Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

So as we heard in that report, it's forecast to be another steamy day in South Korea, and

even hotter temperatures are on the way for the weekend.

For more,... let's connect to our Lee Jee-hyun at the weather center.

Jee-hyun,it's pretty hot in Seoul for sure,... but Daegu is on a whole other level it seems...

Good morning, Mark.

So it comes as no surprise that heat related patients in Daegu and Gyengsanbuk-do Province

have increased 50% percent compare to the same period last year.

Those regions could see highs going up to 38 degrees Celsius this afternoon.

But it could feel like nearly 40 degrees with high humidity and burning sunshine.

The rest of the country will also have a sweltering day while a heatwave is cooking Japan as well

with the mercury hitting a blistering 40-degree mark for the first time in almost five years.

The heat is getting stronger... temperatures will rise even further next week,... we'll

see highs of 36 degrees in Seoul.

Be sure to drink plenty of water and take good care of yourself.

Southern provinces will have high levels of ultrafine dust, again Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do

Province will be dusty all day.

Most parts had tropical nights, Daegu and Busan had a low of 26 degrees, 24 degrees

in Seoul.

Intense sunshine is in store... with Seoul getting up to 34 degrees, Daegu and Gyeongju

will topping out at a blistering 38 degrees.

That's all for now, but I will have more updates on our later newscast.

For more infomation >> Record breaking heat gripping South Korea - Duration: 1:57.


Kener x 2Pda30 x Kell x Kyodai Gang - BAÚ (Prod. ICVRO) - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Kener x 2Pda30 x Kell x Kyodai Gang - BAÚ (Prod. ICVRO) - Duration: 4:49.


3D Model of VW Van Review - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of VW Van Review - Duration: 0:16.


Trump says he's 'unhappy' with U.S. Fed's interest rate hike - Duration: 0:47.

As the political firestorm over his summit with Putin continues, President Trump has

weighed in on his country's monetary policy.

In an interview with CNBC that was broadcast on Thursday, Trump said he was unhappy about

the Federal Reserve's interest rate hike amid his efforts to boost the economy.

"…..I'm not thrilled, because you know, we go up, and every time we go up, they want

to raise rates again, and I don't really, uh, I am not happy about it……"

His remarks break more than 20 years of White House tradition of steering clear of comments

on central bank policy and the value of the dollar.

The White House later issued a statement, saying Trump respects the Fed's independence

and is not interfering with its policy decisions.

For more infomation >> Trump says he's 'unhappy' with U.S. Fed's interest rate hike - Duration: 0:47.


How To Make A Simple Dolly Track, DIY Light Panels and Camera Car Mount by Mark L. Mazzeo - Duration: 3:53.

Hi, I'm Mark L. Mazzeo, director and co-writer of THE LAST WHITE MAN [now on Kickstarter].

Today I want to talk to you about some DIY here that we made over the years and how it's

helped us grow as filmmakers.

So what we've built here you can see is a dolly.

It's made out of plywood, skateboard wheels and aluminum angle iron.

A sheet of three-quarter-inch plywood cut in half and doubled.

For weight it's big enough for operator and camera with a tripod that is full footprint

can fit and you put it down here on these PVC pipe and it will roll along.

So PVC pipe comes in 10-foot lengths.

The dolly is about 4-feet long.

So that means on one 10-foot length, we get about a 6-foot move.

We decided for SAY SOMETHING we wanted to buy a second set of pipes.

So we can have 20-feet of PVC pipe which would give us a 16-foot move.

To connect them, we bought these smaller pieces of PVC and just taped with some painter's

tape around the center and that fits nice and snug into the PVC and you just connect


So this style we found plans for online.

I'm sure you can Google DIY Dolly and find and find something similar.

The next two designs are things we came up with on our own.

So these are DIY light panels that we made for our feature film SOMETHING BETTER COMES


It's basically just a little piece of scrap two-by-four, some LED light bars that we bought

at Home Depot.

I think they were less than 10 bucks each and a little quarter 20 thread that we put

into the bottom so you can put it on a light stand.

Basically, you turn each light on you can see that you're not getting much light out

of these.

But when you're on location and it's dark and you don't have any access to power,

these really helped us out in those situations.

There are obviously some problems with them where each individual light bar has a different

color temperature.

To be honest, these days light panels you can get for pretty cheap on Amazon.

They work really well just as well as expensive ones.

So this is the kind of thing you wouldn't really need anymore.

But if you're really strapped, it can really help out.

So this is our latest creation, it's a car mount made mostly of scrap wood.

The only thing we bought when we made this was these threaded rods, nuts and bolts and

these little paint rollers that we use as pads so we don't scratch the car.

So what you do is right here we have a two-by-six and a piece of I believe half-inch plywood.

You can put your tripod head right in there.

You screw it in, tripod head here, camera on top.

Now I'd recommend if you do something like this, you want to ratchet strap down, tie

it off, just anything you can do to make sure your camera is not falling off.

We've had pretty good success with this.

We've used it on the sizzle reel for THE LAST WHITE MAN.

You can see the shots of Carl driving his car.

We're all done with this and it looks really good.

You wouldn't know the difference between this and a professional hostess rig.

Throughout the years, part of our growth as filmmakers has evolved using our own ingenuity

to solve problems.

So it's not about the gear, it's about getting the shot you need as cheaply and efficiently

as possible and part of that has been building this gear when we haven't had money to buy

or rent anything else.

But it's also taught us to think outside the box and to do the best we can with whatever

we have.

And I think that will help us going forward on THE LAST WHITE MAN [now on Kickstarter]

and any other projects we have.

For more infomation >> How To Make A Simple Dolly Track, DIY Light Panels and Camera Car Mount by Mark L. Mazzeo - Duration: 3:53.


UNDERTALE PART 2 - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> UNDERTALE PART 2 - Duration: 11:11.


震惊!原来吃牛排时胳肢窝会长出狗头!| Shiba Inu begging for steak - Duration: 2:18.

How to cook a steak on stove

Ribeye steak


Fresh rosemary

Rosemary smells so good!

Put garlic and rosemary in the heated cast iron

Ribeye steak is very fatty

It will release oil while cooking

No need to add oil before cooking

Haki got a treat


Prepare some butter

It smells so good!

Filp the steak


It's your turn! Mr. Butter!

Keep cooking with the butter

Rosemary and butter could soft the strong flavor of the garlic.

Smells great!

Share some steak with Haki

Haki's dinner: kibbles topped with steak

Nom nom

All gone!

I want more!

Please give me some steak!

I don't wanna leave

For more infomation >> 震惊!原来吃牛排时胳肢窝会长出狗头!| Shiba Inu begging for steak - Duration: 2:18.


joven future legend • u know my steez - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> joven future legend • u know my steez - Duration: 2:03.



For more infomation >> (TRICKS) HƯỚNG DẪN UNLOCK FAQ 178 THUẬN ROYAL✓ - Duration: 4:29.


