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Chị Ca Nô hoá Chị Dũa Móng cãi tay đôi với Huỳnh Lập (Full) - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Nightcore - No Promises (Cover by Kiana) 🍀 Lyrics - Duration: 3:22.HEY BABY WHEN WE ARE TOGETHER
DISASTRI i paesi in cui si attende una CATASTROFE NATURALE curiosità nel mondo - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
কিভাবে দ্বীনের উপর অটল থাকব | শাইখ মুখলেসুর রহমান মাদানী | Bangla Waz New Video - Duration: 54:06.-------------------------------------------
The 10 Best Cheesecake Recipes 🍰🍓🍣 Most Amazing Cakes Styles & Ideas 2019 - Duration: 10:43.The 10 Best Cheesecake Recipes | Most Amazing Cakes Styles & Ideas 2019
Thank You For Watching !
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Jurassic Park Dinosaurs Box of Toys to Learn Colors for Kids - Duration: 5:44.Jurassic Park Dinosaurs Box of Toys to Learn Colors for Kids
Orange dinosaur
Green dinosaur
Blue dinosaur
Orange dinosaur
Red dinosaur
Can dinosaur
STAR WARS: Die hässlichsten und schlechtesten STERNENJÄGER der Galaxis - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
Kids Try New Years Food from Around the World | Kids Try | HiHo Kids - Duration: 5:03.- Oh man, what the?
(folksy music)
- [Woman] Five, four, three, two, one!
- One!
- [Woman] Happy New Year!
- That makes literally no sense.
- Happy New Year!
- [Woman] Are you excited?
- Yes.
- [Today you're Trying New Year's
food from around the world
Close your eyes!
- Hmm, oh what is this, grapes?
- [Woman] Wait, before you eat it
there are exactly 12 grapes in that glass.
- No, there's 11.
- [Woman] There should be 12
because in Spain when the clock strikes
midnight they have to eat a grape
for every time the clock rings.
Happy New Year!
- Five, four, three, two, one, alright then.
(clock striking)
- Who's ahead, no!
You need a big mouth for that.
- [Woman] Now according to Spanish
tradition, you're going to have a great New Year.
- More grapes, please.
- [Woman] Open!
- What is this?
It looks like a pig.
- [Woman] It is a pig.
It's not real pork, it's like a macaroon or something.
- [Woman] Yeah, yeah you're close.
This is made out of marzipan.
So in Austria and Germany,
little kids with be gifted this.
Some kids find these delicious piggies
in their shoes.
- Why the heck is that a possibility?
- [Woman] Open.
- Japan?
- [Woman] Japan, nailed it.
- Soup and noodles.
- [Woman] Yes, so you dip the noodles in the soup
and then you eat noodles.
- Cold.
- [Woman] It is cold, you're right.
- Wow, it's like freezing.
(grumbling noises)
- Mmm!
- Mmhmm!
- [Woman] The name for it is Toshikoshi soba.
- Toshikoshi soba?
- [Woman] Those long noodles represent something.
- A long year.
- [Woman] A long life.
- That means I'll have a long life?
- [Woman] Yeah!
- Yay!
- [Woman] Open.
- Water.
(egg hitting table)
- Crack and egg, put it in the water.
- [Woman] That's right
- I just drop it in the water?
- [Woman] You gotta crack the egg.
- That was disgusting
- Oh man, what the,
- [Woman] Okay look at the yolk,
and that represents what your
new year will bring.
- It's gonna bring me ugliness?
Oh, that's sad.
- [Woman] What do you see among the yolk?
- I see yolk grass and stuff like that.
- [Woman] What is it that you see
inside the yolk?
- Umm, a dinosaur?
- I see cars driving over big hills.
- [Woman] Oh okay.
- It looks like a narwhal.
- [Woman] What does that mean for your new year?
- I'm gonna ride one.
- [Woman] So is that a good future
or a bad future?
- It's good!
- [Woman] Oh, great.
