How To Claim Unauthorized Money Transactions
What To Do When Someone Maintains Your Bank Account
Spa Water 好用吗? All in one essence IS GOOD OR BAD? - Duration: 5:21.Hello everyone, I'm Sylvia
Welcome back to my Youtube channel
Today I want to show you a beauty product
Water Spa from its coll
Suitable for Asian skin
Very moisture
This is all in one essence
Makeup Base
If you don't have all these
and you want to buy each of them
This product is for you
This is all in one essence
You can save money
It has 50ml
This is gel type
A little bit of cream type too
Non greasy
Very moisture
Actually this brand is quite popular now
You can smell lavender
Smell so nice
Everyone love lavender
Ingredient is
Oryza Sativa (Rice) Extract
Portulaca Oleracea Extract
Sakura extract
Lavender Angustifolia oil
If you have skin problem
Skin aging problem
Acne skin
Uneven skin tone
Acne skin + small wound
Sensitive skin
Pores problem
How to apply?
Wash face -> Dry your face with clean towel -> Apply Spa Water to entire face (Face and neck)
Very moisture
I will use spa water to maintain my skin moisture
My face become very smooth
Skin moisture is very important
No matter you are a boy or girl
By the way, I will added my moisturizer to my liquid foundation
Your makeup can stay all day long
Look at my makeup. My liquid foundation mixed with moiturizer
This is the result
This product is suitable for sensitive skin too
Sensitive skin will be like skin start peeling, itch and redness.
You can try spa water
If you like the smell of lavender
This is totally for you
Since I try this product for months already
I quite satisfy with this product
I create this video and show you guys
No matter you are boy or girl
You all must take good care of your skin
If you want to purchase Spa Water
Please add her Wechat: May0385 by via Wechat
Ask her if you want to know the price
Ask her if you want to know the postage
If you have any problem, you can ask her
By the way, if you try this product before
If you have any opinions and thoughts
You can share your opinions and thought in the comment section below
That's all for today
See you next time
Love you always
Big thanks for watching my youtube videos
Press the LIKE button for me
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Don't miss any of my new video in the future
Press the notification bell. This is important
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I must see you next time
Jak wymienić świece zapłonowe w RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:30.Open the hood.
Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plugs.
Use a drive socket No.16. Remove the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench and place them on a work surface in the order of installing in the engine.
Apply a thin layer of special grease on the thread surface of new spark plugs.
Use a drive socket No.16. Screw new spark plugs and tighten them.
Connect the high voltage wires to the spark plugs.
Learn Dubsado Here: What Productive Co.'s All About - Duration: 1:28.I'm going to take a wild guess and say that
you found yourself here because you want
to learn Dubsado. Yes, you found
yourself in the right place. Hi, my name
is Rae and I run Productive Co. I help
service-based business owners unleash
the power of automation in their
businesses through a client management
tool called Dubsado. If you want to have
an awesome client management system for
your business you should hit that
SUBSCRIBE button right the second and
then hit the bell icon to get
notifications when new videos go live. On
this channel, I talk about all things
Dubsado: proposals, invoices, workflows,
tags, task boards, and more. But I don't
just talk about the technical stuff, I
talk about strategy and how to come up
with creative solutions that work
for your business as well.
I also talk about making your client
management system work with the other
tools in your business that you've
already are using because the key isn't
having just one system that works in
your business. but having your business
work for you as a whole. All you have to
do now is browse this channel for the
video tutorial you're looking for. I've
created several playlists to help you
find videos related to what you do
search for. And if you want even more
information, you can always head over to
my website called Once
again, thanks for stopping by my corner
of the internet today. My name is Rae and
I'll see you around.
Video kortelės YouTube | Kam reikalingos video kortelės? 😀❓ - Duration: 6:17.-------------------------------------------
aqa hamary zinda hain hafiz tahir qadri whatsapp status naat status - Duration: 0:31.subscribe my youtube channal plz
Teddy Bear Turn Around | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Music For Kids | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:09.Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the sky
Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, bead down low
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, rest your head
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, time for bed
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the sky
Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, bead down low
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, rest your head
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, time for bed
Rainbow Wheels On The Bus | Nursery Rhymes With Junior Squad by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:01:20.The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
round and round round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
All through the town.
The people on the bus go side to side
Side to side, Side to side
The people on the bus go side to side
All through the town.
The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!
vroom vroom vroom, vroom vroom vroom....
The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The door on the bus comes open and shut.
Open and shut open and shut
The door on the bus comes open and shut.
All through the town.
The driver on the bus says sit on down..
Sit on down sit on down
The driver on the bus says sit on down..
All through the town.
The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!
Uwah uwah uwah, uwah uwah uwah.
The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The mommies and the daddies say I love you,
I love you I love you
The mommies and the daddies say I love you,
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
Brush Your Teeth | Momo Beats | Kids Songs And Cartoons | Kids Channel - Duration: 2:39.Brush Your Teeth
Seascape \ Landscape Photography | Bamburgh Castle Northumberland - Duration: 14:07.-------------------------------------------
Motorcycle clubs all over the world - Docu - 2014 - Duration: 30:01.-------------------------------------------
横山由依、爽やかすぎる浴衣姿を公開?真相は。。。? - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Hoe een bougies vervangen op een RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [HANDLEIDING AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:30.Open the hood.
Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plugs.
Use a drive socket No.16. Remove the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench and place them on a work surface in the order of installing in the engine.
Apply a thin layer of special grease on the thread surface of new spark plugs.
Use a drive socket No.16. Screw new spark plugs and tighten them.
Connect the high voltage wires to the spark plugs.
横山由依、爽やかすぎる浴衣姿を公開?真相は。。。? - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
Slime Presleme Yaptık - SLIME PRESSING - Duration: 7:32.Hello Welcome friends channel
yes i am with you spider man and my friend kuki
slime pressing
we bought it for you from tennis rackets
we will press our slides with these pampered slimleriz
It will be crunchy. let see how is it going to be
open with you
I tell you our materials immediately. yes i do it with orange color
pink and yellow glue for this
mixer and put red shower gel on it
I try to get an orange color when I put the orange color on it
then powder shaved foam shampoo
I will make a beautiful slur
I will start playing and continue playing
we have some. Squishy we have. MinnaK Squishy are friends with us
So let's start. I took some water as usual.
I'm starting to pack glue now.
a little pink glue
a little yellow glue
and start mixing
yes already got a light orange
then what do i do
I can not resist the shower gel I know that friends love the smell of the shower gel
Would the shower gel be without shampoo? I will not spill my shampoo
a wonderful fragrance
orange got a close color. what do i do
I will draw from orange dyed
yes a little orange paint
they got a great consistency
what do I do now
of course, powdered
Will there be fine powder starch?
Of course not. what am I doing
now i put corn syrup
I think I'm putting a lot of corn starch
now what we finish as usual the final
our foam is oleyyyyyy
as well as the wonderful foam
now borax a little
great pofuduk slime ready
let's play some
I do not have to press it then, right?
yes we can press now
yes friends are wonderfully pressed
yes we made wonderful presses
yes friends finally came to a video
I continue to press, of course. Excuse me
forgot to tell friends
I was tempted to play. yes friends finally came to a video
please do not forget to subscribe to our channel
please like our videos. take good care of yourself
I love you very much. goodbye
of course I keep playing
HOW TO IMPORT MULTIPLE IMAGES IN LIGHTROOM IN HINDI|LightRoom for beginners Layout &Import Photos|E1 - Duration: 3:05.HOW TO IMPORT MULTIPLE IMAGES IN LIGHTROOM IN HINDI|LightRoom for beginners Layout &Import Photos|E1
Curious Quail - The Albatross - Duration: 3:21.🎶Facing all these things that we've broken🎶
[Guitars strumming]
🎶Scares you inside-out for a moment🎶
[More guitar because why not]
🎶But deep breath in🎶
🎶Chin up 🎶
🎶We got this far 🎶
[There's a filter but I promise Josh's bass tone is like silk in your ears]
🎶It's time to finish what we all started🎶
[Tambourines, drums and Gameboys have joined the party]
🎶With bruises, bleeding limbs, broken hearted🎶
[There's violin hiding in there too]
🎶But all together now🎶
🎶We got this far🎶
[Why is Gameboy music so heckin cute]
[Morose violin sets the mood with crunchy guitars thumping]
🎶They say that we'll disappear🎶
🎶But the math that they do to get here doesn't check out🎶
🎶They're waiting for the all clear🎶
[Joey's shirt says 'Donut Savant']
🎶From superstitions and fears🎶
[Descending violin blazing forward]
🎶But the weight of it is all is gone from our necks🎶
🎶Blink once or twice and it's over🎶
🎶And sure you're beaten down and feel older🎶
[Bloopity bleep]
🎶But against all odds and reason🎶
🎶Here we are 🎶
[Cacophony of guitar feedback and gameboys]
[Let's bring it down for a moment with the tamby]
🎶They said that we'd disappear 🎶
[Bassline restores your faith in humanity]
🎶And proving them wrong shouldn't feel this good🎶
🎶They're waiting for the all clear 🎶
🎶From superstitions and fears🎶
🎶And the weight of this is all is gone from our necks🎶
[Glockenspiel and Gameboy both start with the letter G]
[Surprise Joey what a twist]
[He's also playing the glockenspiel though so it's not re…]
[Interlude time! This song is not about a bird!]