UNDERTALE PART 2 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> UNDERTALE PART 2 - Duration: 2:55.


GIVING PEOPLE TERRIBLE ADVICE | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 10:22.

• From gaining super powers by electrocuting oneself to farting in class to impress a crush,

the Planet Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about

the worst advice we've ever given.

I'm Doopie and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by relic1962 Pandora

Pandora's sister always pestered her for advice ever since they were young.

One time, her sister kept whining about an earache she had and wanted some advice on

how to get rid of it.

Annoyed, Pandora suggested that she pee in a cup, then pour the warm piss into her aching


Sure enough, her sister did just that.

Afterwards, she said that it worked!

Pandora thought that her sister's earache was caused by a build-up of earwax, and the

warm piss helped loosen it.

Though probably not bad advice, the thought of pouring piss into one's ear still doesn't

sit well with Pandora.

Number 9 was submitted by PikachuCupcakez Ursa

A few years ago, one of Ursa's friends wanted a tablet for Christmas.

She was upset because her parents said that it was too expensive.

So, one day, Ursa's friend asked her what she would do if she was in her situation.

Jokingly, Ursa told her that if she catches her parents having sex, then they might get

her a tablet to help with her mental scarring.

Ursa's friend took the advice seriously, and actually managed to walk in on her parents

having sex… or so she thought.

It turned out that her dad was cheating on her mom.

The next day, Ursa's friend walked into school with not only a new tablet but a new

backpack, the latest iPhone, and three boxes of Oreos.

To this day, her friend's mom doesn't know what happened.

Number 8 was submitted by Mote-of-Lobross Grgak

When he was five, Grgak heard that if you cut yourself, you should spit on the cut and

then put some dirt on it.

One day, in kindergarten, a friend of Grgak's, MKyleM, cut himself while swinging on the

swing set during recess.

Grgak told him to spit on the cut and put dirt on it, which MKyleM did… but instead

of dirt, he used the sand in the sandbox.

Not long after, Grgak didn't see MKyleM for several weeks.

He later learned that MKyleM got tetanus.

Number 7 was submitted by TrolBun SaltySquid

SaltySquid gave some very bad advice to his friend when they were little.

He told his friend that he would get super powers if he ever got electrocuted.

A few days later, his friend really wanted to get super powers, so he grabbed a fork

and stuck it in an electrical socket.

His friend ended up being sent to the hospital.

SaltySquid didn't see his friend for a while after that, only learning later on what had


Number 6 was submitted by TheMemeLordXOX Gooby

The worst advice Gooby ever gave her sister, Snewpee, was that if she knocked out all her

teeth, then the tooth fairy would give her money plus a really special reward.

So, in the middle of the night, Snewpee decided to pull out almost all of her teeth.

She pulled out three before their mom came into the room, asking, "What the hell are

you doing?"

Snewpee told her what Gooby had told her, and their mom punished Gooby with no tablet

and no TV for two months.

It turned out that someone at school told Gooby that lie, and she was even planning

on pulling out all of her teeth that same night!

That was when her mom told her the secret about the tooth fairy, making Gooby sob for

two hours.

Number 5 was submitted by Owen_19821 Hellbent

One time, when he worked at Walmart, Hellbent was in the dairy department with a new employee,


Their manager went to the backroom cooler where they were and told them to stock the


Before they began to stock the eggs, Nixxiom asked Hellbent how they were supposed to get

the egg cartons to the back of the shelf, which went back about three and a half feet.

Hellbent told him to just throw the cartons to the back with force.

So, Nixxiom drew back his arm and launched a carton of eggs onto the shelf, smashing

it off the back.

Hellbent laughed really hard over it for about forty minutes until Nixxiom was called to

the manager's office.

He was chastised and almost fired.

Hellbent ended up feeling horrible about it afterward.

Number 4 was submitted by JerrinTheREAPER Dean, the Time Wanderer

When Dean was 10, his friend asked him how to get a girl.

Dean told him to give her roses with bees.

So, his friend got the roses and gave them to the girl, only she dropped them when she

discovered the bees.

The bees became angry and stung her, sending her to the hospital because her face had begun

to balloon up.

Dean's friend ended up blaming him for what happened.

Once she was released from the hospital, the girl slapped Dean's friend but ended up

dating Dean on Valentine's Day.

Number 3 was submitted by TheGreatAndWonderful Jameshark

During a cold winter, Jameshark and his friends were having a party.

They were working on his new truck, which was almost finished.

All they had left to do was put in the motor and fill the tank with gas.

One of his friends came back from the gas station with beer and a full gas can.

His friend poured the gas into the tank but spilled some on his arms.

Once the gas was poured, Jameshark and his friends went back to the house to drink some


After a while, the house began to get very cold.

So, his friend went to go check the stove.

Before going out the door, Jameshark said, "Wait, you have gas on your arms!

Try to cover them with some cardboard to shield the fire."

His friend got a big piece of cardboard and went outside to check the stove.

As soon as he opened the stove to take a look…


Flames burst out from the stove as though something exploded.

The cardboard – along with his friend's arms – were on fire!

Jameshark ran into the house, filled a bucket with water, and threw it on his friend's

arms, putting out the fire.

In the end, everyone was laughing… except for Jameshark, who felt bad for giving his

friend that bad advice.

Number 2 was submitted by SomeMediocreYoutuber Zaraganba

Dolan asked his older brother, Zaraganba, for dating advice one day.

When he asked why, Dolan said that there was a girl at school he was interested in going

out with.

He went on to describe her as someone who wasn't the "girly-type" and "loved

to roughhouse with the boys."

Zaraganba didn't know anything about girls, so he told Dolan that since she was boyish

in nature, that he should cut a loud fart in the middle of class.

The next day, Dolan came home, red in the face as though he had been crying.

He told Zaraganba that he farted so loud that one of the windows in the classroom shook

and fell out of the panel.

Everyone had been relentless with their insults after that, since Dolan was in the fourth


To make matters worse, the plan didn't work.

The girl never talked to Dolan again.

Number 1 – What

was the worst advice I ever gave?

For more infomation >> GIVING PEOPLE TERRIBLE ADVICE | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 10:22.


10 SIGNS YOUR PARTNER IS USING YOU (and you don't even know it) - Duration: 4:44.


Most people definitely want to be loved by their partner with sincerity.

It's really very happy when there are people who like you with sincerity and what you are.

A good relationship will give a sense of affection, attention, support and comfort.

However, there are times when we are considered to be like a doll by our partner, means your

partner is using you.

In this video, I'm going to share with you some signs that your partner is using you

and you might not know it.

But before that, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video until the end to

know the complete information.

Here are the signs you can find out if he or she is using you.

#1 - Seeing you as an object.

It is the worst, and yet you might not realize it, a partner who really loves you,

he will accept whatever the condition you have, whether it is the advantages or disadvantages.

If your partner at this time always demands you to do everything he wants, then he probably

just take an advantage of you to use you.

#2 - Prohibit you to close to his family.

