Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

Health benefits of good posture is there such a thing?

I'll explain am doctor Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to

truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you

subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. What are

the health benefits of a good posture? Why do people tell you to straighten up?

Why did your mommy said don't slouch, sit up straight,

walk straight, stand straight. Why does that matter? Well your mom wasn't so far

off the mark there. So first of all posture is determined by your brain in

every moment if your brain didn't send the signals to certain muscles and

decide to keep you in a certain place then you'd just be pile of meat and

bones on the floor and in any given moment about 90% of all the brain's

energy expenditure goes to regulating your posture to keep you moving and in

the right place in the field of gravity that's according to Roger Sperry you won

the Nobel price at one point so what is normal posture well from the front

anterior to posterior then you're supposed to have a straight spine all

the bones are supposed to be aligned shoulders were supposed to be level

heads supposed to be straight and there's not supposed to be any curbs in

that spine now if you turn sideways now there's supposed to be three curbs so in

the neck there supposed to be an anterior curve in the ribcage in the

chest there supposed to be a posterior curb or kyphosis and in the lumbar area

there supposed to be an anterior curve or lordosis again so these are three

curves that are normal and natural and necessary and babies they don't start

off with those curves they're born with just a single lordotic

posterior curve is just one big arch but then as they develop they start raising

their head and then get their cervical curve and then they start standing up

and these curves develop all the time when we look at the shoulders then we

look at it from the front and the arms are supposed to hang straight down and

your palms are supposed to face inward toward your body this is one of the most

common postural distortions even people who try to stretch and keep a good

posture you see almost all of them are gonna have their palms facing backward

and that means they have an anterior a flexor dominance which is a stress

response so a good posture when you have balance between your internal and your

external rotators then your palms are going to be facing in towards your body

when your arms are hanging relaxed so the thing to understand though we said

that 90% of the brain's expenditure is related to posture well the brain only

responds to information the vast majority of what the brain does is it

receives information it processes and it responds so what that means is that the

brain controls the body but the body sends an equal amount of information to

the brain so if most of the brain's output is

relating to posture that means most of the brain's input is relating to posture

and why is that important because every cell in your body operates on the

principle of use-it-or-lose-it if you work out a muscle it gets

stronger if you stop if you hurt your arm you put it in a cast then that

muscle atrophies very very quickly the same thing holds true for the brain so

if you don't feed your brain signals from the body then that brain is going

to atrophy so if we understand that a proper posture promotes movement that

these fine little adjustments of posture and movement that

the brain makes all the time that that's the output that's corresponding to an

equal amount of input then we understand that a proper posture feeds the brain

and I think you would agree that the brain is a good thing to have and the

longer we live the more important it becomes because one of the most

important factors in aging and slowing aging is to keep the brain healthy so

posture plays a huge role in that one interesting thing to consider also

is what's called the sub occipital muscles so that's right underneath the

skull bone up here in the upper cervical and the top of the neck those two bones

are called the atlas and the axis and in Greek mythology the that god Atlas was

the one who held up the world and in your body the atlas is what holds up

your head and your brain and because it is so incredibly important that has

specific muscles associated with it that have more receptors that have a greater

participation in the input to your brain than any other bone or any other muscles

in your body and these muscles there are several of them and they're so tiny that

they're not supposed to do work some muscles in your body like your the

quadriceps and your biceps they're big strong muscles they're supposed to do

work but other muscles are more about signaling the smaller the muscle is the

more important it becomes for fine motor control and in some cases not even motor

control but just sensory because muscles have a huge sensory input to the brain

there's muscle spindles in the muscles their sole purpose is to send

information to the brain and in the suboccipital muscles there are more of

these receptors and more of these spindle cells than anywhere else in the

body now here's the point when we have a bad

posture then when we have when the head juts forward when we get a little bit of

anterior head carriage now those muscles get put under chronic constriction under

chronic tension meaning they're a little bit tight all the time and that means

that they are not fulfilling their purpose of signaling now they're just

sitting that in a constant static contraction and they can't signal they

can't feed the brain the the way that they're supposed to so as soon as we get

a little bit of anterior head carriage we lose one of the most important

feedback mechanisms for the brain so this is why that's so important with

good posture because in ideal posture when everything is balanced and stacked

the way that it's supposed to we move better and we signal better and the

brain gets healthier this is one of the reasons that you can notice that posture

even affects mood that people who feel great they stand up straight they stand

tall they have great posture people who don't

feel so good people are depressed people are stressed you start seeing how their

posture declines so work on your posture there's a video here about three winged

friends and we also have a video on some neck stretches make this a daily routine

so that you can maintain your posture pay attention to how you stand and move

because it matters please share this video with as many people as you can

because it's all about health it's all about saving lives and having better

lives if you're new to this channel and you enjoy these kind of in-depth

explanations where you start seeing the mechanisms behind the facts then make

sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss

anything and again thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Health Benefits Of Good Posture - Duration: 8:58.


