Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

[ ♪ Intro ]

Last week, two papers published in the journal Science unveiled some huge news in the world of astrophysics,

featuring the tiniest particles in the universe.

More than 1000 authors from nearly 20 research institutions spanning the globe

announced that they've likely identified the very first astrophysical source of high-energy neutrinos.

This is the first evidence toward solving a century-old mystery about the source of certain cosmic rays.

And some are even calling it the dawn of a new era in astronomy…

but we'll have to see about that.

Now Cosmic rays are actually particles,

and they constantly rain down on Earth from a variety of outer space sources.

Most come from the Sun, but a few super high energy ones come from places outside the galaxy.

Until now, though, astronomers haven't had evidence

to show exactly what objects are launching them in our direction.

Hypotheses have included violent events like supernovas, colliding galaxies, or merging black holes,

but it's really hard to identify a source.

That's because cosmic particles are electrically charged,

so they don't travel in straight lines from where they were born to our detectors.

Their trajectories are affected by any kind of magnetic field.

And it's not like the universe has a shortage of magnetic fields.

So instead, researchers have been trying to understand cosmic rays

by looking at another kind of particle called neutrinos.

Specifically, high-energy ones, or those with energy values too high to be produced by any device on Earth.

These neutrinos are created when high-energy cosmic rays interact with things like nearby gas.

And because they don't have an electric charge, they aren't affected by magnetic fields.

So if astronomers could detect some of these neutrinos on Earth,

they could trace them back to their source, and pinpoint what was creating the original cosmic rays.

Mystery solved.

Then again, detecting these particles isn't exactly easy, either.

They're by far and away the least massive particles known to physics.

They're basically cosmic ghosts.

Like, every second, trillions of them are passing through your body

and they can stream through entire planets as if there's nothing there.

But back in 2017, researchers struck gold.

On September 22, a single high-energy neutrino interacted with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory down in Antarctica.

One of this detector's main jobs is to track down these kind of particles, and to do it,

it uses over 5000 sensors arranged in a 3-dimensional grid.

It's also buried more than 1.4 kilometers beneath the icy surface to avoid interference.

When high-energy neutrinos collide with the atoms in or near the detector,

they make secondary charged particles, which produce blue light that's detected by IceCube's grid.

But the events are rare.

Since 2013, the experiment has only detected a few dozen high-energy neutrinos,

and they've appeared to be arriving from random directions.

So astronomers weren't able to pin down any obvious sources.

But this time was different.

Astronomers were able to narrow this neutrino's origin in space

to 1 degree in the sky off the left shoulder of the constellation Orion.

It doesn't sound like much, but that's about twice the size of the Moon as seen from Earth.

And in that area of space, teams found 637 objects that might be responsible for the IceCube neutrino.

Still, with enough data matching, and time spent hunting,

follow-up observations were able to narrow all that down to a single source: a flaring blazar about 4 billion light-years from Earth

nicknamed "the Texas source."

Because its full name is TXS 0506+056, and no one wants to mess with that.

Blazars are a special kind of quasar, and they're some of the brightest objects in the entire universe.

They're also called blazars, which is great.

Quasars in general are the central cores of certain galaxies,

ones housing a supermassive black hole that's actively gobbling up matter.

As that matter spirals down into the belly of the beast, it emits a lot of radiation,

so much that the core can outshine the light of all the stars in the galaxy a thousand-fold.

Some quasars also have magnetic fields that accelerate particles away at near light-speeds

in what are called relativistic jets.

And blazars are those that have a jet pointed close to straight at us.

Now, it looks like they're also one confirmed source of cosmic rays.


Thanks to work by hundreds of scientists, we were somehow able to track one tiny particle

from a detector in Antarctica all the way across the universe to a specific blazar.

Which is amazing.

Of course, there is a chance that the neutrino didn't actually come from some blazar'scosmic rays.

But you can make a good case that it did.

When astronomers looked back at older IceCube data,

they did find evidence that other neutrinos came from the same place,

during events when the blazar was 'acting up' so to speak.

Stuff like emitting extra bursts of gamma rays.

A statistical analysis also showed that the chance that the events are unrelated is about 1 in 5000.

Those are pretty great odds, but it's also not impossible that we're wrong.

So this massive team of astronomers has to keep hunting.

So far, though, these results show the possibilities of what the field calls multimessenger astronomy,

using not just light, but neutrinos or even gravitational waves to study the same object.

Because neutrinos basically treat matter like it's nothing,

measurements of them coming from things like blazars and black holes could reveal more about how those objects work.

We could learn things like the actual physics behind these beams of cosmic rays,

even in environments where other research methods won't cut it.

So as we keep making discoveries like this,

we'll be able to probe deeper into mysterious areas of physics than ever before.

And we at SciShow Space are eagerly waiting for what's to come.

And thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space News!

We could not bring you new information from around the universe every week

without the support of our Patreon patrons,

so special thanks to all of you who support this channel on Patreon.

Thank you!

[ ♪ Outro ]

For more infomation >> Why Scientists Tracked One Neutrino Across the Universe - Duration: 6:09.


50 Questions TMI Tag ~ BlueIris - Duration: 13:22.

Hello lovely people and welcome back to my channel!

Quite a while ago, I got tagged by the Hatman to do the 50 TMI Questions Tag.

Something like that.

And, well, I was planning on doing it.

But I had some other videos planned as well.

But here it is now.

And because I was tagged by the one and only Hatman, I thought I'd do this video in style.

Let's do this!

So, the first question is: What are you wearing?

Well, it's damn hot.

So, a top, shorts and this hat.

Have you ever been in love?


Did you ever have a terrible breakup?


How old are you?

25, almost 26.

*whispers* End of the month.

How tall are you?

Well, I'm about 1.8 metres, which roughly translates into 5 foot 9, I think.

How much do you weigh?

*blank stare*

Do you have any piercings?

Well, just my ears.

Any tattoos?


What's your favourite drink?

It's either tea or water.

But I think I have to go with tea which is basically water with a flavour, so... eh.

What's your favourite song?

Well, I already did a Top Five Tuesday on this.

I couldn't really pick a top five there either.

But I think the all-time favourite stays Josh Groban's "February Song"

so I'll just pick that.

What's your Zodiac sign?


How long does it take you to shower?

Well, kind of depends.

If I'm also shaving my legs, it takes a lot longer - don't underestimate that.

But mostly about 15, 20 minutes.

Something like that.

What's your favourite show?

I really love ER.

I can watch that like every day, every time.

But more recently, I really love Lucifer as well.

So I'm just really, really happy they got the chance to make a season 4.

Because... it couldn't end like this.

No one could survive that.

So, yay for season 4!

What's your favourite band?

Does it have to be like a whole group of musicians?

Because otherwise I just pick Josh Groban again.


Something you really miss?

To be honest, I can't really think of anything.

There are someONEs I miss but not really someTHINGs.

Where do you go when you're sad?

Well, I'm mostly alone all day.

So I probably just sit here on the couch crying then or something.


How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Well, depends on what my plans are.

If I'm just staying at home, I'll be done in like 10, 15 minutes.

Because it's putting on some clothes, brushing my hair

putting in my contacts and my earrings

and we're done.

But yeah, if I go somewhere, I might pay a little more attention to everything.

And well, if you count breakfast and packing your bag and stuff like that

as getting ready as well, well, then it just takes longer.

Have you ever been in a physical fight?

Not recently.

But I think I had plenty of those when I was younger with my little brother.

Because, you know, siblings...

What turns you on?

Ehm, men, I guess?

Not sure how to answer this question.

Same for the next one: What turns you off?

Guess I have to go with women.

Quality you look for in a partner?

That's deep.

Well, I really prefer honesty.

Like you can tell each other everything and you're honest with each other, no secrets.

Unless it's a birthday present or something, of course.

That doesn't count.

That's not really a secret.

But yeah, also that you can have fun with each other.

That you don't need... to go everywhere just to be together.

But that you can just sit on the couch and watch some series on Netflix and be happy.

Doesn't have to be like, all grand gestures and all that.

We've never been like that and I prefer it that way.

What's your favourite colour?



Loud music or soft?

Well, depends on the kind of music.

If it's just all bass and... heavy metal shit and stuff like that - then please turn it down.

But if I really like a song, I will turn it up very loudly.

I'm sorry, neighbours.

Favourite quote?

I just don't really have a favourite quote.

Not really a quote kind of person.

So, I'll just skip this one.

