Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 2 2018

Okay, sorry, I had to turn on the big white light

But with the lo-fi lightning that I had before you wouldn't be able to see shi-

But yeah, once again, welcome to my first ever Q&A

And let's just jump into the questions!

Q: When you're done with all the traveling that you talked about, what country do you want to visit next?

well first of all Netherlands because I have friends there and I really want to meet them...

and then either Portugal or Brazil because I really love the language so...

Q: What did you do to go to Japan?

The answer to this question is way too complicated,

so I'm just gonna say that the whole process of me getting from Czech Republic to Japan, to a Japanese school, took one year

One whole year... one.. one whole yea-

Q: Do you have a life motto or what keeps you going when you feel like giving up?

Honestly I don't think that I have a life motto..

but what keeps me going when I'm making videos for example are your comments!

So, please write a comment below I will be reading all of them! every. single. one. of. them.

Q: What music do you like?

I like hip hop, lo-fi, sometimes rock as you can see from the music that I use in my videos

it's mainly lo-fi because I'm really into that right now.

Q: What's the most embarrassing thing that you've done in Japan?

Usually it's like things that are considered rude here in Japan. So people have to tell me not to do that

so for example cocaine, I cannot do cocaine because it's apparently rude in Japan...

Okay, I cannot put this joke in the video because my mom would kill me!


Q: What do you think about having a host family?

It's pretty chill, I really like it, my host family is super kind and awesome...

Would it be better to live here by myself?

Of course, who wouldn't want to live by themselves in Japan, but having a host family feels really safe

and I'm very glad for that. So yeah, it's really good.

Q: Why are you on Japanese exchange only for three months?

Umm yeah, a lot of people asked me, why did I choose Japan for three months and China for ten months?

and the thing is that I didn't have the option to choose

you see these programs and the process and finding a host family is already so difficult that I was just happy to take whatever they offered me

Q: I know this is hard, but what is the thing that you don't like in Japan?

Actually the question is not that hard, there's one thing that I really dislike about Japan

and that is the weather and it's not even about it being hot in summer. It's the humidity okay?

It's so humid that I sweat so much even now I'm sweating profusely

I hope you cannot smell me. But yeah, I'm sweating a lot

Right here. I have a fan. I don't know how I would be able to live without it so... yeah it's the weather.

Q: Do you have to study subjects like math, biology, etc in Japan?

No, I only study Japanese. My grades don't matter here. And I also don't take any tests, so yeah. That's that!

Q: What camera do you use?

I use this one, this one right here-

I use a Canon 200D with a standard kit lens 18-55 millimeters.

Q: Do you miss your family?

Yes, I miss them a lot, but fortunately I'm gonna see them in August for like a week.

And then I'm probably gonna meet up with my brother in China because he's in China right now

So that's pretty dope. But yeah, I kind of miss them. It's I mean, that's pretty obvious...

I think I'm gonna cry on camera. I.. I guess I really miss my family and I didn't even realize that

Q: Do you like hot dogs?

Q: How do you learn Japanese?

Well I mostly talk to Japanese friends and other people and I also write down new vocabulary that I learn every day

uhh and I also wanted to start watching some anime, but I'm not really that much into anime

at least not as much as I used to be in the past and I'm kind of lazy to watch a new anime show, so.. yeah

Q: Would you like to learn some other Asian languages?

Yeah, there are actually a lot of Asian languages... and I have actually made a list of languages that attract me

So it would be like: Arabic, Cantonese, Filipino, Hebrew, Indonesian, Pashto, Urdu, Turkish...

Uhh.. so yeah, but of course my main goal is to learn Japanese and Chinese which are like the languages that attract me the most

but for example Pashto or Urdu or Hebrew

I would love to learn Hebrew like....

But you know, there's only so much you can learn so yeah, I'm not sure if I'll be able to learn any of them

But I certainly want to...

Q: Are you half Japanese or any Asian?

No I'm not japanese, not even a bit. My mom is white from the Czech Republic, she's Czech

And my dad is Hispanic from Peru, South America so...

No, I'm not Japanese, but I have like really really far I had uhhhh

Chinese ancestors, but I don't know if that really counts. So I'm a proud Czech Peruvian


Q: Do you have any siblings?

Yes I do, I have a younger sister and an older brother and they are both my favorite people in the entire world

So yeah, by the way, you can follow my sister on her Instagram @alessacuy, no pressure okay?

You don't have to if you don't want to but...

She's paying me to say this!

Q: Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Um, it really depends on the day, on the mood, on the people that I'm with, so I would say something in-between

Sometimes I just like to stay in my room the whole day, sometimes I like to party hard, you know

So, uh, yeah mostly I I stay in my room because I have no friends...

Q: How can I learn Japanese in an easy way?

There's... there's no easy way bro

Like you have to study and study hard for many many months and you have to be patient

So yeah, I mean Japanese is one of the hardest languages in the world

So just be patient and if you really want to learn it, you'll eventually learn it, you know

so um "Ganbatte ne!" (good luck in jap.)

Ganbatte ne!

And that would be the last question for today's video

I tried to pick as many of them as possible and also the interesting ones

So if you have any more questions, please leave a comment below and I'll try to answer them

And yeah, thank you for watching this video

I hope you enjoyed it

You know leave a like because it was really hard for me to sit here in this room

To record all these questions and read them out loud, you know really hard

But yeah, I appreciate you watching and I'll see you next week in other vlog!


Hurricane Katrina, more like hurricane Tortilla...

For more infomation >> Japanese Exchange QnA - Duration: 7:10.


VLOG - July 2018 - Travel, Thank Yous, Show & Tell and What to Expect - Duration: 12:24.

