always taste amazing

and now I am going to do my make-up

and the we have to go the office

and yeah, I hope you guys enjoy this vlog

I am now almost ready to go. I just have to pack my sport clothes with me

and I am also packing a little something for lunch for the office

today I cooked some buckwheat

and at the office we always have a little salad or so

so that we always have something healthy but also filling for lunch

and I also still need to pack a little breakfast

and today I think I will just have a couple of bananas and a couple of oranges

alright, I am done

Today it is raining, and its around 16 degrees celsius

so a little colder than the nice warm summer weather we have had lately

but as of next weekend, or actually as of this weekend it should be really nice again

But I also like it when its a bit cooler

it's also very nice, I don't like it when it's too hot either

and of course it's nicer to work when its raining a bit

so if you don't know

or if you haven't watched any of my other videos

except for these "how I learned German" or "how I like Germany" videos,

then, I am an entrepreneur

me and my boyfriend we have a company called Kia-Charlotta

and yeah, thats where I pretty much have to go now everyday, sometimes weekends too

and to work and I like it a lot, I love what I do

we are doing quite well, we are still a start-up

and I share our start-up journey in my other videos, of course in English

I do prefer speaking English

and later I am going to talk a little bit about

what fluent means to me

and in general about this video where I talk about how I learned German in two months

because I think there are some differing opinions

I totally understand why some would find that too unbelievable

and maybe I didn't express myself correctly

yeah, I am ging to talk about that a little

but yeah, now I have to go and I, see you soon!

I am having a little..well not break..I never actually take a coffee break or anything

I always drink it while working

I am currently working on a presentation which we send to some potential customers

and I am always so to say in charge of the creative side

I always put the presentations together so that they look somewhat nice

of course we also have a design partner

they do our logos and other marketing material

I only do some pre work and then I forward it to them

I think its a lot of fun

I case you don't know

I case it your first time on my channel

I wanted just let you guys also know what we do

so Kia-Charlotta, I already told you, is the name of the company

and we create vegan cosmetics

so 100% vegan cosmetics which also natural

currently we are only creating nail polish

and nail polish can unfortunately never be 100% natural

it is however "14 free"

which means that it does not include 14 most toxic ingredients still used in nail polish today

okay that was a mouthful for me

so I am on my way to the supermarket

because I am so hungry or we are so hungry, me and Alex

I did take something with me, Buckwheat, which I already told you

But we also need something for tonight

because we are going to the gym and afterwards the stores will be already closed

thats why I have to buy something now

and I also feel like bread or something that would be very filling

Guys its raining! It's so difficult to vlog when its raining

We are about to have lunch and I wanted t show you guys what we are having

if you didn't know, I am vegan, have been for four years already

and thats why everything is without meat, eggs or milk

heres the Buckwheat which I made

some bread

then we have avocado with a little salad

and I also bought some vegan cheese

and this one is really the best vegan "cheese" out there

I don't really like any other vegan "cheese's", but this one tastes really good

and then a little hummus which we can put on our bread

Ok everyone. It is now almost half past 5

and I already look a little tired

I think in around two hours we will head to the gym

so I still have some work to do

and I wanted to shortly explain why I wanted to make this vlog in German

Firstly I think it's a good challenge

because I quite a shy person

It does scare me a little bit to make a video in German

I always think that in a video my German should also be 100% perfect

second, I made a video already six month ago

where I share how I learned fluent German in 6 months

and I completely understand that there a few people who cannot believe that

there are also a couple of people who find it terrible of me to even say that

and I guess I can understand that too

I know I don't have to explain my self to anybody

and only I can know what happened (to me) 5 years ago

and of course I am much better now compared to 5 years ago

and back then, I would say, that I spoke German quite fluently

even though my vocabulary was still relatively small

and never studied it in school nor did I ever take a course

except for this one A1 course

I really learned it just by speaking

which is why my grammar is not perfect

which I actually already told everyone in that video

In my opinion my German is fluent

maybe fluent means something different to everybody

but it is 100% not perfect

for me fluent doesn't mean that it needs to be perfect

and, there were also a couple of people who just couldn't believe that I can speak perfect German

and I actually never said that I could

I can't speak perfect German

I I think it's a shame that someone would say this to someone who wants to learn fluent German