If you have a long relationship then you should introduce your partner to the family or you

are introduced to their family.

However, if your partner does not come to introduce you to his family or he is covering

up all his closest people then it is certain that he is not seriously in a relationship

with you.

#3 - he appears only if he needs.

A good relationship is a relationship that there is a reciprocity in it, meaning if the

partner needs you then you should be ready to be at his side and vice versa.

However, if your partner will only be there when he needs you only, then most likely he

is just using you.

#4 - Not having future plans with you.

When you ask about future plans and your partner takes it seriously, means he really loves


But if he considers this sort of common thing, this is one of the characteristics of a not-serious

partner and there maybe a chance that you are being used.

#5 - he is cheating behind you.

If you feel that your partner's attitude changes to you and his attention to you is

not as much as before, you probably is being warned that something

happens behind you.

This is the time that you need to be more cautious to avoid any chance that you are

being used.

#6 - he doesn't make much sacrifices.

Your partner only give his attention when something is as advantageous to him as when

you have something in trouble but he doesn't want to help you or makes at least an effort..

#7 - He doesn't care about you.

If he never considers about your feeling before taking an act, it could be the sign he is

using you because he doesn't care about you.

#8 - Refuse to commit.

He always treats you as if you already have attachments.

But when you invite him to commit, he always refuses and says not ready.

#9 - He always feels victimized.

Your partner uses this trick to ask for help or is avoiding responsibility.

#10 - Never listen to your problem.

If you want to discuss your problem with him, your partner will try to avoid, pretend to

be busy and even talk about his problems.

Here, it can be seen he doesn't care about your problem and he is selfish to himself.

This is the condition you are only used by him.

Well, those are the 10 signs that your partner might be using you and you don't even know


So, really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please

share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> 10 SIGNS YOUR PARTNER IS USING YOU (and you don't even know it) - Duration: 4:44.


Have Fun in China Toy EXPO Beijing! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:10.

Have Fun in China Toy EXPO Beijing! | Xiaoling toys

For more infomation >> Have Fun in China Toy EXPO Beijing! | Xiaoling toys - Duration: 10:10.


My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 Ep.148/Ceren came all the way from Turkey for love.[ENG/2018.07.19] - Duration: 48:32.

(The hot place for designs)

(Korea's landmark DDP)

(Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Jung-gu, Seoul)

This is My Neighbor, Charles

where we meet foreigners living in Korea.

- Hello. / - Hello.

The My Neighbor, Charles studio

has been completely transformed.

The set is an international letter, right?

It really suits our guests

that come from overseas.

It's a great concept.

With the new studio,

the show feels completely new.

I'm really excited.

"New wine should be kept in new wineskins."

Just as the saying goes...

That has a profound meaning.

Do you know what that means?

I wonder.

If you've dressed up in a new way,

people should change as well.

- You two... / - Is it your last day today?

- What? / - Are you quitting?

Are you quitting, Seokcheon?



He's shocked.

Why did you choose such a saying?

"Better the devil you know than the devil you don't."

That's a much more fitting saying.

- Clever. / - Please say nice things like that.

He's right.

He has come too far.

We've dressed up the studio in a new way.

Let's meet the first guests of this new start.

- They'll be coming in through there. / - Through here.

Please come in.

- Come on in. / - Let's welcome them.

Come in.

(We welcome you to My Neighbor, Charles)

It's nice to meet you. Please sit down.


I'm Ceren's husband, Jeong Dongpil.

Hello, Jeong Dongpil.

Hello, I'm Dongpil's wife, Jeong Ceren.

You need to be careful of your pronunciation.

It sounds like you're calling him "poop."

It's hard to pronounce.

They're newlyweds.

Don't they look like they're so much in love?

I noticed you have a bump in your stomach.

Are you pregnant?

Yes, I am pregnant.


When you get pregnant,

you have dreams about the child.

They call that birth dreams.

Have you had a birth dream, Ceren?

Yes, I have.

I dreamed of a fish at 3 months.

A small fish in my dream.

That usually means it's a daughter.

In Turkey, a fish means daughter as well.

You have birth dreams in Turkey?

No birth dreams.

It depends on what you eat.

If you eat sour foods, it's a daughter.

If you want to eat sweet foods, it's a son.

- What are you then? / - That's similar then.

We say that in Korea as well.

In Japan, if a pregnant woman

cleans the toilet well,

then it's a pretty daughter.

- If you clean the toilet? / - Yes.

So my mom apparently cleaned the toilet all day long.

- 24 hours a day. / - Whatever Sayuri says...

It makes you wonder if it's true.

- I want to look it up. / - She's not reliable.

How did you two meet?

I felt a yearning for Istanbul.

I went on a trip.

And college students provided

a translation service at the time.

I fell for her at first sight.

I didn't believe in love at first sight.

I went on that trip

and thought, "I could marry this girl."

That was before I met her. I just saw her face.

It was really bad back then.

He kept

nagging me.

Saying he doesn't want to eat this or that.

And I'd tell him to do his own thing.

I didn't want to help him.

You must've returned to Korea after the trip.

I kept contacting her.

We kept in touch.

After a year, my thoughts started to change.

There were other sides to him that I didn't know.

I thought he was alright.

So I came up with a plan.

I wanted to do things like go on dates

and express my feelings for her.

So I took another break

and returned to Turkey.

As soon as he saw me,

he kissed me and hugged me at the airport.

I thought he was a crazy person.

He couldn't contain himself.

But I fell in love with him then.

Even though I say it like this.

Dongpil had to overcome so much

to make this relationship work.

I haven't said it but I went through so many difficulties.

I'll tell you little by little.

That short meeting you had on your trip

flourished into marriage.

- It was meant to be. / - Yes.

I'm so curious about their sweet married life.

Let's check it out now.

(My Neighbor, Charles)

(Turkish Bride's Wedding Diary)

You live in Yeosu now, right?

(Something smells delicious)


You're pretty good with the knife.


I can tell it's rice rolls.

Rice rolls.

- Nice. / - Rice rolls?

If you slice carrots like that, it's for rice rolls.

(Sounds that awaken your appetite)

Who taught you how to make rice rolls?

I just looked it up online.

(Time to make the rolls)

Wait, that laver...

Isn't that cooked laver?


(This way and that way)

You can't roll them with that.

It tastes better.

(Covering the entire sheet with rice)

It's hard for foreigners to make that.

I saw this at the rice roll shop.

And the cook filled half of laver with rice.

But she said she covers the whole laver at home.


That's the wrong way...


Look, it's all popped.

Oh, dear.

(Feeling down)

(Tries again in the rice roll restaurant style)

She tries this way and that.

You just need practice.

- She's made a lot. / - You could start a business.

(Ripping apart)

How do I do this?

- It's the laver. / - She can't cut it.

- It's a bit... / - It's hard.

I can't slice it.

Since it's roasted laver.

You can't slice that.

(Nothing can be done)

You have to just hold it and eat it.