Dragon Ball Heroes Opening 1: Español Latino Cesar Franco - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Heroes Opening 1: Español Latino Cesar Franco - Duration: 1:42.


[Eng Sub] Wake Up ชะนี The Series | EP.11 [4/4] - Duration: 17:29.

What she's experienced must have been so traumatic that

she'd forget…

this kind of stuff

It must have been about me.

That's why she can't remember me.

There are many ways to help her.

Psychotherapy can help. Don't you want to try it?

Things are better.

I don't mean her conditions.

I mean for me and her.

We don't fight like we used to.

She has forgotten all the bad things that happened.

I think you're very lucky to have such as an adorable wife


we are divorced.

I was about to move out.

But when she got sick, she had no one.

So, I took care of her as much as I could

Isn't there a way to make this work again?

I'll ...

give it a shot.

Take this one.

One more.

Don't eat too much. It's not good for your throat.


How can you know how serious the relationship you have is?

How can you be sure that the person who's meant to be with you forever

won't leave you to face your problems alone?

This is a serving spoon.

That's a serving spoon. That one is also a serving spoon.

Use a serving spoon.

The problems can be small like when you're getting to know each other


Or they can be big and more difficult than anything you've ever faced.

But how long those problems stay with you mostly depends on you.


Khun P'.

I'll take him to eat Duck on Rice


But some people don't even get a chance to remember those problems

Enjoy your lunch.

Please have this

Let's go before the restaurant closes.

The fact that we know for sure is

no matter how long or how deep the relationship is

we must admit that the problems can repeat themselves many times.

We can only hope that we will fear them less and able move on again.

Talk to me, Little Fish

Stop being afraid of a fish head.

Picture my face instead

Give it a hug when you feel lonely


Before you say anything, are you sure this is the right group?

I am.

What's the matter?

Guys, if it's not me, who would you consult your life problems with?

There's no one else. You're not allowed to die.

You're our counselor. You have to be here for us.

Wait, so if I have a problem, do I have to talk to myself?

J'Doc, what's wrong?

Let's say

that I know whom I want to be with,

what do I do while still looking cool, calm and collected?

If you want a romcom style,

the moment you realize he's the one, you run

To where?


If it's a happy ending, he'll show up in front of you.

You won't even have to look for him.

Where do I run to?

When you want to get to know someone,

listen to the music they like.

I'll take good care of it.

You and I meet by chance so often.

Not by chance.

I meant to see you.

If it's a happy ending, he'll show up in front of you.

You won't even have to look for him


What are you doing here?

Severe stomachache.

Food poisoning.

Can take me to register…?

Argh! I can't take this anymore.

Here we go.

Want some ice-cream?

Resignation Letter from Saifah

What's up?

Hello, Jane.

Good timing.

I'm bummed out. People keep pissing me off.

What happened? Tell me

Nothing. My staff quit

Typical of these young kids.

Do you work them too hard?

It's not that

Where are you?

What's up? You're beating around the bush.

Just say it.

Have sympathy.

It took me the whole night before I had the courage to call you

What is it? Serious problem?

Want to come out for some ice-cream?


the other day I went to a shopping mall

I met P'Joe

That's not possible.

He told me he'd come back to Thailand in two days

I met him, really

Who was with him?

He's with

a woman with a short hair.

She has this edgy look.

Are they related?

I don't think so.

What are they?

I don't know

Wake up if you're the other woman

There are some topics that

no beating around the bush will make you feel better

The result will still be the same.

Wake up if you're being cheated on.

I'm buying a new cushion foam.

I lost the other one

Did you steal it?

Which one? I'll take this one.


Do you want any dumplings?

I'm not hungry.

What about some dish soap?

Does this look like a dish?

Cute, right?


What's wrong? Are you hurt?

You can ask the doctor here

A little hurt.

How did you fall?

I let my mind wander so I fell

In love?

You may be right.

We're a couple.

Not enough. You need to get married.

P'Joe took his lover to a launch party in Hong Kong!

I have to meet to clear this up.

With P'Joe?

A chick like me needs a 3-way conversation

Where did you get this confidence?

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] Wake Up ชะนี The Series | EP.11 [4/4] - Duration: 17:29.


5 sea turtles return to ocean after months of rehab - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 5 sea turtles return to ocean after months of rehab - Duration: 1:45.



Hi guys, I'm Lory Bart, today I'll show you how to remove a wheel with a Nexus hub

the hub I'm talking about and a 3-speed Nexus hub

integrated inside the hub the gearbox as you see does not have the external gearbox, mounted on this Graziella, has the rotary gearbox

pushes a pin inside the hub turning the controls you can select the three speeds.