I think thats the number one thing that most people are scared of when it comes to speaking German

because they are scared if they are perfect enough or not

they are scared to order something from the bakery or ask something from a stranger

they get too worried if they can say it perfectly enough

and, in my opinion, you can only learn with practise

and I am so happy that other than maybe videos, I was never really scared to speak my German (even if it was a bit shitty)

so yeah, thats what I think

of course, I am sure many of you were right - maybe my German is not fluent if it means it has to be perfect

but I did learn pretty good German within two months

so that I also got a job

I did actually lose it swell because I was probably to shy with my German

and my vocabulary for the area I was working in was also not good enough

and I can admit that

but I could otherwise talk with people, have good conversations

talk with my boyfriends parents (who have a strong dialect btw)

I just came by with my German rather well

it didn't really stop me from doing anything

so yeah, I just wanted to explain that shortly

I think everyone should rather just talk and try to have a good life in Germany

and not think too much about having your German be absolutely perfect

and not think if it is actually fluent or not

I think it is fine and if you don't, well thats not so bad is it? ;)

now I have to continue with work

I just edited a "normal English" video for my channel

I should also try to get that uploaded today

and then I shall continue with that presentation

and then my work day will be done with and we will go to the Gym

which I am looking forward to

and yeah, I will see you guys later then

we now got out of the office and are heading to the Gym

we try to go to the Gym three times a week

we always go with Alex and his brother

and they always lift some weights

and I just do some body weight exercises

and then some cardio as well

see, thats how I speak German (LOL)

so we are now back home

we just ate something small, I only ate an apple actually

because it actually quite late already, almost 10 pm

we are slowly going to go to bed

and I wanted to end the vlog here for you guys

I hope you guys enjoyed it

If you are watching this and learning German, I hope that

you try and work hard. So try to speak as good and much as you can

I know a lot of people are scared to speak a new language in the beginning

and thats how I pretty much learned it

I of course also hope that no one watches this only for learning German because my German is not perfect

I encourage you to take courses and learn the grammar properly

I know for sure that my German was not 100% perfect in this vlog

I still get around pretty well here in Germany

and hopefully someday I will take more time to learn the grammar a little bit better

because of course it would help me a lot if I would improve my German

I would just hope people would be so scared to "just speak"

In the beginning it was of course difficult and scary to speak with strangers

because I wasn't sure at all if it was correct what I was saying

I was scared if it would sound right or if someone would even understand me

but a lot of people did actually understand me and when not it wasn't too bad

you are allowed to repeat and try again

If you want to see more vlogs in German or maybe even bilingual vlogs

let me know, give this video a thumbs up

or leave a comment down below

and I am excited to see you guys in my next video

thank you for watching


For more infomation >> Endlich ein Vlog auf Deutsch (with English Subititles) | Kia Lindroos - Duration: 14:18.



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Dance Moms: Group Dance - "Runaways" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Dance Moms: Group Dance - "Runaways" (Season 3) | Lifetime - Duration: 2:11.


How To Find Your Passion: How To Discover What You Want & How To Find Your Purpose In Life! - Duration: 35:49.

For more infomation >> How To Find Your Passion: How To Discover What You Want & How To Find Your Purpose In Life! - Duration: 35:49.


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For more infomation >> Günün En Çok Konuşulan 5 Olayı (2 Temmuz 2018) - Duration: 1:35.



Like :)



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For more infomation >> Face Club 2018 || DJ BILLION IN THE MIX - Duration: 47:54.


Thái hoàng đánh bài này là bài gì thế nhỉ? New 85 club 2018 - Duration: 2:54.

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For more infomation >> Face Club 2018 || Cắn Rứt - Ưng Hoàng Phúc || Dj Teemin Remix - Duration: 2:10.


Подружка невесты — напрокат - Duration: 6:17.