Favourite actor?

How am I supposed to choose one?

There are so many good-looking actors.

So many good actors, forget the 'looking' part.

I'm at a loss.

I can't pick one.

I don't have a favourite actor, I'm sorry.

The reason you joined YouTube?

Well, I was kind of forced by a friend.

She set up a YouTube channel and she was like "You're going to be in my video"

and I was like "Okaaayy. Do I want to be in your video?".

But then I did and it was kind of fun.

So I decided to make my own channel as well and make my own videos.

And well, she's gone.

She's not on YouTube anymore, at least not making videos herself.

And I'm still here after three years.

So, something went right, I think?

Or you just can't get rid of me and you all hate me.

I don't know.

Do you have any fears and what are they?

Well, I think the biggest one is that I'm afraid of heights.

It's manageable.

It's not that I can't climb any stairs or... cross the treshold of a door.

It's not that bad.

I just don't have to look straight down from the stairs or anything.

But I live on the fourth floor in an apartment building.

So, I live.

Sometimes it's tough, like when it's storming outside

I don't really like crossing the gallery.

But other than that, it's fine.

I just shouldn't look down, like straight down.

Because then I get dizzy and get a headache and nauseous and stuff like that.

But I can live with it.

But I'm definitely afraid of heights.

What is the last thing that made you cry?

Well, that must have been at the Il Divo concert.

When they came on...

The lights went out and then they went on again, and they were there.

And they started singing.

And it was so perfect.

And I was shaking and I was crying and I was grinning

and I was doing it all the same time.

And it was crazy.

But I was so happy and so excited and so in love.

And... yeah.

I cried.

Meaning behind your YouTube name?

Well, my favourite colour is blue.

My name is Iris.

There you go!

Last time you said you loved someone?

This morning to my boyfriend when he left for work.

Last book you read?

That was a Konsalik book, I think.

"Schip in de Nevel".

The book you're currently reading?

Well, that's Ken Follett's "Night over Water".

Last show you watched?

Bingewatching Friends, last night.

Last place you were?

The other room, I think, to get this hat.

Last sport you played?

I'm not a sports person.

I like walking, like exploring by foot.

But, that's it.

Think I haven't played sports since secondary school in PE.

So that's a long time ago.

Who's the last person you talked to?

Also the boyfriend, this morning.

Last song you sang?

I think it was the theme song from Friends, last night.

Favourite chatup line?

I don't have one.

Do you have a crush?

I had one when I was about 14.

Didn't work out too well.

Gave up on that.

So, not really having a crush.

Maybe some celebrity crushes, but those don't really count, do they?

The relationship between you and the person you last texted?

Let's see.

Who did I text last?

That would be my sister-in-law.

Favourite food?

Does chocolate count?

Otherwise pancakes?


Salty food, spicy food?


Place you want to visit?

I've answered this SO many times.

I really want to go to Romania.

I have some friends left there.

Been there about 7 years ago, still haven't gone back.

So it's about time.

But also the UK - England, Scotland, Ireland - all that.

Maybe even Sweden.


Europe, all of Europe.

Why not?

And beyond that, maybe even Australia, New Zealand.

Just go crazy.

I just want to explore it all.

See the world.

What's the last time you kissed someone?

Getting real boring.

This morning, my boyfriend.

Last time you were insulted?

Well, I don't get insulted that often.

At least not for real.

Like, my boyfriend and I or my friends and I

call each other an idiot or stupid

or a douche or whatever all the time.

But it's more like teasing, for fun.

And not really like we really hate each other.

So, I think it's been a long time since I was really insulted.

So that's a good thing, right?

Favourite flavour of sweet?


What instruments do you play?

Eh, none.

I'd like to play maybe guitar or piano.

But, well, I've been saying that for over 10 years and it still hasn't happened.

So it probably never will.

Favourite piece of jewellery?


Have you ever used it?

Like, do you mean the jewellery?

Because I wear this necklace like every day.

So, yes.

Last time you hung out with anyone?

Well, I don't go out that often.

Because the outside world is really scary.

But yeah, last weekend we went to some friends and played some board games and had some fun.

So, I guess - that.

And well, then we're at the last question and that is:

Who should answer these questions next?

I thought about it and I can't really pick anyone.

Also, I think this tag is already quite old.

It is from this year, but I think it was made up in January or something.

And it took me a while to do it after being tagged.

So I'm not going to tag anyone.

If you like this tag and you want to do it - go ahead, have some fun!

And let me know that you made a video of it, so I can watch it.

And yeah, then that's it for this video.

If you like it, please give it a thumbs up.

Subscribe if you haven't already.

And well, then I'll see you in the next one, next week.


For more infomation >> 50 Questions TMI Tag ~ BlueIris - Duration: 13:22.


Abraham Hicks - Sharing thoughts - Duration: 4:55.

could I catch my breath I really didn't have a question I just wanted to have a

moment to be seen through the eyes of source and to express my deep love and

appreciation just for everything it's I

don't know how else to explain it because conversations just been perfect

and I can see where I've been under the influence of undesirable thoughts it's

all right expanding thoughts before you go further

I want to talk about something they just said because there's some really juicy

things right there in the statement that you just made you said I just want to be

seen through the eyes of source and I want to appreciate and we want to talk

about that just a little bit because when you are looking outward through

your eyes with an intention of appreciating you're not just being seen

by source you are source seen that's where your true power is because when

you want to be seen by source there's a little bit of wanting to be buoyed by

source so there's a little lack in the vibration that you're wanting to be

improved but you moved right on to what you really meant you want to see and

appreciate there just isn't anything better than that that is source seeing

through you and that is the most uplifted state that you can be in your

in your empowered state you're in your state of uplifting just through your

attention to something or someone yes so I have this wonderful dog in my life

that I just absolutely adore and even just as coming about was just everything

little question for you how does your dog feel about you

absolutely adores you hmm isn't it easy to adore someone who absolutely adores

you yeah which do you think came first the chicken or the egg your adoration or

your dogs out duration or was it a marriage made in heaven

was it a mutual attraction of mutually connected source energy flowing beings

yeah and that was my question because I don't you know people often watch an

amazement and I don't even have to say anything I it's as far as I can

understand how Abraham our source projects thought but I feel like I'm

projecting some sort of a thought and my dog will respond without my even having

to say anything and I just feel this really deep connection this is a really

wonderful conversation to have and we want to offer to you a distinction

because we want you to notice the reason that's happening is because you're tuned

in and so is your dog so you're absolutely on the same wavelength so

you're actually sharing thoughts but if you were to get disconnected if

something were to bother you you would notice a difference in your dog's

response to you because your dog is staying on that wavelength of inner

being whether you do or not and this is the difficulty that most people have

with their domesticated animals you get disconnected they don't then they don't

relate to you and they don't want to be with you and so they don't mind you they

are cooperative components when you're all tuned in tapped in turned on but

when you get out of whack don't you know this don't you know this to be true yeah

I've noticed that hey yeah it's just he it feels like he's just an extension of

me and it's just been a very profound relationship that I he tells it

differently he says you're an extension of him

understood and when we visit with him he is so

pleased with your behavior explained so I've gotten plenty of treats yes I know

yes anymore no thank you

For more infomation >> Abraham Hicks - Sharing thoughts - Duration: 4:55.