- Just like a sandwich. / - What should I do?

I can't do it.

(The rice and laver have been separated)

She did try...

(It's crispy roasted laver)

Look, it's roasted laver.

I'm sorry.

(She just packs them whole)

(Adds lots of sesame seeds)

We just have to eat it whole.

I didn't know that.

She brought it whole like that.

(Husband's workplace)

Her husband's workplace.

That's my shop.

With rice rolls.

(He does custom wraps for cars)

(Walking quietly)

You went without telling your husband, right?

- I had no idea. / - Was it a surprise?

How happy must he be?

- So lovely. / - You scared me.

Who is it?

Who is it?

Who do you think?

The smell...

The smell...

Do I smell?

(So lovey-dovey)

Such newlyweds.

I brought chopsticks.

Why didn't you cut them up?

You have to cut them up.

You said we had rice roll laver at home.

It wasn't rice roll laver.

(Eating rice rolls in cups)

Is that Turkish style?

It's like Turkish kebabs.

(Let's taste the rice rolls)

I couldn't wrap it properly because I didn't have laver.

I couldn't even slice them up.

We have to eat it like this. I'm sorry.

- What's with this rice roll? / - Thank you for the food.

(He chose the one that's popped)

It's completely busted.

You didn't get to show your true talent today.

Normally you're really good.

Normally she's good. You need to tell her that.

Eat up.

How does it taste? Is it okay?

It's good.

- Really? / - Yes.

You can say so if it doesn't taste good.

Rice rolls taste better this way.

When she first made rice rolls,

she didn't season the ingredients.

But now it's perfect.

She didn't know to season it at first.

She just used plain rice.

This is a Turkish song.


This is a Turkish song.

It's the song from our wedding.

We danced to this song.

I feel like I'm in Turkey right now.

Exactly. It'd remind her of home.

- It's from the wedding. / - It's their wedding.

He was slimmer back then.

I was slim then.

I gained a lot of weight.

It's very different to Korean weddings.

This must be in Korea.

We had two weddings.

(They got married after 2 years of long-distance dating)

Ceren looks pretty.

It wasn't an easy wedding.

There was some opposition.

My mom got really lonely.

She cried a lot. She was like, "How could you go?

What if your parents-in-law weren't nice?

It'd be too hard for you."

She kept worrying about it until

the moment she saw him again.

(That afternoon)

(Heading off to work)

I'm going to the kindergarten.

For a lesson.

I have to catch two different buses.

It takes about an hour.

But if I take a taxi,

it only takes 10 to 15 minutes.

(The waiting begins)

(Taking the bus alone?)

She's pregnant too.

- Which bus is it? / - Bus 88.

- 88? / - Bus 88 just went by.

(Oh, dear)

Did Bus 88 come already?

It just went past.

She missed it.

Not my luck.

Since I'm late...

How long before the next bus?

20 minutes.

- You have to wait 20 minutes? / - Yes.

I hate doing that.

When you just miss it.

When it's hot out...

(Taking forever)

It takes a long time by bus.

It'd be good if you could take the subway.

- There's no subway in Yeosu. / - That's right.

(The bus arrives)

(Gets off as soon as she sits down)

(Waiting for the transfer bus)

She knows how to transfer.

The bus lines aren't easy.

It has happened once or twice.

I've been 10 or so minutes late.

So I told them...

It's because I take the bus.

It's tiring just to watch.

(A tiring start to the day)

Since I drive,

I never need to take the bus.

I didn't know about this.

- That's your wife. / - First time I've seen this.

(There's a pregnant women's seat)


I drew her a simple map

and told her which bus to take and

at which stop to get off at

to arrive there.

- That's how she started taking the bus. / - No.


I'm right.

No, you don't even know the bus number.

You don't know where to go.

I don't know now, but I know the way.

Though I don't know the exact number...

He doesn't know the number.

He just said to get on the bus

and ask around.

He told me to ask and learn.

After that, she looked it up herself

and asked around.

She gets around pretty well.

(Ceren's workplace)

She finally made it.


She'd be tired before she even starts work.


- You like children. / - Yes.

- Teacher! / - Ms. Ceren!

(She's so popular)

Ms. Ceren!

(So happy)

You're so popular.


Where are you from?


- Tokki? / - They said tokki.

- Tokki. / - It's rabbit country.

Rabbit country.

No, no, no. Turkey.


What's your baby's name?


Say hello to my baby. Say hi.

Hello, baby.

See you next time.

How are you today?

I am happy.

I'm happy too.

- Angry. / - Angry?

A popular English teacher.

(She's been teaching English for 3 years)

(She never imagined this life before coming here)

What did you do before?

Oh, you went to medical school?

(She chose love over a bright future)

You studied medicine in Turkey.

She went to medical school.

She's intelligent.

The universities in Turkey

have medicine, engineering, it's all together.

Working at the hospital...

You can be something other

than a doctor for people.

It's like clinical pathology in Korea

or DNA detection.

Like determining DNA in CSI. Things like that.

I feel really bad for my mother-in-law.

She graduated on July 8th.

But we had the wedding

one week later.

Then not long after, towards the end of that month,

she came to Korea.

From her mother's point of view...

- I stole her perfect daughter. / - You sure did.

She supported her through medical school for 5 years.

Her parents must have opposed then.

They wanted to see who I was.

They called me over

and I lived with them for around 2 months.

and I lived with them for around 2 months.

I shared rooms with my brother-in-law.

I lived their lives.

It was kind of like a test.

- An in-depth job interview. / - That's right.

- For 2 months. / - That must've been so hard.

We weren't allowed to be home alone.

If my mom went out, I had to follow her out.

If my siblings were home,

he had to stay with them.

How about communication...

He couldn't even speak...

Your siblings were like watching him.

Dongpil was always under surveillance at home.

Dongpil, you're working right now.

Ceren's mother

would've thought

this Korean youth

wouldn't last in Turkey.

I asked for leave

but the company

would only give me a week at most.

- It was too short a time. / - It's too short.

So after much thought,

I bought the ticket first.

I didn't tell the company.

I bought the ticket.

And decided I'd go no matter what.

So I resigned.

What a man.

You gave up your career for love?

That's right. Jeolla-do men just go for it.


I gave up on work

and I just went to see them.

You need to meet a man

who will give his all for you, Sayuri.

You don't have any brothers?

I guess your husband isn't like that.

He's not like that.

(I'm Sarang's Mom)

What are you looking for?

You have to eat what you feel like.

- I feel like something sour. / - Sour?

I want something sour.


Apples aren't sour.

- When do you get plums? / - Oh, plums.

- You have to wait another month. / - A month?

(Struggling to find sour fruit)

Can you get plums around this time of the year?

If I feel like sour food,

is it a daughter or a son?

- A daughter. / - Daughter?

It doesn't matter what sex it is.

I felt like sour foods so much.

I don't know whether it's a son or daughter.

If you eat lots of sour foods in Korea, we say it's a girl.

Really? I'm happy then.

