Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

to our next story local scientists have developed a new internet technology that

can send data up to ten times faster than the rate we enjoy right now it's

expected to be fully commercialized by the year 2021 and is predicted to foster

growth in 4d entertainment industries and that includes virtual reality our

Joe seong-min has this report

researchers at the electronics and telecommunications Research Institute

have developed a way to boost internet speed up to 10 times faster than the

current maximum transfer rate the new technology can transmit data as large as

three gigabyte in one second the remarkable speed is equivalent to the

human tactile sensing system the developers reportedly were able to

remotely control a robot that is sitting more than 260 kilometers away from their

office in taejeon using this technology the groundbreaking development was

possible by using a special fiber optic receiver module which enables quicker

transmission of vast amount of data it stabilizes transfer rate and prevents

any slowdown or technical glitches that occur in people's computer or

smartphones when sending or receiving data developers say the technology would

be made available commercially possibly in the next year or two we expect the

technology to be fully commercialized in two years and once it hits the market we

expected to be a key player in taking 5g technology to its full potential

researchers expect the technology will help boost the one-person media business

industry social online platforms and the 14 entertainment industry choi hongman

Arirang news

For more infomation >> Korean firm develops internet broadband ten times faster than that of current state - Duration: 1:53.


New Years Eve Party - Hello 2019 | GTA 5 Real Life Mod Episode 15 - Duration: 17:30.

Welcome to mikegolden Games and Happy New Year hopefully guys are having a great

new year so far so for today we've got quite a few things planned for New

Year's so first off we're gonna go be picking up a new car from Simeon today

it's a 2019 Aston Martin Vantage and it's all souped up it's all modded out

so we'll see what Simeon has for us but he told me that this car is really

awesome so let's get over to the my garage and let's head downstairs but

hope you guys are having a great day so far let me know what you did for New

Year's you know did you go to a bonfire because this episode is gonna go up

tomorrow New Year's Day but hope you guys are gonna enjoy it nonetheless

let's take out the Dodge Charger but like I was saying let me know what you

guys did did you go to a bonfire I was going to go to a bonfire but I wound up

well not going clearly because it was raining all day so I wasn't able to go

to the bonfire hope you guys enjoyed this episode and if you do hit that like

button kids that really does help me out when you do that and maybe consist

subscribing if you haven't already you know I hit that little post notification

bell icon as well now wait stay notified when my videos do go up so as I was

saying let's get over to Simeon's he's got that new Aston Martin for me it's

2019 Aston Martin Vantage so after we pick up the car we're gonna be heading

over to my girlfriend's house let's go first person and she told us that

there's a party that's going on for New Year's and she's taking us with her so

it's a pool party up in Vinewood Hills so she said it's gonna be a really

exclusive party super expensive cars are gonna be there as well that we can check

