Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 22 2018

- [Iris] What is it?

- [Barry] The satellite.

It wasn't just me who took it down.

- [Iris] Well who was it?

- [Barry] Another speedster.

(door knocks)

- [Nora West Allen] Hi!

We need to talk.

- [Barry] Uh, who are you?

- [Nora] I'm your daughter Nora.

From the future.

- [Cisco] Anybody need a refill?

Just me?

- [Nora] People call me XS.

It's a nickname you gave me when I was a kid.

And I'm kind of stuck here now.


Anybody know what to do?

- [Barry] This is so weird.

- [Nora] God I love this place.

- [Iris] I can't believe that's our daughter up there.

- [Barry] Nora shouldn't be here.

She could Marty McFly herself out of existence.

She needs to be with her parents 30 years from now, not us now.

Nora, I need to know.

- [Nora] My poker face is that bad, huh?

- [Barry] Please.

Why'd you keep this from us?

- [Nora] I think I made a big, big mistake.

I'm sorry.

- [Barry] Then we can't let this get any worse.

- [Caitlin] Here we go.


- [Kid Flash] Now let's do this.

- [Barry] I don't have a suit.

- [Nora] Actually, I have a backup.

Total fan favorite.

(door opens)

(heavy breathing)


For more infomation >> THE FLASH Season 5 Comic-Con Trailer (HD) - Duration: 2:48.


How wildlife officers shoot elephants with tranquilizer guns for treatments - Duration: 6:09.

This footage is about shooting an elephant with a tranquilizer gun loaded with medicinal agents.

This method is non-lethal, and you do not have to panic about animal cruelty.

For more infomation >> How wildlife officers shoot elephants with tranquilizer guns for treatments - Duration: 6:09.


YOUTH vs ELDERLY. Ask Japanese elders what they think about the new generation - Duration: 8:56.

Young people these days say things straight out.

Young women are making more progress on an international scale.

They are having a better life cycle.

Hey guys it's Cathy Cat, today I have come to Sugamo, this is where the

elderly of Tokyo come to hang out. Today we are gonna ask the elderly of Japan

what they think about the new generation, and what they envy about the new generation

of Japanese people. So let's go and Ask Japanese.

I would like to ask you about the recent young generation of Japan.

What do you think about people in their teens and twenties?

I like them. If I was younger, I would like to be like them.

What do you like?

They can get changed into whatever clothes they like, right?

When you are at our age, what you can wear is limited.

The young people these days also say things straight out.

My grandchildren are like that.

They can be very direct. - That's right.

They are being a bit like bullies, but they don't realize they are.

What do you think about the recent young generation?

I have a grandchild in that age.

They all look like good kids to me.

Sometimes some worry me a bit.

But their freedom of clothing, I envy.

When we were young we couldn't wear what they do.

So fashion has become more free? - Yes.

Some kids wear fashion that I cannot quite comprehend.

Our age can't understand that.

But maybe that makes the younger generation better.

Clothes we can wear now are limited. We look different than young people.

Young people can wear fashion...

in a balance we can't imagine. That's good I think.

The newer generation is more direct and assertive.

They don't just close themselves into their rooms.

They leave the boarders of Japan and progress abroad.

Especially young women seem to be doing that.

Young women are making more progress on an international scale.

Was that not possible in your days?

I don't just mean traveling abroad.

There are large numbers of Japanese enterprises abroad .

Many young Japanese women are flying to those locations.

In order to work there.

The number of people doing that is rising a lot.

There are many young men like...

Who will come and talk with us.

He must have thought we are already pensioners, and started a conversation with us

I wasn't sure where the bus was going to, and I didn't want to miss my stop.

So we got him to notify us. Seems like he is working as caretaker.

He has been working in a group home for over 20 years.

He seems to be a young man who really understands the elderly's feelings.

That's why he started the conversation with us.

We thought something like this is quite rare.

We are really happy when a young person comes to talk with us.

He asked us where we were off to.

Yes he and his wife were there. A young married couple.

They explained us the route and talked with us.

It's not so hard to have a conversation with an elderly person.

We would be really happy if there were more people like that.

You'd like to mix a bit with younger generations?

Yes, if we spend time with younger people, it gives us a younger input.

And we can share our experiences, as we've lived several dozen years longer.

Recently there are apartments where young and old people live under the same roof.

and they can help each other out. I saw it on TV.

Having not only old people but also younger ones living together is very good.

We have a growing number of elderly, and instead of only spending time with each other

it would be pleasant to have younger people. Not just to help but also

to talk with us, so we can listen to each other.

I want to hear too what young people are thinking about.

Would be great to have a mansion where we could all interact with each other.

In Japan there isn't really a space for younger and older generations to come together.

I don't know how it is abroad.

We tend to only be polarized to our own generations.

For example, having the young people cook dinner on Sundays,

And then elders get to try it.

Then on weekdays, having the elderly make food and the youngsters can eat that after work.

I think having a space like that would be wonderful.

They seem to think freely of the little things.

They are having a better life. Nowadays they can get hold of all kinds of information.

If you only look a little you can find out things to improve your household.

There are ways of life that are only possible now because of this information stream.

When we were young we didn't have that information. There was no internet.

We had to get newspapers or books to find out what we wanted to know.

We didn't have other access to information. Comparing that to today...

young people seem to be getting there freedom with the freedom of information.

If you ask me, I envy them.

We envy the new generation.

We didn't even have mobile phones.

When we made promises to meet, we just had to wait for people.

We had no way to contact friends if anyone was late.

