Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 2 2019

Hi everyone, welcome to another episode of ClinBiz where we love connecting with you on the business aspects of clinical trials

So in today's episode we'd just like to take a quick time to review a little bit what's happened in

2018 with our ClinBiz community and some of the things we have planned for 2019 to help you better manage

Your business within clinical trials. All right,

Well, first of all looking back at 2018 we launched ClinBiz and the very first thing I'd like to say is a huge

thank you to everyone who has engaged with us

Everyone who has commented, liked, shared our social posts, our videos as well, for all of our newsletter

subscribers who have come in and

engaged really as a community.

Sent us questions and talked and we're just really thankful for all that because without you there's really no ClinBiz community.

Thank you so much for that.

We were able to launch you about twenty-four videos of things that were practical to help you in your everyday work,

some blog posts

Also our podcast and so we're really thankful for everyone who has engaged and given us great feedback for all your

Encouraging words, your inspiring words as well

which we're really thankful for all of that and we hope to stay connected and continue to bring value to you in

Connecting and developing of yourselves as clinical research professionals in this new year.

So what are some of the things that we have planned for ClinBiz in the next year?

As some of you may know we already announced we have now in January coming some new online courses

For our community. So some of you have mentioned a couple of topics that you'd like to see courses around

Some people are just entering the industry and would like to learn some of the basics

Some people would like a little more information on some more advanced courses on certain topics

So we've heard you and we're coming up and launching some of our courses at the end of this month

With other courses coming up throughout the year as well

So if this is something that interests you or perhaps you're a team leader, your're department head and you want to be notified of these

courses so that you can

introduce them to your team members to your colleagues make sure you sign up to our newsletter and that way you're gonna be notified first when those courses open up for registration

And any new information on that as well as if you have any new course ideas things that you like to learn more about

Things you like to see videos on or more information on our industry. Let us know, drop us a line, send us an email

However, you'd like to communicate with us

But let us know because this is how we're going to be able to better serve you, make better videos make better information

for you.

Also, if you have people you like to have you know for us to interview in this new year

Which is something we also want to look into and be able to do

interviews, make sure that you let us know any subject matter experts that you like us to perhaps interview or talk to or get their

Perspective on things let us know we'll do our best and we'll see what we can do

You know what we can do about that for you

Alright, it's also after the courses we have in March

of course, most of you know, we have our ClinBiz Summit, which is something we came up with as a community in

2018 but we're actually going to be seeing it manifested in March of 2019

So March 13th and 14th ClinBiz Summit

This is the conference for you to be if you want to talk about or hear about or learn about clinical contracting

clinical outsourcing or clinical financial management. We have amazing speakers

Great solution providers that will be there and of course all the attendees that will be there because we know we all love to network

At these conferences, so make sure you attend if you are planning to be there in person

I am going to encourage you to make sure you register soon

Make sure you register as quickly as possible because the space is limited for that

You could always join us on livestream. Of course

But if you do want to join us on-site

Make sure that you register as soon as possible and we're also going to be having some new things coming up for the 2019

ClinBiz community which we're going to be announcing

We're not quite ready to announce them yet

But we're going to be sharing with you right around the summit or sometime around April

We're gonna be announcing some new things as well

Make sure you let us know any new things you like to learn about any new topics

And ways that we can better service and help you to connect and develop yourselves as clinical research professionals. All right?

Well, thank you so much for watching until next time have an amazing day, bye-bye


For more infomation >> ClinBiz 2018 Year Review and What's Next - Duration: 5:01.


Most $avage Video Comp On Youtube ! 😱😂 ( Must Watch ! ) - Duration: 8:16.

To local officer at odo hotel


Luna says she could not grab we're seeing it now. It's

Taking my dick in my past

Chubby little neck. Are we next up shiny wanna fuck over next up shutting something up coming next up shut


In all 10 passengers including the bus driver were flung out of the windows

Okay, it's John there's gonna be no longer trumpet like the white girls like this poem of my hands crack black girls I

Love pussy. I love it just do that. She'll be running Rita

Some short short. We know love me my green if we're supposed to be our greenness in my grocery disease and dude

I stole his girl. I knew he got

The local air para todo hotel en caso

What you born as man though just like you oh we can box


I just finish it all started

For more infomation >> Most $avage Video Comp On Youtube ! 😱😂 ( Must Watch ! ) - Duration: 8:16.