out cuz you guys do know I like cars I gotta say though the interior this Dodge

Charger is so freaky beautiful I do have sunglasses on so that's why

there's a tint so let's get back in third person after the party we're gonna

be heading down to the Santa Monica beach for the New Year's celebration you

know the fireworks display that they got going on so hopefully we make it down

there we'll probably leave around 11:00 11:30 get there just before midnight so

we can see the fireworks come on guys let's go gotta get over to Simeon's I

gotta get my car alright guys we are getting up to Simeon's now let's do a

drift around corner hole that was a close one

almost hit that truck so we're gonna be taking a left into the simians right

here hopefully that truck driver doesn't get pissed off of me we've got that

beautiful Porsche in front pull up here there we go

oh by the way that's right my Jeep it's still in the shop actually know what

simians should be working on it right now

well his mechanics should be let's get in here and see well go speak with

Simeon first and ask about my car here's this office and Simeon how's it going

man so you got my new car ready that Aston Martin the keys are right here oh

thank you man and how's my Jeep going that transmission the trains are still

being rebuilt okay I got you so it should be done by the end of the

week though all right sweet so hopefully I'll get my Jeep back by the end of the

week he said it's on the lift right now so let's go check it out oh man look at

this Hummer h1 that thing is freaking beautiful looking oh man maybe we should

buy one of these if you guys want me to pick up one of these as well let me know

in the comments below let's get over here and check out my

Jeep here she is uh-oh baby come on almost ready she is

almost ready so Simeon said the trains is almost rebuilt it just probably buddy

at the end of the week it'll be ready oh yeah here she is with the Hellcat motor

ooh freakin beautiful Jeep anyways let's see

my vehicle he said was right in the middle here oh here she is boys the new

Aston marks in 2019 Vantage this thing looks freakin sick wait a second he said

there was something on the license plate and my 6q lab oh

Semyon that's freakin hilarious alright this car is freaking awesome looking so

anyways let's get in here and start her up let's see how she sounds

Oh oh man that sounds sick let's go first first really quick check it out

the interior looks good oh look at that gauge let's give it a good Rev oh nice

that is freakin beautiful looking all right let's see the leather seats is

that a back seat it's a little hard to tell it kind of looks like a hatchback

is this a hatchback I don't know if that's an actual back seat or not but

anyways let's get out of the road here we'll just pull right out here some

being said just drive through the garage oh there's my Jeep hang in there girl

you're almost good you're almost good alright so now we're gonna be going over

to our girlfriend's house we're gonna pick her up

oh that's a close one and what kind of cars is he got out here yeah those are

probably as mechanic's cars or something anyways let's get over to my

girlfriend's house we gotta go pick her up before we could get to that party

oh man scarves freaky quick let's get her revved up here put turbo as well

damn Simeon you soup the crap out of this car

whoa man this her just sticks to the ground

damn oh you know what we gotta go check out the engine compartment - this thing

does have a really beautiful looking engine - so once we get to our

girlfriends house we'll go check out the engine as well

damn though this car is quick and it stops on a freaky dime as well

damn look at that burnout beautiful all right so let's get off it and Vinewood

Hills where her house is and we'll see you when we get up there

all right boys we are getting up to the house now so let's pull into the garage

actually into the driveway and now let's open the hood up you know what let's

just open all the doors mmm let's get out here hey let's see so the

trunk it's a decent sized trunk it's not too bad it's still not sure about the

back seat though is that an actual seat or not like that looks way too small to

be an actual seat but you might be able to fold it down and move the seats

forward not 100% sure let's check out the engine here then that is a beautiful

looking engine look at that see really really well detailed all right anyways

let's close up the doors here and go get my girlfriend to get the doors here

all right let's get out here let's get inside

let's see hey babe you here were you wet hey babe where are you

whoa what are you wearing if we're going to a costume party I thought it was a

pool party you did okay what damn that is an interesting looking outfit I gotta

say okay you got one for me too what oh okay I mean I guess so why not it's

downstairs okay so it looks like she's got another outfit for me as well so

we're gonna get downstairs get into her costume and then drive over to the pool

party I didn't know it was a costume party but apparently it is so all right

you know I had my suit all ready to go and look at all that fur and stuff but

you know what okay it's costume party that's fun we'll get in to the costume

then all right guys I'm all suited up apparently I have like a chromakey suit

on so if you guys wanna you know do some editing you know it's basically a

green-screen you could do whatever you want you could put whatever you want on

my character anyways we are ready to go we're going to this costume party

what was that there's a little surprise once it gets dark out what kind of

surprise something with the suit okay so

apparently this suit has a surprise wants to get stark out that's

interesting anyways let's get back up to the Aston

Martin and get over to this pool party come on baby let's go

got a baby hurry up because we don't want to be late so let's get into Aston

man look how beautiful this car looks and let's get in here right let's get

inside the car come on babe oh listen to that bed this car is freakin sick I hope