hello everyone its Shel C and this is my vlog for July I was looking at my

calendar I realized I didn't even do a vlog for June I said I was gonna make

one every month at the beginning of the month but I didn't so I have news I have

things to share with you and I thought that I would just go ahead and make a

quick vlog trying to make it quickly because the Sun is coming in onto my

desk so I need to get the filming done with um the first thing I want to tell

you is that I'm traveling starting July 3rd through the 12th I'm

going for the first time to Europe I'm going to be visiting Ireland and

Scotland with my friend some of my friends girlfriends and we're going to

be visiting our ancestral route places that we have never been before and have

to do with family so my my family has a castle in Scotland that was built by one

of my long long time ancestors gonna visit that gonna visit some places in

Ireland that my friend's ancestors are from and then the other friend has some

places in Scotland we're gonna have a good time ten days I will be making I'm

making videos now to cover that time but the videos will be every third day

instead of every other day also keep in mind that I don't know what my internet

is going to be like in another country so I'm not sure how quickly I will

answer the comments please still leave the comments even though I might not

answer them as quickly as usual please leave them because it helps my channel

of course but um it might take me a couple days I might need to go to an

internet cafe or something like that to get to get you know stuff on my phone to

answer so keep that in mind I'm very excited I think it's gonna be awesome

but I will be missing two of the Thursday's of the live show the first

two Thursday's of July I will not be on the live show so peg will be having a

guest or else doing it by herself the next thing I want to talk about is

thank-yous I missed last month so I gotta thank everyone from June June

sometime yes-man gee I don't know anyway um I do

have a a donation button down at the underneath the video and people don't

normally notice it but it's a PayPal donation button YouTube used to have

crowdfunding I've never took advantage of that but I do see that people

sometimes I want to help my channel will help me get new things to show because

I'm doing all these free videos every other day and sometimes I need some new

stuff or to replace some stuff and so people have donated to my channel and I

am so appreciative that I can't believe people actually take their hard-earned

money and and give it to my channel that they're that they feel if there's that

much value to what I'm doing in that I'm just I'm so grateful so this month you

thank yous go to Linda W Linda are Nancy s Patricia P Margaret G Dorothy R and

Laurie Ann yes those are the people that I didn't think since the last time that

I thanked people and also I send them happy mail if if PayPal has their

address a lot of them I just get the email so I can't mail anything but to

those that I have the addresses for I will be sending happy mail I need to get

all that stuff done before I travel yeah speaking of happy mail and things I

wanted to show you I've got this desk full of stuff I wanted to show you this

is so cute my friend peg who is the queen of happy mail ordered this little

bag from Gina Aaron's Etsy shop and she sews these and it the thing that I like

about it is it has cactuses all over it I love this this print and it's an it's

gonna be perfect for traveling I'm gonna use it as my cosmetics bag because I'm

not planning on taking around much art stuff but then I when I get back I'll

put use it as a a art travel bag so I'm sure that Gina has some more bags that

she's selling on her Etsy shop and so go check her out over there I know she has

other stuff like digital downloads and stamps and stencils and all kinds of

stuff but I really like this so thank you peg pegye also sent me

some other happy mail and this isn't even all of it

she's crazy with Happy Meal but there's another whole box it has a bunch of

trims and all these like cute beaded bohemian trims and some ribbons and all

kinds of stuff like that but I just grabbed a few things obviously I left to

receive things that people have made here's an ATC from peg and a little

booklet a little travel we booklet that she made mixed-media style and there's

some other things in here I think that she made another ATC and there's some

painting papers here that she made so I guess she likes to send out the stuff

that she makes to other people which is a good idea also there's some sorry

ribbon oh she made this um this little covered spiral notebook which I think is

really cute isn't that cute to keep notes in shit or

out my notes into that huh and some more here's a cool picture and some more

painted papers some coloring pages with birds it's always great to have culling

pages that you can use for collage or use the drawings some way a stencil this

one is from stencil girl I think and she had an extra one to me it looks like

tires or the tops of paint cans I'm not sure but it's a really cool stencil some

napkins and one of the little tiny archival ink pads she must have had two

or this color it's like the little mini ones you know we got the regular size

ones and then there's little tiny ones so I'm glad to see what size that is and

that will be good for my travel art kit a couple cosmetic sponges which she's

been using for pan pastels and stenciling so I'm gonna try those

because I'm getting in really in distending lately some cool metallic

stickers a couple bottles of Nuvo drops these make like interesting crystal

drops on your paper so that's just an that's just a small fraction

of what she has sent me but I'm I just wanted to share I also like her

envelopes because she covers them and cool stuff that's duct tape which is

cool um another thing I wanted to share with you guys which I have to and I

can't find the other one that remember I was telling you about the the art doll

group that I'm in and the dolly received this last month was from and Williamson

and it's mermaid month so it's a mermaid and here's all the little extras she

sent me in the package lots of little things that she made and then here's the

mermaid she has her own little folder and she has a friend she has a little

friend so she has articulated arms and articulated tail and very textured

textured paper or something I don't know but it's it's cool and then she has a

little articulated seahorse friend that can move his little tail a little bit so

that was from an Williamson and she has a channel so I think you should go check

her out there's probably a video for making this I would guess I haven't

actually seen it but I also had received one the month before that was Alice and

Alice has a chess or cat with her but I can't find it I don't know where I put

it I'm so confused it's here somewhere it has its own little folder and I I

just can't find it right now so I can't show it to you but I wished I could

because it's really cute it was that was the month that I made that the queen bee

she made Alice in what form Alice in Wonderland and then this month was

mermaids then next month is circus but I can't participate because I'm gonna be

gone and I just I didn't think I would need to scram one more thing in the

other thing I wanted to show you is a little mini haul here I'm gonna be

making a Travel journal out of this these things

are the custom keepers from Shannon Green Shannon by Shannon grant Etsy shop

I'll put the answer stops below so you can find him this is the ATC's that are

made out of the vinyl and I've been using some of these in last month's

challenge and then this is a little tiny custom keeper and I'm in a minute

decorated and that video will be coming up this month and then I'm gonna put

watercolor paper in it and this is gonna be what I take with me on my trip and

I'm gonna have some other little you know little tiny art supplies to go with

it so I'm excited about that I also ordered this bigger one so what

these are made out of is the billboards that you see along the side of the road

if those are made out of vinyl and she somehow fuses it she calls it fused

vinyl I'm not really sure and then it has these these releasable elastic

inside with directions to show you how to lace it if you take it apart and then

you can put your signatures in there and that's that's another regular size

journal so I'm going to be making that one too so that's gonna be fun those are

from Shannon green and I I ordered those Etsy shop other things I wanted to talk

about things that are coming up for the month of July I'm gonna be having some

sparse little videos at the beginning of the month and then of course we'll have

some crazy pages yeah I know you guys saw the video where I made my crazy

pages I'm gonna be having crazy pages coming in and I'm gonna be making some

sort of the journal or something out of them and then finishing the pages as we

go through the month and maybe probably August and September - I'm imagining so

those would be some are journal pages using backgrounds that people have sent

on Friday Friday the 6th the pic stick challenge art journal video will be

coming out I drew the pics this the sticks of fate

this month so I'm responsible for that and let's see I'll do my tag at Tuesday

tag my my travel journal and then of course we're almost we're just we're

creeping up on 10,000 subscribers and perhaps we'll get

there that this month and the 10,000 subscriber giveaway which has 10 the 6x6

this is the one that I put the resin on the 6x6 canvases 10 of these being given

away all the friends all different ones these are the ones I have stacked next

to my desk these will be given away so hopefully

that is coming and you'll be seeing me making more 6x6 things throughout the

months I'm trying to get a stack of tin as though I have 10 to give away so I

think that's it for me thanks to everyone thanks for watching this weird

vlog thing and I will be seeing you when I return from my trip


For more infomation >> VLOG - July 2018 - Travel, Thank Yous, Show & Tell and What to Expect - Duration: 12:24.


Should You Eat Before or After Working Out? - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Should You Eat Before or After Working Out? - Duration: 4:12.


Daniel Smith Color Showdown S2E2: Ultramarine Blue vs. French Ultramarine - Duration: 14:53.

Welcome back to season 2 of Daniel Smith color showdown

This is episode 2 and we are going to be comparing the ultramarine blue with the French ultramarine

Now there has been a long long time debate on

What the exact difference between ultramarine blue and French ultramarine blue?

Actually is a lot of brands in lot of mediums carry

Both ultramarine blue and a French ultramarine blue and they are made with the same pigment and they look very similar

as well there are lots of theories and

technical details on the actual difference between the two some people say that French author marine is the

warmer redder blue than the ultramarine blue, but that also depends on the brand of

the watercolor you're looking at and others say one has bigger particles than the other so it

granulates more but for this series I want to put the

theories and the technical details aside and just focus on

what these colors do on the paper and how they interact with the

Mixing colors. So let's take a closer look at each color and then we'll come back and compare the two and see

What the differences are?

First up is the ultramarine blue and it is made out of


Sodium aluminium sulfosilicate. Daniel Smith says

ultramarine blue plots cooler and bluer than the more saturated French ultramarine

temperature site both police have eco performance

light fastness and


Ultramarine blue is a slightly less granular in

concentrated washes for less saturation

sedimentation and cost use ultramarine blue straight for vibrant crayon light color or

Mixed with a cool red for dark effective neutrals. It is a series one color

Is excellent in lifelessness

transparent medium staining and


Next up is the French ultramarine and like the ultramarine blue is also made out of


sodium aluminium


daniel Smith says

This medium to dark warm reddish blue is highly light fast and medium tinting strength

Its sedimentary quality increases its versatility

Mixed with various portions of other blues French ultramarine is a wonderful sky pigment

Modify it with quinacridone gold for delightful greens that remains


mix French ultramarine with quinacridone burnt orange and be rewarded with an amazing range of

blues to brown grays

Mixed with either quinacridone rose or pink a range of purples result now

Ultramarine blue was Series one. However, the French ultramarine is

Actually a series two color and it will be interesting to see if the price increase

Shows up on the paper. It is excellent in life fastest

transparent medium staining and

granulating and

we are back the paints have dried and

Oval impression as we expected they're pretty similar. They are very very close

In fact, if I have to pick a difference, I would say that the overall impression of the French ultramarine

Has a slight redder

Warmer look to it than the ultramarine blue, but let's take a closer look at each of the tests

We did and compare the two more closely looking at the washes

This side is ultramarine blue

And this side is French ultramarine as you can see

There are both lovely lovely granulating colors the ultramarines

PB 29s are always my favourite granulating color and they create beautiful washes

I think they both do a very good job of creating grid did washes on all the different papers

So just to recap we have the sheet that is made out of the Bockingford cold

Press and then squares of hot

Press here and here and rough in here

Both also with the bockingford papers and then archers cold, press I'm not quite sure what happened here

I think that was more my fault for putting maybe a little bit too much water in right at the end

Normally the pb29 are very good at creating

gradated washes in terms of granulating

I know it's supposed to be like one is supposed to be more granulating than the other if I had to pick between