- Pie.
- It tastes bad.
- [Woman] Okay.
- Cheese.
- [Woman] Yes it has a white cheese filling
made with yogurt and eggs.
This is called
- Hey, what is, what is this, what is this?
Seriously, you had to leave the wrapper?
Wait a minute, it's a fortune.
I will learn a new language this year?
- Within this year, you will find a
50 dollar bill on the floor somewhere.
- [Woman] This year you will outgrow your Lola.
- That is not true.
- You will try at least a hundred new dishes this year.
You made this, I knew it, you made it.
- [Woman] Well, Chef Zach made it.
- Oh, Chef Zach is a great writer.
- On a one, and a two and a three,
Happy New Year!
- Happy New Year!
- Bye Bye!
- Next year, I'm going to have the luckiest new year ever.
聽力減退和經常掏耳朵有關係嗎| 分享健康新闻 - Duration: 9:59.-------------------------------------------
[THAISUB/ENGSUB] IZ*ONE (아이즈원)Merry Christmas with my IZ*ONE - Duration: 10:02.[IZ*ONE] [CHRISTMAS PARTY]
[IZ*ONE is coming in for a party]
I want to take this seat.
Why did you bring that monkey to a Christmas party?
This is my friend.
This is the first Christmas ever we spend time together.
It's already Christmas...
What did you do on Christmas day last year?
During MAMA last year, something about "Produce 48" was unveiled.
- That's right. - Yes.
- It was shocking. - I didn't expect to appear on that show then.
That's right!
- I was so nervous, wondering if I could appear on "Produce 48". - Me too.
Around the Christmas season,
while watching music award shows,
- Other trainees and I said "when can we appear on that show?" - Right.
And this year, we are here.
- Memories. - Something amazing happened.
I feel like I'm dreaming.
SAKURA, what did you do on Christmas last year?
- Probably handshaking? - Oh, a handshaking event!
I remember that.
- Handshaking event? - How about HITOMI? - I was at school.
- HITOMI does her best. - Let's enjoy our time,
altogether this year.
- Yes, yes! - Yay! - Great!
Can we eat?
- Yes! - Let's first eat.
- That's what everyone wanted. - Let's eat.
[Let's enjoy Christmas with delicious food]
- Do you know that this one is really good? - I didn't know.
- I knew. - Hey! - Yes!
How about writing letters to one another?
- Good! - Good!
[IZ*ONE members are writing letters]
Let's read the letters!
- Who wants to go first? - I do! I want to read my letter.
- EUN BI, you decorated really hard. Please read it. - Right!
Okay, this letter is for you.
I hope it reaches you.
- And this is you. - You. - You when you wake up in the morning.
So funny.
I look forward to your letter.
My loved one, cutie YU JIN of IZ*ONE!
I'm really happy to be with you.
Please be with me forever.
Thank you and I love you.
And one more.
- One more. - What do you want for Christmas?
- What? - You have a gift? - Angel EUN BI.
- So touching. - Touching. - I'm touched.
Okay, then it's my turn.
I wrote a letter to MIN JU.
She must be surprised. I drew a pretty Christmas tree.
- Okay, I'll read it. - Tree.
- I saw it. - To. KIM MIN JU. - Why are you so cold-blooded?
Hi, I'm YU JIN, your cutie.
I feel like we've become closer since we became roommates.
Living together can be inconvenience sometimes,
but thanks to you,
I don't feel any.
Let's become closer, I love you.
One thing, please shorten your shower time.
My letter is for CHAE WON.
I can't read it. Please read it for me.
[Ha ha ha] What? No, you should do that.
Wait, I'll read it.
- Can you read it? - No, I can't. - No.
You just said that you would do it.
- Hurry up. - Okay.
[(Shy)] - Just read it. - Okay.
Last Christmas days...
This year's Christmas is special...
because of you.
I'm happy thanks to you, the special one.
[MIN JU's letter makes everyone shy] - What are you, her girlfriend? - What?
