Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 20 2018

We got a ride, we got the night I got the bottle, you got the light

We got the stars We got audio

We're gonna fly, we're getting high You got the moon dust, I got the sky

We got the stars We got audio

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody

Make the song so sweet You gon' come home with me, oh

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody

Make the song so sweet You gon' come home with me, oh

You got the heart, we got the soul Just when the world saying they got no hold

Here comes the love We got audio

We flying high, Superhero S on my chest, with my Marilyn Monroe

Feel like a star Cause we got audio

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody

Make the song so sweet You gon' come home with me, oh

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody

Make the bomb bomb beat I'll give you melody

Make the song so sweet You gon' come home with me, oh

We can't live on without the rhythm We can't live on without the rhythm

We can't live on without the rhythm We can't live on without the rhythm

We can't live on without the rhythm We can't live on without the rhythm

We can't live on without the rhythm We can't live on without the rhythm

We can't live on without the rhythm

We can't live on without the rhythm

For more infomation >> LSD - Audio ft. Sia, Diplo, Labrinth | Cover - Duration: 3:18.


The Division™ 1.8.2 - The Story of April Kelleher (Ep.1) - Duration: 9:31.

It's the time prior to the Green Poison.

April lives with her husband William Kelleher, Bill for short, in an apartment in Brooklyn.

For her birthday he gifted her a copy of the New York Collapse book. In it was a note from Bill.

Moving ahead in time it's the 23rd of November. The "national holiday" of everything America stands for:

It's Black Friday, of course.

A day of greed and at the core of it?


Without knowing it the people are digging their own graves,

by spreading the so called Dollar Flu that was resting on the surface of the banknotes.

From there it will jump to human skin, to the food they are eating and like that spreading on and on.

By the time patient zero feels the first symptoms, millions are already infected.

From this point the breakdown will happen fast day one

hospitals will reach capacity

Panic will strike day two

Quarantine zones will be established resources will be rationed

Zooming in on Manhattan, it's now December 3rd

April couldn't get a hold of bill and was worried about the outbreak and decided to go to his office in Manhattan

Upon April's arrival bill came running out of the front door with two other people

Presumably colleagues - vehicles screeched up front and men in military fatigues again to open fire on them

April stopped in her tracks

She couldn't move as her husband got shot right in front of her

What had just happened did bill really came early? Was he liquidated by armed men?

Bill did work as a biochemist at the sequence biotech group a company performing bioinformatics

Analysis and making them available for Institute's working on molecular biology

For example, they'll have to have connection to the virus

But how was he working on something that could have something to do with the virus was the government after him?

It was all a big blur

April was still in shock. So as police arrived on the scene

She could only watch as her husband's body was being put in the coroner Stan and police taped of the crime scene

There was another man in the van a doctor. He seems familiar, but April couldn't quite put her finger on it

Still she didn't think too much of it at the time

How could she not really knowing what to do April went on to call the police asking to talk to a detective?

After a while on hold she managed to get a hold of one Nina DiGiovanni

She told her what she saw when he arrived at the crime but to her surprise

No police report had been made on the case. So the detective wasn't of any help and she hung up

So what to do now there wasn't much she could do at that moment except going home but to make matters worse

She couldn't get back to her home in Brooklyn at the quarantine in Manhattan had reached full effect the subway had closed

She was threat on the net angry scared and confused

Luckily, she has a friend in the neighborhood Eva if she could find her

The next couple of days

April's stayed at Eva's place at gram plus rooster at least until the situation

Blown over but there was no reason to think it would get better and it didn't

That's when she started writing in her book as if it was a diary hoping it would help her process this whole thing

Day three

Its December 4th more people are getting sick while the government tries to maintain control of the

Situation the quarantine on Manhattan is clamping down tighter and tighter

April managed to find a cop and told him what happened to bill but the officer told her that the authorities were too busy

Guarding hospitals and locking down other areas of Manhattan, so she didn't have to look to the police for help

April didn't have much left her keys

$1,500 in cash. She managed to withdraw basic girl things and at the bottom of her purse the book she got from bill

Reading it almost seemed ironical now even funny, but of course it wasn't

It's December face

As the chaos ensues everything seemed to happen quicker and quicker

They for the power will fail shells will BMD the tabs will run July

Its December 6th, and as the power fails across the city people are panicking more and more people didn't start to loot yet

But panic buying and riots were starting to occur

The next day December 7th Eva starts spiking a fever and coughing until she nearly chokes after a few coughing attacks

She stabilized but it was insured for how long?