[Mad shoutouts to the drums, bass and glockenspiel tho]
[It's been a while since he's had a violin solo, he's earned this]
[Violin solo adding implied 80's guitar bends, this rules]
[Gameboy and Glockenspiel play us out]
Hello! My name is Elena Bazhenova.
I am glad to welcome you at my kitchen!
Many of my subscribers know that I like easy and tasty canning.
This is especially true when I have 2 buckets of garden tomatoes, 1 bag of sweet pepper and 1 bag of eggplant.
So I want to cook something easy.
Today for you - "Cucumbers pickled in the tomato juice".
For a recipe, we take 2l of small cucumbers.
You can use large cucumbers; they should be cut.
Tomatoes (for 1l of tomato juice), 2 tbsps of salt, 1 clove of garlic and 5 black peppercorns.
You will need a previously sterilized jar with a lid.
The proportion will be per a 2-liter jar.
Put the peppercorns at the bottom of the jar.
Cut the garlic.
You can use 1 or 2 cloves of garlic.
I will put a large cucumbers at the bottom of the jar.
Cut both ends of each.
Put the small cucumbers whole.
Important: cucumbers must first be soaked in cold water for 3 hours!
After that, they should be washed well.
The jar is full of cucumbers.
Pour a boiling water here.
I like to sterilize the canning in a pan.
But this is the other recipe.
We will pour hot water in the jar 2-3 times.
Pour to the top.
Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the tomato juice.
Do it in any convenient way.
I will make tomato juice with a juicer.
After 15 minutes, you can drain the water.
Pour back into a bowl.
Bring to a boil.
Pour the boiling water to the cucumbers again.
Leave to cool for 30-40 minutes.
The jar should become warm, so you can safely take it with your hands.
Cover with the lid.
Drain again.
I recommend 3 pouring water.
Therefore, again bring the water to a boil.
Then pour it into a jar and let it cool for 40-45 minutes.
Pour the boiling water for the third time.
Meanwhile, boil the tomato juice.
Bring the juice to a boil, boil for 10 minutes and remove the foam.
To the boiling tomato juice, add 2 tbsps of salt without a slide.
We will need about 1l of tomato juice for a 2l jar with cucumbers.
The second.
Stir to dissolve the salt.
Boil for 2-3 minutes.
Pour the tomato juice into the jar with cucumbers.
Do not add vinegar here.
Remains the tomato juice a little.
Close the jar with a lid.
Turn the jars over, wrap and left so until completely cooled.
Cooled jars are turned back and stored at room temperature in a conventional pantry.
If you liked this recipe - subscribe to my channel. Do not forget to click on bell, so as not to miss new interesting videos on my channel.
Canning with pleasure and enjoy!
Jak wymienić świece zapłonowe w RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [TUTORIAL AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:30.Open the hood.
Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plugs.
Use a drive socket No.16. Remove the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench and place them on a work surface in the order of installing in the engine.
Apply a thin layer of special grease on the thread surface of new spark plugs.
Use a drive socket No.16. Screw new spark plugs and tighten them.
Connect the high voltage wires to the spark plugs.
INFORMATIONSINBÖRDESKRIGET - Duration: 15:32.-------------------------------------------
కర్కాటక రాశి 2018 | Karkataka Rasi | October Rasi Phalalu 2018 | Astrology In Telugu | Rasi Phalalu - Duration: 4:56.PLEASE LIKE COMMENTS SHARE
Learn Dubsado Here: What Productive Co.'s All About - Duration: 1:28.I'm going to take a wild guess and say that
you found yourself here because you want
to learn Dubsado. Yes, you found
yourself in the right place. Hi, my name
is Rae and I run Productive Co. I help
service-based business owners unleash
the power of automation in their
businesses through a client management
tool called Dubsado. If you want to have
an awesome client management system for
your business you should hit that
SUBSCRIBE button right the second and
then hit the bell icon to get
notifications when new videos go live. On
this channel, I talk about all things
Dubsado: proposals, invoices, workflows,
tags, task boards, and more. But I don't
just talk about the technical stuff, I
talk about strategy and how to come up
with creative solutions that work
for your business as well.
I also talk about making your client
management system work with the other
tools in your business that you've
already are using because the key isn't
having just one system that works in
your business. but having your business
work for you as a whole. All you have to
do now is browse this channel for the
video tutorial you're looking for. I've
created several playlists to help you
find videos related to what you do
search for. And if you want even more
information, you can always head over to
my website called Once
again, thanks for stopping by my corner
of the internet today. My name is Rae and
I'll see you around.
Madrastra del infierno 👩🏻👶👺 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:58.-------------------------------------------
Video kortelės YouTube | Kam reikalingos video kortelės? 😀❓ - Duration: 6:17.-------------------------------------------
"Chuyên cơ mặt đất" Lexus LX570 2018 bản 4 ghế về Việt Nam |AUTODAILY.VN| - Duration: 8:09.-------------------------------------------
ଜନ୍ମାଷ୍ଟମୀ ରେ ବନାନ୍ତୁ ଏମିତି ମିଠା ବୁନ୍ଦି ( Mitha Bundi ) | Mitha Boondi Recipe | Sweet Boondi | Odia - Duration: 7:20.Namaskar. Welcome to
Today we will make a Sweet Boondi
It is can also be easily made at home during any festival
I hope you all will love this recipe
Hit like and share if you enjoy the recipe
Also press the bell icon next to the subscribe button to get the notification of our latest recipe videos
Let's start today's recipe
We need all these ingredients for making this dish
Gram flour ( Besan ) - 1cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Green cardamom powder - ( 5-6 nos )
Melon seeds
Some broken cashew nuts
Lemon slice
Kesar yellow food colour ( instead of it you can also use few saffron strands )
And cooking oil to fry Boondis
Let's start making boondi batter
Take a mixing bowl
Put all these ingredients in it
Put 1 tbsp oil for 1 cup of besan
Then gradually add the required water to make the batter
After 4-5 minutes, the batter is smooth now
The consistency should be like this ( flowing consistency )
Here I have used less than 1 cup of water ( so use water as required )
Batter is ready to fry boondi
Oil has heated now ( medium hot oil )
We will fry the boondis using it
Apply a little oil on it , so that the batter will not stick while frying
Put a tiny batter in the oil , if it will immediately start floating on the top means the oil is ready to fry the boondis
Reduce the flame medium to low and fry , so that boondis will become cripsy
After frying of 1½ minute on low flame , boondis has turned to light brown
** Do not fry it much
Fry the remaining in the same way
** Always wipe-off the kitchen tool nicely , before frying next batch onwards **
All fried boondis are ready now
Keep it aside for later use
Esclavas por culpa de mamá 👩🏻👭🤷🏽 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:16.-------------------------------------------
Teddy Bear Turn Around | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Music For Kids | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:09.Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the sky
Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, bead down low
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, rest your head
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, time for bed
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the sky
Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, bead down low
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, rest your head
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, time for bed
Куклы ЛОЛ нашли Капсулы UNDER WRAPS Распаковка игрушек Мультики #ЛОЛ Сюрпризы LOL Surprise doll - Duration: 12:00.-------------------------------------------
Rainbow Wheels On The Bus | Nursery Rhymes With Junior Squad by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:01:20.The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
round and round round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
All through the town.
The people on the bus go side to side
Side to side, Side to side
The people on the bus go side to side
All through the town.
The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!
vroom vroom vroom, vroom vroom vroom....
The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The door on the bus comes open and shut.
Open and shut open and shut
The door on the bus comes open and shut.
All through the town.
The driver on the bus says sit on down..
Sit on down sit on down
The driver on the bus says sit on down..
