Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

What you got down there, little man?

Oh, that's my heat seeker.

I bet it is.

So, where are we going?

It's a surprise, baby.

Yeah, I like surprises.


Oh, my God!

What the fuck are we doing here?

Look at all that.

What the fuck is that?


What did you just say?


Hey, what's up?

All right.


What's happening?

Hey, man...


Fuck. I need a drink.

No! No!

What's wrong, baby?

No! No!


For more infomation >> Blood Rave Scene | Blade (1998) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:55.


Réduire les ballonnements et aplatir votre ventre RAPIDEMENT avec la vitamine commune 1 - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Réduire les ballonnements et aplatir votre ventre RAPIDEMENT avec la vitamine commune 1 - Duration: 5:38.



Hello, my name is Henrik Jönsson

and today I am standing in the beautiful surroundings of the Swedish West Coast archipelago

and I want to talk about criminalization of opinions

...why these are dangerous, no matter how well intended they might be

and why the left wing suddenly is hitting the brakes and defending the liberal position!

To incite people to ban things is very simple

all you need is for a provocateur to challenge broadly accepted morality

a couple of broadly loved celebrities, backed up by some kind of loosely academic "expert"

and they create an online movement.

Most of the time, the core values of these kinds of campaigns are sound:

like "Molesting children is wrong" or "Violence is bad"

but their collective expression tend to be over-simplified and democratically dangerous

"We have to promote general social concern, and less materialism in young people"

As a politician - particularly in an election year

it is tempting to try to capitalize on popular outrage

to gain approval as a doer, and siding with the people against "evil"

"Why can't we all just get along?"

However, those in high office need to be equipped with both a cool head and an educated mind to keep defending

the long-term quality of the law, when the short-tempered storms of outrage are tearing at the sails of democracy

"A country is built on the Law" was the axiom of Charlemange the 15th of Sweden.

The expression is far older, dating back to the old communal municipalities of ancient Sweden

It implies a great responsibility for those who make, interpret and enforce the law.

The idea that everyone is equal before the law is the foundation of the modern societal contract.

Law is the basis of our civilization, and not something you mess around with.

and you don't dither with it for short-term popularity

The Law is difficult to change, and with good reason:

It needs protection from the subjective moods of the moment

which otherwise might corrupt it under an irresponsible government

"The government wants a climate target of 50-40-30"

" we are asking for a climate target of 40-27-30."

"Get yourself together!"

You cannot, for instance, make a law that applies to just 9000 specific people.

and history will not be kind to those who

pretended to believe this in the hope of stealing a few extra votes for the general election of 2018.

In light of how, for instance, the Nordic Resistance League at numerous occasions disrupted

democratic dialogue in Almedalen, the media has been calling for a "ban on racism".

and a week ago, the weakened and increasingly desperate Social Democratic party

caved in and called for a general criminalization of "racism"

In practice, this is a politically motivated subjective mandate to ban unwanted organizations

A restriction of organizational freedom is an oppressive move, and it is easy to imagine

future law enforcement officers scanning facebook posts and hard drives for crimes of opinion.

"Can I talk to Mr McKinskey, I think I know what's going on!"

"We're turning you over to the federal authorities of Denver which will place you under arrest!"

The Law must by democratic necessity be kept more general than targeting "views". Deeds should count for more than words and opinions.

The minority whip of the Moderates presented a legislatively less unrealistic proposal.

The proposal criminalizes membership in "Organizations accepting violence".

This proposal targets both the far right, the extreme left and islamism.

"Feministic Initiative" - Swedens most well-reported political party which has never been close to parliament

comments: "The government should not compromise with the Moderates."

"Their proposal is generally criminalizing violent organizations"

"and risks affecting much broader organizations than racists and Nazis."

"Risks affecting much broader" indeed. Risks affecting the violent friends of the left wing.

The left party also has an instinct of survival, and is opposing the proposal.

The whole left wing is entangled in a myriad activist groups of which many risk being hit by the new laws.

