Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018


[Water dripping]

Babe, I need to ask you something.


It's about your Gran'ma.


She's a bad bitch.

And we got stuff to do out there in the world.

Cassidy got out, and now it's our turn.


God's not gon' kiss his own ass.


What exactly is the question?

If it breaks the spell,

why don't we just kill her?

♪ I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal, you ♪

Welcome, All Father.

♪ I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal, you ♪

The moron is still scheduled

to take over. ♪ When you're dead ♪

We need Custer back on board as soon as possible.

Any word on the vampire? Still searching, sir.

Starr: How hard can it be to find an Irish demon

carted off by a pack of cape-wearing nobodies?


Well, it is New Orleans, sir.

♪ Trust you in my home, you rascal, you ♪


I am Eccarius.

Being a vampire sucks, all right?

Perhaps you've been doing it wrong.


That's bloody cool.

♪ Yeah ♪


Tulip: This is so dumb, Jesse.

We're pairing up with world's

biggest backstabbin' double crossers?

[Door creaks, glass shatters]

I'm gonna find God

and hold him to account.

[Guns cock] All Father: Well, fun time is over.

The Apocalypse approaches.


[Elevator bell dings] ♪ I'll be glad when you're dead ♪

[Tires squeal]

♪ You rascal, you ♪

Man: I was surprised to get your call.

My grandson has something I think you might really want.

I'm listening. [Laughs]


We're gonna stab 'em? Huh?

Or a blunt instrument. Just bash his brains in.

What about bees? Or bees.

Did you just say bees?

Yeah. Like on "Wicker Man."

Put a cage around his head and release the bees.

I vote stabbing.


For more infomation >> Preacher Season 3: Official Comic-Con Trailer - Duration: 2:13.


Fast Fox Body Running TT - (1326ix drag event) - (4K) - Duration: 2:44.

9 second fox

For more infomation >> Fast Fox Body Running TT - (1326ix drag event) - (4K) - Duration: 2:44.


Idioms In English With Meanings And Examples - Color - Duration: 5:47.

Idioms In English With Meanings And Examples - Color ten English idioms with color words from espresso English dotnet idioms can make

your English more colorful with more variety today you'll learn ten idiomatic

expressions using color words number one red tape red tape refers to complicated

inefficient bureaucracy that stops things from getting done for example it

took me 10 months to open my company because of all the red tape red tape is

a bad thing because it prevents progress number 2 red carpet treatment when a

celebrity arrives at an event they often put a red carpet for the famous person

to walk on so the expression red carpet treatment refers to extra special and

fancy treatment another way to say this is rolling out the red carpet for

example let's say you're interviewing for a job at a famous company and the

company really wants you to work there you could say they flew me out for the

job interview and really gave me the red carpet treatment they flew me out means

they paid for my plane ticket and the red carpet treatment means they gave you

extra special treatment as if you are a special or important person number three

green thumb if someone has a green thumb it means that they have a great ability

to make plants grow and they enjoy and are good at working with plants for

example my aunt has quite the green thumb she grows all her own vegetables

in her garden number four give the green light

this means to give permission or give approval to do something or to go ahead

with the project for example I can't post anything on the company Facebook

page unless the boss gives the green light

meaning give permission or give approval number five out of the blue out of the

blue means something happened completely unexpectedly for example I hadn't heard

from Jennifer in years and then she called me out of the blue

number six until you are blue in the face this expression means for an

extremely long time often referring to talking or arguing for example you can

argue until you're blue in the face but I'm still not going to agree with you

number seven brown-bagging this expression means to make your own lunch

at home and bring it to work often in a brown paper bag instead of buying your

meal or eating at a restaurant for example brown bagging your lunch can

save you thousands of dollars per year number eight white knuckle the joints

between your fingers and the palm of your hand are called knuckles the first

K in this word is silent and if you hold on to something extremely tightly your

knuckles turn white from all the pressure

so the expression white knuckle means to survive an extremely stressful

experience for example if you took a taxi through a dangerous area and the

driver was going very fast and out of control you would be nervous that the

car might crash afterwards you could say that sure was a white knuckle taxi ride

number nine gray area the color grey is a mix between black and white it is a

color that is in the middle of these two extremes if something is described as a

grey area it means that it is ambiguous or not well defined sometimes people

describe complex moral or ethical issues as gray areas if there

are no clear or obvious answers number ten pot calling the kettle black we use

this expression when person a is accusing or attacking person B for

something that also applies to person a for example let's say there's a man

named John who's always late for work one day

John's colleague David arrives late and John yells at David for being late

that is the pot calling the kettle black because John is often guilty of the same

thing this expression comes from two items in the kitchen a pot is used to

cook food and a kettle is used to heat up water in the past both items were

usually black so the pot calling the kettle black is an expression we use

when one person is accusing another person of something which the first

person is also guilty of if you'd like to continue learning common idioms in

English check out my English idioms course it will help you discover lots of

new expressions click on the link in the video for more information and a free

sample lesson

For more infomation >> Idioms In English With Meanings And Examples - Color - Duration: 5:47.


Multiple homicide arrests made in Salinas - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Multiple homicide arrests made in Salinas - Duration: 2:20.


Trẻ Con Cũng Kiếm Tiền Được Với Đồ Xóc Đĩa Bịp Cao Cấp Báo Rung Không Tang+Xóc Đĩa Bịp Mới Nhất 2018 - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> Trẻ Con Cũng Kiếm Tiền Được Với Đồ Xóc Đĩa Bịp Cao Cấp Báo Rung Không Tang+Xóc Đĩa Bịp Mới Nhất 2018 - Duration: 12:20.


