Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 21 2018

Despite her incredible success in the music industry and her ability to look flawless

every time she hits a red carpet, pop superstar Christina Aguilera has always been open about

her less-than-idyllic upbringing.

If you listen closely, the hellish events that shaped her life can be found within the

lyrics of some of her most emotional songs.

From allegations of domestic abuse to a crippling divorce that did a number on her emotional

well-being, this is the tragic real-life story of Christina Aguilera.


Since the start of her career, Aguilera has spoken out about the abuse she witnessed within

her family and around her neighborhood in Staten Island, New York.

The songstress told Paper magazine,

"I watched my mom have to be submissive [to my father], watch her Ps and Qs or she's gonna

get beat up."

At times, Aguilera has referenced the painful memories in her music.

Speaking about her emotional 2002 ballad "I'm Ok," she told MTV,

"I definitely wrote that song not to badmouth [my father] at all, but one, for a healing

process for myself, and two, to give people hope or a voice to relate to.

To know that you can get through it and that it will be OK."

"I don't know if I would really be sitting up here in front of you if it wasn't for all

that I endured growing up with that kind of a past."

These days, she's turned a negative situation into a positive one by lending her time to

various causes that help victims of domestic violence.

After partnering with Verizon Wireless and the company's HopeLine initiative in 2006,

the singer told Forbes magazine,

"I know I am not the only person who has experienced such pain and betrayal caused by abuse and


That is why I feel it's so important now to use my voice to support efforts to spread

awareness and encourage engagement against domestic violence."

The 'darkest' times

In 2010, VH1's Behind the Music featured Aguilera, and in her candid interview, she made a startling


"I do battle with depression.

It's something that is always right below the surface."

She went on to say she is thankful for the, quote, "darkest times in [her] life," but

those in her inner circle may not agree with her coping mechanisms.

The singer's way of dealing with stress has reportedly teetered toward the edge of destruction.

"I was doing a lot of things that necessarily weren't good for myself."

An ex's secret

Years ago, Aguilera felt intense betrayal by the hands of an ex-boyfriend, who was later

revealed as her former backup dancer, Jorge Santos.

During an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race: Untucked Aguilera was asked about the inspiration behind

her 2002 song, "Infatuation."

The lyrics suggest she was blissfully in love with her Latin lover, but that all changed

when she found out his alleged hidden secret.

"It was heartbreaking because I found out he played for your team, not mine."

Divorce took a toll

By the time she filed for divorce from her ex-husband Jordan Bratman in October 2010,

Aguilera knew her marriage had run its course.

But that didn't mean she left her relationship unscathed.

TMZ reported that it was Aguilera's infidelities that ruined their marriage.

With her then-marriage in ruins and rumors spreading about her personal life, she told


"It's not easy, and there have been a lot of tears and sadness."

She also stated that, although she had her mom and a close group of friends constantly

by her side during that tough period, the emotional turmoil got the best of her.

Still, Aguilera didn't second-guess her decision to end the marriage, telling People magazine

that the, quote, "constant arguments [caused their home to be] filled with a lot of tension."

She explained,

"I knew what I was doing was the right thing for my child because I strongly believe it's

better to have two homes filled with love than one filled with tension.

That's one thing I learned as a child."

She went on to reveal that when she was younger, she finally started to feel, quote, "more

loved and secure" once her parents finally separated.

Intense criticism

Aguilera has been harshly criticized her entire career, from flubbing the words to the "National

Anthem" at the 2011 Super Bowl to her spray tan malfunction at legendary singer Etta James'

2017 funeral.

But the most harsh judgement has been directed towards her weight, which has fluctuated since

the start of her career.

Aguilera was a pre-teen when she first entered the entertainment business, and as she matured,

her body changed.

But that hasn't stopped people from bashing her figure.

Aguilera told Marie Claire,

"Being too thin.

Being bigger.

I've been criticized for being on both sides of the scale.

It's noise I block out automatically.

My son is healthy and happy, so that's all that matters to me."

Amen, sister.

For more infomation >> The Tragic Real Life Story Of Christina Aguilera - Duration: 4:16.