- What are you doing? - MIN JU... - MIN JU!
Let's change the mood. My turn.
I drew picture like this.
- Is it YU RI? - How did you know it?
- I wrote a letter to the one who's lovely when she smiles. - Cute.
The lovelies.
To. YU RI,
To. YU RI,
YU RI, I can't believe we became this close.
While shooting "Produce 48", we used to spend time together when we had some spare time.
Do you remember when we went to get something from a claw machine?
We both claimed that we were good at it,
but we spent about 20,000 won and got just a small yoyo.
And that yoyo didn't work.
We wasted our money,
but I believe that we made memories.
I felt really connected with you,
and feel really comfortable when I'm with you.
Let's be good friends to each other.
I know to whom she wrote a letter.
To. CHAE YEON, thank you always.
We are best friends,
I'm really happy being friends with you.
Please take care.
It's precise, good.
Then NAKO?
NAKO decorated her card really hard.
- Really? - Santa...
- And there's a cane. - I wrote it in Japanese because I had lot to say.
EUN BI, you always takes care of members as a leader of IZ*ONE,
and puts IZ*ONE before anything.
You are our proud leader.
You're cute,
and we all love you.
Let's make wonderful memories with us,
and let's walk on flowery ways.
- So cute. - NAKO, I'm almost crying. - You understood?
- Your Rudolph is trembling. - Your Rudolph is trembling.
[(Touched)] - NAKO, thank you. - Rudolph is crying.
EUN BI, did you understand what I said?
[(Perplexed)] Pardon?
Yes, I understood.
- Touching. - I love you NAKO.
This is for HYE WON.
- Cute. - HITOMI also decorated hard.
- Is it in Korean? - Korean?
- Yes! - Really?
Hello, I'm HITOMI.
I love you so much, HYE WON.
Please keep taking care of me.
It sounds like she doesn't love her so much.
But in Korean...
You drew something.
Your handwriting is really nice.
This is the first ever Christmas we're together.
We recalled memories.
How do you feel?
We're here together on a Christmas day.
It's so meaningful,
and I enjoyed a lot.
We've passed Christmas,
as a trainee or a student.
But this year, we are singers and members of IZ*ONE.
I'm really happy being with you.
And I hope we will do this again.
I feel closer with you.
I only have memories with my family on a Christmas day,
And one memory is added, a memory with IZ*ONE members and WIZ*ONE.
I feel really special.
I look forward to Christmas next year.
I enjoyed a lot today.
I want to make good memories with you.
Happy Christmas, WIZ*ONE!
Enjoy this season.
- Bye! - Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
You better not cry to get a gift!
Don't cry.
Don't cry, see you!
How to make Remote Control Scorpion at home - Duration: 5:08.Recycle an old PC USB mouse
to make a Remote Control Scorpion at home
Drill the holes at equal distance
Also, drill the holes at the front and back side
Cut the USB mouse to fit DC motor
Cut Flexible wire to make scorpion legs
Fix the legs in the Bottom base
You can design the scorpion stings the way you like
This is the tail of DIY remote control scorpion
The scorpion is powered by 3v DC motors
Our Wireless Remote Controlled Scorpion is now ready
So friends, this here concludes the video
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İZLE - Duration: 4:38.-------------------------------------------
RimWorld - Episode 71 - Stockpile Buildup - Duration: 23:10.all right how's it going this is Kolrolf and welcome back to RimWorld last
time I was talking about the food and how we should just stick to doing simple
meals but I think okay it was that I was a little bit a little bit confused I
guess I'm used to having too much vegetables and not enough meat so that
makes sense but if you've got tons of meat and you're growing vegetables it
makes way more sense to cook fine meals they cost you know three of each no
there's a Clips everyone just woke up but yeah fine meals makes more sense if
you've got an excess of meat so I'm just gonna go around and suspend these and
there we go yeah I also set up well and set up one around the map and tried to
find a bunch of berry bushes that are the ready that are ready for harvest so
we get a little bit more vegetables going because yeah that's our it's our
hang-up at the moment actually we got a little bit more colonists that we used
to have obviously so yep so yeah I'd actually expand the food maybe put down
some some other stuff utilize some other resources like this some rich soil over
here but I think at this point it's gonna be just a matter of let's build
the ship and get out here so yeah so we'll gather berries and we'll use that
to make fine meals out of and just yeah just have a massive stockpile fine meals
a little bit of a mood buff with it so that'll help