All through the town.
The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!
Uwah uwah uwah, uwah uwah uwah.
The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The mommies and the daddies say I love you,
I love you I love you
The mommies and the daddies say I love you,
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
Brush Your Teeth | Momo Beats | Kids Songs And Cartoons | Kids Channel - Duration: 2:39.Brush Your Teeth
Seascape \ Landscape Photography | Bamburgh Castle Northumberland - Duration: 14:07.-------------------------------------------
Motorcycle clubs all over the world - Docu - 2014 - Duration: 30:01.-------------------------------------------
Przeszczep twarzy😱 [olimpia88] - Duration: 28:41.-------------------------------------------
横山由依、爽やかすぎる浴衣姿を公開?真相は。。。? - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Hoe een bougies vervangen op een RENAULT CLIO 2 BB, CB Hatchback [HANDLEIDING AUTODOC] - Duration: 2:30.Open the hood.
Disconnect the high voltage wires from the spark plugs.
Use a drive socket No.16. Remove the spark plugs with a spark plug wrench and place them on a work surface in the order of installing in the engine.
Apply a thin layer of special grease on the thread surface of new spark plugs.
Use a drive socket No.16. Screw new spark plugs and tighten them.
Connect the high voltage wires to the spark plugs.
hi everyone don't mind the mess but we
are removing so I'm getting ready to
move and I need to pack everything up
but as you can see there's so much going
on and there's like I don't know how I'm
gonna do this I thought I will kind of
take you along this journey because it
seems like it's never-ending
if I take you along I can see the
progress and it will make me feel better
so okay I just need to pack up
everything and I don't know where to
start but I think I just need to go room
by room so let's do it
I ran out of tape oh that was fast
completely empty
I was quick
so this was a two-bedroom apartment oh
my god this echo because nothing's here
okay this was a two-bedroom apartment
but our bedroom
was extremely small so I'll show
you so this is the master bedroom and we
had to throw away our bed when we moved
here because it's so small and we were
just actually sleeping on a mattress we have the other room where is the second
bedroom which we use as an office and
we've done all our editing and
everything I think I've shot some videos
in here as well but this was also pretty small
it was really nice having two
rooms so we can have the bedroom and
office be separate even though it was
really tiny but I'm really excited to
move into our new place which has a
little bit more efficient floor plan and
just like that we are moved in yay
but we have another delivery coming in just a minute
so I'm waiting for a
delivery from this service called
feather and it is basically a what do
you call it like Airbnb not not Airbnb
it's like a monthly furniture rental
service like a startup that's I think
based in Brooklyn and but they were part
of Y Combinator so kind of originated in
the Bay Area but I think there are HQ is
now in New York what it does is you can
choose like really expensive and nice
furniture and just pay like a monthly
rental fee so you don't have to like
commit to
buying like thousands of dollars of
furniture instead you can pay like 30
bucks 50 bucks per month to have a great
piece of furniture so I think the next
step for us because we've been using a
lot of like IKEA furniture that we
didn't really really love but we just
kind of had it as a temporary one but we
just kept it forever because it's really
hard to change out furniture so I'm
really excited to see how that goes we
are getting a couch of bed to side
tables and another chair so I think that
delivery is coming in like 10 minutes
so we'll see also another interesting
thing is that with the furniture
delivery they're coming with the San Francisco Chronicle and they want to
interview like our experience using
all right so it's the next day I
completely passed out because I was so
exhausted yesterday but our move went
pretty well and I am loving my new place
so I want to end the vlog by talking
about what to invest in and what to save
on and also like what to commit on and
what not to commit on so we actually
bought this condo as some of you may
know real estate in San Francisco is
really really crazy but because we were
already paying so much in rent and
because real estate in general is going
up we thought it was a good investment
to buy a condo now and pay mortgage then
continue paying rent buying real estate
is a huge huge commitment it's probably
the biggest commitment I've ever done in
my life maybe also getting married but
that was really easy it's a huge
commitment and I really want to make
this place a home for me but I also was
not ready to commit on like thousands of
dollars of furniture but also I really
don't want to be only buying IKEA
furniture anymore so I have some pieces
that I really love like the tables I
have is from like this is from eq3 and
my chair is from Herman Miller but
there's there were other things that
were from Ikea there's actually a lot of
things in here that they're like yeah
that TV stand is actually from Target so
I've kind of like balanced it out with
really nice pieces and things that I
will probably replace in the future but
it's it like works for me now and so I
think I was pretty much ready to upgrade
my couch and also because I think you've
seen in this vlog that I didn't have
space for a bed in my bedroom in the
last apartment I finally have a
bad in my bedroom here which is so
amazing it's like well I feel human
again I think I love it so far
it's only been one day and one night I
have a really nice couch really nice
little chair on the side and then the a
really nice bed so I'll put up what the
brands are here but I'm really really
excited about it now and another
exciting super super exciting thing
that's happening this week is this guy
so you will get to meet him in the next
vlog bye oh my god what are you doing
make sure you're subscribed pino bye
How to Pronounce SEPTEMBER - Months of the Year English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 2:23.hello Jennifer from Tarle speech with your months of the year pronunciation
questions today's month is September this is a relatively easy one let's go
ahead and take a look we're going to focus on three beats sep tem ber so start
with sep we're gonna start with that s sound nice and easy let the air move out
of your mouth and be sure to not touch your teeth for this sound add that short
eh vowel your tongue is going to be a little bit higher than in the middle of
your mouth and flat and then end with that p sound by putting your lips together
and then opening them and the air is going to come out of your mouth sep
Sep next we're going to move to tem to do this you're going to touch the tip of
your tongue to the back of your top front teeth and then pull your tongue
down for that eh again it's a little bit higher than in the middle of your mouth
and flat and then close your lips for the M sound and direct the air out of
your nose tem then you're going to open your lips for that b sound
and then end with the er to do this you're going to round your lips and keep
them tense you have a choice here for the r your tongue tip is either going
to be pointed down in your mouth so that the back of your tongue pulls up or you
can flip the tip of your tongue back towards the back of your mouth whichever
works for you just don't touch your teeth and do not let that r move and
flap by moving your tongue let's put that all together
sep tem ber September September September September
September September is a lot cooler than August give it a try I know people are
going to notice the difference if you found this helpful we'd appreciate a
like and a share and don't forget to subscribe if you're interested
products you can find those on itunes google play and at Tarle speech dot com
thank you so much and I'll see you next month
Quốc Ca Việt Nam - Melody Version ( Special Video ) ♪ - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
[ANIME NAME] Top 10 Anime Có Nhân Vật Chính Bá Bạo Khi Sử Dụng Sức Mạnh Thật #2 - Duration: 11:57.intro
Every day that I wake up
I wake up in a nightmare
every day that I wake up
I can never see quite clear
when I look at my surroundings
and everybody still doubts me
I wanna live to hear a crowd sing
All my lyrics so loudly
I miss the time when we would all get together
I guess it's fine but I really wish that we were better
real talks sipping drinks without all the pressures
now everybody needs to think about posting whatever
when people ask how I'm doing ive never been better
that's really not a conversation I'm willing to enter
How come we all continue forcing out all this pressure?
I'm just sick of these opinions and all of these lectures
I need my space now
So I can feel nothing
I live this nightmare
So I can feel something
I do what I love
And hope you will love me
I face this nightmare
No, I am not running
and I'm scared of being rich
but I'm scared of being poor
I'm scared of being lonely
But I'm scared of being bored
sometimes I get really angry
and I don't know why
sometimes I really do hate me
can't even pick my own side
Yeah what is even going on
why the hell do I even write songs?
what the hell am I doing here, man?