Sarah or catastrophic emergency

Response agency gave instructions to remain inside and promised vaccine teams were heading their way

But no help came

It is now December 8 and Eva has

Developed blisters all over her body Disease Control Department or DCD confirmed. The virus was a variant of the smallpox


Eva got worse. It's now December 9th and Eva passed away unable to contact her family

April leaves her body wrapped in a sheet on her bed the day after despite the death of her friend April stays at Eva's place

with the help of Eva's neighbors

She carried his body outside and duct tape her driver's license to our body as it was rumored

Sara was picking up bodies with refrigerated trucks soaring them at Hudson Yards

On December 11th

April is out in the city as the police and National Guard are setting up barriers a riot broke out and she had to hide

In a nearby restaurant

This is your final warning

vacate the area or be forcefully removed you are interfering with

son of bitch

After the riot she spoke to a Sara employee who mentioned that the medicines were a garden provided shelter and served as a distribution

Point and while this may have been the case, we know not long after it was taken over by rioters

April 2 was unsure of this advice as the book strongly advise against going to public places with lots of people and she turned out

To be right as she returned to Eva's place. April was unsure of what to do or where to go

She decided to sleep on it, but the next morning things will take a turn for the worse

For more infomation >> The Division™ 1.8.2 - The Story of April Kelleher (Ep.1) - Duration: 9:31.


BİRAZ DÜŞMAN ÜZELİM? - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> BİRAZ DÜŞMAN ÜZELİM? - Duration: 3:03.


¿Cómo ETIOPÍA está ESCAPANDO de la POBREZA ?- VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:00.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo ETIOPÍA está ESCAPANDO de la POBREZA ?- VisualPolitik - Duration: 14:00.


Part II Ham Radio Vertical Antenna Build - DC Commander Lite - Duration: 18:54.


Ladies and Gentlemen hello my name's Callum from DX Ccommander tonight I'm

going to teach you something at particular not but we'll do that in a

minute so this is part 2 of the DX Commander "lite" build if you remember

and I haven't shown you all the bits yet and so that's why I've got a lot of

props here let me take out all my elements and granules the idea behind

this build by the way is that we should get a 12-minute hf portable antenna it

should be rather fun don't need anymore do I

I've run into some problems but I fixed them all so in the last film you saw me

I made up the elements and I showed you this bit which is the ground plate for

dears candlelight if it's on the bottom of a 7 meter pole which we'll get out in

a minute it's this one here and it screws onto the bottom and we've got 5

radial points and each radial points got 6 radials on it and I've calculated that

will give us around at about 75 meters of radials put down in a few moments

okay so I want to dispel the myths the verticals are a hassle and lets you make

all sorts of weird and wonderful compromises now the this is what we call

the radio radio radiation the radio that I gave this bit but it'll come to me as

I'm chatting ok I can't just sort of sit quietly because I'm recording I can't go