- Thank you. / - Bye.

Try this.

- Thank you. / - What did he give you?

- Tomatoes? / - Tomatoes.

Looks good.

It has to be sourer than that.

That was only a snippet.

She went to the market every day to look for plums.

She wanted sour foods.

(That night)

You work until really late, Dongpil.

(The husband works till late)

My line of work finishes late.

(He leaves very late at night)

(Heading home?)

That would've been around midnight.

(At a fruit and vegetable market)

He went to the market because...

But it's all closed.

It's too late.

They're closed.

I'll check out the other one nearby.

She said she must have it today.

This is bad.

You wanted to buy what your wife wanted.

Since it's midnight.

It's open.

- There was one that was open. / - What a relief.

- Do you have plums? / - Excuse me?

- No plums yet? / - No, not yet.

They're not in season yet.

I'll take this instead.

(He buys something else instead)

She said she wants plums.

She craves it so bad.

He looks very anxious.

At least he tried.

(Doesn't give up and heads to the supermarket)

He's given up at the market.

(He decides to go for canned fruit)

- Right. / - That could be similar.

That was somewhat similar.

(Peach jelly)

(This isn't enough)

Why didn't you buy her plum flavored candy?

(Plum flavored candy)

- There it is. / - That's the only plum flavored one.

She said she wants plums.

But they don't sell any.

I'm going insane here.

She said not to come home without it.

That's the hardest part.

If you look for something that's not in season,

it's really tough.

She'll crave things more and more now.

You're asking because you're worried, right?

I was so worried.

(He heads home with everything but actual plums)

I wonder how she'll respond.

He tried his best though he couldn't find plums.

Honey, I'm home.

I went to three or four places.

They don't sell any. They are not in season.

- They don't have it. / - No?

I just bought everything that tastes like plums.

This is canned fruit. It's inside.

I can't eat this when I'm pregnant.

Then look. Jelly.

Jelly's not good for you either.

Go back.

There are plum pieces inside.

(Plum flavored candy)

Is it sour?

- But this isn't sour. / - It's sweet.


You bought a lot.


He spoke in English because he's at a loss.

I want to eat it.

We have to wait a little longer.


- I bought what you like. / - It was really hard.

At least you tried.

I bought apricot.

They're not perfectly ripe yet.

Apricots are somewhat similar.

It tastes exactly the same.

How is it the same?

This is sugar plum.

Look at me sweating right now.

Touch it.

So much sweat.

You're right.

This is real sweat.

(She's thankful for her husband's effort)

Is it good?

- You're right. / - It's the same, right?

- Yeah. / - I told you.

- Okay? Pass? / - Yeah.

Give me a kiss.

It tastes like plum.

He got her smile.

- At least he tried. / - Pass.


The plum flavored candy was slightly similar

to what she wanted.

It wasn't an actual plum.

The canned peaches were different.

But the candy was similar.

It wasn't an actual sour plum,

but since there's nothing else...

I had no choice but to eat that.

(What is the World of In-Laws?)

(Myodo, Yeosu, Jeollanam-do)

(Heading to her parents-in-law's to gain some stamina)


I smell something delicious.

I made lots of good food for you both.

(The mother-in-law has prepared a feast)

You know how to cook seaweed soup, right?

Yes, mother.

Ceren's good at cooking seaweed soup.

She cooks well without being instructed.

(Bartail flathead is served to the most honored guests)

Bartail flathead?

My mother-in-law is such a good cook.

(Korean way of eating healthy)


What do you eat in Turkey after you give birth?

We eat sherbet, like a cold juice.

It helps produce a lot of milk.

It's good.

When you give birth in Korea...

- You must eat seaweed soup. / - Yes.

- I like seaweed soup. / - That's a relief.

You have to eat heaps of that.

Ceren, when you marinate the pork,

you must add pepper paste.

That looks really delicious.

Garlic, onion, pepper paste.

When I was pregnant with Dongpil,

I lived on pepper paste.

I ate pepper paste the most.

- Really? / - That's why even now...

Dongpil likes pepper paste.

Dongpil likes pepper paste, right?

He likes spicy rice cakes too.

- He does. / - Right?

He likes it all, right?

Do you not want to eat

pepper paste when you're pregnant?

I just want sour food.

That's because it's a daughter.

A son makes you crave red pepper paste.

We don't know yet, mother.

(A feast for her daughter-in-law)

Look at that.

- Wow... / - That's the best.

(Her father-in-law caught the shrimp)

- A feast. / - At home?

- King prawns? / - That looks so good.

He even caught them himself?

That's just what we normally eat.

- Really? / - Yes.

That's not for a special day.

The food really is good in Yeosu.

They're all wild. I caught it with a net.

They're so big though.

I've never seen shrimp this big.

You need to eat nutritious food for the baby.

I prepared this for you. Eat up.

It's delicious, father.

(Dressing in Myodo style)

Those pants...

They're the most comfortable.

I have some at home too.

Put on this jumper.

You can't go in a short sleeve.

(Myodo style is complete)

- Myodo style. / - Yes.

(They're all ready to go out)

This is my daughter-in-law.


She has such big and pretty eyes.

I bet she wanted to boast about her.

She's pregnant. I had only sons.

The eldest has two sons as well.

But finally, we have a daughter. Please congratulate her.

Mother, we don't know for sure yet.

You had the birth dream!

If you saw a small fish in the ocean, it's a girl.

A big one is always a son.

Am I right?

If you see a small fish in the ocean, it's a daughter.

A pig.

You have to dream of a pig for a daughter.

- No... / - Birth dreams are always different.

It's 100% a daughter.

I still get stressed and worried.

What happens if I give birth to a son?

If I have a son,

they'll pressure me to have a second child.

I don't want that.

The firstborn takes after the father.

All my friends take after their fathers.

They don't look like their mothers at all.

They all look like their dads, so I'm worried.

I'd prefer a son.

(The real reason they're in Myodo)

Oh, my god.

(Nectarines all around)

You've been looking for this.

Nectarines are similar, right? To plums.

Peaches are similar to plums, right?

- It's sour. / - I was so happy.

I ate a lot back then.

What a relief.


It's a peach.

Is it sweet?

It's good, right, Ceren?

You wanted sour foods.

This isn't sour.

But it's so good.

They're similar. Plums and nectarines.

It really smells good.

You remember? When I called mom,

I said I wanted peach-meaches.


You mean, peaches?

I said I wanted peaches.

A big harvest.

I'm feeling all happy.

I'm so happy.

It feels like I'm in Turkey.

With all this fruit and picking them together...

She feels like my own mother and I'm so happy.

(That afternoon)

I love the countryside houses.

(Mother-in-law is so generous)

She's packing it for you?

(So much)

She always gives us plenty to take home.

That's how all mothers are.

You must be happy about the nectarines.

(She's just like a daughter to them)

- Bye. / - Bye.


- Call often. / - Yes.