hi everyone it's Cece welcome back to my channel in today's video I will be

showing you my Amber Scholl inspired moodboard for the rest of 2018

so in my last video which was last Friday I

talked about having this new plan for my channel and 2018 and everything like

that and what I wanted to do is a mood board and set goals and work to achieve

them and sort of visualize them I do not believe that if you think of

something you dream it then it's going to happen just because you dream of it

and the universe will bring it to you I don't believe that I believe that you

have to visualize your ideas and your goals in order to actually be able to

make them happen I feel like I really need this right now

because this whole youtube fashion chapter is new for me and it made me go

a little crazy I need habits I need to do things

every day the same way so that I do not forget to do stuff I don't know if

you know amber scholl she is a youtuber fashion and DIY youtuber from LA

and she started her channel DIYing the Kardashians outfits and stuff like that

anyway to look bougie on a budget and that's how she became famous but

basically she said she was broke and she had just graduated

she didn't know what she was going to do with her life and this is me this is me

three months ago when I started this channel so she did a mood board and

it's unbelievable but she actually achieved almost everything she put in

her mood board and what she says is that instead of having a list of things

to do that you just forget about it you have to every day visualize it and

look at it every day she actually photoshopped her subscriber count to 1M

1 million and it happened well obviously she worked for it but it

did happen she was focused on it this is what I'm trying to say mood

boards are to keep you focused on things and this is what I need so the quote at

the center says we make things happen and the inspiration for this quote was

yours truly well I was texting Kathy obviously I was so excited about

this fashion show that she helped me organize and I was like oh my god

we're creating things we are creating this event we're making things

happen and so I just translated in English so this is my quote for this

year so I did what Amber Scholl did as well I just added like 10,000

subscribers under my channel name I'm not saying it will happen because I only

have six months and I have 53 I want to work to make it happen on this

side here are all the things that I wanna do for me and then on

this side I want it work related things for my channel and stuff like

that we're gonna start with the most urgent matter so down here a

very healthy meal goal number one is to be more healthy with my diet and no

cheat meals just minimum amount of cheat meals I wanna

regularly go swimming which I did twice this summer and it was great I

felt great I didn't have time to go continuously I wanna do

that I wanna keep doing yoga preferably by myself so not in a class because I

need to save money I want to take care of my hair and I love this

picture of Rihanna here as you can see my hair is really really

thin and probably I'm not taking care of it the best way possible I want to

do it and I want my hair to be strong and thick I want abs and I

want this kind of abs so this well obviously she is Kim K Kim

kardashian-west I already said that in a video I really

admire how she shows her curves and she's fine with that and I don't

mean her butt which is kind of too much for me but I mean her

waist is so snatched and then she has boobage and cleavage and she

shows it very well and I've always struggled with that because I thought I

was supposed to get really skinny and that's what I always tried to do

since middle school to get really skinny so that my boobs could

disappear because they attract attention and they are just something that people

notice and I thought they made me look fat but since I started

following Kim K on Instagram I realized that you can look athletic and fit

and elongated even if you have curves I want to start wearing

lipsticks more often I don't like makeup on my face

well I feel like I might need it but I don't know how to do it so I prefer

a raw version of me because I don't really know how to use makeup and

it makes my face look heavy and tacky and full of things that

I touch it and then I move things around my face I just don't like it but I love

like lipsticks and I would love to add some pops of color I don't know

which color suits me so this is a problem and then I want to start wearing

heels more often to look more professional

even just kitten heels tiny heels I'd love to feel comfortable wearing

them on an everyday basis and then I wanna have long nails long

healthy nails so this goes together with the hair thing I want to paddle and this

is something new for me because last year one of my friends had this

paddle board and he made me try it and I could find balance right away

probably because I'm tiny so it's easier for me to find my own

balance but I loved it and I I started paddling and I just felt like an

Egyptian queen it's so relaxing and it detatches you from

everything I want to go with my friends on a boat trip even just

for an afternoon you know or just a whole day I want to go to a spa well by

spa I mean terme and I would have a massage and just the whole

experience with thermal water and all that I've been wanting to do

this for the past three years and it never happened then I want to go

to the Egyptian Museum in Turin I want to go there cuz I love

Ancient Egypt and I wanna get inspired also for my fashion creations which

is weird but it's true the last thing about my personal life is of course this

is me young and happy and free oh well it's not like I'm not happy

but you know I wanna be a little less anxious and just enjoy things

this is the work related side I wanna read books about fashion and

fashion history and so this represents me going to try and be more professional

and prepared regarding fashion and everything I would like to do in the

future which both means business of fashion and actually sewing and

fashion history and all that I would like to read books about that then

I want to experiment with coloring fabrics and all that my mom is a very

good watercolor painter as a hobby not anything professional

so I asked her would you like to experiment with that I would do it

myself but I'm not that good she's really good this is Freddy my

love another one of my favorite youtubers from London and she is really

organized almost OCD about her wardrobe she has everything

organized top-notch and I'm gonna do that with my wardrobe and I was thinking

that maybe if I do that and I can also let people borrow my vintage

collections which would be nice so this thing here is a planner and

this is because I really want to be organized not overdo it but what

needs to be organized and planned and I want to do it I really hope I can make

another fashion show happen in around the end of September / October and I

didn't want to just write "another fashion show" but I wanted to

visualize it so this is actually an Enzo miccio collection

presentation of his collection and it was in the garden of a palace and

this is funny because what everybody is telling me to do is actually do it in

the garden of a palace near my hometown and a friend of my mom

knows the owners of this place and there are many weddings at this venue so they

might actually agree to let me do a fashion show and I really hope this will

happen I just visualized it then I want to end

up on the local news with one of my events well this event actually so

this is something one of my models wrote and that I was planning my fashion show

really well so I wrote "fashion show boss"

then I wanna start my own my cececouture bridal collection and I

don't mean a full collection where people can go I want to buy that

one in a large or in a medium

unique pieces just one piece and one piece goes to one person if you know

what I mean anyway I just want to start sketching things and then this is my

last project which is the one that I'm most excited about and I visualized

this is Cindina a makeup guru Italian guru and youtuber

and this is a photo of her with a swimming suit and I've just drawn a dress

that I would like to make for her on her and I would like to send it to her and I

think I talked about this in my last video I want to create

something unique for her because she means a lot to me and she

has inspired me a lot to start my own channel she's my age by the way so I was

like oh if she's doing it I might do it so yeah this is it this is my mood board

and I'm so excited that I did it I'm really happy and I will keep you posted

on how everything goes so this is it you guys thank you so much for watching my

video please subscribe to my channel I post new videos on Tuesdays and Fridays

if you click the notification bell you will get a notification every time I

post a video and follow me on instagram at @atcececouture and I'll see you guys in

my next video bye

For more infomation >> AMBER SCHOLL INSPIRED MOODBOARD FOR 2018 - Duration: 14:09.


Why Your Next Shirt Should Be Merino Wool | Best Material for Travel Clothing - Duration: 5:35.

Hey, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're exploring merino wool

and why it might be the best clothing material when traveling.

(light chiming music)

I have to admit that when I think of wool, I think of cold weather and trying to stay warm

I've had a few merino wool sweaters in the past, and while they were comfortable,

they didn't get much wear especially since I live in Los Angeles.

Though I noticed recently that a bunch of companies and travelers were talking

about how much they love merino wool clothing both for winter and summer wear.

This got me interested in the topic so I decided to do some research and also

contact some manufacturers of wool clothing. Saying that, we're extremely

grateful to both Woolly Clothing Company and Olivers Apparel for sending us some

merino wool clothes to test out and review. As with every product we review,

we promise to only ever share our honest opinions. We're never influenced or

pressured to review something a certain way, even if it's given to us for free.

With that other way, I learned that my conception of wool was completely wrong.

Wool, and especially merino wool, is a very versatile material and can be used

for variety of purposes. For the sake of this video I'll run through the pros and

cons of merino wool clothing so you can determine whether it might be something

you want to explore before your next trip. First, let's start with the pros of

using merino wool clothing from a travelers perspective. Number 1:

Soft and comfortable. When people think of wool, they often think of a thick,

itchy, and uncomfortable fabric. But merino wool is different. Quality merino

wool is thin, lightweight, and softer than cotton due to his finer fabrics. This

makes it very breathable, keeping you cool even when doing outdoor or fitness

activities. A lot of people have called it "nature's magic fabric." The shirts

that I've tested have been extremely comfortable to wear, even in our recent heat waves

here in Southern California. Number 2: Draws moisture from the skin. Merino wool

is able to handle moisture much better than cotton. The surface has a waxy

coating called lanolin which resists water. Think of it as a natural sport

fabric that can keep you dry. This leads me to number 3: Resists odors. The

waxy coating that I mentioned earlier is also naturally antibacterial,

which helps with reducing the odor in the fabric. In the past, I've tried to

travel with sports clothing like Nike Dri-fit and Under Armour shirts. They're

really lightweight and they don't wrinkle, but they honestly stink after a

few hours of being around sweat. I may sweat a lot more than most people,

but I find that these wool shirts to be a lot better when it comes to managing

the odors. Number 4: Temperature regulating. This is one of the reasons

why people are in love with this fabric. The fabric can function in both hot

and cold environments, either keeping you cool or warm when you need it. This is

primarily due to its ability to manage moisture and provide insulation when

necessary. Number 5: Dries quickly. Because of its

natural ability to repel moisture, the fabric dries quickly. This also comes in

handy if you try to wash your clothes in your hotel room when traveling or get

stuck in a downpour. Number 6: Doesn't wrinkle easily. Merino wool is also

wrinkle resistant. It doesn't mean that it won't retain any wrinkles. In my

experience, it still has some but definitely less than cotton, and seem to

be easy to remove by just wearing the shirt or hanging them in the bathroom

while showering. So what this is mean for traveling? Wearing merino wool allows you