It is easy to picture police first picking off the NMR, then going for the AFA, the Syndicalists and appropriating the servers of the hard left identity policy advocates of the "Research Group"

Now allow me, as a very contemporary necessity of self defense, establish that I am neither a racist, a Nazi or a fascist.

I am a Libertarian, and represent ideas of freedom built on mutual respect for completely individual lifestyle choices under responsibility and rule of law.

With this moral formality out of the way, we can now proceed to discuss what is wrong with criminalizing opinions.

It is very difficult to ban opinions and -isms.

For one thing, there is a problem of defining them.

How do you codify into law what constitutes Nazism or racism?

It is very easy to change identity markers with the purpose of circumventing the law.

You can stop calling yourself a "Nazi". Symbols can be changed. Forms of organizations can be modified. Words and phrases substituted.

"Doubleplusgood, eh?"

This mode of operation has been used by drug designers for decades in order to circumvent the definition of criminal drugs.

You change a few molecular bindings, and Hey Presto!

you've got yourself a brand new, unknown and legal drug!

As a result, the law is forced to run faster and faster to play catch up. And has to devote more and more text to define what is criminal.

The law thus becomes evermore specific and messy.

It is more difficult to build a country on a law that has opened the doors to subjectivity.

But this is what the left wing demands

in order to protect it's own violent organizations

and still criminalize the violent organizations of their opponents.

Attorney General Morgan Johanssons comment on this controversy is typical for our time:

"Sure, there's a risk that we'll end up discussing that you're no longer allowed to think what you want"

"...but we can't have people allowed to hate and hunt one another down!"

This is the core issue. It is already illegal to hate and hunt people down!

Violence is illegal!

It is illegal to infringe on the freedom of speech, and to disrupt public meetings.

But Sweden is in a situation where law enforcement does not have the resources to enforce the existing laws.

To invent new, increasingly specific laws on top of the existing - and sound ones - is a superficial attempt to pretend making a difference.

A bonfire of the vanities in which the privilege to define what is criminal is handed over to the increasingly wreckless identitarian fringe.

"That's unbelievably offensive!"

"Micro aggression! Cultural appropriation!"

"Offensive! Offensive! Offensive!"

It is important to remember that the power to define criminal opinions which Mr Morgan Johansson is attempting to acquire

will also be given to all coming forms of government. And it is likely that a not distant government

might be something Mr Johansson is quite incapable of imagining.

"I can't, I am a little man, a little man"

"He is... he is a great man."

The identitarian complex never cared about or understood the point of freedom of opinion and speech.

Instead, they have progressively let fringe movements push forward an agenda of what should be allowed to be said, and in what form it should be expressed.

It would be desirable to carry a broad discussion on how existing laws effectively can be enforced.

so that we can secure the liberties of an open society without regulations of speech, thought and opinion.

Do you think laws should be kept general, and actively be enforced?

...rather than to be made up for show, while eroding the legitimacy of the law?

Please share this video, and subscribe to my YouTube-channel.

Do you have an opinion on the rule of law, democracy and freedom?

Write me a comment - I appreciate all respectful commentary!

If you like my videos, feel free to support me via Patreon. There is a link for this purpose down in the video description.

My name is Henrik Jönsson. And I enjoy my freedom of opinion. For now.

Thank you very much for watching this video.

For more infomation >> CRIMINALIZATION OF OPINIONS - Duration: 10:22.


How To Watch Youtube Videos is The Background : Audio Pocket !! - Duration: 4:39.

How To Watch Youtube Videos is The Background : Audio Pocket !!

For more infomation >> How To Watch Youtube Videos is The Background : Audio Pocket !! - Duration: 4:39.


🎌Смешные Моменты Из Аниме 🎌 #new - Duration: 4:44.

For more infomation >> 🎌Смешные Моменты Из Аниме 🎌 #new - Duration: 4:44.


বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক রিজার্ভ চুরির পর এবার সোনা চুরি কোটা সংস্কার আন্দলনের বন্দুক আদালতের ঘাড়ে - Duration: 16:11.