I guess I don't understand a thing damn
yeah, or maybe ignorance is bliss
Yo, I'd rather land in the abyss
And be aware of what I missed
Especially if I quit
yeah, they say the hell is your last day
when you see what you could've became
that day would drive me insane so I intend on staying in my lane
yeah I picked a path and I picked the pain yeah, I want it bad, that won't ever change
yeah sometimes I'm mad, sometimes I'm okay yeah I know I have what I want someday
I need my space now
So I can feel nothing
I live this nightmare
So I can feel something
I do what I love
And hope you will love me
I face this nightmare
No, I am not running
And it's hard to be okay when everything has changed
Yeah, it's hard to be okay when I can see everything the best part of everyone's day
It's on my iPhone on display no matter what I do can't get away
This isn't healthy I don't feel the same Yo, and destiny is a weird thing
Yeah, 'cause it's easier to believe Yeah, that everything is out of your hands
It's part of a plan so there ain't no need to worry Uh, don't let your vision be blurry
yeah, look in to your journey
Yo, and you can start real early you can be 13 or you could be 30
Uh but it's your life to live yeah yeah so what you got to give, huh
Yuh, you better get after it Don't you dare quit, don't you dare kid You got dreams? then you're like
So try like me, so fight like me Take a hold of your life and thrive like me
You could put the nightmares to sleep like me...
tell me that you love me tell me it was worth it
all the pain you caused me I know that we weren't perfect I feel I have a curse
that nothing I do works and I know that you've been hurt but I know we've had it
worse and I don't wanna fake it any more than I have to
feeling tortured I grab you try to snap us both back to when I felt like I had
you it just feels like a baboon but you're turning your back soon
I've been stabbed in the back you saw way something now it's open now there's
no way we can work it out can't work it out every word that's coming out your
mouth it's filled with doubt I don't have time to figure out what that's
about I don't wanna break you down but I can feel your emotion and there's
nothing open I just think I were broken I can feel the erosion like the coast of
the ocean every day we're approaching just another
asleep just to fall asleep I think our men 2d I just need to fall asleep put my
mind at ease don't wanna sing just breathe every single day if he comes
another bat I'm tired to the pain exhausted from the shackles I feel you
and to stay for the time we unravel we'll never be the same call decay sit
together I never thought it'd end like this with
the fight not a kiss nothing's right I think we missed all apply that I danced
cuz when I reminisce every night I felt dismissed and I tried to forget all the
I think you finally close that door I think you finally cleaned your drawer I
guess this is the price of war and as I see it I write these chords up at night
of course and think about what might restore my hustle like a feeling once
more asleep just to fall asleep I think I'm in too deep I just need to find a
slave put my mind at ease don't wanna sing just breathe yeah
yeah everybody knows that I'm breaking down everybody knows how to fake your
nether everybody knows my heart shaking now yeah she hates me now I'm in
mistakes banana I don't ever wanna be alone I don't really ever feel at home
am I going in this zone that's the only way I go in a note about to blow back up
if I know it that the doubt creep in got a pop a couple more best drink I don't
think I'll never let you can easier to break it off best friends I don't really
understand myself understand help I don't wanna be left on the Shelf
couldn't even hear me if I count so cool
it's so calm
I don't want to break down I always feel like I could break now but I never let
it take me to that place now I won't ever let my thoughts get away now like I
better things to do picking fate now I'm just gonna be the best coming great now
I don't know if I'm okay oh and say now I remember better days on the playground
often I come away Ginga when I'm facing down I fight even when I don't know what
is right i'ma pick a side and I'ma take God I will decide my fate and God will
never let them tell me who I am if you try to shake me I'll be damned fed it on
the ground swear by Stan never give up that was always the plan so cool
it's so calm
you will not change
stay here to play you got one life and I know whether you can change my Big Bang
near sing got that voice in the back of my head
say I give up don't hold back and not enough stay on track
it's been tough close the gap they can suck that's a fact I know I'm going slow
down on my own right now in this zone I down in the boat this is sound this I
broke this crowd you all know me now you know call it now better watch the fuck
out yeah
but you will not change
the cusp in the roast any motherfuckin nigga nigga beat Ledo keep love sneaking
up imma be the one creepin up until I meet info believe me hope you don't know
what I've been through never gonna take a slower way to go now I know to go
phone to my mind just like a waiver goes up to be the best must be different and
no guests must be meet you every test attorney goes into a chest fuck the
haters second guess I want to know what you do best take the risk and take the
deck chop their cousin break the deck yeah
but you will not change
to say
When Bhaiji Sing the Song | It always went wrong - Duration: 3:47.Aye! How are you
You've cut your hair. Are you done being a woman now
Don't spoil my mood bhaiji
I mistaken to introduce you on my channel
Tool whole footage of mine
Look pal, I'll tell you!
No one wants to see you dancing or exercising
Everyone likes Irfan Bhaiji
Isn't it!
Are you done!
Now, please get lost
Keep's calm and clean the dog's turd
Yuck, you are so disgusting man
Take off you headphone, now musis will play on speakers
♫ Ed Sheeran Shape of you♫
Turn this thing off now
What is your problem now
What the hell are you playing man
I also wants to sing and enjoy the jam
Play something that I know
Bhaiji, Please leave na, please leave
I will put a slap on you face
aye, tell him, or I slam it
Bhaiji I am the Photograph on the wall
Sort it out yourself please
Ok, I'll change it
♫ Soni de Nakhre ♫
It's pump up the Jam bhaiji, pump up the jam
It my turn you became a photograph, huh
Now you are teaching me!
Don't try to be smart with me
♫ Despacito♫
What happen?
Even I don't know it, Do you?
♫ Bom diggy diggy bom bom ♫
What is this, Bhadram Bhadram
what is it?
Get up
Get up
Put the remote down
Get lost from here
He think I am a joker
Do you need special arrangements for you
Get lost
Alright bhaiji, I am also leaving
♫ Solid body♫
I am back guys
See how happy bhaiji is when he get his jam
So, you like this video, right?
Obviously, so press the like button
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Then, share this video with him
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I am leaving
No, I become a photograph
質問コーナー! 〜初恋の話など〜 [ENGLISH SUBTITLES] - Duration: 19:04.Hi everyone!
I don't want to get too stiff today and I just want to relax with you guys
I want to answer some questions you've sent me!
I received questions in various platforms like Instagram and YouTube
Questions about makeup or my job
Or my love life, I get asked a lot
I just want to answer some questions and relax with you guys!
I'm going to answer from frequently asked questions
I don't want this to be like my self-introduction video again (I'll change it up)
I'm 24 and I turn 25 on October 29th
I was born and raised in Kentucky
I still live in Kentucky and I've never lived in Japan before
How did I learn Japanese?
Honestly, I can make a long video just on this topic, but
First of all, my parents. And I have an older brother and sister
We always speak Japanese between our family, never English
I get goosebumps just thinking about speaking English to my family
Environment. While growing up, my parents made a complete Japanese environment
Because of all this, I am fluent in Japanese
I also went to Japanese School every Saturday as a kid
I guess other things I enjoy is working out
Ever since I started working out, I have more confidence in myself
I have become narcissistic because of it
I'm glad I've learned how to love working out just as much as I enjoy violin and makeup
What's in my bag?
I'm a guy and I don't carry that much stuff
I always thought "What's in my bag" video would be too short so I'll just show you now
I'm pull away the camera for a second. And this is my Gucci bag
I didn't care about Gucci for the longest time. But my mom was eyeing on a bag with the same design
So we went to the Gucci store. And while my mom was paying,
My dad called my name and I followed him
He showed me this bag and asked me how I thought of it
Of course it was love at first sight for me
So dad told me he'll buy it for me
I treasure this bag everyday.
Depending on that day, I have my wallet in my bag too
When I can I always store my wallet in my pocket. This is Gucci as well
Isn't it cute? The design is very unique
It has a charm that's made out of bamboo and pearl!
This is something only my age or older will know,
In Japan, there used to be many notebooks with plant and insect prints
I loved when they used to have those prints
I love anything nature. But unfortunately, insect prints are not appreciated anymore
And it's just all character designs
I love that Gucci still appreciates nature inspired prints!
I love them!
Next is this, which they have kindly sponsored this video
This is a headphone by SUDIO
I always go to the gym 3 times a week
And I wear headphones to the gym.
I used to wear earphones with wire
It's so dangerous when you're working out, especially when you're using dumbbells
Sometimes you hook your arm to the wire and PULLS YOU DOWN!
It happens occasionally and I freak out
Seriously, I almost pee my pants
Basically, this helps you out because it's wireless with good quality
I have mine set on these white marble designs
You can change the design simply just by turning it. Which is genius.
I've been testing these for over a month and I still haven't recharged them
I quite enjoy these
I have a coupon code for this! It's located in the description box
If you're interested in headphones, let's get matching ones! It'll be so cute!
I have these paperworks from MAC (my job)
I'll get fired if I showed them
My manager and assistant manager wrote me a handwritten letter and I keep them in my bag
I have some tissues, mint..
