Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 1 2019

Hey guys 👋

Welcome back to the circuit

of Nurburging Nordschleife

we are in the Combined configuration

which it is part of the finishing straight

and the mountain circuit

Well, I'll give a few laps

to the car

We are currently in practice

which as you know count as qualifying

I have made very good time

eight minutes with twenty-five seconds

on the last lap, a time quite good

There are pilots division one, two, three and six

I guess they're going to make several split


I hope it is so, and

As you can see so far we have only completed around two pilots

a pilot named Ciril it looks very good

who has made eight zero four time, and my time

and other riders who have not yet finished making time

I think it will be in time eight minutes thirty-five onwards

and others who will be good in eight to fourteen or near

and good guys are here

we will see the end

split that put us, I hope that in the second

and hopefully not get unlucky in the end because

It is a very difficult race

with many accidents

a lot of accidents

and good

let's see what the race is given. I'm going to check

that I have the right setup, I think if

and good

this is what we guys 😁

I'll leave the grid

go in thirteenth position

my mother

that fear is giving me this race

Radio (I to other drivers) Good luck guys, guys good luck

Radio (Yo a otros pilotos) be careful in the next corner please

Afraid that I have to leave in the middle of positions

Well guys


I'll do the same strategy for the last race

if you'll let me necsario forward by all

and then I recover positions already during the race

My goal is to finish the race. 😉 me luck guys

Spotter: Ok green light, quiet in the first corner

Spotter: You have five laps of fuel

Spotter: one on the right

Spotter: Car right

Spotter: Two-parallel Care

Spotter: Clean the left

Spotter: unobscured Right

Spotter: Possible incident in front

Spotter: car stopped right Care

Spotter: one on the right

Well they have already struck me 🙈

I have already clashed 🙈

Fortunately I think I have the car undamaged

Spotter: It's on your left

Spotter: Clear left

No, twisted wheel wear 🙈


slowly and good lyrics that this is not over

Spotter: Care slow car in front

Spotter: Left

Spotter: Car slow right

Spotter: Slow car on the left

Well not the car that I passed and

Let this car

It is equally uncertain than playing with an Xbox controller

Spotter. On your right

Spotter: Clear right

Until then 👋

Turns toward the direction

right go horribly wrong

I think the car in front will reach

Spotter: Two laps to go

On the straights I'm losing a lot of top speed

Spotter: Nine minutes of each point zero four

Spotter: Gasoline comes to you for two laps

Spotter: You are in the TOP TEN keep it up

I have very damaged address

Spotter: Ponte right

This shits that does not 😡

Do you think you can go that fast in this area?

Fucking Michael 😡

that has already tied up in several races

Spotter: white flag. Last lap

Spotter: Eight minutes and thirty-seven five eight two

Fuck the right turn

Why I mark this fucking shit yellow flag?

shit 🙈

I wanted to get out fast to reach the car in front

and I have not left the track miracle

and I find not

Well narrowly

Spotter: Checkered Flag

Spotter: Not bad

Spotter: Great work

eighth end position, not me I can not believe 😊

Mother of God

for another good race at the Nurburgring

Mother of God

shame that

Shock principle, I think the pilot lost control of the car

I'm not going to tell him anything

I have five incidents

Beat well the x4

Well I left in position

thirteen and finally ended the eighth, therefore

nothing bad

bad guys 😊

the pilot jouco

fourth division

father, sthepen

Well, many drivers behind me

for nothing

I'm very happy

very happy 😊

let's see out career

Let's see the blow this dumb

and but, it is that the car after the coup has been upside down and I had to wait

to pass several cars, so good

perhaps he could have finished higher, but good

What can we do

Look still with the car with the bent direction eight minutes and thirty-seven


I can not complain, but good

I was twenty-eight minutes

Well, come on, I'm not going

to complain that no good

it's no use

I'll put this back

who always mess

let's see how I left

All right

out in thirteen position (count the cars)

If thirteen correct

I have gone wrong (slow)

It was not a bad place to go

Notice how does this car

as people are crazy

This car has not given me behind miracle

my mother 🙈

well I was doing my back

Notice that I have already been in place

thirteen, I keep on my site

clear as have two cars went off the track I keep in my position

two other cars that have left track

much traffic

I started to catch the cars ahead

a car that has come

ahh this is the one that shocked me

buahh 🙉 it is that, is that man

man Man

🙉 man

man 🙉

And look how I've been

Luckily I was able to turn around

I wear fully folded rear spoiler

and he said I was losing downforce

to see what position I have been after the coup, I think the last

It says ten position but that's wearing before get out, no

I'm not in the ten position

I'll be the last surely

we'll see


either way

This car was slower than me

I feel sorry for him, but I had to push him

because I was stopping pretty

the boy has departed quite well

the truth that I've risked a lot because I had very bad management car

and buff wing 🙊

I'll rewind forward

here again reach the cars ahead

I start to bring back

this area I overtook a couple of cars that had left track


If here is this car went off the track

This is the pilot I said before it was too dangerous

He went at every turn, I do not understand anything

yesterday and he went off the track at least five times

and today just do not understand anything

I understand that you in a bad circuit

but if it gives you bad not participate

you can not be off track every five minutes


This car also went off the track

that site so rare to get away, but good

you see, I do not know what happened

but good

I followed up positions

This car was going very slowly, I guess it would have crashed

and tried

go to


Look this car

slowly I am going so that I have beaten him in that area

which it is not an area to advance

but when you've trained something

you know how fast you can go, but good

either way

I could tell he was losing

the direction of the car when he turned the steering wheel

left, I think I've been saying all video right

all left turns the car turned bad


do not ask me why

because the blow was on the right

but on that side lost downforce

in these linked the car moved to all sides

especially the last lap I thought I was leaving track

There have been a moment that I do not know as I held the car

I managed to get home


I'll put it faster

I am happy that my new botonera

I have to move my head

my god 😊

this curve gets

in third gear

not to lose speed

and I had to cut up to second, if not leave me track


I was afraid this curve and slowed well before

and I have been very short, but still Look

I have turned bad, but good

Let's put it even faster

in this area I was quite alone

Luckily I was fast on this circuit

and he allowed me to control

the car going fast

ie it was slower to bring the car hit

but I could go fast by eight minutes and thirty-five

considering that I qualified in eight minutes twenty

It was quite comfortable, knowing they were right turns which

He had to be careful

left turns

I'm not saying, left and right of fernando 😂

the left turns


and these were careful

Look how fast this car is

look at this curve

where you come from, I do not know if you have raced on this circuit

but this curve, goods completely at full speed

and suddenly

you find this car

but man, I had to stick to a halt

I do not know as I have not come out, do not understand anything 😡

I do not understand anything

I'm good here

look more strange movements makes the car

that's just when I'm turning left

I have to be corrected

because he lost control of the car

this rise almost go I also

I made a offtrack

these curves scared me

with the direction of the car Spoiled

And this one too

in this that goods at full speed

and you're coming from sixth gear and you start slow, very afraid




rested, he came alone

here turn again

I returned to find another car

at the end of the round, I thought

ahead of him, but I lost control of the car


It was the moment I thought I really went the whole race

because when I have collided

I've noticed the blow but you know

it will not be a very serious blow to go to the pits

I feared that I had to tow

but when I've been on the lawn, I thought, I'll save

but this off track I thought it did not save me

now we see

we got to this rise

and here

I see that near that car

I said to myself

fernando gets well come out of the curve

and if you take it well, you hit him

but look what I've done with the car

I have gone up but rather the curb


I have not left miracle

and the possibility of achieving it is just

but good

that is all

I still have time to cut this climb

he should not take either exit

Look, I think it had struck him

a shame, if I had not screwed up, had reached him

Notice that distance, but good

What can we do

Now I'll put the other incidents

to see the crazy people

because it is to laugh

Mother of God 😱

another who has come

buahh but as you go back and man

I do not understand anything

This is where I have given my

colleague has joined with two balls

He has given equal and this is a danger green

to see to see, my mother 😱

This red car does not, Mother of God

this goes too fast

History tells us 😱

to see how he joined

but man, you see the

number eight, the second output track


😱 buahhh, buahhh 😱

Well this curve if it is very off the track

If you do not have well-trained

but this, if also

My mother, my mother

ahh if this is what has given me the colleague, another is carried forward 😱

this guy must report back because he has tied up

my mother

but you think that you can go race

thus, in a straight salirte

and nothing short sale

to see if he returns to leak colleague



ohhh god mother

I do not understand anything

has not been saved or the pointer huh?

all this should be only offtrack


my mother

go somewhere to stay

my mother 😱, no, no that have crashed

my host mother that 😁

I is that I hallucinate with people 😁


these were the repetitions of shocks

this is nurburgring boys


Nothing, I hope

you liked the video without so please give me like 👍

and if you are not subscribed to the channel, please subscribe 🙏

see you guys

boys goodbye, ciao, bye, bye 👋

hello 👋

For more infomation >> iRacing SBS: (No VR) Ni el apuntador Porche Cup Nurburgring 😱 - Duration: 46:34.