កប់ទៀតហើយ Fii Fong Ko Break Music 2018 - Duration: 2:48.




For more infomation >> កប់ទៀតហើយ Fii Fong Ko Break Music 2018 - Duration: 2:48.


Song Ji Hyo returns with New Horror Romantic Comedy ❤ _ ❤ Update Sub Esp [Engsub] - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Song Ji Hyo returns with New Horror Romantic Comedy ❤ _ ❤ Update Sub Esp [Engsub] - Duration: 2:04.


3D Model of Acura Logo Review - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Acura Logo Review - Duration: 0:26.


Sleeping Dogs Year of the Snake #1 - Làm cảnh sát truy đuổi tội phạm | ND Gaming - Duration: 27:10.

For more infomation >> Sleeping Dogs Year of the Snake #1 - Làm cảnh sát truy đuổi tội phạm | ND Gaming - Duration: 27:10.



For more infomation >> EN LA ANGUSTIA CLAMO A TI SEÑOR - Duration: 10:01.


Haul compras Michaels Accesorios planner Desde USA hasta mi casa en Chile - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> Haul compras Michaels Accesorios planner Desde USA hasta mi casa en Chile - Duration: 11:01.


Pod adresem Luca Bessona padają kolejne oskarżenia o molestowanie seksualne - Duration: 2:29.

W maju BBC poinformowało, że młoda aktorka (która nie chciała ujawniać nazwiska) oskarżyła Luca Bessona o gwałt

Jego adwokat wówczas mówił AFP, że Besson "kategorycznie zaprzecza tym zmyślonym zarzutom"

Dodał, że reżyser zna osobę, która doniosła o rzekomym gwałcie, ale nigdy nie zachowywał się nieodpowiednio wobec niej

27-latka ponoć żyła z nim w nieformalnym związku. Aktorka zapewniała, że czuła się zmuszana do uprawiania seksu z Bessonem w zamian za to, że on oferował jej role filmowe

 Kolejne oskarżenia pod adresem Luca Bessona Podczas gdy francuska policja wciąż pracuje nad wyżej opisaną sprawą, pojawiają się nowe oskarżenia pod adresem Bessona

Teraz 49-letnia dyrektorka ds. castingów twierdzi, że była molestowana "za każdym razem, gdy wsiadła z Bessonem do windy"

Mężczyzna miał też nalegać na seks. Dwie inne osoby również doniosły o nieodpowiednim zachowaniu, gdzie jedna z nich powiedziała, że musiała uciekać z castingu, ponieważ Besson "rzucił się na nią jak niedźwiedź"

 Reżyser nie wystosował żadnego oficjalnego oświadczenia. Jego biuro całkowicie zaprzecza oskarżeniom o niestosowne zachowanie

 Skandal seksualny w Hollywood. Molestowanie i gwałty w świecie show-biznesu. Kto został oskarżony, a kto padł ofiarą? [PODSUMOWANIE]

For more infomation >> Pod adresem Luca Bessona padają kolejne oskarżenia o molestowanie seksualne - Duration: 2:29.


لماذا غادرت المسؤولة المتعاطفة مع المهاجرين منصبها بالبيت الأبيض؟ - Duration: 3:01.

ذكرت صحيفة ذي إندبندنت أون صنداي أن مسؤولة كبيرة في مجلس الأمن القومي اشتبكت مع أعضاء إدارة ترامب المتشددين بشأن سياسة الهجرة في البلاد، وأن هذه المسؤولة غادرت البيت الأبيض ولم تعد تعمل في منصبها

وأفاد مسؤولون في الإدارة أن المديرة السابقة في مجلس الأمن القومي للمنظمات والتحالفات الدولية جنيفر أرانغيو غادرت منصبها الأسبوع الجاري، وأنه لم يتضح بعد ما إذا كانت قد استقالت أو أنها أجبرت على المغادرة

وتأتي مغادرة هذه المسؤولة المتعاطفة مع المهاجرين بعد أشهر من التوتر مع المتشددين بشأن سياسات الهجرة في البيت الأبيض

ونسبت الصحيفة للمتحدث باسم مجلس الأمن القومي القول إن المجلس لا يعلق على شؤون الموظفين، وأضافت أن أرانغيو لم تستجب لطلب التعليق

وتعتبر المحامية السابقة أرانغيو المكلفة بالإشراف على مشاركة مجلس الأمن القومي مع المنظمات المتعددة الأطراف، وتقديم المشورة بشأن المساعدات الإنسانية العالمية التي تقدمها الولايات المتحدة

5801027411001 e04d7404-2ce4-4f00-8bac-4b6249b89f99 11e429d2-5cc0-478e-9db4-57e189e90bae video وأبلغ مسؤول سابق في البيت الأبيض صحيفة بوليتيكو أن أرانغيو حاولت مرارا وتكرارا تصحيح المعلومات الخاطئة عن اللاجئين والمهاجرين المقدمة للرئيس عن طريق مستشار البيت الأبيض ستيفن ميلر وغيره من أعضاء مجلس السياسة الداخلية

ويشتهر ميلر بموقفه المتشدد من الهجرة، بما في ذلك دعمه سياسة الرئاسة المتمثلة في "عدم التسامح مطلقا" مع المهاجرين، والتي أسفرت عن فصل أكثر من ألفي طفل مهاجر عن أسرهم في الأشهر الأخيرة