But because now it's all so convenient, we are a bit more relaxed with time,

and think it's ok to be a little bit late.

There was a time when there were many young people with a bad attitude.

Women were so rude to do their makeup in front of other people.

Not caring about personal appearance.

But recently we got more young people with good manners.

On that note, things might have gotten a little bit better.

10-15 years before, the youth was terrible.

Here and there the youth was undisciplined. Young people even sat on the bare streets.

We don't see people with those bad manners anymore.

Maybe because of the SNS people are minding their manners better.

Thanks to the media, young people have realized their own improper behavior.

They have seen bad examples and they have fixed themselves.

Thank you. - Thank you too.

So what do the Japanese elders say about the younger generation?

First of all, they actually envy them for their freedom.

Lots of more freedom that they used to have when they were young, and also

women have more chances and opportunties than they used to have.

But there is also the wish that there was more communication

and more interaction between the older generation and the younger generation

There seems to be a big gap there that doesn't really overlap.

How is it with elders in your country?

Is that the same stuff that they keep saying or is it maybe different?

Do they like being separate, do they want to hang with the younger generation or are they

"I am fine without you guys"

Let us know. Looking forward to reading your comments. Also, we've done

more videos where we went all the way to Sugamo to the Harajuku of the elder generation.

To ask them questions about the younger generation, boys girls

and the current society in Japan.

New series here, I hope you're enjoying this series, let us know what you think about that.

Always welcome, reading your comments. Be nice to each other in the comments though.

I wish you a lovely day and I catch you soon for another video on Ask Japanese!

Don't forget to subscribe if you're new.

For more infomation >> YOUTH vs ELDERLY. Ask Japanese elders what they think about the new generation - Duration: 8:56.


Fastest Builder In Fortnite !? Fortnite BR Highlights #113 - Duration: 6:58.

Now we're heading on over

Let's see. This is a five skill kind of hopping around. I love that back in school, by the way. Yes

The the Cape is actually amazing. Yeah


Okay, all right, I've never seen a base be built quicker that was impressive if you blinked you missed it

Let's go baby. Let's go the Eagle baby Eagle Eagle

Kinda regretting I haven't like I don't get arranged

I'm gonna try not to make a dumb play. Oh my oh like that for the highlights


Am seriously, I'm so happy that I got what I got with that Oh

You kidding me dude a

Joke I mean there's a potential he could jump at to the to the hill northeast at home as well. Oh, wait, how wait

Is that the easiest way to do it? Ah

Did we both just learn something? I've died or something

Okay, so there's some more efficient way to do this. Apparently I

Need to start playing with these man that combo is dope

I've never seen that use that way usually as always pit the wall the bouncer and then another wall with the arc. Yeah

26 kill soul Swan man, man

Midair don't pad top got any Jesus

Go Felton, well - come I'm gonna dust cup down miss

Everyone what if I told you I thought that was the last player alive?



I am dead man Oh

Maybe just figures you know, well, he just has he just have to jump pads, right? Oh anything but Omega

Apple oh my oh well

Highlights ah

So basically was like transporting stuff therefore. He was like here here

I brought you think and he did that on purpose to cuz he he didn't build another another floor like he was like come here

Buddy? Yeah baited him in yeah

He's planning. It's a great player right now

Oh the other guy got high ground


Getting double used while shaking that big booty hey

Throw it back bring it to me. Hey

Yeah, we started off with a hell but it's okay cuz we dropped that twenty killed. Damn Oh

Ohio the size. Let's play a little bit

For more infomation >> Fastest Builder In Fortnite !? Fortnite BR Highlights #113 - Duration: 6:58.


The Dragon Prince SDCC and Trailer Updates! - Duration: 4:53.

Wonderstorm and Netflix revealed a whole host of new information at San Diego Comic Con

during The Dragon Prince's panel, and a brand new trailer was dropped shortly after.

Buckle in, there's a lot to get through.

I'm Welshi, welcome to Theory Pop!

In the run up to SDCC, the creative team behind The Dragon Prince have been dropping tiny

tidbits of information for their new series.

The names of the princes were revealed by Aaron Ehasz in a tweet, Callum being the eldest

and Ezran being the youngest, and he also confirmed that the Elven assassin drew her power from

the moon.

Meanwhile, the official Dragon Prince twitter updated their location to a place called Xadia.

I believe Xadia is the name of the world, or at least the land, that the series will

take place in.

Giancarlo Volpe, Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond presented The Dragon Prince panel to an eager

crowd at Comic Con, and introduced the cast for the three main protagonists: Jack De Sena

will play the role of the elder Prince Callum, Sasha Rojen will voice the crown prince and

Callum's younger brother Ezran, and Paula Burrows will portray the Moonshadow Elf assassin,


Accompanying this information, the Dragon Prince twitter account revealed the first

clear images of the characters.

I really love these character designs, and the cel-shaded art style looks absolutely


Meanwhile, for anyone fortunate enough to be present at the panel, they got to see an

extended preview of the first episode.

In the following Q&A session, the team fielded a couple of questions, which gave us some

insight to the development of The Dragon Prince, thought they were cagey around a few subjects.

The fate of Ezran and Callum's mother is not revealed, for example, as the team want

to avoid plot spoilers.

And though the state of LGBT relationships were avoided, again to avoid spoilers, the

team apparently made it clear they wanted to create a diverse and inclusive fantasy


Netflix then released the trailer for The Dragon Prince after the panel, so those of

us not at San Diego at least got to see some of the series in motion, and I have to say

I really like what I've seen!