파이널컷프로X 무료 템플릿 헥사곤 타이틀(+Eng Sub) - Duration: 4:59.

Hi. I am Mr. Park. Thank you for clicking.

I greeted the new year in 2019 and prepared a new template.

The name of this template is "Hexagon Title". I'll show you.

I played it. The length of the template title is 10 seconds.

You can check the beginning and end of the animation.

You can make hexagon by specifying 5 colors.

Let's look at the Inspector panel.

The "Build In" and "Build Out" checks are related to the animation at the start and end.

The background is in a gradient. You can change the color of the gradient.

Various styles are created with the color you have changed.

The gradient background has an opacity option.

If the opacity option is 100%, the background movie clip is not visible.

However, if the Opacity option is 0%, you can not see the gradient background.

So I recommend giving the Opacity option at 50%.

Movie clips and gradient backgrounds blend seamlessly with each other.

I will try to make the title clip different from the starting point of the video clip.

There is a way to add a keyframe animation to the title clip.

In the first frame of the title clip, add a keyframe with the Opacity option set to 0%.

Moves after 10 frames. And the opacity option value is 50%. Keyframes are automatically added.

Then you can see the screen that is produced naturally.

There is the title opacity.

Opacity options can also be given to titles.

It is convenient because you can check the value immediately.

There is a title scale option to adjust the size of the title.

50%, the title appears small.

100% is standard size.

Next, there is a way to specify the color of the line.

The first start is Line 1 color.

Line2, Line3, Line4, Line5

The line is appearing sequentially.

This is the style when I first made it.

Let's see it once.

Trying to catch up and catch ...

Hexagon is then completed, complete with colors.

Originally it was like this, but I changed my style because I wanted to change color.

You can change the contents of the text.

You just have to prepare two texts. (Title, subtitle)

If you do not have enough text editing, click on the title clip first.

Click on the text that appears in the viewer and edit it in the Text Inspector.

Modify the text to suit your style.

I was worried about what title to name.

I named it Hexagon Title.

The download link is in the YouTube video description.

After downloading, please let us know the video link using this template.

Please let me know by comment, and I will visit you and click like and subscribe.

Please use it if you need it. (Only works with Final Cut Pro 10.4.4 or higher)

I recently had over 10,000 YouTube Channel subscribers.

(Shy celebrations... Hahaha)

My YouTube channel offers Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5 courses.

Subscribe and Like! Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> 파이널컷프로X 무료 템플릿 헥사곤 타이틀(+Eng Sub) - Duration: 4:59.


What about Blue James?! Are that Correct Color for him? | Thomas and Friends - Duration: 3:16.

Hi kids! Something really weird has happened!

Some of the engines have lost their colors!

Let's help them with this issue right away!

The first engine needing our help is James!

Let's see if he likes BLUE.

Hm, not really. It seems like BLUE is not for James.

Now, let's try another color - GREEN.

a little over here... and over there

Nah-ah)) Green James looks to be very funny!

Hm.. You know what? I think i know which color to use - RED.

This time it should work!

Awesome!! We did it! Good job, kids!

Now Gordon is asking for our help!

OK.. let's see if he likes PINK!

let's add some paint in this place…

No, Gordon looks too sweet in pink color!

What if we use GREEN?

some strokes over here...

and over there...

And again this is not Gordon's color.

Oh-oh! Hold on a second! I think we should try BLUE!

Let's wait a little and see if it works…

Excellent! It did work! Gordon is supposed to be BLUE!

And the last engine needing our help is Duck!

The first color i would like to try on him is YELLOW.

Some paint in this area … and little here…

no, yellow is not for Duck

Do you think we could paint him in Purple?

I bet it's going to be quite easy!

Oh, not the right choice again..

Aha!! Something tells me that i know which color to use now! - GREEN

Well, let's see if this color fits Duck.

Absolutely correct! Duck is supposed to be GREEN.

You, guys, did a great job today!

Thank you so much for your help!

Subscribe, put likes, share this video and press on the bell!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> What about Blue James?! Are that Correct Color for him? | Thomas and Friends - Duration: 3:16.


Happy New Year 2019! Thank You from Sloane Rhodes - Duration: 1:01.

hi everyone it's Sloane Rhodes I wanted to say happy new year happy 2019

everybody and also to say thank you thank you not only for your support of

me and the work that I do in the world but more importantly thank you for the

work that you're doing on yourselves throughout this journey of life

throughout your own individual journey of life I wanted to say thank you for

the kindness that you're showing yourself the compassion that you're

showing yourself more and more the conscious awareness that you are drawing

to your thoughts to your actions especially when they're not in alignment

with love feelings of acceptance and allowance for yourself just to exist

exactly as you are because every time that you are kind to yourself you're

you're showing compassion for yourself you're aligning with more conscious

awareness for your thoughts and your actions you help each and every one of

us as you know there's a ripple effect that occurs so I want to say thank you

for the hard work that you've been doing on yourself and I look forward to a very

exciting and enjoyable time in 2019 much love to you all

For more infomation >> Happy New Year 2019! Thank You from Sloane Rhodes - Duration: 1:01.


Episodio #103 - Cambio de trabajo por más dinero - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> Episodio #103 - Cambio de trabajo por más dinero - Duration: 7:08.


GAMA STONER - *. RONIN . * - (YARDIN BEATS PROD) - 2019 ® - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> GAMA STONER - *. RONIN . * - (YARDIN BEATS PROD) - 2019 ® - Duration: 5:13.











Where's my- (looking for his cupcake)








Mom. I want you to be honest, did you take it?

(does the why shuld i tak yo cupcak dance) WHY SHOULD I TAKE YOUR CUPCAKE??





Handgun time.

I need to know Mom.

Know what go ahead







BECAUSE I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT (enter flashback)





Oh yeah!

I got Tommy's cupcake!


HAHAHAHA! It won't bother if I take some!

That's right mate!






Are you suuure?


Are you really suuuure???







Okay what-


Ok, I just wanna know-


Okay what-


So a long, long time ago, I showed up to your house

And, you wanted to call the police, but if you did, I would have got killed by my mom and my dad!

All right, so you stay out here I got mail I got some mail to deliver okay.




I forgot to flush the toilet!

Ok... uh, you stay out here, I'll be back ok!

ringing doorbell x100000000000



Uh, I have a package for Vince Sandwhich!



Um... the mailman got Nail Polish Coffee for you


runs downstairs like a hippie (sorry carlos if you read this)




Uh... I put it in the garage, but-

Sorry to bother you but...



tryin to figure out his line

Have you seen a kid, around here?

He always wears a pink shirt, and, HE'S SUPER SUPER LIKE, SUPER SUPER WEIRD!

Yeah, uh-

He's actually out here with me, let me just go get him











Oooo! Nice cupcake! Can I have it?!!


So then the cupcake went back in time with you now

I'm assuming that you did not eat the cupcake because you told me that you did not like sugar now

I'm assuming that the cupcake must be with you now. I'm asking for the last time


All right, did you drink some of Vince's nail polish coffee because you are this high right now



Is it because he's no longer with you?


I still remember the day how he died.

It was because of that stupid nail polish coffee.



Enter Flashback

Nail Polish Seizure









It's ok son...