For more infomation >> বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক রিজার্ভ চুরির পর এবার সোনা চুরি কোটা সংস্কার আন্দলনের বন্দুক আদালতের ঘাড়ে - Duration: 16:11.


దేవుని ఉంగరాలు చేతికి పెట్టుకోవచ్చా | Goddess Lakshmi Devi | Goddess Lakshmi | Lakshmi Kataksham - Duration: 3:10.


For more infomation >> దేవుని ఉంగరాలు చేతికి పెట్టుకోవచ్చా | Goddess Lakshmi Devi | Goddess Lakshmi | Lakshmi Kataksham - Duration: 3:10.


【Kagamine Len】五番目のピエロ / Fifth Pierrot【Fanmade PV】 - Duration: 6:31.

"If only I wasn't reborn"

Deadly Sins of Evil: Fifth Pierrot

At 2 AM in a dark town,

Who will be the victim tonight?

Punishing bad children,

that's Pierrot's job.

From Ms. Santa he learned

that the world is full of mistakes.

Fifth Clown will

dance in the dark night today too.

The boy who played fool

with a painted white face.


a silver knife...

in a fat pig.

Tonight the chaotic Pie-Pierrot,

in a circus of night without an audience.

Plays on a flute for that moon,

and the black goes to red.

Today too, madly dancing Pie-Pierrot's

devilish cage has already been opened.

The beast of prey that jumped through hoops of fire

will make a wandering walk through town.

Père Noël

First Santa Claus Middle-aged woman Sexy hottie

Second Dealer Doesn't get his turn [Retired]

Second Dealer Kaidor Blankenheim Bruno Marlon [Replacement]

Third Sleep Princess The first green [Retired]

Fourth Shadow [Retired]

"Fourth Shadow" "Ney" ["Replacement"]

Fifth Pierrot Yellow (Male) [Replacement]

Fifth Pierrot [Retired]

Sixth Venom Does chores

Seventh Magician Yuzette Ora Isabel Ismael [Retired]

With kind and dark eyes

Seventh Magician

Sweetly tempted him

to escape from here.

He explained to Ms. Santa

that there's a traitor.

The next day the Magician's

whereabouts became unknown.

Gently stroking

Pierrot's head,

Ms. Santa's hands,

they were like…

Today is work too, Pie-Pierrot,

waited for prey in a shadowy back alley

Suddenly there's a plosive sound,

and the black goes to red.

His chest really hurts, Pie-Pierrot

Doesn't want to die! He doesn't want to die!

Silently standing before his eyes is

Eighth Sniper

Tonight the chaotic Pie-Pierrot

very tiredly closed his eyes.

Smiling inside the dream are

his real mother and father.

He won't be dancing anymore, Pie-Pierrot.

"That's why I told you to escape."

Yes, sneering so, quietly, was

Seventh Magician…


~To my beloved sister-in-law~ I'll be waiting at Merrigod Plateau From Irina Clockworker As Julia Abelard

English translation by Pricechecktranslations

Duel of Merrigod Plateau

Irina Clockworker

Levia Barisol / "Elluka Clockworker"

Eve Moonlit

Behemo Barisol


Wake up "Master of the Court"

Looks like you're doing something funny. Eh? "Red Cat Mage"

Banica Conchita / Demon of Gluttony / Master of the Graveyard

"Come, eat without leaving anything."

"The extinction of the gods"

"The destruction of the world"

"That is my purpose as [her]"

"Then ... what happens with my own will?"

"What happened to her?"


"I wanted..."

"I wanted to have friends"

"I wanted to have children"


For more infomation >> 【Kagamine Len】五番目のピエロ / Fifth Pierrot【Fanmade PV】 - Duration: 6:31.


Un padre demasiado cariñoso | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:49.

For more infomation >> Un padre demasiado cariñoso | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:49.