A melted and deformed Matcha KitKat
A fan sent this to me. It's a powder called the Time Secret with SPF and PA protection
Such a genius invention, a powder with SPF
I keep my pens in this banana
My makeup bag. This is my Hakuhodo highlight brush,
It's a highlight brush but it's perfect for around the nose
The powder is by Skinfood, Peach Cotton Loose Powder
Oil blotting sheets that my dad got
For color powder, I keep a sheer one instead of full coverage
My MAC Next to Nothing Powder
This is a question from a close friend
I've been saying this since I've started YouTube,
There's this guy name, Zac Efron, I have no feeling towards him
But I own every movie that Zac is in
But I have no interest in him
Just by looking at him my heart skips a beat but I really don't care about him
His name is Zac Efron
Because I watched "The Lucky One" that he stars in
I started working out because I wanted his body
Zac Efron was who changed my life
I have don't have any interest in him
Instead of young men, I like older-mature men
I like men in the Showa (1926-1989 JAPAN)
Mokkun, Motoki Masahiro, he's so cute
This is so random
Doi Yoshiharu, a Kyoto-based cook
You guys might think I'm crazy
He's so handsome and he seems such a nice guy
Okada Junichi from V6. He's a handsome guy too
Abe Hiroshi from Thermae Romae (JAPAN)
I swear I thought I was going to nose bleed
But do people actually nose bleed from seeing hot people?
We just say it but if it did happen, that's crazy
I can't believe I forgot Ushimaru Kanji. AHHHHHHHHH
Koreans are so hot too,
I'm a huge fan of Park Si-Hoo
I saw him fort the first time on "Prosecutor Princess"
He's mine
If you don't know him, don't google him, thanks
*death stare*
My love life. There it is lol
You've all been waiting for this
This is was my first love and first relationship
This was when I was turning to Junior in college in the summer
We switch grades in the summer unlike Japan in the Spring
There was a festival that my violin professor told me about
It was in Italy and he asked me to come with him
So I went with him to Italy
In the festival that was held,
there was an orchestra that musicians from all around the world joined like China,
North America of course, and Europe, just all around the world
all in one orchestra
We were visiting so we stayed at a hotel with roommates
My roommate was from Hong Kong and he was a cellist
My first insight, I didn't care about him at all
Because he was the complete opposite of guys I've named a few mins ago
So I didn't think anything about him first,
But as we got to know each other gradually
We started to notice we were like clones. We were so similar
I haven't told this to anyone so I'm embarrassed
I thought, when people get married,
or find a partner,
this must how it feel. We liked each other so much.
If we lived in the same area
I thought we'd be together forever
We got that close
But this festival was only 2 weeks
So we discussed that if we choose to date, we'll be hurt later
Because he lived in Hong Kong, and I lived in Kentucky
It was perfectly the other side of the world
The time difference was also completely opposite
It was the other side of the world, and we were just kids
We discussed, we'll never meet again after this two weeks
It was more than just "like," it was "love."
So we decided to date,
After we got home
It was all only Skype
We sacrificed so much
One of us would wake up early or stay up late
We'd talk for about an hour, and it was time for bed or the start of the day
We lasted about 5 months
When there's such a powerful bond, things can turn out complete wrong sometimes
We started to have an unhealthy relationship
So we had to give up
So yep, that's my first love story
Can I say manga(comic)? lol
I read books too! But I read mangas more
My favorite manga is "Kochikame"
My brother started collecting them and we almost have all of them (150+)
This also links back to "how did I learn Japanese?"
"Kochikame" includes so much Japanese history,
culture, people,
what Japan was like when the manga was written,
what was popular then, how people interacted,
how they talked, it was filled with information!
It's a manga but it's like reading a textbook about Japan
I love "Kochikame"
My favorite food is croquette
I dislike raw eggs and mayonnaise
they're both eggs
If I only had $8 and I have spend all of it? On ramen?
Is $8 for the day?
Hopefully that's not all I got for the week
Can I get rice balls instead?
I choose the $8 ramen
I'm into the word, "manji" = "super/cool/hyper/etc"
This is such a deep question
When my friends ask me, "are you Japanese or American?" I honestly don't know the answer
I just answer, "I'm Japanese."
I was born in the states, but I was raised in a Japanese household
I have a strong awareness that I'm Japanese
Let's answer this in steps
We're heading to Japan, and we land in Japan's airport,
Of course we have to go through immigrations
And when I see security guards or examinations,
I first thought is, "they look weak."
Because on the other hand when I go back to the states and go through immigrations,
I'm always surprised by the difference in people
American immigration is scary
Americans are not just 2 times but 3 times bigger with huge muscles
They eye contact is also scary
I wouldn't do bad things there EVER
the difference always surprises me
From my perspective on how Japanese people are
this may be stereotypical
but I see Japanese people as introverts
But that doesn't mean Japanese people aren't extroverts or aren't open, that's not what I mean
what I want to say is
In the university I went, there was a Japanese class
and I was the assistant instructor/tutor
just for a short while
there were so many studious students
They were Kentucky raised
but they learned so much just on their own
There were maybe 2 or 3 who did very well and we'd have discussion tables
These students were very serious in learning
They knew "Part-Time Job Language"(JAPAN)
They told me they want to learn more about that
But I was just a college freshman myself
I felt pressured to teach such advanced topic
But as a Japanese and ass. instructor,
I studied a lot myself so I can teach these students
And then I realized,
When Japanese people use "Part-Time Job Language,"
This is an example, a famous one.
When you give cash to the employee they say, "I have received $20 FROM you," instead of simply saying "I received $20."
They add the extra words like, "from."
Let's say you order a hamburger at a restraurant
The waiter will (incorrectly) say, "This will BECOME a hamburger."
But, it doesn't "become a hamburger." It's supposed to be "This is the hamburger."
So why does this incorrect Japanese grammar (part-time job language) exist?
so we had a discussion
So I thought, "why do Japanese people, who are strict in preciseness, keep using the incorrect grammar?"
And I thought,
"Oh, it's thoughtfulness."
This thought seemed so right
Think for a moment
When the waiter brings your food saying,"This is your hamburger."
It's very polite and beautiful language, but not so happy and bright
"There you go! There's your hamburger!"
The little nuance brings so much life to the language
It may not be an exciting moment
but it does soften the mood.
So instead of "I received $20."
The (incorrect grammar) "$20 from you :)"
It shows politeness on receiving cash from the customer
Subtle thoughtfulness in put into the incorrect grammar
And that's why I think Japanese people sometimes speak incorrect grammar
Japanese people are so polite, gentle, and kind
They also respect those who are older
Like calling older colleagues as "senpai."
We don't have that kind of system in the states.
We just call each other in first name
I very much enjoy the Japanese culture because of their thoughtfulness and kindness
That's why Japanese people are so gentle,
I have a beautiful image towards Japanese people.
On the other hand, this is how I think of Americans
The English language itself is not delicately structured as Japanese
There's so much more freedom in Japanese
That's why I love the Japanese language, I can even create my own words
It's easy to express my feelings exactly the way I want to
Personally, I think the English language is limited compared to Japanese
Unless it's a formal document, I feel like the English language itself is already very open and bright
I find English to sound very friendly
Since I was in elementary, I wanted to get out of Kentucky
For college, I was supposed to go to The School of the Art Institute of Chicago,
But I wanted to pursue the violin career so gave up on Chicago
so I ended up staying in Kentucky
But now, if I think realistically, I want to do makeup more seriously
I want to leave Kentucky and go to a big city
But not New York
Those who've been to New York may know
I find the city to be kind of cold/mean (not all)
Considering opportunities,
and connections, I want to go to Los Angeles.
My brother lived in LA until very recently
So I've visited him a few times
I'd love to live in LA
I'd be close to my brother too
But I still don't know what I want to do...
So I am scared myself
But I'm gonna do something BIG one day in LA!
I want to answer just one more
Everyone, always "keep dreaming."
I'm going to end the video here
I am always accepting questions!
You can send them to me by Instagram, YouTube, email, wherever you'd like :)
Thank you so much for watching this video! I'll see you in the next one!
Bye!..Oops I forgot to tell you one thing,
I opened a PO Box!
In my last video, there were so many comments left that said they want to send letters/packages to me too!
I didn't want to ignore your thoughtfulness,
So I spend a PO Box!
So what is a PO Box?
It basically sends the packages to the post office instead of directly to my house, and I go pick it up
My PO Box will accept both letters and packages
For those who wanted to send me something, THANK YOU, the address will be below in the description box
This time for real, I'll see you in my next video!