DIY Mason Jar Snow Globe in 5 MINUTES! - Duration: 6:39.

hey everybody we are gonna make a mason jars snow globe right make it a snow



okay so what we have done beforehand so you don't have to be here no Venus so

what we did beforehand is we hot glued the the top of the mason jar lid into

the rim right and then we also hot glued whatever small toy you want to put in

here we have glued him on here too and this guy is cool because he moves he's

gonna maybe be able to move when he's in the globe so whenever you're looking for

toys to put in here really just test it make sure that it can fit in there and

be okay right yeah okay so the way that we're gonna do

this it's so easy you guys so we're going to put in water what right we're

gonna stir it in just a second okay so I am NOT this good I pre-measured measured

the water so there is that Wow yeah and then we're gonna put in some

glitter so Nora and I come over here baby Nora and I went to Michael's

earlier today and we found some glitter didn't we I'm pretty yeah go ahead

oh that is probably good that's nothing oh it's gonna be so sparkly do you want

to start stirring it looks like I have to hang on to those and open up for you

go ahead show them you can do that but I have to use the scissors it's okay Quinn

stir them dad oh it's so pretty it's already pretty okay so remember our guy

is orange so what do we want to use for the sequins because next you're gonna

put some sequins in there just to make it a little bit prettier right baby what

color sequins do we want these blue and blue the blue ones that's a great choice

he's got blue wheels can I pull them off for you babe and it'll let you put him

in the water how's that

oh man we are really really excited they are falling out of the bag go ahead and

empty the whole thing in there let's really do it that's how the sequence

we're gonna use for this one absolutely

yeah these little renegades in here it's very Christmasy right they're like

snowflakes in theirs and then what's gonna make it really cool this is like

the secret sauce so this is going to be a few drops sorry to take your thing off

ahead of time this is going to be a few drops of it's called glycerin and if you

go to Michael's Tafoya oh my okay if you go to Michael's you'll find it in the

baking section it's where I found it today I had to ask somebody no careful

baby I had scissors yeah we can't do anything with it yet all right now it's

just a few drops and what a few drops I'm in it here you can go ahead and do

it as well I'm just gonna guide your hand or you stir while I pour it in so

it's just a few drops there we go that's cuz I don't know really know what

it does so whew it just smooths everything out go ahead and keep

stirring baby let's get that stuff at the bottom oh so did you see before who

everything was kind of clumped up I don't know if you can see that or not

but now this is what sort of makes it all slippery in there like before the

the stuff was stuck to her spoon and now it's not this is so cool

do you want to put him in upside down go ahead and dip him in he's going home

and remember we already glued all of this right so we don't have to worry

about anything leaking you also just for later okay

hang on just a second just for later whenever you know that you're where you

want to be I would also throw some hot glue under the lid

whenever you're sealing it so nobody opens it when they're not supposed to

right okay do you want to shake him up shake

him up show the people come back here baby bear okay now set him down let's

look at him oh he's so cool oh look at him so cool

so there he is there he is you guys that's it how easy was that

that is our snow globe in a mason jar and now Nora is gonna take them

somewhere else see you guys next time say bye bye baby



For more infomation >> DIY Mason Jar Snow Globe in 5 MINUTES! - Duration: 6:39.


Éste Será Tu Año | Eddie - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Éste Será Tu Año | Eddie - Duration: 1:32.


Why Do You Lose Your Voice? - Duration: 2:20.

At it's simplest, your voice is the result of air causing vibration of the vocal cords,

resulting in sound.

Here's how it works.

The lungs pump air through your windpipe, towards your voice box (also called the larynx)

and then out of your mouth.

In the larynx, there are these two folds of tissue called the vocal cords.

When you speak, the vocal cords come together and vibrate as wind passes through them.

This vibration makes sound which passes through your throat and out of your mouth.

Ready to see it in real life?

So what happens when you lose your voice?

The most common cause is a viral infection of the larynx, also called laryngitis.

This infection causes your vocal cords to swell up and become stiff so that they can't

vibrate freely.

Your lungs push air through the vocal cords, but they don't virbrate.

So you puff out air but no voice comes out.