To disassemble the gearbox we use a 5-hex key, we loosen this black screw, so, not at all,

just a few turns

and unthread

As you can see, this spring has come out that pushes the movement of the gearbox inside

we pull it out with our hands so this little pernino has no way to the left and then there is no problem for

invert it, then with a 15 mm wrench let's loosen the bolt that holds the wheel fixed

Let's loosen a few turns

Also on the other side same way we loosen the nut a few turns like that

Then with a screwdriver we go to help remove this ring that serves to prevent the wheel from turning

on itself. We remove it from the frame, now we disconnect the brakes to get the wheel out

let's take a few steps forward so as to remove the chain, loosen the chain and remove it, like this

Now the freewheel can take it off

Now I replace the inner tube because it is pierced, it has a very soft rubber, so it is very easy to replace the tube

We always check inside that there is not some plug or some glass stuck between the tire

Then we also check the flap so that it protects the nipples well, or out of the

circle because the holes if they are exposed, you are very likely to puncture immediately. Let's put the tire back on one side


We insert our new inner tube

We give a slight inflated for

facilitating the fitting of the inner tube, so, et voila, the Michelin tires are particularly easy to assemble

so you do not need any tools to mount these tires.

Now let's remount the wheel, let's get back to the chain,

Retighten the hub nuts, check the tension of the chain that is not too tight

We tighten the hub nuts well

Let's check that the wheel is in the center of the frame

now we put again the spring that commands the change command so if maybe it is not

lubricated I recommend you do it now with water-resistant grease

relocate Our command we always screw the black life with the hexagonal 5

Et voilà the gearbox works great and we are fine

Well I hope to have been of help also in this tutorial, I recommend, subscribe to my channel,

put a nice like and see you in the next video in short

to me I honestly liked the old Graziella more than this is the original of the


too technological,

too much aluminum, what do you think of it?

to me he said more than the old one, which soaring that I did as a child .. :))

For more infomation >> HOW TO DISASSEMBLE A WHEEL WITH SHIMANO NEXUS 3V SHIFT - Duration: 5:19.


💉 Second Xolair Shot for Mast Cell Treatment ⚕ - Duration: 11:33.

For more infomation >> 💉 Second Xolair Shot for Mast Cell Treatment ⚕ - Duration: 11:33.


Joni's Corner: Blessed Blows - Duration: 1:55.

Hi, I'm Joni Eareckson Tada. Have you ever come across a Bible verse that seems a bit

… well, harsh? Recently, while reading through Proverbs, I stopped in the 20th chapter

where it says, "Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being."

Yikes! Sounds disturbing, but God is not endorsing child or spousal abuse; His Word makes clear

that's the farthest thing from His heart. This verse refers to affliction and how God

uses it to cleanse us from the inside out. Through a trial, God may land a knockout blow

to your puffed-up pride. Getting hit broadside with suffering will wake you up out of your

spiritual slumber. The Lord is relentless when it comes to hammering hateful habits

out of our character and purging selfishness from our souls. And it is not because He is

cruel. No, rather the Bible tells us that the Lord "disciplines us for our good, that

we may share in his holiness." God is holy and we are not, so as the saying goes, "He

will ruthlessly perfect whom He royally elects." Yes, the wounding hurts, but in the end, if

it makes you more like Jesus, more patient, more enduring, more persevering, more caring about other people who hurt

— that, my friend, is worth any blow.

For more infomation >> Joni's Corner: Blessed Blows - Duration: 1:55.


How To Write Unit Tests For Unity ECS Code - Duration: 10:17.

Automated testing is a tricky subject to cover, especially in game development.

Some developers swear by writing automated tests while others think it's a complete

waste of time.

That is not what this video is about.

In this video I'm simply gonna show you how I write tests for Unity ECS code.

Now, bear in mind that Unity ECS is still in its infancy, so some of the code here is

subject change.

Well, without further ado, let's get right into the example.

This video assumes that you have a basic understanding of Unity ECS.

If you don't, you should check out my video called "What is Unity ECS?".

That should get you on the right track.

To keep this video as simple as possible, we'll be writing tests for a system that

comes prepackaged with Unity ECS.

Let's press play now and use the entity debugger to check out Unity's built-in systems

so we can get a better idea of what we'll need to get started.

Without writing any code, Unity has already generated a world for us called "Default

World", and populated it with a number of systems.

Clicking on a particular system within the entity debugger reveals what kind of entities

it operates on.

The one that we'll be testing in this video is the MoveForwardSystem.

Systems operate selectively on a subset of entities based on their components.

The move forward system operates on all entities that match either one of the following component


The first consists of the MoveForward, MoveSpeed, Position, and Rotation components.

And the second consists of the MoveForward, MoveSpeed, Position, and Heading components.

The Rotation and Heading components are used to represent the forward vector of the entity.

The MoveSpeed component is used to determine how fast the entity should move forward.

And the MoveForward component simply acts as a tag.

During each frame the MoveForwardSystem calculates a new value for each entity's Position component

using the entity's forward vector and speed.

This causes the entity to, well, move forward.

Our tests will focus on entities with the second archetype.

To get started let's create a folder to hold our tests.