Insurance for Your ATM Machine Business - Duration: 13:03.

let's talk about the big I word in the ATM business oh no I'm not talking about

Spencer it's my boy Spencer I'm talking about insurance sorry he apparently

wants to make an appearance today on my videos and I'm just gonna let him roll

because I love the guy so I'm gonna talk about ATM insurance hey everybody my

name is Carey Buck and I am your ATM business mentor I've been an independent

ATM over since 2009 and I've been teaching people just like you how to

start their own profitable ATM businesses since 2011 Spencer nobody

wants to look at your butt bub look at your buddy

um so someone had posted on one of my other videos and said hey can you make a

video about insurance in the iam business and I thought to myself you

know what what a great frickin idea let me make a

video about insurance with that said I know I have a webinar promise to you

guys and you guys asked a bunch of questions on that one video the number

one question you have then I'm gonna make a video a webinar about I promise

I'm gonna make the webinar but here's the deal it's not gonna happen it'll

probably like the fall right why well because I love my wife I love my life I

love the summertime like we like a new shit like I do shit with my family what

my well my wife like I do stuff like I'm busy you know that's the beauty of the

ATM business plus I do I actually do a lot of events in the summertime too for

the ATM business right so I promise I will get a webinar to you guys probably

in the fall in the meantime don't learn make quick videos like this to answer

some of those questions just to kind of help you out so you don't have to kind

of wait until then alright so let's talk about the ATM business my boy he's just

so good he's such a good boy so let's talk about insurance when it comes to

the ATM business the first thing you need to know is insurance is a hundred

percent optional like you don't need insurance for the ATM business okay it

is 100 percent optional I will tell you this though whenever come on you can't

help but smile when you look at this face come on look at this boy when I do

give people quotes as far as how much money they need to get involved in the

ATM business my numbers always do include insurance my number is included

insurance right so let's just say you wanted to you were looking for an ATM

business mentor like Carrie I'd love to work with you how much it's gonna cost

you need a minimum of six thousand dollars okay and that's just learning

permanent placement okay if you want to learn permanent placement you want to

learn mobile like you would have a full-service ATM business and you want

one-on-one attention and more you're gonna need a minimum of twelve thousand

to fifteen thousand dollars to work with me know my trainings don't cost six

thousand or fifteen thousand dollars but those numbers include everything gonna

need for that particular aspect of the business including insurance right okay

does that make sense with that in mind so there's two reasons I feel like you

should have insurance number one it'll help your spouse sleep way better at

night promise it'll help your spouse sleep way better at night okay number

two it's so inexpensive it doesn't make sense not to have it okay seriously it

doesn't make sense so when I got started back in 2009 in this business I'm gonna

use air quotes here you know I don't know if you guys heard this story before

not but when I started back in a day the person who taught me um a little bit

shady a little bit shady dude right I learned that the hard way

it cost me money to learn that you know but you guys benefit from all that now

fortunately but he said don't even worry about insurance don't even think about

it it's way too expensive it's not even worth it so I went years in my ATM

business without insurance thinking it was too expensive right then I learned

about insurance ATM insurance and there's two different types you can have

you can have DL general liability which is just general liability insurance that

folks have like let's say somebody gets injured at your ATM I know sounds

unreasonable but let's just say they get injured at your ATM and that's

what general liability can help with the one that is more important in my mind is

the insurance that's going to cover your ATM machine against damage theft things

like that and the one that's going to cover the cash inside your ATM machine

right yeah exactly so back again back rewind to I didn't have insurance on my

machines then I finally started to learn that hey you know what there is

insurance that you can have on your ATM machines and I got already just

different quotes like from from my normal insurance company that has my car

insurance all that kind of stuff and the quotes were crazy like to cover the cash