to pack lighter, be less wrinkly, and potentially get more wears between

washings. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for this video, I sweat a lot

so I'm probably a good person to test out the merino wool. I can say that after

wearing this shirt on a hot summer day, this shirt did not smell funky the next

day. I do wish I could test it out in a humid place like Thailand, but even with

the recent heat waves here in Southern California, I was able to squeeze in two

days of wear between washings. Though you're probably wondering, "what are the

drawbacks to a merino wool?" To be honest, there are just a couple of cons to keep

in mind when dealing with merino wool clothing. Number 1: Expensive. Merino

wool clothing is more of an investment especially when compared to cotton. Both

of these shirts run around $50 to $70, depending on the style

and color. Number 2: Durability. This is probably the biggest drawback with

merino wool. While it should be able to handle the

daily demands of your life, the fabric is more prone to wear and tear. I personally

wouldn't wear it with a heavy backpack, but a normal day pack should be just

fine. In fact, both shirts that we received seemed durable enough to handle

most daily life and travel situations. At the end of the day, I think that merino

wool is an outstanding material to bring on your next trip or even for your

normal wear. I really like both of these shirts and they are super comfortable. I

love the fact that I can wear them in both hot and cold environments as well. I

don't think I'm going to replace all my clothing with merino wool just yet. I do

think that I'll be packing them first on future trips.

Have you tried merino wool clothing? If so, let us know what you think. I've

included links to both shirts in the video description.

Trip Astute does get a percentage if you use our link. It doesn't cost you

anything extra, but it helps us to continue building content like this

video. If you enjoyed this video or found it useful, please leave us a thumbs up

and consider sharing our video with others that also might benefit from our

content. If you're new to our channel, we are a travel channel that is focused on

sharing ways to make travel easier affordable and more enjoyable. Traveling

can be stressful and expensive, so we're looking for ways to help you maximize

your experience through travel tips, points and miles, and innovative gear. If

that's interesting to you, please consider subscribing as well. Until next

time, travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> Why Your Next Shirt Should Be Merino Wool | Best Material for Travel Clothing - Duration: 5:35.


What does the Bible say about Body Piercings? | Is Body Modification a Sin? | - Duration: 6:16.

Today's question is, "What does the Bible say about body piercings?"

In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.

Afterwards, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.

Body modification, including piercing, tattooing, scarring, branding, cutting, and outright

mutilation, has been an increasing trend in recent years.

Body piercing—the insertion of jewelry in various body parts—has graduated from the

traditional ear lobe piercing to the piercing of noses, navels, nipples, tongues, eyebrows,

cheeks, genitalia, and more.

Many Christians have a piercing or two, and some have many more than two; no matter what

the issue, it's good to stop and consider what the Bible says.

We'll begin with by acknowledging that the Bible does not specifically address body piercings

as a sin, so dogmatism on the issue is unwarranted.

If all body piercing is sinful, as some say, then even a diamond stud in a girl's

ear lobe is taboo.

Such a stance goes too far, considering that earrings (and even nose rings) were accessories

for Hebrew women: in an extended metaphor, God reminds Jerusalem of the lavish blessings

He had bestowed on the people: "I put a ring on your nose, earrings on your ears"

(Ezekiel 16:12).

It's unlikely that God would have used earrings (and nose rings) as a symbol of beauty and

blessing if such jewelry were inherently sinful.

See also Song of Solomon 1:10–11.

Also, we should consider what the Old Testament Law had to say about the related issue of

cutting the flesh and marking the body.

The command to Israel was "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on


I am the LORD" (Leviticus 19:28).

It seems the common practice among the nations surrounding Israel was to cut, lance, or somehow

scar the body "for the dead"; that is, cutting oneself was part of a pagan mourning

ritual or possibly a superstitious rite to aid the spirits of the departed.

We see this type of behavior in action in Elijah's day, as Baal-worshipers "slashed

themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed"

(1 Kings 18:28).

It is safe to say that, if a certain body piercing hints at paganism or honors a false

philosophy, then it is sinful.

Forming a biblically informed opinion on body piercings requires us to examine the principles

of the Word of God and ask ourselves some pertinent questions, such as:

◦ What is my motivation for getting a body piercing?

Our motives are important in any decision we make (Proverbs 16:2), especially something

as permanent and potentially life-changing as a body piercing.

◦ Am I trying to find identity in a subculture?

Body piercing has given rise to a definite subculture, and many people try to "find

themselves" by joining the bodymod community.

While joining a particular cultural group might help in evangelizing that group, to

join simply to "find oneself" is not biblical.

As believers, our identity is in Christ: "You died to this life, and your real life is hidden

with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3, NLT).

◦ Am I succumbing to peer pressure?

Doing anything out of a desire to please one's peers is spiritually hazardous.

We are to follow the Lord Jesus (see John 21:21–22).

Those who follow peer pressure in getting a body piercing find themselves in the ironic

position of having proclaimed their uniqueness through conformity.

◦ Am I stressing appearance over substance?

The Bible clearly emphasizes the inner spiritual qualities of a person and downplays the "outward

adornment" (1 Peter 3:3–4).

The majority of our effort should be directed at increasing in godliness, not grooming a

particular look.

◦ Am I drawing undue attention to myself?

Any item of clothing, accessory, or jewelry worn simply as a fashion statement runs the

risk of feeding pride in that it draws attention to the wearer.

Bringing public focus to certain body parts, pushing boundaries, or creating a flashy display

is not a godly reason for a body piercing, especially when we have this command in Scripture:

"All of you, clothe yourselves with humility" (1 Peter 5:5).

◦ Will this body piercing be an obstacle to ministry?

It's conceivable that, in some situations, having a body piercing will aid a believer

in his witness to others.

And, if the piercing is decorated with Christian-themed jewelry, it could be a conversation-starter

that leads to spiritual themes.

But, for others, certain types of body piercings may hinder attempts to share the gospel.

We are Christ's ambassadors, delivering God's message to the world

(2 Corinthians 5:20).

We must consider what message the body piercing sends and whether it will aid or detract from

representing Christ and sharing the gospel.

◦ Where do I draw the line?

According to Guinness World Records, the record for total body piercings is 453 for a male

and 462 for a female.

Those considering multiple piercings should be able to answer the question "how much

is too much?" with specificity.

At what point does body modification become extreme?

How far can Christians go and still "honor God with your bodies" (1 Corinthians 6:20)?

Beyond piercings, questions should be asked about scarification, branding, facial flesh

tunnels, skin implants, split tongues, pointed ears, sharpened teeth, and other things promoted

within the modern bodymod community.

Of course, we could also ask where we draw the line on other, more socially acceptable

body modifications such as breast implants, tummy tucks, face lifts, and such.

Some of the same questions about motivation and appearance need honest answers if we are

to do "all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).

An important scriptural principle on issues the Bible does not specifically address is

that, if there is room for doubt whether it pleases God, then it is best not to engage

in that activity.

Anything that does not come from faith is sin (Romans 14:23).

Our bodies, as well as our souls, have been redeemed and belong to God

(1 Corinthians 6:20).

Since our bodies belong to God and are the temple of the Holy Spirit, we should make

sure it is His will before we modify them with body piercings.

Want to learn more?

Subscribe so you don't miss the next video!

Visit for more great content.

And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along

with several related articles.

If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,

subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.

Now remember, Got questions?

The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them!

For more infomation >> What does the Bible say about Body Piercings? | Is Body Modification a Sin? | - Duration: 6:16.


20 nombres para niñas terminados en L - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 1:31.

20 baby girl names ending in L





















Namesoftheworld .net, the web with all the names in the world: baby names, pet names, business names and boat names.

For more infomation >> 20 nombres para niñas terminados en L - los mejores nombres de bebé - - Duration: 1:31.


A Day in the Life of a US Marine - Duration: 3:48.

The US Marines were established as the Continental Marines on November 10th, 1775, to conduct

ship-to-ship fighting and provide security aboard the fledgling United States' ships

of war.

Since that time, they have fought in battlefields all over the world, as famously depicted in

the official song of the United States Marine Corp., the 'Marine's Hymn': from the halls

of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli.