The art style definitely feels inspired by the likes of Fire Emblem, using a cel-shaded

3D style for the characters.

But that establishing shot of the castle right at the start of the trailer, that's what

really gets me going!

That gorgeous fantasy artwork, setting up this world and the scenery we'll lose ourselves

in, just absolutely wonderful!

I could seriously look at that for hours.

Just a couple of additional thoughts on that trailer:

The shots of Callum walking down that corridor in the castle strongly reminded me of the

classic Resident Evil titles.

The way the camera position is fixed, looking down and slightly behind, I couldn't help

but feel like this is inspired by Resi too!

It's an effective tool at making the scene feel tense, especially since immediately after

we see an elf assassin with drawn blades approaching the prince from behind.

Two elves facing off on a moonlit wall.

The full moon, as we know, is when these elves are at their strongest, so this could be the

lead in to a huge fight between Rayla and what I would assume is a commander or superior


KING:This may be the end.

Just what is the king referring to here?

Is he referring to the end of the world, the end of his kingdom, or the end of the war?

His tone is rather sombre: this clip is a few seconds only, but the news doesn't sound

particularly positive!

We get some very quick shots of action scenes, with Rayla charging and leaping over two human

guards, who appear to be protecting Callum.

I think this is Rayla's assassination attempt on the prince!

We then see Callum apparently using some form of magic, and wait a second.

Is Ezran is holding a dragon egg?

I think that's a dragon egg.

The war definitely looks like it's in full swing here, with human soldiers charging across

a volcanic landscape, and Elven invaders battling guards inside the castle.

The glow toad can use solar flare.

Welcome to Dragon Prince Z.

We get our first look at the Dark Magic, with two shadowy wolves leaping towards the camera.

I think we're getting a good look here at an antagonist for the group, someone that

will hunt the trio on their journey to stop the war and find the Dragon Prince.

Elves fighting, very cool.

Oh man, that dragon roaring atop the volcano, holy wow.

Dragon big.

Now, I think this clip of the dragon is from the same scene as the soldiers charging across

that volcanic landscape from earlier in the trailer.

Because of the lightning that strikes as the dragon roars, I think this is the Dragon King

named Thunder, and I also believe this scene is a flashback to the battle that ended his


Overall, I've got a very strong positive feeling coming out of all this.

It looks like the team at Wonderstorm have created a great fantasy world with multiple

races and its own history, and are building an epic story around our three protagonists

against a backdrop of war.

And, you know, dragons are totally my thing.

All episodes will be released on Netflix on September 14th.

I know what I'll be doing that weekend!

Hi everyone, thanks for watching.

I hope you enjoyed this summary of the new information for The Dragon Prince and my thoughts

on it all.

The link to the trailer is in the description below, or if you'd like to see more from

me, you can click the lovely shiny box on the left, or subscribe to my channel by clicking

my face up above.

I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> The Dragon Prince SDCC and Trailer Updates! - Duration: 4:53.


MOMO Quien Carajo Es ? | Ya es hora de acabar con el mito !!! - Duration: 8:52.

For more infomation >> MOMO Quien Carajo Es ? | Ya es hora de acabar con el mito !!! - Duration: 8:52.


【Alice Human Sacrifice】Los sacrificios humanos de Alicia Fandub Latino - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 【Alice Human Sacrifice】Los sacrificios humanos de Alicia Fandub Latino - Duration: 3:10.


Xóc Đĩa+Đồ Chơi Xóc Đĩa Bịp Không Tang Mới Nhất 2018+Cờ Bạc Bịp+Xoc Dia Bip - Phần 2 - Duration: 11:08.

For more infomation >> Xóc Đĩa+Đồ Chơi Xóc Đĩa Bịp Không Tang Mới Nhất 2018+Cờ Bạc Bịp+Xoc Dia Bip - Phần 2 - Duration: 11:08.


How to break Turtle Island | Roblox - Duration: 1:32.

*white noise*

For more infomation >> How to break Turtle Island | Roblox - Duration: 1:32.


Top 15 Scary Encounters Caught on Dashcam - Duration: 22:40.


The Mob Whether in the darkness of night or in broad

daylight, the open road is one of the most unpredictable places known to man.

For instance, watch what happens when an angry mob targeted this driver's vehicle.

At around 6PM on a Monday near Calais, France, while transporting potato chips from Belgium,

Mick Young's truck was attacked by a group of livid men whose makeshift camp had been

partially demolished.

More than a dozen men descended on Young's vehicle, some with bars, some with sticks,

some with concrete, all filled with anger.

And the entire encounter was caught on dash cam.

The men threw rocks of granite at his window, two pieces of which went through his windshield,

resulting in £2,500 worth of damage to the truck.

Young suffered injuries to his eye and forehead and feared for his life as the attack occurred.

This doesn't seem to be the mob's first offense.

Young said more driver protection is needed in this area.

While the video only shows about a dozen men, Young noted that there were about thirty or

forty out of sight on the hard shoulder of the road.


Passed Out This entry comes from Texas, where a woman

was discovered by Fulshear Police Department, passed out in the center of a dark highway

early one Saturday morning.

The dash cam footage from Sergeant Scott's car reveals the moment he came across the

motionless body lying in the center of the road.

The footage shows a vehicle missing the woman by a hair, having to swerve to avoid her.

This is when Sergeant Scott springs into action.

Rolling to a stop in the middle of the road, flashing lights on, Scott races to the woman's

side and helps her up.