VINCE: It's ok son | TOMMY: Dad please, please, I'm so sorry...

you were kind of a disappointment so...

Wh- I'm a disappointment-



Please Dad... don't leave me Dad...


Dad speak to me!










Are you...

Are you ok?


Where's the 3rd (not 4th) suspect?

Where's- Where's Nigal?! WHERE'S NIGAL?!

Yeah.... (lip smack) like that.

Looks really good doesn't it?




Yeah, you can have some!

Oh! Thank you!





R.I.P TOMMY (for the 1,000,0000,0000,000th time)


For more infomation >> MYSTERY OF THE MISSING CUPCAKE?! - Duration: 8:35.


UNA VIDA CON PROPÓSITO Audiolibro - Introducción // Audio Libro de Rick Warren - Ottoniel Osorio - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> UNA VIDA CON PROPÓSITO Audiolibro - Introducción // Audio Libro de Rick Warren - Ottoniel Osorio - Duration: 6:10.


Woman dead after car crashes into apartment building, sparks massive gas fire - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Woman dead after car crashes into apartment building, sparks massive gas fire - Duration: 1:25.


Elif 832. Bölüm | Tansiyon Yükseliyor! (English and Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 5:12.

Come in!

Mr. Mahir?

-You asked me to come -Come on in Aslı

You know all about the news on the press right?


This incident gets bigger and bigger that's why we have to be more precautious

I also want to discuss about this with you

Should we release a statement?

I had it prepared already

Did you?

I want you to check it also

Then you share it with the broadcasters and reporters

Ok, I'll be taking care of it as soon as possible


Mr. Mahir, Ms. Rana is setting an urgent meeting right now

She is asking you to join

-About what? -I don't know

-She didn't tell me anything -Alright I will be there

Rana asked me for an urgent meeting

Let's go and see what is that so important

God knows what Rana is up to this time

I don't know but she is quiet tense

That's great, Mr. Mahir is also here

so we can start if you also like

May I ask the reason behind this urgent meeting

Is something wrong?

What kind of question is that Mr. Mahir? Isn't it obvious?

We are on the edge of a cliff as Haktanır Holding

I asked whether it is about something I don't know about already

No big deal, go on

As you all know...

We are going through very hard times

and it seems like it is going to hurt us a lot

We are about to go upside down...

...and we are losing in stock market

Situation is quite critical as you can understand

We are all aware of this including me

We are about to publish a press release about that

We cannot get eluded from this scandal that easily I suppose

We lost our reputation

Everybody who wants to work with us is scared

We lost their trust

Therefore, the afternoon meeting got cancelled

What do you mean?

You didn't expect that much I presume

but can you blame them?

Nobody wants to take risk

That's why we have to manage this crisis in a perfect way

What do you suggest?

Let me tell you the steps we should take instead of giving a suggestion


We won't be able to make any sales if we don't change this situation

All products will remain unsold

Companies will refuse to work with us

That's why we have to decide on a new pricing policy

How do you mean?

We have to reduce the prices... order to keep our existing clients for sales

Mr. Mahir...

Hold it!

Do I get it right?

You suggest us to sell the products for less than they actually worth

Yes, you got me right Mr. Mahir

That's why we will come up with new prices for the clients...

...who cancelled their meetings

Let's hope that they accept our new offer

Let's hope they don't give up on us

No, I think this a really bad idea

More like a suicide to be honest

This would ruin our brand equity, not to mention the profit and loss account

It would take so long to get things back on the track

Alright then...

Do you have anything better to suggest Mr. Mahir?

We cannot take that kind of action for our brand equity and holding Ms. Rana!

We are not small retailers!

We are a huge company!

Alright so...

Would you prefer us to bankcrupt or... survive as a cripple

I honestly would prefer us to be a cripple... long as we survive

Alright everyone...You heard what I said...

...for us to keep on maintaining our work

For more infomation >> Elif 832. Bölüm | Tansiyon Yükseliyor! (English and Spanish Subtitles) - Duration: 5:12.


OpTi Simo - ToDo Bien (officiel video) - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> OpTi Simo - ToDo Bien (officiel video) - Duration: 3:22.


Особое мнение - Станислав Белковский на Эхо Москвы (1 января 2019) - Duration: 36:19.

For more infomation >> Особое мнение - Станислав Белковский на Эхо Москвы (1 января 2019) - Duration: 36:19.


Frugal Christmas Tradition Ideas + How to Determine if You Can Afford to Stay Home With the Kids - Duration: 12:01.

Hi Kelli from

Thank you for joining me for another Friday session of money talk where we get together on Fridays around 1:30 p.m

Eastern Time and go over some of the more popular

Questions that you guys have had here on the freebie finding mom Facebook page. So today's question

the first question comes from Eva Eva's question is is my

Sister-in-law and I have decided not to exchange gifts between our families this year because money is tight

But we want to do something special for the kids

She has five kids and I have two so a gift exchange wouldn't be fair

I was thinking of getting together for dinner and a Christmas movie. But do you have any other fun and inexpensive ideas?

Thanks Eva for your question. And you guys by the way came up with the best ideas

I honestly can't wait to even try some of these myself

So Holly it said make cookies and let them decorate them before a Christmas movie marathon or a slumber party my son

I know would love that

Danielle said hides simple Christmas ideas. I love this idea

Danielle so Danielle says hide simple Christmas ideas

Like nativity or ornaments or pictures of Christmas around the house and do a scavenger hunt?

So what a fun idea that would be the kids. I'm sure would love that and then Danielle another good idea

Danielle had was go to the library and check out Christmas themed books one for each child

She said wrap them in Christmas wrapping paper then let them unwrap the book

Everyone gets to unwrapped a gift sort of and then the cost is basically free as long as you then return the books on time

and then she said have the kids make Christmas cards for

Grandparents and distant family and then keep the supplies simple and then another suggestion Danielle had us to make salto ornaments

Which is another good idea

Thank You Danielle, those are some really good ideas

Lisa said bingo game was small and inexpensive prizes another really good fun idea

Liz said, you can go bowling and have a burger and then I see I said Chris moot Christmas movie and lots of popcorn

That's a fun idea. And then Heather Heather. I love this idea too. Heather said in exchange family baskets

So make a family basket and give it to that family

Your cousins family and then let the other cousins give your family a basket

So I love that idea and then Susie said Bill

Gingerbread houses and kits are usually around $10 each another great idea. My son loves gingerbread houses

I think most kids do so another good idea there Susie and then Veronica

Said depending on the age of kids if they're under 10

They would love to go to a park or neighborhood with bright Christmas lights with their cousins and that could become a tradition

It doesn't have to be about the gifts

It's experiences with each other and lots of pictures for them to see in 10 years totally agree, Veronica

She said go ahead and Google in your area Christmas light displays take popcorn and chocolate milk in a thermal

disposable small cups and candy canes

It's fun free and memorable love that idea Veronica

And then lastly candy said the kids could do a white elephant type gift exchange

The gifts could be from the dollar store a thrift store like cheap books or even homemade as she said everyone brings one wrapped gift

And play a game that results in each kid receiving one wrapped gift

There's lots of game ideas on online good idea candy, I mean to your point candy

My son honestly loves going to the Dollar Tree stores and he saw our Dollar Stores. Oh, they're so fun for the kids

So let them go and have fun, you know pick something out for a dollar or two and give it to their cousins

I love that suggestion

And then the next question we have comes from Candice

Candice says my husband and I are trying to figure out if I can stay home

I want to be staying home by the end of January if we can make it without me working

Do you have any tips on how we can make ends meet?

So you guys by the way gave such good insights on this clearly you either have gone through this or maybe even going through this

now because very very helpful insights there for Candice so Candice, um,

The first bit of helpful information comes from Sarah. Sarah said this may sound harsh

But if you look at it as quote if I can afford to stay home almost everyone determines


It requires self-discipline that it does for sure

Saying no to most non essentials at least at first and then staying aware of where your money is at

totally agree Sarah and then Sarah goes on to say if you are both onboard it can be and

Lots of great advice you said here already?