machines and all that they were crazy finally I found a company that would

that would do it we're really reasonable they've since stopped ensuring ATM

machines but it was at this time I found them right I was like oh well I'm just

gonna get all my machines put on put under them you know so my machines and

the ATMs themselves and the cash was in short I wasn't worried about their

reliability at this point right I'm like how somebody gonna get hurt with an ATM

I mean seriously I wasn't worried about that you know and but I kept putting it

off I kept putting it off and then one day it happened you know I'm gonna say

right one of our ATMs got broken into it got the shit beat out of it it got tore

the hell up and the money was stolen from it personally between you and I I

kind of think it was an inside job with the location if it was there stupid

because I don't even want to get into why but um cuz I'm giving too much away

but um I think it was an inside job to be honest with you there's a little

strange things that happen little little coincidences that happen that little

coincidence that happened that you know really pissed me off and I needless to

say we didn't put our ATM back in there now they only got 400 dollars right but

they did like $1500 diamonds to the ATM machine

right yeah so after that like I'm furious first of all somebody stole from

me right when you steal from other people it pisses them off right go out

and do shit the right way you know and somebody y'all know who I'm talking

about you know who I'm talking to right don't steal from other people it ain't

right and it'll end up coming back to bite you in the ass at some point right

so don't steal from people go out and make shit happen on your own right

there's so many ways out here to make money

I don't want to get on a little tangent but don't steal from people it ain't it

ain't right right but anyways I was so pissed about it

because someone took my shit right that it just oh it really burned me up right

just like it will you right from that point forward every single one of my ATM

machines has been insured the ATM and the cash inside it and it's so

inexpensive guys I mean it's so inexpensive I'm talking about 500 bucks

a year okay so I say it's a no-brainer

get your machines in short okay you'll sleep better at your spouse to sleep

better you'll feel better now let's talk about general liability okay

general liability the cost will vary it's still honestly it's inexpensive it

really is but I never ever got it until I got into mobile when I started doing

mobile events that's when I got into gym that's when I got like general liability

and only because one of the towns that we were hired one of the cities that we

were hired to do all their events they required right so some of these bigger

events will require it and that's the only reason I got it but it's it's true

it's she - it's like five hundred you know five hundred fifty bucks a year

right so that's my two cents about insurance and protecting yourself your

assets your business and I think it's a no-brainer I think you should have

insurance when you get into the ATM business obviously if you become a

student of mine you'll have access to my preferred vendors and who I use and get

the same pricing that I get right if you'd like to

get some more videos and learn more about the ATM business don't forget to

click that little ATM there and subscribe to my channel please like my

video give me a thumbs up when you give me a thumbs down it makes me so sad and

I know some of you do it just to be dicks I'm just kidding I mean I'm not

kidding you probably do do it just to be dicks but it's it's all good I'm fine

with it because there's so many more amazing people like you right here

watching this that make me smile and give me thumbs up Spencer's Spencer

you're messin up so yeah give me give me thumbs up don't forget to subscribe

click on the ATM share this video if you know someone who needs to hear it and

don't forget if you'd like to learn more about the ATM is you can grab my free

ATM business roadmap just go to ATM business blueprint comm you can grab my

free roadmap there and if you're looking for an ATM business mentor and you log

in or subscribe to get that roadmap on a Thank You page it'll tell you a little

bit a little bit about how you could be one of the five people that I take under

my wing every month ya take you under my wing show you

everything there is about the business you have you have my undivided attention

block okay it's not undivided attention but I help you in every way I can

so listen watch that Thank You page you know cuz if you're interested remember

if you want that undivided like one-on-one I mean me helping you like

straight up to be successful in this business you're gonna need between 12 to

15 thousand dollars if you need a little bit more hands-off and you don't want to

