(pensive, melancholy piano music)
(door sliding shut)
- No! (water splashing)
(electronic machine whirring)
(music box piano music)
Rouge - Dona da Minha Vida (REAÇÃO) - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - post-Soulsy z domieszką Tenchu - Duration: 5:05.-------------------------------------------
Hairdorables Commercial Style Review - Hairdorables Life Size Anjali - Duration: 0:59.HAIRDORABLES COMMERCIAL STYLE REVIEW
Introducing Hairdorables. The girl squad with big hair don't care attitudes.
Hairdorables are adorable.
They are collectible surprise dolls,
with fun colorful hairstyles.
There are 36 possible dolls to collect.
Including 2 rare and 1 ultra rare dolls too.
Each Hairdorables comes with stylish fashion
and cute accessories too.
Each is unique to her style and talent.
Let's see how Hairdorables work.
First pull the tab on the box
then unwrap the mystery surprises.
Now it's time to reveal the Hairdorable.
Who did you get?
OMG I love her!
Isn't she Hairdorable?
If you want to learn more about Hairdorables
check out the description BELOW!
Les Questions Pas Bêtes 6 : UN POISSON CONGELÉ PEUT SURVIVRE ? - Duration: 4:18.Hello everyone and especially welcome to newones! You are ...
... a lot ... uh ... the video!
We summarize: We have a living fish, which is immersed in a liquid and it seems to come out
frozen. And a few minutes later, it seems to come back to life as if nothing had happened!
Hmm ... let the investigation begin! First of all, you must know that the fish is immersed in a brine. It's a salty and sweet solution
which allows a liquid to remain in the liquid state,
even during extremely low temperatures!
Here -35 degrees. And here we ask ourselves: How does a fish survive such low temperatures?
Maybe by hibernation? First he is Ectotherm. That is, its body temperature
adapts to his environment.
If the water is cold the fish will be cold and vice versa.
For humans, it is not because we are in cold water that our body temperature is too. We stay at about
37 degrees. It's because we're Endothermic, warm-blooded. Second, it is Poïkilotherm.
That is, it can withstand large temperature differences.
We humans, if we exceed the range 35-37 degrees ... EEET beh ... We are not very very good.
So no, we can not say
hibernation for fish because they adapt too well to their environment. These are mostly warm-blooded animals
who, to protect themselves from low temperatures,
prefer to take a nap during the winter.
On the other hand, for fish, we can talk about Brumation. He will, before winter, accumulate fat and during the winter
reduce metabolic activity to use less energy.
Not stupid! But that's not all ! They also have antifreeze protein. Yes yes, as in cars!
They are formed in the liver and wander in the blood.
When the weather is too cold, ice crystals form in the blood and they can go
perforate the cell membranes. And that, it can necessarily lead to the death of the animal. To prevent this, the anti-freeze protein comes
clump around these forming crystals to prevent their growth. So they stay small,
the animal is saved.
Now that we know all that, we're going back to our fish. It's a Tilapia. A species of tropical freshwater. He is not immersed
long enough in the liquid to be totally frozen. In any case, if he were, he would be dead.
He suffers "only" a
"surgélation". That is a surface freezing. The concern is that the fish undergoes a temperature difference that is completely crazy!
It goes from temperate water to -35 degrees water and it falls back into its original tank and that in less than a minute.
And then we will add a
little osmotic shock of families! What is it ? Do you remember when I told you it was a freshwater fish?
And that we dipped in water saturated with salt?
It adapts, but must not exaggerate.
With all this and even if the fish moves at the end of the experiment, it's a safe bet that he will die within days
to come up.
Regarding pain, there are still many differences of opinion. I think the fish
feel the pain. Ice crystals that form in the blood ...
It has never been much appreciated. And we can see that the fish has a violent reaction when it is immersed in the liquid ... it's a boo!
And now, our investigation is over! I hope you had a good time and learned a bit about fish.
Tell me what you thought in comment! If you liked: liked,
share, subscribe, to see the next videos! it helps me a lot!
For all those who want to have news
between two videos and want to participate in the creation of some of them because I need your questions for interviews:
It's happening on facebook and instagram. I will put you the links in the description. And then bah me I tell you: See you next time !!
snapchat : teddyjordan76
instagram : ngzytb
facebook : ngz
bye bye arouf gangsta
le plus beau des moches
Clinton Emails HACKED by China?! - Duration: 10:07.On this episode of China Uncensored,
Emails, sche-mails.