Who was the fine lady of Banbury Cross? | Through the Hedge #5 - Duration: 8:21.

but didn't you have these when you were growing up in Australia

Is that your cock horse?

We didn't write a nursery rhyme about it.

you missed out welcome to through the hedge

even though there's no hedges

there's no hedges because we're in Banbury the town of no hedges also known

as and well known for a few things if you're a boater

there's this awesome shopping center if you are a broken-down boat are there is

Tooley's boat yard and if you are our in to nursery rhymes

there's Banbury cross so we're gonna take you on a little journey with us

today and see what we can see


and it is land or water

how many tons is it? One ton.

Alright and now the water one.

Oh I'm surposed to move this.

Oh NO.

I've capsized it. And that is how it about sink in a lock

Bambury used to be very big in the fabric and weaving trade and there's

lots of big looms and they used to do a lot of cloth making but I think all of

that was closed down now. It's interesting there's so much art still around Banbury

though isn't there I've seen lots of pop-up shops that have lots of art but

textile definitely.Textile was the thing in the 1700s.

In Victorian times Banbury was an English market town it had good connections with road water and

railway and sold loads of stuff I don't know that that's the case

still now

wanna play the game how much would it cost to live in Banbury cross well know

Bambury. Oh Banbury cross isn't a place it's just a part of Banbury. how much do you

think where you can have a substantial grade 2 listed building for 700,000. Pounds.

I saw an apartment for a hundred and fifty thousand pounds for there's a

two-bedroom family home in a in a terrace for two hundred and thirty

thousand or 1,200 per month you can rent a unfurnished - double bedroom house and

it's nice Want to rent that?

there's a Weatherspoons, I know two people that would be happy about

that what day is it today at Wetherspoons?

curry day

okay that's not the Tesco that we came here for though we turned back to come

back to banbury specifically for a specific printing company who just kind

of gave us the runaround in there we won't say who they are that's just mean

but then we called these guys and they emailed and said they didn't really

understand what I wanted and what did I want to come back did I want to come in

and speak to them which I did yeah so we're moored up down on the canal and

this is kind of on the edges of Banbury kind of on the edges of the town center

yeah and this is about a 10-minute walk away from there we've walked up through

the town centre and we're at the location famous location Banbury cross

there's not famous first in Australia it's not famous so I don't know if in

America its famous but Banbury Cross is this British thing and so we are doing

our through the hedge here to show you Banbury Cross and also to show you a

sneak peek of the printing

yeah and it's exciting we're done yeah okay

and we are at Kall Kwik this is where we've decided to get our printing done

because Duncan and is it Rebecca then can a Rebecca have been super

helpful and they are local to banbury so you might know them if you live in

Banbury this is Duncan he's thrilled to be on camera and so how long have you

been here Duncan yeah the business being here 30 years

he's like a team we want to be here five oh yes yeah and do you get a lot of

local business because you were super super helpful online and on the phone

and we're quite nervous about our book so um you've been really helpful through

the process to get a lot of locally a most of our business is local but we are

spreading the net into our surrounding cities as well and you get lots of

narrowboat booklets that our awesome that star grey cats? This is the best

we've had this is the best one not even the first one the best way so that's the

outside of the shop that was awesome yes yes it was they were really good I was

really happy with the quality yes really great quality and interestingly not the

first printing company we spoke to but the best printing company we spoke to.

The thing with Banbury Cross is it's on a main Road exit so it's really noisy yeah so we're we're will show you that anyway

thanks for joining us today as we took you around Banbury we hope that you

found it enjoyable and informative as usual if you have enjoyed this video

please do give us a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already to be

notified when we release future videos thanks thanks for watching bye

For more infomation >> Who was the fine lady of Banbury Cross? | Through the Hedge #5 - Duration: 8:21.


BRUDER RC tractor in trouble! Backhoe tractor excavator action for kids! - Duration: 11:22.

Bruder tractor | Tractor excavator | Backhoe | Power wheels

For more infomation >> BRUDER RC tractor in trouble! Backhoe tractor excavator action for kids! - Duration: 11:22.