get into mobile or that kind of stuff you're gonna need at least six grand

both scenarios either six grand or twelve to fifteen thousand on that Thank

You page after you opt-in for the ATM business roadmap read it if it makes

sense to you and you're like okay and you and it fits everything and talking

about it fits you and your situation there's a button at the bottom of the

page click it fill out your application and then set up a time to talk to

someone from my team yes both of my trainings no matter whether you want to

do the low one or the high end or by application only why because I don't

want to work with jerks I don't want to work with people that aren't motivated I

don't want to work with people that aren't gonna do shit and get things done

I didn't waste my time and and stay up late every night and get up early every

morning and you know lose sleep and you know do a lot of stuff we miss out on a

family time to create this training for you not to do anything with it right so

you've got to be an action taker you got to have six grand the 15 grand I'm not

even gonna lie to it you gotta have that if you don't I'm not the one for you

right I can't help you seriously and the reality is a lot of people can't help

you cuz you need money to be in this business

okay so ATM business blueprint calm there should be a link or something

somewhere to somewhere around here YouTube magic you know ATM business

blueprint calm eat that free roadmap and then they fill out an application and

set up a skull a call with one of my team members for me to become your ATM

business mentor which I'd be super excited about also I would like to

invite you to my free Facebook group it's called cash flow hackers you can go

there cash flow hackers calm it's a free group and um we talked about passive

income with ATM machines pretty much right now that's legit what I'm talking

about right now I don't I don't I don't want to talk about all kinds of passive

income a figure that it'd be better for you guys if we convinced it and just

kind of talked about the ATM stuff all right so cash flow hackers calm I love

to have you over there and again one more time one more reminder don't forget

to click the little ATM and subscribe to my channel you guys have any questions

post them below I'll talk to you guys soon and may you live happily off of

passive income


For more infomation >> Insurance for Your ATM Machine Business - Duration: 13:03.


Mr. Rogers New Channel Name - Duration: 2:21.

Hi neighbors um basically I am making this video for you guys that I changed

my YouTube name from official Katerina Kittycat to official Fred Rogers why

because I'm a huge fan of Mister Rogers Neighborhood so that's my new name I'll

have a new picture if you see this channel please subscribe for more videos

like he's a male because I'm a male I'm a huge fan of him I'll tell you why I

updated my channel description once I zoom in there yeah I changed it from

official Katerina Kittycat to official Fred Rogers I started making

Katerina Kittycat videos on September 2nd 2017 and I ended my official

Katerina Kittycat career on July 16th 2018 because this user betrayed me I'll

show you the user okay this user betrayed me because he thinks

I'm a girl but no I am NOT a girl and I'm sorry to tell you guys that all my

comments and my other videos will be turned off and disable so um

so this right here this will be Katerina Kittycat's new YouTube channel and over

here that's my channel so I'll put all of those link in the description so

that's my new channel name guys and subscribe for more videos and I'll see

you around the neighborhood take care over and out

For more infomation >> Mr. Rogers New Channel Name - Duration: 2:21.


What is the YouTube channel Prague Zoo about? - Duration: 1:56.

Welcome to the Prague Zoo,

home to hundreds of animals from around the world.

We will be happy if you visit us and personally check

how well we care about the animals...

"Well, sure, helooo.

Are we still roaring? You know that yeah!

You are our good bird. Aren't you a precious?"

... even before they are born ....

"Do not worry, kitty, it'll be fast.

I'm just going to have a little time with you here."

"Here's the liver, and the ribs are visible here."

"It's good to keep in touch with a hatchling baby,

because that's what parents do,

so we try the chirping or scratching the egg.

That is how the baby knows that someone is expecting them."

... we are experiencing their first little steps ...

We feed them well ...

"So, Boleslava, would you like some?"

"They get sea fish

- herrings, mackerels, sprats, capelins."

"When I give her something she does not want,

she'll go over me and throw it on my head."

"Since it is still such a tiny little goof,

we still have to help him with eating."

... and when it is possible, we take them on trips.

"Hi there, let's go for a trip."

They appreciate our treating with their selfless help.

"Often, as two live mowers,

they move side by side across the lawn all day long,

and they enjoy the presence of each other."

... and if you do not want to wait in the queue for tickets,

you can buy them online at home

or using a smartphone.

Click on our channel subscription

and you will not miss any video from Prague Zoo.

For more infomation >> What is the YouTube channel Prague Zoo about? - Duration: 1:56.