you guys enjoy this episode by the way

oh look at the flames it spits out damn alright let's check our first person all

right babe you ready to go for a drive let's actually get the nav point set for

the party as well before we do anything all right guys let's back out here and

it looks like it's not too far away look at that burnout damn this car is

freaking sexy keep on moving up this way so hope you

guys do enjoy this episode again if you pull those a close one if you guys do

enjoy this episode hit that like button cuz that really does help me out when

you do that and again if you have against your subscribing you know maybe

do that as well but let's keep going up this way and thanks let's just get up

this way and take a left up here do it drift no that was pretty good that

was pretty good let's flip around this way ooh that's a good drift this car has

so much horsepower well here's the party right here okay hey guys okay so we

should be good to head inside the party now hey guys excuse me coming through

VIP pass just gonna just gonna pop through she's gonna pop through here

coming through did go through VIP pass let's pull up inside the party here you

know we'll just stop our vehicle right here I think there's not too much room

they got the cameras and lights all set up already for looks like to do is some

kind of music video I've been come on let's go hey guys how's it going damn

you got the new 2019 Ford Mustang ooh that thing looks sick over there you got

a cold leg over there damn you guys are high rollers aren't you yeah I only got

this 20 19's marks advantage you know basically chump change if you ask me

right anyway compared to that Koenig I mean it kind of is anyways let's see

they got a stretched Hummer h2 damn that thing is freakin sick by the way I don't

see anybody in costumes babe you said this was a costume party for New Year's

it's just it's just a pool party now we look ridiculous

okay whatever at almight got a beat gotta be the most ridiculous one in the

room am i right cat the Lamborghinis down there damn this is a pumpin party

all right so what do you want to do first you want to go swim I'm gonna go

grab a few drinks a few drinks I'd like that ideas well I'll see the drinks

should be over this way hey guys how's it going hopefully everybody's having a

great New Year's so far hey DJ what's going on man

got any Irish twos what am i some kind of communist what no doesn't seem like

he has any Irish music sadly anyways let's get over here where's the drinks

hey guys where's the bartender at I would have thought they'd be in here but

looks like they got pool supplies in there they got some dumbbells over there

it's not bad ah we got nope that is just a table full of garbage well other

people's drinks and whatnot oh man that is really good balance look at that

she's standing on top of a floating raft that is awesome it dude that's awesome

over there - well we got people up on the roof over there man this party is

freakin sick hope you guys are having a great New Year's by the way in real life

because I really do want to hear from you let me know what you guys have been

doing but let's continue going on this way I've got a helicopter over here is

this the bar over here a bartender here we go let's get around here let's see

what do I want what do I want I'll go with the standard Knob Creek hundred and

twenty proof men my girlfriend will have a martini shaken not stirred extra dirty

