Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

Idioms In English With Meanings And Examples - Sports

For more infomation >> Idioms In English With Meanings And Examples - Sports - Duration: 6:53.


Xóc Đĩa+Đồ Chơi Cờ Bạc Bịp Mới Nhất+Xuât Hiện Đồ Chơi Xóc Đĩa Bịp Mới Nhất 2018 - Phần 1 - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Xóc Đĩa+Đồ Chơi Cờ Bạc Bịp Mới Nhất+Xuât Hiện Đồ Chơi Xóc Đĩa Bịp Mới Nhất 2018 - Phần 1 - Duration: 11:05.


The Art of Freediving | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO - Duration: 1:40.

I do the...

breathing from the belly.

Show us one time.

So you see his chest. It's moving.

-So he does it from up here... -Yeah.

-And you do it from down here? -We learn it in free diving

and that's the theory that we need from the belly.


It's more efficient because you use your diaphragm

but... I'm not so sure now.

Is it better to learn it or to live it?


-Yeah. We go dive. -JON FRANKEL: Sure.

We go fishing now, yeah, together.

We've lost him already.

FRANKEL: Along with his trusty spear gun,

Imam Eldio holds onto weight.

That weight will help take him down to the ocean's floor.

Once he gets to his destination,

his partner pulls the weight back up with a rope.

He doesn't want to have the weight or the rope

close to him because it might scare away the fish.


FRANKEL: And about 100 feet below,

the waiting game begins.

At this depth, his internal organs

are constricted by the water pressure.

But because of his naturally large spleen,

he can stay down here as long as

five minutes before spotting a fish...

-(SPEAR GUN EJECTS) -and making his catch.

He'll do about 40 of these dives a day.


For more infomation >> The Art of Freediving | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO - Duration: 1:40.


[Apink BOMI / ENG sub] Horror Game with BOMI! - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> [Apink BOMI / ENG sub] Horror Game with BOMI! - Duration: 6:46.


The Only Doctor Playing in the NFL | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO - Duration: 2:01.


set him like he's coming to you and then you go this way,

you open your hip and you run block.

-Hut. Set! -(GRUNTS)

ANDREA KRAMER: He's been called one of the best players

on the Kansas City Chiefs.

Not to mention,

one of the most interesting professional athletes

in the world today.

Yet, he's not even a household name

in his very own locker room.

Your name is...

Laurent Duvernay-Tardif.

-And your teammates call you... -Larry. (CHUCKLES)

You do have to admit that Laurent Duvernay-Tardif--

-That's actually pretty good. -It's not Dick Butkus.

It's not-- It's not the... quintessential football name.

I wish, but it's not.

KRAMER: Laurent Duvernay-Tardif

is not your quintessential NFL name or player.

But not because he's one of the very few French-Canadians

to ever play in the league,

No, it's because when he's not playing on Sundays

for the Kansas City Chiefs...

I'm gonna ask you to, like, when I move my hand like this...

KRAMER: can find him here.

Duvernay-Tardif is believed to be the only active NFL player

ever to become a doctor.

You ever get recognized when you're in the emergency room?

I mean, it's enough that you're 6'5" and 320, but...

do people have any idea who you are?

Yeah. One night, I was working at the...

Montreal General Hospital,

and there's two police officers that show up

with somebody with handcuffs,

and the police officer had a cut on his forearm.

So, I grabbed the needle and I start stitching,

and he's like, "Wait a second. I kinda know you."

I'm like, "Eh."

"You're the football player."

And he was like, "This is awesome.

I'm gonna have your autograph for life on my forearm."

(LAUGHS) I just thought, "This is so cool."


For more infomation >> The Only Doctor Playing in the NFL | Real Sports w/ Bryant Gumbel | HBO - Duration: 2:01.


Flaemes & Napless - Lose You - Duration: 3:18.

Flaemes & Napless - Lose You

For more infomation >> Flaemes & Napless - Lose You - Duration: 3:18.


Pelea entre porras de Pumas y Veracruz deja heridos - Duration: 1:57.

 XALAPA, Veracruz.  Se registró un operativo en las inmediaciones del estadio Luis 'Pirata' Fuente, en la ciudad de Boca del Río, cuando porras de los equipos Tiburones Rojos de Veracruz y Pumas de la UNAM se confrontaron

 La porra del Veracruz se lanzó contra los autobuses del equipo rival que llegaba al recinto deportivo, con motivo del encuentro entre ambos clubes correspondiente a la jornada uno del Torneo de Apertura 2018

 La movilización policiaca arrojó un saldo de 15 aficionados heridos y 10 personas más fueron detenidas

 Piedras y palos comenzaron a volar cuando los autobuses del equipo Pumas trataba de ingresar al área de estacionamiento, sobre la confluencia de las avenidas Paseo Jardín y Paseo de las Flores; la porra del equipo universitario trató de defender el paso de los visitantes y comenzaron el enfrentamiento