So what can you do to get your voice back?

If you've got laryngitis, your voice will come back in about 10 to 14 days once your

body has cleared off the infection and the swelling has settled down.

To help the swelling resolve, the best treatment is to rest your voice as much as possible.

Trying to force air through your vocal cords will just make them more inflamed and take

longer to get better.

To help soothe the irritation in your throat, you can try drinking warm fluids like a hot

lemon drink.

Humidity seems to help so you can try using a steam inhaler or taking a hot shower.

If you have a sore throat, then simple pain killers like paracetamol can help you feel

a bit better.

Since laryngitis is most commonly a viral infection, taking antibiotics won't help

speed up your recovery but you can get unnecessary side effects like diarrhea.

You should see your family doctor if you get high fevers and chills, if you have a lot

of pain or if your voice isn't getting better even after 3 or 4 weeks.

Some causes of persisting hoarseness are things like acid reflux, vocal cord nodules and even


As always if you have any questions, pop them down below and I'll see you in the next


For more infomation >> Why Do You Lose Your Voice? - Duration: 2:20.


Strong winds lead Sugarbush to close ski lifts Tuesday - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Strong winds lead Sugarbush to close ski lifts Tuesday - Duration: 1:23.


Why James Charles Apologizes So Much for Drama - Duration: 10:53.

hi sisters today we're going to be talking about why James Charles has to

apologize so damn much what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired

soul where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new

to my channel my channel is all about mental health what I like to do is

pulled in with topics from the YouTube community try to teach you how to

improve your mental and emotional well-being so make sure you subscribe

and bring that notification bell real quick I've had a ton of amazing requests

from all of you the last few days there's a lot of cool stuff happening

already in 2019 ah best thing that you can do is follow me on Instagram and

Twitter it's the exact same handle at the rewired soul so you know when I post

new videos because some of you have requested be talking about different

shows or movies or YouTube situations or whatever and tie it in to mental health

so make sure that you're following me on social media so you don't mess it all

right so the the bulk of this video we're going to be talking about James

Charles we're gonna be talking about anger we're gonna be talking about

impulse control this is actually a continuation of the video I did just the

other day about the psychology of James Charles drama a lot of you love that

video because I did a lot of neuroscience in it so I'm gonna try to

do some more but this is more of a continuation so if you would like to

click up in the info card I'm gonna link that video I did as well

alright so anyways some people are you know painting James Charles as a

hypocrite because today he and Jeffree Star just released their video where they're

pretty much destroying a bunch of makeup palettes now real quick before I jump

into this like can we talk can we just talk about Jeffree star for one second

so on snapchat Jeffree said this alright and you guys know I'm gonna

start off the new year with a bang tomorrow I'm uploading my first video of

2019 featuring a sister James Charles it is a good one we got the sledgehammers

ready and the flamethrower and miss mama just wait until you see what really

happens you know there is a lot of speculations so much T like James got

mad about a girl destroying his palette how dare him girl wait till watch the

video cuz you don't know what instincts and then this happened

it's time to move on baby because in 2019 or vaccinating our kids really

Jeffrey alright alright so I think I think what Jeffree was referring to

about this video not being what you think it is I'm really cool Jeffree Star and

James Charles announced that they're both donating $25,000 each

to women shelters in Los Angeles which is awesome very very very very cool but

today we're going to be talking about impulse control and anger and all of

that so one thing that is very well-known of James Charles is the drama

he's had this year in 2018 but he always apologizes alright so we're gonna be

talking about why he apologizes so much I'm gonna use some of my own experience

and you might be able to relate to it as well so the first lesson I want to teach