oh yeah whoo oh hey everybody's having a great time right oh oh oh let's go

swimming yeah so I think I realized what that special thing was on the suit it

closed the freaking dark guys this suit glows in the freaking dark look at that

that is freakin sick that'd be awesome if they had this in real life I mean you

probably could just get some black lights or something to do the same

effect but like the suit literally just glows by itself all right let's get up

here let's see what time it is so 11:27 okay so we should probably get

going down to the beach babe before the fireworks start

alright everybody have a great New Year's I'm going down to Santa Monica

Pier gonna be seeing the fireworks down there so I hope everybody has a great

time let's get over this wave they'll just

swing through the water everybody's having a freaking awesome time at this

party let's get through this way alright let's see where's my car at how's

everybody doing man this is a wild party I let's get back to the Aston Martin

here we go it's getting inside it now there we go oh listen to that engine

let's get the headlights on that's not good

Simeon did you sell me a broken car the headlights are on that's not good Simeon

son of a bitch now this cars gonna gotta go to the shop I can't even drive this

now because there's no headlights I can't drive it at nighttime I'm a Nellis

PD officer like I can't I can't drive this vehicle with no headlights at night

all right let me let me see let me call one of my buddies and see if he could

give me a car all right guys it looks like it's 11:40 come on babe looks like

my friend dropped off his Hummer here it is a Hummer h1 he's got the top off and

everything damn sick I babe come on let's go my friend decided to go into

the party since he's dropping off his vehicle for us so let's head out here

man he's got yellow underglow and everything she's it's gone first person

really quick look at this thing this thing looks freaking sick Oh gasps OH

Oh what was that you're just gonna keep driving okay that's fine with me let's

get the waypoint set really quick get my GPS over here all right babe we're oh

man what do we miss it it is New Year's Happy New Year whoo dang it we just a

minute too late one against the start of the fireworks

we know what that's all right we're getting to the beach right now hopefully

guys are enjoying this episode so far I hope you guys are having a great New

Year's so far as well we're arriving to the beach now look at those fireworks

that are going on over the water wow that is a beautiful sight hopefully guys

again we'll have an amazing 2019 and here's to another 2,000 subscribers like

damn look at that that's beautiful let's go out on the beach here looks like we

have some other vehicles out here as well let's see we got these vans over

here or we got these tuners over here it looks like here we got that charger

actually let's get over here hey guys how's it going happy new years whoo yeah

all right let's get out here and let's see how these guys are doing I hope you

guys are having a great New Year's look at that the beautiful fireworks over

there no I think we should go in the ocean actually let's go in the ocean

come on let's get down it man look at this Hummer though damn again no hole

you guys are having a great New Year's so far

lemony what you guys are doing in the comments below let's pull up here down

by the water go for a swim okay we got some more beachgoers as well looking at

the New Year's fireworks and a lot of people out on the beach today

it's pulled down here stop right there yes right I would have

liked to leave the headlights on but that's alright come on babe let's get to

the water yeah oh look at this it's so cool that the suit just glows in the

dark let's see can I go underwater come on there we go look at that that is

freakin hilarious that it actually glows in the dark

damn look at that oh man let's get over here by the Hummer damn look at that

beautiful look at that beautiful fireworks display alright guys I hope

you guys did have a great New Year's lemony was done in the comments below

have a great day guys and Happy New Year maybe kitchen subscribing if you haven't

already and be sure to hit that little icon on the channel that way stay

notified when the videos to go up take it easy guys

For more infomation >> New Years Eve Party - Hello 2019 | GTA 5 Real Life Mod Episode 15 - Duration: 17:30.


Dry Jan, FTW - Duration: 1:20.

- Welcome to "For The Win,"

a little show

that helps you tackle

whatever life throws your way,

like when drinky December

turns into dry January

and you need all the help

you can get.

So come on.

Let's get started.

We can do this, right?

For starters,

boost your vitamin B game.

After drinking

a bevy of beverages,

your vitamin B levels drop,

affecting your mood.

So start with a clean slate.

Technically, this is

a date night at the barre.

I guess.

What a workout.

Good thing you packed Degree

antiperspirant deodorant,

which will have you

feeling fresh and, well, dry,

all month long.

And don't forget to hydrate.

The Brita Stream

rapidly filters as you pour.

For added flavor,

infuse lemons and cucumbers.


Are we having fun yet?

Workout, check.

Next, party prep.

Pregame, milady?

[buzzer buzzes]

Uh-uh. Nice try.

For a satisfying substitute,

add agave syrup, lime juice,

and grapefruit sparkling water.

Then garnish.

Now we're having fun.


And that's how you'll

dominate dry January

for the win.

Tap the link on the right

so you never miss an episode.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Dry Jan, FTW - Duration: 1:20.


Japanese PM calls military radar incident with S. Korea "dangerous act" - Duration: 1:39.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a has dumped fuel on the fire of Tokyo's

ongoing military radars spat with South Korea despite Seoul saying last month's

incident was nothing more than a misunderstanding a Bey called it a quote

dangerous act and he urged Seoul to accept what he called the facts he

seungjae reports despite South Korea strongly rejecting claims a 3200 tons

south korean destroyer recently locked on to a japanese patrol jet Japan

continues to verbally fire back at Seoul in an interview with a site TV on

Tuesday Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a called the incident a dangerous

act and South Korea must take measures to prevent something similar happening

again obby adage Seoul must accept what he called the facts

this comes as Japanese media reported Saturday that Tokyo's recent release of

video footage related to the incident was at the order of a be himself local

newspapers report to ah be summoned Japanese defense minister Takeshi liya

to his office and ordered the video's immediate release in the same interview

Albay also criticized a South Korean Supreme Court's ruling in favor of

Korean victims were forced into labor during Japan's colonial rule of the

Korean Peninsula saying it's unheard of in international law

obby also expressed interest in meeting with North Korean leader Kim jong-un in

the future to resolve issues involving Japanese nationals who are abducted by

the north in the 1970's and 80's S&J arirang news

For more infomation >> Japanese PM calls military radar incident with S. Korea "dangerous act" - Duration: 1:39.