A new Season With a Fresh Start! | Cynizenry Ep1 S3 - Duration: 11:26.

hello and welcome to another

citizenry server episode of season 2 or 3 year whatever it is we are finally on

minecraft 1.13 and I yeah I have now making a video so just catch you up long

what happened is the house I didn't let help build the house I

don't know who although there but there's full house hit somebody already

got another portal up I built the this pond here trees a

little fire pit here and there's some fish cuz 1.13 is amazing

my name is my name's yeah hey can't see you cos in the grass there's fish and

hey burgers because why not I just got finished building this tree

this little path here just make it look nicer around here stuffs so yeah a 1.13

music ritzy exciting now I have quite a few items I was mining for like an hour

or so so I'll do a really quick time-lapse of that

okay so this is my stuff here a crafting table Edie and my stuff's and a furnace

and the rest is just other people's things or community as a moment but I

won't be staying here forever where else sitting light up dumb door

just we're off setting my items yeah and exciting 1.13 stuff here's some more

fish stranded fish that's about all that is happening in this world so far what

this is about all that's around here we got some stuff here's my mine which just

goes down to massive cave networks cleaning up grass area there's so many

creeper holes yeah looks like somebody was building over

here don't home moonmaster has also joined on the server and start a

building here and there is some builds up here on the mountain which is also

spawn check out those books real quick and then start on our own journey back

home books right there's a house right over here what you don't like to know

who's is maybe there's a sign it doesn't look like it but pretty cool house and

you call correctly there was another one that kick yeah here's somebody else's

place little cobblestone path into this which currently has nothing in it

so that's about that so on the server yet we shall see what kind of progress

can be made one of the first things I want to do yet myself a base set up but

the question is where to build and under veyts it'd be cool but there's no nice

water anywhere nearby eventually I'll build an underwater base but first I

want to help build spawn up maybe over on this island here that actually sounds

like a brilliant plan let's let's find a good location to build like a house or

something I honestly think right down in here

would be a okay spot here I can go to bridge straight from here for us let me

clear this oh okay so let's clear out a location right here

alright as you can see here it is all dark out but we have cleared out a nice

area to build a big house or so a little hill here

let's grass grows back here I want to put a water or a hole and a waterfall

because I was like you know that might look fancy huh also I should probably

light things up so sprinkle some torches around here we use any torches on as I

was saying I should probably put some torches down oh hello

fancy gold boots you're dead now okay it's all lit up now let us build

this waterfall yet and maybe even construct a house or two or not even

construct a house I don't know yet okay the question is how to do the waterfall

this is actually an okay size pong just like this my question is how does the

waterfall look okay one thing that used to be like that

with a bit more work and like stone at it in there it might not look too shabby

but for now it's a waterfall well you can plant a flower I wish to

build a house I think that'll do let's go one two three four five six seven

this a tiny house I think what I'll do is go a nine the

one way can I go one direction out farther yeah

let's go with that let's go for up on each one let's finish

this pillar here also let's use the new block which actually looks kind of a mr.

block what am i doing

used to fancy new blocks cuz they exist so why not so this is gonna be a really

tiny house now that I think about this cuz there's only gonna be a one gap here

but I guess that can be a doorway yeah doorway here that challenge I would

really like to find some underwater treasure so we'll have to go do that in

a future episode and where do windows go I wonder window here for sure unless I

would turn that into stone couple stone I jumped lucky for me you couldn't see

that okay wow that woke me up alright wait glass

just looks much nicer also these aren't the new textures why isn't there new

textures I want the new textures how do I get how do I get the new textures yeah

there we go now we have ourselves a start of a base okay

nice chest up there we can put our bed

not ready crafting table up here hello stand ok well now we have a house which

is fantastic I missed an area not very much decoration at the moment but

nonetheless so thanks so much for watching this first episode of this

injury Sinan's this episode on the server of season and

whatever it is season 3 I think I had a fun time playing and now it's time for

our bonus me are you invisible me were you standing right here whoever was just

eating yeah that was me I don't see you anywhere mister do you see him being you

yeah you're invisible to other people in front of me and I will kill you do it

now cynic huh pudding some of my important stuff

in your chest you done yet I got like all this other junk that needs to go

into a ninja just oh wait it's junk ten okay that's it you're dead you're dead

it's junk I was gonna put fucking chest down to put them in there now I'm gonna

kill you

have a good day goodbye


For more infomation >> A new Season With a Fresh Start! | Cynizenry Ep1 S3 - Duration: 11:26.


Espectacular birdie de Jordan Spieth para colocarse súper líder - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Espectacular birdie de Jordan Spieth para colocarse súper líder - Duration: 1:04.


real UFO crashes alive aliens recovered - Duration: 30:08.


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