I'll call it "Tests".

Next let's create an assembly definition file that we can use to define how our tests

should be compiled.

I'll call this "Tests" too so it matches the folder name.

Now we need to make sure it's configured as a test assembly so Unity doesn't include

it in any of the player builds.

We can do this by clicking on the assembly file and toggling the "Test Assemblies"

checkbox in the inspector.

Because these will be editor tests, we'll want to make sure that this assembly is only

included in the editor.

So scroll down to platforms, toggle the "Select All" checkbox, uncheck "Any Platform",

and then toggle the checkbox next to "Editor".

We're almost ready to write some code.

We just need to include a few assemblies so they'll be available to our test classes.

The assemblies we need are Unity.Entities

Unity.Entities.Test Unity.Mathematics

And Unity.Transforms.

Now we're ready to write our first test!

Create a class called "MoveForwardSystemTests" and open it in your IDE now.

I've cleared out all of the boilerplate code that's created by Unity so we can have

a clean starting point.

The first thing we'll want to do is mark this class with the TestFixture attribute

since it'll be holding multiple tests.

Now we can leverage a special test fixture class that's included in the Unity.Entities.Tests


The ECSTestFixture generates a test world and an entity manager, and stores them in

protected field variables that we can use throughout our tests.

The last thing we should do before we write our first test is add a category to the test


This'll allow us to filter the test runner so it'll be easier to find our tests.

Now we can write our first test.

This one will be base case that we'll use to get us started.

I'll call it "when move speed equals zero then entity doesn't move".

There are dozens of naming conventions for tests, so if this one doesn't float your

boat go ahead and call it whatever you'd like.

Now let's go ahead and create an entity using the archetype we saw earlier.

Again, this variable, m_Manager, is provided by the base class.

It holds an instance of the entity manager that belongs to the test world.

Our entity will should have the following components.

MoveForward, MoveSpeed, Position, and Heading.

Now let's give our entity's components some values so it's clear what this method

is testing.

Remember, this is a base case so all of the values should be set to zero.

Alright, we've completed the "arrange" step of our test.

Now we can act on our system by using the World variable, which comes from the base

class and holds an instance of the test world, to create a move forward system and call it's

Update method.

Now we can assert that that entity hasn't moved by checking its current position.


Our first test is complete.

Let's switch back to the editor and run it.


Now we can switch back to the IDE and write one more test.

This one will test actual forward movement.

I'll call it "when move speed equals one then entity moves forward."

And I'm just going to copy and paste code from our base case test.

We want to test forward movement so the first thing we need to change is the move speed.

I'll set it equal to one, just like the name implies.

Now we need to give our entity a direction to move in.

I'll initialize the Heading component so the entity moves along the x axis.

Lastly we need to update our assert.

Since the entity should now be moving along the x-axis at a rate of one unit per second,

and the the move forward system uses delta time to calculate position, we know that the

value of x should be equal to delta time.

And that's all there is to it.

Let's switch back to the editor and re-run the tests.


If you'd like to learn more about Unity ECS, then I highly recommend checking out

my tutorial series where I'll show you how to create a survival shooter game using Unity


The project files for that series and this video is available for download to all of

my tier 2 patrons.

If you like to grab the code and support this channel at the same time, then please consider

becoming a patron today.

So that was a quick look at some basic tests of Unity ECS code.

If you'd like to some more advanced examples, feel free to hop on the Discord server and

let me know.

If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and a comment letting me know what you


And for more Unity tutorials just like this one, don't forget to subscribe with notifications


I'll catch you in the next video.

So that was a quick look at some basic tests of Unity ECS code.

If you'd like to some more advanced examples, feel free to hop on the Discord server and

let me know.

If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and a comment letting me know what you


And for more Unity tutorials just like this one, don't forget to subscribe with notifications


I'll catch you in the next video.

Thank you to all of my patrons.

And a special shoutout to Chance McDonald, Glaswyll Entertainment, Richard Stanz, and


For more infomation >> How To Write Unit Tests For Unity ECS Code - Duration: 10:17.


EGYPT 2018: 18000 DOLLARS WHY I DID NOT LEAVE? EGYPTIAN CRUELNESS (English subtitles) - Duration: 10:34.

it's worse than Nazi Germany they their children

scare "Ebra" if the child does it wrongly. They take a needle and say Ebra and prick with a needle.

I understand that after watching this video, many will say

not only after watching this video but about seeing that I'll shoot

soon about labor and many say that's stupid and that you suffered and

why did not you just leave? I do not know, I do not know why it happened and I do not know why

so it turned out and maybe from the fact that there was no money because of the fact that it is possible

my grandmother and mother came here I did not have the financial capacity at all even

to leave. I always told my mom: Mom please let's go

let's go moms please when you want to take me please with

you. It got to the point even before I just could not leave

I accordingly there is nothing left here I had nothing

I was completely dependent on him, he practically nothing

did not make money and why did it happen that my family could not

I do not know why I could not help but I will not say for the fact that I do not know what

my family had an intention why it happened so why no one just does not

did not buy tickets and did not say gala just take Denis and leave from here I do not know

I do not know what happened and I do not have any explanations for this.