But it does require a commitment to working together with your spouse and to make it work

And then also remember there are some savings to being at home, too

Like no work clothes cook at home and no childcare for your kids. That is very true. Sarah and then Sarah says good luck

Thanks, Sarah and then doll Sania Dulcinea. Thank you so much for your very thorough response doll

Sania had some really great tips as well

She said I made a Google document for our list of bills each month for the year

she said along with average amounts and

Another that had the list of pay days for the year and then went through and highlighted on the bill list

Which would come out of which pay?

For instance the house payment and the water bill were blue and on with the month and the date of the paycheck marked

So the internet electric etc were pink with their month and date of the paycheck marked

So basically she was distinguishing where the funds were going to come from for each bill

And then she said pay the ones coming out as soon as your paycheck hits the bank if you wait until the due date something

Else may come up and mess you up. That is very true

So basically, you know Dulcinea's advice here is just be diligent a bus

I have some level of some kind of this system whether it's you know

Handwriting it out or using an electronic system have some kind of a system of what your bills are each month

And what paycheck is going to be used to pay those bills?

and then be diligent obviously about paying them on time and then

Dolphino goes on to say also meals may need to be a lot simpler

We eat a lot of rice and once all our bags of frozen veggies along with just a little bit of meat

She said by the larger amounts when you can because they are cheaper in the long run. Very true

And then she said to find some cheap and even better free things to do in your area

My husband and I are gamers. So this is easy for us

She says fifteen bucks a month for each is unlimited game time together

If you aren't a gamer, there should be other things you can do

You could go to the park for walks or browse your library for instance

The most important thing is that it's something that you're interested in and can do together

She said if your husband isn't making enough to make ends meet Oh delta-t

This was really good, too

If you're not making up to make ends meet there are small-scale jobs that you can do from home if need be

Transcription work answering phone calls. I will also add in there like assistance

There's a lot of different types of virtual assistant jobs that you can get and then Dustin has said this Amazon

I forgot about those Telus India. Thank you for sharing

This Amazon has jobs that you can look over but they're nowhere near the only option doll

Cydia dropped the link to Amazon's workforce site. And so if you want to check out that link, it's m Turk

That's M T u RK comm and there are where like I say, they have different Amazon jobs that you can do

Basically 24/7 all the time

So check out those if you're looking for at home job

Opportunities is that thank you for dropping that link down there Dulcinea

And then she goes on to say the biggest thing is going to be cutting out the stuff

You don't need if you or your husband like to shop for fun that will have to stop or at least cut way back

Not many trips out to eat or to the movies or other entertainment that requires money

Snacks at the grocery store are a big one. That's true

Snacks can be so overpriced. They are cheap on their own but they add up fast. That's for sure

And then she says I'm sure other people have more ideas for you

But I hope this helps good luck getting everything worked out Thank You Johnny for that and then Danielle says we're going through the same

Thing so Danielle is actually going through this just like you Candace and she said at the end of May I'm going to stay home

And we have taken the last month figuring on a budget and we discovered in the past that the weeks

I haven't been at work. I cook more meals and we saved by not eating out

That's a good point, Danielle

And then she says good luck figuring it out

Figuring out our budget was the hardest but I really want to be around more for my kiddos and we found a way to do

It and I'm so excited. Thank you as awesome, Danielle. Congratulations

enjoy that time at your at home and

then Sharla said if you had kids taking in another one to babysit can often supplement your income quite a bit good points are like

Yes, so, you know Candice payment option is a V. Our friend has one or two kids that you could just you know

watch a few days a week that can also be another way to bring in some additional revenue and then Charlotte said do you have

A budget and can you meet all of your needs with your husband's salary?

I would try living on one salary before I quit my job or can figure out a way to make additional money while staying home

have you considered keeping a kid or to a friends to help another person that suggested that Thank You Charlotte and

Jessica said I use things like shopkick and ibotta and even great yet. Good idea

Jessica and even perk TV and vigil, which I have never heard of

I look into those perk TV and biggle to make some extra money while staying home. I will check those out Jessica

Thank you for those and then Cassy said I did mystery shopping as a stay-at-home. Mom it helped a lot

Also being diligent about meal planning. Yep, and using coupons with sales helped a lot too. Very true, Cassy

So thank you guys so much for sharing your insights on those questions. I will add to that

I'm basically Candice the key for you is going to be when determining you can stay home first and foremost

What are you spending your money on each month?

you're gonna have to sit down with your husband and

You don't either do it by pen and paper or electronically and figure out exactly how much you're spending every single month

You know what his income is so you'll be able to know right there if you can even cover it in addition to that look

For ways that you could save so just go ahead and take a look

is there anything you can either cut out or at least cut back on and

Then once you in addition to doing that you're going to want to incorporate

Like so many of you had said like Jessica said about using the apps as well. Somebody said about using coupons

You're gonna want to incorporate coupons as part of your regular shopping routine

Now if they weren't before so digital coupons and digital especially in paper coupons potentially as well

Also think about using those apps like Jessica had said especially ibotta as we've talked many times before

People have saved thousands of dollars using ibotta

so the keys really gonna be first and foremost Candace know where your how much you're spending every month where you're spending it and

Then that will help you gage

Like what your gap is basically what you need to cover then after you realize that

see for any ways that you can save any money or cut anything out or greatly reduce that expense and then

Your your thought process on

Shopping should really be you know, how can you maximize your savings?

you know using coupons shopping sales combining coupons and sales and then you know

Maybe when it comes to meal planning cutting back like Dulcinea's said on the amount of meat that you eat at least for right now

And then also meal planning is going to be key meal planning and consider doing some freezer cooking the best thing you could do

I feel like when it comes to saving money

especially on food is to really plan ahead and plan your meals out and to try to buy items that are in season and that

Are on sale and then lastly also, I would I would say

Make sure that you're looking for it when it comes to entertainment

you're not spending any excess money there look for things that are free or inexpensive and

If you still need to come up with a way to kind of bridge that gap on

Spending between what your husband what you guys spend what your husband brings in consider?

Maybe some part-time jobs like virtual assistant jobs or like a number of people have said about you know

Maybe watching a couple kids of your friends or something a few days a week to just kind of supplement some of that income

But if you want to make it work handed it can decide it is very doable

And I think that time spent at home is probably something you'll forever cherish. So a good luck with that

I hope that works out for you Candace. Thank you guys so much again as always for your questions

I really appreciate it a couple things

I want to make sure that I remind you of first is don't forget to grab the today's Kroger Freedy it

Is hi brew coffee cold brew so you can grab that coupon today

I'll drop the link down here in the comments as I hop off this video and

Also one other thing if you still need any gift ideas

Especially stocking stuffer gift ideas for the holidays as I jump off this video

I will drop a couple of links for you. One is I have a hundred and one stocking stuffers for kids lots of fun

Really good ideas for kids of all ages. So I will drop that link down here in a second

And then I also have a brand new post out from this week. It is 50 inexpensive stocking stuffers for adults

So that's 25 for women and 25 for men and there's lots of good ideas

I mean on there quite honestly you made any ideas for your spouse

But also if you just have a friend when I kind of get something, you know kind of small for them

But just a nice little gesture of appreciation check out that list for some gift ideas as well

So I will drop links to the Kroger freebie and those two stocking stuffer posts down in the comments here as always. Thank you

So much for your questions and for answering everybody's questions

I love just how supportive this community is and thank you for taking the time to do that and

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video. Thank you so much, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend, buh. Bye

For more infomation >> Frugal Christmas Tradition Ideas + How to Determine if You Can Afford to Stay Home With the Kids - Duration: 12:01.


Ultimate BGC Comp 2019 (HD) Warning ! Complete Chaos 😱 - Duration: 24:56.

For more infomation >> Ultimate BGC Comp 2019 (HD) Warning ! Complete Chaos 😱 - Duration: 24:56.


Destiny 2 Black Armory Scourge of the Past Raid Explained! | Myelin Games - Duration: 16:55.

' Siviks – lost to none.

My impudent brother.

And the Black Armory's assailant.

It seems even a stint in the Prison of Elders did little to help my brother understand the

concept of consequences.

A harsher lesson might be in order.

And, friend?

Don't hold back.

Welcome back, guardians.

Today we are talking about the lore of the raid Scourge of the Past.