Today we'll take a closer look at what it's like being in this branch of the armed forces,

in this special episode of The Infographics Show, A Day in the Life of a US Marine.

A Marine's daily routine can differ depending on whether he or she is deployed or 'in garrison'

at their home station.

While in garrison though, a typical schedule looks like this:

5:30 am: Wake up call, with a half hour to get dressed, make your bunk, sweep and mop

the floor of the entire barracks.

Like many religious people, Marines believe that cleanliness is next to godliness.

6 am: PT, or physical training.

Soldiers fall into formations of squad, platoon or company sizes for morning PT.

Exercises vary, but typically start with the side-straddle-hop, or jumping jacks for civilians,

and like most physical exercises, are done in 3-counts, so the number done is actually

3 times higher than what you count aloud.

Push ups, sit-ups, and exercises you might remember from P.E.

Class like the Mountain Climber follow, with repetitions of 15, though they can go up to

as many as 50.

Next up for PT is the formation run, as typically seen in movies with soldiers in formation

running and singing cadences to keep pace and motivation up.

These runs can go anywhere from 3 miles to 7 miles, and are never slow.

Back at the company area, the unit engages in cool-down stretches to help their bodies

adjust from the sudden stop of so much physical exertion.

For those who couldn't keep pace with the formation while running, they can expect a

stiff word from their 1st Sergeant and remedial PT at night and on weekends.

At about 9 am, Marines break for about an hour of personal time during which they shower,

clean up, re-clean their barracks, and get dressed in their uniforms.

The US Marines like to keep sharp minds, so at 10am there is typically classroom training

of some kind- from weapons to tactics or remedial technical training on various pieces of equipment.

At 11:30 am, Marines form up for chow; while in formation, they are briefed on what will

be coming in the afternoon.

From 11:30 am to 1 pm, you are on personal 'chow time'; you eat, run any errands, or

even take naps if you have the time (though you probably won't).

At 1 pm, all Marines fall back into formation.

Typically this is followed by afternoon weapons training either on the firing range, or running

tactical/immediate action drills.

Marines focus on marksmanship and can expect to spend a lot of time on the range, but it's

important to know how to fight on different battlefields, so you can also expect to spend

even more time in mock-up villages or city blocks to learn important urban combat techniques.

Between 4 pm and 6 pm - or possibly later, the company returns weapons to the armory

and returns back to the company area to fall into formation and be briefed on the day's

progress, plus receive any news.

The CO, or Commanding Officer, leads the debrief and will eventually hand it off to the 1st

Sergeant, and so on down the chain until all pertinent information has been shared.

At this time, you will be dismissed, typically heading straight to evening chow.

Your evening time is your own, unless you have been restricted to quarters for disciplinary

reasons or ordered to do remedial PT.

A Marine's life is one built around constant training and readiness for combat, anywhere

at any time.

Their daily routine reflects this, and a strict adherence to discipline makes them one of

the most formidable fighting forces on the planet.

So, what do you think?

Could you handle a day in the life of a US Marine?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called MOAB, Mother of All Bombs!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> A Day in the Life of a US Marine - Duration: 3:48.


TRAILER, SONIC SCREWDRIVER... - Debrief Doctor Who panel SDCC - Duration: 5:47.

On July 19th happened the big Doctor Who panel at San Diego Comic Con.

There were the companions Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill,

the showrunner Chris Chibnall, the executive producer Matt Strevens

and, of course, Jodie Whittaker, our new Doctor!

After months without anything, they released the full package!

Let's debrief the information we learned during this panel,

especially the first series 11 trailer.

Beware the little spoilers!

BBC America's Twitter account did a live tweet about it.

All links are in the description.

The panel started with a sketch following Jodie Whittaker from the BBC studios in Cardiff

(look, it's Five(ish) Doctors Reboot's set!)

to San Diego. Look how badass she is!

Not much to analyse here, but it's a cool intro.

So. Badass!

Then, there was a video of fans reacting to Whittaker's announcement,

celebrities reacting,

then message from fans across the world...

So here are some people, other people, people again and....

Oooooh who are these guys?

Everybody talked about their set experience.

Tears of joy, Jodie Whittaker absolutely breathtaking, Jodie living a dream...

Well, it's Comic Con. They can't say too much. It's the same on every panel.

"Awesome, what a experience, we became friends".

So let's focus on the details instead.

For example, we know more about Yasmin.

Mandip Gill said she is a 19 year old girl from Sheffield, who likes her life without being satisfied by it.

Well, it sounds like almost every NewWho female companion,

and even if it's not said clearly, she is probably from our time.

Nevertheless, it doesn't imply the character will be boring.

What matters is her disposition and the way she is written.

And as there already are plenty of huge changes on the show,

is it that negative the companion is one of the usual archetypal modern age British girl?

We always know more about the characters' dynamics.

They are close, with a strong friendship involved.

During all the panel and this week promotion,

they replaced the term "companions" by "friends".

It also seems that the group, although they are united,

sometimes split. The Doctor and Yaz, very fond of each other, on one side,

and Ryan and Graham, pretty close, on the other side.

We can hope for crossed plots in a same episode

like it often happens with a Tardis Team of four.

And... here comes the announcement. Not the trailer. I mean the sonic screwdriver.

So we can have our own opinion on this design, but no one can deny it's radically different.

I don't like it as much as the Twelfth Doctor's one,

but I like the organic, mineral and modern vibe.

Its non-symmetric look gives it a more alien vibe.

The curves and crystals confer it a look apart from the rest of the show

but in harmony with series 11 aesthetic style.

We stay on vibrant and joyful colours.

And so we discovered the first promotional image featuring the Doctor and her screwdriver.

Many fans elaborate theories from its peculiar background of components and fluids.

The most popular theory is that it's a dislocated TARDIS. Let me explain.

The hexagonal panels reminds pretty clearly the inside of a TARDIS.

We also can spot its outdoor light.

Fans also theorize about elements being the new rotor and diverse energetic fluids.

It seems like, between this image, the screwdriver itself and the logo outro,

there is a crystal vibe.

Maybe one of the series' theme?

It's just theories. We'll see when they show us the TARDIS interior.

During the panel, the guests talked about the Doctor's temperament.

She was described by Chris Chibnall as brilliant and a perfect update of what people love the Doctor.

To Tosin Cole and Mandip Gill, she is bobbly, energetic, funny and playful.

To Jodie, the Doctor is full of energy, fidgety like a child and a pillar of hope.

If you saw our others series 11 related videos, you would know it's exactly how I hoped the Doctor to be:

A marveled, funny and kind Doctor.

As for the series itself, we have got more details about its shape and contents.

It will be ten independent stories (so no double episodes then) and a Christmas Special shortly after the end,

as the final will be broadcasted in December.

The scripts will be diverse and there will be many new monsters and characters.

Chibnall assured the references to the previous series will be thin.

The purpose of this series is to offer a perfect path to start the show, something mainstream and accessible.

It announces a series based on change and rebirth,

which I think is a great idea and logical with previous Chibnall's announcements.

But let's talk about the main subject: series 11's first trailer!

In our video "I hate spoilers", I explain how much I hate the Doctor Who old marketing strategy.

Here, it's the opposite.

The trailer is accessible to people who don't know the show, those who do, spoilerophobes, spoilerophiles...

It's perfect.

We don't know anything about next series, except if you theorize about why they are in the sand,

why the Doctor has a weird torch, why there's some wind...

Nothing is forced into context with shots of the series monsters.

Apart from the Doctor and her friends, we only see the guys on the background and some horse riders.

This trailer let everything be still possible.

I'll make a link with series 10 first trailer.

There were already the emojis, the Daleks, the wooden chick, Missy,

the Monks, the underwater creature, etc.

The marketing is totally the opposite.

Personnally, I don't feel less hyped by this trailer

(maybe I'm even more hyped?)

than I felt watching the series 10 one. And yet, we don't know anything. I think that's beautiful.

This Comic Con panel debrief is over!

What did you think about these announcement? Are you ready for the new series?

Tell us in the comment and share to your Doctor Who fans friends.

If you like our work, you can like us a tip on uTip (link in the description),

where you can tip us without spending money,

only by watching an ad; or on Tipeee!

See you soon! Bye.

For more infomation >> TRAILER, SONIC SCREWDRIVER... - Debrief Doctor Who panel SDCC - Duration: 5:47.


Can This Special Snot Stop the Flu? | Freethink On the Fringe - Duration: 6:31.