 TE INTERESA: Pumas inicia victorioso con dos arponazos al Tiburón  A los pocos minutos arribaron elementos de la policía estatal y comenzaron a disparar al aire, para dispersar a los rijosos; mientras tanto, algunas familias que estaban a punto de entrar al estadio tuvieron que buscar refugio en lugares cercanos, para alejarse y sus hijos no sufrieran algún daño

 Para reforzar la seguridad, al sitio arribaron elementos de la Secretaría de Marina Armada de México, que se incorporaron a la vigilancia, la cual se mantuvo desde el inicio y hasta finalizar el encuentro deportivo

 Revive el triunfal arranque de Pumas en el Apertura 2018   fdr

For more infomation >> Pelea entre porras de Pumas y Veracruz deja heridos - Duration: 1:57.


Family of Weymouth murder victim speaks for first time - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Family of Weymouth murder victim speaks for first time - Duration: 1:48.


Best of Abe Simpson - PART 3 - Duration: 5:10.

Merry Christmas, Dad. We bought you three more minutes of oxygen.

Oh, thank you, son! Can I play with it outside? Can I?! Can I?!


Grampa's in charge of you kids while we go to Capital City.

Ooh, you're a good eater today, Maggie.

Bart, you're in charge of Grampa.

- Hello. - Dad, what are you doing here?

Looking for my teeth.

Gimme those! Better wash these off.

Oh, the hell with it.

Please be okay.

How deep is your love? How deep is your love?


Yes, Grampa?!

Kiss my forehead.

Man, I must real love him.

The circus? Hmm.

I haven't been to the circus since I was a kid.

Son, look over there.

Uh, I mean look over there.

Ten bucks a cone?!

Look back at the elephant.

I wish you wouldn't wear sweaters that the senior ladies knit.

Well, putting my arms in sleeves is about all I got to offer a woman.

A teacher can't be a bully.

Oh, they sure can!

When I was a boy, teachers would rap my knuckles with a yardstick.

Now you've got the metric system.

We don't have the metric system.

What? This isn't Sweden?

And I'm not King Olaf?

Oh, I got some explaining to do down at the bank.

You're so sweet.

Ooh, I feel all funny.

I'm in love!

No, wait,it's a stroke.

No, wait, it is love!

I'm in lo-o-o-o-ve!

Okay, we're going to take turns having Grampa as a roommate.

Who wants to go first?

Me! Me! I want him every night, forever and ever

'Cause I love my...

Hey, you call that making love?

Homer, I told you he wouldn't sleep through it.

In my day, women didn't make a sound.

Here's an experiment for you:

Find a man who wants to marry a lady poindexter.

Nose in a funny book, how rude.

Ain't you never heard of conversation?


How's it going?


I got this new roommate and he won't stop yapping.

So, Marge, pretty sweet, eh?

Oh, I forgot to clean the lint basket in the dryer.

If someone broke into the house and did laundry, it could start a fire.

We must be really flying high.

Those people down there look all tiny and blurry.

Just like the inside of a cataract.

Homer, I never told you this before...

...but I'm not a good flier.

I have to get off the plane. Let me off the plane.

Let me off!

You know, I have this feeling that we forgot something.

I'm sure it's nothing.



This is the Springfield Retirement Castle.

Your parent...

Abraham Simpson. dead.

Oh, my God!

What are you crying about?

You don't have to live here.



Stop it! You're stretching out my skin.

The home told us you were dead.

Me? I ain't dead. It was Stamson down the hall.

So much for Mr. I Can Button My Own Shirt.

For more infomation >> Best of Abe Simpson - PART 3 - Duration: 5:10.


Child Car Seat Heatstroke deaths are 100% preventable - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Child Car Seat Heatstroke deaths are 100% preventable - Duration: 1:42.


5 reasons to live like Tyler Durden Fight Club Philosophy of life - Duration: 5:40.

Fight Club is a kickass movie of all time. It sparks your life and gives a new momentum. It reflects

you a way of life which you want, but can't dare. If you are lost in the midst of sea

where every unnecessary bullshit is trying to swallow you 1 min at a time, then this

movie will help you. It was released in 1999, and everyone around the globe was blown away

by Tyler Durden. Tyler was an imaginary character in the movie. The very next desire of everyone

was to be like him. He gave new meaning to the life of every college and office going

dude. The dialogs of the movie were on the tip of everyone's tongue. So what makes

Tyler Durden so fascinating and why we connect so much to him even when hardly any of us

would literally like to start a fight club and walk around with a black eye. so it's

not what Tyler did in the movie that was fascinating but the way he did, his approach to different

things is what that intrigued us. So here are five reasons why every one of us would

want to live like Tyler Durden

every day you get a chance to live your life,

but you spoil it doing something that you don't want to do. Unlike you, Tyler

understands the value of life and knows how limited it is. His life is without any anxiety

and sorrow and This is all we want - a life without any anxiety and sorrow. Tyler doesn't

give a second thought to a thing that he doesn't like. He is not caged with

status quo or the desire to impress others.

