Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

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Hi, this is Vicky

Today, I'm gonna to do pancake art

let's make of verious color

Two eggs

270ml of water

Hotcake powder

After mix it

make color with the food coloring

put the blue one

wow, It's blue

when you done

I made several colors

now, let's get start it

Guess what I'm drawing.


for red


for white

What do you think this picture is?

Can you konw the answer?

when the holes are made

Then, I'm gonna turn this over

I think it's time to flip over

can I?


What is this

There is no color


The answer is "baby shark duu du du du du"

Cute ddu dudududu

it was baby shark

this side is bertter of the colors

What is going to be the next!

use the black one


Can you guess what is it

it has leaked


can you guess who is it?

The answer is

can you guess me?

wait a moment

I hope the color is appear correctly

I will flip over it now

I hope I can make it

okay, I will



this is good

this is my first time

but it's good

so, now it is completed!

The first one color is not good

it's burn

design was good but it was not good

the second one

do you think is that good?

let me try it

it's good

but i need maple sirup


this time is Doraemong

I will take the eye part

it's good

guys I made this pen cake

Isn't that cool?

I hope you see you next time! bye

For more infomation >> 알록달록 팬케이크 아트-얼마나 잘 그리나?! - Duration: 4:39.


Amazon SEO 2019 Explained | CTR & CVR - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Amazon SEO 2019 Explained | CTR & CVR - Duration: 6:05.


Acer PE320QK Review - 32" 4K FreeSync HDR Monitor - Duration: 7:32.

For more infomation >> Acer PE320QK Review - 32" 4K FreeSync HDR Monitor - Duration: 7:32.


Looking girls kiss girls on the street for $100 - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Looking girls kiss girls on the street for $100 - Duration: 5:43.


Куклы ЛОЛ Девочка Леопард Мультики про Игрушки для детей LOL Surprise dolls - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> Куклы ЛОЛ Девочка Леопард Мультики про Игрушки для детей LOL Surprise dolls - Duration: 6:59.


【ASMR】 唐辛子、サボテン、スターフルーツ、クローブ、ザクロ、氷 食べる (咀嚼 音 ) - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> 【ASMR】 唐辛子、サボテン、スターフルーツ、クローブ、ザクロ、氷 食べる (咀嚼 音 ) - Duration: 3:09.


The Haunting of Mob House (Hill House Parody) - Duration: 7:06.

Yes babe?


Are you okay?

What time is it?

Do you remember our dinner date tonight?



I'll see you later at 8pm then

Okay but where are you?

I'm at home

I'm gonna take a nap I'm exhausted

I'll see you later




Can you please go and get the lift first?

I'll meet you in the lobby


Don't take too long because I'm starving


No, no... no



Your phone

Your phone is there

Are you blind?



Oiii, your phone is inside

Are you a grandma?

You're not even dead yet



Your phone is outside

Can you get your stuff together?

Don't forget to flush

For more infomation >> The Haunting of Mob House (Hill House Parody) - Duration: 7:06.


Мультики Необычная Кукла ЛОЛ Сюрприз Игрушки для детей LOL Surprise - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> Мультики Необычная Кукла ЛОЛ Сюрприз Игрушки для детей LOL Surprise - Duration: 8:38.


MAIA ESTIANTY : Mukanya Mirip, Kita Jodohin Aja Ya?? - DUL JAELANI : Taaruf nya Digelar BESOK! - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> MAIA ESTIANTY : Mukanya Mirip, Kita Jodohin Aja Ya?? - DUL JAELANI : Taaruf nya Digelar BESOK! - Duration: 2:42.


Gái xinh và siêu xe | beautiful girls and supercar,moto - Duration: 18:17.

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For more infomation >> Gái xinh và siêu xe | beautiful girls and supercar,moto - Duration: 18:17.


Must Watch New Funny 😂 Comedy Videos 2019 😂 people doing stupid thing p166 - Duration: 2:35.

people doing stupid thing p166

For more infomation >> Must Watch New Funny 😂 Comedy Videos 2019 😂 people doing stupid thing p166 - Duration: 2:35.



For more infomation >> 💭 COMMENT TRANSFORMER VOS PENSÉES NÉGATIVES - Duration: 4:59.


Hardships and Mercy of Allah | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Duration: 1:45.

We often hear a hadith that Allah is 70 times more loving to His servant as compared to a mother.

Still we see so many people facing injustice and cruelty. Please shed some light on this issue.

Allah has clearly explained in the Holy Quran that He did not make this world on the basis of reward and punishment.

This world has been created on the principle of test and trial. Man has been sent down with freedom, choice and authority.

Similarly, he has been provided with all necessary sources. He can use them to live a good life.

In addition, Allah has sent down Messengers and divine books to guide mankind.

Even today, the divine book Quran is present all over the world. Allah has arranged all these sources for us.

Now it is upon us to take benefit from these resources, connect ourselves with His book of guidance,

develop our own skills, and try to understand what goal has been set for us.

We have to perform this duty and nobody else will do this for us. We have to do it by ourselves.

For more infomation >> Hardships and Mercy of Allah | Javed Ahmad Ghamidi - Duration: 1:45.