Now, this story is a little bit confusing because Bungie released the Gofannon Forge

at the same time as releasing Scourge of the Past.

And technically, from a story point of view you should unlock Gofannon Forge first and

then go complete the raid because the Gofannon Forge quest steps actually sets up the raid.

However, if you're anything like me I was sleeping when the raid released and I just

woke up to the start screen of the raid immediately followed by the end screen of the raid.

And this actually introduces lore aspects that shouldn't be available to you yet if

you haven't completed the Gofannon Forge.

So in today's video I'm actually going to take you through what should be the chronological

events leading up to the Scourge of the Past raid, explain a little bit of an Easter egg

in the Scourge of the Past raid.

The end room has an aspect to it that is very easily missed if you don't understand some

of the lore and it's actually really significant for the story of Scourge of the Past.

And I'm also going to talk about the sort of implications and where we currently are

in the story.

Because I don't think the story has concluded yet and I think we can probably predict what

will happen at the end of Black Armoury.

Now, you have to excuse the terrible gameplay in the background.

This was my first completion of Scourge of the Past.

And a big thank you to Ninjjy and his friends who helped get me through this raid.

If you would like to see a more competent player at Destiny I highly suggest tuning

into Ninjjy streams on Twitch.

I'll leave a link in the description below.

As usual, the artwork at the beginning of this video was provided by Gammatrap.

All patreon donations go towards paying Gammatrap for his artwork.

Link in the description with rewards, which includes digital versions of the art.

You can also find gammatrap on youtube, twitch and twitter.

Links below.

I don't take any of the patreon donations, but if you would like to support me, Channel

memberships are also available, with their own rewards and perks.

Press the join button or link in the description for iphone users.

This is myelin games, and I hope you enjoy this latest Destiny 2 lore episode.

[INTRO] The beginning of the raid story technically

starts with unlocking the Gofannon forge, and this starts with finding the tainted Black

Armory gear, which is stolen Black Armory technology mixed with Fallen technology.

Have a listen to what Ada says, 'This is definitely forge-made.

Though the serial number is unfamiliar.

Doesn't match the forge in the European Dead Zone.

And somehow – Fallen tech is baked in.


This abomination deserves to be broken, burned, and dumped into the void.

Someone must have found another forge.

Acquire any more of these abominations, and take them to our portly friend on the Tangled


When you trust the Spider, what's lost becomes found.'

After acquiring more tainted Black Amory gear, you then visit the Spider.

The Spider says, ' It appears the same Black Armory contraband

you found has turned up on my Shore.

To think someone other than me would sell their merch around here without even introducing


I'm wildly interested in getting to know my latest competition.

Perhaps we should start by..saying hello to some of their associates.

Something tells me I'll be hearing the sweet sound of skulls knocking together very soon'

So, the Spider suspects there is a new Fallen syndicate on his turf, which obviously make

him un-happy.

In order to identify the new Fallen syndicate leader you have to capture the Fallen in the

tangled shore cryo-pod heroic event.

Doing so reveals a clue to the identify the leader of the Fallen syndicate.

The quest step reads, ' The Fallen have dropped a clue identifying

the Spider's mysterious competitor.

His name is Siviks, and he is the leader of the Kell's Sourge syndicate, a group of

anti-everything Fallen, hell-bent on sowing chaos wherever they go.'

You then take this information to the Spider, who informs you that Siviks, is in-fact his


Have a listen.

' Siviks – lost to none.

My impudent brother.

And the Black Armory's assailant.

It seems even a stint in the Prison of Elders did little to help my brother understand the

concept of consequences.

A harsher lesson might be in order.

And, friend?

Don't hold back.

Siviks's syndicate is called the Kell's Scourge, just like a Fallen house would be

called, House of Kings, or House of Wolves, Siviks's group is called the Kell's Scourge.

Fallen who are a part of this syndicate adopt this naming structure, with Kell's Scourge

appearing in their title, i.e.

Vandal, Kell's Scourge.

Now that you know Siviks is behind the tainted black armory gear, you try to trace the distribution

of the tainted gear to work out the source.

You trace the tainted black armory gear through the EDZ and eventually work your way to Nessus.

Nessus is revealed as the centre of Siviks's operations and we actucally see Siviks's

talking with another Fallen captain at the end of the mission before Siviks retreats.The

true source of Siviks's operation centre ends up being the Gofannon forge on Nessus.

The quest step reads, ' The scan of Sivik's Black Armory crates

revealed the true origin of the tainted gear: a second Black Armory forge.

Explore an uncharted location on Nessus and locate the lost forge.'

You then defeat the servitor guarding the gofannon forge named Serekis-, unlocking the

Gofannon forge.

After unlocking the forge you return to Ada who says.

'I just never intended on playing fetch with Guardians.

And now this…

Siviks attempts to steal what we hold dear.

I eagerly anticipate the day we return the favour.'

So at this point, we know that Siviks was using the Gofannon Black Armory Forge to produce

tainted Black Armory gear for the Fallen, we have somewhat cleared the Forge of Fallen,

however Siviks has fled.

This is when I believe the raid lore should start.

So I believe after Siviks fled the Gofannon forge on Nessus he went to earth to excavate

another Black Armory vault.

When the raid was first released, the Raid start screen reads,

' A newly formed fallen Syndicate, the Kell's Scourge, has emerged.

Led by Siviks, Lost to None, they travelled to the ruins of the Last City, where they

excavated the Black Armory's most precious vault, hoping to steal powerful weapons.

Reclaim the Black Armory vault from the Kell's Scourge.'

Of course, from a story point of view, you are meant to go and complete the raid, Scourge

of the Past and for those who have completed the raid, you will know that the final boss

is not Siviks.

Siviks is still out there.

We destroy a servitor in a mech suit.

Which by the way, looks to be from original concept art of the Destiny enemy races.

After defeating the final boss in the raid, you enter the Black Armory vault, and as you

enter the vault there is an alter with a book and pages scattered everywhere.

This doesn't quite make sense until you see the raid completion screen.

When the world's first raid team completed the raid you receive this message,

' A team of six guardians fought valiantly against the Kell's Scourge and reclaimed

not only the Black Armory's lost vault, but also the ' Black Amory Papers' – the

private journals of Henriette Meyrin, the Black Armory's founder.

Pages have been stolen by Siviks's syndicate, the Kell's Scourge, and Guardians can now

retrieve them upon completing a Fallen forge ignition.'

So the stolen journal pages are actually the in-game lore book about the Black Armory.

It is the history of the Black Armory, Ada's mother, Henriette one of the original founders.

See my video on Ada for more information.

So although we cleared Fallen from the Earth Black Armory vault, Siviks still acquired

some of the pages from the Black Armory book.

I suspect that the Book not only contains the Black Armory history but also notes on

their secrets and weapons.

When you visit Ada after the first raid completion, she says this,

' For centuries, Guardians have been barred form our history.

Today, they changed that – secured our most important artifacts.

The Black Armory papers – the soul of our organisation.

These books belonged to our founder.

They were her personal journals.

Siviks desecrated them…

Tore many of the pages from their bindings.

They must be recovered if we're to know what he's after.'

So… where does this leave us.

Well, at the time of writing this, the niobi labs is not currently unlocked, so I suspect

that the Black Armory season pass will conclude with either capturing or defeating Siviks,

because as far as I know, he was not featured in the Raid and escaped from the Earth Vault

with pages from the Black Armory book, a book which Ada describes as the soul of their organisation.

Now that is all the in-game lore that we have on Siviks from unlocking the Gofannon Forge.

However, there is a lore tab from the exotic grenade launcher Anarchy that gives us a little

bit more information about Siviks or about his relationship with his brother The Spider.

However, we don't know when this card is set.

Now I think there are a couple of options.

It could be set before Forsaken when Siviks was sent to the Prison of Elders or it could

actually be after the Black Armoury events and this could be the conclusion to the Black


Let me read you the card and see what you think.

"Stick to all ground human, then fry.


Siviks, Lost to None.

"You little rat.

You took my warm hospitality and stomped all over it like an ungrateful child.

Is that any way to treat one of your dear brethren?"

Siviks laughed a cold twisted laugh then offered up a large wad of spit at The Spider's feet.