Bye-bye! :)
How to Grow Money Plant in FISH BOWL | Money Plants Growing Ideas | Pothos Decoration //GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:01.welcome to my channel
in this video
i'm going to show you
growing money plant in a fish bowl
we need some materials
fish bowl or aquarium, aquarium stones or small gravel stones and some seashells
cleaning the stones with water
cleaning new aquarium gravel properly is an important
gravel dust and residue can harm plant and fish or even kill
so we must clean the stones before to use
after cleaning with water
put the aquarium stones in the fish bowl
place some seashells
add some colored stones
slowly fill the water in fish bowl
use cleaned and filtered water or you can use filtered drinking water
it's a betta fish
transfer the fish into the bowl
top of the fish bowl
just stick the sellotape or any small tape or thread to place the money plant on top of the bowl
place the money plant on top of the fish bowl and allow to grow roots in the water
feeding the fish
after all, maintaining fish tank
clean the tank twice a week
keep the fish bowl in shady area or living room
growing money plant in fish tank is beneficial to the plant
money plant(pothos) absorbs nitrates and uses them for growth
and also Feng Shui principles regard money plant as one of the best plants to purify air polluted with synthetic chemicals from furniture and cleaning solutions
and It energizes the home by filtering air and increasing oxygen inflow.
thanks for watching
RAÚL DURÁN: "¿POR QUÉ MI HIJO NO ME PERMITE VER A MI NIETA?" Parte 1 - Duration: 20:17.-------------------------------------------
The BEST CHARMS for KNIGHTS - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
koyunlar dağdan geliyor Ayklas koyun çiftliği akarköy - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
Resmi Gazete'de yayımlandı! 471 Mülki İdare Amirinin görev yerleri değiştirildi - Duration: 5:09.Resmi Gazete'de yayımlandı! 471 Mülki İdare Amirinin görev yerleri değiştirildi GÜNCEL HABERLERİ | 01
09.2018 04:16 | 2 saat önce Cumhurbaşkanlığı Atama Kararı, Resmi Gazete'de yayımlandı
Buna göre, aralarında vali yardımcısı ve kaymakamların da bulunduğu 471 mülki idare amirinin görev yeri değiştirildi
Atamalar, 3 sayılı Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamesinin 2. ve 3. maddeleri gereğince yapıldı
İçişleri Bakanlığı tarafından yapılan basın duyurusuna göre 2018 yılı Mülki İdare Amirleri Atama Kararnamesi ile 471 Mülki İdare Amiri'nin görev yerleri değiştirildi
İstanbul'da 12, İzmir'de 10, Ankara'da 3 ilçenin kaymakamının değiştirildiği açıklandı
Konuyla ilgili Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamesi ise Resmi Gazete'de yayımlandı. Bakanlık tarafından yapılan basın duyurusu şöyle; "2018 Yılı Mülki İdare Amirleri Atama Kararnamesi ile bulundukları yerlerde görev sürelerini tamamlayan ya da hizmet ve mazeretleri gereğince kararname kapsamına alınan 471 Mülki İdare Amirinin görev yerleri, liyakat ve kıdemleri dikkate alınarak değiştirilmiştir
Buna göre; Bakanlık Merkezinde görevli 8 Mülki İdare Amirinin görev yerleri değiştirilirken, 8 Kaymakam ve 1 Vali Yardımcısı Bakanlık Merkezinde değişik görevlere getirilmiştir
Merkezde görev yapan 11 Mülki İdare Amirinin, vali yardımcılığı ve kaymakamlığa atamaları yapılmıştır
VALİ YARDIMCI SAYISI AZALTILDI Vali Yardımcıları, kaymakamlıklara atanarak vali yardımcılığı sayısında azaltılmaya gidilmiştir
Bu bağlamda 610 olan vali yardımcısı sayısı iki yıllık süreç içerisinde 314'e indirilmiştir
Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgelerindeki ilçelere tecrübeli ve başarılı kaymakamların atamaları planlandı
Yapılan atamalarla söz konusu bölgelerdeki tüm ilçelere kaymakam ataması gerçekleştirilerek kaymakamsız ilçe bırakılmadı
Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgelerinde kayyum olarak çalışan ve görev süresi biten kaymakamların başka il ve ilçelere atamaları yapıldı
Kayyum olarak görev yapan kaymakamlardan Doğubayazıt Kaymakamı Ulaş Akhan'ın Antalya'nın Kaş ilçesine, Kızıltepe Kaymakamı Ahmet Odabaş'ın İstanbul'un Arnavutköy ilçesine, Nusaybin Kaymakamı Ergün Baysal'ın Antalya'nın Finike ilçesine ve Malazgirt Kaymakamı Soner Kırlı'nın Yalova'nın Çınarcık ilçesine atanmaları, söz konusu atamalara örnek olarak gösterildi
GENÇ KAYMAKAMLARA GÖREV VERİLDİ Yapılan atamalarla İstanbul'da 12, İzmir'de 10 ve Ankara'da 3 ilçenin kaymakamı değiştirildi
İstanbul, İzmir ve Ankara gibi büyükşehirlerin ilçelerine ve stratejik durumu bulunan ilçelere daha genç kaymakamlar atandı
Büyükşehir ilçelerine kadın kaymakam atama prensibine de devam edildi. Merkezde görev yapan mülki idare amirlerinin kaymakamlık ve vali yardımcılıklarına atanmasıyla da taşra teşkilatı güçlendirildi
PARTNERO fotoğraflara cevap verdi: Kilom yok İstanbul'da balıkçılar "Vira Bismillah" diyemedi CHP'li Çiçek açıkladı: HDP'lileri CHP'den aday gösterebiliriz
Много скорбей. - Duration: 2:59.-------------------------------------------
NINJA & Faze Cloak Reacts To HOT New Shake It Up Emote! ( daily fortnite funny moments ) - Duration: 8:21.NINJA & Faze Cloak Reacts To HOT New Shake It Up Emote! ( daily fortnite funny moments )
R3HAB x Sofia Carson - Rumors (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:34.R3HAB x Sofia Carson - Rumors (Lyrics)
GIFTS of MY SUBSCRIBERS! - Duration: 2:54.Hello, my dear friends! Today I would like to say many thanks to all of you,
my subscribers, who watch my videos,
thank you for all your comments, for your advices, ideas for new videos.
Also thank you for writing subtitles to my videos!
I wish, Blanche from France and Yasmine from Algeria accept my sincere appreciation for
helping me with French subtitles.
I want to say thanks to Yasmine from Algeria and Muhammad from Syria for writing subtitles in Arabian language.
I hardly know how to thank Vidar from Norway for subtitles in Norwegian language,
Marc for subtitles in Spanish, Luna Nera for subtitles in Italian,
Gregory from USA, who is in Ukraine now, for editing my English.
I also give my regards and many thanks to James from USA for his support. He inspires me to make new videos.
And thanks Monica from Mexico for friendship.
I have a lot to thank Vidar from Norway for all his kindness and visiting me in Belarus.
I want to thank him for support and for gifts. He brought me a magnet,
that, of course, is placed on my fridge. Here is such a beautiful statuette (mammoth).
It's placed on my desk.
There is a book about Norway in English. And also I want to say him many thanks
for this digital camera, that I'm using now for making this video.
Once more many thanks, my friends! Couldn't have done anything without your support! Keep watching my videos.
I hope they are useful for you. I hope, they help you to learn Russian
and speak fluently. Thank you for watching this video! Bye!
💪 Everything You Want & Need To Know About Protein Powders - Duration: 14:19.Hi, I'm Dr Sam Robbins,
I get a ton of questions about protein powders.
And rightly so, there's so much confusion about it.
Lots of misinformation.
And of course, this is because there are so many protein powders and types, which only
adds to the frustration.
So, today I'm going to reveal everything you want and NEED to know about Protein Powders
How much total protein you need during the day and with each meal.
What's the best and worst proteins for building muscle and losing fat.
What's the best protein for health and longevity I'll also discuss vegetarian/vegan protein
I'll tell you what I use personally.
And best of all, how you can make your own, customized protein powder, with any kind of
protein you want, flavor, taste, various ingredients you can add to it.
And the coolest part of it all - this will cost you LESS money than buying any of the
popular protein powders you see online or in the stores.
In fact, this is how I have been getting my own protein powders for a decade now - you'll
get my contacts, discounts and custom formula.
And this is the first time I making this information public, so please pay attention.
Because this is such an important topic, I've turned it into a 2 part series and most likely,
I'll make an additional 3rd part with Frequently Ask Questions.
I'm Just Like You...
And I'm putting in all this time and effort for you because I'm just like you - I used
to be totally confused about protein.