Wait, that doesn't sound right.
Why be a Christian, when you can be a Communist!
And finally, maybe caving to China over Taiwan
was not such a good idea.
This is China Uncensored.
Hi, welcome to China Uncensored.
I'm your host Chris Chappell.
You know, when I heard about the Hillary Clinton email scandal,
I was saddened—
because it had nothing to do with China.
Oh, if only it had been China that hacked her emails,
not Russia!
Well good news, America!
It's possible China may have also
hacked Hillary Clinton's emails.
According to two sources who spoke to
the conservative news website The Daily Caller,
a Chinese company inserted code on her server
that forwarded copies of Clinton's emails
to China in real time.
And the Intelligence Community Inspector General
apparently warned of the problem,
but the FBI failed to act.
But on the plus side,
it gave Trump the chance to talk about CHINA,
Crooked Hillary, and the Tainted FBI all in a single tweet.
It's like Trump getting a McFlurry,
with Oreos, and a cherry on top.
The FBI has denied Trump's tweet,
but hasn't made any statements regarding the Daily Caller report.
Of course, a spokesman for Clinton has denied
the server was hacked from China.
All we know for certain is from this DOJ report.
It says that former FBI Director James Comey
originally said it was "reasonably likely"
that hostitle actors gained access
to Clinton's private email server,
but later changed it to "possible."
The FBI also claimed that although it was possible,
they did not find conclusive evidence of it.
So...no proof from the FBI,
just two anonymous sources
talking to a conservative media outlet.
Not exactly a solid indictment.
But it sure makes a clickable headline for China Uncensored.
In other news, following trends can be dangerous.
Don't give in to peer pressure—
just because all your friends are doing something
like, taking Holy Communion
—kids these days are doing that—
don't just blindly join in.
Christianity is not for everyone.
But communism is!
It will be required.
At least that's the message the Chinese Communist Party
is giving to Christians in China.
They've been forcing house Christians to sign statements
saying they renounce their beliefs.
This is a standard one, republished by VOA.
The statement says, among other things,
"I had limited understanding of Christianity.
Taking on Christianity as my belief
is also blindly following the trend.
Now I have a more comprehensive understanding
of religion and religious beliefs.
After further studying Christianity,
I have a clearer understanding of my spiritual needs.
I announce that I will not participate
in Christian religious activities
from now on and I will no longer believe in Christianity."
Christians have never been treated well in China.
First you have to belong to a church
approved of by the Communist Party—
or your belief in Christianity is illegal.
There are tens of millions of "house Christians"
who belong to underground churches
or illegal Bible study groups.
But the Communist Party's persecution of Christians
has gotten pretty extreme in recent years.
Like tearing down crosses…
which sometimes randomly catch fire,
whoops, how did that happen?
Or telling people to replace
pictures of Jesus with pictures of Xi Jinping.
Look, if Nero couldn't stop the Christians,
the Communist Party sure isn't going to be able.
Then again, maybe in its own way, the Communist Party
will embrace some parts of Christianity.
If only to keep its soldiers upright.
President Trump has finished trade talks with Mexico
and apparently, no more NAFTA.
But obviously the bigger question on everyone's mind
is what does this mean for the ongoing trade war with China.
And experts say Trump's success means China
will be in a more defensive position moving forward.
According to some experts in the financial services company ING Group,
"It strengthens the US position to play hard-ball with China."
Here's what Trump's National Economic Council Director
Larry Kudlow had to say.
Our deal with Mexico shows that free trade,
fair trade can be done.
That a pro-growth trade deal can be made."
"I think in this global game of world trade politics
I think China is now on the defensive because
they see the US is getting some momentum and I think that's great."
And here's what President Trump had to say.
"They want to talk,
and it's just not the right time to talk right now,
to be honest, with China.
It's been—it's too one-sided for too many years,
for too many decades, and so it's not the right time to talk."
Of course, that's not the feeling in Beijing.
Two former top Chinese officials told the South China Morning Post
that China will win the trade war.
And you can always trust top Chinese officials.
Speaking of good ideas by top Chinese officials:
The One Child Policy.
For decades, the law was that most couples
could only have one child—
or face stiff penalties or forced abortions.