Đốt xe Z300, không ngờ cháy Khiếp như vậy. - Duration: 13:56.

For more infomation >> Đốt xe Z300, không ngờ cháy Khiếp như vậy. - Duration: 13:56.


Pigeon Magic Troupe | 비둘기 마술단 [Gag Concert / 2018.12.29] - Duration: 6:50.

(Pigeon Magic Troupe)

They're here to make up for their dark pasts.

Introducing Mr. Gwon of the Pigeon Magic Troupe!


I'm Magician Gwon Jaegwan.

Before I show you my amazing trick...

I'll show you a simple card trick.

I need a volunteer to help me.

Want to volunteer? Want to help?

Please stand up.

Stand up.

I have a deck of cards.

Please pick out one card.

Did you pick one?

I won't look. Show everyone else here.

Did you all see it?

Did they see it?


Put it back in the deck.

Back in the deck.

I'll shuffle the cards now.

Alright... Have a seat.

Who should I pick? Who should I pick?

Alright... You, miss.

Please pick one of the cards.


Don't look yet. Just take one.

Hold it in your hands.

You're holding it, right?

What card did my volunteer pick?

Please stand up.

Abra... Abra...


Show them your card.


- Wow. / - Wow.

Show them too.

Come on!

Every card in the deck was the same!

5 of hearts, 5 of hearts.

They're all the same card! Look!

See? See? So obvious.

This was obvious...

- Come on up here. / - It was obvious.

Come on up, sir.

You call that magic?

I bought a lot of decks to make this deck...

Come on up.

Over here...

There's a deck of cards.

All different cards.

Take a look at the cards.

Mix them up and pick one.

Don't look, don't look.

- Don't look. / - We won't.

- Did you pick one? / - Yes.

Stick that card on your cheek.

This one.

Hold on.

- Is it on your cheek? / - Yes.

Make sure it's really sticking.

- Make sure it sticks. / - It's stuck.


I won't look at this card.

Now put it in your pocket.

Is it in your pocket?

Alright, the card you picked is...

The 3 of spades.

Show them your card.

- Wow. / - Wow.

Amazing, right?

- Wow. / - Wow.

- Amazing, right? / - How did you know?

Wow! Amazing, right?


How did I know?

It's time for the highlight of our show now.

It's Christmas, so who do we need?

Santa Claus.

Let's bring in Santa Claus.

Santa Claus, come on out.

It's Santa Claus.

Raise your hand if you want a gift.

- Me! / - Me!

Bring out the first gift.

Who should get this gift?

- Me! / - Here!

Yes, yes. That's too far.

Yes, ma'am.


What gift do you want?

A blender.

Wow, it's a tough shoot today.

Here you go, ma'am. Put your hand on this

and say the magic word.




Now open the box.

Blender, blender, blender...

- Wow. / - Wow.

Stand up and show everyone, please.

- Wow. / - Wow.

Amazing, right?

Who wants a gift this time?

- Me! / - Me!

That's too far back. Just wait.

You, miss.

Who is your favorite comedian in Gag Concert?

Stand up, please.

Kim Junho.

I'll give you one more chance.

I like Kim Junho.

Sit down.

- Gwon Jaegwan! / - Okay, okay, alright.

So then...

Santa Claus, get ready.

Alright... Santa...

Please hold up the curtain.

Abra... Abra...


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

It's Junho Claus.

Merry Christmas!

And a Happy New Year.

You, miss. Please step up here.