The two I would say

With the smallest of difference that maybe the French ultramarine

granulates a little bit more

But not by like a huge amount you can certainly see the sedimentation settling here

Whereas maybe the pattern of that is slightly less obvious

Here and the same here where you can see the texture of the paper a little bit more

than the ultramarine blue in terms of opacity lifting and glazing up here is your ultramarine blue and

Down here is the French ultramarine as you can see this very little deposit over the black line

so yes, I would always say that ultramarine blue is a little bit more to this semi transparent, but that's because I get very very

specific and and absorbed in a details of

transparency, but I still actually have ultramarine blue on my transparent pallet so it can totally pass as a

Transparent paint as well. Although they are both classified as mid staining. They actually lift pretty well

I would say that in the ultramarine blue

that it does left but the deposit the things does settle in the

pits of the paper

Doesn't lift quite so easily as the French ultramarine does which is interesting because in terms of granulation

the French ultramarine is a fraction little bit stronger on the granular and yet the

granulation left's more easily than the ultramarine blue now when it comes to glazing

Ultramarine blue I have to say is one of my least favorite color to have the glaze and that is because it lifts so easily

when you come to put the second layer of

Glaze on it tends to lift the first layer up wizard and you can see that

Here and here pretty much equally in uneven

Glazes in terms of causing Ultron Blue is a game. My favorite color too goes with it's the first one where I was like,

Really almost shocked at how well it produced linear patterns

And you can see here and here they both make brilliant brilliant golden colors

I would say if I had to pick a side that the French ultramarine is a fraction more

Intense in the blue than the ultramarine blue in terms of salting. Neither of them will react the salt you can see

texture left behind by where the salt crystals have been but there's no

The veining Fanning patterns happening at all with the salt in terms of water blooms

it's not a pretty one to do the blooms with it doesn't bloom and it just makes

Not a very pretty marks on there in terms of how the two color mixes with other colors

this side is the ultramarine blue and this side is the French ultramarine and

Just reference these other colors. We mix the two colors with and for comparison

this is

these colors mixed with ultramarine blue and

This is

These colors mixed with french ultramarine blue in terms of complement

You're gonna find the perfect complement around about the yellow orange

hue for both ultramarine blue and the French ultramarine blue and

Indeed with the cadmium yellow orange on both colors. They make brilliant lovely lovely

perform and

neutral gray

especially this gray

I'm really really liking I do also love nuetralizing the ultramarine blue with the daniel. Smith

Transparent red oxide as well that creates a lovely lovely neutral as well both creates

this lovely greens with the cadmium yellow light and

These lovely lovely purple hues

That are all just gorgeous but in particular the quinacridone violet

With the ultramarine blue is really really nice. I love this and you get lots of lovely granulating

Purples around here with the Vermillion and the permanent red and the quinacridone rose

You are of course going to get lovely lovely blues and greens out of the say low blues and all the Greens here

There are really nice bright colors. So I would say that pb29 in general is probably my favorite color in

My palette in terms of versatility and its characteristics and its uses so in conclusion

What do I think of these two colors? Well, there isn't very much difference

Between the ultramarine blue and the French ultramarine blue

they are both lovely mixing colors that granulate well and goes well and

Doesn't do quite well on the salt and the water if I had to nitpick

then I would say that the French ultramarine is the warmer red blue and

it might granulate like a

fraction more but honestly, the difference is so minor that I

Can't give you a solid conclusion and this one is better than this one

And I know that's kind of a disappoint many of you

I know you come to watch these videos to be definitively shown, you know, the big difference between the two Wow

There's a surprise

I didn't know that but

Sometimes the two colors are so similar and when they are so similar I have to be honest with you and go

Hey guys, there's not that much difference in terms of which one is going to be your favorite

the other I

kind of feel like

with the debate of ultramarine blue and French ultramarine blue is quite similar in the argument of

Which is the best doctor in Doctor Who in terms of your favorite Doctor Who?

majority of people are gonna go with the first doctor that they were introduced to the series with so

Of course for me, for example, I love Matt Smith's

Doctor because that was when I came into starting to watch the series, it's just what do you know?

It's how you build your framework of the world

they create around and anyone else feels like an impostor before or afterwards and they feel like

the autumn rain blue and the French ultramarine

Debate is similar. It's just a guess majority of the time

Depends on which color you were introduced to first. So for me, I was introduced to ultramarine blue first

I know how it works, and I know so much more about how it

mixes with other colors and behaves on the paper than the French ultramarine blue and

Unfortunately, there isn't a big enough difference for me to go

Oh, actually no French ultramarine blue is way better than the ultramarine blue

I've done that with many other colours when I've gone when I've started with

One color and then I got introduced to another similar color. I'm gone. Oh, actually no, that's way better for me

It works so much better

But here I just don't feel like there's a big enough difference to warrant

Someone from jumping ship from one color to the other in either direction

So for me certainly, I am gonna stick to the ultramarine blue. I have a ton of ultramarine

I have a huge stock of ultramarine blue both in terms of commercial paints and paints I make for myself

So I'm not about to jump ship to French ultramarine

They are both just as good as each other

and after that

I think it's just personal taste of what you're more comfortable with and what you have more experience in

Which one would you go for would you go for ultramarine blue or the French? Ultramarine?

Now normally here I ask, you know, if you've used one or both of these colors, please let us know

How you use it?

But I mean French ultramarine and ultramarine blue are two colors that are very commonly found on the pallet

So I think you know that covers everyone instead. I'll be very keen to hear from you

if you are one of those people that

did jump ship either from the ultramarine blue to the French ultramarine or the other way around and what made you

Make that change

From one color to the other and what you felt the other color did better. That would be such an interesting

discussion to have down in the comments below

Thank you so much for watching this episode of the Daniel Smith color showdown

I hope this video was interesting and useful to you

If that was the case, then please give it a thumbs up

And if you haven't subscribed to this channel yet then please do so

Thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video. Bye

For more infomation >> Daniel Smith Color Showdown S2E2: Ultramarine Blue vs. French Ultramarine - Duration: 14:53.


Een kijkje in huize Kroes en het GIGANTISCHE kantoor! 😲👌 | Belletje trekken bij Wolter Kroes - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Een kijkje in huize Kroes en het GIGANTISCHE kantoor! 😲👌 | Belletje trekken bij Wolter Kroes - Duration: 7:07.


Limpia tu Kodi - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Limpia tu Kodi - Duration: 4:58.


(En/Es) RESIDENT EVIL 6 FACE MODEL - Entrevista a Adam Crosman (Piers Nivans) - Duration: 21:31.

For more infomation >> (En/Es) RESIDENT EVIL 6 FACE MODEL - Entrevista a Adam Crosman (Piers Nivans) - Duration: 21:31.


2013-2014 Mustang GT500 Kooks 3" Cat-Back w/ Polished Tips Exhaust Sound Clip & Review - Duration: 10:31.

The Kooks system we are talking about here today will be for the 2013 and 2014 Shelby

GT500 owners out there who are interested in picking up one of the highest quality systems

available for the 5.8 powered Shelby and one that will provide you with an aggressive,

but not over the top tone.

Now, prospective buyers can look forward to the very high-quality 304 stainless throughout,

including the twin 4-inch tips available, by the way, in your choice of polished or

black for just north of 1,300 bucks, depending on your tip color of course.

Now your install will not involve any cutting or permanent modification, so let's go one-out-of-three

wrenches on the difficulty meter here with a more detailed walkthrough to come later

in the video.

So for those who don't know, Kooks is a killer exhaust company and they've been doing their

thing ever since Papa Kook made his very own set of headers in the garage for the family

race car back in the 1960s.

And as someone who has had the pleasure of meeting Papa Kook, God bless him and checking

out the facilities in North Carolina, I can tell you that the guys eat, sleep, and breathe

exhaust systems.

It's all they do and it's really evident in the quality of their build.

But with the brief history lesson wrapped up, let's get into the sound of the Kooks

catback on the might 5.8.

And angry doesn't even begin to sum things up here.

Now, just a very, very aggressive sound coming from the TVS blow Shelby and one that is fitting

of the GT500 badge.

So going to my patented wake the neighbors scale, I have the Kooks coming in at a very

stout four-out-of-five on my one to five or one to wake the neighbors scale.

Now, inside the car, sure you're gonna hear things a little bit, but it's certainly not

a drony system by any stretch of the imagination.