The idea was to keep China's population from growing too quickly.
But eventually, Chinese officials realized, oops,
the current population is getting old,
and we didn't make enough young people.
So a few years ago,
they changed it to a Two Child Policy.
But even that wasn't enough
to fix China's demographics problem.
So now, for the first time in decades,
Chinese people may be allowed to have multiple children,
and hopefully less forced abortions.
There's a draft reform law to China's Civil Code
would end the two child limit.
But don't think that obsessive top-down
family planning controls are over!
One Chinese think tank has even proposed a plan
to force couples who don't make enough children to pay extra taxes.
China's first homemade aircraft carrier has hit the water.
And despite being made in China, it didn't sink.
It's part of the Chinese regimes attempts
to project military power around the world.
But it's not just limited to the world.
The Chinese Communist Party also has its sights set on space.
China has launched a record number of satellites this year.
The two most recent launches were part of "the Beidou system,
China's answer to the US GPS precision timing and navigation system."
China wants to rival the United States in GPS technology.
But it's also part of a much larger campaign of space warfare,
that seeks to place the Chinese regime as the dominant space power.
And finally, you know how all those airlines have been
caving to Chinese demands to stop labeling Taiwan
as a separate country in their drop-down menus?
I mean, I get it.
Taiwan is small,
and Mainland China might have
the world's biggest market for airlines
just a few years from now.
Well, guess what?
Caving to the Chinese regime's demands
is not working out.
Surprise, surprise, the Chinese government
is giving big subsides to Chinese airlines.
And US airlines are finding it quote,
difficult to make a profit.
Truly, I am shocked.
Although one airline found has a clever workaround
to deal with the Communist Party's demands to include
Taiwan as part of China.
On the United Airlines website,
there's a page that allows you set your location
"for currency-slash-payment purposes".
And they list a bunch of countries.
China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong are listed separately,
but based on their currency,
not their country-slash-region status.
Taiwan's foreign ministry thanked United for its flexibility.
I mean, even though Taiwan is definitely
part of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party
can't deny that Taiwan has its own currency, right?
What's that, Shelley?
Nope, they're still upset.
Apparently, my favorite state-run media The Global Times
wrote this article called "United Airlines,
Don't Think About Outsmarting China."
It accuses United of "attempting to fool Chinese"
and "playing word games."
Because it's not like the entire "One China" policy
is some kind of giant word game that the Chinese Communist Party
wants the rest of the world to play.
And now it's that time when we answer questions from fans
who support China Uncensored on the crowd funding website patreon.
Weesh asks,
How did you guys come up with
the "wacky Chris plus straight man Shelley" personas?
Did that happen organically or by design?
What are you talking about?
Shelley is almost impossible to deal with—
she's a total diva who says the wildest things.
Whereas I am the rock of this show.
What's that Shelley?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Everything I just said was completely true.
Stop rolling your eyes at me!
I can hear it!
Thanks for you question, Weesh.
And remember, YouTube is constantly demonetizing us—
taking away ads temporarily or permanently
across tons of our videos.
That's because we talk about "controversial topics"
that don't fit into their well manicured "community guidelines."
So we rely in support from you, the viewers.
If you can, support us by contributing to the show on Patreon.
I know I pitch this every episode, but seriously,
you are what keeps the lights on.
If you want to learn more, I've put the link below.
Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.
Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell.
See you next time.
Want to learn more about China?
Then check out our new podcast, China Unscripted!
Matt, Shelley and I sit down with China experts
to talk about some of the most critical China news out there.
Trust me, it's way more entertaining than it sounds.
Look for the China Unscripted Podcast on iTunes,
Stitcher, and Spotify,
as well as on YouTube.