(Her in-laws are filling the void left by her family)

(Good Work Today)

(Ceren is taking the driver's license written exam)

Written exam, for driver's license.

- You're trying to get the driver's license? / - License?

- You're going for the automatic, right? / - Yes.

Do you have the test in Turkish?

We don't have Turkish.

- We only have English. / - I'll take it in English.

- I'll register you for English. / - You are good at English.

(He's trying to help her relax)

Good luck.

You have to pass. You can do it.


(So much pressure)

That's so hard. I've tried so I know.

(So serious)

(Her mind is so blank)

It was hard the first time.

And it's not in your native tongue.

So even if you're fluent in it...

It's still hard.

(She finally finishes the written exam)

Want some water?

What was your score?

The result...

(Her laugh tells you the answer)


- So close. / - Oh, no.

- Did you fail? / - Yes.

By 8 points.

It's okay. I got 32.

- How many times have you failed? / - 3 times.

I got all the ones I got right.

You'll pass if you try one more time.

I think I can if I try one more time.

(Promising to return next time)

- That was better than I expected. / - Right.

(A few days later)

(He's focused on a new wrap)

He's really serious when he works.

He is.

- He's like the boss. / - Yes.

(She's so focused as well)

That was the day she failed.

- Studying. / - Back to studying.

(The signs are confusing)

That's hard to study by yourself.

Honey, are you busy?

I don't understand this one.


It's hard because I'm not a man.

This one...

On the road.

Bridge or tunnel?

No, it's not a tunnel.

They've used a stone to stop cars from going fast.

It's a speed bump.

(She has solved her curiosity)

Your car?

I'll do it as fast as possible.

I'm trying but I don't know if I can

match when you get off work.

I'll work as fast as I can.

I'm working on it right now.

We have to keep our time promises.

- Of course. / - It's inconvenient to not have their car.

We have to get it done on time.

- And you have work backed up. / - Honey.

Why do you keep calling me? I'm busy.

The customer keeps calling to finish it quick.

I have to hurry.

- His wife keeps calling. / - You can do that later.

Then just tell me one more thing.

Let's just do it at home.

I'm busy right now.

But you're too tired when you get home.

And you come late.

You have to rest at home

but you'll keep going back and forth.

It'll be bad because you're stressed.

No, no. I get more stressed if I don't do this.

What will you do if there's an accident?

What accident? Geez!

Do all women cause accidents?

I understand how she feels.

Since she's pregnant, I was worried

that it would affect the baby.

(She's totally upset)

She's completely upset right now. Look at him.

Are you going home?

- Why do you care where she goes? / - I'm going!

I'll help you at home later.

No! No!

She's really angry.

I have to go to the hospital often.

Since I'm pregnant.

The hospital is in Suncheon.

It takes 30 to 40 minutes.

My husband is so busy,

he doesn't have time to drive me.

That's why if I get a license,

I can drive.

It's not just for me.

It's for him as well.

If she gets a shock

or stressed on the road...

We've actually had a miscarriage before...

I hope we can have a healthy baby this time.

You can't help but worry.

I'm not telling her not to do it.

I'm saying she doesn't have to rush.

That was the problem.

You really study hard.

I have to get it done,

if I want to do it.

You want to get your license

before you give birth.

You seem to be studying harder than

when you were a med student.

That too, but because she told me she'd do it.

That she'd get it no matter what.


- Who is it? / - Did someone come over?


Your parents-in-law are there.

They bought fruit.

That looks good.

- Cherries. / - Cherries.

I picked the cherries from the field.

This is the first harvest.

Eat this and have a daughter, not a son.

I want a daughter over a son.

Yes, mother.

Eat plenty. Eat plenty of sour foods

so you can have a pretty daughter.

That's the same in Turkey.

If you eat sour foods, it's a daughter.

(It's all just fruit)

It's all sour fruits.

I only had sons,

so I'd like a daughter.

I don't want a son.

She says she doesn't want it.

My first daughter-in-law had two sons.

And I had two sons too.

So I hope my second daughter-in-law has a daughter.

I've been saying this

since before she got pregnant. Wishing for a daughter.

I want a daughter.

(So much pressure for the daughter-in-law)

Get lots of exercise.

I'll make anything you want to eat.

You should clean the toilet.

(That night)

Look at her cold gaze.

- Stop it. / - Why?

She brought us fruit.

But as she did, she said

to eat lots of fruit and have a daughter.

She says I can't have a son.

She only talks about a daughter.

I'm really stressed.

What do we do if it's a son?

She only wants a daughter.

She's just saying that.

I don't think so.

She's saying that for you, so you won't suffer.

If you can...

Because with sons,

and I'm like this too, they don't express themselves.

For mothers, they get jealous of friends

who have daughters and they go shopping together,

and the daughter shows affection.

She's not saying that a son is bad.

She was lonely

with just men in the house.

So she's hoping you have a daughter

and you can be like friends.

Do you know how I feel then?

Of course I do. I know you're stressed.

It's not about being stressed.

I'm just very worried.

What do we do if it's a son?

Then that's good too.

You don't know how I feel.

It's so much of a burden. I'm so worried.

Why wouldn't I know?

You don't know.

You only take your mother's side!

Coming up with excuses for her.

I'm just saying don't stress out.

How can I not?

(Dongpil is in the middle between his mom and wife)

What can I do in the middle?

You're very good at fighting in Korean.

I was at a loss.

It's not just my mother,

everyone keeps going on about a daughter.

I'm sure it'll stress her out just to hear the word.

I just want a healthy baby.

I understand completely how she feels.

But she keeps going on about a daughter.

What can I do?

I don't care whether it's a son or daughter.

It's not like you have control over it.

The problem could be with me.

I should've been nice to my mom.

But I'm not very good at expressing myself.

These days,

it's easier to converse with them,

so people prefer daughters.

Daughters are more popular in Japan as well.

- They say that a lot. / - Really?

A cute daughter like me.

Sayuri, please leave out the last part.

The "like me" part. Please leave that out.

It's the same in Turkey.

In the old days, they all wanted sons.

But now, they all want daughters.

Cute daughters.


What's there to congratulate?

(The husband writes each letter out with love)

(He quietly goes to work)

I have to leave early for work.

So I just left the note and present...

What a caring husband.

(Ceren comes out of her room)

She must've been curious about the present.

What's this?


(So sweet)

Do well on the exam.

- So lovely. / - So sweet.

That's so nice.

When she failed the first time,

she said it was because she didn't eat taffy.

She must've heard that somewhere.

I ate it and still failed.

You can't eat it like that.

That will break your teeth.

(She has never had taffy before)

I don't know what this is.

My husband wrote here

to do well on the exam.

That means I should eat it before the exam.



I saw something this morning.

Why do I eat this before the exam?

It's like candy.

It's so you'll do well on the exam.

It's nice and sticky.


Once it sticks, it doesn't fall off.

So you can do well on the exam.

You would've been in big trouble

if you made seaweed soup.

- Have a good exam. / - Thank you.