He lives his life without the greed to win

or fear to lose. He accepts things open-hearted as it comes. The crucial thing that you can

learn from Tyler is to be like a boat without a rudder in the river. Just go along the way

and let the chips fall where they may.

Most of us do a job not because we love it; it's because it gives us a sense

of security. People always tend to cover themselves with a safety net. Every one of us wants to

be untouched with the hardship of the world. But the fact is once you start securing, you

stop exploring.

Tyler is not the one who likes working jobs, wearing a tie or being a white

color slave. All of these enslave your soul. And this is the last thing he wants- to be

enslaved by something. If you are looking to get over such bullshits then Tyler can

help you here.

You must not seek your identity in the brands

you wear You must not look the way these brands want you to look. They start with a promise

to give you an ideal life and look but ends up making you the slave of theirs. Tyler is

strongly against consumerism. he speaks the real the bitter truth of these high-class

brands. How they start owning you and spoils your life.

You need to have a free life and

by free I mean free of CK shirts, Armani jeans or D&G shoes. Get out of these. Your body

is same as every decaying micro-organisms, I don't know why are you so excited

to decorate it.

Every day we go to bed with a hope of getting up tomorrow. But this is not guaranteed.

At any moment from now, we can die. But none of us bother about it. Tyler makes every second

count. All his ideal human qualities exist because he believes that life is limited.

And thats the reason why his behavior is so impulsive.

well I won't necessarily suggest

you to act out of your impulse all the time but you do need to understand that unlike

the newsfeed of your facebook timeline there is the end to your lifes timeline and Once

you understand this fact that your life is limited, you will have a different view towards

life. You will prioritize your self-freedom than anything else and definitely, you will

not give a shit about what other people think.

its only when we are about to die;

we realize the importance of life. Tyler's way of living is very spiritual because

he doesn't dwell on the past or the future. He lives his life along with the second

hand of the clock. His life is not attached to emotions that can stop him from going ahead

and doing something that he wants to do.

When you are spiritually enlightened, you don't

pretend to the world. You are what you are, and it doesn't matter how the world

takes it or feels about it. It clears the way to bring out the real self of yours. And

there is no doubt that Tyler has it all. Tyler was Tyler - in and out, through and through.

He was spiritual but in a different way.

For more infomation >> 5 reasons to live like Tyler Durden Fight Club Philosophy of life - Duration: 5:40.


[FMV] Seasons' Tales (4-4): The Bickering ( ゆとやま || YutoYama) - Duration: 3:55.

I wouldn't even talk to you if I didn't like you

Tell me when you leave

How many missed call are there?

Don't make me a petty person

When you understand, you look pretty

When you misunderstand, I see the end

Every day I'm riding a roller coaster alone

Walking to the other side sometimes

Although there's still a connection but,

We are getting tired of each other

Even though we'll regret,

We know

It's obvious we'll cry out loud

It's obvious we push and pull each other

When something's broken,

Our relationship is going to fix anything

Even if we run to opposite directions

Our relationship is going to connect us

I wouldn't even talk to you if I didn't like you

You are the one who trusts me

I only have you

I wouldn't even talk to you if I didn't like you

You are the one who lights me

I only have you

Same words, same voices

Same days, same things

It might be boring but if there's no more, I feel vacant

Although it takes time, I get to finish this puzzle anyway

We are feeling the same

Like solving a problem that you've already done before

We know each other very well

If something goes wrong, we can fix it

Walking to the other side sometimes

Although there's a connection still but,

We are getting tired of each other

Even though we'll regret,

We know

It's obvious we'll cry out loud

It's obvious we push and pull each other

When something's broken,

Our relationship is going to fix anything

Even if we run to opposite directions,

Our relationship is going to connect us

We are same

And everything's same

The clock ticks by

I- I- I- I, with you

And every solution

Is you

No matter what happens, I'm with you

I wouldn't even talk to you if I didn't like you

I wouldn't even talk to you if I didn't like you

It's obvious, crying out loud like this

It's going to worn out at last

We hurt and hate each other but we don't let go

Even if we run to opposite directions,

Our relationship is going to connect us

You are the one who trust me

I only have you

You are the one who light me

I only have you

When something's broken,

Our relationship is going to fix anything

Even though you are mean today,

You and I are meant to be together

For more infomation >> [FMV] Seasons' Tales (4-4): The Bickering ( ゆとやま || YutoYama) - Duration: 3:55.