that's a what else will be done here
yeah let's see do they have okay we just need one advanced component for this one
side my steel components advanced cobalt so you've got all that and I'm pretty
sure we've got yeah we've got two so it's enough for both of those it's still
making more can I have to keep an eye on Paul again see what he's doing I know I
set up a lot of hauling jobs yeah so he's hauling berries and stuff okay all
right let them do that but yeah these guys can keep making
meals and we'll just make fine meals till the cows come home basically build
up that stockpile yes good lots of berries coming in it's actually quite a
few around the map I guess I haven't done that in a long time yeah like this
they're all ready to harvest it's not even like they're growing or anything
it's all just good to go it's stuff big fire over here let's see what else can
we do once these are built I'll get a few more of these Auto cannon turrets
done and more herbal meds rotting away because we're not using them fast enough
but that is fine
mmm how much these mushrooms are just about ready to grow would be nice okay
that make pants oh that's the old I can't get rid of that that's the old
pants order for a trade run a while back oh yes Hayden please beat out this fire
if we I know it's late but yeah you're the
only one up yeah you please lose this connection lose a lot of our power and
this is creating a good fire break but cable and mmm I need to put some right
on the cable itself get some rain soon but yeah people are gonna get rid of
this fire just a little bit okay well actually thinking about this and
thinking about the fact that I want to put turrets in the corners and this one
wouldn't get any power maybe what we should do there's another geothermal
gender guys are here so let's put another generator on this oh that burned
away okay that is fine just want to make sure the colonists weren't doing
something silly
yeah hmm yeah but another generator here and then
have a second connection down again it guess this is another yeah okay
have another connection den down into the base as well as a cross connection
probably over here somewhere just in case some Raiders because if they if
some Raider came in and they broke this connection
we'd be massively out of power and that would not be good so let's get that
let's get that kid up now our thumb bros will keep forbid this from now and then
yeah just do our standard build yeah let's get the door on flooring in and
we'll use slate again just for symmetry but it probably shouldn't a lot of
things that are using slate at the moment and in actual fact another thing
we were gonna do oh good let's do the next one yeah
get rid of that cargo pass stuffs happening what is this sigh Kylie's oops
oops oops oops there we go yeah let's gather them might be useful
I think Penna cycling just needs to intro mean it's an actual fact we should
make a point to make more and put everyone on Penna cycling when we turn
on the
the generator that way we wouldn't we block a lot of diseases just to prevent
that from happening
well not to keep an eye on the next trader I guess okay so to get that built
yeah another thing I wanted to do she was kind of thinking about when I was
doing this and talking about using different types of material oh my flows
confused again yeah we'll use granite or some of these spike traps I'm gonna put
some in here cuz seems to be some creatures like going straight for these
yeah well in there one there there we go and probably do another ring around here
and and he's socially with Micah guys know what we said earlier rosy sprout
nice okay well I'm gonna get this done before before we do that I can't put
these anywhere around here holy smokes so many things going on okay let's
Ambrosius both oh that's a nice close location alright let's see where are we
here zone it's harvest everything from there oh my goodness now there's a food
bench guys I'm sure what Cassandra is doing right now but she seems to think
we haven't had a whole lot of events recently and needs some okay let's just
shrink it a little bit disallow so Aang's a little grab that
final straws darkness really okay well Oh from the solar flare
yeah all the lights are kind of right you definitely do not have the battery
resources to keep all that going Oh No solar flare it's not too eclipse and
yeah okay I get it solar flare just knocks out everything
so doesn't matter anyhoo yeah so we're gonna start using
granite to build a few things with because if we have everything made out
of slate run into some trouble later cuz already yeah our slate is gone if he
used up our supply we still haven't build all these cough a guy Ivan wants