In fact, in the old days I used to buy some "crash weight gain" powder by Weider with
Arnold on the product.
It was junk, but that's all we had then.
Later I would buy these big tubs of protein - it was called something like "Mega Weight
Gainer" or "Mega Mass" or something like that.
It was by Weider again…
Anyway, it tasted good and it had a lot of calories.
Which I needed because of was really skinny.
But, it was cheap protein - mainly milk and sugar.
Sadly, I was gassy and bloated all the time because it was made with junky milk protein
and ingredients.
Then, everything changed when I met Jeff Everson and Dr. Scott Connely, who helped create Met-Rx.
It originally came in 2 bottles - Base and Plus.
Later it came in a single, convenient packets.
Met-Rx changed everything.
It contained much better protein, lower carbs and low calories.
Very little gas or bloat.
Later, similar "Meal Replacement Powders" or "Ready To Drink" (RTD) solutions came
along, such as EAS MyoPlex
However, the next big change came when pure Whey protein powder was released and one of
the most popular was promoted by one of my mentor's, Dan Duchaine called Designer Whey
When pure, whey powder was released - it was the "best" protein you could buy and at
that time, it really was.
And it's still one of the most popular protein these days.
Now, these days there are a lot more advances and better proteins.
And one of the biggest changes is vegan, no-dairy proteins which are almost as good and digestible
as whey protein.
Which is great, because you no longer have to worry about "losing muscle" if you
don't have animal protein.
Plus, in all honesty - having more vegan/veggie protein is actually better for your health
and longevity.
Now, I'm sharing all of this history with you to let you know that I've been at this
for a LONG time, so "I've been there, done that" and I want you to learn from
my mistakes.
So, what that said - let's start with the top QA's
How Much Protein Do You Really Need?
People selling you protein powders are always pushing you to eat more protein, but you don't
need to.
I've tried as little as 0.5 grams per pound of body weight (about 100 grams/400 calories)
to as high as 3 grams per pound of body weight (600 grams/2400 calories).
More will NOT build any extra muscle - especially in the long-run… and if anything, it'll
increase muscle breakdown (which I've done a video about this as well).
Plus, it's just very unhealthy to have so much protein.
What I've found is the most amount of protein you really need is about 1 gram per pound
of bodyweight.
I weigh about 200 lbs and I eat about 200 grams (800 calories).
Even if you're taking steroids and working out really hard - you do NOT need more protein.
I'd rather you ate more fat and carbs.
How Much Protein Per Meal?
I've read all the studies, listened to all the experts about this.
There are studies showing that your body can only absorb about 10 grams per hour, depending
on the type of protein (whey being the best).
Another study shows only 20 grams per meal is required for maximum protein synthesis.
Eating more didn't increase protein synthesis.
And in another study, it showed eating all the protein in ONE meal, instead of 4, made
no difference.
Granted, these were women who only ate 50 grams of protein daily.
And in an Intermittent Fasting study, eating all of the protein during a 4 hour time window
and then fasting 20 hours didn't cause muscle loss … However, it also didn't cause muscle
gains (protein synthesis) either.
Now, there are lots of factors here - age, they type of protein, your hormona profile
(being the most important) and what you're eating the protein with (fats, carbs, fiber,
etc.) all make a difference.
However, let me keep it simple for you.
Try to eat between 25-40 grams of protein, per meal, spread out evenly throughout the
This is important because protein is the only macronutrient that can't be stored.
Carbs get stored in the muscle and liver.
Fat gets stored in fat cells.
But, protein needs to be replenished through the day.
So for me, eating 200 grams, I'll spread that over 5-7 meals, which comes out to about
25-40 grams per meal.
And I do this because I feel better.
I don't get bloated eating a massive meal of protein.
It also keeps my stomach flatter, than having all of this food in only 2-3 big meals.
What's The Worst Protein For Building Muscle & Losing Fat?
If I had to pick one protein source you should avoid, it's SOY.
Unfortunately, it's in everything because it's cheap and it's been Genetically Modified
However, the reason I don't like it is because it increases estrogen levels, which then causes
a decrease in testosterone.
Plus, estrogen is a primary causing factor for both breast and prostate cancer.
So, there's your muscle loss.
Additionally, soy decreases thyroid production, especially the primary hormone - T3, which
controls your metabolism.
So, there's your fat gaining.
What's The Best Protein For Gaining Muscle & Losing Fat?
If I had to pick one, it comes down to Whey protein.
However, not any kind of Whey because I believe most of them aren't good.
I think the best is Whey Isolate and more specifically, cold-filtration, grass fed Whey
And I'll tell you where to get this special blend in part 2 of this video series.
The benefits of Whey Isolate is that
It has the highest Branched Chain Amino Acids (3 most abundant aminos in the muscle).
It boosts your immune system There's almost no lactose or sugar, so there's
very little stomach discomfort.
It's easy to digest and fast absorbable.
It has the highest Biological Value (absorbable protein) at 104, whole eggs being 100
Now, there's also Whey Protein Concentrate - which is cheap, has lactose and causes stomach
Unfortunately, this is typically added into protein powders and protein bars, because
it is cheap and it gives the ILLUSION that you're getting a lot more Whey -- Don't
buy it and stay away from it.
Other sources of "milk" protein is Micellar Casein - This is slower digesting protein.
It's something you'd use before bed.
But, not before or after a workout.
It doesn't have the same immune boosting benefits, nor as high a concentration of BCAA
as Whey Isolate.
Lastly, there's Hydrolyzed Caseinate - which is also milk, it's faster and easier to
digest than Micellar Casein…
But it also costs 3x the price of it and the Whey Isolate.
It's NOT worth the extra cost.
It also doesn't have the same benefits of Whey Isolate (BCAA, immune function, etc.).
It's just expensive to manufacture, but no extra benefits.
And like I said, video #2 I'll show you exactly where and how to get the best Whey
Isolate and if you wanted to blend in other proteins, you can as well.
What About Vegetarian/Vegan Protein Powders?
As you may know from watching my previous videos, I'm NOT a fan of dairy.
Certainly NOT milk.
I think milk is for babies and COW milk is for baby COWS.
So, the most I'd suggest is 25 grams of Whey Isolate, once daily.
During or after your workout.
However, the good news is that there are a lot of great vegetable protein powders that
have almost the same benefits, digestibility and absorbability of Whey Isolate, but without
having to eat dairy.
There's Pea Protein - which is in a lot of vegetarian powders and bars.
I'm not a fan of it because it causes inflammation and it's hard to mix.
Good for a bar, but not a drink.
There's Hemp Protein - which is great, but it's hard to have it as the primary source.
It's just hard to mix and it tastes like grass and dirt.
Then we have Alfalfa Protein - Similar to Hemp, it's a "green" powder, which is
good for alkalizing your body.
However, just like Hemp, it's not good by itself.
Better to mix it with other protein types.
Finally we have my favorite - Rice Protein (non-GMO).
There's no sugar, easy to digest and here's the best part, in a 2013 Nutrition Journal
study, showed the rice protein is just as effective as whey protein in gaining muscle,
losing fat and improving exercise performance!
Now, in video #2, I'll show you ways that you can blend these vegetable proteins for
all the benefits, but still have it taste good.
But if you had to pick one veggie source - I'd go with the non-GMO Rice Protein.
What About Other Types Of Protein Powders
There are other types of proteins - other than dairy and vegetable.
There's EGG protein powder, white only or whole eggs.
I don't like only egg white, because you're missing half the aminos that are found in
the yolks.
And, I'd much rather you ate whole, fresh, pasture raised eggs.
They have a lot more health benefits.
There's also Collagen Protein, which has become popular over the past 5-10 years.
I think there are benefits for skin, hair and joints - which is always nice.
But, nothing for building muscle and losing fat… if that's your primary goal.
Finally, there's Bone Broth protein - which is has recently become very popular.
Similar to Collagen protein, it has many benefits for skin, hair and especially the joints.
All important.
But, nothing for gaining muscle and fat loss.
Go ahead and use Collagen and Bone Broth protein to increase your total protein calories during
the day, with the added health benefits of for your skin, hair, joints and gut.
So there you have it.
I think I've covered all the main protein powders.
I know there are others - such as insect protein powders and so forth.
But, I'll save the rare ones for another video.
As a quick summary - I think the best protein powder is grass fed, cold-filtration, Whey
The best veggie protein is non-GMO Rice Protein.
Feel free to add in some collagen and/or bone broth protein for skin, hair and joint health.