Each magnificent wedding is not only a beautiful ceremony, smiles and tears of happiness. It is also a huge nerve during the preparation of this event and tension during the ceremony itself. To help the bride cope with all this, she usually attaches a bridesmaid (rather, not attached, but selected from among her friends). It has a lot of responsibilities. Selection of wedding dresses, dispatch of invitations, organization of a hen party. She can also come up with a scenario of bride price, help in decorating the hall where the banquet will be held. At the wedding, the bride's bride watches the bride's state of mind, so that any discrepancy in the wedding ceremony can not upset her. She also supervises the ransom of the bride, helps the toast to entice wedding guests to various competitions. It is clear that this should be an active, cheerful, responsible girl. Does every bride have such a girlfriend? Not everyone. And as a toastmaster, the newlyweds are invited from among the professionals, and the bridesmaid's girlfriend can simply be hired - for the wedding to be held perfectly. Jen Glantz was invited to the wedding as a bridesmaid several times. And, seeing the wedding backstage, how hard it is for the bride to control herself, how any trifle can spoil her holiday - realized that not every girlfriend can fulfill this important mission. But she succeeded. And when all her friends were already married, she thought, "Why not perform this role professionally?" She advertised in the largest American bulletin board of Graigslist that she is a professional bridesmaid and can help any girl prepare for the wedding and worthy to go through it. And I received a hundred responses on my ad. So she made her experience with her business. Quickly (within three days) launched the site - - and laid out on him all the information on their services (from writing a wedding speech to actually speaking it in the role of bridesmaids). The most important service - the performance of the role of bridesmaids - costs from 2000 dollars. In a year, Jen serves from 20 to 35 brides. She is invited to weddings even from other cities (paying her expenses for moving). Her business attracted so many people that she issued a training course for those who also want to become a professional bridesmaid (the course costs $ 249 and can be registered with Jen's main site). This story is an interesting example of how a person can reach out to his business idea. Jen helped her girlfriends get married, and did not expect to become a professional girlfriend. When, one day, her roommate, learning that she played this role 4 times in 2012, did not exclaim: "Yes you have become a professional bridesmaid!" (Truth we most often hear from someone else's lips, not from our own head ). Jen then took it as a joke. But I decided to check the volume of this market and advertised on Graigslist. (The ability to act decisively is an important sign of entrepreneurship.) Within 48 hours of the publication of the ad, hundreds of responses from around the world have sprung up. It was noticed by the largest media. (A good sign) Despite the already working site, Jen was still not sure whether this would be her serious business - at that time she worked as a copywriter in one startup from 9 to 17 hours. But when she was unexpectedly fired, she firmly decided that she would no longer go to hired work, but would take care of her and only her business. (Dismissal from work is not always a tragedy, sometimes it is a necessary kick in order to start at last doing something you love) Think what you can do better than others? Perhaps this is your future business. Try to arrange your proposal in the form of text and put it on, in Classmates or in VKontakte. There will be a response - then you can start. There will be no response - it means that the time has not yet come, or it is not your business. And even this is not yet an indicator of the correct choice of your future business. The easiest way to find out if it's your business is just share it with someone. And listen to his answer. Even if the result (someone else's opinion) is negative (or positive), first of all listen to your feelings. If your resolve only increases (regardless of the reaction of the environment), then perhaps this is your business. If your enthusiasm goes out (even with a positive response) - then, most likely, this is not your business.

For more infomation >> Подружка невесты — напрокат - Duration: 6:17.



hey guys today is day two of my liquid fasts or regiment I like to use those

two words depends on what mood I'm in so it's also Mondays weigh-in so we're

going to see how much I am up or down on the scale today just a heads up for

people who probably only look at my weigh-ins because this is a weight loss

journey channel health cleansing and detoxing as well and I also do product

excuse me reviews however I've been doing the weight loss journey thing and

I know that you guys love these weigh-in videos on Monday so just to keep you

guys updated um I'm back technically on a juice fast cleanse whatever you want

to call it um however I call it a liquid regiment because I will be drinking miso