The Spider just rolled his eyes.

"Let me know when you're ready to make nice," he said.

Siviks laugh now grew into something maniacal.

He topped it off with another wad of spit, this time directly in The Spider's face.

Once he wiped his brow The Spider leaned forward looking Siviks and the eyes and said, "I think

our little rat here needs a timeout, perhaps someplace with the rest of the vermin."

The many hands of Spider's men gripped and restrained Siviks.

As they dragged him off he shouted, "You as bad as fallen, worse even.

A friend even to humans.

All must die."

The Spider simply waved goodbye, taunting, "Bon Voyage my friend."

Once Siviks had gone The Spider looked longingly toward where he had stood.

He sighed a deep regretful sigh before continuing with business as usual.

Like I said, I'm not too sure if this is set before the events of Destiny 2 Forsaken or

if this is set in current times and is yet to happen.

So, for example, this could be detailing Siviks being sent to the Prison of Elders by his

brother The Spider.

And I get that impression from this line here that says, "Once he wiped his brow The Spider

leaned forward looking Siviks and the eyes and said, 'I think our little rat here needs

a timeout, perhaps someplace with the rest of the vermin.'"

That, to me, sounds like he's sending him to a prison, which could be the Prison of


The thing that sort of gets me is this weapon is called Anarchy and The Syndicate is all

about chaos and anarchy.

And I sort of get the impression that this is a new weapon that Siviks may have developed

from Black Armoury technology.

And so maybe this isn't the events before Forsaken, but this is in fact a piece of lore

that actually hasn't occurred yet.

So, for example, what if we capture Siviks and we bring Siviks to The Spider.

Maybe this is how the Black Armoury DLC will end, with The Spider facing his brother after

we capture him, after Niobe Labs is released and sends him away someplace with the rest

of the vermin, which we don't really quite know where or what that is yet.

So that's the two ways I look at this card.

It either happened before or it's going to happen.

And it's really interesting to think about this might be what happens when Black Armoury


So I'm excited to see how the rest of the DLC plays out.

So to summarise the lore of Siviks, Siviks spent time in the Prison of Elders, potentially

put there by his brother, but we don't quite know.

The prisoners escaped along with the barons during the events of Forsaken.

Siviks found a forge on Nessus and reactivated it starting to integrate foreign technology

into Black Armoury gear.

He distributed the gear throughout the system, specifically the EDZ.

Guardians killed Fallen, found the gear, tracked it down to the Gofannon Forge on Nessus.

Guardians then cleared Gofannon Forge and then followed Siviks to the Earth Black Armoury


Siviks was not killed at the vault and is now still on the run after taking pages from

the Black Armoury book within the Earth vault.

And now I predict that the Black Armoury DLC will conclude with the capture or defeat of

Siviks and returning the Black Armoury pages to ADA-1.

That concludes this latest Destiny 2 Lore episode.

If you would like to support the channel and cannot think of a comment, you leave the word,

Anarchy, to represent the impact of Siviks's syndicate.

As usual, it has been a pleasure, this is myelin games.


For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Black Armory Scourge of the Past Raid Explained! | Myelin Games - Duration: 16:55.


Kentucky fans get stuck on plane at Orlando Sanford International ahead of Citrus Bowl - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Kentucky fans get stuck on plane at Orlando Sanford International ahead of Citrus Bowl - Duration: 1:34.


[다온][ENG/CHI SUB] 마음의 소리가 들리는 남자(a mind-reading man) Role play ASMR - Duration: 10:40.

Excuse me.

Where are you headed?

was just wondering.

I think

it's the same destination.

Aren't you going over there?


Am I right?

Let's go together.

have to go there.


I'm not weird.

Am I that suspicious?

As much as you think

not a suspicious person.

I'm a normal person.

Here we are.

What are you going to drink?

Is this it?

This one.

I'll take this.


going to drink here.


Thank you.

What are you doing?

Park yourself there.

It's very hot, isn't it?

Do you hate hot weather?

don't want to come out when it's hot.

But today

I once did.

It's good to see you.

What's that look for?

Is this your first time meeting someone you like on the street?

think it's weird again.

I'm not weird.

I'm not weird. not a Swindler

Aa~~ Really!

keep thinking about strange things?

I'm not a Swindler

think so your look in one's eye.

The look in one's eye

I'm not a con man.

So don't worry.


don't have to pay me for coffee.

That's it. I'll bring it.


Here you go.

Is this right? What you like.

by the way

Do you have a boyfriend?

was wondering.

have a boyfriend?

Do you have him?

I don't think so.

don't think so.


first saw you,

I can assure you.


don't have a boyfriend.

Why are you lying?

Don't you like me?

Where am I lacking?

What don't you like about me?

Now you

You still think I'm a fraud, don't you?

I'm normal.

I'm not weird.

Just have coffee.

You're lying.

Why are you lying. without a boyfriend.


didn't want to say this.

you like me first

thought in your mind.

phooey~ think I don't know?

All right. Just have coffee.

Just have coffee. buying it for you.

Yeah. I said weird things.

I'm a weirdo.

by the way

you can't lie much.

You are easy to read.

easy to read.

But really.

I'm wondering.

When saw me on the street,

why did you think I was OK?

did you think I was OK

Who? me.

That's what you thought of me.


You would say no.

Let's say no.

Let's say no.

But you're

you are lie is clumsy. It's visible on the face.

you are easy to read. do your ears turn red?

you're alone strange think.

oh~ strange think


by the way

When I hear you

You can't trust me from A to Z.

don't like me and

You're in favor of me.

There is nothing at all.

Why are you doing ?

drink coffee with me and Talk to me.

A strange man

let's say to have coffee together.

Why did you follow me?

Why did you do that?


if you don't like me, Why should I have?

Am I right?

could have refused. followed me.

Did I force you?

I didn't force you.


Why do you drink the coffee I bought you?

can buy it yourself

Why do you drink what I buy?

You're drinking now. It's my money.

No. Drink. Drink. won't say anything.

Enjoy your coffee. Even if you don't tell me

I know how your mind.

because I know

Even if you don't tell me

Even if you don't lie like that,

because know how your mind.

It's fine!

drink coffee.

When we finish drink coffee,

Shall we go to the movies?

How's the movie?


guess your hobby is lying.

even though you say no


already thinking about what to see.

Okay. Okay.

You don't want to watch a movie,

Let's go there by force because of me.

On my way.

think about what to watch.

Let's go.

For more infomation >> [다온][ENG/CHI SUB] 마음의 소리가 들리는 남자(a mind-reading man) Role play ASMR - Duration: 10:40.


49ers 2018 is Over, Hello 2019! - Duration: 6:17.

Ayo! It's Bryan here. Today, going to be talking about the San Francisco 49ers as always.

Going to be reflecting on 2018 a little bit. I want to make this video a little bit

short because I'm going to be doing most of these videos as a Top 3 video from the

good things, the bad things. From players to coaches, all that crazy stuff right

there for the next couple of weeks. This will be just a little goodbye to 2018

and hopefully, we can have a good 2019 season and make the playoffs and hopefully

a Super Bowl because that was the expectation kind of this year from us

Niner Faithful. At least make the playoffs, but a Super Bowl run would have

been helpful if not for injuries, but I'll talk about that in a second. Going to

be doing that, but before I do, please "Like" and Subscribe to support my channel. That would

definitely help me out a lot and yeah. Let's just get into it. So 2018 is in the

books. The San Francisco 49ers I think they finished 4-12. A pretty

disappointing season in my opinion, considering the fact that they had a lot

of good things going on in terms of week one all the way to now, but injuries. Just

bad play, a lot of things have really hampered this team. This could have been

a really good season in my opinion had Garoppolo been healthy, McKinnon. We just

don't know how this team would be if everyone was as healthy as possible. I

don't think we'd be 4-12. I just don't believe that we'll be who we

are right now had it not been for injuries in my opinion. This team has

just been so beat up. It sucks to see that because you know as I said, we'll

never see the potential of the 2018 49ers and hopefully 2019, everyone can

get healthy and what have you, but speaking of injuries. Whatever they're

doing in the offseason, I don't know what they're doing during practices and

what have you, but something has to change in my opinion because all these

injuries you know. This just does not happen often in my opinion for any team.