I think I think that I just got

there were such circumstances that I just got there I did not have the opportunity to leave

and when here there was an opportunity when the daddy to me has brought here these 18 thousand

I was afraid to go all the way, that is, I was afraid to go there from

because I did not know how I would live at all, I do not know why I did not

left and when I had these 18 thousand I do not know

probably because I knew that this is the only 18000 and I can not that is

I was not yet sure the last time I drove my husband away

I gave him the ultimatum that I will not live with him, I already have an internal

confidence that I can manage and that I can already live without him. I can.

Those. how much for these years this feeling was being killed. in general this idiocy in principle

when you live 30 years of your life you live and do not count on anyone

itself you live. Itself decides what to do, and what not to do is going somewhere you give birth to even children

you provide them that is you live a full life then you get

married and for some 10 years. Not some kind of a long time

you are simply turning into nothingness, not just that you are turning into nothingness

and you are psychologically destroyed destroyed by the fact that the man your husband, he inflates himself

that all that he does is easy. No one will ever take care of you as

I care nobody will care. It's so overwhelming that you're

you really start to perceive the world as he and him serves because

you are always at home. You are always with children and here he is roughly speaking as such

God understands the broadcaster understands he comes from the street and starts to broadcast

that he considers it necessary that the information that he provides is beneficial to him and

and when you decide to engage with him and so I left him repeatedly and

then I returned to him because there was no financial independence

I was not ready and then there comes a moment when you feel that you are ready

morally. Gritting his teeth as you like. I will live without him I will live without him I do not need him

I do not need him at all never for all his attitude because of his relationship with his family for

how they treated during this whole time Dany, my mother

to my grandmother that is it is so much all under from it all you realize and you understand that

never. I will dig the earth with my nose. I will eat the land. to you never

I will not even come close. I do not even want you close. never. that's when you realize it

especially for me was the main thing is to get rid of him

physically that he was not in the apartment and only after he left the apartment

I started to return myself and started scrolling all the things in my mind

replay them to see how he imagined everything and how it all was

lies all this. That's all this is all our whole life

why did he have such confidence that I would never leave him already

He had complete confidence and world

which he created in my head by his lies

And so for me the most important last time when I drove him literally

for me it was the most important thing to get rid of him physically. So he doesn't

was present in the apartment it turned out to be true and now this influence has gone and this

the impact of it is gone and I have to rethink the whole life laid out on the shelves

passed with him, I already understand what was said as what it was generally that it

was for life, people pursued what goals

I already have it all decomposed and many things that are added to me

even no surprise, I'm just reporting them on

polochki understanding and all and the more you impose on these shelves

That you understand more that never this level never never me, never my kids

never in my life is such a colossal experience

this is such inhumanity is such a cruelty in

against women and children that simply never will. This is completely

the destruction of the person of his personality and individuality.

destruction. These are people who do not have any human reactions

people who lack pity to people who lack elementary

kindness to women who can calmly hit a woman, a child and they

they do not have anything human even the animals do not treat this so simply

inhumanity to watch children sit without food watch

as there is no meal, a pregnant woman sits and does not buy anything. this is not

animal is worse it is people inhuman people who

I remember when long ago we lived in the Sidi Bisher where we saw one man

he sold water heaters. He had a small plumbing shop

and when he saw us. He said what are you doing here? what are you doing? Leave, leave

from here now these people say they are "BAKHILI" (greedy), his mother he says "BAKHILYA" that is

greedy it says terrible people go away from here leave. But we did not

understood this eerie level. in no way am I just girls of you

women are warned here is anyone a doctor engineers anything, but never in this

level do not believe this creepy people this creepy people they

maybe it's worse than Nazi Germany they scare their children

"Ebra", "Ebra" if the child does something wrong, they take a needle and stab with a needle

if the child does not obey, they tell him now i will bring "SHAMMA"

Shamma is a candle and can be burned by a hot fire

to scare that he obeyed. horrible people, I just do not advise anyone for today everything

I already talk and remember this I can not. Good mood to you all. See you

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: 18000 DOLLARS WHY I DID NOT LEAVE? EGYPTIAN CRUELNESS (English subtitles) - Duration: 10:34.


Vor Ort: Operieren oder nicht? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> Vor Ort: Operieren oder nicht? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:59.


🔴 ВЫ БУДЕТЕ ХУДЕТЬ ВО СНЕ, ЕСЛИ ПИТЬ ЭТО ЗА 1 ЧАС ДО СНА! ★ Women Beauty Club - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> 🔴 ВЫ БУДЕТЕ ХУДЕТЬ ВО СНЕ, ЕСЛИ ПИТЬ ЭТО ЗА 1 ЧАС ДО СНА! ★ Women Beauty Club - Duration: 1:42.