- The flu sucks.

Every year it affects millions of people

and kills several thousand of them.

I'm talking about actual influenza.

High fever, cold sweats, constant body aches,

these B-role actors probably don't have the flu.

You can tell because they're wearing makeup

and if you have the flu you're too busy praying

for a quick death to put on mascara.

- I'm so sorry.

- Anyway, the flu is a right beast

and you can't beat it because it evolves too quickly

for us to develop a lasting vaccine.

But thanks to some snot from cancer patients

fighting the flu, we finally got a sneak peak

at how evolution works.

What we learned could change

how we view the entire universe.

Or maybe just help us make a better flu vaccine.

This is On the Fringe.

A show about weird ideas that just might change the world.

- Viruses like influenza have a very short generation time.

For humans a generation tends to be 25-30 years.

For a virus like influenza, it's less than 12 hours.

This is Jesse Bloom, an evolutionary biologist

at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center in Seattle.

He's super cool and super smart and everything,

but we're actually here to see one of his graduate students.

- My name is Catherine Chu, I'm a graduate student

at the University of Washington

and I study how viruses evolves.

I've been really interested in viruses

because they're some of the fastest

evolving things on Earth.

We usually think about that change happening

over really, really long spans of time,

like thousands or millions of years.

But I'm super interested in how living things can change

in much shorter amounts of time.

Just maybe days or weeks or months.

- The reason the flu is so difficult to beat

is the same reason it's great for studying evolution.

It evolves super fast.

So you make a vaccine to fight one strain of the flu virus

and before you know it, poof,

it evolves and you need a new one.

- For a long time I was kind of abstractly just curious

about this question of how much viruses could possibly

change within someone in the short time that they're sick.

But it seemed to me that this was something

that would just be really, really hard to study.

- For one thing, most people who get the flu

don't even go to the doctor, let alone have their mucous

tested to see if it has the flu virus.

Even then, it would only be a single data point.

It didn't seem like it was possible to study

how the flu evolved in one person over time

until her advisor made a random discovery.

- I was down in the coffee shop at the Fred Hutch

and I was talking to Steve Pergum who's in charge

of infection control for immunocompromised cancer patients.

I said you know, "What are you up to these days?"

and we started talking.

- He said, "You know, I'm having trouble getting samples

"about patients that have multiple samples

"in patients that have flu.

"If you have any ideas about where I could get that."

- Turns out Steve was sitting on a freezer full frozen gold.

If by gold, you mean mucous

from cancer patients fighting the flu.

Well most flu infections might last a couple of days,

the immuno-suppressed patients

at the Fred Hutch Cancer Center had flu infections

that lasted for months.

And there were samples from across the entire time line.

Catherine had all the samples she needed.

She began to sequence the RNA of the flu samples

and immediately had a surprising result.

Like really, really surprising.

The first set of samples that Catherine sequenced

showed that the flu evolved in ways that no one expected.

- I saw these two mutations that were almost perfect matches

with each other.

They arose within a couple weeks,

they made up about half of the viral population,

and then they kind of went away.

In that initial analysis, I realized

that there was a lot of evolution going on.

It was pretty complicated.

Something interesting was happening.

- By using deep sequencing techniques,

Catherine wasn't just seeing the average virus on a patient.

She was seeing all the different strains

and how prevalent each of them were.

Because she had multiple samples over time,

she could see how it changed over course of the infection.

She could literally see evolution.

Then she sequenced the samples from the other three patients

and that's when things got really weird.

- When she finally sort of put this data together

and she looked at these different patients

and she saw the same mutations appearing

in multiple different patients.

We saw the evolutionary processes in some ways

repeating itself multiple times,

that to me was kind of the eureka moment.

- Now, mutations are supposed to be completely random.

So it's very surprising to see several patients

each having the same mutations.

- These are four patients who are different from each other.

They're not giving each other the flu.

They have very, very complicated medical histories.

Very, very different infections.

And yet, starting from different viral backgrounds,

we see, in many cases, the exact same mutations occurring

and reaching high frequencies within these patients.

- Not only did these patients have some

of the same flu mutations arising independently

from one another, they also shared commonalities

with how the flu evolved globally.

The snot from these patients was a preview of

how the flu would then evolve out in the world.

Sort of like looking through a crystal ball,

except it's made of boogers,

and seeing a glimpse of the future.

Someday soon, this means we can expect better forecasting

for flu vaccines, but it also means

we have a new perspective on evolution as a whole.

It raises huge questions about how predictable

or repeatable any evolutionary process is.

But the most important take away is this,

a 20-something graduate student in Seattle

changed the way the world looks at evolution.

You're watching videos on the internet,

which is great for us.

Don't stop watching these videos, please God.

For more infomation >> Can This Special Snot Stop the Flu? | Freethink On the Fringe - Duration: 6:31.


UNDERTALE PART 2 take 2 because wifi sucks - Duration: 1:11:48.

For more infomation >> UNDERTALE PART 2 take 2 because wifi sucks - Duration: 1:11:48.


🎉 Kinetic Sand 'Feel the Fun' Van Tour! - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> 🎉 Kinetic Sand 'Feel the Fun' Van Tour! - Duration: 7:33.


Sword Art Online / Crossing Fields (MattyyyM ft Nika Lenina RUS Version) - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> Sword Art Online / Crossing Fields (MattyyyM ft Nika Lenina RUS Version) - Duration: 4:25.


The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Jason Lee Anymore - Duration: 5:09.

With a background in pro skateboarding, Jason Lee made an unexpected mark in Hollywood when

he starred as the comedic antihero Brodie Bruce in 1995's Kevin Smith-directed cult

hit, Mallrats.

"Alright guys you have your mission.

Go forth, wreak havoc"

Lee then quickly rose through the ranks, appearing in Chasing Amy, Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob

Strike Back.

Then, from the indxie film world to mainstream TV, Lee's most prominent role came with NBC's

comedy hit My Name is Earl which garnered him multiple award nominations.

A multi-faceted artist, Lee maintained an actively creative lifestyle after the show

went off the air.

Here's a closer look at what he's been up to since he shaved off Earl's mustache.

Behind the camera

In 2003, Lee directed Beck's "Lonesome Tears" music video.

And it appears the project gave him the freedom to pursue a career behind the camera.

According to Lee, the Beck video led to the creation of his 2006 short film The White


And his partnership with Beck led to his helming multiple music videos for American folk rock

band, Midlake.

Religion gets personal

Lee married his first wife, actress-photographer Carmen Llywelyn, in 1995.

Throughout their relationship Lee did his best to keep his wife involved with him in

the Church of Scientology, but the couple divorced six years later.

According to a Gawker op-ed from Llywelyn, the final straw was Lee's Scientology practice.

Then in 2001, Lee was linked to actress Beth Riesgraf.

In 2003, their son Pilot Inspektor was born, and soon the couple became engaged.

Ultimately, the two never tied the knot, and it was speculated that Scientology may have

been the culprit behind their breakup in 2007.

The Chipmunks dynasty

In 2007, Lee gave a live-action human face to Dave Seville, the adoptive father to the

three rodent heroes in Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Lee reprised the role in the accompanying video game as well.

According to Box Office Mojo the film earned roughly $361 million worldwide and prompted

three sequels: 2009's Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel, 2011's Alvin and the Chipmunks:

Chipwrecked, and 2015's Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip.


Jason Lee, voice actor

A year before he started filming My Name is Earl, Lee appeared as the villainous Syndrome

in Disney's The Incredibles.

It was the first time the actor flexed his voiceover chops and it was a slam dunk.

"I'm a new superhero.

I'm Syndrome!"

Lee has since reprised his role in The Incredibles video game, the short film Jack-Jack Attack,

and the Disney Infinity video game franchise.

His voice has also been regularly featured in the animated series We Bare Bears, where

he plays a Bigfoot named Charlie.

"Golly, would you just look at this place?

Rustic, charming...slick headband by the way"

A less-than triumphant return

Lee had made a name for himself, playing offbeat characters, but in 2010, the actor delved

into procedurals with TNT's short-lived cop drama, Memphis Beat.

The show, however, wouldn't live to see a third season.

Lee then quickly moved back to NBC, for a recurring role on Up All Night in 2011.

He appeared in only seven episodes of the show, which went on hiatus halfway into season

2 before being officially canceled by the network.

Then in 2015, Mallrats director Kevin Smith announced that a sequel to his cult hit would

finally see the light of day, tweeting:

"20 years in the making.