- Come on up. / - She said me?

She said Kim Junho is her

favorite comedian in Gag Concert.

Thank you.

Show her a magic trick.

Shall I show you a magic trick?






It wasn't that hot before.

But it was really hot just now.

Here you go. A gangster chain.

Thank you.

- Rejected, right? / - So witty.


For more infomation >> Pigeon Magic Troupe | 비둘기 마술단 [Gag Concert / 2018.12.29] - Duration: 6:50.


Dancing Line - The Racing x The Hip Hop Evolution - Duration: 3:02.

Dancing Line - The Racing x The Hip Hop Evolution (The Racing Evolution) by Tuan Nguyen

For more infomation >> Dancing Line - The Racing x The Hip Hop Evolution - Duration: 3:02.


Daily Rasi Phalalu 03rd January 2019| Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology |Horoscope| Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 34:48.

Please subscribe, like&share

For more infomation >> Daily Rasi Phalalu 03rd January 2019| Online Jathakam Telugu Astrology |Horoscope| Sri Telugu Astro - Duration: 34:48.


Sloppy Kung Fu | 쿵푸허술 [Gag Concert / 2018.12.29] - Duration: 4:30.

(Sloppy Kung Fu)

Amongst the most fearsome martial artists,

there is a true master.

It's Sloppy Kung Fu!

Chapter 1, meeting.

Are you Master Song Yeonggil?

Please take me as your student.

You're not right for martial arts.

So get lost!

I bet you don't have anyone to spend

Christmas with.

Come on in.

- I don't either. / - Get lost!

I prepared something for Christmas.

Come on in.

- It's a Christmas card. / - Get lost!

It plays a song when you open it.

Come on in.

What should we start with?

Is this meditation?

Santa, please bring me a girlfriend! Please!

- Me too! / - Please! Please!

The next chapter. Pressure point!

- Suyeong! / - Yes, master!

A true master must be able to defeat

their opponent with just a finger.

Just a finger?

Just strike these pressure points

by the neck that I've discovered

and your opponent will stop moving.

Then let me try it.

It won't work on a master like me.

I'll try it.

I can move.

I guess it doesn't work on fatties.

The next chapter, childhood.

It's Santa Claus!

Thank you!


Santa Claus just gave me a gift!

He's a thief! Get him!

The next chapter, bait!

Go, go, go.


(Mixed martial artist, Lee Suyeon)

Master, someone's fishing.

So, did you catch anything?

Gosh... No.

Maybe I should use bigger bait.

This looks good.


For more infomation >> Sloppy Kung Fu | 쿵푸허술 [Gag Concert / 2018.12.29] - Duration: 4:30.


The Flash 5x10 Promo #2 "The Flash & The Furious" (HD) Season 5 Episode 10 Promo #2 - Duration: 0:22.

- [Iris] Someone just stole a very expensive vehicle.

- [Barry] Suit up, we don't have a lot of time.

- [Cisco] It's a next-gen prototype with all the bells and whistles.

If bells and whistles could explode and murder people.

- [The Flash] Stop this maniac.

- [Woman] Wooo-hooo!

- [Narrator] The Flash all new episodes return Tuesday January 15th on The CW.

For more infomation >> The Flash 5x10 Promo #2 "The Flash & The Furious" (HD) Season 5 Episode 10 Promo #2 - Duration: 0:22.


Wronged | 프로억울러 [Gag Concert / 2018.12.29] - Duration: 5:29.


I got everything from the department store.

I need to use the bathroom now...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

- Excuse me. / - Yes?

I have 6 bags.

- Okay. / - Yes.

They're all for women, so you can't wear these.

- I won't take your stuff. / - Okay.

I'm sorry...

But can you sit over here?


This is a blind spot for the security camera.

I won't take your stuff.


Is the security camera on the 4th floor working?

I really won't take your stuff. Please stop it.

Or just take your stuff with you.

- Yeah, good idea. / - What?




- Yes? / - Let's go eat now.

Let's rest for a bit first.

Alright then...