Lay - Sheep (Alan Walker Relift) - Nightcore - Duration: 2:05.big things sure enough there`s a monster coming from the forest
sheep gang glorious run thru the city with a message for it
森林里头 be careful bro 破坏生物链危险 all around
attack, don't pretend you don't know, that's how the story goes
没人在意 now 羊的脚印 wow
就像是翻阅日历很快就遗忘掉 羊的本性 I'll put it on you
羊的个性 I'll put it on you you can see my footprints on the concrete
everything i pictured all around me gave one final warning
they're callin for the sheep 有些桀骜不驯
有些不可思议 有了些争议不过只是我耀眼而已
有些身不由己,不做损人利己 迈出的步伐一直努力努力再努力
big things sure enough there`s a monster coming from the forest
sheep gang glorious run thru the city with a message for it
big things sure enough there`s a monster coming from the forest
sheep gang glorious as the hearts burn all the sheep are coming
up We are glorious All the sheep are coming up
咩咩哎呦 so baby I go
相信别人自己又被伤害 咩咩哎呦 小心翼翼别对世界怀疑
Just 改变不如改变自己 oh baby
有些桀骜不驯 有些不可思议
有了些争议不过只是我耀眼而已 有些身不由己 不做损人利己
迈出的步伐自己坚定就会很有力 you can see my footprints on the concrete
everything i pictured all around me gave one final warning
they're callin for the sheep We are glorious
All the sheep are coming up
Well, very delicious dogwood for the winter 👝👍 - Duration: 1:35.Dogwood for winter
Ingredients: dogwood - 500 g, sugar - 500 g
crush dogwood
wipe mass through a sieve or remove bones manually
add sugar
put in sterile jars
Keep refrigerated
Bon Appetit !
MARCELINO'S PRESS CONFERENCE - Duration: 3:27.I would firstly like to thank Levante UD for today's invitation in order to participate
in this press conference along wih Paco
This proves the good relationship between both teams and we want to transmit it to our supporters
Hopefully it is a good match. I remember last year we put up a great show,
with two teams that proudly defend the name of the city and hopefully we will be here for many years to come
Supporters from both teams were very respectful
I think that this is the way to behave from those great teams that represent the city of Valencia
Therefore, I hope to maintain this good relationship for a long time
As you can see, it is very hot, so we must face this bad conditions not only regarding physical efforts
but also because of the fact of being in the Stadium
We have to deal with this situation although I think it could have been prevented
We will try to do our best in order not to damage anyone
and make the supporters enjoy the match
Since Paco is here, the results are great. They have achieved nine victories out of twelve matches
It is going to be a difficult match for us since they have the advantage of being home
We play each match as it was a final. The main objective we have in mind is to get the win.
We can improve our skills due to the draw against Atlético de Madrid and the defeat against Espanyol
where we played 45 minutes that we can do better. Our idea is to improve the competition level
regarding to the second time against Espanyol. We want to win this match, as it is the third one
losing it will be an unconfortable situation
we are also aware of the difficulty that implies
We did not win any of the five times that we played there, vut we will do our best to get the win this time.
This is Why Insatiable is Hard to Watch - Duration: 5:46.So let's talk about the Netflix show insatiable now, I know that I'm a really slow editor
so at a time that I post this video the hype over all the show will probably have died down but
With that being said, there's no shortage of problems in this show
And in fact, if you're watching this video, you've probably heard a whole bunch of videos if you're anything like me
It's all over the place the parody of itself. It's based on a reality TV show yada yada yada
None of these are the problems that I have with it, though
My main problem is that none of the characters in this show are likable at all
Debby Ryan's character Patty's mother is literally a bootleg copy of Bonnie, from cbs' Mom.
A recovering addict with an attraction the danger goes through the whole 12 step process which is commendable and then she just leaves her
child daughter to quote unquote and grow up guys best friend Nonnie is so insecure about
everything that
When she made the choice to start to learn about herself
It seems so forced
there were lines that character that had, that a person with this life in real life would never say but
Regardless of that her and Donald Choi were definitely my favorite characters
Even though they both seemed to be very one-track mind with that tract being sex. I mean they even had their own
fling thing which was weird because until that point I just saw their relationship as
Platonic. Brick being the love interest that we're supposed to prefer that
Patty has is so weird because the relationship literally starts off on like the rudest level ever
Imaginable rooting for them is really really weird
I couldn't get over that but you know, he's much better than the guy that literally kidnapped her. And then she killed
And then on top of that the whole relationship seemed like a weird
Vengeance thing. Speaking of father's Patty's some throwaway Baldwin character
Who is there because cameos are cool just happened to rape Patty's mom, Bob Bladell
We hate because the other Bob does I mean even though he seems like a stand-up guy
I don't see what is going on. It seems very stressed
I guess that's whatever this was can go on forever
And ever the worst thing is that we can't even like the two main characters
That were introduced to because we don't even know them. They don't even know themselves
Bob is a character that we learned to know exactly what he wants whatever he wants
He gets it because he knows what he wants and then we learned that he has no idea what he wants to the point
Where he tries to kill himself and then Patty saves him which of course he does
But the most disappointing thing is that we can't even like paddy. I mean, yes, she's the main character
Yes it's her story but my gosh does this girl have problems she starts off with?