She stumbles to the side of the road.

The woman had driven her car into a ditch nearly 200 yards from where she was.

Instead of calling for help or flagging down passers-by, she crawled onto the road to take

a nap.

While it's surprising that no one stopped to help the woman, apart from Sergeant Scott,

she should thank her lucky stars that no one ran her over.


Face Down On The Road This one is terrifying, as the motive of this

person is still unknown.

It happened on Thornlie road.

The unidentified woman who posted the video said that she and her father were driving,

when she spotted the strange shape on the road and, as they approached, she noticed

the figure was a human body.

She knew then that something was wrong.

She realized it was not just any human body, but that of a teenage boy.

As the vehicle rolled to a halt, the boy in question jumped to his feet and, in a zombie-like

stride, approached their vehicle.

The woman told her father to drive off.

He reversed a bit and then started forward, and the boy approached the woman's window.

She said later that had she been alone, she isn't sure how she would have reacted.

She believes the boy was hoping to catch someone driving solo so early in the morning - not

a pair of people.

"Somebody could easily have seen him lying there and stopped and got out of the car and

I have no idea what would have happened then," she said.


Spirit Child While driving over a long period of time,

it wouldn't be unusual to hallucinate a sighting on the side of the road.

A deer or a cow, perhaps.

But might an entire carful of people see the same hallucination at once?

While driving in the Philippines, a group, including actress, Myrtle Sarrosa, was traveling

across what the narrator describes as a "farflung area."

They had to take an alternative route from the original, as one was flooded, while another

was shut down due to a landslide.

After enough road was cleared to cross, they traveled across this mainly deserted, uninhabited


No street lamps.

Some trees.

But mainly just road.

It was after midnight when, out of nowhere, they saw it: what appeared to be a 10-year-old

child wearing a blueish white shirt, crouched in the middle of the road, with his arms and

hands covering his face.

An uproar can be heard on the video as they pass the figure, and most of the people in

the car claim to have seen the boy.

They wanted to stop and return, but the area was unsafe, so they decided to watch the dash

cam footage to make sure that their eyes weren't deceiving them.

The footage showed a "white blob-like orb figure" appear and then quickly vanish.

The driver believed the spirit they saw was of a child who had his life taken by a typhoon.

According to one passenger.

"If he was really just a spirit, I hope he can find rest.

If he was really a child, my conscience will forever haunt me."


Close Call When police officers stopped to assist a car

that had broken down on the side of Southeast Loop 820 in Forest Hill, Texas, they probably

weren't thinking this was a super risky call.

But they'd be wrong.

As the three police officers and two motorists awaited a tow truck, lights flashing, a vehicle

sped at top speed toward them, completely out of control.

And they nearly didn't notice until it was too late.

You can see in the video that the group is oblivious to what is about to happen.

Until one officer spots the vehicle flying in their direction just in time to throw the

group out of harm's way.

The car side-swiped one police car, slammed head-on into another, and barely avoided the

broken down vehicle and all the people milling around on the shoulder.

After plowing through, the rogue vehicle ricocheted back into traffic but then returned to the

roadside, where it screeched to a halt.

When the car stopped, police hurried to remove the driver.

Unsurprisingly, 26-year-old motorist, Cedric Keith Henson Jr.,had been drinking and detained

at the scene.

Although no one was hurt, they very well could have been.


Mask-On The audio of this dash cam video will haunt


At around noon on October, 2014 in Indianapolis, Indiana, a woman was sitting in her car outside

an office building, with a dash cam recording in progress.

In the video, a person can be seen walking past her vehicle, wearing a strange mask.

While the footage only shows one individual, according to the woman, there were five of

them, total, out of sight.

You can hear the woman laughing, as she asks the group where they got their masks.

But soon she learns this isn't a joke, as they smash out her windows and rob her.

The woman was pulled out of her vehicle by her hair and thrown on the ground by a woman

in a face mask and camo jacket.

The attacker then took the woman's cell phone and purse.

It seems this wasn't this group's first attack of the day.

They were also charged with breaking the window of a moving car.

Looks like we're not even safe sitting in a parking lot.


Mudslide How does it feel to be caught in a mudslide?

One California Highway Patrol dash cam has the answer.

This patrol vehicle's dash cam managed to capture the Montecito mudslide prior to its

arrival on the freeway.

At the time, the officers were responding to reports of a structure fire in the area

in the morning of January 9th.

This was before reports were made of the mudslide.

As a result, the patrol vehicle slammed straight into the mudflow on Olive Mill Road, where

it was lifted slightly from the road, its wheels spinning.

The mudflow took the vehicle on a 180 degree whirlwind before it was able to regain traction.

After being taken along with the flow for a while, they were eventually able to get

ahead of it.

The officers stopped only to shout at a pedestrian to "get out of here," then they called

in the incident and inspected their vehicle at Coast Village Road.

But the mudslide soon caught up with them and sent them packing again, demonstrating

how quickly this sludge moves and how unexpectedly it may appear.


Witchcraft In June of 2015, Police Officer Mallic ventured

into the woods and managed to capture something incredibly unexpected on camera.

In the video, as Mallic drives his routine patrol route, he starts to turn off-road,

where he encounters a scantily dressed woman at 3:41 in the morning.

The temperature outside is very cold, so the woman's clothing choice is very strange.

In the video, as the police vehicle approaches, the woman's flame burns brighter.

With her arms crossed, she appears to be levitating ever so slightly off the ground.

She doesn't move as the police headlights spotlight her.