DATA GEMS: What is a Census Tract? Making Sense of Census Geography - Duration: 2:21.


Hello, my name is David Kraiker.

We often get a lot of questions about Census Tracts.

So today I'm going to explain to you a little bit about the Census Tracts, how we use them,

how they change.

So just follow me and you'll better understand.

The Census Tract is something that was developed back in 1910, actually.

It started in cities around the country.

I'm just drawing some streets here.

A river here.

More streets, like that, more roads.

And the Census Tract is an area that was developed by Census Bureau around 1910 in New York City

at the urging of the Federation of Churches.

It was developed so that you could analyze things temporally.

And so if we were to look at something like this, you would see that a Census Tract; this

is just a boundary around a Census Tract.

Right here, is something that encompasses an area that more-or-less has about 4,000

people in it.

So it usually follows boundaries, things that we can see on the ground like a river or roads,

like that.

But also sometimes we get a municipal boundary, like that, or a county boundary, and you'll

find that sometimes a Census Tract will follow those.

It always follows a county boundary - sometimes will follow a municipal boundary, but not


So here we have one tract, here.

Might be track number 1, track number 2, and track number 3, like that.

And we don't change track boundaries.

They stay that way from census to census, so that you can go back through time.

If for some reason an area swells up more than 4,000 people - we'll say up to about

8,000 people - we will subdivide the Census Tract and it will become Census Tract 03.01

and 03.02.

So that you can go back through time and figure out what is going on with that Census Tract.

Hopefully you found this tutorial about Census Tracts useful.

For more information don't forget to follow us on YouTube.


For more infomation >> DATA GEMS: What is a Census Tract? Making Sense of Census Geography - Duration: 2:21.


Mario + Rabbids Battle Kingdom Donkey Kong Adventure E3 2018 Developer Interview - Duration: 3:27.

How do you use sound effects and music to enhance key moments in your game -

Especially Nintendo sound effects?

Well, we have a very great relationship with the music composer of our game,

Which is Grant Kirkhope.

And already with the music files, it's very important as a layer to support the emotion.

For example, in the first part of the DLC,

We have teams coming directly from past game that Grant wrote,

And the pattern here is rearranging for us.

And in terms of weapon effects and sound,

We are basically,

Emphasizing every gameplay moment with those graphics and sound effect.

Sometimes taking them from past games,

So the player is always in this kind of a nostalgia moment while playing,

Which is something that we really dig in both in the main game,

And then DLC.

So how does your audio in this game differentiate from other games like it?

Well, for example, what we're trying to do since the Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle,

In the first game we had a musical pops,

Which were kind of flowers that were animated on the wave composed by Grant Kirkhope,

And were automatically animated by an animator on the on the beat.

And here we try to go one step further so we added a lot of extra life around the player,

With a more firm environment you will see birds, parrots, seagulls, sharks,

And some of them are singing along with the musical pieces,

And because the animal has a,

For example a high pitch voice,

Is changing the tune in real time,

If you are approaching the white light and they are singing.

Last question is, what's your all-time favorite video game theme or song?

Even if I love a lot of music from the past,

I will say that for me,

The music that I'm still hearing today,

Once or twice a week, is "Gusty Garden" Mario Galaxy.

Do you have a, can you whistle or sing that song for us?


[Upbeat Humming]

But, I am very bad at singing, sorry.

If someone wanted to get into the game industry,

What path they take him where should they start?

Now I was singing "DK Island," and I was not singing "Gusty Gardens,"

I'm too much in the DLC.

Do you want to sing the other song?

Nooo, no no no no, it's ok.

So if someone wanted to get into the game industry,

What, where should they start and what path should they pursue to become successful like you?

I don't think there is a path put aside for that,

I will say that a passionate commitment would be the best move people should follow.

It's hard to suggest to people how to do it because everyone should find his own path,

But let's say that the "common" things that true one should have,

Everyone should have, is passionate commitment.

For more infomation >> Mario + Rabbids Battle Kingdom Donkey Kong Adventure E3 2018 Developer Interview - Duration: 3:27.


Enjin at E3: Swag Mob Frenzy and Booth Overview - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Enjin at E3: Swag Mob Frenzy and Booth Overview - Duration: 1:16.


10 AWESOME BALLOON TRICKS! - Duration: 6:58.

*Baking soda


For more infomation >> 10 AWESOME BALLOON TRICKS! - Duration: 6:58.


