Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 28 2018

My audio and video setup for guitar tutorials

Hi ! Let me show you the setup that I use for my guitar tutorials

let's start with... the microphones !

for the voice, I use a boom microphone

it's a SM81 (Shure) but it could be any good microphone

I don't use a shotgun microphone, I prefer to use a good mic that can be also used to record instruments

as I never have to film anything above my head, a boom mic is perfect

when I have to record an acoustic guitar, I put another mic just below (I like KM184 from Neumann)

if it's an electric guitar, I plug the "line out" of my amp, a Fender Superchamp X2, in my audio interface

my audio interface is a Focusrite Scarlette 18i8

I used to have the 2i2 which was great, but I needed more inputs

for video, I used the Panasonic GH5, which is very famous and absolutely amazing

it allows me to film in 4K and therefore to use cropping for the neck of the guitar

the GH5 is expensive, but the G80 and G7 are also very good and cheaper

I use all the manual settings (focus, iso, aperture, shuttter speed, white balance...). It requires some skills but it's by far the best

the camera lens I use is a 12-35mm f2.8 (Lumix)

it allows me to film almost any scene, and the lens and the camera are stabilized

for the lighting I use 2 big Fovitec LED panels, they allow me to choose precisely the color temperature

I also have two little complementary lightings, one for the face and one for the guitar neck

if you want to make videos, you have to know that lighting is extremely important !

I wouldn't say that my lighting is amazing, but I'm working on it ;-)

I do the audio editing in Ableton Live. I could do it in Cubase, ProTools...

Ableton Live is famous, easy to use

then I export the audio and do the video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro

for the backing tracks I use small speaker, connected by wire with an Ipod

the wire (mini jack) is important, because bluetooth would make it very hard to synchronize as the audio speed wouldn't be perfectly constant

and synchronizing would be complicated to do

I hope you like this technical video will help you to make good videos !

if you have any question, please comment this video :-)

For more infomation >> Audio and video setup for Youtube videos (guitar tutorials) - Duration: 4:53.


BAŞARIYA GİDEN 8 YOL [BİLGİ VİDEOSU (#Keşfet)] - Duration: 4:24.

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inanılır ancak bu düşünce çoğu zaman yanlıştır çünkü başarı yalnızca çaba,

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bile olsa her şeyimizi ortaya koymaktan kaçınmamız için kendimize söylediğimiz basit ve tehlikeli

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olmanızı sağlayacaktır.


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da sürükkeyebilir…

For more infomation >> BAŞARIYA GİDEN 8 YOL [BİLGİ VİDEOSU (#Keşfet)] - Duration: 4:24.


50 jaar Noord Zuidlijn Metro Zuidplein - Rotterdam Centraal 2018 - Duration: 13:51.


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Person Who Has An Evil Heart Often Have These 7 Personality Traits - Duration: 3:55.

Person Who Has an Evil Heart Often Have These 7 Personality Traits

We are supposed to live in peace.

However, there is always someone who's ambitious enough to take over the world with ideas that

is against the norms, rules, and cultures of current society.

This kind of person is evil because the main intention is to drive people away from facts,

reality, and kindness.

This kind of person only wants to take advantage over other people, and it is important to

detect and react accordingly.

Here is the signs that you are dealing with a person who has an evil heart.

#1 - Twisting facts

Evil people have naturally unique brain that will distort facts into something awful.

They will always try to do that because it is satisfying for them.

They also do not care about what others feel when they eventually change the facts.

They just care about themselves.

They also twist facts because they usually do something wrong, and they want to hide

it from others.

#2 - Misleading

They like to lie by giving false information.

However, that is not the only thing that they will do.

They also mislead others.

Typically, the victim will suffer, regret, and feel bad because they follow wrong direction.

Most of the victims are not aware of being mislead because people with evil heart will

do that strategically and carefully.

That way, they convince you to take the wrong path they have prepared for you.

#3 - Telling lies

Evil people do not want the truth.

They always try to figure out how to reversed information.

They obviously have their own purpose.

Typically, they try to save their faces from being looked as inferior, disabled, poor,

or stupid.

However, what they do actually make them suffer more in the long run.

#4 - Taking no responsibility

Evil people do not like taking responsibility.

They like to do things that they think will be great for their fame or popularity.

However, in the time of need, they will not be there helping others.

The next time, when things are taken care, they return just to show themselves so they

are noticed as part of that activity.

#5 - Never feeling bad

Everything they do is always right.

They really do not think that they have made mistake, and they won't take responsibility

out of it.

It really seems that they do not have empathy even a little.

They will do anything they like without considering the effects to other.

#6 - They keep the crucial information

This happens frequently to people who are evil.

They leave important information when they are asked about something.

The evil people believe that it is not a form of lie, and they keep doing this because it

can save them from being judged by others.

Meanwhile, hiding crucial information can make other suffer because they can be blamed

for not passing the information completely.

However, we all know that the one who hides it is the evil person.

#7 - Denying reality

Evil people are similar to toxic people in which they like to live in a world of illusion.

They want to have a world that suits them in all aspects.

Since they cannot do it, they will deny the true reality.

Well, that's some personality traits that person who has an evil heart often have.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

For more infomation >> Person Who Has An Evil Heart Often Have These 7 Personality Traits - Duration: 3:55.


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