That is, until she extends her arms in a gesture seemingly ritualistic.

Witchcraft isn't always dark.

Some who practice witchcraft or Wicca are attempting to exploit nature's spiritual

and elemental forces by focusing their energy via practiced rituals, in order to find a

sense of harmony and balance with nature.

But, of course, witchcraft doesn't get its bad reputation for nothing.

Some may practice with a darker agenda.


Biking Thiefs Medellin has become one of the most innovative

cities in the world with one of the fastest-growing economies on the continent.

Although the transformation of Medellin over a few decades is certainly admirable, as this

dash cam video goes to show, a safer city never means a city entirely devoid of bad


The video's poster details the entirety of the video, showing that the bikers were

staking out their target at a red light.

According to the poster, the bikers even apparently considered the vehicle with the dash cam as

a potential target, before choosing to follow the vehicle up ahead .

In an attempt to get the white car on its own, one of the bikers slows down, keeping

the vehicle with the dash cam, as well as the vehicles in the next lane, a good distance

away from their target.

Then, as they hit a traffic jam, the bikers make their approach, knocking on the vehicle's

passenger window.

After the two criminals on motorbikes harass their victims, a third guy on a motorbike

pulls up beside them, but does not appear to be involved, as he simply cranes his neck

at what's happening.

The bikers collect and then drive off, with the one in the rear attempting to conceal

his license plate with his leg.

Too late, buddy.

Your actions and license plate were all caught on dash cam.

Hopefully, this evidence led to the arrest of these individuals.


Runaway Toddler A parents' worst nightmare: looking away

for a second and their toddler vanishing from their sight.

That's what happened to this poor mother when her toddler decided to go on an adventure

across a busy highway.

Thankfully, police are on the case in this week's list, particularly Sergeant Anthony

Mannino of Naperville, Illinois.

When Mannino spotted the toddler's little legs racing along the right lane of Route

59, he quickly pulled over and went into "save the baby" mode.

His heroic pursuit was caught on the police cruiser dash cam, and Mannino was later given

the department award for Life Saving.

The toddler had somehow ducked his mother's supervision and busted out of his house before

setting off.

Thankfully, this story has a happy ending: the toddler was shortly after reunited with

his family.


Two-Car Takeover This video shows what happens when two cars

team up on the road to rob the living daylights out of fellow drivers.

The dash cam video, shot in Bedfordview, South Africa, follows two vehicles - one a white

Volkswagen van, the other a dark-colored car - collaborating on the road to a) block traffic,

and b) take up arms and rob other motorists.

Watch closely as the vehicle marked "1" pulls over and three armed men jump out to

harass the motorist behind them (that is, the one whose dash cam is recording the entire


After the thieves presumably collect the money they were after, they shoot off.

This is when you can see that the car dubbed "2" has stopped up ahead to block traffic,

in order for the bandits to weave through with ease.

The moral of this story: if you're planning to travel to really anywhere, keep any valuables

out of sight and be ever vigilant when you're on the road.

You can never be too careful.


Fire Trucks Overrun This is perhaps one of the most frightening

fire-related footages available online.

The dash cam footage shows the Pinery bushfire in Australia in 2015.

The bushfire, which was catastrophic, burned 210,000 acres of farmland and scrub and 91


The fire also took the lives of 53,000 poultry, 17,500 head of livestock and two people, with

90 additional people hospitalized.

It is said to have been started by a car battery.

Once you watch the terrifying dash cam video, it's easy to see how this fire did so much


The video shows a vehicle (presumably an emergency vehicle, judging by the sirens), heading toward

the billowing smoke clouds along a dirt road.

Soon the sky gets darker and the smoke is hazier across the road, as the vehicle closes

in on the fire.

You can see another emergency vehicle's lights ahead, barely visible through the haze.

The clouds blacken further as the dash cam vehicle approaches a firetruck which has stopped


While all you see is smoke up to this point, you can sense the fire looming.

And then…

The fire descends in blue flames to the right of the firetruck.

Smoke is billowing, the flames are flying fiercely toward the firetruck, which rapidly

retreats, pulling into reverse and plowing into the vehicle with the dash cam.

Another emergency vehicle to the left of the firetruck also rushes to get out of the fire's


The fire is blazing all around the stalled vehicles, debris flying and cluttering visibility.

The firetruck pulls ahead and, for a time, all you see is smoke, debris, and glimpses

of flame and ash.

This is where the video ends.

We can assume that all - or most - of these firefighters made it out alive, due to the

fact that this fire took the lives of only two people.

But as the dash cam shows the vehicles engulfed by flames and billowing smoke, it's hard

to believe that they survived this.


Big foot?

While most of the dash cam footage on this list is completely explanatory and without

mystery, this one has people watching and re-watching to try and make out what exactly

they are witnessing.

In the video, a sheriff's vehicle is traveling along a lonely road in the darkness near Frogtown,

with only its headlights guiding the way.

The area appears forested, with nothing but trees bordering a dark road.

The deputy is talking with a local ride-along named Mary Scott, as part of a Citizens Law

Enforcement Academy program.

They're simply chatting as they drive along, not anticipating anything unusual…

Until an unusual creature appears out of nowhere.

A dark figure dashes across the road and alongside the shoulder, caught on dash cam but nearly

indiscernible, until the video is digitally enhanced.

Both Scott and the deputy cry out in surpise, as they spot the creature.

What was that thing?

The figure appeared to be standing on two feet, not four.

According to Scott, herself, "It was really tall, and it really looked like the pictures

you've seen of Bigfoot."