Being the parent daughter and absent immature mother-daughter relationship not knowing her dad like what just fine
none of that's not her fault so we can give her slack for being problematic
I would have loved for them to approach the body
Dysmorphia thing in more seriousness or and more death because that's a huge issue
But you know, whatever. That's not the point in the show
It's like a dark comedy. Ha ha ha that's not a funny topic
But you know, it's real it's true. Every single chance a petty has to make a choice or option
She chooses the worst possible
Option she starts eating to lose weight which needs her to punch a guy in the face when she loses her weight
She falls in love with her lawyer finds a homeless man that she assaulted and plots to set him up for statutory rape
Then tries to murder him tells him that he should die then he does
I mean, that's not her fault
You know still she tampered with the witness on
Her own case on film and that's only in the first one to two episodes of the series
This doesn't even count her two murders
Literal possession of herself from consuming her twin or whatever demon
running away outing someone that was close to her and
I'm just gonna stop there because this is getting ridiculous
My point is that we can't root for her and you know from the set up of the show that she is going to win
All the pageants that she needs to win wah
Wah wah to be the best pageant person ever and beep the characters that we are meant to hate blah blah blah
But honestly every single time the patty was in a pageant I couldn't help but hope that somebody else would win now
I don't hate the show. It's definitely not boring to say the least. I just gotta say man
Is it really hard to find one redeeming quality and like any of these characters?
the best ones being the ones who have nothing to do with anything I mean
Magnolia was an interesting character
At least she wasn't like possessed literally and I don't know Donald Choi
Like I said before him and not noni Nani, whatever they were like my favorite
characters in the whole show
But you know, that's what it is. All right guys. Thank you so much for watching this video
I hope you like beyond emotion and subscribe for more videos every Wednesday at noon EST
And check out these new subscribers if they happen to comment and you see them say what's up until next time question everything
Along with me
Khloe Kardashian Baby True Thompson All Adorable Videos | 2018 - Duration: 3:02.Khloe Kardashian Baby True Thompson All Adorable Videos | 2018
A little chat about depression - Duration: 8:52.Are we optimum focus? Yeah. Good afternoon everybody, it is 4 p.m. on a Monday-
Monday the 16th of July to be specific, happy Monday the 16th of July to all of
you. Today I'm feeling very depressed and I wanted to talk about it,
I didn't script this out; I honestly did not plan this out at all, because I
didn't plan to make this video, the thought just occurred to me a couple of
minutes ago that I wanted to maybe just talk about this. This is something I want
to talk about for two reasons- first of all because I always say this if you
have watched any of my videos about mental health,
I feel like I always say this in every single one- normalizing things can be
very helpful and by normalizing I mean normalizing things in a healthy way, one
thing I do really want to talk about one day is how um, self-hatred has become
very normalized on the internet, I think anyone who uses the internet, and I think
on tumblr specifically- suicide jokes have become very normalized and
that isn't the type of normalization I'm talking about because in my personal
opinion I don't find that to be healthy normalization, what I mean when I say
healthy normalization is knowing that the way you're feeling is normal as
opposed to like thinking like "wanting to die and feeling suicidal 24/7 is normal
and that is a way that every single person feels and that's nothing to be
worried about" the reason I want to make this video isn't like for that it's
because I want to say hey anyone else who has depression, me too! I'm struggling
with it too it always really really helps me to know that people feel the
same way as me, the second reason I want to make this video was a little bit more
selfish, just because I wanted this to be cathartic for me to be honest I don't
just really want to send one of my friends a message be like 'hey I'm
depressed, how's your day been?' because as much as reaching out to people and
talking to people when you're feeling low is so important it still is a hard
thing to do, so I thought I'd just hang out here for a
while and we can have a chat about depression, shall we? For me when I feel
depressed I normally wake up feeling depressed, like I don't usually start off
the day feeling good and then slowly descend into depression- that's what's
happened to me today though, which is nice, I started off this morning feeling
not incredible, I didn't start off this day feeling like amazing but I started
off feeling not bad like just and then um yeah I've descended into depression
very slowly since then, very gradually like um like a
slow train speeding down some tracks- what does that mean? I don't know what I
mean by that this is what happens when I don't script out videos or write
notes for videos I do sort of know the reason I'm feeling this way I don't want