Pineal Gland Our Third Eye: The Biggest cover-up in human history - Duration: 5:51.


the pineal gland also called the pineal body epiphysis saraburi epiphysis or the

third eye is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain it produces the

serotonin derivative melatonin a hormone that affects the modulation of wake /

sleep patterns and seasonal functions its shape resembles a tiny pinecone

hence its name and it is located near the center of the brain between the two

hemispheres tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join the

secret what they don't want you to know every human beings pineal gland or the

third eye can be activated to spiritual world frequencies and enables you to

have the sense of all-knowing godlike euphoria and oneness all around you a

pineal gland once tuned into two proper frequencies with help of meditation yoga

or various esoteric occult methods enables a person to travel into other

dimensions popularly known as astral travel or astral projection or remote

viewing with more advanced practice and ancient methods it is also possible to

control the thoughts and actions of people in the physical world yes it is

bizarre but the United States former Soviet Union governments and various

shadow organization have been doing this type of research for ages and have

succeed far beyond our imagination pineal gland is represented in

Catholicism in Rome they depict the pineal as a pinecone in art the ancient

societies like the Egyptians and the Romans knew the benefits and exemplified

this in their vast symbologies with a symbol of an eye pineal gland reference

is also in back of the US dollar bill with what is called the all-seeing eye

which is a reference to the ability of an individual or group of individuals to

use this gland and go to the other side spiritual world and possibly control the

thoughts and actions of people in the physical world by knowing what they are

thinking at all times in our physical world various research being conducted

so far confirms that there are certain periods in the night between the hours

of 1:00 and 4:00 in the morning where chemicals are released in the brain that

bring about feelings of connectedness to one's higher source pineal gland

conspiracy the conspiracy how they are killing your pineal gland in the late

90s a scientist by the name of Jennifer loupe carries out the first study the

effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland she determined that the pineal

gland located in the middle of the brain was a target for fluoride the pineal

gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body

even bones pineal gland is like a magnet to sodium fluoride this calcifies the

glend and makes it no longer effective in balancing the entire hormonal

processes through the body various researches ever since have

proved sodium fluoride goes to the most important gland in the brain it's the

only thing that attacks the most important center of our gland in the

brain it's prevalent in foods beverages and in our bath and drinking water

sodium fluoride is put in 90% of the United States water supply water filters

you buy in supermarkets do not take the fluoride out only reverse osmosis or

water distillation the cheapest way is to buy a water distiller sodium fluoride

is in our water supply food Pepsi toothpaste mouthwashes coke to dumb down

the masses literally the fluoride was introduced into the water by the Nazis

and the Russians in their concentration camps to make the camp population docile

and do not question authority I am NOT a conspiracy theorist but I believe that

if you take away the seat of the soul this disconnects our oneness with our

God and power of our source our spirituality and turn us into a mundane

slave of secret societies shadow organizations in the control freak

corporate world I like to end my article with this quote do not believe in

anything simply because you have heard it

do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many

do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your

religious books do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your

teachers and elders do not believe in traditions because they have been handed

down for many generations but after observation and analysis when

you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and

benefit of one and all then accept it and live up to it

For more infomation >> Pineal Gland Our Third Eye: The Biggest cover-up in human history - Duration: 5:51.


BLACKPINK the incident at the Lotte Family Concert 2018 (so angry!) - Duration: 8:00.

I don't get it.. it just makes no sense!

Hey guys & welcome to another reaction video on my channel!

Today I'm gonna react to Forever Young by BLACKPINK at the Lotte Family Concert!

I know that I'm a little bit late and I heard (from friends) what happend there.

I haven't watched any video to this topic yet.

I only heard that they stopped their performance.

If you want me to tell my opinion to you guys then tell me in the comments (didn't know that they are cutting in this video!)

So lets watch the performance to Forever Young! Lets go!!

No joke, Forever Young is one of my favorite songs (from BP)!

I love this song... lol Jisoo :D

OMG how Lisa is laying right there.

Oh Rose, how she puts her hand on her.

Woah! Rose was very good in the background, with her movement!

I love Jisoo's voice! It is so good!

What it really happend here, during Forever Young!?

I can not believe it.

I can not believe it.

I can not believe it that they just cut of Forever Young.

For real that is so bold!

Dude... what was the reason!?

I don't understand what he is saying are there subtitles? No.

That is so bold, I'm sorry but it is truth that is so bold.

Guys make sure to tell me what you think about that in the comments!

I think it is YG who is managing all of this (I mean Lotte*).

This is so bold against Blackpink!

Some of my friends talked about it so I know a little bit what others think about it.

Many people are saying that it is Blackpink's fault, but that is NOT true! Blackpink did not cut the music, it was the people behind who are managing everything!

I would like to know the reason for this!

I really want to know the reason!

Because, first of all, this is absolutely unfair against Blackpink & for these who are watching there.

This move from them is just b*llsh*t!

They are doing a comeback after one year...

...everyone is happy because they are back...

and then something like this happens. I can not understand it!

When I looked for a good video of this performance...

...I saw a video.

"blackpink Rose looked angry after staff stopped their performance."

Sure why not!?

But why does they need to make an extra video!? I don't get it.

Yeah... ahh i don't know... tell my your opinion about it in the comments!

In my opinion this is just so bold!

It is so unfriendly against Blackpink and all Blinks.

I mean the people are paying much money to see them live!