But moving away from the sound and into the build and construction, and again, a very

top notch system from tip to tip here.

And that typically will be your experience when entertaining a Kooks exhaust system here

on the site.

This does include premium grade 304 stainless steel throughout the benchmark in the category

and ultimately, the best at reducing corrosion over the years.

You're also gonna be looking at 3-inch mandrel bent tubing leading into and out of the high

flow oval muffler before finally exiting out the twin 4-inch tips here, which are embossed

with that Kooks logo.

Again, guys, just a heads up, you can grab these things in a polished finish, which you're

looking at here, for that 1,300 or so dollar price tag.

The black tip option will kick things up 100 or 200 bucks extra and you can find that system

on the site as well.

Finally, Kooks does throw in a lifetime warranty for this system for a little added peace of

mind over the years.

But switching gears, let's talk about the installation, and again, a very simple bolt

on job, one-out-of-three wrenches on the difficulty meter, as we've already pointed out.

And to give you a better idea of what's involved here, here's a detailed walkthrough.

First thing we're gonna do is take a 13-millimeter socket and loosen the clamps up that hold

our mufflers to our over axle pipes.

And we'll do the same thing on the other side.

Next thing we're gonna do is remove the two 15-millimeter bolts holding the Panhard bar

support brace.

I'll just pull this down to give our over axel pipes a little bit more room to slide


Next thing we're gonna do is loosen up the clamps at our H-pipe.

I have a 15-millimeter socket on my impact gun.

Next thing we're gonna do is remove the axle back mufflers.

Before we do that though, we wanna spay down our rubber isolators with some WD-40.

All right.

The first rubber hanger we are going to remove is the one furthest back to the end of the


Pop the hanger out of the isolator.

Now we can go back here and move our over axle pipe out of the way.

All right.

Once that drops down, we can slide our muffler out of the rear hangers.

And we'll do the same thing on the other side now, start off with our rearmost hanger, pop

that out of the rubber isolator.

Once we've detached the over axle pipe, we can slide the whole muffler out of the two

rear hangers.

We're now ready to remove the over-axle pipes.

I'm just gonna lift up a little bit, slide them forward out of the clamp and route them

back over the axle and out of the car.

And we'll do the same thing on the other side.

First thing we're gonna do with this install here is get the left side over axle pipe installed.

Keep in mind that Kooks does mark left from right so you don't mix that up.

All right.

We're just gonna leave this clamp loose for now.

We'll get our right side over axle pipe installed and then move on from there.

All right.

We'll do the same thing for the right side.

I did spray a little WD-40 inside the clamps just to help me slide these new pipes into


All right.

Now we are ready to install the over axle section of the pipe here.

We're gonna slide a clamp on first.

Do not forget to put your clamps on or else you'll be taking your exhaust back apart,

and we're gonna go up over Panhard bar support brace and down onto our extension pipe here.

Next thing we can do is go to the left side over axle pipe.

Again, don't forget to put your clamp on first.

All right.

We're now ready for our mufflers.

All right.

We're ready to install our muffler now.

First thing we're gonna do is slide it into the rear hangers.

Once we've got the front hangers in place, we can now get our rear hanger in place.

Don't forget to spray those down with some WD-40.

It's gonna help you get them popped on a lot easier.

All right.

We'll do the same thing on the right side now.

First, we need to get our rear hangers started in the rubbers.

And we'll get our rear hanger now.

All right.

We're gonna start to tighten up some clamps now.

I'm gonna start right back here at the first axle back clamp.

Guys, make sure you've got your clamps lined up right.

These are pretty tough to get lined up.

That's gonna wrap up our review and install of this Kooks Cat-Back Exhaust.

Be sure to check out more at

For more infomation >> 2013-2014 Mustang GT500 Kooks 3" Cat-Back w/ Polished Tips Exhaust Sound Clip & Review - Duration: 10:31.


Economic Update: Criticizing Capitalism - Duration: 29:36.

Welcome friends to another edition of economic update a weekly program devoted

to the economic dimensions of our lives jobs incomes debts our own and our

children's I'm your host Richard Wolff I've been a professor of economics all

my adult life and I hope that that's prepared me to offer you these economic

updates about what's in the news. I want to begin by a kind of shout out to the

state of Colorado it turns out that Colorado is for worker coops what

Delaware has been for capitalist corporations that is the laws in

Colorado thanks to all kinds of folks in our

state's history are very friendly to the formation and the growth and the

development of the worker coop kind of enterprise and it reason it's

interesting to me has to do with the fact that I recognize that the

Republican and Democratic parties for 250 years have been busy pushing states

around the country and above all Delaware to be especially friendly to

capitalist enterprises you know the kind of enterprises with a few people who are

their shareholders and a tiny number of people they elect to be the board of

directors to run businesses that way those two parties were useful to set up

the laws to make that happen if there were a political party in the

United States committed to worker coops as a better democratic alternative they

would be running around the country doing for the country as a whole

what Colorado has taken the initiative to begin to do I want to recognize what

the Colorado folks did but I also want to make us aware that a political party

is needed to give worker coops a level playing field with what the capitalist

enterprises have gotten done for them for centuries I also want to follow up

in a separate update with the problem of worker suicide

recently there have been several actually six suicides among cab drivers

in the city of New York it has become impossible for them to be cab drivers

the arrival of uber lyft and other services has put an incredible pressure

on workers they don't get the money they once did they have to work unbelievable

hours and here in New York where a taxi medallion the legal right to have a taxi

was very expensive and purchased by cab drivers over recent decades they're now

discovering that those medallions are virtually worthless as uber and lyft

have destroyed their value and they're killing themselves you know it's the

responsibility of a society not to have that happen we don't need to have a

system in which competition among capitalists is something that kills

workers you know we've had that in our history we didn't permit it there was a

time when we allowed mines to be operated in a way that killed miners we

are now allowed all kinds of enterprises to be run in a way that stunted or even

killed small children that were working there and we had movements to protect

miners to make child labor illegal we didn't permit corporations to say oh we

need to compete we need to have cheap child labor or we need to save money I'm

taking care of the miners we can do the same thing to prevent suicide and we

ought to have done it long ago my attention was caught also by France it

turns out in France there are laws that whole top executives accountable if

below them in the corporation suicides are occurring one of the biggest

corporations in France used to be called France télécom it's their basic phone

company it's now called orange like the color telephone company well they're two

top executives are on trial now held to be accountable for the harassment of

workers leading to count them 19 sue besides among those workers in France

you prosecute people who impose suicidal conditions here in the United States you

pretend it doesn't count my hat's off also today to the people of California

petitions were circulated among Californians and over four hundred and

seven thousand of them signed and that was more than enough to get a ballot

question put on the election for this coming November and here's what it says

rents have gone up sky-high in California six of the 11 most rapidly

rising rent areas in America are in that state alone California led by Los

Angeles and particularly the bay area around San Francisco more than half of

the income which is way more than you're supposed to spend for rent is the burden