I mean, you can see the Ravens and Chargers a couple years ago. They had a

lot of injury problems, but you know, they're kind of getting a little bit

better, although the Chargers, they've been kind of knick knacked as well right

now for the playoffs. Right now for the 49ers, they've just been so beat up and

I've never seen a 49er team so injury prone as much this whole year or

any year in 49er history. Something has to change. I don't know. Ray Wright's the

strength and conditioning coach. Maybe there need some changes right there. I

don't know if he should be fired, but we'll see what happens because injuries,

there's just a ton of them. They don't just happen just to happen. Something is

happening during practice in my opinion. I don't know what Kyle and John Lynch is

going to do. Are they going to change up their program or change up whatever, but hey. It's

whatever. We'll see what happens, but yeah. Injuries overall, it sucked and

really derailed this 2018 season in what could have been a pretty

decent campaign. Injuries were a bad thing. Other things I could talk about

were the choke jobs that they did because they could have won a lot of

games within it. I mean they were 4-12, but they could've been

maybe 8-8 or 9-7 had they been healthy, even with

Garoppolo being out for the whole season because there's a couple of games that

come to my mind that they really could have won. Example, the Green Bay Packers

on Monday Night Football, the Arizona Cardinals twice in my opinion. My gosh, I

don't know how we still lost to the Cardinals and unfortunately, Steve Wilks

for them. He got fired by the Cardinals I think today or yesterday. So, that's

very unfortunate. Only one season and he's already fired. I mean, this is like

the 49ers a couple of years ago when they were firing coaches after one

season. Arizona, you better be on your A game and find a coach that is going to be

with you for a couple of years because that sucks to see Steve Wilks get

fired after one year and not get an opportunity to see what he can do as a

head coach, but you know. It's over. He got fired and it's going to be a tough for the

new head coach whoever comes in for Arizona to try to keep their job

security right there and they need some changes as well for the Cardinals

organization, but whatever. Talking about the 49ers right now. So yeah. Those

games come to my mind. The Chargers game come to my mind. So, that's four wins

right there that we could have gotten really. You're saying, oh LA Chargers man.

They had no chance, but if you watch the game, they were doing really well in that

game, but you know, CJ Beathard happened and what have you and speaking of him. He

has to be a big disappointment for 2018 because I mean, Garoppolo coming out.

Can't do anything about that. Tore his ACL, but Beathard. You're supposed to put

at least one game for the 49ers and he did not win any games from the Chargers

game starting, all the way to I think the Cardinals game, the last one or

whatever. The botched snapped at the end of the game. Oh my gosh. It was complete BS.

He didn't win a game for us and Nick Mullens comes in and wins three games

for us and he beats the Oakland Raiders in a very convincing fashion his first

start. He beats the Denver Broncos that was trying to vie for a playoff spot and

also, beat the Seattle Seahawks and we finally beat them for the first time

since 2013. That's freaking amazing. So Mullens, thank you very much, but yeah.

Beathard, oh my gosh! Very big disappointment. I kind of

expect him to be cut by the start of the regular season in 2019 in my opinion

because Mullens has shown enough to be the backup quarterback for the 49ers. If

God forbid, anything happens to Garoppolo, maybe he

can step in and do a really good job and do a better job than he did in his I

guess you want to call it rookie campaign. Beathard, very disappointing. Sucks to

see that, but hey. What can you do right? What else to talk about for 2018? Just

yeah injuries, bad play defensively early on, you know offensively being

inconsistent. I don't know. This is just been a very mixed season. There is a lot of

optimism to see for 2019 in my opinion for the San Francisco 49ers like George

Kittle, the running game, offense trying to get together. You know, we do need a

star-studded number one receiver and there's been some things with Antonio

Brown and George Kittle recently today talking about each other.

I don't know what's going on on Twitter, but it's whatever. It'd be nice to get

Antonio Brown from a trade, but you know, can they deal with his diva antics?

Biggest question for the 49ers. I mean the Pittsburgh Steelers, they're having

big problems right now and you know, that's a very unusual team. They're a

really good team, but at the same time, they have a lot of internal problems

within the organization, but hey whatever. It's the Steelers. We're talking about

the 49ers right now. Overall as a season, I'd give it a "C-" to be honest with

you. You know, the injuries suck. The losing sucks, but hopefully in 2019, we

can at least vie for a playoff spot. Go as far as we can in the playoffs. That'd

be freaking awesome for 2019. Hopefully, they get it all together. Hopefully, they

learn their lessons from 2018 and get on with free agency and the draft.

Hopefully 2019, we can see us not get a top-five draft pick. I prefer to be

playing for a playoff spot than top draft picks, but you know, we'll see what

happens in 2019. That's going to be pretty much it you guys. Please let me know what

you have for 2018. Was it good? Was it bad? Tell me anything that you feel about the

season. Please, I'd like to hear what you guys have to say and if you guys like this,

please "Like" and Subscribe to support my channel. That would definitely help me out a lot

and yeah. I'll probably catch you guys up this week when I talk about maybe the

good or the bad for the 49ers. A top three video for either one. I'll see

y'all then. Bye guys. Love y'all. Happy New Year. Have a nice rest of your day/night!

For more infomation >> 49ers 2018 is Over, Hello 2019! - Duration: 6:17.


Shroud & Hamlinz Reacts to Our Montage "Streamers Rewind 2018 Fortnite Edition" - Duration: 15:25.

Rewind rewind



Why are we still here just to suffer

Oh my god

That's my longest night ever

I want you to see my cat again. Why?

She's just so like she gets cuter with time and I just want everyone to be able to experience it


On our street

125,000 dollars

Alright see this guy he's high gun right now. He's feeling confident

Yeah, I'm gonna land behind and he's many yeah, see he's definitely a high ground player

I'm gonna take high ground from him and

Then give him a ger make him think that he's like, oh my god, dude. I just took high ground

I'm insane at the game. Then I'm gonna do this and then he's not so insane

Thank you, are you down to 69 summit you're so so LMFAO, come on guys

We just need at one time have a good time


I appreciate

Combined and there's a ramp

As well just figured that out too. It's a second day playing elzo now watching over with the scope

They are and hand sees the player behind the brick

He is absolutely cheating themselves right now wants to tell his friends at school about his

First victory that ramp is perfect. Hell's Oh

Beautiful does he?

Own a panicking in the 1vs1, the chip has been used the player is above you down


Originally was I

Originally was wondering why

That was from my POV and not Courage's but it makes sense

at the end

You sure a yeah, I got it. Yeah, I don't play this game. I got it. I'm kidding. The game is great

It's a joke. It's a joke

Calm down that's a good video actually in comparison of that pub. Do you want that pubs you almost trash? That was good

Shree murmurs re1 2018. Wait, did I watch this?

Srimurti why bruh? I wonder if i'm in here probably not


It's rewind time if I control rewind I would want

fortnight and

grumbeigh means oh

Not this first, but you were the first to come up yeah I was it was a gameplay thing

The thing is I don't want to show off my skills yet

I want to wait for the duo's. So I decided let's let them think that I suck and then I'm gonna come real hard

Some people watch the screen right here

Oh my god 300

Remember the cringe did


Okay. What is that emote? It's a cake Homer. Come on. Bruh. What dose is that? Oh, that's a better stretch TV

Come on, brother - is ugly as hell buddy

But I could use a good carry

Mine oh come now you watch it. I'm the young God bad how many pots am I right now?

Body built like a bird

What mommy got a bird Chesbrough mom may look like a pelican


Say when epic gives me the email when epic is in a hotline bling' emote

Is on this channel we do things at the extreme high end levels

Daddy got mad boys. I

Think he heard me through the wall man. I was talking shit. Oh

I was talking shit. Dad got angry fucking hell. I don't know what happened. I'm confused. Oh


Okay. Wait. Oh, this is me. I'm in the video. What the hell there, I go. I

Thought I wasn't in the video, but I'm right here. Look at it. Look at it look at it. I

Mean tell me that's not me buddy. What the hell?