um although as you know quite often I do the radiating players the bit that the

middle of the so2 nine connects to so what I'm gonna do so let's hit this poll

upside down we can fit on the ground great and while I'm thinking it might

come to me the official name I give the special spaceship triangle thing

so we put that boson there and Steve Nelson on the channel commented ëthe cuz

he prototype destroyer I never move this over cost deal to look at this and he

pro to time he said he got anything and working and it was tremendous in about

well he said about twelve minutes sorry mister uh mister microphone so can

you see that okay let me just check this big camera here that's recording that

yeah it's okay you can see that so that's that's fine so that our elements

will go on on here driven plate that's what I call it two driven plate and to

stop this wibbly-wobbly about what I've got is I use and I'll put in the kit is

one of the reasons I'm building it now because I need to build its go we need

that so this goes over the top and it holds the driven element in place a

little bit of so that's a what I call that within the UK we call these Jubilee

clips in America they're called hose clamps okay but there we are and it's

got a cross head so and I happen to know that under here I normally keep a cross

head so I'm just tighten that up for the fun of it

I'll turn it around so I can get to easily and enough for studio work

because tomorrow's Friday Saturday I want to actually build this but the

elements on Level II there's a few tricks I did last Sunday that you don't

know about so I need to kind of get on with that now I'm pologize because the

pole apparently I think keeps hitting this microphone so yeah okay right and

the next stage is I will put the guy point here

so there's you can see on this camera here's a guide point and it's cute

because I actually drew it and I saw the spaceship not it's triangular but it's

all curves it cost no more for the curves you see there's water much jet

machine so that acts as both die points okay cuz I supply some paracord and also

we put the elements up now because when it finally gets to the top at the five

major point there's this little mini spaceship which we call the upper

spreader that's right up here in the sky and then what we do is we come along

with our elements so this is a 15 meter element and by the way if you're

wondering this is probably a three or four and no tuned antenna so and I'll

explain that in a minute so these little Clips here and I will fit one in a

minute to some paracord these these clip on to our mini spaceship and then with a

peg so normally do the other way around at the top if it's connected to the

element at the moment but anyway normally what I do is so that's

connected to the space mini spaceship so I call it the upper spreader and it's

got a donkey little bungee cord with a special knot which is what I'm about to

teach you the man in and then a bit of paracord and this has to be just the

right length so by the time we attach the element to it everything's just

under tension and not too much I couldn't just fit or give you one of

these because it wouldn't be bit the hole I would need to create or the guide

point and the element would be huge and it just wouldn't be right so it's kind

of more elegant to be able to disconnect your elements from the paracord so

there's an element top of the elements here and then it's 50 meters so it goes

for about a meter and a half then we get this little cool now

and then some donkey all right and up through the little mini spaceship Jack

all the upper spread there right so far so good

and how many pounds doesn't say this was right the idea is originally originally

when I thought the idea it was gonna be 30 and 10 however you have to pick

whether you want the 30 cock on or 10 cock on because it won't do both

exactly they're both slightly a little bit out face on 10 meters he's acting as

a 3/4 wave but it's not quite harmonically whirl 8230

so you'll see on Saturday a couple days time I'll be another film I'll be able

to explain that if you were low power station though and you've got an 80 you

button you'll get a either anyway okay and then ideally is 3 elements so if we

get 10 and 30 there we can pick any 2 else we want so if you have 20 and 17 or

20 and 15 or 17 and 15 or 17 or 12 17 12 and 30 is a walk band vertical hey you

heard it here first chirps so but the key to a lot of this is this little knot

here and I've been around the market looking for little clips are ideal for

this job and I promise you I've bought every I've bought every one and none of

them fit the bill this the the ones that come apart under tension well that's no

good it is under tension so let me show you how this knot works this is a 7

meter pole pole a this thing and the idea behind the whole thing was to get

it about half the price all better than the DX commander all barren vertical so

my problem was and still is ladies gentlemen to get a piece of paracord

that donkey dogies okay sorry piece of shock called

with my special bag of tricks here my development tricks I have a end and the

Clipper whipper so these things they'll just focus that obviously clip together

right but once but one sec lick together they

seem to be clip together so you need to bit have you know like jeweler's

screwdrivers and stuff to get back apart again so just be aware of that so what

you do is you don't okay I'll start again so we need to put to get out this

is for mill shock cord put this shock cord through the through one of the the

thingies okay and tie a knot in the end which I'm doing now and hopefully this

little camera up here on my left this one here hello and we tease them all the

way out to save as much power core air shock cord as we can doing that no

wastage alright yeah we are then this bit here clips in and we can put our

clippity-clop addi in alright voila so that now that works just fine okay

and then obviously we do the same on the other end of the pier record then what I