While, of course, we can't know for sure what this blob is, one thing is clear: it

doesn't appear human, nor does it appear animal.

What do you think it could be?


Into the Flood When you chase storms, you're bound to feel

nature's wrath.

That's what happened to Chris Novy, a storm chaser who was following Oklahoma tornado,

when the route ahead of him flooded.

Novy attempted to make a u-turn to find a drier alternate route, when an embankment

hidden beneath the floodwaters bottomed out his vehicle - an incident that could very

well have taken his life.

He quickly sunk to the bottom of a creek, traveling "several hundred feet underwater,"

as Novy described it.

The experience was caught on dash cam, but was cut short when his dash cam shorted out

after the vehicle started to flood.

Novy said he nearly drowned in the rising waters and was, in his own words, "just

holding my breath in the darkness."

That is, until his passenger- and driver-side windows smashed, and he was flushed out of

the vehicle, where he was able to swim to a policeman who was in the area and saved

his life.

Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.

If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt

and tap that follow button to find out.

I recently released a small mixtape and I'd love to know what you think of it.

Tap the circle icon in the top right right corner, then tap My Mixtape to give it a listen.

It's also linked in the description below.

It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so if you're generous enough

to hit that subscribe button and the bell beside it then thank you.

This way you'll be notified of the new videos we upload every Tuesday and Saturday.


Hooded Man That's what motorists near Cessnock were

met with when traveling down a lonely road in Australia.

In the dash cam video, a man is seen with his head bowed beneath his hood in the center

of the road.

Behind him is a 4WD, blocking the way forward.

Not sure what to do, the motorist approaches the makeshift blockade slowly, as the hooded

man takes a few strides before stopping short.

It's then that he launches, yelling and shouting, toward the vehicle.

The motorist doesn't wait; he punches the gas and wheels around the psycho and out of

harm's way.

A member of the Dash Cam Owners Australia Facebook page uploaded the video, where it

has since gone viral.

According to the motorist, his wife was traveling in a second vehicle a short ways behind him,

and he tried to call and warn her before she met with the hooded man but reached her too


A man was arrested after the couple reported the incident to police, but he received no

charges, due to a lack of evidence in whether he intended to carjack the motorists or harm


So, rest assured that this guy is still out there, waiting to scare the wits out of you

on a dark lonely road without any repercussions.

For more infomation >> Top 15 Scary Encounters Caught on Dashcam - Duration: 22:40.


IMMORTAL (Ancient Smurf) UNDRL LC AXE SF CENT OGRE - Duration: 5:57:10.

For more infomation >> IMMORTAL (Ancient Smurf) UNDRL LC AXE SF CENT OGRE - Duration: 5:57:10.


Con goles de Tevez y Zárate, Boca derrotó a Independiente de Medellín - Duration: 0:37.

 El xeneize ya tuvo dos amistosos contra Miami United, en los que empató en uno y goleó 7 a 2 en el otro

For more infomation >> Con goles de Tevez y Zárate, Boca derrotó a Independiente de Medellín - Duration: 0:37.


Real Video UFO Crash Video of Dead Alien - Duration: 1:31.


For more infomation >> Real Video UFO Crash Video of Dead Alien - Duration: 1:31.


Marina High School breaking ground on a new gymnasium - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Marina High School breaking ground on a new gymnasium - Duration: 1:49.


Cesár Sampson - Nobody but You (Starnacht am Wörthersee - 2018-07-21) - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Cesár Sampson - Nobody but You (Starnacht am Wörthersee - 2018-07-21) - Duration: 3:43.


Rudolf Jelínek z majora Zemana: Bojuje o život v nemocnici! - Duration: 1:57.

  potvrdila pro Aha! smutné zvěsti Jelínkova manželka, která je známá žokejka a chovatelka koní

   Herce a dabéra okamžitě hospitalizovali v jedné z pražských nemocnic, kde zjistili, že ho trápí virový zápal plic

Tato nemoc je velmi vážná především pro důchodce, které může dokonce ohrožovat i na životě

Jelínek už měl navíc v minulosti jiné zdravotní problémy.  Před dvěma lety prodělal krvácení do mozku a mrtvici a dlouho se ze všeho zotavoval

Jeho žena pak pro změnu utrpěla otevřenou zlomeninu loni na podzim, a tak musela na operaci, při níž jí kosti spravili pomocí drátů

Jelikož byla dlouho v nemocnici a dva měsíce pak chodila o berlích, nemohla se o svého chotě starat

Ten tak dočasně bydlel u dcery Báry z prvního manželství.  

For more infomation >> Rudolf Jelínek z majora Zemana: Bojuje o život v nemocnici! - Duration: 1:57.


Muc-Off Dirt Bucket Review - Duration: 1:38.

Hi guys it's Michaela from pit crew today I will be unboxing the muc-off dirt bucket

It just arrived in store this morning and it retails at $130 so let's take a

look at what you get

Dr X's guide to caring for your bike, we have a filth filter to stop the dirt from sticking to your sponges

we have an expanding sponge

we have biodegradable chain cleaner , good for the environment

We have bike protect spray

We have muc-off bike cleaner, with a little.. thing

we have.. wet lube

and dry lube

we have a claw brush, for your chains and sprockets and such

a wheel and components brush

and we have a soft washing brush, also known as the "big ass brush"

and that's it

Thanks for watching the video guys if you liked give us a subscribe

check out our Instagram and Facebook and I'm sure I'll be back for more! bye

For more infomation >> Muc-Off Dirt Bucket Review - Duration: 1:38.