broth that I make from home and also if I want to have se propel water which is

not a water but that's what they call it electrolyte drink or Gatorade or

something that's a liquid I will have that so I wanted to call it a liquid

regiment more than a juice fast but I will definitely be drinking more juices

than Gatorade and propel and miso soup I will be having juices primarily but I

just think that is just best to call a liquid regimen because all liquids count

in this you know cleanse so with all further ado let's get on the scale and

see how much I weigh this is going to be the starting point and every Monday I

will weigh myself and will see how much I lost

okay I'm 183 point - let's get back on the scale again I'm 183 point - so it's

fair to say that I'm up like three pounds but eighty eight one day - four

pounds actually I was at 179 I was on the stall all last week then I did the

Freestyle fasting with fasting diva and tea love and I did a portion of the day

juices and then I had a nice hearty meal so I think that that caught up with me

so it's all good I'm still way over sixty pounds a loss I'm over 63 pounds

loss and I'm okay with that because I had I had 88 pounds I had to lose and

I'm almost at the finish line so next Monday will be my next weigh-in but just

to let you guys know I probably will do bonus weigh-ins in the middle of the

week I don't know if that's gonna bite me in the ass or or not because

sometimes when you do a bonus weigh-in in the middle of the week and you drop

two or three pounds cuz that can happen and then come Monday you're at a stall

and you're still at that same weight people you know get kind of discouraged

because they're looking at you for inspiration and then when they see that

you get it you're on a stall they're like oh maybe this is not gonna work for

me what she's doing but remember whatever regiment you're on you're going

to have a stall but the body is doing something even if it's not showing up on

the skill your body is always doing something if you're doing something

different especially if it's healthy his father's weight loss detoxing and

healing in your body can see and feel this trust and believe your body is

doing something and you will not stay on the stall for long we don't know how

long stalls will be for but you will go down on the scale if you just stay


For more infomation >> 🔴🔵MONDAYS WEIGH-IN🔵🔴DID I LOSE ANY WEIGHT❓❓MY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY - Duration: 4:51.


Push Up Tutorial - How to learn it right - Duration: 11:32.

Welcome to Danube Calisthenics, my name is Achim, I am a calisthenics athlete and my goal is to make you better in this sport and to help you to start.

In todays video I want to show you how to get your first pushup and what you can do if you already train and still can't do it.

This video is also for you if you don't even do any sports or calisthenics and strengthtraining and if you want to start with that.

The Push Up is a basic strength exercise for your muscles that perform pushing movements, so the triceps, the chest and the anterior shoulders.

It's highly benefitial to be able to perform Push Ups because you can train these important muscles in a very efficient way and without equipment with it.

So it really pays off to learn your first Push Up and to also learn more repetitions afterwards.

You can learn that by trying to do more and more reps once you did your first one.

If you can't do Push Ups then you will have to be satisfied with other exercises that are mostly not that efficient. Especially if you have no equipment.

It can also be great fun and motivational to set it as a goal to do one or more Push Ups.

We will now take a look on how a perfect Push Up looks like and then we'll see how to learn it and what mistakes that can lead to a lack of progress are often made.

You can skip to 3:00 if you think that you already know the right execution and if you want to directly see the learning methods. If not then we'll start now.


What does an perfect push Up look like?

You should generally try to keep your body under tension, you can concentrate on flexing your butt, legs and abs for that.

Keep your hip stable and don't sink in.

Also keep your shoulders stable and protract them (push them upwards)

The standard grip with is normally a bit wider than shoulderwide.

Other variations are also possible but these are normally harder and that's why it's benefitial to start with the regular one.

But your hands on the floor as if you wanted to push someone away.

That's the most natural way to perform a pushing movement before the body.

Your elbows should also stay stable and should not be too close or too far away from your body.

That changes if you train with other grip widths.

If you train with a narrow grip then your elbows will also come closer and if you train with a wide grip then they'll be further away.

Place your feet so that your chest will be between your hands when you go down with a straight body.

A common mistake is to place the feet too far away from the hands. You won't be able to use your muscles in the right way if you do that also if it may seem easier.

While performing Push Ups you should use the full rage of motion and go all the way down and all the way up.