New coin arrivals - Duration: 6:38.

so hello people is a clan from Guwahati coins and banknotes and today I have

some new items so let's see what I have

here we have a magic pudding baby uncirculated set so Australia has

uncirculated set some baby uncirculated sets and these ones are for well when

you have a child like this one's 2007 then you probably put information about

your child and you keep it and when a child grows up they go I'll make another

video on this so this is not bad and the reason why it sounds so good I say it

has a token in there let me just move around and here it is and the reason why

C then circulates it you put a baby's photo put their name birth time weight

place this is another way for them to make money

the magic pudding is in the Australian book series that has lots of native

animals has a penguin the dog koala and the old man he's our pudding pudding in

his running away so and who Sir Norman Lindsey was Annie might be the creator

and here we have information coveted mother and grandparents and that's the

back of that one and specification so that's I've never actually got one on

ice before so it's very interesting and I have another coin looks like an Indian

one rupee been getting a few DS so this is a 1901 Indian rupee sealed away I

need to look at the mintage figure so that and let's have a look at you have a

package this one comes from Austria and it has

addresses so I can't show anyone so but it's in cardboard actually quite a lot

of items in here and if you don't know people actually paid GST meow for their

items but that's okay just a lot of them I can't actually get in Australia okay

so what have I got I have a 1966 German 5 ma D meet mark Oh

68 do you meet my silver um this I can't remember Fitness design in Austrian

finning I'm quite interested in anatomy hey before it was a very fascinating and

oh yeah I first coins of the British Virgin Islands and British Virgin

Islands don't currently make coins for circulation they just use the US dollar

and someone's written on this let me see if I can open it come on come out this

really it doesn't want to

and it has made in United States of America and let's have a look important

instructions distractions

okay first visual Queenie's that mm-hm British Virgin Islands and there is also

the American Virgin Islands which the American Virgin Islands used to be

belong to the Dutch so is that and this is a certificate William King so it's

made in the Franklin Mint 1973 nothing on the back and here is the coins itself

so here we have the obverse can I take these outs let's have a look oh I can

too oh no it's not it's only covered on one side so 1974 Edie one dollar each

the silver dream world arrests the copper nickel and on this side we

actually have the coins themselves so Ben group of islands mostly animals are

bird life that would have mammals looks like it's Pelican topic albatross

Kingfisher a pigeon looks like a honey eater and that one don't know what that

one is I have to look that up but if you touch

them both they're both sides of cavity and plastic as you can see there so it

looks like someone's opened it in the past um I'm not actually gonna open it I

was just very curious about this coin set so those are new items there's a

pity they don't actually

produce coins every year I actually can't think about I don't think this

plastic come with it I think these were just in the case bear so you could take

them out for your hand and to protect that someone has put them in this

plastic which is they look like in pretty good condition Sark and that's a

good idea to do anyway if you have any comments living down below subscribe to

my channel and give this video thumbs up if you like coin debate notes and have

an awesome conflict in time people so thank you very much for watching bye bye

For more infomation >> New coin arrivals - Duration: 6:38.


Библия. Ветхий Завет. Левит 7 глава. - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> Библия. Ветхий Завет. Левит 7 глава. - Duration: 7:01.


మకరరాశి 2019 - Makara Rasi 2019 Telugu | Capricorn Horoscope | Rasi Phalalu 2019 to 20- KALABHAIRAVA - Duration: 6:23.


For more infomation >> మకరరాశి 2019 - Makara Rasi 2019 Telugu | Capricorn Horoscope | Rasi Phalalu 2019 to 20- KALABHAIRAVA - Duration: 6:23.


Long Hack và Toàn Bịp Vào SÒNG chơi bầu cua trên điện thoại Đêm MÙNG 1 Tết 2019 - Duration: 25:19.

For more infomation >> Long Hack và Toàn Bịp Vào SÒNG chơi bầu cua trên điện thoại Đêm MÙNG 1 Tết 2019 - Duration: 25:19.


СЕРДЦЕ РВЕТ! Самая Красивая Песня О Любви! Послушайте... - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> СЕРДЦЕ РВЕТ! Самая Красивая Песня О Любви! Послушайте... - Duration: 4:02.


2 غلتکی....two roller - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> 2 غلتکی....two roller - Duration: 3:22.


Will Pious Non-Muslims go to Paradise? - Duration: 2:05.

Will the people who are good but not Muslims be admitted to Paradise or not?

Allah did not give me the authority to decide the matters of Paradise and Hell.

He did not give me the power to call someone Muslim or non-Muslim or declare someone qualified for Paradise or Hell.

What I have been told through the Quran is the attributes that lead people to qualify for Paradise.

It shows what activities suffice to get Jannah as a reward from Allah. This issue requires details.

In brief words, Allah deals with everyone according to the level of knowledge of an individual.

Allah will not waste a single deed of piety performed by an individual purely for His pleasure.

These are the principles told by Allah through Quran.

The knowledge of a person wether he lives in the US, Pakistan, etc will be considered for his qualification for Paradise.

Any act of good performed by an individual for the cause of Allah will be rewarded by Him. These are the general principles.

I only know these principles as I have told you.

As for the wish of Muslims to be admitted into the Paradise alone, leaving others to burn in Hell, I do not believe it will come true.

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