of 1.7 themm million families in California now of course the housing

industry says if you limit how much we can squeeze out of renters and boy they

have gone up spectacularly in the last few years well then we won't build

houses if we can't make a lot of money off of them that's a threat that's a

threat of one industry against the millions of people who depend on it we

ought to respond to those threats with a counter threat you don't build the

buildings fine the public sector will build and maintain decent quality public

housing and then there won't be the ability for you to raise those rents at

all will there be I want to talk to you about another story that's much in the

news right now President Trump and the Republican Party are busy slapping

tariffs and punishments of all kinds on our trading partners you know it's part

of the assault on foreigners first of all we bash immigrants those

are people who come from a foreign country in two hours and now we're also

gonna bash foreigners who don't trade with us under conditions we would prefer

because they're more profitable to us is this new here's my answer

not at all the last time the United States tried to rearrange world trade to

its own advantage was in the 1980s in those days Americans were reacting much

as they are today to noticing that there were lots of Japanese cars on the road

here in the United States and that Americans were preferring them over

their American competitors you know Toyota's Dotson's and all of that

rather than Ford's Chevy's and all of that mr. Trump's top trade negotiator

negotiator scuse me Robert light Iser was actually involved in the deal that

was made then the United States threatened Japan you have to limit the

number of cars you sell here not by how many Americans want to buy but by a

number will give you you have to agree not to send more cars here otherwise we

will really close this country off to you the Japanese caved they agreed to

the quotas and according to the PRCA excuse me PR no the PRC my apology a

think-tank that's independent the cost to the Americans of having no cheaper

Japanese cars worked out to about $1,200 a car we all paid more because the

American company could charge more since the Japanese couldn't compete because

they had been closed out the cost of a tariff war like the quotas will be

higher prices for all of us to pay and that's something you ought to think

about since you can be sure that the people pushing this leave that part of

the story out

my last two updates are important because they're the kinds of things you

might not think about but you ought to the French government is threatening to

find the American giant corporation General Electric why well it turned out

that in 2014 the General Electric Company petitioned the French government

to be able to buy a very large electric company in France called Alstom and a

deal was arrived at in which the French government then led by a socialist

president said ok you can buy the french company but you have to create 1,000

jobs in exchange for doing that the French government recognized that the

coming together of these two companies would eliminate many jobs but at least

some jobs would be created and General Electric committed to hire one thousand

more people as part of this deal and it was to be done by the year 2018 well

here it is 2018 and the French government says you've hired exactly

three hundred and twenty three of the thousand jobs you promised the penalty

that you signed the contract to commit you to pay it is fifty thousand euros

per job not created that would come 234 million euros for the total jobs you

didn't create for General Electric that's a tiny amount of money

it's like change in your pocket so now there's a problem

General Electric of course doesn't want to pay it hopes that what usually has

happened in the past will happen again namely that no one will really follow up

no one will keep away exact track and even if they do nobody will bother them

about this it will all go away and believe me General Electric is right

to have us that because this kind of thing happens

in the United States literally every day I can't tell you the number of times I

have sat in a public hearing listening to a corporation make wonderful promises

about what its gonna be allowed to do if only it gets this tax break if only it

gets this subsidy if only it gets the road reroute 'add so it's more

convenient for them if only if only if only knowing full well that the

politicians who will say okay then we'll do it because of these good things they

won't be there in the four years when this is supposed to happen they will

have long forgotten it the press will not pay attention it will disappear it's

an empty promise that no one follows up on in France partly because of the power

of the labor movement and the power of socialist communist and other parties

you can't do that the way you do that in this country so the French government

even though the Socialists are gone and a quite right-wing government sits in

power now they have to at least look like they're doing something to keep

track of all of this because it's do too dangerous for them politically to let

this go France is different from the United

States my last update has to do with the Ford Motor Company and the city of

Detroit and the dilapidated broken-down old Michigan central railway station in

the middle of that city the last train to leave that station left in 1988

that's right thirty years of decay of breaking down of broken windows and and

heaves in the floor you get the picture why did that happen because the city of

Detroit was destroyed what do I mean well back in 1988 the population wasn't

that far off of two million the population today is under 700

thousand that's called urban collapse that's when everybody leaves that's when

there are thousands tens of thousands of empty abandoned homes and stores and yes

railway stations and why because three companies for General Motors and

Chrysler decided it was more profitable to produce somewhere else in the

American South where wages were lower in Canada and Mexico where they were still

lower and now in India and China where they are still lower it's all about the

profit for a tiny number of companies that destroyed that city destroyed the

lives of hundreds of thousands of people and destroyed yeah

the Michigan Central Station so imagine how happy I was and how happy Americans

were expected to be when Ford corporation announced it was buying for

next to nothing that building its decisions helped to

destroy to make up a new tech center for themselves we were all supposed to

celebrate the renewal of Detroit and conveniently forget that the renewer was

the destroying monster not that long ago but I don't want anyone to forget well

we've come to the end of the first part of the show before meeting my exciting

guest professor David Harvey that many of you know I want to remind you to

subscribe to our You Tube channel if you possibly can to follow us on Facebook

Twitter and Instagram and to go to our website democracy at work dot info for

more of what we do and how you can get involved as a special thank you to our

patreon community I also want to say really thank you for the support you

provide it is crucial stay tuned we'll be right back

welcome back friends to the second half of economic update it is my pleasure and

indeed an honor for all of us I think to have our guest today professor David

Harvey a foremost Marxist thinker and critic and writer for many decades to be

our guest and to talk with me for the next little while

professor David Harvey is at the Graduate Center of the City University

of New York perhaps best known for how he has been able to teach us a whole

generation of students like myself what Marx's contribution is to understanding

the capitalist system that we depend on and that we live in he has written many

many books and articles and his most recent which I urge you to take a look

at is called Marx capital and the madness of economic reason thank you

very much David if I can call you that yeah joining us okay what is the major

contribution of Marx what why is he the important thinker we should be reading

and whose work we should be using right now if he came up through a critique of

classical political economy with a way of understanding the dynamics of

capitalism that is of understanding how capital accumulates how it circulates

and how it produces crises periodically and I think those insights are still

with us in exactly the same way that Marx saw it back in middle of the 19th

century capital is still with us and capital is still creating crises and

doing all those things that Marx said it was gonna do so that the argument which

I hear so often that capitalism has changed from Marx's time in the middle

of the nineteenth century to today is both obviously true and not really

terribly relevant since the basic dynamic of the system which is what he

tried to figure out absolutely I mean that's that that's why it so I think

relevant today which is not to say that the the details are not very different

because they have certainly changed and we should take those into account and we

also have to remember the marks didn't complete all of his work so we have some

work to do to complete it but nevertheless the basic laws of motion of

capital as he defined them in the middle of the nineteenth century are still with

us and they're still creating mayhem and creating contradictions and creating

havoc wherever we look let me pick up on a couple of things you said and go after

them a bit more instability the the fact that this is an economic system which if

I have the numbers correctly every four to seven years has a downturn and that

these downturns can sometimes be deep and long-lasting like in the 30s and

really like the one after 2008 is this in a sense a sign that this is a

systemic problem and I wanted your reaction to the validity of Marx's

focusing on in instability on this bizarre quality I think one of the

things that separates Marx from most economists is the most economists seem

to like equilibrium and think there's something called equilibrium to which

everything converges somewhere down the line Marx says no it diverges all of the

time so he's looking at it from the other direction and saying it creates

disequilibrium and the disequilibrium are the sorts of things we see in a

crisis in which capital and labor sit side by side and nobody knows how to UM

you know employ them in in productive ways because somehow rather the market

has not cleared and will not clear and so that is there at the mark of a

genuine crisis what about the other critique in a way of capitalism that

besides being unstable it is prone to inequality and indeed extreme in

quality of the sort we see around us today

how does Marxism go after get at this inequality

well Marx did an analysis which relied very much on the idea of perfect

competition and pure competition and what he showed was that under conditions

of pure competition the rich are going to get much richer and the poor are

going to get much poorer now we've had historic periods under capitalism where

there's been some intervention from outside for political reasons and state

reasons so that we actually ended up with less inequality today of course the

neoliberal period since the 1970s everybody's been saying let the market

do the work and everything's going to be ok and of course the rich get richer

hand-over-fist and it's getting even worse by the

minute yeah so that would you agree for example with Thomas Piketty and others

like him that there's some intrinsic logic to capital that produces

inequality unless and until the very reaction to that inequality stops or

reverses it for a while you know there's there's something

inherent within the within the system and our best guess the best way to

summarize it is that in a perfect market situation there is nothing more unequal

than the equal treatment of unequals because everybody says the market is an

egalitarian device and it is but if you start off much better endowed than me

then bit by bit that gap between us goes higher higher and higher and so that is

what Marx showed brilliantly I think in volume one of capital is that is an

inevitable consequence of a free market capitalism so then you know departing a

little bit but let me ask your opinion how is it possible that capitalism has

had defenders past present and likely future who seem either unable or

unwilling to contend with these two central flaws you might say instability

and inequality what's the it how is it possible for a

system with those flaws to present itself almost that's the opposite of

them I think one of the things we should recognize though is that capitalism has

not been all bad it's technologically very dynamic and and it's given us a lot

of possibilities to organize life in a very very different kind of way and

that's one of the big contradictions of the present situation the technologies

around us are fantastic labor saving technologies time-saving technologies

and of course people are fascinated by that and that's I think how a lot of

people have a fetish belief almost in the beauties of a capitalist system

because it does all of those things Marxist point is to say yes it does all

those things but then what does it do it produces homelessness it produces less

and less capacity to educate people it makes students go into debt in order to

get an education does all of these things and and and Marx is therefore

emphasizing the contradictions and I think that the trouble with conventional

thinking is that it emphasizes the positives and it refuses refuses to pay

any attention to the negatives or assumes they're external accidents they

are not integral to the system yes it always bothered me from my earliest

times as a student I used to make this comparison I wonder how you think about

it that capitalism produces the problem of selling all the value that they

that's come out of their assembly lines so they invent something called

advertising to promote the purchase what an advertiser does is try to get you to

part with your money for some object and so the advert the logic of advertising

present all the positives and obliterate all the negatives and this which is a

distortion of human communication for a profitable end then seeps into the rest

of our consciousness so that we begin to think in terms of either/or rather than

the unity of the positive and the negative it's a kind of

capitalism coming back and obstructing its own analytical capabilities through

this advertising imagery yes I don't think it's only advertising though I

think to me one of the things is about capital is the production at once needs

and desires in such a way as to define a whole way of life for example I think of