just what Stewart and I found we get our elements alright we lay the aerial down

on the ground we get air element and we pull it up and we get our shot cord and

we attach our paracord which were about to do them in it and we go right where

do we want the Arthur clippity-clop on the paracord so that

there's just enough tension like if full full tension is that and no tension is

that we weren't about halfway do you know me right so let's now make a

knot right to connect this and this together

so the easy way is to just cross the two over all right

and we just tie a regular knot a granny knot if you like see that it's just as

granny knot in the top and and then we do the same we just turn it around and

do the same simple little granny knot in a paracord you see that that's that's

all is and then we pull the two together now we're going to tease this out

because we want the one waist waist at all but talking and doing isn't my forte

right done it so now what we can do is we can really pull it together as hard

as we can and we end up with a really nice knot because then what you can do

is once you're comfortable with that knot you can raise a blade or a box

cutter we don't use the expression box cutter in this country we use the

expression Stanley knife no there we are so now we're left with a clippity-clop

Atene that goes on to the top spaceship right now it's been a pair of shock cord

and by the way the shock cord I give you cut it into about four or five pieces

because you don't need it quite that long you just need enough tyramine then

we got a piece of paracord and all we do is you'll see we're not going to

actually build it we come down from the top spaceship to your element that

you've made up and you think where do I want the bottom razor blade where do I

want the bottom and clippity-clop you work for the ease to be so if it's there

oops sorry about that mr. microphone will cry a paracord we'll go and get

the little four male fits I supply and let's apply two bags I've decided in

this kit the Bears one this one has the other somewhere in here this should be

all the bits for this you either thought with a clear bag that would be

relatively easy but it's not so but on the other bag here which I'll open up

I've just heard the ring doorbell go which is Wendy home so she might put it

through it's just a case of putting that through into the when you call that

clippity-clop er do you think putting our not in so we're their that end is a

case of if air element is coming to you know our element stops there then we'll

go oh where did we want them not to be so that the Winky dinky dinky so if it

was there go right so we want the thing this bit to stop there so I'll need to

move this up a bit so he'd cut it tie your knot if it's too long because you

could test it before you really pulled it hard it was too long and you can cut

it off put your clippity-clop T on and apply the little shock cord thing and

there was a complete assembly I just wanted to show you there's these

assemblies that we muck around with which took Stuart and I about half an

hour last Sunday morning but were you having coffee and chilling and talking

getting knickers in a twist as they say the last thing we want to do is start

filming it because I'm not really that much of a blogger or vlogger

what are these for aquariums what else no what we noticed at the very top of

the tube on a 30 meter all the 10 meter elements

we want the element to come up go through this little little eye here and

come back down but I didn't want to use tape so I discovered a few years ago if

you use a bit of aquarium tube and that these six mil and I'll supply it we can

put our element through then we fit our little tube over the top and it just

pulls down nicely and then stops the the wire flopping

about and it just gives us a perfect perfect magic Ferb so we don't need an

insulation tape but then one installation take for you like winding

this stuff back up and putting it back in the bag but didn't one is part of the

build to keep the cost down on the light I am NOT supplying hose clamps for all

the element joints we only gonna supply one I think because what I found the 7

meter pole is half the weight with the 10 meter Pole it literally is and

everything's a bit smaller and it really was tight and I thought hey I could keep

the cost down and not supply you with a ton of hose clamps that probably

nobody's gonna use and if you won't give me a shout or I do a kit for the dear

its commander the big one just buy one of them that's all for tonight I don't

need anything else I'm quite excited Wendy's birthday tomorrow so I'm taking

it to Blenheim Palace and because it's a lovely little day out we've done it

before it's been a while since we've been and I thought I'd be nice and while

you're here I still have not got an opportune place to put this microphone

it's like I want a magic microphone that moves with me everywhere I've got a very

expensive clip-on microphone which some of the earlier videos had I didn't like

the EQ and I'll only use it if I absolutely have to I don't know what to

do about it so but I don't want spend another 500

pounds on a little clip-on microphone it sounds as good as broadcast quality is a

old mister electro-voice re 20 here but yeah it's a great sounding

microphone my name's Calum you're live on the Dia's come on the show with the

time just coming up to 20 past 6:00 if I did that bit a serious recording voice

over the other night with this and he came over antastic but I had to solve

the 50 Hertz hum which very often is when it is next to the Apple monitor and

that's because Apple as a product is generally a fancy toy not an enterprise

piece of kit yeah so there we are that's what I think by the way you may think

differently in your opinion counts have a nice day

see you at the weekend all the best oh I forgot to say if you are not a

subscriber to the channel we might never hear from each other again so if you hit

the subscribe button with Darryl a bit and then you subscribe and then you

click the bell you were getting a little alerts when you come back to YouTube

Oh Callum's uploading a new film and you'll go ah so he has otherwise well

maybe you prefer the other way around that you never see me again but you know

I'm wacky enough that you might enjoy so my name is Callum from DX Commander

my hobby products by the way because I have a real job as well all of us and

I'll see you next time..!

