so hello people is a clan from Guwahati coins and banknotes and today I have
some new items so let's see what I have
here we have a magic pudding baby uncirculated set so Australia has
uncirculated set some baby uncirculated sets and these ones are for well when
you have a child like this one's 2007 then you probably put information about
your child and you keep it and when a child grows up they go I'll make another
video on this so this is not bad and the reason why it sounds so good I say it
has a token in there let me just move around and here it is and the reason why
C then circulates it you put a baby's photo put their name birth time weight
place this is another way for them to make money
the magic pudding is in the Australian book series that has lots of native
animals has a penguin the dog koala and the old man he's our pudding pudding in
his running away so and who Sir Norman Lindsey was Annie might be the creator
and here we have information coveted mother and grandparents and that's the
back of that one and specification so that's I've never actually got one on
ice before so it's very interesting and I have another coin looks like an Indian
one rupee been getting a few DS so this is a 1901 Indian rupee sealed away I
need to look at the mintage figure so that and let's have a look at you have a
package this one comes from Austria and it has
addresses so I can't show anyone so but it's in cardboard actually quite a lot
of items in here and if you don't know people actually paid GST meow for their
items but that's okay just a lot of them I can't actually get in Australia okay
so what have I got I have a 1966 German 5 ma D meet mark Oh
68 do you meet my silver um this I can't remember Fitness design in Austrian
finning I'm quite interested in anatomy hey before it was a very fascinating and
oh yeah I first coins of the British Virgin Islands and British Virgin
Islands don't currently make coins for circulation they just use the US dollar
and someone's written on this let me see if I can open it come on come out this
really it doesn't want to
and it has made in United States of America and let's have a look important
instructions distractions
okay first visual Queenie's that mm-hm British Virgin Islands and there is also
the American Virgin Islands which the American Virgin Islands used to be
belong to the Dutch so is that and this is a certificate William King so it's
made in the Franklin Mint 1973 nothing on the back and here is the coins itself
so here we have the obverse can I take these outs let's have a look oh I can
too oh no it's not it's only covered on one side so 1974 Edie one dollar each
the silver dream world arrests the copper nickel and on this side we
actually have the coins themselves so Ben group of islands mostly animals are
bird life that would have mammals looks like it's Pelican topic albatross
Kingfisher a pigeon looks like a honey eater and that one don't know what that
one is I have to look that up but if you touch
them both they're both sides of cavity and plastic as you can see there so it
looks like someone's opened it in the past um I'm not actually gonna open it I
was just very curious about this coin set so those are new items there's a
pity they don't actually
produce coins every year I actually can't think about I don't think this
plastic come with it I think these were just in the case bear so you could take
them out for your hand and to protect that someone has put them in this
plastic which is they look like in pretty good condition Sark and that's a
good idea to do anyway if you have any comments living down below subscribe to
my channel and give this video thumbs up if you like coin debate notes and have
an awesome conflict in time people so thank you very much for watching bye bye
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