to put that slate to something else maybe replacing some of these traps
already just let people work on these things and when they're done we'll add
more oh good Lindsay is making more mortar shells 13 now I guess good Lexi
is getting 1 chem fuel and more of these traps are getting built good good good
good alright well still hauling slate in I
see there's a bunch up here that we tagged to get brought in haven't started
on this yet so I guess I won't add any more construction activities at the
moment yeah Leslie's working hard at making those slate blocks hmm well I
guess we just kind of keep letting her work on that supply granite is low but
if we can get both those built up that would be good
and food yes still making food still have a few berries left over a little
rice and this stuff should be grown shortly corn still little ways to go
okay nope working on these ones now alright
that's good yeah so I guess I'll just keep building up our defenses I haven't
decided if we're gonna build the crypto sleep caskets before we turn the
generator on probably just um it'd be nice to kind of just start the startup
the ship goes who's all final final gauntlet and then take off it seems a
little anticlimactic although it might make more sense strategically to start
it up just in case any the attacks damage the ship you know might make more
sense to start it up have the go through the attacks and then build the ship
afterwards when the attacks are quiet again but but yeah that yeah I'm not
gonna do that much more fun one last final rush at the end okay good so our
harvest of rice is coming in excellent lots of food mate oh and there's some
mushroom cloth coming in as well alright and we've got lots of clothes built up
shield belts good need everyone to have flak vests but I want to make sure we at
least get you know 20 of these shells and then maybe yeah I get that order
filled yeah we're have to let them do that
and let's see Oh finally getting another chair here set up good and no no and
then she stopped why why is five work left you basically need to like what so
a couple of stitches glue a couple of pieces back in our well with that will
set another one to be done for bid oh thank you eel for just stepping over and
getting that done oh man okay well let's see I guess mainly just kind of keeping
an eye on things you know they're still hauling in stone and whatnot although L
where are you going oh are you starting on this now okay excellent
yeah we're a little low on bricks and stuff but hopefully in the morning
someone will keep working on that Paul is still not working on this advanced
components so I think we'll have to do he's just spending way too much time
hauling craft is above hauling all
what are you doing okay you're eating that's fine but it's not not getting
this done mmm okay Paul what are you working on
you're hauling all right okay okay fine I know you can't resist so we're just
gonna turn you while falling there and cleaning for that matter we really need
you to get crafting done did I see yes good we go on to craft okay let's get
that done and a bucket straighter excellent
okay I'm quitting let's head over and talk to them because
we got lots of stuff we can sell them and just get rid of this will be good do
we have a sculpture isn't done yet well I'm going where are you okay you
must have been coming from really far away here we go
buffaloes they have labs see male
how many alpacas okay we've got a whole bunch of them
all right good let's sell off some of the older ones
one male alpaca yes do that okay buffaloes one male right yeah one you
know and the buffalos are still developing all right let's see what we
can use let's get that advanced component I'm
sure we'll need it let's get all this intro mean and what else it's probably
oh we really need to buy from you oh we could buy a bunch of 16 lavish meals
woof it's expensive if foods actually a pretty good resource
to sell if you've got a lot of it yeah kind of segment you do okay well that
would be even better hmm oh good you'll buy our side leaves
I'm pretty sure we don't need those and yeah let's go through and sell off some
of these extra clothes oh that's not ours
I must have been from David when he joined us keep these two so that's all
that gold and our bed rolls okay well let's
how much penicillin should be by they've got 100
we've bought 50 it's more than we can afford if we do let's do 30
yeah okay do that cuz yeah we don't have any nutrient stockpiles we've got lots
of meds but should set up a bill for kind of cycling doing t 1/2 let's see
read last 15 days so let's have enough stock bulb for 20-25 I think because
like we said 18 people mm-hmm math on the fly I don't I can't think let's do