وخفض الرئيس الأميركي دونالد ترامب بشكل كبير عدد اللاجئين المسموح لهم بدخول الولايات المتحدة، حيث يسمح فقط لنحو 45 ألف مهاجر في العام، وهو العدد الأقل منذ عقود

وتوصف أرانغيو بأنها "مخلصة بشدة" للرئيس، وقد عملت عدة أشهر مديرة وطنية لمشاركة المرأة في حملة ترامب قبل أن تنضم إلى مجلس الأمن القومي في يناير/كانون الثاني 2017

  ويأتي مغادرة أرانغيو البيت الأبيض وسط موجة من التغييرات في مجلس الأمن القومي، وذلك في أعقاب تعيين جون بولتون مستشارا للأمن القومي في أوائل أبريل/نيسان الماضي

For more infomation >> لماذا غادرت المسؤولة المتعاطفة مع المهاجرين منصبها بالبيت الأبيض؟ - Duration: 3:01.


SAVE Mystery Machine!!! - Hot Wheels Hunting Haul - Hunting Hotwheels Indonesia - Duration: 4:21.

welcome to channel AToyZ

For more information about hot wheels review hot wheels indonesia please kindly check on video description below

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For more infomation >> SAVE Mystery Machine!!! - Hot Wheels Hunting Haul - Hunting Hotwheels Indonesia - Duration: 4:21.


Staying mild at the coast and warm inland for the weekend - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Staying mild at the coast and warm inland for the weekend - Duration: 4:21.


5 Personal Attributes You Have As an INTJ Personality Type - Duration: 4:23.

5 Personal Attributes You Have As an INTJ Personality Type.

If you haven't found out about the Myers-Briggs personality test,

it is where you find out what kind of characteristics you have depending on different preferences

provided to you.

INTJ personality type is one of the rarest type in the MBTI world.

INTJ stands for Introverted, Intuition, Thinking, and Judging.

As INTJs, they are logical, independent, sceptical, competent, and intelligent.

It only makes up of 2% of the world population.

They are considered rare because they have a unique things to share,

unfortunately it may seems a bit strange for other people, thus they often misunderstood

by others.

If you want to know why INTJ personality type is so rare, and why they often misunderstood,

here's the list of reasons why they are so unique and mostly misunderstood.

#1 - Private leaders.

The first thing that should be understood is that INTJ is naturally introvert.

However, INTJs actually can be a leader.

The problem is that as leaders, INTJs need to express their ideas that constantly change.

Unfortunately, it cannot be done easily.

#2 - Open minded yet aloof.

If you meet person with INTJ type personality, typically they are quiet and unfriendly.

However, once you get to know them, you will be surprised.

They are really good friend to talk to.

They also like to understand people with their ideas.

They basically can accept new information as long as it is profound.

#3 - Imaginative and decisive.

It is weird that INTJs actually have wild ideas on various things.

Those scattered ideas, sometimes make them confused to decide which one they will take.

However, once they have made decision, there is no turning back.

#4 - Intelligent yet useless.

INTJs are deep thinker.

They are also fast learner, making them formidable for any science development project.

However, they are quite useless in social interaction.

They only prefer one-to-one communication instead of being involved with vast number

of audience.

#5 - Confident and not confident.

Over analyzing is good sometimes especially in educational field.

However, lacking of confidence in a relationship with other human being is troublesome.

This can get worse especially if you are working with someone they think nice in a serious


This is why people are difficult to understand INTJ.

Though they are smart, sometimes they cannot communicate it well.

All in all, INTJ personality type are renowned for logical thinking and intellectual decision-making.

In terms of emotion and feelings however, they need a lot more confident.

Therefore, an INTJ that wants to manage their emotion and feelings in a more positive way

should think with their heart sometime, try to put aside your head and logical thinking

every once in a while.

After all, people have their own greatness and weakness,

INTJs have great qualities when it comes to intelligence and strategic thinking,

by working on their weaker characteristics, such as controlling emotion and developing

their feelings, will give them a much more rounded personality

and turn them into a mature one.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please

share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 5 Personal Attributes You Have As an INTJ Personality Type - Duration: 4:23.


Family Chore Chart (and summer schedule!) - Duration: 12:06.

Hey guys, I'm Bonnie from

And today I wanna talk to you guys about our summer schedule and the chore system

we've been using that has really been making a huge difference in our life. I'm super excited to show you what we've been doing

Okay, so first of all, we just moved into our new place about a month ago

And it was time to redo the entire chore system that

we've been doing. Plus it was time to revamp the schedule a little bit because..

Summer and things are crazy, friends are home, even though we home school, We knew we needed to make some changes so that

so that there'd still be some structure to the day but still a lot more fun and flexibility to do things with friends and cousins

So first off the daily schedule, this is what we came up with and honestly

you guys, it has been working so much better than what we were doing before and to be fair

What were you doing before was zoning out in front of TVs and iPads and playing with friends while mom's trying to pack and unpack

So here's the deal:

1. I let the kids wake up pretty much whenever they want

Now if they're sleeping in 'till like 8:30/9:00 I'll wake them up, but for the most part

they sleep in as long as they need to. As soon as they wake up, they're in charge of their morning basics and eating breakfast

so morning basics

Involve just your basic things to get the day moving: getting dressed, brushing teeth, brushing your hair

Picking up your bedroom and bathroom just a little bit, so it doesn't look like a total

total freaking disaster

like it usually does. There's no scrubbing, there's no wiping or anything like that it's just basic picking up

I also remind them to say their morning prayers, and then come down for breakfast. We eat breakfast and then

Generally between 8:00 and 10:00 is when the kids are doing their chores. Okay, so we'll talk about the chart in a minute, but this is

basic pick up

It's a little bit of scrubbing a little bit of acting

Nothing too in-depth because we usually just do that stuff once a week

But it's the day to day stuff that needs to be done every. single. day.