to go too much into detail about it because it is a very very personal thing
since leaving uni obviously my friends and I are all spread out across the
country so I haven't seen them in a very long time the thing is with University
when you're living in a university campus what will happen a lot of time is
like you'll build up your group of friends and they will become like your
family that's what happened with me with my best friends from university that
literally became my family while I was up there and we would literally see each
other everyday and now I haven't seen them in over a month same thing with my
boyfriend as well and as far as my friends back home ago they're all
working you know I mean I'm working they're working we don't really have the
time to see each other that's just the side effects of being an adult you can't
see your friends as often as you would like as much as I love being back home
and being home is like my comfort zone it's a place I love being and I love
being around my family you know my mum works every day all day and I'm just
sort of stuck in the house every day editing and filming videos and revising
for next year and just that's what I'm doing just in between
staying at home doing stuff or going to work and that's all I do that's the
reason I wanted to make this video is because I am a very catastrophic person
I can't think of like how to pronounce the words it catastrophizing or
catastrophic sizing or what is it you know the word for people who make like a
mountain out of a molehill something really minor happens and you turn it
into something major it's like um you could drop a glass of water you know
it's the end of the world that's me that's what I do first of all and that's
the way I feel about depression a lot I sort of feel like if I'm feeling
depressed or even a little bit sad I'm having a bad day and having a bad day
it's gonna lead to me having a bad week which is gonna lead to me having a bad
month which is gonna be leading to me having a bad year which is gonna lead to
me having a bad life and that's not true it is just a reminder for me that I can
have depression and still go about my life I can have depression and still
function as a human and I know I'm gonna be okay I mean I've dealt with feeling a
much worse than this I hadn't survived through that I really wish there was
some kind of moral to this video I am very much like a person who doesn't like
to do anything without meaning I feel like everything in life has to have a
really deep meaning and that extends to my youtube channel as well where I feel
like every single video I make has to serve a specific purpose and almost like
I have to justify every video I feel like I literally started off this video
telling you guys oh you know I am making this video for a reason I'm not just
making this video for the sake of making a video because I want to do I'm
struggling with not having like a takeaway from this video or a lesson
from this video I really wish I was ending this video by saying like I'm
gonna change my life from here and here's how I'm gonna do I'm gonna go and
cool one of my friends and ask them if they want to go into town I'm gonna do
this and do that and make all these positive changes to my life because I'm
not there isn't really like an outcome for this video I just wanted to sit here
and say you know what I am depressed right now and that's okay because I have
depression this is what happens when you have
depression it literally says it in the name it's as depress in the name because
it makes you depressed so this is normal and not something to worry about
this has been such a rambling mess I don't know how I'm gonna edit this I
feel like I'm just gonna throw it into my ocean program and just uh oh my god
right I think it's time for you to go I'm okay
I'm gonna be absolutely fine I'm just a little bit low in spirits right now but
I can tell you for a fact I'm gonna be fine I am gonna go and have a coffee and
to play The Sims and take my mind off the way my brain is feeling and I'm sure
after a good night's sleep tomorrow well tonight I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and
feel great and energized and ready to go and I do actually have plans to see one
of my friends this week so I'm excited for that
so yeah if you have watched any of my videos you will know how much I yearn
for all YouTube I love like the YouTube videos people used to make before being
on YouTube and before making youtube videos became like this big event where
everything had to be professional not that there's anything wrong with that
because that's great that's the direction you chip was going in now and
I'm fully on board for it but I miss when youtubers would just sit down and
ramble to a camera for ten minutes maybe I'll do more of this who knows also I
think I've just seen a dead fly hello I can't tell them I don't really
want to get any closer to it I am gonna get going now but thank you guys for
watching this video um maybe you got something out of this
video maybe you didn't and if you did then...sick, and if you didn't then...sick I
will leave links to all of my social media in the description of this video
in case you ever wanted to check out my vague tweeting of my depression on
Twitter so yeah I will see you guys soon bye
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