all of you the very first lesson those like the best lesson we can all learn

from James Charles aside from like blending and like what else does James

Charles teach you Tristan like how to put on like this stuff up here on the

eyes yeah you know what I'm talking about

the best lesson that we can learn from him is this the second you experience an

emotion is not the time to post on Twitter let me repeat that

the second you experience an emotion is not the time to tweet something out so

James had a little bit of an issue with another influencer because she destroyed

his palette but that's exactly what James Charles did in this video

but James kind of explained it away like this well I just got into a scandal

regarding this actually because there was a video circulating of a girl who

destroyed my palette and when I first saw I got really hurt by it yeah

obviously I had worked on it for so long and also too it's been sold everywhere

so all you to give her all right beats that were so upset of people that

couldn't get it and I was again I got this go away just to destroy it but

after a further thought like once she was getting hate comments which is so

not okay and anyway perform so I felt really bad but - like it's her money and

you can do what you want with it and like I just it was I hurt at first but I

was like let me get over this it's not that deep so

cortex is still developing and part of this is impulse control this is one of

the reasons James Charles tweets so many things out

that combined with emotional regulation right James Charles feels some type of

way and his mind tells him a syphon ego and it's I'm not saying James Charles is

egotistical which he might be but our ego says that we're justified we need to

put this information out there we need to say something about this person right

and and James did this why when he found out the news and this is why it's so

important to meditate and develop your own pause button alright part of

meditation is strengthening your prefrontal cortex so you can pause and

make better decisions and this is so so so important because what happens to a

lot of us is that we come off like hypocrites so something that I didn't

talk about the other day when it comes to the prefrontal cortex is one of the

responsibilities of the prefrontal cortex is empathy

so what James Charles figured out later on was oh my god like you know he

actually put himself in Lauren's shoes he's like oh she bought it she can do

whatever she wants with it not about it now but in that moment when his emotions

were taking over he didn't have that type of empathy he couldn't see from her

side so here's a great example about how I work on my impulse control as well as

my emotions there was something that James Charles did I forgot which thing

it was it was months ago but I had a lot of people who wanted me to make a video

about James Charles tweeting something out and I just ignored it I didn't make

a video about it because basically what happened was somebody said something on

Twitter and James Charles clap back at him like sticking up for himself

defending himself he got a little sassy like if any of you follow me on Twitter

you see that I post comments that I reply to all the time where I'm clapping

back so think about it if I didn't have the impulse control like if my brain

says yeah Chris make a video on that just to get views if I didn't stop and

pause and think about it and think about James Charles situation try to put

myself in his shoes I ask myself why he did that

then I would have made a video then all of you would have came to me calling me

a hypocrite because I do the exact same thing and by the way I'm going to make a

video explaining why I do that because I think it's very

important that we talk about it because a lot of you understand why I do that

and some of you don't but I hope you're starting to understand why we need to

stop and pause because when our emotions are taking control we can become

hypocrites so like here's the thing like one of my biggest fears in life is being

a hypocrite and even though I love when you guys call me out I have my beautiful

girlfriend over here Tristan she really enjoys calling me out on stuff like I

try to pause and like think about the entire situation as a whole to make sure

that I'm not a hypocrite especially when I'm in a position that I'm in right not

only just you know being a youtuber but also when I'm talking to other people

about their mental health like it's hard for me to teach or preach something that