113 pages fulla old friends and new jokes."

Lee was set to reprise his role in Smith's new Mallbrats movie, but getting the rights

from Universal proved to be an epic challenge.

Instead, Smith retooled the project for television and while it seemed that Brodie would finally

get his comeback, CinemaBlend reported no networks showed interested in the project.

Staying true to his roots

Lee retired from pro skateboarding in '95, but back in '92, he and fellow pro skateboarder,

Chris Pastras, had created their own skate brand, Stereo Skateboards.

After over a decade off the rails, Lee returned to skating and relaunched the company with

Pastras in 2003.

Combining their love for record collecting, improvisational jazz, and movie-making, Stereo

has since stood out from the pack with its unique brand aesthetic and quality boards.

Moving out of Hollywood

Lee practiced Scientology for more than two decades.

But in 2016, he revealed that he and his second wife, Ceren Lee, had left Scientology altogether.

The break occurred around the same time the couple moved to Denton, Texas with their three


Lee told The Dentonite,

"We're not here to buy up or change or take over Denton, put some kind of personal stamp

on it.

We're just here like anyone else who wants to be a part of Denton's very cool creative

community, and to be involved and perhaps help where we can."

Ever since, Lee has taken on a variety of off-screen endeavors.

And it seems the skateboarder/actor/director/photographer has found fulfillment in shifting his focus

from Hollywood's glitz and glam, to doing what he really loves.

For more infomation >> The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Jason Lee Anymore - Duration: 5:09.


Octopath Traveler - How to Unlock the Final Dungeon (SPOILER FREE Guide & Walkthrough) - Duration: 2:35.

If you've played Octopath Traveler by now, you'll likely have realized that the stories

aren't that connected.

There might be some small hints here and there of an interconnected plot, but nothing like

a typical RPG.

Instead, these are eight smaller stories, each with their own arc that feels complete.

However, there is one last dungeon to find in the game that does tie these stories together.

Now don't expect a grand interaction between the party.

It mainly serves to tie up loose ends that were mentioned throughout the game.

But the process of unlocking this final dungeon isn't the most obvious so we're going

to walk you through it so you can see it for yourself.

The major thing that needs to be done is finishing all eight stories in the game.

The dungeon won't activate unless you do.

But in the meantime, there two sidequest chains that must be completed as well.

The first is found in Bolderfall, near the Ravus Manor, where a guard named Alphas is

pining for a woman named Lyblac.

Duel him with Olberic or H'aanit to complete the quest.

Then travel to Saintsbridge to find Lyblac and start a new sidequest.

Alphas will appear and has poetry.

Use Alfyn or Cyrus to learn his poem then go speak with a woman named Flora near the

cathedral in town.

This will complete the quest line.

The other sidequest that needs to be completed involves Kit, the young man you meet as your

first sidequest once you left your opening town.

You'll find him again in Noblecourt.

Talk to him to activate the quest then find an Aspiring Actor in the area to the right.

Use Primrose or Ophilia to bring the actor to Kit and complete the quest.

You'll then want to travel to Grandport and then steal or buy lapis lazuli from a

merchant positioned between the inn and the item store.

Take the lapis lazuli to Kit, who can now be found on the Moonstruck Coast on the right


Finally, go to the West S'warki Trail to find the Impressario of Kit's acting troupe.

There you'll be asked to defeat a monster.

Once you do, you'll learn of the final dungeon's location.

Talk to the Impressario again to receive the quest related to the dungeon and then use

fast travel to arrive.

Be sure you're ready for it too.

The boss waiting at the end is no joke, but you will discover connections between the

stories of all eight characters.

And there you have it.

Good luck with the challenge and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Octopath

Traveler and other things gaming.

For more infomation >> Octopath Traveler - How to Unlock the Final Dungeon (SPOILER FREE Guide & Walkthrough) - Duration: 2:35.


Top 10 Overwatch Ultimates You're STILL Using Wrong - Duration: 8:45.

chances are if you've played a lot of overwatch you've seen some players

completely with their Ultimates time and time again

well we've noticed as well and are here to count down the top ten ultimate

overwatch players still don't understand my name is Nathan and welcome to

Blizzard Guides, consider this one a good guide to watch if you're trying to learn

new heroes outside of the few that you're comfortable with and putting in

good advice and alternate uses for these alts even if you already know how to use

these fairly well so stick around and I'm sure you'll learn a new use coming

in at number 10 Moira this one is kind of an obvious ol to use yet a lot of

players don't seem to understand this ultimate which I can understand to an

extent all of you DPS Moira's out there you're doing it wrong and all of you

healer Moyer is out there you're also doing it wrong yeah before you old as

more right you got to do two things first get into a spot where you're

behind your ally preferably a tank and right in front of that ally you should

be able to see an enemy that that ally is trying to either block or attack then

throw your healing or damage or out depending on whether or not your

teammate in front of you is low and then just alt you want to be getting your

beam to do healing and damage at the same time ideally and prioritize based

on how much healing your ally needs if they're super low in front of you focus

on healing but once they're healed and aren't in necessarily a lot of danger

don't be afraid to try it and get a kill with that beam also try and use your old

with other alts in the game at the same time or when you engage at least rarely

should you ever use it when you've lost more than two teammates or by itself

completely fixed up at number 9 in Winston Winston salt is really confusing

to use at times there's only really two situations that you want to use it

though first you want to try and use it whenever you're trying to contest point

that one people already know pretty well but the other use is going to be using

it as an escape ability if you want to dive deep into the enemy lines and try

and get a kill on something like their mercy Zen McCree or Hanzo which are all

somewhat dive of old targets if the enemy gets too much damage onto you you

can use your old to quickly get your health back up and either finish the

kill or escape immediately if you think that they are going to burn you down use

it like this and you'll find that you do much more for your team

at number eight mercy some players still don't understand the crazy strong value

of mercy and more specifically her ultimate ultimate is probably one of the

bestest capabilities in the game the self region and the ability to fly as

well as rapidly guardian angel allows her to live nearly forever when she

holds this you want to use your ultimate whenever you need to engage in a fight

use it right when your team comes into contact with the enemy and you'll get so

much more value also one of your teammates use a DPS ultimate you have

the awesome option of Val King as well valveless dragon blade is a really good

option as well as something like soldier's ultimate Falcon is a really

good substitute for something like Nanna boost essentially but lastly don't use

your old whenever your teammates are already all dead if there's already

three people or so dead don't old just save it next up at number seven Arisa a

Reese's ultimate is really simple but because her ultimate used to cost so

much you didn't see the old used very often so a lot of players just

don't know how to use it but now that she's been buffed we're seeing a lot

more supercharger use quite simply just use your old whenever your team is about

to engage and you're going to lose the point or objective before you don't or

use the ultimate in combo with other Ultimates like dragon blade bash insult

or soldiers old if you are in overtime and trying to contest that point

supercharger is a really great way to turn the tide in a high-stakes battle

like that you probably don't want to use it whenever you're trying to recapture a

payload or something like that but if you're trying to recapture a capture

point or you're trying to defend on over time using that ultimate is a really

good option following up at number 6 road hog Road

hogs alt isn't really a strong alt at times so there's a lot of confusion

around using a Zolt don't try and use it to get a kill if the enemy is in the

open that's really difficult to do considering your old knocks them away so

if you want to get value the way to go is using your alt whenever the enemy's

grouped up in a small room if you alt you'll do crazy bulk damage and try to

just get them stuck in a corner you'll do so much more damage also you can use

your hook and then alt rather than left-click to instigate most enemies

this also really works well if you don't have any ammo left but you really need

to get that kill for example let's say you hook de mercy then ulting instead of

left clicking because you don't have ammo is a really really good option

at number five Widowmaker just stop using it as soon as you get it that's it

use it whenever the enemy is approaching closely or if there's an enemy widow and

you need to kill her sights is really useful to directly counter their widow

if you can aim well just stop using whatever you get it right off of

cooldown it takes a lot of charge to get and it's a tide changing ultimate if you