We didn't walk much, but my legs are so sore.

- Sir. / - Yeah?

You should have a seat too.

No, no. I'm fine. You sit.

Just sit down.

We'll only be here for a minute

and we're going to go eat. Just sit.

- You should sit here... / - It's fine. You sit.

I'm okay...

Ow, my legs.

My legs sure are killing me.

- Ow, my legs... / - Why don't you sit, sir?

- Oh, it's fine. / - You really should sit.

- It's fine, it's fine. / - No, you should sit.

- It's fine... / - Please sit, sir.

- Hey, hey, hey! / - Yes? Yes? Yes?

- I'm fine. / - Okay.

And shouldn't you stand when you offer your seat?


You were sitting the entire time.

Oh, I'm sorry!

If you didn't want to stand, just sit down.

Yes, sir.

- You really didn't want to stand. / - No, sir.

Can you just sit down once?

Fine, fine. I'll sit down.

- Geez... / - Thank you.

Oh! How about the three of us sit together?


- Dear. / - Yes?


Come sit over here.

I'm really fine, sir.

- It's okay. / - I'm fine.

- Oh, just sit. / - I'm really fine, sir.

- Hey, hey! / - Yes?

Can't you just do what I want?

It's my Christmas wish.

- I guess I should sit then. / - Yeah, come sit.

- Gosh... / - Gosh...

My legs sure hurt.

- Ow, my legs... / - Ow, my legs...

- Ow, my legs... / - Ow, my legs...

- Ow... / - Ow...

Having fun?

I'm sorry.

- Be good. / - Yes, sir.

- Young man. / - Yes?

What did you buy?

This is a gift for my girlfriend.

A gift? What is it?

A winter coat.

This is sold out all over Korea,

so I rushed here to buy the last one.

- What did you come here to buy, sir? / - This.

I came here since they had one left.

But you bought it first.

I never bought her a proper coat.

I thought I'd get her one today.

Gosh... It's okay, dear.

- Young man. / - Yes?

I guess your girlfriend doesn't have a winter coat.

- She has a few. / - Yeah.

- But she really wanted this one. / - Oh...

This is all I have.

- It's 40 years old. / - Yeah.

But it's fine.

I knitted this all by myself.

So it's very warm.

- Ma'am. / - Yeah?

A loose thread...

What happened?

So much for my only coat.

I'm so sorry, ma'am!

Oh, it's okay.

I'll just wear it like this.

I just hope the neighbors don't think I'm crazy.

Why wouldn't they think you're crazy?

No, no.

I'll sell you this. Sir, you should buy this from me.

Oh, no. That's a gift for your girlfriend.

I can buy her something else.

- Geez... Yeah? / - Yes.

- Then how much? / - $380.


I only have $350.

Oh, no...

Then I'll give it to you for $350.

No, no. I don't want you to take a loss.

- It's fine. / - Just hold on.

- Dear. / - Yes?

- Our cow at home. / - Our cow?

- Yeah. / - Yes.

Let's sell her.

No, we can't do that!

That's for our grandkid's tuition.

Oh, you're right.

Then let's sell our land.

No, we can't do that!

That's for marrying off our youngest.

Then what do I do?

I need $30 more to buy this coat.

Then I'll become the neighborhood crazy lady.

- Oh, don't do that. / - No, no!

- Please just take it for $350. / - No.

- Young man, you pick. / - What?

Should we sell our land or our cow?

Don't sell either!

Should we not marry off our kid

or not send our grandkid to college?

- Just take it for $350. / - Pick one.

- You just have to pick. / - No, no...

Why are you doing this to me?

For more infomation >> Wronged | 프로억울러 [Gag Concert / 2018.12.29] - Duration: 5:29.


Episode 6 Preview | We'll Meet Again | Season 2 | PBS - Duration: 0:31.

VO: On We'll Meet Again...

CURRY: Campuses were waking up

to the Women's movement.

WOMAN 1: Yes, it was so exciting.

The whole world was about to burst open!