I'm not doing myself you see what I'm saying so something that I talked about

in my book rewire your anger is apologizing alright so let's talk about

this real quick James Charles like it's great it's great

to apologize but let me tell you this let me let me let you in on a little

secret about Chris I hate apologizing I don't know if you can relate to that but

I hate apologizing I hate it I hate it I do it but I hate it all right and you

know what the trick is to quit apologizing so much is quit doing things

you need to apologize for all right and that is why we need to control our

impulses as well as our emotions do you see what I'm saying

because when I don't have control over those things I keep doing a bunch of

wacky things that means I have to apologize to people and then I feel dumb

because I have to apologize for something so like I always tell you guys

I'm always trying to teach you guys mental health is more than just not

having a mental illness okay mental health is impulse control

mental health is controlling your anger you see what I'm saying so like I no

longer lash out on people and have to apologize for something I have really

done to apologies on my youtube channel with almost 700 videos and both of them

were very minor very minor there were more corrections and apologies but I did

understand why people might you know see what I was saying in a different way so

I went back and I corrected myself all right but I used to be a drug addict an

alcoholic constantly had to apologize to people

not only for like lying cheating and stealing right but a lot of it was from

my my anger my emotional outburst like when I first got sober I have so many

anger issues it's one of the reasons why I wrote my book rewire your anger I had

so many anger issues and I felt so bad like can you relate to that let me know

down in the comments below do you feel bad about the anger that you you

experience where you lash out on other people

cuz I felt bad about it and by the way that's proof that you're not a terrible

person because you actually feel bad about it but I would ask him be like man

what do i do I just freaked out on my mom and it was totally uncalled for

whatever and they said here go apologize and try to correct their behavior I'm

like Jerry I hate apologizing right so something that I learned was quit doing

stupid things that you have to apologize for so I hope you realize if you're new

to my channel this video isn't for James tall's this video is for you so if you

can relate to James Charles always having to apologize how about you start

going to therapy how about you start meditating you know what I mean how

about you start running your ideas past other people something that I do

constantly that y'all don't even know about really is that I'm constantly

running ideas past twisting for YouTube videos for tweets you know what I mean

like do you think this would cause a problem right because my ego says I

should do it but thank goodness Tristan has a very level head and that's maybe a

bad idea alright but anyways you shorten with

anger issues check out the description below there's some resources like my

book and some other stuff come to the discord server we have an entire chat

just for venting so you don't gotta tweet stuff out and then apologize later

alright that's all I got for this video if you

liked this video please give it a thumbs up if you new make sure you subscribe

and read that notification bell because I make a ton of videos and a huge huge

huge thank you to everybody supporting the channel over on patreon and by the

way if you are a patron go check out the tears because I just changed a bunch of

stuff there's a bunch of cool stuff that we're offering now such as group

sessions and one-on-one calls and all stuff like that alright thanks again for

watching and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Why James Charles Apologizes So Much for Drama - Duration: 10:53.


Ses Valo Jar | শেষ ভালো যার | EP-7 | Apurbo | Toya | Bangla New drama 2019 |STAR24.COM Official - Duration: 20:05.

For more infomation >> Ses Valo Jar | শেষ ভালো যার | EP-7 | Apurbo | Toya | Bangla New drama 2019 |STAR24.COM Official - Duration: 20:05.


All The Books I Read In 2018 - Duration: 2:14.

[music only]

For more infomation >> All The Books I Read In 2018 - Duration: 2:14.


battleblock theater with flophawk and dairy - Duration: 1:29:49.

For more infomation >> battleblock theater with flophawk and dairy - Duration: 1:29:49.


Giá xe Yamaha tháng 1/2019 ▶ Exciter 150 2019 tăng giá chờ Tết Nguyên Đán - Duration: 25:25.

For more infomation >> Giá xe Yamaha tháng 1/2019 ▶ Exciter 150 2019 tăng giá chờ Tết Nguyên Đán - Duration: 25:25.


The Bears Remixed the "Super Bowl Shuffle" for 2019 | Gridiron Heights S3E18 - Duration: 1:11.

We're gonna have to do the shuffle again.

Shuff-shuffle again. Do the shuffle again.

2019, it's the shuffle remix.

Reminisce cause we missed '85, '86.

Leader of the offense.

The defense is so fresh,

I'm in the NFL

and I just learned how to throw left.

I can scramble, I can run

I can throw touch passes.

And I'm livin' in the city with the

most mustaches.

Nagy can nag me

but don't call me Mitch.

And my name ain't Jay Cutler

so don't call me-


Go to Club Dub.

We all got up in

bringing back '86 with the shuffle again.

Last name Cohen

so I get a bar mitzvah.

And I got a new sweater

so I'm dressed like Mike Ditka.

And we don't mean this is a mean way

Cheese-eating hillbillies

all live in Green Bay.


Check the movement

monsters of the midway

defense superhuman.

Never losin', and we get stupid

stupid like when I was traded by Gruden.

Turn a player to a hater

when I hit a player

QB incinerator

imitator of refrigerator.




Defense killin'.

And I'm worth 2 first-round draft picks

and $141 million.

In 2019, take it back to '86.

When we win, we'll do

the Super Bowl Shuffle remix.


For more infomation >> The Bears Remixed the "Super Bowl Shuffle" for 2019 | Gridiron Heights S3E18 - Duration: 1:11.


7 Men Rihanna Has Dated 2019 - Duration: 5:53.

7 Men Rihanna Has Dated 2019

For more infomation >> 7 Men Rihanna Has Dated 2019 - Duration: 5:53.