Every single day. Without fail. So that's what we do from 8-10

10 am I decided that in the summer, since we're in a new house and we have a pool

I would let them swim pretty much first thing in the morning

So they do their basic chores then they can go swim, so it's a really exciting thing to do

it gives them motivation to get their chores done and

They get some ya-yas out and some of that energy out right at the beginning and it's not quite super duper

freaking hot, depths of hell kind of hot at 10am.

So i let them swim from 10am to noon

then at noon they're about tired out, they're getting real

hungry, they dry off, they come inside and then we make lunch

I give them about an hour to eat lunch and then clean up, that's where the dish jobs come in.

And then at one o'clock we start quiet time

So, i don't know about you guys but I grew up on a quiet time and I don't know why I stopped doing it

I guess as kids grew out of naps I just thought, okay, well that's it no more quiet time for us

no more naptime, but that is false. Since we've adopted it, you guys, it has been

Revolutionary! It has been mind blowing.

Okay, so the big difference between our last house and this house is that there's

one extra bedroom so instead of four, we have five now and what that

Extra bedroom does is it gives us just a little bit more wiggle room with separating the troublemakers.

Does anyone else have a trouble makers at their house? Or two? Or 3? We have three!

Now we have each of those 3 troublemakers in separate rooms and the biggest two fire and oil

kids are actually on separate floors and what that means is that at one o'clock I say "everybody go up to your room and you

can play quietly with the siblings that are in it", so I've separated everyone into

Non-combustible partnerships, basically, and they can go read books quietly

They can play Legos quietly whatever but their door is shut and they can't mingle

So i know there's not gonna be any fights, and that has been my work time or sewing time, so I come in my office

I do everything that I need to do or maybe something around the house and nobody bothers me. nuts

That's also when the babies go so, at 3pm babies wake up

Everyone comes out of the room and it's just play time, free time

If I'm feeling a little bit generous, I'll give them a little bit of electronics time, but not likely.

They do more playing inside, sometimes they'll go swimming again,

sometimes they'll invite friends over or go over to friends houses.

And then I finish up my projects or play with kids, read books and then we're ready for dinner at about 5:00/5:30

is our prep time, we usually aim to eat between 5:30 and 6:00

sometimes it's 6:00 to 6:30...sometimes almost 7

But we eat, we clean up and we're ready for bed.

That basic schedule that has saved me this summer. It's not too rigid. It's in about these two hour blocks

So there's lots of wiggle room if needed but everybody knows what they should be doing at certain times of the day.

Pretty great

So let me show you the chore chart we've been using in the old house because we've tried so many

complicated, highfalutin

fiddly chore charts with rewards and

Treats and check marks and stickers and every type of reward and

Punishment and demerit system you can think of and they were all

Failures and as I look back and think about it, why do they all fail?

i realized I learned one thing in common. They were too


Complicated. Okay, life's complicated enough as it is. You want simple simple simple simple simple

Keep it super simple. keep it super simple. So I went back to

pre Pinterest day chore chart inspiration and came up with

Paper plate pie chart, yeah, we're talking like 1980 simple

Okay, so let me show you it. If you're not familiar with this archaic version of chore charts, it's pretty easy

I've got all the different types of chores: boom, boom, boom. All the kids we had split them into

We now separate the twins, but back in the old house we just put them together cause they were little

And then we line everybody up

With a chore. Okay. We just stuck a thumb tack in the center and stuck it up on the wall. Classy.

And then we didn't change the chores everyday

We only changed them once a week and that's also revolutionary so we had a couple things going on

We had zones, which I'll explain a little bit

The areas they pick up and then we also had a dish job, that they did after each meal

So let's say Liam would sweep. That was his dish job after every meal

He would go and sweep under the table, sweep in the kitchen

his zone was the main floor, dining room and kitchen so he would go through those areas and

Pick up anything that needed to be picked up. The next Monday, we rotate the chart

and now it's the twins job to do all that stuff and Liam's moved on to something else. Okay

so, like I said, the simplest thing imaginable

but it worked impeccably because every day at any given moment kids knew what they're supposed to be doing

I would say have you done your zone (have you picked up your area)?

Have you got your dish job? and all they had to do was glance at the chart

It was nice and big too - so I can see from across the room and they would know what they needed to be doing

It was amazing. It was the most simple, brilliantly amazing plan ever. Okay fast-forward to us moving into this house

There's a little bit more space, a lot more yard, and I wanted to give the younger kids some more responsibility

So we separated the twins into their own chores, cause let's be honest,

one of them was doing more than her fair share (the other one was kind of slacking!)

So and I also wanted to give Finn a couple of simple chores

So I sat down and I did a couple versions of this and I didn't really like anything

I still wanted to keep it super super simple

But it also needed to have a little bit more

Going on and I knew I didn't want the chores balanced evenly

because I didn't want my 6 year olds doing what my 13 year old was doing

that's just not really fair to anybody. So this is what I came up with

This big grand daddy.Again not gonna win any Pinterest awards. Sharpie, couple of pens and cardstock

Now this is my first draft. I am going to go back through and clean some things up and move some things around

Because I still don't think it's quite dair, the chore balancing. I still think the older kids need to be doing more

But that's totally a trial and error thing. You can make it work for you, however it needs to work

Okay, so I've got everybody's name up here

I've got the three big kids, the twins and Finn and he has very little to do and one of the

big kids is assigned to help him each week. Okay over here

I've got the weeks listed because it's not a simple twisty chart and I decided to just put a binder clip on it

So week one, everybody knows is week one when the clip is on week 1.