let's make sure we've got 60 requires to neutral mean okay let's keep a stockpile
16 pause and satisfied at 30 yeah half that okay let's do that
and that should be that should be pretty good that should be three doses for
everyone that's sixty yeah actually so should be closer to eighty well that's
as much as we can afford right now so we'll do that
how much meds do we have eighty or making more a hundred okay let's drop
that down let's just keep that actually at eighty yeah because we do have the
Glitter world meds which we will crack open when the fighting begins to defend
our spaceship okay well says everyone working on right now still
okay well we made one advanced component Paul are you working up your resting
okay I can't tell right now and no one is making Forex up I have to take a look
at that soon oh good you are making progress on this good good all right
actually let's set up actually maybe what we should do let's mine this out
and visitor is nice okay it's one too far is actually all gonna be overhead
mountain but we'll get this done quickly and replace it quickly actually don't
have blocks it replace it with yeah let's not open that up until we've got
the blocks to fill it in this guy's have a few I don't start trade Oh Andy has
inspired trade which I don't remember if you have that maybe had that oh well
whatever it's done now we'll have him trade with the visitors probably get a
few more stuff out of them probably not too much but it'll be fine it seems like
Paul and Lexie are sharing the responsibilities of crafting now so that
is good I think Lexie is wherever here crafting
yeah she's a fourteen not quite as good as Paul but that is fine as long as the
work is getting done that's what's important really still making progress
on the fence around the geothermal generator and looks like okay we're
pairing things so still getting still need some blocks Oh when Queen is doing
it and now there's a heatwave right oh good EMP shells are getting made that
means yes we've got all our high-explosive shells made we'll make
some more or make a little bit of a bigger stockpile little leery of making
too big a stockpile but yeah we'll need something he'll needs treatment for her
asthma all right well we're making good progress on our defense upgrades and our
ship is basically ready to go our research is almost done yeah looking
good this'll be nice to get get completed but
we'll worry about that next time Lex everyone for watching catch in the
next one - take care
Sergey Lavrov's Interview with Moscow Kremlin Putin Show - Duration: 3:39.Can we distract you?
You already did it.
What is the main outcome of the year for you?
It is difficult to highlight something specific. If we speak about foreign policy, I cannot make an evaluation myself. We have tried to do everything that is necessary in order to fulfill the instructions of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin,
to implement the foreign political course set by him. It is not for me to judge how successful we were. This should be left to the people to decide, of course, and to the leadership of the Russian Federation.
Probably there is no need to mention that this was a difficult year. As well as the fact that Russia is under constant pressing by those who consider it a rival for some leading position in world politics. We see an example of this in the actions of the United States. They speak openly about the need to suppress Russia and China. They do not like Iran or North Korea either.
Unfortunately, our European colleagues, whose independence we would like to see in their practical actions, are not too ready for this and follow the USA even in those cases when it contradicts their interests.
Let me give an example: voting regarding the Russian resolution in support of preservation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty). We heard most concerns about the United States' decision to unilaterally withdraw from the treaty in Europe.
But the entire European Union voted against our proposal, so that the INF Treaty would in fact cease to exist, and that US missiles, prohibited in accordance with the Treaty, would be deployed and this would threaten Europe once again.
The next step, of course, will be counter measures by the Russian Federation. This is not our choice but they must understand in the EU capitals the threat this poses to the Europeans themselves. This is why it is impossible to explain their voting against our proposal by anything but misunderstood solidarity.
This is just one of examples. It is the last of the expiring year's events, but a very demonstrative one.
Do you believe there will be useful, full-format talks held with US President Donald Trump next year, which would lead to specific results?