Tera Naam | Taran Sandhu | New Punjabi Song | Lyrical Video | Brown Media Records | 2019 - Duration: 3:45.




before god

I remembered you

feel the flute


For more infomation >> Tera Naam | Taran Sandhu | New Punjabi Song | Lyrical Video | Brown Media Records | 2019 - Duration: 3:45.


MHP cracks down on dangerous drivers - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> MHP cracks down on dangerous drivers - Duration: 0:50.


Mega Millions jackpot reaches $425M - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Mega Millions jackpot reaches $425M - Duration: 1:30.


Mississippians celebrate the New Year with tradition - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mississippians celebrate the New Year with tradition - Duration: 1:10.


।। કાનુડો શું જાણે મારી પ્રીત ।। બ્રહ્મલીન નારાયણ બાપુ ।। - Duration: 8:46.

For more infomation >> ।। કાનુડો શું જાણે મારી પ્રીત ।। બ્રહ્મલીન નારાયણ બાપુ ।। - Duration: 8:46.


Crazy Convenience Store | 진상점 [Gag Concert / 2018.12.29] - Duration: 5:11.

(Crazy Convenience Store)

I hope I don't get any crazy customers today.

Let's do a good job!

So cold...

- Honey, should we get some wine? / - Sure.


- Please ring this up. / - Sure.

Oh, this wine comes with a free calendar.

Really? Thank you.

It's already the new year.

Huh? Nina, what's wrong?

Honey, it's already the new year.

When are we getting married?

Huh? We met a week ago

and you want to get married already?

Already? It's the heart that matters not the time.

Fine. If you don't want to marry me...

- Let's just end it here. / - What?

- Let's end things! / - Fine, let's end this!

We're not dating anymore...

Marry me!

Let's get married!

Don't just change the sign!

Honey! This is the best Christmas of my life!

You fool! It's not just Christmas!

Then? What is it?

A white Christmas!

- A white Christmas! / - You can't throw that!

Why are they spinning?

What are you doing? Get up!

- Where is it? / - What?

- Where is it? / - What?

- Your lips! / - Right here!

You can't do this in here! Do that outside.

Do that outside.

What's wrong with those people?

- Please ring this up. / - Sure.

- Can I use these chopsticks? / - Of course.



Excuse me! What are you doing?

Geez! You said I could use them!

You're not supposed to break them!

You sure are a stickler!

Take your jacket.

What's with that guy?

Please ring these up.

I'll ring up this cereal.

- Hold it. / - Huh?

Does this cereal really contain corn?


I can't tell because it's in this box.

Can you punch this really hard?


Let's see if teeth come out.

Why would I punch that?

Yes, violence is never the right answer.

- Public service announcement. / - What?

- Please ring this up. / - Alright, sure.

- Hold it. / - Yes?

It says you'll have the energy of a tiger.

Will I really become like a tiger if I eat this?


Can I go to the zoo and fight a lion

after I eat this?

Why would you?

I want to be the king of the jungle!

What are you talking about?

I feel like I'll get beaten up

by a lion if I buy this, so I won't buy it.

Geez... Alright.

- Then I'll ring up this milk. / - Okay.

- Hold it. / - Yes?

Is this milk really from a cow?

Of course.

I can't see it.

Can I speak to the man that milked the cow?

Why would you?

Oh, he's probably milking with both hands

and can't take a call.

- Please ring this up. / - Sure.

- Hold it. / - Yes?

This is top grade milk.

- Can only the top grades drink this milk? / - What?

- Don't you have any 8th grade milk? / - No.

Do I have to go back to school to drink this?

No, no.

- I threw out my school uniform. / - No, no.

It means it's the best quality milk.

- Oh, so it wasn't a grade in school. / - Right.

- Please ring this up. / - Sure.

- Hold it. / - Yes?

- It says low fat. / - Yes.

- I'm not from the countryside! / - What?

- I was born and raised in Seoul! / - No...

Can't you tell by how classy I look?


Don't you think so?

Alright, you can just go.

- I'll come back with my family register. / - Whatever.

- I was a bit drunk before. I'm sorry. / - Okay.

- Please ring this up. / - Sure.

Can I use the hot water over there?

Of course. Go ahead.

Excuse me! Excuse me!

What are you doing?

Geez! You said I could use it!

You can't use it to bathe in!

- You really are a stickler! / - I am?

Geez! Everyone here is crazy!

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