(Their quarrel is like slicing water with a knife)

(Third attempt at getting her license)

So it's her third attempt.


58 points for the second attempt.

Will the taffy work?

(Ceren has failed before)

(It doesn't look too good)

Why do you look unhappy?

You're making us nervous.

Oh, no.

- Her face... / - I'm curious.

- She's acting. / - It's a secret.

(Ceren visits her husband's workplace)

What was your score?

It was the same.

- The same? / - It's the same?

Did you fail?

I'm so curious.

You passed!

- What was your score? / - Congratulations.


Well done.


Exactly 60.

I told you it'd work.

Sayuri must be jealous.

I am.

What was your score?

- 32. / - 32?


Did you just guess?

I did.

(She did it on her own)


(Sunday morning)

(What are these for?)


What are you making?

Rice cakes?

(Turkish bread)

- Turkish bread is famous. / - It's good.

- Pogaca? / - Pogaca.

You know how to make that?

Don't you just study?

(A bread commonly enjoyed for breakfast)

Bread is the staple in Turkey.

But in Korea, it feels like a dessert.

So she seasons it in her own way.

It tastes kind of bland.

When Turkish people go on picnics,

the mothers make this in the morning.

(Coating it with egg yolk)

30 to 35 minutes in the oven.

That looks delicious.

It's like a bakery.


(The freshly-baked bread is ready)

That's not for yourself?

She's packing it.

It's Turkish coffee.

Turkish coffee is good.

It's nice with the bread.

So I'm packing it together.

(They head off with delicious food)

We visit my mom each Sunday.

We wanted them to have a taste.

(Myodo, Yeosu, Jeollanam-do)

(We've come to provide Turkish treats)

How have you been?

- Are you pregnant? / - My grandmother.

Well done, well done.



She wanted to make coffee for you all.

She brought coffee from Turkey.

(Known to be quite strong)

Looks good.

I was worried because it's so strong.

(Adding sugar)

The ladies won't want it too bitter...

The ladies won't want it too bitter...

1, 2, 3 spoons.

They like that sweet coffee.

She made it the traditional way.

The kettle and cups are all from Turkey.

The kettle and cups are all from Turkey.

- It's a really thick coffee. / - Yes.

You can tell it's really thick.

It looks good.

It's really precious coffee. Try some.

(Careful takes a sip)

I can't drink this.

I was going to try some but...

It'd be really bitter.

- How is it? / - How is it really?

It's too bitter for me.

(Adding sugar)

(Adding more here)

(Time to show the truth of Turkish coffee)

If you do this

and wait 10 to 20 minutes.

This comes down?

There are people who tell fortunes.

That's fortune telling.

Fortune telling?

The leftover coffee flows down...

Because it all looks different.

(Flipping the cup over and waiting)

Like this.

- It's different for everyone. / - Really?

Do you see anything?

Whether it's a son or daughter?

Can you tell?

I can't tell my own fortune.

From what I see,

I see a big man here.

He looks a bit on the old side.

Like a grandfather.

I think you love your husband too much.

I see it here.

It's like she's fortune telling.

How do you speak so smoothly and so well.

She really speaks well.

(Nice one)

You must receive lots of love.

You live alone, right?

I can see that here.

(Works like a charm)

Tell me my fortune. When am I getting married?

(A few days later)

(Suncheon, Jeollanam-do)

(They came to see the baby)

It gets really nervous at the hospital.

(Waiting with mixed emotions)

Will Sarang show him or herself today?

You have to show us.

We went before and we couldn't see the baby.


The fetus will start to have human features now.


You must be really nervous.

(They're nervous about seeing their baby)

My stomach hurts.

Your stomach hurts?

From being nervous?

I think it's because I'm so concerned.

(They're hoping that the baby is fine)


It's finally time.

(It's finally their turn)

Come on in.

(Is it growing well?)

(The fetus is growing rapidly)

You can see it!

It's grown a lot.

You can see the spine.


You can see the ribs there.

You can see the fingers here.

That white part is the thumb.

You can even see the thumb!

(So moved)

Let's see the other hand moving.

It keeps moving.

(A big smile)

(Sarang is growing well)

You cry when you hear the heartbeat.

Right, Dongpil?

I was so happy then.

The doctor can see the sex, right?

He can but he won't tell us.

We're curious.

Should we prepare blue or pink?

That was a good question.

Dress it in pink and raise it like blue.

If he says it like that,

I think I can tell.

Do you guys want a son

or a daughter?

I just want a healthy baby but...

- Daughter's a better. / - Correct.

It'll have to grow a little more to be certain.

But from what I see, well...


If you wish earnestly, it might come true.

I think it's a daughter.


I feel so happy right now.

Our baby is healthy.

I'm pleased to know that the baby is very healthy.

The doctor gave us hope.

Saying that if we wish earnestly, it'll come true.

Even now...

Even now...

My heart's beating so fast. I'm getting teary.

I'm so happy.

I didn't know before,

but we could see the spine and everything this time.

I felt so happy.

(She delivers the joyful news to someone)

You must be calling Turkey.

- My mom. / - Right.

That's when you miss your mom the most.

I hope you have a healthy baby.

We're earnestly praying for you.

Do you want to see?

Show me please.

I can't believe you have a daughter.

That's the head and the heart.

These are the legs.

I'm showing her the features.

She said it looks the same.

These are the legs.

It's so cute. Show me more.

Please come soon. I love you so much.

Always stay healthy.

Bye, mom.

She must miss you so much.

I miss her so much too.

You see women

who come with their mothers to the hospital.

But I have to go with my husband.

If my mom was here,

I could go with her too.

I think of my mom more now that I'm pregnant.

(A day of celebrations)

(It's always better to share good news)

Are you having a celebration with the family?

Ceren got her driver's license.

So let's celebrate.

It's a big achievement in Korea.

Good work, Ceren.


Should we tell them?

You tell them.

We have something else to celebrate.

- What else is there? / - What is it?

We have a son. Not a daughter.

- It's a son? / - We have a son.

Sons are good too.

What does it matter if it's a son?

So long as the baby is healthy.

She looks disappointed.

No, it's actually a daughter!

My daughter is giving birth to a daughter!

It's not 100% certain yet.

It's likely to be a daughter.

(Be happy with the greatest gift in the world)

Your mother is so happy.

Ceren, you are amazing.

You studied all by yourself to get the license.

You take care of the house.

You study as well.

There's no choice. If I can't do it,

I can't live a happy life here.

I feel bad. I should help her out more.

But I'm busy earning money.

If she doesn't do it herself,

it's hard to adapt. So I feel bad.

Why don't you express yourself today?

- Dongpil. / - Hold her hand.

She came all the way from Turkey for love.

He's so romantic.

♪ Night ocean of Yeosu ♪

Once they have the baby,

we should visit again and see how they're doing.

We'll visit you again.

- Is that okay? / - Yes.

We hope you have a healthy baby.

And don't give up on your dreams in Korea.