شراء أرامكو حصة في سابك يعزز توجه المملكة لبناء صناعات تحويلية متقدمة - Duration: 3:17.

 أكد عدد من المختصين أن التوجه المعلن من أرامكو لشراء لحصة من شركة سابك التي تصنف رابع أكبر شركات البتروكيميائيات في العالم وأضخمها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط سيعزز عمل الدولة الجاري ضمن برامج التحول الوطني ورؤية 2030، والساعي لبناء صناعات تحويلية جديدة في المملكة، كما أنه سيعزز قيمة إنتاج النفط الخام في المملكة وينوع في اقتصادها عبر إنتاج مواد جاهزة للاستهلاك أو شبه جاهزة، وسيمكن من تطوير وابتكار تقنيات متقدمة، مشيرين إلى أن هذا الإعلان يعد خطوة في الطريق إلى زيادة التكامل الاقتصادي والصناعي بين الشركتين سبقها تعاون مشترك في مجمع لتحويل النفط إلى كيميائيات وغاز بقيمة 20 مليار دولار مناصفة بين الشركتين (50 % لكل شركة) ويتوقع له أن يكون الأكبر من نوعه على مستوى العالم

 وقال المستشار المالي وخبير إعادة الهيكلة المهندس جمال محمد عسيلان لـ"الرياض" إن هذا التوجه المعلن من شركة أرامكو يأتي ضمن سعيها المستمر لتنويع أسواق الخام الذي تنتجه وهي بذلك تتجنب مخاطر تباطؤ الطلب على الخام وسيكون لاستحواذ حصة من شركة سابك التي تصنف كرابع أكبر شركات البتروكيميائيات في العالم وأضخمها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط دور كبير في تعزيز القيمة السوقية لأرامكو قبل عملية الطرح الأولي التي ستجريها أرامكو والذي يتوقع أن تشمل 5 % من أرامكو

 وتوقع عسيلان أن هذا الاستحواذ سينعكس بالإيجاب على مكانة المملكة عالمياً على مستوى صناعة الكيميائيات وسيكون مفيداً لأرامكو منتج النفط، ولشركة سابك المصنعة إذ سيتيح لها قدرات أكبر في عملها القائم على تحويل النفط إلى كيميائيات، وسيكون لكل ذلك أثره في زيادة الناتج المحلي، ونمو قطاع الصناعات التحويلية ما يعني خلق وتوفير الكثير من الوظائف

 وأشار المستشار إلى أن هذه الخطوة تأتي استكمالا لسياسة الشركتين المعلنة سابقا حول عدم ممانعتهما من دمج بعض مشروعاتهما المشتركة أو غيرها ومشاركتهما في مجمع مشترك بقيمة 20 مليار دولار لتحويل النفط إلى كيميائيات وغاز مناصفة بين الشركتين

 بدوره قال المحلل المالي أحمد الشهري إن مثل هذا الاستحواذ يدخل ضمن التوجه الجديد لدى أرامكو في التوسع بأعمالها والذي يتضمن الاستفادة من فائضها لشراء حصص في شركات عالمية ومحلية ويعد شراء حصة من سابك نوعا من التمكين لسوق المال السعودي وإعطائه عمقا أكبر يضاف لكثير من الفوائد التي جناها السوق السعودي مؤخرا وسيكون له أثره المفيد للشركتين، إذ أن الاستثمار في شركة كبرى لها عوائدها المالية يعد من الاستثمارات المفيدة لاستقرار الشركات وثبات أسعارها في الأسواق المالية، إذ تبلغ قيمة أسهم شركة سابك، أكبر شركات البتروكيميائيات في الشرق الأوسط، في السوق السعودي حالياً 104 مليارات دولار بعد ارتفاع قيمة سهمها بمعدل 30 % منذ بداية العام

 وبدوره أكد المحلل المالي خالد الجوهر أن الحديث مازال مبكرا حول هذه الصفقة وفي حال حدوثها بناء على ما صدر عن رئيس شركة أرامكو أمين الناصر، يبدو واضحا أن الصفقة ستكون خاصة بمنأى عن السوق أي بين أرامكو وصندوق الاستثمارات الذي يملك حصة نسبتها 70 % من سابك، وهذا يعني أن الفائدة التي ستعود على السوق تتمثل في توفر المزيد من المؤسسات الحكومية الضخمة وهو مفيد وداعم، فوجود عملاق بحجم أرامكو يزيد من تنويع الثقة في السوق وعمقه

 وأكدت أرامكو السعودية التي تعد أبرز شركات الطاقة والكيميائيات المتكاملة في العالم، وواحدة من كبريات شركات التكرير في بيان لها إلى أنه وتماشيًا مع استراتيجيتها لإعادة التوازن في محفظتها من خلال المضي قُدُمًا نحو قطاع التكرير والبتروكيميائيات، على وجه الخصوص، فقد قامت بتقييم عدد من فرص الاستحواذ المحلية والعالمية

وتؤكد الشركة أنها تشارك في مناقشات مبكرة مع صندوق الاستثمارات العامة فيما يتعلق بالحصول على حصة استراتيجية في (سابك) عن طريق صفقة شراء خاصة لأسهم يملكها صندوق الاستثمارات العامة في (سابك)

كما تؤكد أرامكو السعودية أن هذه المحادثات أوليّة وليس هناك ما يؤكد وبشكل نهائي انعقاد هذه الصفقة