Keep you head in a neutral position. It's not the goal to touch the ground with your nose but with your chest.

2. Learning Methods

Now we know what the execution should look like. But now we have to see how we can get there.

If you want to understand the learning process for the Push Up it's really important to know that an exercise that is very hard to perform for someone is always a maximum strength load.

That means that you can only do none, one or very few reps and that the load is pretty high but mostly also only for a short time.

It doesn't depend on if something is hard for others but only on how hard it is for the person who is performing it.

You should also train in the right way to prepare your body for a maximum strength load so you should do exercises with high load and shorter set time.

It's also very important to simulate the final exercise while training as good as possible.

You will also get stronger by learning to perform the movement in a more efficient way and your nervous system will also stimulate your muscles more efficient.

That's why easier Push Ups, Negatives or holds and attempts are the most important exercises if you want to learn a Push Up.

You simulate the real Push Up while performing these exercises and you also have a high load and shorter set time like it should be.

Let's take a closer look on these exercises.

1. Easier Pushups

It's pretty simple to just make the Push Ups easier in the beginning.

You can do that by doing them on your knees and also adjusting the difficulty by changing the hip angle or what I like better: by doing them in a slightly higher position.

Push Ups on the knees are mostly much much easier and a lot of people can do many reps like that.

That's not really a maximum strength load.

The higher you go the easier it will get and you can adjust the difficulty pretty easy.

Theoretically you can also learn the pushups by just going lowe and lower as you progress.

Take care of the same things as during the normal Push Up for the execution of the easier versions.

Do not overdo it with these exercises.

It's a very common mistake to make it much easier so that you can do a lot of repetitions from the start.

But as you ave seen before it would be more important to have a maximum strength load.

That's why you should make it as hard as possible for yourself so that you can only do one or only very few reps.

of course it's also ok to do sets and exercises where you can do more reps because that's good for learning the movement etc. but you should't do that in the beginning of a workout.

The only exception would be the warmup but you shouldn't go to failure there.

I will rell you the reason for this later.

2. Negatives

This exercise is already more of a maximum strength exercise.

Just go into the starting position and try to go down as slow as possible.

You can then go on your knees to go up again if you want to repeat it.

Be really concentrated and take care of the perfect form.

3. Attempts and holds

That's the most important exercise as soon as you notice that you are close to a Push Up.

You should try that out every now and then even if you might think you are not strong enough for it.

To go down and to try to hold the tension in the lowest position without laying on the floor or to try to go up again from here will help you a lot to get stronger.

It's the most realistic simulation of a Push Up and your body will be able to adapt very efficiently because of that.

Be really concentrated and fight to go up clean.

it sometimes takes some time so don't let go too early.

Especially the attempts and if you can't do them also the other exercises should be done as often as possible for you if you want to learn a Push Up fast.

As often as possible means as often as your power and your regeneration allows it.

if you feel badly regenerated or just weak and tired then it's also ok to take a break.

But if that's not the case then you will probably be able to do these exercises up to 4-7x a week dependig on your time and priorities.

I would recommend you to do that in the beginning of your workouts since you should have fresh power while performing maximum strength exercises with high qualitly.

You can do the exercises until you can't do them clean no more.

Take a break or do something elso for a different muscle group during the attempts or sets.

It's really important to keep a high quality if you want to learn efficiently and that's why it doesn't make sense to only to 20secs breaks or something like that.

So you should take some longer breaks for the muscles for around 1-4mins or you can also do something different in that time.

Then start again with 1,2 or maybe 3 reps of the exercises that you have seen before.

You could also do these exercise during your daily life whereever you are.

As I said it's the most important thing do a lot of attempts and repetitions in sum. The time when you do that is not that important.

A lot of other exercise could also help you to prepare for the Push Up and it can also make sense to do endurance training if you are too heavy for example.

But note that you should do these exercises or training methods AFTER doing the more specific exercises you saw.

It's a common mistake to do such exercises before or maybe even instead of those maximum strength exercises.

In that way the body won't notice that it should adapt to the maximum strength load that happend during the Push Up.