You get it. Week, 2, week 3, etc.

And it doesn't really correspond to the weeks of the month

because some months have four, some have five so we just keep rotating it

Okay. So now I have broken up the chores into a little bit more complicated system and I color-coded them

So number one and black is zones

Zones are like I mentioned before the areas that people pick up they go through they make sure there's no clothes

There's no toys. There's no junk, garbage on the floor. That's what they pick up and they do that every single day

Sometimes multiple times a day

So I might wake up and say oh my gosh we didn't pick up yesterday,

Everybody get in your zones and everybody goes and picks up and the house is picked up pretty dang fast

Everybody's got a zone each week that they do all week long. In red is the dish job

So that is also done at least every day usually

Multiple times a day usually after every meal so that includes things like loading the dishwasher, unloading the dishwasher

Sweeping the kitchen and the dining area after every meal, has to be done in our house

So they set it before the meal, they clear and wipe after and then also hand washing big dishes

I separated that from loading because people would get exhausted

loading the dishwasher and then be like, oh my gosh, I have to

Scrub 15 pots are you kidding me? So now a separate kid does that

Okay, and they rotate so as I'm sitting out planning this I decided, okay, I can have five jobs five dish jobs

We'll start with loading and then the next week move it over one, right?

So this week Liam loads

and the next week it goes down to Kira and then the next week it goes Vivian and then to Juliet and then to Toby

And then back to Liam. so you can basically figure it out. It took a little bit more thought a little bit more planning

That's what I did. And in order to organize this right at the get go, what I did was I wrote down everything

that needed to be done. So i broke everything up in the house into five different jobs

And just listed them out and then it was easier to see what need to be done

I could combine something separate some things before I actually committed it to the chore chart

okay, so we've got zones, we've got dish jobs and then I decided to do a daily job because this house a little bit bigger and

I want some deep cleaning done every single day

I included things like Cleaning up kitty litter

needs to be done every day and sweeping up the mess that happens after cleaning up the kitty litter

Vacuuming the main traffic areas. So the

Living room needs to be vacuumed every day, the schoolroom needs to be vacuumed every day

There's pencil shavings and crumbs and crackers and everything. okay

another daily job is helping Finn. So finn's the littlest one doing jobs

One of the big kids' jobs is to help him. So you just think about,

"all right, Is there anything that I need to have done every single day?

That doesn't fall into a dish job or a zone job?" and then distribute them as needed.

Lastly, we've got our weekly jobs

So every day the kids come in and make sure their zone, dish job and daily job is done. And if so,

They're free to play, they're free to go swimming they're free to

go play at friends house, invite somebody over, pretty much whatever they want to do

As long as those daily jobs are done. Now the weekly jobs, so far

we haven't created a system for when we do these

but it's been pretty good because by Saturday they know if they haven't done it they're

Not going to get any fun privileges on Saturday without doing it

So saturdays are usually the day we go do a fun outing with the

Family or they're inviting cousins over or we're gonna get pizza or something like that

So they know that... if you put off doing your weekly jobs until Saturday, you're just gonna have more to do.

So oftentimes they'll volunteer to do it earlier that week so that it just gets done and out of the way. Okay

So those weekly jobs include things like deep cleaning their bathrooms, vacuuming their bedrooms. Bedrooms

Don't get a ton of traffic and they don't really need to be vacuumed every day so we do that as a weekly thing

Vacuuming my room. Heck yeah, I delegated that. I don't wanna do it

I got enough kids somebody else can do it. vacuuming in the babies' room. They can't do it themselves so somebody else does.

Vacuuming the stairs, wiping down doors

Windows and then lastly dusting there's a little dusting job here and there where kids go through and quickly wipe down things

So that's basically how this new, little bit more complex chore chart works

I hope that makes sense

The key points here again are keep it super simple

Break down the chores before you commit them to the chore chart so you know exactly

What you need done before you assign them and then I love the color coding because it's easy to say

Go look and see what your red chore is. Even for the kids that aren't very good at reading they can just glance at it

That says load. Okay my dish job is loading today

So I hope that helps give you guys some ideas for chore charts. Those were really so many billions of different ways

You can do them. But the important thing is to do something specifically right for you and your family

So I'd love to hear your tips for

chore charts, do you guys have any other suggestions for a chore chart that's worked really well for you guys or other system?

I'd love to hear them in the comments below. Don't forget to give me a thumbs up and subscribe

so I can keep giving you great motherhood tips and inspiration

Talk to you guys later. Bye

For more infomation >> Family Chore Chart (and summer schedule!) - Duration: 12:06.


ARCHIVIEWS : Episode 1 | Ar Badrinath Kaleru | Studio Ardete - Duration: 28:40.

Hello Everyone.

Welcome to archiviews, episode 1.

So today we are joined by Ar.

Badrinath Kaleru, the chief Architect of Studio Ardete.

He is gonna walk us through his design process, how he works, what was his life after college,

how he got to where he is today.

And we are gonna discuss one of his projects, and at the end, we are going to get some advice

for future students out there, perspective students, current students, what the field

actually demands, an how should you go about it.

So welcome Sir, welcome to the show.