And in my next video, I'll show you how you can make your own protein powder, customized
with any % ratio of protein powder you want, flavor and other additives (BCAA, creatine,
glutamine, etc.)
And the best part is that you'll save money because you'll be getting it direct from
the manufacturer.
AND, there are no miniums either.
So you can order just 1 lb or 100 lbs and get bulk, wholesale discounts.
Plus, I've spoken to the owners and I'll be give a special coupon for an added discount.
This is how I make my own protein powder.
I'm not here to sell you anything, just show you the solution that I use personally
for the past decade.
This way you can get the best protein and save money at the same time.
So, that's it for part 1.
If you found this video helpful, please do me a favor and subscribe, give it a thumbs
up and share it with other people who may also benefit.
And finally, watch part 2 of this video by clicking the link below, in the description
area and I'll show you how to formulate your own customized protein blend and save
money at the same time.
Thanks for listening and have a happy and healthy day.
10 canciones que nos gustaría escuchar en el concierto de Babasónicos - Duration: 4:37.Babasónicos, la agrupación argentina liderada por Adrián Dargelos, está de regreso con nueva música y, para mostrarla a su público, se pasearán de nueva cuenta por nuestro país tanto en el Festival Catrina como en un show a solas en el Pepsi Center WTC
¡QUÉ FELICIDAD! Luego de darse a conocer esta gran noticia, los fans se volvieron increíblemente locos y es que apenas en julio del año pasado ofrecieron un concierto en el Teatro Metropólitan
En esta ocasión, la banda tendrá un show bastante diferente, ya que deleitarán a sus seguidores mexicanos con canciones "de las viejitas", así como reversiones de sus hits y, obviamente, nuevas rolas, como "La Pregunta"
Sabiendo eso, por acá te dejamos 10 canciones que nos gustaría escuchar en el concierto de Babasónicos: De su disco de 2003, Infame, Putita debe ser una de las canciones emblemáticas de ese álbum… y quizá una de las canciones más tristes, pues cuenta la historia de alguien enamorado de una mujer que no suele ser de una sola persona
¿A alguien le ha pasado? "Vamos a fumar un porro ahí. Me gusta verte reír…" Una pareja que vive del momento, tan fugaz como el efecto de la marihuana en tu cerebro, que una vez que cesa, hace que todo vuelva a la normalidad y las risas y los momentos que creímos perfectos se pierdan
Sin duda otro gran corte de Infame. Por favor que nos regresen a 2001 y nos hagan vibrar con "Soy víctima de un Dios díscolo y muy singular, que a su antojo fiel me arrebató a mi mujer", una de las más queridas de su disco Jessico
¿Alguna vez intentaste seducir a alguien aparentando que no lo hacías? Ahora sabes porqué te gusta tanto esta canción, sin duda una de las mejores de su disco Mucho, de 2008
¿A quién no le gustaría cantarla en el Pepsi Center o en Catrina? "Te vi partir en dos la lanza y me dejaste clavada la mitad…" ¿Quién iba a pensar que esta canción tiene ya cinco años? Ese es el lapso de tiempo que la banda argentina se ha tomado para descansar y renovarse
"La Lanza" forma parte de Romantisísmico, el último álbum de estudio que compartió la agrupación en 2013
Y si de "viejitas pero bonitas" hablamos, "Irresponsables" de su álbum Infame, de 2003, es sin duda una de las grandes que todo fan desea escuchar nuevamente
¿Mentimos? Hay algo que es clave en el éxito de Babasónicos desde su nacimiento en 1991, y es que sus letras son siempre arropadoras, conectan con la gente y hacen sentir que hay alguien en este plantea que nos entiende… y sí, "El Colmo", de Anoche, es una de ellas
En 2001, "Rubí" se volvió el tema para dedicar al novio o a la novia. Es un tema simple en arreglos pero elegante en discurso
Una gran canción que, de escuchar en vivo, seguro pondrá a bailar lentamente y de lado a lado a las parejas acarameladas
"Teeengo que aprender a fingir más". Babasónicos tiene un arsenal de coros y estribillos que cualquier persona, sea fan o no, conoce y sin duda "El Carismático" tiene algunas de sus líneas más populares
Una pieza que se desprende de Anoche. Para 2005, Babasónicos lanzó su octavo álbum de estudio bajo el título de Anoche
De este material se desprende "Yegua", una pieza que destaca por lo pegajoso que llegó a ser su coro: "Algunas noches soy fácil
¡Uh oh oh!… No acato límites"
Ariana Grande has AWKWARD exchange with pastor at Franklin's funeral - Duration: 5:41.An awkward exchange between Ariana Grande and a pastor during Aretha Franklin's funeral on Friday has left some viewers feeling uncomfortable
Ellis grabbed Grande around her rib cage as he attempted to share a 'dad' joke with the audience
'When I saw Ariana Grande on the program, I thought that was a new something at Taco Bell,' he said as the crowd erupted into laughter
Grande shared her own embarrassed laugh and appeared to be uncomfortable while in his grip
'Girl, let me give you all your respect,' Ellis continued, hugging Grande. 'Did y'all enjoy this icon? She's an icon herself
'.Perez Hilton said: 'Is it just me or. was this pastor just a bit too much with Ariana Grande?' RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Aretha's final show: Detroit Temple fills with laughter as
Bill Clinton is VERY impressed with mini-dress wearing. Share this article Share Author Mona Eltahawy said: 'I don't care what you think about Ariana Grande, her music or her dress
This is wrong. That bishop's hand should not be on her breast: I just saw this because I've been working and not watching
'In response, another Twitter user wrote: 'Absolutely disgusting. There are so many layers to how gross this Bishop was to her
'Sh***y joke, groping her in the middle of a service. Ariana didn't deserve any of this
He took advantage of her and it's hard to watch.'Adrienne Morrisa added: 'Bishop Ellis should be ashamed of himself
groping @ArianaGrande like this was completely inappropriate! Plus, even if he didn't know who she was, to say he thought she was something from Taco Bell is such a slam
' Jerome Trammel added: 'My OPINION: When touching women, especially women you do NOT know, respect their space
'Maybe I'm being dramatic, but his hand should have been around @ArianaGrande's arm, not underneath
Maybe, only I caught that.' 'It makes me sick how he was touching Ariana Grande sexually multiple times on live tv, you could tell she was uncomfortable like wtf I feel so bad for her,' stated a different user
'The whole time all those men did was sexualize her.' There were mixed feelings about what Grande wore for the funeral
The singer wore a tiny black dress with her signature ponytail along with a pair of black stilettos
'#ArianaGrande don't know the below the knee rule for the pulpit in the black church
Somebody hand her a lap hanky and a choir robe. Bless her heart,' tweeted one, Tenisha Taylor Bell
'I can't believe she came in a black church for a black funeral dressed like this,' said comedian and writer Crissle West
KOTY – Instynkt drapieżcy - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Greek lesson: Holiday vocabulary / past tense! - Duration: 3:02.Hello. Welcome to the first Greek course for the new season.
How was your summer?
I had a very good time!
For almost a month, I was going to swim in the sea every day.
In today's lesson I will tell you how I spent the summer and I will try
to use words in the past.
I want you to write under this video, in the comments how you spent the summer
and use as many words as you can in the past.
But before we start today's lesson I would like to tell you that this year we will have some changes in the lessons.
First of all, we changed the microphone, and I hope this microphone is better
and you listen to my voice better and cleaner.
We also tried to have better lighting to see us better and enjoy your lessons.
Finally, the best news is that this year I will not be alone.
You will not only see me in the lessons but also Joanna, the other tutor of The Online Greek Tutor.
Joanna's first lesson will be next week and I'm sure
that you will also love Joanna and her lessons.
Fine, we go back to the lesson. I'll tell you how I spent the summer.
Well, in the first days of August I went to Paphos,
a city of Cyprus, basically I went to the Paphos mountains and I stayed not in a hotel,
but in Mongolian-style tents.
It was very nice, it was out in nature and we calmed down.
We slept listening to the sounds of the animals and
in the morning we enjoyed our breakfast together with the smell of the mountain.
Then we spent the rest of the days at sea.
We were at the beach, we ate delicious food from Cyprus
and abroad and we drank a lot of coffees and juices.
Finally, we spent three days in our village. We enjoyed homemade food and our family's company.
That's all for today. I also expect you to tell us how you spent the summer.
Write in the comments below and tell us. We will, speak, in two weeks.
Next Saturday, you will see a lesson from Joanna. I'm sure you'll love it a lot. Thank you very much. Bye.