Numbers Song | Baby Bao Panda Learning Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:02:22.

1 Little 2 Little 3 Little numbers

4 Little 5 Little 6 Little numbers

7 Little 8 Little 9 Little numbers

10 Little numbers

1 Little 2 Little 3 Little numbers

4 Little 5 Little 6 Little numbers

7 Little 8 Little 9 Little numbers

10 Little numbers



3 Little numbers



6 Little numbers



9 Little numbers



10 Little numbers

1 Little 2 Little 3 Little numbers

4 Little 5 Little 6 Little numbers

7 Little 8 Little 9 Little numbers

10 Little numbers

1 Little 2 Little 3 Little numbers

4 Little 5 Little 6 Little numbers

7 Little 8 Little 9 Little numbers

10 Little numbers

10 Little numbers

10 Little numbers

For more infomation >> Numbers Song | Baby Bao Panda Learning Videos by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:02:22.


"Bomba" González retiene título Mosca OMB | Boxeo Telemundo | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> "Bomba" González retiene título Mosca OMB | Boxeo Telemundo | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 6:00.


Wheels On The Bus | Nursery Rhymes For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:01:33.


The bus is about to leave for a ride around the town!

Let's get on quick!"

The wheels on the bus go round and round...

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long

The wheels on the bus stop at the farm..

At the farm, at the farm

The wheels on the bus stop at the farm, Everyday

The animals on the farm, board the bus..

Board the bus Board the bus ,

The animals on the farm, board the bus, one by one

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long

The cow on the bus goes moo moo moo..

Moo moo moo Moo moo moo

The cow on the bus goes moo moo moo, and hops off

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long

The pig on the bus goes oink oink oink,

Oink oink oink, Oink oink oink

The pig on the bus goes oink oink oink, and hops off

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long

The horse on the bus goes neigh neigh neigh..

Neigh neigh neigh, Neigh neigh neigh

The horse on the bus goes neigh neigh neigh and hops off

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long

The duck on the bus goes quack quack quack..

Quack quack quack, Quack quack quack

The duck on the bus goes quack quack quack and hops off

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long

The dog on the bus goes woof woof woof ..

Woof woof woof, woof woof woof

The dog on the bus goes woof woof woof and hops off

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long

The cat on the bus goes mew mew mew,

Mew mew mew, Mew mew mew

The cat on the bus goes mew mew mew and hops off

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long

The sheep on the bus goes baa baa baa,

baa baa baa, baa baa baa,

The sheep on the bus goes baa baa baa and hops off

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round all day long

The hen on the bus goes chick chick chick..

Chick chick chick, Chick chick chick,

The hen on the bus goes chick chick chick and hops off

The wheels on the bus stops at the depot..

At the depot, At the depot

The wheels on the bus stops at the depot To take some rest

For more infomation >> Wheels On The Bus | Nursery Rhymes For Children by Farmees - Duration: 1:01:33.


Kuusamo - Kuinka kauan kestää nähdä poroja || How long does it take to see reindeers ?!? - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Kuusamo - Kuinka kauan kestää nähdä poroja || How long does it take to see reindeers ?!? - Duration: 1:57.


Games4King G4K - Naughty Child Rescue Game Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 8:32.

Games4King G4K - Naughty Child Rescue Game

For more infomation >> Games4King G4K - Naughty Child Rescue Game Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 8:32.


We Are The Monster Trucks | Super Car Royce Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 18:46.


We love to crush anything

Beneath our wheels

We don't care who or what We make no deals

We love the sound of metal

Crunch and crunch

We eat small cars For lunch

We love to crush anything

Beneath our wheels

We don't care who or what We make no deals

We love the sound of metal

Crunch and crunch

We eat small cars For lunch



We race around the course

Round and round

Breaking everything

On the ground

From school buses to vans

Everything that's on the lanes

Motor homes and even Aero planes

We race around the course

Round and round

Breaking everything

On the ground

From school buses to vans

Everything that's on the lanes

Motor homes and even Aero planes

We are the monster trucks

We are the monster trucks

Watch us race one other

On the obstacle course

A really big game of Force

We zoom looking angry

As we try to outrun

But really we are having Good fun

Watch us race one other

On the obstacle course

A really big game of Force

We zoom looking angry

As we try to outrun

But really we are having Good fun

We are the monster trucks

We are the monster trucks

For more infomation >> We Are The Monster Trucks | Super Car Royce Cartoons by Kids Channel - Duration: 18:46.