Okay so, before we actually start the interview, let me tell you a little bit about studio


So here is a little information I can give you about studio Ardete before we begin the


Believing that every problem has the capacity to inspire unique and creative solutions that

motivate growth, the young duo of Badrinath Kaleru and Prerna Aggarwal, founded Studio

Ardete in the year 2010, right after they finished their college.

Located in Chandigarh, India, the team at Studio Ardete began with these two and now

has over 25 members.

Their vision, as they put it, is to design spaces that would evolve into art, enriching

the lives of people inhabiting them.

Not hesitating to take on even the most challenging of projects, they use modern construction

and building methods to come up with designs that are truly inspiring.

With a passion for creating something distinctive and a taste for experimentation, Studio Ardete

has completed various projects in India and abroad.

Having designed in parts of Asia and Europe, including Japan, Italy and France, they believe

in a wider, more analytical approach.

They have also been published in various national and international architecture and design

magazines and online portals.

They were the finalists for the World Architecture Festival in 2015, 2017 & now in 2018.

They have been Runners-Up for AR Design Awards, have recently won the NDTV grohe awards for

the best bathroom design, and have been felicitated by iGen as one of the top 50 young Generation

Architects of India.

Being at studio Ardete and seeing the way they work, has truly, truly left me inspired.

Alright Sir, so before we actually start the interview, let us get started by knowing you


So where you graduated from, how you started this firm, and how has the journey been from

there to here.

I graduated from IIT Roorkee in 2009, and the whole idea was like, when I was graduating,

I was impressed by some of the master architects, and I got to learn about them a lot, then

I could manage to get some internships at few places.

So I worked with Dominique Perrault in Paris, I worked with Wilmotte I worked with Mario

Cucinella in Italy, and I worked with Shuhei Endo.

So I worked across in Europe & Japan so.

It was more, it was very different from what we could see what was happening in India.

So we actually wanted to bring in the architectural values and qualities, what is happening there

in a very professional way here, so that the reason why we started.

Alright, so let's dive into our first segment which is the PDF, so it's about the Practice,

the Design and the field.

So let us start, so my first question to you would be sir, Let us try and get the essence

of your design, so if you could, how would describe your design philosophy in three words.

Life is more.

So it is an extension of what Mies once said like Less is more & there have been other

thought process that have evolved around it.

So life is more is all about we saying that form and function for architecture isn't,

it's npot enough.

We need to have something more to the design, to the spaces.

So like in Life is more we actually try to say that if a particular space actually emotionally

bonds to its user, at a very psychological level, so then it actually, the physical aspects

of space like materials, the space itself and any kind of styles and forms and materials,

they all vanish and it's more like a bonding that happens at a psychological level.

So if that happens then, it is like a celebration of a bond between a space and a human which

we try to achieve by what we call, life is more.

Tell us about some of the challenges you faced, that you couldn't have prepared for earlier.

So something you could not foresee, some kind of challenges that came about when you started

your firm.

Basically like, working with, being like, working, getting a good education like in

a college or something, wouldn't actually prepare you for the real life, the challenges

of real life.

And when we did it without actually working for somebody for a period of time, so it was

a lot more difficult, so we actually had to overcome a lot of basics of profession, understand

how actually it works, which is quite tough and we had been, we had to learn it the harder


But it's good, you get to, when you do it yourself, it's like it need your extra support,

it's all about how you can push yourself, to what extent to understand it.

Like once, clients were like more dependent on Architecture in the previous ages, now

with the advent of technology and social media, and getting access to like internet, would


So actually they have more inputs about what they want and, so it's more user driven

now, much more than it was.

Yes because, so they actually try to jump to conclusions in the first place, we could

actually get access to see what different things, and they would come up and say, let's,

we want to do this, where like, the point then we would try to understand was like rather

than you want to do this, that's fine, but why you want to do this.

So you also need to counsel them as in to understand the requirements, because end of

the day, even we say that okay, clients want something.

It is at a particular moment so most of the time it's not that he wants, he thinks that

he wants it, so we need to, as an architect, we need to understand, does he really want

it, or he just carried away by something that he has seen for a short period of time that

he actually wants it.

Okay so, so talking about clients, so continuing with what you said, so there are a lot of

times, where your clients would demand certain, if not just requirements certain style of

architecture from you and you have you own creative expression towards their particular


So how do you balance their expectation versus you expression?

And in your experience which is the one that usually prevails?

See client, yes as a client, because he would come up with, okay I want this particular

style, and I want to do it.

But rather than doing it more on a subjective level that, thinking that he wants something

and you want something, let us be more objective in approaching that what he wants and analyzing

that why he wants.

So style is something that comes as a process, as a result, and it is not something like

an initial starting impetus.

So we start with the requirement, understanding and dissecting what he needs and even if it

is his particular personal space or if it is a space like a restaurant or a bar that

is built for somebody else, though he is a client but the user or the person who needs

to appreciate is someone else, so it is needed to break this subjectivity of what he wants

or what we want, it is more about evolving the objective part of it and trying to analyze

that how it actually works for the entire project.

So focusing on what all you said, and how you like to go about the design process, do

you think in India today we need more designers, or do we need designers, that are currently

here, do we need to try to get better to bridge better the client's expectation verses a

sort of idealistic architecture that people look up to and in asking that question I am

actually trying to get a hold of what you mean by design.

See like, in terms of like, when we talk about design for a particular, which I don't say

that okay designers need to have more technique or something which is, they need more inputs

of doing it.

It's all about okay, when we talk about design evolution in our country, we are still

in an initial stages wherein, like, the demand of design is actually coming up now.