suburbanization after world war 2 and the creation of the american suburb and

I think of the way in which that was supported by all of these you know

sitcoms I Love Lucy the Brady Bunch all this kind of stuff it was advertising in

a sense not in a crass sense but in a real sense that's a whole whole style of

life and then the whole style of life has political consequences if you are an

affluent person living in the suburb you feel and and and you become a homeowner

you will get concerned about the value of your home and you don't want people

moving in who might depress the value of the home and so you get exclusionary and

you start to get exclusions and segregations and gated communities and

and and and it's a it's a destructive way of life which is actually created

around the organization of wants needs and desires which are not necessarily

the ones we would freely choose but are those which are necessary for the

accumulation of capital to continue. The system is producing us rather than

serving us. it's the almost the the the Frankenstein

monster our creation comes back and dominate us. Right, but at the same time there are

possibilities. We see this in the Internet. I mean the internet came as a

great sort of have a tower of freedom and and and and communication and all

the rest of it and now look what we've got

net neutrality disappears all of a sudden we find we are being surveyed

through Google and everything else so, everything which was just really

positive about the internet suddenly he gets turned by commercialization and

capital accumulation into something that's negative. Yes I remember growing

up with these the inventions all of which were going to be labor saving,

absolutely, and my students today give me descriptions of their 60 and 70 hour

weeks as a kind of mockery on all those claims the same thing in the household.

we have household technologies now which are time saving time saving time saving

time saving and if you ask everybody anybody how do you feel these days do

you have a lot of free time and the answer is known of course one of Marx's

ideas about a really really good socialist society was one which was

characterized by a massive amounts of free time where you could do what the

hell you liked let me ask you a question that jumps forward but I know it's in

the minds of viewers and listeners how do you view this Trump phenomena here in

the United States is this a capitalism in trouble flailing around with an

extreme reaction or is this a capitalism confident in some sense of its

capability and therefore willing to indulge a naughty person in leadership

how do you square your Marxist Analytics with what you see marx has a very good

analytic concept which I like a lot and is not used enough and the concept is

alienation people are alienated in their work for the most part it a lot of work

is meaningless these days people are alienated in their daily lives because

they're dealing with the telephone company and all of these other things

and credit cards and all the rest of it people are alienated politically we have

a mass alienation of populations right now an alienated populations generally

act in ways which are violent and angry or they sulk and I think actually we're

in a political situation where we have mass alienation right now and until we

address the roots of that alienation which are the redefinition of labour

processes by capital accumulation the redefinition of daily life through the

processes of capital accumulation until we deal with all of those kinds of

questions and of course the buying and selling of political power by capital

until we deal with all those questions I think we're not going to go anywhere and

I think I think Trump is the president of alienation

well David as always thank you it's never enough time I want to thank you

for staying with us well my pleasure good and I want to thank you all for

partnering with us by participating in your way in this conversation I hope you

will be willing and able to continue to do that and for me I look forward to

meeting and speaking with you again next week

For more infomation >> Economic Update: Criticizing Capitalism - Duration: 29:36.


Peugeot 508 review: the new best D-segment car? - Duration: 11:22.

Isn't it pretty? I'm talking about the car, not the pretty mountain roads.

This is the new 508, Peugeot's flagship until they'll build something bigger.

I don't think they'll do that, but that aside.

They call it the radical berline.

It's a hatchback with five doors, but it's a cool car.

It's completely up-to-date. I like Peugeot does things their own way.

You'd expect that from Citroën.

This is the i-Cockpit 3.0.

What is i-Cockpit? You may not know if you've never driven a Peugeot.

It means a smaller steering wheel.

It's flattened a bit; this is the GT line.

The instrument panel sits above it.

Fortunately, the 508 has no old-fashioned gauges.

This version doesn't and others don't either.

It has a nice screen. You can do so much more with that.

The idea is to look ahead of you, through the windshield.

You don't want to be looking down at the gauges.

They're more in your line of vision like this.

The interior is a nice place to be.

Pretty materials and its own style.

The satnav / infotainment system has a big touchscreen.

It uses TomTom maps, including okay traffic information.

You can find faults with any system.

Other systems have given me unnecessary detours or didn't warn me for a traffic jam.

You're dependent on the info being given in time.

It's a nice interior.

It has a wood finish, depending on the version you choose.

It has a nice Focal sound system with all kinds of speakers, including on the dashboard.

It looks good. It doesn't feel like driving a mass-produced car that isn't premium.

You know what I'm saying.

It feels like it's rubbing against the premium brands.

That's Peugeot's mission; they want to be the best generalist.

They don't want to compete with the three German premium brands,

but they want to be the best of the normal brands.

I'm going to show the outside.

It's not working. Let's step out.

I can't do that while driving. I have to come to a stop first.

It'd be strange to suddenly be outside when I snap my fingers.

Isn't it cool? I think it's an insanely pretty car.

It's really well done, this new Peugeot 508.

I can recite some things about the design.

One thing that stands out, unique for the 508, is its name on the nose.

How many cars have that?

Sure, a GTI badge or an R Design badge, but its name on the nose is rare.

It refers to icons such as the Peugeot 404 and 504.

It's a really cool machine.

The lights are off now, but these are the daytime running lights.

They blink with the turn indicators and become orange.

That's really well done.

A nice thing about this car: successors have been increasing in size.

They're taller, wider, and longer.

This car is shorter, just as wide, and it's lower.

Peugeot says they did something to keep the car low.

Let me open the door.

They used frameless windows.

It doesn't have an upper rim, which supposedly saves five centimeters.

They can lower the car and that looks nice.

This is a GT Line, which looks even cooler.

It does have a diesel engine, so it has two big exhaust tips.

I should fire it up to see the rear LEDs. They're cool.

They're like lion claws.

You can see them from the rear and from the sides.

I like these details. They put thought into this.

It has a nice black continuous line. Porsche Carrera 4 drivers like this.

The Peugeot 508 has it too nowadays.

They call it a radical berline, but it's a hatchback with a huge trunk lid.

Nothing's wrong with that. Let's go for a drive.

This car doesn't set a new benchmark for dynamic handling, but it does well.

It's also comfortable.

Depending on the version you can get an adaptive suspension.

It's standard for the gasoline versions; it's optional for the diesel versions.

It's comfortable. It takes speed bumps well, with few bangs and blows in the suspension.

It doesn't reward you when hooning.

It doesn't punish you either, but it doesn't encourage better cornering.

This is probably because of the car's size.

It's not bad, but a 308 GTI is more fun to drive.

That's logical. This is the GT Line, though.

A number of engines are available.

European manufacturers are cutting down.

They don't offer a huge number of engines anymore.

There are three diesel engines, including the 128 hp 1.5 diesel engine.

That one is available with a manual or automatic transmission.

The manual transmission is the cheapest diesel 508 you can buy now.

It's a little over 37,000 euros.

The 158 and 178 hp 2-liter engines have an 8-speed automatic transmission.

The most fun and probably most popular versions under the European anti-diesel policy

may be the gasoline engines. Both are 1.6-liter turbo engines.

There's a version with 178 hp, from which Peugeot expects the most, and a version with 222 hp.

The fun thing about the 222 hp version...

Two cars with a 1.6 engine on the Dutch market reach the 250 kph (155 mph).

The 308 GTI and this 508 with the 222 hp 1.6 turbo engine.

That's rápido. It does this in the seventh gear of the automatic transmission,

or so the press release tells us.

Right now we're driving the 178 hp diesel version with an 8-speed automatic transmission.