Bruno Gagliasso passa trote para famosos e diverte web - Duration: 4:37.

Giovanna Ewbank usou de seu canal no Youtube para divulgar um vídeo para lá de especial

O convidado da vez foi seu marido Bruno Gagliasso. O tema principal que eles abordaram foi o Dia do Amigo, data que é celebrada no dia 20 de julho

A celebração do dia está trazendo à tona grandes homenagens nas redes sociais dos famosos

Em um tom descontraído e repleto de humor, desde os primórdios, o casal mostrou que possuem uma ótima desenvoltura atuando juntos na frente das câmeras

O desafio proposto pela apresentadora foi que o rapaz passasse alguns trotes para amigos dos dois com temas um tanto quanto inusitados, A primeira vítima foi Preta Gil

A cantora recebeu a ligação de Bruno. que em tom de desabafo falava que cansou da vida de ator e estava pronto para começar um novo ciclo na sua carreira profissional

A musa ficou desnorteada no momento em que o rapaz falava com muita propriedade da ideia de deixar as câmeras e aderir aos microfones e palcos de todo o mundo

"Quero cantar. Cansei de ser ator. Me acho péssimo. Fico vendo essa novela em que apareço de cuequinha", disse ele

Assustada, ela começou a tentar ajudar o amigo acalmando ele e dando possíveis saídas para que ele realmente começasse a lidar com a possibilidade de ser um grande astro da música brasileira

"Você quer cantar para você ou quer ser cantor? Você já canta no chuveiro? Vou te indicar um super professor para te ajudar

O que você tomou?", respondeu ela. Quando ela foi avisada que se tratava de um trote, os três caíram na gargalhada e Preta ainda revelou que por já ter passado por tantas situações inusitadas com Gagliasso, ela ficou com medo de sacanear o amigo e o desabafo ter realmente um teor real

"Já passei tanta coisa com o Bruno. Fiquei com medo de sacanear e ser sério", finalizou a cantora

A segunda vítima foi Fernanda Paes Leme, diferente da primeira brincadeira que deu super certo, a seguinte acabou não dando muito certo

Logo de cara a atriz desconfiou que estava sendo vítima de uma piada protagonizada pelo papai e a mamãe da pequena Titi

Destra vez, Bruno tentou falar mal do namorado de uma amiga, onde ele supôs que o rapaz tivesse uma coleção de bonecas

De cara, a morena disse: "Estava achando estranho você me ligar assim." Além disso, os dois protagonizaram momentos bem legais juntos no decorrer do vídeo


For more infomation >> Bruno Gagliasso passa trote para famosos e diverte web - Duration: 4:37.


Sector privado creó fideicomiso para damnificados del sismo - Duration: 1:09.

 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO. El sector privado también creó un fideicomiso para apoyar a damnificados por el sismo, pero a diferencia de Morena, sí transparentó el origen y destino de los recursos

 En la página del fideicomiso Fuerza México, se puede consultar que hasta el día de hoy, van: 389 millones de pesos recaudados, 122 millones de pesos ya invertidos y que tiene un saldo de 266 millones de pesos

 El Fideicomiso Fuerza México es una iniciativa encabezada por el Consejo Coordinador Empresarial    Aquí el reportaje completo:    AMLO regreso de vacaciones y habló sobre la multa que el @INEMexico le impuso a #Morena por el fideicomiso para damnificados del #19S pic  — Ciro Gómez Leyva (@CiroGomezL) 21 de julio de 2018     AMU

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