know how to use it properly put far too many widows myself included use it right

as they get it that's something that I've been trying to work on lately so I

ain't included it in this list because widows very prevalent in this meta even

though it's kind of a more straightforward one following that at

number four we've got doom fist doom fizzled is a bit of an odd one if you're

trying to go deep and you have your ultimate you have the option to over

commit to a fight and try to go super deep for a kill if you take too much

damage press Q and either go deeper after you get your ultimate off and get

more kills or just get out and use your ulti as an escape you can try and use it

to get kills initially but it is often far better to use all of your cooldowns

to go in deep and then use your alt to try and escape or commit further and

while you're in your old just wait for your cooldowns to reset basically you

want to focus on using your ultimate as doom pissed as an escape and a get out

of jail free card rather than using it to actually try and get kills initially

when you're engaging into the fight obviously you do want to try and go for

kills when you old but you're not going to be using it primarily to get the

kills rather you're going to be using it to escape from the fight next up ahead

number three Symmetra if you're trying to protect your team

using that giant shield a lot of players try and put it perpendicular to the

enemy in between you and the enemy rather put it at an angle so that your

team can pop in and out and if you can't try and put the OLT around a corner and

add an angle like in this video so that your team effectively creates a strong

choke and a corner to peak from where it is completely safe don't use it flat and

straight between your team's all that will do is make the enemy walk forward

to negate your giant 5,000 HP shield coming in at number two divas bomb stop

going for kills the ultimate isn't really going to get many kills unless

you're in silver and below where a lot of players don't have the awareness to

dodge it usually the surefire way to guarantee getting kills is by trying to

deny the space to the enemy if the enemy is on a high ground throw the bomb above

the high ground and force them off of their advantageous spot if the enemy is

hiding behind a wall and that is causing you and your team a lot of trouble throw

your bomb behind the wall and force them out even if the bomb itself doesn't get

kills your team can get them try and treat it like a giant boob another

really strong use of the ultimate is killing Pharaoh mercy if you bomb into

the open air in the direction of the enemy while the fair mercy is high up in

the air you'll usually get a huge kill on either the mercy Farah or both you

can also have the ultimate slide on walls to catch the enemy by surprise

this is another tactic that is extremely useful will only do this if you know for

a fact that the enemy doesn't have any shields to block it with but even then

use it with the intention of forcing the enemy out of position not going for that

big 6k bomb and lastly the worst the worst ultimate of them all High Noon

High Noon is just a bad ultimate there's really only two ways to use it surprise

the enemy from high ground or use it behind your team whenever they're all

collectively pushing in this will net you kills but the main problem that I

see a lot of Makris doing is just the fact that they're trying to go for those

kills and then they end up stuck in High Noon and get killed by the tracer that

flanks behind them you don't want to use High Noon and over commit to it if all

the enemies are hiding from your High Noon you're not going to get any value

out of it so just can't see your old use that reload and continue fighting even

if you wasted your High Noon it's better than being dead and not being able to

commit any value to the fight so Makris just please stop dying in your

old please anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this one a lot of these

Ultimates are really strong or easy to use but there's a lot of misconceptions

around the Ultimates in this video if you like any other Ultimates explained

feel free to leave a comment letting me know which ultimate you'd like explained

and if you have any other questions about the game in general feel free to

let me know in the comments down below or tweet me on Twitter also if you

thought this video was helpful feel free to drop a like to let us know that you

liked this video and if you really enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe and

hit the bell icon if you haven't already I love making videos for you guys and

this always helps us out a lot anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this one have a

nice day my name is Nathan and this was Blizzard guides.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Overwatch Ultimates You're STILL Using Wrong - Duration: 8:45.


SEO Secrets To Write Content That Wins Online! - Duration: 0:56.

Writing content optimized for search engines is both a science and an art.

Here are a few ways to improve how your SEO content ranks and drives more sales today:

One, write for your audience.

Many companies start producing content without thinking about who is going to read it.

Be sure to understand what your audience is asking online.

Two, create powerful headlines.

You need to make a big impression online to stand out and serve so you can use power words

by your audience when you create content that appears in search engines.

Three, format your content to be read easily.

I like to keep each paragraph around two sentences and add bullet point lists.

In each section of my texts, I keep each section to about 200 words or integrate keywords into

your content.

I like to put keywords in my titles and H2 headers.

This tells search engines and my readers the exact topic of my content.

Four, use questions in your content.

You include exact match questions in your content.

Then you have a better chance to rank in search engines and convert prospects to customers.

Use these tips to create awesome content that ranks in search engines and engages with your


For more infomation >> SEO Secrets To Write Content That Wins Online! - Duration: 0:56.


Mind Eve by Zekkai (romaji subs (CC)) - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Mind Eve by Zekkai (romaji subs (CC)) - Duration: 4:45.


All About Whale Sharks for Children: Whale Shark video for Kids - FreeSchool - Duration: 5:43.

You're watching FreeSchool!

Slow moving and calm, easy to recognize by the pattern of white spots on its body and

its wide, flat head, the whale shark is a secretive ocean wanderer.

Compared to other sharks, very little is known about this mysterious and elusive creature,

a gentle giant of the ocean.

Despite its name, the whale shark is not a mammal.

It is a shark!

The whale shark is the largest living species of shark, as well as the largest fish of any

kind in the world.

The largest whale shark to be measured was more than 41 feet or 12 meters long.

The only animals on earth more massive than whale sharks are whales.

Like many whale species, the whale shark is a filter feeder, skimming food like fish eggs,

plankton, krill, and small fish from the water with its huge, gulping mouth.

The mouth of a whale shark can be nearly five feet or 1.5 meters across, easily large enough

to catch a human, but they are so gentle that divers can swim around them without fear.

Like other sharks, whale sharks have row after row of teeth - hundreds of rows, in fact,

for a total of about three thousand teeth.

Unlike the teeth of most sharks, these teeth are so tiny you can barely see them, and they

do not use them to eat.

To feed, the whale shark sucks in huge amounts of ocean water, then closes its mouth and

pushes the water out through its gills.

Structures in the gills act like strainers, catching anything solid for the whale shark

to swallow.

Only three species of shark, including the whale shark, are known to eat by filter feeding.

Whale sharks can be found in warm and tropical waters around the world.

They swim thousands of miles each year looking for food - often alone, but when there is

enough food, many whale sharks may school together to feed.

Scientists believe that whale sharks proably use their sense of smell to find food.

They spend most of their time near the surface, where their favorite foods can be found, but

will sometimes dive deep down for reasons scientists do not yet understand.

There are many things that scientists do not know for sure about whale sharks, including

how long they live - although it is probably somwhere between 70 and 100 years.

No one has ever seen whale sharks mate or give birth.

From whale sharks that have been caught, we know that female whale sharks lay eggs inside

themselves, where they hatch, and then the baby sharks are born alive.

Although young whale sharks may be eaten by anything that can catch them, full-grown whale

sharks have no natural predators.

People have caught whale sharks for food, but increasingly laws are being made to protect

whale sharks and ban fishing for them.

For one thing, whale sharks are increasingly valuable alive, as a tourist attraction.

People love to swim with the huge, gentle sharks, and will come from all over the world

to visit places that whale sharks are known to be found.

A few aquariums even have whale shark exhibits where people can view these huge fish, but

because of their size and special food requirements, whale sharks are tricky to keep in captivity.

It is difficult to count the number of whale sharks in the ocean, but they are considered


Whether they are caught by fishermen, tangled in fishing nets by accident, or struck by

boats, these slow-growing fish are at risk, and their populations are shrinking.

People are working hard to protect whale sharks, passing laws to ban fishing for them and improving

fishing techniques so they won't get caught by accident.

If we ever hope to unravel the mysteries of the whale sharks, we must protect them so

that they can continue to travel the ocean.

I hope you enjoyed learning about whale sharks today, the gentle giants of the ocean.

Goodbye till next time!

For more infomation >> All About Whale Sharks for Children: Whale Shark video for Kids - FreeSchool - Duration: 5:43.


2018 Mazda CX-5 | Feel Right at Home Wherever You Go | Greater Vancouver, BC - Duration: 1:19.

When you slide into the seat of the 2018 CX-5 you're going to feel right at home

everything you would expect from a near luxury vehicle is in this vehicle

you've got navigation available you've got the smoothness the reliability the

power that you would probably assume a vehicle like this would have and it

definitely does I mean I love the brand I've worked for Mazda for a long time

but just loving a brand doesn't mean you want to own it and I have two Mazda's in

my family and I love both of them

if you're in the market for a compact SUV

with all the features and benefits that you would expect in this class you got

to come by and look at the CX-5 it's built for your lifestyle whether it be

active running kids to school picking up the groceries whatever maybe the 2018

CX-5 is your only and first choice once again it's Brad from West Coast Mazda

you know where we are we're just across the bridge in Maple Ridge

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