The problem earlier was like, we weren't, there was no demand for design, even most

of like people like they still like, they don't understand the concept of design like,

we are actually grown up in our childhood thinking that civil engineers make our buildings,

so that's how there was no introduction to design, like most of the population still

is like.

So now, because now more people were travelling, so now there is more demand of design which

is rising, so that's the reason why we have more architecture students right now than

the entire architects that the country has ever produced.

There are more students right now than all the qualified architects.

So it's actually like growing up in a very great scale, but what I consider it is like,

we still need to make professionals who are more sensitive towards profession because

now we are more driven by the brands and the brand applications rather than focusing on

the needs and something.

So it's, the industry it is like being driven by the big players, the brands and the property

consultants, the builders, what they think of rather than people who responsible that

what is right or what is wrong like it happens in many other countries.

Listening to kind of what you are saying is also a lot of people kind of set off in the

field, they are not looking, the projects they do not, I think they use them as stepping

stones because they are also building a brand.

So they sort of, in using the projects as stepping stones, they kind of may tend to

overlook the actual, they forget to kind of justify completely the project in that way

so I think this is similar to what I was listening to today, I think it was Will Smith talking

on one of the shows, and he said, so if you want to build a wall, so you don't try out,

you don't say, I'm building a wall, I'm building a wall, I'm building a wall.

You start with a brick, you say I'm gonna do the, I'm gonna lay it the best brick

that has ever been laid and let's start with that.

And soon enough as you go on laying the best bricks, you would have the best wall and a

bigger wall, so I think like, so similar to what you were saying is like focusing on your

projects and be more sensitive to the client to the site and working with the individual

projects rather than just seeing a bigger picture and a bigger brand, but getting a

little bit on a micro scale as well.

Okay so that was the first segment, that was the PDF, now we are gonna move on to discussing

one of the projects which is the segment two.

We are gonna discuss the poolyard house that was designed by studio Ardete, before we actually

begin discussing poolyard house, let us first look at the house and how it was made.

Located on a busy sectoral road of the city of Panchkula, the Pool House was designed

for an elderly couple and their visiting family and friends.

The design brief was to visualize a house exuding comfort, designed for relaxation and


The concept was to place emphasis on the courtyard and pool areas, with these acting as the focal

point of the space.

The house was conceptualized as a combination of the courtyard and a pool to give rise to

a poolyard, or a central open space inside the house that would function as a leisure

space by addition of a pool.

The colour, texture and material palettes of the Poolyard House have been kept subtle,

with use of wood and stone stealing focus.

Colourful artwork contrasts against the toned down ambience of the interiors.

Carefully crafted, each space within the courtyard house has been with patience and an amazing

artistic flair.

Okay Sir, so in poolyard house, so lets start with the basics, so could you tell us about

the site and the brief that you got for the project?

The site like actually is an urban lot wherein like it's a standard lot of 500sq yards.

It opens onto a main busy road, so because it's an urban lot, it's like it's built

like a row house where with your neighbors, and you just have.

So these houses typically they don't have much happening around because you are facing

a busy road which you don't want to and you have the rear yard, which is also a backyard

of somebody else.

So these lots they actually don't have much thing happening in the sense of space that

they could offer from outside.

So what we tried was to create something that was more inward looking and something where

we could offer them some interaction with nature, because otherwise most of these lots

are like boxes closed, and they have some fancy interiors.

But we tried to introduce nature in a small way, but so doing courtyards in this climate

is like also a bit difficult, because we've got to cover those courtyards because of the

extreme weather conditions unlike tropical climate here we extreme cold and extreme heat

that needs to be taken care of.

So it's a courtyard but it's covered with glass which would let in light.

So the whole, and it is like the client actually wanted something like a small recreational

space and he wanted to build a house which is more like a space, everybody would want

to be in.

A space like, because he is, it's an old couple of around, who were close to 60 years.

So they lived most part of their life and now, actually want a house that is more like

built for relaxation and recreation.

So that was the whole point which we started with, to have a house, which could be close

to nature and which could have a sense of recreation built into its basic nucleus of



Umm, so , so when you started off with this idea of having a pool into the yard, so as

you said, you wanted to, you wanted something that is inward looking, you wanted something

the central courtyard or a space to kind of activate the whole space, so did the idea

of a pool initially was it in the plan and or did you evolve it while doing it, so where

did the pool come into the picture?

And did the client sort of the initial demands was a pool, or did you propose it saying it

would be better.

Basically it was, initially it wasn't that they wanted a pool for exercise or something,

but it was a pool more for recreation, it was more like they were keen to have a water

body somewhere, so we tried to make a water body, more like a plunge pool.

So it doesn't, so the plunge pool is not a lap pool so it's a very small, small space

where you couldn't immerse yourself into water.

So it's more like a recreation, not more like a swimming pool where you can actually


So that was something that, we were trying to bring in, because they, the house was divided

into three levels.

The lower level was the ground level, was for primary living.

It's for the basic living for, having the main bedrooms and main bedrooms for the daughter

and the living spaces.

And the first floor was done more for a recreational level, wherein it has a recreation space,

a multi utility space which they call it as a party lounge or something, and which, and

it also has couple of bedrooms for the guest, and so it's more like the recreational floor,

where it has terraces, the pool.

And the top level is the utilities and the domestic help who are actually housed and

the services and the utilities being planned.

So the middle level was something that has to do more with recreation, so that's when

we thought it would be interesting to have a lounge that was overlooking onto a plunge

pool and where we could open it up in an internal way.