And they are not getting the money back... and who is getting the money? YG is getting it (and Lotte organizer)

I don't really think that Blackpink is getting much.

I didn't even thought that it happend like that.

This women is coming during the performance is doing that (don't hate her she just did what she was ordered to!) and the music is gone.

They didn't even warned them in advance they just did it.

I just don't get it.... it doesn't make sense.

Did they say anything 'bout it?

Did they do a statement?

I want to see a statement!

Guys did they do a statement? If you got a link then please send me the link!

Because I'm interested in that. I want to know the truth behind that!

I don't really know what I can say more.

IT is just such a disrespect against Blackpink!

I think I said it two or three tijmes... but dude... they made a comeback after one year!!

Everyone is happy about their comeback!

I want to know how many views there are now on the Ddu-Du Ddu-Du MV!

I want to know that.

132 m views... in 2 weeks!

In f*king 2 weeks!

That is insane!!!! That is fu*king insane!!!

Guys tell me what you think about it.. it is a frustrating topic.

such a disrespect..

Guys have a nice day, we will see each other in the next reaction & bye! <3

For more infomation >> BLACKPINK the incident at the Lotte Family Concert 2018 (so angry!) - Duration: 8:00.


Are You A Victim Of False Twin Flame Telepathy - Duration: 4:33.


it is very difficult to identify a false twin flame as their true self is hidden

under layers of perfectly cured persona they are imposters mirrors of our real

twin flame and suck us dry of our energy like vampires telepathy is the method of

connecting subconsciously with your beloved which mainly arises out of deep

spiritual compatibility through this bridge we can understand what the other

is thinking and can even influence their mood you must have noticed that a couple

who is deeply in love often feel sorrow and happiness at the same time they

resemble their partner's emotions whenever they're going through emotional

turmoil this kind of behavior can be justified by telepathy which links the

souls together now if someone false acquires these telepathic abilities then

we can be gravely hurt by them when they get close to us they get hooked to our

spiritual energy and manipulate our moves to fulfill their desires

it absolutely ruins our self-esteem and confidence the most harmful aspect of

this is that we assume they are our true flame and hence refused to leave them we

get confused by how similar they are to our true flames and how compatible we

seem to be this is why we go on to tolerate a relationship that is nothing

but emotionally abusive they have no feelings for us and use us for their

we are constantly ill-treated by them in the worst part is they do this through

telepathy this connection destroys you bleeding insecurity doubt and confusion

into you all the time you fail to realize that you are the victim you feel

that the disastrous relationship is your fault that you are to be blamed for this

massacre however false Twin Flames are not

concerned about your emotional state at all

they only remain in your life as long as they need you for their own selfish

gains you must understand that nothing happens without rhyme or reason the

universe is making you tolerate this to suffer a horrendous relationship only to

motivate us to grow and move forward towards refined spirituality hardships

and pain propels you forward to your destiny

it helps us take off our weary soul and replaces it with a new strong one false

twin flame telepathy is a dangerous entity a ruthless weapon that can

absolutely destroy you if it falls in the hands of the wrong people it affects

our mental and physical health to great extents and very negatively you have to

take matters into your own hands and realize how harmful this false twin

flame is for your well-being you need to be brave and let go of them for your own

good you can't be pushed into a corner to suffer all by yourself trapped in

your own mind with the telepathic connection feeding you lies

you can't let your insecurity and self-doubt consume you to such an extent

and that you can't even speak up for yourself you are a wonderful human being

you are worth it you deserve all the happiness goodness satisfaction and the

Bliss of real love deep down you know that too so it is you who has to

consciously take the decision to make your life better by getting rid of all

the negativity that is holding you back your loved ones will be there by your

side but you have to fight back on your own it is difficult but try to identify

the false twin flame as fast as you can and take them out of your life it is a

powerful entity ugly and vicious take required steps before it's too late

For more infomation >> Are You A Victim Of False Twin Flame Telepathy - Duration: 4:33.


KlaPS - Rechengesetze | Punkt vor Strich und Klammer zuerst - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> KlaPS - Rechengesetze | Punkt vor Strich und Klammer zuerst - Duration: 6:12.


Siargao Travel Guide Pt 2 (with Exploring with Cody, Laura Reid & Todd Hata) - Duration: 11:41.

Actually, they said when you're here in Siargao

Because it's one of the most beautiful attractions here

Even though it's far

we just got here

We are now here at Sohoton Cove

Anyways, some of us are going up

I think the climb is only about 4 minutes

They need to jump from there

compared with the other boats that we rode for the past few days

this is a lot bigger

But for now, let me show you what's around us

it's a lot bigger campared to Guyam Island

a lot of people can fit here

why this island is not that popular with the tours

so for you guys, if you're going here in Siargao

please don't forget to go to Corregidor

because you'll be missing on a lot

we won't be going surfing will just be filming a lot of surfers, but

seriously, I'm going back here in Siargao

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