For more infomation >> Part II Ham Radio Vertical Antenna Build - DC Commander Lite - Duration: 18:54.


The Struts - Body Talks - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> The Struts - Body Talks - Duration: 3:01.



For more infomation >> TOP PIESE DESTUL DE APRECIATE - Duration: 4:52.


AGILITY DECOUVERTE - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> AGILITY DECOUVERTE - Duration: 8:25.


Hard Working Boy | Mehnati Ladka | onlineilmseekho - Duration: 0:09.

Please Subscribe Online Ilm Seekho

For more infomation >> Hard Working Boy | Mehnati Ladka | onlineilmseekho - Duration: 0:09.



For more infomation >> GERÇEKTE KİMLER? (60 SANİYEDE DEEP TURKISH WEB) - Duration: 2:09.


Macht die Frauenquote noch Spaß? No Fun Facts mit Nico Semsrott | heute-show - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> Macht die Frauenquote noch Spaß? No Fun Facts mit Nico Semsrott | heute-show - Duration: 4:17.


Polvo à Lagareiro - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Polvo à Lagareiro - Duration: 4:20.


Das LUSTIGSTE Spiel des Universums - MMOGA Random Steam Key - PC Gameplay - Brütal Legend - Duration: 19:09.

For more infomation >> Das LUSTIGSTE Spiel des Universums - MMOGA Random Steam Key - PC Gameplay - Brütal Legend - Duration: 19:09.


Привлечение бесплатного трафика из Ютуба Заработок на партнерских программах - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> Привлечение бесплатного трафика из Ютуба Заработок на партнерских программах - Duration: 7:17.


VLOG PARÍS #3 | DISNEY 💗 (SUBS) - Duration: 10:46.

For more infomation >> VLOG PARÍS #3 | DISNEY 💗 (SUBS) - Duration: 10:46.


Enjoying Weather and Colourful Crackers | onlineilmseekho - Duration: 1:07.

Subscribe The Channel & Share Video.

For more infomation >> Enjoying Weather and Colourful Crackers | onlineilmseekho - Duration: 1:07.


A borderline személyiségzavar 5 percben | Virgine G. - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> A borderline személyiségzavar 5 percben | Virgine G. - Duration: 6:02.


Zuru 5 Surpirse Balls Review - Duration: 2:47.

This product is sponsored by ZURU!











Hi my name is Anjali & my name is Jaxon.

Today we are going to be unboxing...


But what is a 5 Surprise Ball?

It's a ball that comes in pink or blue and has 5 surprises in them.

According to Zuru there are over 500 possible surprises

with new surprises added ever few months.

I'm going to open up the pink and my brother is going to open up the blue.

Let's get started.

And this is everything.

Look at everything we got.

I got an ice cream cone key chain.

I got a flower pot and a flower.

I got a kitty cat.

I got some stickers. I got some markers.

I got a mermaid.

I got a shoe

and I got a stamp.

I have some duplicates but that is ok I will give them to some friends.

Or you can give it to your sister.

I got 2 ninjas,

2 skateboards,

2 putties,

2 cars

and 2 super balls.

And these are the surprises from the 5 Surprise Balls.

What do you think of the 5 Surprise Balls?

Leave a comment below.

The Z and then the U and then the R and then the U.

For more infomation >> Zuru 5 Surpirse Balls Review - Duration: 2:47.



For more infomation >> HOE MAAK JE EEN YOUTUBE BANNER? - Duration: 6:34.


Peppa Pig Family Having Fun with Amusement Park Given by Iron Man Toy - Duration: 4:10.

Peppa Pig Family Having Fun with Amusement Park Given by Iron Man Toy

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