And don't give up on your dreams in Korea.

We'll root for you.

Please tell us whether it's a son or daughter.

Please tell us.

Thank you for joining us today.

We'll end the show there.

- Good-bye. / - Good-bye.

For more infomation >> My Neighbor, Charles | 이웃집 찰스 Ep.148/Ceren came all the way from Turkey for love.[ENG/2018.07.19] - Duration: 48:32.


Xilindró estreia terceira temporada no Multishow - Duration: 4:53.

Nesta quarta-feira (25), estreia no Multishow a terceira temporada de Xilindró. Na nova leva de episódios, a direção da prisão decide criar uma cela especifica para políticos, com diversas regalias e tratamentos especiais

O elenco fixo segue com a travesti Xuxeta (Lindsay Paulino), Time Tiurri (Caike Luna), a espiã disfarçada de detento chamado Marcão (Juliana Guimarães), a diretora bruta e exigente Sandra (Luciana Fregolente), o braço-direito da direção Regininha (Simone Gutierrez), o mauricinho, filhinho de papai ladrão Cézar (Oscar Filho), além do prisioneiro mais velho Matusalém (Ataíde Arcoverde), o brutamontes Tonhão (Robson Nunes), o insano Pudorico (Leo Castro), e a enfermeira que adora infernizar a vida de todos mundo, Brioco (Caike Luna)

As participações especiais contam com Neuza Borges, interpretando a avó do Tonhão, Saulo Laranjeira como o ex-governador corrupto Celso Bonitinho, Daniel Pimentel, interpretando Lourival Júnior, filho de Lourival

Além de Alice Borges, vivendo a Deputada Cesária, mamães do detento mauricinho Cézar, entre outros nomes de renome

O ator Gustavo Mendes, responsável por interpretar um dos protagonistas Amadeus, seu personagem segue sendo inocente, sem entender muito bem toda a situação, mas ainda assim continua com suas armações

"Amadeus acha injusto quando a direção cria regalias, mas diante de alguns detentos importantes, ele vai fazer de tudo para agradá-los e aí novas histórias de humor estão armadas

Não me lembro de um dia que eu não tenha gargalhado junto ao elenco", contou Gustavo

Lindsay Paulino revelou que estarão presentes na série diversas cenas externas, gravadas pela cidade de São Paulo

"Vamos ter cenas em parques de diversão, nas ruas de São Paulo, borracharia, e por aí vai

Inclusive, a minha personagem Xuxeta foge pelo encanamento de esgoto ao lado de Time Tiurrie vão parar no centro da cidade, causando muitas confusões", disse Lindsay Paulino

Durante os primeiros episódios, a diretora Sandra deixa os detentos em um estado de frustração, ao criar uma cela cheia de luxos para o ex-governador Celso Bonitinho, acusado de lavagem de dinheiro

Tentando acalmar e tranquilizar os presos comuns, não políticos, ela e Regininha permitem que saiam para passeios, mas óbvio, sendo mais uma farsa da megera

"Eu acho que a temporada ganha mais força porque também estamos vivendo um momento conturbado politicamente

O público vai poder conferir episódios brincando com as regalias dos políticos, até mesmo quando estão presos, sempre com pitada de humor", declarou Lindsay Paulino

Enquanto a estreia oficial não acontece, a partir desse sábado (20), os cinco primeiros episódios estarão disponíveis para não assinantes no Multishow Play, em plataforma on demand das operadoras de TV

Antes da estreia de Xilindró, o cozinheiro e preso Amadeus (Gustavo Mendes), acompanhado o ex-politico corrupto Lourival (Paulinho Serra), apresentam ao vivo o TVZ, a partir das 19h, no Multishow

A terceira temporada de Xilindró tem sua estreia oficial na quarta-feira (25), será exibido de segunda a sexta, com exceção de terça-feira, a partir das 22h, no Multishow

For more infomation >> Xilindró estreia terceira temporada no Multishow - Duration: 4:53.


Carjacking, chase ends in Whitefish Bay crash - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Carjacking, chase ends in Whitefish Bay crash - Duration: 1:08.


Grocery stores stock up on water - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Grocery stores stock up on water - Duration: 0:33.


Police search for whoever shot teens, dog with pellet gun - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Police search for whoever shot teens, dog with pellet gun - Duration: 1:13.


New Spider-Man Trailer Reveal - Duration: 2:43.

San Diego Comic Con shone some new light on the highly anticipated Spider-Man PS4 game,

and it revealed some pretty exciting news.

The upcoming Playstation exclusive developed by Insomniac Games has already made headlines

with an impressive show of its gameplay mechanics from this and last year's E3 Sony press

conferences, and it's spawned many a theory on how this game may be the first in a new

Marvel video game universe.

Gameplay that's been released featured the Avengers Tower, and Doctor Strange's Sanctum

Sanctorum, and leaks continue to pop up online about other Marvel characters existing within

the game's universe.

Whether or not we'll see any outside of the villains that have already been showcased

in the gameplay footage is yet to be confirmed though.

So what did this new trailer reveal?

Another familiar face in Spidey's ally roster, Silver Sable.

The white haired mercenary is often depicted as a bit of an anti-hero, and first appeared

in the comics in 1985.

Except in the game, she's been hired by Norman Osborn to take out Spider-Man.

Here's the breakdown though.

We see Peter Parker face to face with Norman Osborn, who in this universe is the mayor

of New York City.

Miles Morales and MJ make an appearance, having a discussion with Peter.

There was also a shot of what appeared to be gameplay footage of MJ as a playable character;

something that was confirmed a while back, but nice to see in action.

We got another glimpse at Rhino, Electro, Vulture, Scorpion and Mister Negative.

We hear Osborn declaring how he's hired Silver Sable and her team to take Parker out,

with the command to shoot him on sight, and that he's tired of Spider-Man's vigilantism,

and that he's an enemy of the people.

We also see MJ falling from the sky, another moment from the battle at the Rift that we

saw from the E3 trailer, and more bits and pieces of Spidey in action.

The trailer ends on a high note, with Miles Morales asking Peter how he can get a hold

of him, and if he has a cell phone or something in his suit.

Aside from the trailer, some other news was announced concerning the game, including a

limited edition bundle that includes a red 1 TB PS4 Pro console with the Spider-Man logo

emblazoned on it, and a matching wireless DualShock 4 controller, along with the game

and a download code for the DLC the City That Never Sleeps.

It's going $400, and its available for pre order on Amazon now.

The convention also showcased a new set of suits for Spider-Man, including the velocity

suit, which will join the other previously announced suits, Iron Spider and Spider-Punk,

which you'll be able to earn in-game, even if you don't pre-order, according to a Playstation

Blog post.

Spider-Man is set to be released September 7th 2018.

So what do you guys think?

Are you excited for the Spider-Man game?

Let us know in those comments below!

And for all of your San Diego Comic Con 2018 highlights, news and updates, be sure to hit

that subscribe button before you go!

Thanks for watching!

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