It can reach 235 kph (146 mph). It's a streamlined car.

0-100 kph (62 mph) takes 8.6 seconds.

It's a nice engine, but when driving off it needs some time to spin up the turbo.

I miss the oomph, especially combined with the automatic transmission.

It's quick enough when overtaking.

The Peugeot 508 is based on the new EMP2 platform.

They share this with Citroën. The DS 7 Crossback and other cars use it.

Peugeot is proud of their safety systems, Level 2 autonomous driving...

That's not really autonomous driving, but more of an assistant.

Peugeot didn't come up with that definition.

This means adaptive cruise control with steering support.

In a traffic jam or on the highway you can tell it to stay in between the lines.

It does often ask you to touch the steering wheel, even when I was holding it.

Sometimes it beeps you're not between the lines, but all these systems do that.

So yeah.

This is a problem, don't you think?

A Peugeot... Remembering that Top Gear episode with Jeremy and Co. imitating Peugeot drivers.

That wasn't very inspiring.

I don't know if these are the brand associations in the Netherlands or Belgium.

This is a really cool car, though. Seriously.

Look at it. It's an insanely cool car.

It's pretty, fresh, and modern.

Some rivals look very old-fashioned.

It handles well, so what can be wrong with it?

For the market, only one thing is wrong. It's no crossover.

It's no SUV. Everyone wants taller, bigger cars.

This is different. Still, it makes me enthusiastic.

I don't really like crossovers, but this is spacious enough.

The trunk is 485 liters; very big.

There's plenty of room in the back seats and a power trunk lid.

Gadgets are available, including night vision that warns you for pedestrians 250 meters ahead.

It's nice technology, it handles well, it's relatively economical and fast...

What's not to like?

Wouter is dressed by

Subtitles - Maru's Text Support

For more infomation >> Peugeot 508 review: the new best D-segment car? - Duration: 11:22.


Roblox Animation | Nếu Roblox Là Đồ Bắt Nạt (Vietsub) | HGR - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Roblox Animation | Nếu Roblox Là Đồ Bắt Nạt (Vietsub) | HGR - Duration: 3:00.


DCS F/A-18C Lot 20 - Taxi & Takeoff Tutorial #2 - English Subtitles - Duration: 10:16.

Hey What happen panda?!!! This is Revientor Reborn in DCS with an Spanish F18

a Spanish cammo from the 12 Wing

and I am going to speak about the Taxi and the takeoff

first of all after ramp start,

it´s config the DDIs, the manual say on the left DDI have the HUD repeater

that is a back up in case the HUD fail when landing or taking off

it´s an idea to keep the engine and fly information close one each other

the manual or DCS for the right DDI you select the FLCS info, I prefer use other info, is the ADI with the ins on

is you keep it in stnd by this will not move, but with the ins option it will work as expected

in a night takeoff is really easy to get the info how the plane is flying in case of you loose the situational awareness

I do not like the map view, because the options I almost can not read them , for that I turn of the map

look the airplane

you saw the horizontal stabilizers are parallel with the ground, and the verticals ones are parallel between them

acording the config of the plane, you can set a takeoff trim

in case of the FLAPS in half or full the vertical stabilizers go inside, the reason is to force the airplane aerodynamically to do straight

in full is the same

before the takeoff, you can do it now or later (remember the flaps in half to takeoff / full to land)

you have to push this button, rudder trim, (T/O trim) remember the horizontal stabilizers

look the auto trim is kind of fast, in the real life I think is slower, now the horizontal stabilizer is elevated with 12º

that is for help in the takeoff,

in other simulators about the F18, with that TO trim the plane takeoff alone, but in DCS you need slightly pull up the nose

in the case the NWS is not activated, you can select it with the own HOTAS key

if you push again that key, you see the NWS HI option activated while the key is pushed

that is the increase of the turn rate on ground

if I had to turn almos in my place, you can do it with that HI gain on

visually you can see it, with and with out the hi gain on

as usual to perform taxi, check your parking brake off,

in this position is activated, with left click you release and done

but look at this...

if I throttle up,

you get a parking brake warning

the master and the light on the DDI and the tone

first a turn with NO HI option, look the max tur rate with LO NWS,

now with HI NWS the turn rate is more decent

you must to have that in the HOTAs because of this

to deactivate the NWS, you can do it with the paddle switch

also in the HOTAS, remember in my tutorial I do not speak about the ATC protocols, you have a special video for that in my channel

the normal is check here for traffic, ask ATC for permission, check the TO Trim, the FLCS

here you can see the values of the TO Trim

as you can see, when I move the stick the values change

remember this is a alfa version of the module, I am not speak about the test, because not all of them work of are present.

as usual in all takeoff you have to be lined up with the runway as much as possible

there is a good position,

the NWS is not going to be disengage automatically when you reach a determinated air speed

you can manually disconnect it, but I recommend you wait until you get around 70 knots

with that, in hi speed you control the plane aerodynamically and you will not drift on the runway

set the DDIs as you want also you can change the multicolor display

that deepens on you, for my down there I do not like it

this is all about security

check the FLAPS, you can also check if your HOTAS works good

that´s all

now you can do as you want, directly set afterburner, brake and get 805 release pedals and full power, there are a ton of combinations

I like to brake, set 100% and then release and afterburner

DO NOT FORGET THE SEAT!!!!!! that warning tone was that

140 knots pull up a little, and easily go to the air

remember use the G to raise the landing gear and set the FLAPS in AUTO

get 300 knots and then set military trust and navigate

and do not forget set up your DDIs with what you need

for example, and time to fly

I hope you like the tutorial, I hope you learned do not forget to practices everything

this is a basic tutorial because this is a alpha, when this module is almost finish or in good shape I will redo the tutorials with more data


For more infomation >> DCS F/A-18C Lot 20 - Taxi & Takeoff Tutorial #2 - English Subtitles - Duration: 10:16.


The Killers: 100 seconds with Ronnie Vannucci - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> The Killers: 100 seconds with Ronnie Vannucci - Duration: 1:28.


Gold Cup Tournament: Become the Tank Football Champion - Duration: 1:24.

A football tournament in World of Tanks begins!

Registration for the Gold Cup tournament starts on July 2nd.

Gather a team and fight for the title of European Tank Football champion!

Win gold, Premium vehicles, Premium Account days,

bonds, a unique style, and medals!

The more participants there are—

the more impressive the prize pool will be.

The group stage of the tournament will take place on July 14th.

On July 21st, the group stage winners will meet in the playoffs.

The Grand Final will take place on July 22nd,

when the best 24 teams of the playoff stage

and the best 8 teams from the Silver Cup

will compete for the championship and fight for the main rewards.

Including unique footballs signed by Gianluigi Buffon!

And finally, the best CIS and European teams will go head to head

in an international tournament on July 29th in front of a live audience!

Take part in the football tournaments of World of Tanks!

For more infomation >> Gold Cup Tournament: Become the Tank Football Champion - Duration: 1:24.


Conference Visit Visa || Requirements || Hindi/Urdu - Duration: 5:51.

Subscribe Our Channel

Subscribe Our Channel

Subscribe Our Channel

Subscribe Our Channel

For more infomation >> Conference Visit Visa || Requirements || Hindi/Urdu - Duration: 5:51.


How to Make a Website | Simply & Beautifully - Duration: 8:40.

Hi everyone, I hope you're having a wonderful day!

Today, I'm working on moving my Etsy shop over to my own wix website so I wanted to

do an informal video about my process and how I'm creating my very own dream online


It won't be a full tutorial because this video would be days long, but I definitely

want to give you a run through and show you the process, in case you guys want a good

website too.

The first thing I am doing is figuring out the feel of my website.

Since I gravitate towards storytelling, I want my homepage to be like the cover of a

book, where you can get an idea of what my story is about, showcasing my style so that

it's the first thing people see.

I want to have a version of my most recent drawing of the two bunnies on the front and

then maybe a link to YouTube and Instagram underneath.

Once I have the idea somewhat planned out, I'll trace my drawing in Procreate to turn

it into a digital drawing.

This way, I'll have so much more freedom to change the colors if I wanted to.

As I am tracing, I want to let you know that I actually started my website with WordPress

about a year ago, but I switched over to Wix a few months ago because of their interface

and capabilities.

With Wix, I have the freedom to create a professional website, a blog, and an online store, all

in one, exactly the way I want it.