And the courtyard is also like a funnel where when it goes up, it increases.

So it starts with like a modest 10ft by 15ft small space and it scales up on the top level

like a 30ft by 30ft spaces, which is quite a lot for a lot which itself is like 45 by

90 so.

Alright so now we have come to the final segment, of this show, that is all related to the field

of education.

So this is primarily for all the students out there, for all the perspective students

out there, so we'll have a good conversation with sir about, some small topics and let

us begin by actually, a question that every architecture student is asked as well is did

you, how did you end up studying architecture, was it planned, did you fall into it?

It was more I would say, more like an accident because we were, I was preparing for JEE because

at that time, because at that time like, I was preparing for JEE and was supposedly good

at Maths, Physics or Chemistry, It was like all my like +1 and +2 of the junior college,

so it was more preparing for an, I was an aspirant for IIT and I tried to clear it.

So it so happened that I got it cleared on my first attempt but I could clear it both

the then so called mains, but I couldn't get a good enough rank to fetch me some engineering

college, some engineering course in IIT.

So my mother actually wanted me to study in IIT but I was not very particular like with

which particular stream was to go to, so then I could find something that is so called Architecture,

which I wasn't introduced to yet.

In didn't know what as an architect could do.

And so then, but I still thought that it would be a good try so that my mother would be happy

that I was studying in IIT and I could do something which was not an engineering, which

I didn't want to do.

So it worked out well at the end.

So you studied in IIT so, I would like to ask how much does a good institute matter

in the kind of designer that you become in the field?

It like, institute does matter in a sense that not the name of the institute but it's

more like the kind of grooming you get from your seniors, you get from your peers, the

kind of like the experience that you get.

So that actually helps you a lot in a sense that like, being in IIT wan't like, IIT,

being like architects from IIT is like one of the rarest breed you could actually find,

because you could hardly, from every year you could actually just get, around 60 or

70 combined from both the IITs because it was jus Roorkee and Kharadpur that actually

offer architecture not the other IITs, as far as I know, but now there is a new, good

collection of new IIT institutes which might offer it.

So like, being like, being in an IIT was a bit more different and doing architecture

from there was different because, we weren't like primarily what most like, colleges or

people who aspire for architecture look like, like you need to be good at sketching or something,

which needs to be more creative, painting or something.

So the people like in most of the people in my class, weren't like, they didn't know

nothing of it, because they were spending most time preparing for doing their Maths,

Physics, Chemistry.

So most, sometimes people even as me like how good like, is to do architecture if he

is not good at sketching.

Because end of the day architecture is not like art or something it's more about expressing

yourself so if, if it is, it's okay if you are not good at sketching or something, because

you need to express your, what you intend to do, so like including like, having a good

handwriting wouldn't warranty you as a good writer, so for writing, like to be a good

writer you don't need to have a good handwriting preferably, so the same thing works for architecture.

Alright, umm.

So it's a good thing that you actually mentioned, sort of sketching as well, so this sort of

leads onto my next question and the last question for today, is a lot of students nowadays,

focus a lot on softwares, so learning newer softwares because there are newer technologies

coming in.

Even I when I explore different softwares, there are different aspects to designing with

the help of scientific or mathematical data that I did not know before & I find it quite

fascinating to use that.

So students are learning softwares at such a rate that even their teachers, sometimes

are not able to keep up with them.

Because there are so many new ones coming in.

My question is do you primarily work with the help of softwares or do you work by hand

and what do you think is the role of technology in the field today?

See, the point is , technology is like an inherent part of the field, you can't separate

technology from the field today.

So having said that and talking about, like good learning new tools is always good, is

always handy and it always gives you a new dimension and a new perspective.

But most of the time what I feel like, like we don't end up learning so many tools but,

because we don't understand and scientifically analyze how we could apply them, or what we

could make most of it.

So like you see like, good architects, like the great architects like Ando and all like

they were never good at like software, even if you say like, Frank Gehry wasn't particulary,

if you listen to a lot of his interviews, he says that he wasn't good at softwares,

when he was making the Bilbao.

So but he had, he was working with people who were doing it and he was trying to sit

with them to evolve it, so the whole idea is like, it's good to learn softwares but

don't just get carried away too much by knowing a lot of softwares.

For example like, learning 50 new languages wouldn't warranty you to become a good speaker.

SO you could just be learning one language, but you can be good at it, but rather than

focusing to learn new languages, but you don't get, you can't speak well.

Again it's like that dialogue is what needs to happen, new tools, new technologies, bringing

in new possibilities but it all comes down to common sense like as in how to use them

and you can just be good at just a couple of tools, you could do a lot of things rather

than knowing fifteen tools but you couldn't actually explore the potential of it.

Yeah, so this was, sort of similar to the conversation I was having with one of my friends

once is, we could learn a lot of softwares, but unless, we kind of put it blatantly, unless

you know how to design and design well learning softwares does not do you any good because

that is just a tool to get to where you want to go.

But you still have to know where you want to go, you need a vision.

It's just like you said, like Frank Gehry did not have that much experience with softwares,

but he was only able to work with the people, and the people were only make his design come

to life was because he had a design initially.

So starting with, so focusing a lot also on developing design capabilities, design sensitivities,

aesthetics and working out the basics before going forward and having a strong foundation,

so that even when you learn a new software, like you'll jump onto it, you know that

this is where I want to go, now I can use this software to reach faster.

Not the software to show me the way but the software to help me go faster on

the route around the goal.

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