That's why it's not the most efficient method to learn the Push Up by doing other things instead.

But of coure it can also be important to do endurance training or other things. But that's another topic.

So it's nothing bad to do other exercises or to make use of other training methods but take note that this should happen in the right order in your training.

Always put your fresh power into the direct preexercises shown before if the Push Up is your number one priority.

So don't make things too complicated while they could be simple.

Just try it out if you don't believe me. then you'll see what works out better.

Too many people do so much different things than their goal exercise instead of just doing attempts for it.

3. Conclusion & Implementation

If you want to learn a Push Up then it's especially important to do attempts, holds, negatives or also easier Push Ups (knees or higher).

Because that are the most realistic pre exercises that simulate a Push Up.

Everything else won't hurt you and it also makes sense to put exercises of which you can do many reps into your training but you should do that in the right order.

That's important to have enough fresh power.

Do the exercises as often as possibel for you and be patient and keep training consistently until you reach your goals.

Keep training once you are able to do a Push Up and try to go for ore reps just as you tried to do your first rep during the attempts.

I made an example plan for everyone that wants to know how a workout for the Push Up could look like:

At first you warm up.

Then you'll do 8 rounds of the hardest exercise of those three for you. So holds, negatives or attempts.

You could for example also do 4rounds of attempts and then 4rounds of holds as well if you can't do more good attempts.

An alternative would be to do higher Push Ups instead on a plateau as low as possible.

Do 1-max.3 reps of these exercises and take 1-4mins break or train some other muscles in between.

Try to always stay around yor limit and don't choose easier exercises if you could also do a harder one.

After doing 8 of these rounds (or maybe more or less if you can or can't) you start doing 6 rounds of knee Push Ups with maximum reps in every set.

Here you'll take a break of 1-3mins, of course you could also train something else in that time.

Do that 3-4x a week. If you only do it 2x a week every now and then it won't be a too big problem for your progress.

But if it gets less it will get pretty hard to see any good results.

Training again to screenshot: 1x warmup - 8x holds/attempts/negatives/higher PUs (1-3reps, 1-4min rest) - 6x rows (max. reps, 1-3min rest) - 3-4x a week

Please note that that's just an example. You could possibly add that to your routine

If you can do more than written here then do it. It's also okay. This would be one of many possibilities to start.

If you notice that something elese works out better for you then it's also okay to do something completely different or to change it up a bit.

As I said it's the most important thing to just do as many of these exercises that are hard for you in summary.

You will only be able to get better over longer periods of time if you go to your limit or if you try to break it every now and then.

You can make use of the benefits that Push Ups have as soon as you got able to do more reps and you can include them regularly into your training then.

The other videos on this channel could be also helpful if you want to know more about that so check them out if you are intersted.

That's it with the video. I hope that I could help you and I wish you all the best for your trainings. See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Push Up Tutorial - How to learn it right - Duration: 11:32.


The Crystal Palace: The story of a great building | AmorSciendi - Duration: 6:22.

Cherubs, this is the Crystal Palace.

Chances are you've never heard of it, but trust me, it's cool.

I made a video about it back in 2013 when my production value wasn't the best and

I want to redo it because I think the story of this building is just so interesting.

It was originally constructed in 1851 for the Great Exhibition of the works of industry

of all Nations to be held in Hyde Park, London, but instead of clearing a space for the building,

the Crystal Palace was built over the park, trees and all, kinda like a huge greenhouse.

It was so popular that once the exhibit was over, the palace was moved to South London

and expanded.

It was rebuilt on an unimaginable scale, over a quarter mile long, 168 feet high, using

over a million and a half square feet of glass and 10 thousand tons of iron.

It contained an indoor park with tropical flowers, a museum, a full orchestra that could

seat 20,000 people, and so much more.

The accompanying park had life size reproductions of extinct animals, or at least what the 19th

century imagined extinct animals to be, skating, rowing, archery, and pretty much anything

else you can think of.

It became part of English Identity.

Today tourists to London want to visit the Globe, the Tate Modern, and the British Library

or at least that's what I want to do… but tourists who visited London in 1860 wanted

to see this more than anything else.