Dead tree falls on cars during storm - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Dead tree falls on cars during storm - Duration: 1:31.


Respondiendo al Islam 1: ¿Por qué Debemos Aprender Sobre el Islam? (Sub. Español/English) - Duration: 5:01.

Christians sometimes wonder, "Why should we learn about Islam?"

There are lots of reasons that people in general, but especially Christians, should be learning about Islam.

Let's consider five of them.

First, numbers.

Islam is the second-largest religion in history (after Christianity).

There are about 1.6 billion Muslims in the world.

That's over a fifth of the world's population.

There are currently more than 1200 mosques in the United States, and more than 6000 in Europe.

And according to many sources, Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world.

So Islam is big, and it's getting bigger.

When that many people believe something, it's a good idea to learn what they believe.

Second, Christians can't communicate the Gospel clearly to Muslims without understanding what Muslims believe,

because the Qur'an distorts the meaning of Christian claims.

For instance, Christians claim that Jesus is the Son of God.

But when we say, "Jesus is the Son of God," Muslims think we're claiming that God had sex with a woman and produced Jesus as an offspring.

They believe this because the Qur'an says, "How can Allah have a son when he has no wife?" (Surah 6, verse 101).

Now, when Christians call Jesus the Son of God, we're not talking about God having sex and producing an offspring.

No Christian has ever meant that.

But that's what Muslims think we mean, because the Qur'an says that's what it means to call someone the Son of God.

There's a similar problem when it comes to the doctrine of the Trinity.

According to the Qur'an (Surah 5, verse 116), Christians believe in a Trinity made up of God, Jesus, and Mary.

Here again, no Christian has ever believed this.

But there are Muslims who think we believe in a Trinity made up of God, Jesus, and Mary,

because of how the Qur'an distorts Christian doctrines.

So if we don't know what Muslims believe, we won't understand how they're misinterpreting what we say when we preach the Gospel.

Third, Muslims are trained to challenge the core doctrines of Christianity.

Jesus taught his followers lots of things, but when they preached the Gospel in the Book of Acts,

they preached that Jesus is the divine Son of God, who died on the cross for sins and rose from the dead

—deity, death, and resurrection.

These are the three core teachings of the Christian Gospel.

Islam denies all three of them, and so Muslims are taught to challenge Christians on these issues.

Muslims are taught to attack Christianity where it matters most.

If Christians don't know about Islam, we won't know how Muslims are going to challenge our beliefs, and we won't know how to challenge their beliefs.

Fourth, many Muslims are so confident that Islam is true (because they've been told all their lives that it's indisputably true) that they can't seriously consider any alternatives to Islam.

My best friend in college was a Muslim [Nabeel Qureshi].

That's why I started studying Islam.

We talked about Christianity for a couple of years, but he was so confident that Islam was true, he really wasn't taking Christianity seriously.

It was only after we began looking at some of the problems with Muhammad and the Qur'an

that he realized, "Maybe what I've been told about Islam all my life isn't true.

Maybe I need think through all this more carefully."

He's a Christian now.

He's one of the speakers for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.

So giving Muslims some facts about Muhammad and the Qur'an is crucial, and we can't give them these facts unless we know what the facts are.

Fifth, Islam thrives in an atmosphere of ignorance.

I've met lots of converts to Islam over the years.

But I've never met a single person who converted to Islam after carefully studying Islam.

When I meet a convert to Islam, and I ask, "Why did you convert to Islam?" it's almost always because the person was given some false information.

The reason so many people fall for this false information is that there's a general atmosphere of ignorance about Islam, which allows Muslim preachers to say pretty much whatever they want, because no one's going to correct them.

These preachers are then free to adapt their message to the values of their audience.

In the West, we believe in women's rights, so the Muslim preacher says, "You believe in women's rights?

Muhammad was a champion of women's rights.

He was probably the greatest defender of women who ever lived."

People in the West usually have a high respect for science, so the Muslim preacher says,

"The Qur'an is filled with scientific claims that could only be verified centuries after Muhammad's death.

Science proves that Islam is the truth."

In an area where no one knows much about Islam, many people believe what they hear from these Muslim preachers, and they convert to Islam.

The only way this is going to stop is if we get to a point where we know enough about Islam to refute false claims.

When a Muslim preacher says, "Muhammad was a champion of women's rights," hands need to go up to question him about Qur'an verses that refute him.

So Islam is already a massive religion, and it's growing rapidly; Muslims often don't understand the Gospel because they're misinterpreting our claims based on the Qur'an's distortion of our claims;

Muslims have been taught to criticize core Christian doctrines; many Muslims can't take the Gospel seriously until their own beliefs have been challenged;

and people are converting to Islam based on false information

—all of these are reasons for Christians to learn about Islam.

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