كما أن أرامكو السعودية لا تخطط للاستحواذ على أي من أسهم شركة (سابك) مباشرة من السوق المالية السعودية (تداول)

 ويملك صندوق الاستثمارات العامة، أكبر صناديق الثروة السيادية في السعودية، حصة نسبتها 70 % من شركة سابك المدرجة في الرياض وهي رابع أكبر شركة بتروكيميائيات في العالم، وتبلغ القيمة السوقية لسابك 385،2 مليار ريال (حوالي 103 مليارات دولار)، وتدير الشركة عملياتها التصنيعية على المستوى العالمي عبر الأميركيتين، وأوروبا، والشرق الأوسط، ومنطقة آسيا الباسيفيك؛ حيث توفر منتجات شديدة التنوع، تشمل البتروكيميائيات، والمغذيات الزراعية، والمعادن، والمنتجات المتخصصة وتعمل الشركة في أكثر من خمسين بلداً حول العالم، ويعمل لديها نحو (35) ألف موظف، كما تمتلك (سابك) موارد بحثية كبيرة، تشمل (22) مركزاً للتقنية والابتكار، تنتشر عبر خمس مناطق جغرافية رئيسة هي الولايات المتحدة الأميركية، وأوروبا، والشرق الأوسط، وجنوب شرق آسيا، وشمال شرق آسيا

For more infomation >> شراء أرامكو حصة في سابك يعزز توجه المملكة لبناء صناعات تحويلية متقدمة - Duration: 3:17.


Warmer temps for the week - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Warmer temps for the week - Duration: 3:19.


The Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion Volume 2 Review - Duration: 4:45.

The long awaited Atari 2600 Homebrew Companion Volume Two, has finally been released on July

7th, 2018 a mere two months after Volume One.

After consuming the first book in the series, I wanted more, I demanded more, thankfully

I didn't have to wait long.

In his sophomore release, Brian Matherne continues the same successful format he introduced in

Volume One.

The forward of the book was written this time, by Darrell Spice Jr., a prolific homebrew

programmer with many Atari 2600 homebrew releases to his credit.

If you are not familiar with what a homebrew game is, it is an original game, programmed

from the ground up, and completed for the system.

So essentially, a new game idea brought to fruition often by a non-professional source.

As the book explains "there is an active community of Atari 2600 homebrew developers - the largest

among classic video game homebrew communities".

This book covers, some 34 of these homebrew games from 24 cartridges, a few of which are

currently works in progress.

When I asked Brian, how he was able to put these books together so fast, he mentioned

a lot of the research was pulled from his massive homebrew list, which goes by the title

"The Most Comprehensive Atari 2600 Homebrew List".

Up to this point I had not heard of the list.

I'll provide links in the videos description.

As with Volume One, the games in Volume Two are arranged alphabetically and the author

includes title screen images as well as gameplay screen shots from most of the games covered

in the book.

There are also images of game boxes and cartridges sprinkled in.

Each game is broken into its various sections; background, release notes, gameplay, options,

controls, scoring, design, strategy, analysis and its done consistently throughout the book.

There's quite a bit of knowledge to be gleaned within these sections, including in some cases,

easter egg reveals, and flashback portable functionality reports.

These two books when put together are sort of like an encyclopedia of homebrew games.

I particularly enjoy the release notes and strategy sections.

Here we catch of glimpse of the games development history and the best ways to approach completing


The books cover is nicely done.

They used a similar gradient for the title font as with volume One, switching the background

color to purple.

On the bottom half of the cover many gameplay images from the book are boldly displayed.

On the back side there are a few homebrew images, one from Space Cactus Canyon and the

other from Rally-X.

This book contains a nice table of contents which lists all of the game titles.

There's a section explaining what homebrew games are, another one covering how the games

are programmed.

At the end of the book there is a short section of definitions and websites covered.

I really like what Brian Matherne has done with this series of books, and I hope he continues

the series covering the Atari 2600 homebrews.

I would also love to see a similar format used for other consoles such as the Atari

5200 & 7800.

I purchased the paperback version, which is printed in black and white and is available

for $12.99 . The full color version of the book was released and is available from

for about $30.

If that sounds too pricey you can still purchase the Kindle version for 99 cents.

Brian, provide me additional break down of the pricing, in case you were curious.

Quoting Brian:

The "cost" just to print and bind the color book is 13.59 and out of the $30.99 retail

price, I only make $5 per book.

The B&W book cost is $3.03 and I make $4.76 per book off of the retail $12.99.

So as you can see I don't make a lot of profit off of them anyway, I've tried to keep them

as reasonable as possible.

While on the subject of pricing, if you happen to be attending the Houston Arcade Expo on

October 19th and 20th, there will be a vendor there who goes by the name "The Game Czar",

who will be selling both volumes at a reduced rate and Brian will be also be there signing

books as well.

Brian Matherne has done it again.

With volumes One and now Two in full production, we are starting to see the beginning of a

new encyclopedia of Atari 2600 homebrew games.

Both volumes clock in at exactly 182 total pages.

This was intentionally done, both to keep the price down and to keep the series of book

uniform in size.

Volume 3 is slated for 2019, but Brian informed me he's working diligently on two more books

to be released before the end of the of this calendar year, 2018, a Holiday homebrew book

and a year in review homebrew book.

Looking forward to those.

I appreciate the amount of work, research and polish that went into producing these


I have personally learned of many new titles I had not even heard of prior to this book.

I want to thank Brian at this point for answering my questions.

So, what are you waiting for, pick up your copy now.

Highly recommended.

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