Enjoy I enjoy pineapple on pizza though. I don't mind you


Am here playing for tonight with my friends and I can't believe it


Don't know how

Mary fly. Oh my god. Oh my god

Why are we still

This is a 70k win for all my god

No, Kara sound like he get a cheap flat brush

Everybody just close your eyes. Just close your eyes real quick boy. Just close your eyes and his listen


He got so scared ruff, oh my god ro why is that the funniest clip I've ever seen. Oh

My god ro that is so funny - oh my god, bruh Oh

Bro that was so funny

For more infomation >> Shroud & Hamlinz Reacts to Our Montage "Streamers Rewind 2018 Fortnite Edition" - Duration: 15:25.


ESPORTS ARE A LIFESTYLE | Legends Never Die (ft. Against The Current) Reaction - Duration: 11:09.


Sounds like I'm wearing plastic bags, doesn't it? I?

Look like a race car driver. So there's that. Hello everybody

My name is Kat and welcome back to miss Kat squad the Kiki Channel. That's all about you guys

Guessed it geeky goodness and games speaking of a great game. Why don't you guys go back to the League of Legends fandom?

It's just so gorgeous. It's so filled with beauty. It's

Hype the hype is real within this trending

Let me just get that cuz I mean the thing is is some I gotta start staying up to date on the eSports of League

Of Legends and staying up to date with that kind of stuff because hey it is so freakin awesome

It makes me be like how the heck are you able to do that?

How the heck are you able to be so good at this game? How are you? It's a lifestyle

You know

it's like it you may have football you may have basketball you may have baseball but no when it comes to eSports just like a

religion, you know, it's like this whole type of religion thing because everyone loves it so much but and they're so dedicated to it and

And I got to get into that kind of stuff like I am a bogus

But yeah, I mean that's the thing is like how they are

so competitive with each other you guys said rise was based on the actual world champions of League of Legends and so is this one

what you guys have been requesting as said by the comments section you guys said cat react your legends never die and

That's what we're gonna do right now because again, I don't understand how people are so good at certain games

I for one am not that great, but I'm great at giving commentary on that

So if you guys want me to give commentary on anything League of Legends related, even if it's like reacting to the actual


Championships or the life things that go on let me know because I would love to do that because this is awesome

The hype is real

Finally part of the span them like I got to know more of the characters and I still want to know more of the player

So this will work out great

This would be great

It'll be great. So let's get reacting

She's waiting to get onstage look at that boy. Look at you

The Nutcracker get out the get out the stress

Boom whoa. Oh you

You know, we're all Chico Chico wahoo you

Yes, they do

Reaching hey, there's all my goodness. Yes

She is so cool, she's so cool

But look at that hair, I wish I could do that

Oh god this song

His hair

So cool doing some music that's why this is what I love about this high five

Boom the sickle his hair Oh

It's not like I wish I could do that but look how cool UI love her hair

It's a girl training, okay

How much dedication must go into prepping for these games

They're not just video games guys like this is you have to literally dedicate your entire life to this

Tom unless the visible vetted to Utley it must have inspired the players, you know, I must have inspired people who were oh

Whoa at faith go

Yeah the boom but it must have inspired them to get better like to like train and I love this

Today to keep their entire life to this like oh



It went from oh my god, he went from okay. She went from shooting it and then equipment to stuff

Brilliance, this is directed perfectly. Oh

Yeah, let me see that too in there. Oh my god

See them under their characters and they're getting ready for it. Oh

my god

Chase your legend. Oh

Alright k so what I loved about that, did you see the end?

No excess chaser legend now, they don't have to do this for the players of this game

They don't have to like in a way build them up with their inspiration, but they do you know

Like people have to understand these eSports and everything about these games. They're not just games

This is just as much as valid as it is with actual sports. It's not even bigger

There's so much dedication hard work that has to go within it because number one they got to do with the tech number two

If ya get with tech speaking of tech if something goes wrong

There and they can't like practice for a long time if their computer shut down everything what's gonna happen?

I mean like with sports and everything all different types of sports are so valid

Especially with eSports too because so much love and heart and dedicate you and goes into this

Hey pretty much awesome their characters like come on get them in there. Awesome

But this is the thing you have to understand about with eSports is they spend their entire lives training for these big events?

and it's so inspiring to me as somebody who would never be able to do such a thing because you know

I'm not that great with video games like

if you want it like me make me commentate on stuff sure absolutely, but when it comes to playing certain video games hope

Should be show some clips of cat playing some video games and failing miserably

Shall we do that Thank You Derek. Let's go

Huh, oh man. Oh

It came from absolutely nowhere

Uh-huh. I'm so well so Oh God

Please save there. Please save there. Please. Save there, please. Please. Please stay for there, please

Please save there. Ah

So as you noticed I know I'm not that great at playing video games but with these types of games these

People these players these people who literally represent this game and dedicate their lives to this

they are heroes to people there are people out there who are literally looking up to them as heroes as

legends and they are legends what I loved about this was how

Again, these types of events don't have to do that

You know, they don't have to create things that say well, I'm going to inspire you. I'm gonna lift you up

But they do and that probably meant a lot to these players

It probably meant allows them to see that their characters were number one being animated

But number two that this company and also the entirety of the event was supporting them and it probably lifts their spirits

Up to be able to realize that there are people out there cheering them on

And I want to be able to cheer them on I want to get more into this look the eSports realm and especially with games

Like overwatch League of Legends and World of Warcraft because the teams they're so humble people. They literally spend their lives

Training for these events, you know, it's stress

They must go under you know is you just want to be like look it's it's gonna be okay

you know you you need a nice massage or something like massage these hands like the thing is it's like whether you're playing with a

Controller you're playing with a mouse and a keyboard. You cannot understand that your knuckles and everything must be like

Bein a

threat is carpal tunnel gonna

Avoid that but that's that's the thing too is like if something happens to their wrist

They're gonna have to learn how to play with their feet or something because it's it's tasking, you know

It's it's why people always say online, especially when I do dear young creators, which is a little Twitter series

I do on my own personal account. It's like you gotta realize you got to take breaks

you gotta be able to take these breaks cuz if you don't what's gonna happen your

Wrists gonna fall off your hand is literally gonna be like, it's gone

And that's it's not good because you need your hands to be able to play these games. So

They better be taking care of themselves

I mean why these companies sponsor them and are for them because these energy drink companies they always sponsor them and also like show them

So much support because they want to give them energy

You know, it's like you don't just play this game and because I'll become a whiz at it like overnight

It's like you got a dedicate your life to it

so if you guys want me to cover more events on League of Legends and to see what the pro gamers are doing and what

They're up to and like see what they're up to

Like let me know because I would love to do stuff like that because and we want I love supporting other people number two

I love to spread positivity within different fandoms and number three. I love these types of games while me myself

I'm not great at being pro at these types of games. So seeing people do something. I can't do it blows me away

It's awesome

but I'm I guess if you like this be sure to give it a thumbs up get up to a thousand likes and I will

totally know if you guys want me to cover more League of Legends coverage and like, you know

seeing the cinematic to seeing at the the music videos and also

supporting the people that are within the League of Legends fandom because supposedly the pro gamers because again,

They they go through a lot, you know sponsored or not. They they go through a lot

They it's just it's just like pro gamers and like pro basketball players pro football players

You don't think they seriously dedicate their entire lives to this

So give them a round of applause you see I'm if you go online

Spread some positivity enjoy it for them because no matter who you support them under what team you're on

You got to give them all credit for what they do and what they're passionate about because they they really inspire others

Especially younger generations to really get this is huge eSports enormous, but love it love to commentate on stuff

But anyway, don't forget to subscribe if you want more League of Legends content

Don't forget to give this a big thumbs up and don't forget to hit the bell

Notification because if you don't then you go to miss updates on this gets going and sure you don't want to do that

But anyway guys, I hope you have an amazing day

You see safe out there and as always miss cats until next video where soon a fangirl and their fanboy every single day

Hi guys. Hey squad

Thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of Miss cat squad if you want to follow our adventures outside of YouTube

Be sure to check out the description down below for all these awesome fun links and if you really love what we're doing on youtube

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Thanks again squad and until the next video embrace her inner fangirl hindering a fanboy every single day

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