Creating this dream central hub for my shop and to start building a brand.

It's been such a huge weight off of my shoulders because I had a very hard time turning a WordPress

template into my vision even after hours of watching tutorials, trying it out, and I just

couldn't wrap my head around it.

So, I'm happy that I can share this process with you and I'm thankful that Wix is willing

to sponsor this video as well, it just worked perfectly.

Just so you know, even if a video is sponsored, I'm still giving you my honest opinions and

tips, and it just simply gives me the means to keep making more content for you, so it's

a good thing!

And I wouldn't do a sponsorship for products or services that I don't recommend.

It really is the perfect way for me to do what I love and share all of the things that

I love with you.

With that said, thank you so much for supporting my work and all that I do!

Okay, this is looking really good and I'm happy with the piece, so I'll export it out

as a layered Photoshop file that way I can still change a few things in Photoshop if

I need to later.

Now onto my desktop, I'm going to log into my account on Wix, and I have the premium

ecommerce plan which includes an online shop, but they do offer a free plan if just want

a nice website without an online store, such as for blogging or your portfolio.

So once you click on the link in my description or if you go to this link on the screen and

hit the "let's get started button" and sign up, you'll end up on this page.

And from there you can choose whichever template you want.

They organize it by type, so if you are a photographer or want an online portfolio,

you have so many options.

Plus, you can repurpose and use any of the templates no matter what category it is and

turn it into something that works for you!

You can also preview them to see how they would function and preview them for mobile


And each website is designed as mobile friendly, so you don't have to worry about that at all.

Before we go any further, I have to apologize for not recording my mouse cursor, I'll remember

that for the future but I think you'll still get an idea of what I'm doing.

Okay now we're in the editor and this is what I have up right now, on my website.

There are three images in a slide, each one with a link to something, I'm going to switch

that out to the new drawing but first I'm going to update my logo to include my name,

that way it's feels more connected to me versus just being a brand.

To do that, all I have to do is click on it and change out the image, which I've already

created in illustrator.

You can create it directly in Wix if you wanted, but since I'm used to Adobe, I have everything

done on that.

For some reason my accent point is in the wrong place, so I figured that out and I had

a problem in my file, so after a few tries, we're good.

I have controls on the right to help align objects and so forth and then on the left

we have so many different options, links, and apps that I can add to my website.

So I'm going to select to add a strip which is kinda like a section and then move it around

to where I want it to sit.

I then switched out the image to my favorite blush color, put in my drawing that I saved

into the Wix editor by dragging and dropping, and that didn't work out.

So I need to fix my file again so that it's a transparent background.

I forgot to mention that in the Wix editor, you can edit the desktop version and the mobile

version of your site so that it looks stunning for both versions, which I fell in love with


A little tip if you decide to use Wix, is to be patient because even though it's such

a user friendly interface there is still a learning curve so watch their tutorials, their

help page is fantastic and very useful and just click around and try things out.

Your website is not live until you publish it so you can save your work without publishing

it, which gives you the complete freedom to try everything!

Fast forward a bit and a few changes later, I love it, plain and simple!

After previewing the site, I'm going to add some doodles to my about me photo in procreate,

this way it keeps everything consistent look wise.

And I like that bit of whimsy.

Export, drag and drop that photo in the same way I did the bunny drawing and I like it,

but I might be changing that one later.

Last thing I want to do, since I'm not ready to set up the products in my shop just yet,

is to add my YouTube videos onto my website, The cool thing about this is that I can connect

my YouTube channel to the player so that it automatically plays my current content.

But fast forward again, I didn't like how it looked and since I really didn't know what

I wanted, or if I even wanted my videos there, I'm just going to get rid of it for now.

Finally, I'm double checking my site to make sure it looks good and I'll published it.

So if you go to Blush and right now, this is what you'll see and I am so love with


It's not a shop yet but it will be and this is just the beginning of my dream come true,

built by me, which I definitely didn't think that I could do!

Oh I forgot to show you, that this is the template that I started with, of a kid's online

shop and I turned that into what I have now.

Eventually once I move my products over, I'll have some featured products on the home page

and maybe even add a blog, so connect with me on Instagram, sign up for my newsletter

if you want to do that on my website, I'll start that soon once I complete some other

projects, or stay tuned for my next videos!

I am so excited to keep working on this and I cannot wait to officially launch blush and

may and share everything with you!

Once again, thank you to Wix for sponsoring this video and thank you all for watching,

supporting my work, and just being lovely people!

Wishing you a wonderful day and I'll see you next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> How to Make a Website | Simply & Beautifully - Duration: 8:40.


Evil Ash Sculpture Challenge from Clay #39 - Army of Darkness - Duration: 3:24.

Evil Ash Sculpture Challenge from Clay #39 - Army of Darkness

For more infomation >> Evil Ash Sculpture Challenge from Clay #39 - Army of Darkness - Duration: 3:24.


[Nguyên 2003] Ta Chúc Tết Chế Tây Du Kí - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> [Nguyên 2003] Ta Chúc Tết Chế Tây Du Kí - Duration: 6:24.


One Step Back, Two Steps Forward - Duration: 3:50.

Hail, my friends!

Dan Vasc here.

I hope you're doing great.

And I'm here today with a quick update for you guys about what is happening on the channel.

I like to do this, you know, to inform you guys about what is going on, because you know

we're a team, we're on this together.

So those of you who follow me on my Instagram and Facebook know that some time ago I made

a challenge to myself called "The Youtube 100 Days Challenge".

And that challenge was to post twice a week for a hundred days.

And I'm happy to report that I succeeded on this challenge.

I managed to post twice a week for in fact 120 days, so yay!

And it was very good, the channel started to grow faster, but this growth is worth nothing

if I can't find a way to transform this in proper leverage, in proper resources and proper


You know, I had the goal to start a Patreon when I reached 10 thousand subscribers and

now we're nearing 13 thousand subscribers and I still haven't got the time to start

a Patreon.

People think that I'm kidding when I say that I simply don't have time to do stuff.

But seriously, I don't have free time at all posting twice a week.

I also have this very cool instructional singing product that I'm developing, which is a vocal

warm up program that I'm designing to be idiot proof, to be used by someone who knows nothing

about singing.

And it can be used without the need of a singing teacher, of a vocal coach.

And it's called Blazing Vox.

And I don't have time to finish it, because I don't have time.

So sometimes in life you need to be humble and you need to realize that we have to take

a step back in order to make two steps forward.

So I think this is one of those times.

So I'll be going back to one video a week, because of that reason and also because I

want to be able to have a more stable schedule.

I want to have a day and a time that people know there will be a video on my channel.

And I prefer to go back to one video a week to be able to do that and surprise you with

an extra video one week or another than to promise you two videos a week and then don't

deliver that.

You know?

So yeah, that's about it.

I will be doing one video a week.

The week day for our new schedule will be Wednesdays at noon EST time.

So every Wednesday at noon EST time there will be a brand new Dan Vasc video here on

this channel.

And that is a minimum.

There will be weeks that I'll have more free time and I will be able to deliver more than

one video that week, but let's set that as our minimum weekly video.

And that will allow me to have the time to finally release my products, release my Patreon

and those things will allow me to have resources to hire people to help me with this channel,

which is my short term goal now, to hire people to help me on the process.

Editors, thumbnail makers, those sort of things.

So I can maybe post even more than two videos a week with that help.

That's my short term goal here.

So yeah, I'm glad to have you with me on this journey.

While you wait for Wednesday, here's a couple more videos for you to watch.

My friends, have yourselves an epic day.

For more infomation >> One Step Back, Two Steps Forward - Duration: 3:50.


SESSIONS: The London Tattoo Convention with Antony Flemming - Duration: 1:26.

I'm Antony Flemming. I work in London in a place called Ruislip Manor.

When I was at school, we were studying Japanese woodblock printing,

and a lot of Japanese style tattooing takes influences from those prints.

So the natural progression of that was to look at tattooing,

and then I just fell in love with it.

The artist, who did my tattoos, asked me if I'd think about becoming a tattooist.

I was so naive to the whole industry that I didn't realize that it was a job.

I kind of thought that it was just a hobby.

My style would be described as near traditional,

but I use a bit more, not realism, but realistic imagery

rather than very harsh color changes. It's all quite intricate.

It's hard for artists to talk about their work and be positive.

But yeah, I think I did a good job and my customer is happy.

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