In its first year it received closed to 6 million visitors… nearly the entire population

of England at the time.

It was, as it was termed, a palace for the people.

The Crystal Palace was truly a structure of the the Enlightenment and the industrial Revolution.

It was built with Mathematical exactitude.

It displayed the most impressive technology of its day, like an impressive fountain system,

and showed the world the capabilities of engineering and the luxuries provided by the industrial


Mankind could control nature…

Plants with no business surviving the chilly climate of England could be viewed by dry

participants on a rainy day- its engineers manufactured summer walks in the park during


Technology and the nature could be appreciated side by side in this palace—both beautiful,

both carefully controlled.

I don't mean to make it sound like everyone was a fan. for some people this display of

control was a bit depressing.

When the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky visited the Palace in 1859, I told you, everyone

wanted to visit it, he noted, "you feel something final has taken place here, taken

place and ended".

The building felt like a conclusion, a final expression of technologies potential.

It felt like human technological progress had reached its climax.

It was a poetic demonstration of the industrial revolution.

So what could be kept inside such a magical place?

Well there was a thoughtful exhibit illustrating the history of civilization.

Since this building seemed to be the conclusion of civilization, it's only fitting that

it told the story of how we got there.

The Fine Arts Courts presented visitors with recreations of Egyptian Temples, Greek sculpture,

the Alhambra, and so on… the story of how humanity got from the agricultural revolution

to the Crystal Palace.

So people like Dostoevsky feared the palace – The structure eliminated all questions

by providing all the answers… and that's depressing.

If the struggle is over- if we achieved our goal- modernization becomes routine and our

drive to create becomes unnecessary.

If we reached the peak, then there is nothing left to climb.

Other visitors to the Palace, however, commented on how the structure of the building seemed

to melt away once inside.

They described how the thin cast iron bars became barely perceptible as one looked up,

and the boundaries slipped off into infinity.

For these people the building seemed to demonstrate that the human imagination has no limits,

and this building lifted the mind to new heights.

Mankind loves to create, to build, but do we never really want finish building.

The process is more important than the product.

The Crystal Palace seemed to illustrate both sides.

It celebrated an intellectual journey with its historical exhibits, and lifted imaginations

to infinite heights as a monument to human potential… but it also successfully illustrated

mankind's new power to control pretty much everything— it eliminated the need for creative

solutions because it contained all the answers—turning the process of modernization into a soul sucking

routine rather than a creative adventure.

But the thing about structures that try to demonstrate humanities ability to control

technology and nature is that… well… they can't.

The Crystal Palace burned down.

The Crystal palace was far from the only blow humanities ego took in the early 1900's.

The control we thought we had over nature, mathematics, and even our sense of self was

under attack.

Einstein demonstrated time and space to be relative, Kurt Godel proved the axioms of

mathematics were incomplete, and Sigmund Freud questioned our ability to understand our own

motives. … and on top of all of this, in 1936, The Crystal Palace burned down.

Mankind put on a lot of shows in the Crystal Palace, but Nature had the final performance,

and no fire brigade or fancy new technology could control it.

The whole thing melted under the heat from the fire and now it's just a big empty field

that no one visits… except nerdy youtubers.

This whole story is a brilliant metaphor for that time period.

The waning of the British Empire, the questions of modernity, the recognition of our limitations.

While researching for this video in the British Library, My Happy Place, I found an eye-witness

account of a father telling his family the Palace was on fire.

It was a momentous event, and, thinking about the impact the building had had on his life,

and the entertainment it had provided his family, he asked in despair, "where will

we go?"

And that's a Good Question.

Since this building had once represented a conclusion for human achievement, its destruction,

though upsetting, reminds us that there is so much left to create, and that we will never

actually control nature… that the best we can do is simply marvel at it.

So, now this location, and these ruins, seem to ask their own question, "where will the

next adventure for our creative intellects be?"

indeed, where will we go?

OK guy I hope you liked this one.

If you feel I've earned it please consider subscribing.

Thanks for watching

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