VO: After the rise of the Women's Rights Movement,

a search to reunite people who

changed each other's lives.

WOMAN 1: I want to tell her the life

I've lived because of her.

CURRY: Tell me about Emily. Describe her.

WOMAN 2: She was the only woman pilot doing this

job that I had been told women couldn't do.

If I could say thank you to her,

I'd really like to do that.

VO: We'll Meet Again,

Tuesday at 9/8 central.

Only on PBS.

For more infomation >> Episode 6 Preview | We'll Meet Again | Season 2 | PBS - Duration: 0:31.


GZTale: New Year's kiss ♥Manz♥ (Yaoi) - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> GZTale: New Year's kiss ♥Manz♥ (Yaoi) - Duration: 2:02.


Dibea D008 Pro Unboxing - Review is coming up soon! - Duration: 3:47.

Meet Dibea flagship cordless vacuum cleaner – Dibea D008 Pro.

Yes, up to 17000 Pa suction power.

In short, it's Dibea D18 alike but with much more power.

And almost like Roidmi F8 suction power.

As you can see, everything is covered with plastic and hold by foam board.

And a lot of accessories included.

Let's have a closer look on them now...

The essential English user manual for starter.

Be sure to go through it to get started.

The power adapter with US plug.

It supports 100-240V input.

And having 0.45A output.

And here is the wall mount.

You can use the bundled 3M adhesive pads to attach mount against the wall.

Or use the screws for permanent and much more powerful holding grip.

The standard long crevice.

Perfect to use it as handheld mode.

Useful for car cleaning.

And here is the bristle brush.

Comes with 2 mode adjustments for different type of cleaning.

Soft feather brush with adjustable angle.

Can be used as handheld or with extension tube.

The long metal tube in red colour.

A must-have component for daily cleaning.

And the very useful extension tube that I like.

Very flexible to reach hard-to-reach places.


There is an anti-mite brush to clean mattress, pillow and sofa.

A must-have tool that I use every fortnight.

Easy to clean the filter as you can see.

Just use a coin to open it will do.


A hard floor motorized brush is included this round.

No more carpet brush and LED lights.

And replaced with ultra-wide velvet brush that great for sensitive wood floor.

Just like anti-mite brush, you can remove the brush by unlocking the lock with a coin.

Install it back after cleaned will do.

Finally, the main part – vacuum motor and the dust cup with all the filters inside.

It is just like Dibea D18 but with a more powerful motor.

It comes with large 0.55L dust cup.

Power on / off trigger button.

Speed mode switch on top of the motor.

And 3 battery life LED light indicators at back.

Dust cup and filters are easy to clean.

Just remove them one by one.

Wash them with water.

Then dry them up.

Install back in the end will do.

Does it better than Dibea D18?

A detailed review is coming up soon.

Be sure to stay with me.

Thumb up to support me.

Share it.

And subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching.


For more infomation >> Dibea D008 Pro Unboxing - Review is coming up soon! - Duration: 3:47.


President Trump also looking forward to meeting with North Korean leadera - Duration: 0:37.

now in response to Kim jong-un's New Year's speech US President Donald Trump

said he too looks forward to meeting with the North Korean leader president

Trump on Tuesday evening tweeted the comment together with part of a news

report that says Kim jong-un is ready to meet with President Trump anytime he

referred to Kim as someone who realizes that North Korea possesses great

economic potential Trump's tweets also included the part of the report where it

said the regime will not make or test nuclear weapons or give them to others

For more infomation >> President Trump also looking forward to meeting with North Korean leadera - Duration: 0:37.


UK police treat Manchester's New Year's Eve stabbing as terrorist attack - Duration: 0:32.

now another news police in the English city of Manchester are treating a New

Year's Eve stabbing of three people as a terrorist incident 25 rold male suspect

is in custody after the attack at Victoria railway station the three

victims including a police officer were taken to a nearby hospital with serious

but not life-threatening injuries the officer was discharged from hospital

on Tuesday Prime Minister Theresa May expressed concern for the victims and

thanks the first responders

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