This question needs to be addressed to Washington. Our President and his representatives have declared many times that we are ready for such talks as soon as Washington will be ready for them, of course, on the basis of equal rights, mutual understanding and the mutual consideration of both countries' interests.
We understand how foreign policy in relation to Russia in America has been taken hostage by their internal political struggle. It is already considered beneficial there to compete against each other as to who will lash out against Russia more in order to win additional electors' votes.
We cannot do anything about this, but as always we are ready for an equitable dialogue with any country, including the United States of America.
Retold by Jane and Sarah Brierley
Illustrations by Tony Wolf
...And Counterattack
It was the elf, Vinegar, who woke Crocus next morning.
"I know it's not allowed," he said,
"but I went for a ride on Unicorn.
While I was flying over the mountains,
I saw something green on a rock ledge, down in a crevice.
It was Franz and his dragon."
"Really?" cried Crocus excitedly.
"Wake up the village.
We'll take those two by surprise,
and then we'll see what Master Franz has to say for himself!"
Crocus asked Peregrine Falcon to fly out and take a look.
"We couldn't land on that ledge," was the discouraging report.
"The crevice is too narrow."
What were they to do?
This was their only chance.
They must make the most of it.
But who would be able to land on the ledge in the narrow crack,
so silently that the dragon wouldn't wake up and spit fire?
There was a tense silence as the gnomes and Woodland folk thought and thought.
Then up piped a tiny voice, "I think I might have an idea..."
Everyone turned around.
Who had spoken?
It was Caterpillar, the slowest walker in the wood.
Even Snail went faster!
"Hmmm," said Caterpillar, feeling rather shy with all those eyes staring at her.
"I've always wanted to be a parachutist," she said.
"If we caterpillars were to jump into the crevice;
Franz would never hear us coming.
Would Unicorn carry us?"
There was a stunned silence.
"Good for Caterpillar," said Redbeard.
"What a brave and brilliant idea!"
"But what will they do once they've landed?" he muttered to himself.
"Aha! I know:
if they chew holes in the dragon's wings, Franz will be grounded."
By the light of the silvery moon, Unicorn flew over the crevice,
leaving a trail of tiny parachutes.
All the caterpillars landed safely and silently.
In no time at all they had chewed dozens of holes in the dragon's wings.
Dragodad felt nothing, of course, because these weren't really his wings.
When the effects of the volcano moss wore off, his wings would disappear.
By daybreak the caterpillars were finished.
They folded their parachutes neatly and began to crawl down the mountain."
"How proud I am," said Caterpillar to herself.
"I don't' care if it takes a month to climb down the mountain."
When Franz awoke and saw the holes, he guessed what had happened.
"Get a move on, you dolt," he said, kicking Dragodad.
"I can't fly with holes in my wings!" exclaimed Dragodad.
"Think of my wife and children!"
"Stuff and nonsense," snapped Franz, climbing into the saddle.
Of course they dropped like - well,
like sacks of mashed potatoes,
landing with a plop that wasn't nearly so hard as you might imagine.
Even so, they were knocked unconscious .
ANTALYA MANZARALARI - ANTALYA VİDEOLARI - 2019 - VİDEO TV HD Youtube - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
l'image de l'agent immobilier - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors with Jurassic World Dinosaurs and Surprise Eggs Box of Toys - Duration: 5:43.Learn Colors with Jurassic World Dinosaurs and Surprise Eggs Box of Toys
Ready dinosaur
Orange dinosaur
Yellow dinosaur
Orange dinosaur
Green dinosaur
Blue dinosaur
what two colors are is our
Let me know in the comments below
Green dinosaur
Great dinosaur
Balloon and greens dinosaur
Tan dinosaur
Purple purple dinosaur
Orange dinosaur
My spiky dinosaurs
a brown and green dinosaur a
With me
Green dinosaur
Red dinosaur
Black and green dinosaur
So what color is our pterodactyl
it's red and
If you got those colors, right, let me know down below. I got it
Thanks for watching, please subscribe and I'll see you next time
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