Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Waching daily Jan 30 2019

latest new punjabi songs 2019 of this week with lyrics status download mashup

heart touching punjabi poetry love status songs

latest new punjabi songs 2019 of this week with lyrics status download mashup | heart touching punjabi poetry love status songs

For more infomation >> latest new punjabi songs 2019 of this week with lyrics status | heart touching punjabi poetry love - Duration: 2:33.


Cálculos de Maquinado Para Engranajes de Cadena - Duration: 8:50.

For more infomation >> Cálculos de Maquinado Para Engranajes de Cadena - Duration: 8:50.


Roasting my followers AGAIN w/ Last Week Lolita News - Duration: 18:05.

L: I'm gonna say the thing

T: No

L: I'm gonna do it

T: nooo L: I'm sorry

T: please don't


L: I'm here with Tyler Willis of Last Week Lolita news once again

L: Welcome back T: Thank you

L: this is not my home location we are at G-Anime

L: please comment down below if you would like to see Tyler at some Southern Ontario cons

please consider her

L: which means you get to roast more people

L: and I get to compliment them

L: are you ready for this? T: no but let's do it anyway

-dialogue on screen-

L: in our last video we made the best of filming under not great conditions

L: and y'all were so supportive I hope you can enjoy this video

L: even with this poor quality

L: so the first one is not a lolita T: Oh

L: I made an exception because he is my very dear friend

L: he dresses more in 6% dokidoki and monster fashion

L: and he's like a huge fan of yours and he wants you to roast him

L: so have at it ! This is Creep-P

T: Oh noooo

T: Oh god why L: he's like a monster boy I love it

T: alright ok

T: I really like that the abominable snowman is starting to accessorize

T: The monochrome look was ok like a decade ago

T: but it's 2019 and I like that he's starting to work with color

T: and that's all I have to say because

L: Daniel I love the head arrangement

L: that is amazing there's so much going on there

L: and it's so well put together

L: and it's so pretty T: aww

L: I love this pvc I would wear this, I want to wear this

L: next we have melty bun bun

L: and bonus points for having a corgi in your shot

because I love them

T: that corgy knows what's up

T: that corgi is desperately trying to escape the frame

T: and this outfit should do the same

L: *screaming* why what's wrong with it

T: you told me to say mean things

L: I know but back it up T: back it up?

-dialogue on screen-

T: can I say something nice? am I allowed to?

L: Yeah

T: I actually like this coordinate

T: but I have to say something mean

T: I saw the dog and that's where my brain goes

T: Don't cry, make her feel better

L: I love charlotte's bear it's an amazing coordinate

L: and it's so hard to do in different ways because it's a onepiece

L: but this is a really unique fun take on it

L: there's a parasol with it and I wish I could see the shoes more

L: the grass is covering the shoes but the tights are cute

L: and corgi so cute

L: I want you to take a picture with the corgi sitting up in a bow

hey it's me editor Lor

I just wanted to throw this in

I really like your makeup too

I don't know why I didn't mention it while we were filming

I like that you did a dark makeup look with a bitter sweet coord

and it's really creative and cute

L: the gingerbread princess

T: alright I gotta look at this for a sec

L: there are pigs on this T: wtf I thought those were flowers

L: PIGS I believe that she made this dress

L: and like...

-dial up sound effect-

T: ok they say people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

T: people who live in gingerbread houses shouldn't wear pigs on their dress

T: that's all I got to say

L: I really want to know why they choose this fabric

L was this an ode to Shane Dawson?

L: is this a shane dawson inspired coord because I love that

T: that is a cursed image

-Shane Dawson conspiracy intro-

warning what you are about to watch may make you question everything you thought you know

T: what would you want to die in? what would you want to be buried in Lor

T: we need to know the world needs to know

L: I don't know T: *laughs* Oh god

L: ok probably one of those big extravant AP dresses

L: that are not printed the big frilly fuh fuh fuh

T: you're taking on ott dress to the grave L: yeah

L: and I want to be posed like this T: *laughs*

L: all proper and have the dress be like fuh fuh fuh

T: 80 years old in an AP dress dying in my apartment

L: yeah exactly

L: what do you want to die in? *laughter on and off camera*

T: you know what b*tches?

T: I'm taking milky chan the fawn with me L: awww

T: you can not have that shit it will not end up in goodwill

T: full milky chan the fawn coordinate I'm taking that sh*t with me to hell

L: why why I wanna know why pigs

T: *laughs* why pigs

L: Look at the construction of this like it's so good

L: seeing it from far away T: I thought it was flowers

L: you thought it was flowers and it looks like a brand dress

L: I love that, it tricks your mind

L: It's creative

L: deerylou the fawn

L: I was really excited about this one

T: there's a wall of weeb kibble behind her

L: top ramen T: top ramen

T: It's not even good weeb kibble top ramen is sh*t

L: I'm confused about the ground like are you in a storage container are you ok?

T: that explains the shoes because she's traveling and you want to be comfortable

T: and she's in a container with the weeb kibble and she's going places thats what this coord says

T: I don't know if it's good places but this girl's going places

T: That's all I've got L: that sounded like a compliment

T: It was a shady compliment L: mmm

T: I'm trying here

L: I'm guessing this is at a con cause she has a badge

T: wait so she's not in a storage container?

L: I'd like to this she's in a storage container I'd like to think that

L: someone is getting their delivery of cup noodles and she just pops out like SURPRISE

L: she also wanted me to show you T: ok

L: another coord of her's cause she admittedly was not proud of that one

T: aww ohh L: but look at this!

T: can I be nice now? L: yes

T: am I allowed since this is not the one I'm roasting

T: and it's milky F***ing chan the fawn

T: amazing L: it's so good

T: you rep milky chan

T: aw I love it so much

L: full circle weeb kibble to milky chan the fawn

L: glitter and memes I already love your username handle

T: It took me a second because her legs are a right angle I'm trying to figure out what she's measuring against

T: I gotta say the coord is really balanced

T: I like that you used this right angle with your legs to measure out the right pieces

T: I feel like you did a really good job doing that

T: they could use you in a hardware store good job

L: I know it's really really good

L: it's really well balanced with all the colors and black

L: sometimes when you do an all black base

L: like black tights black shoes black blouse

L: you look like you're wearing one of those full body suits, what are they called?

T: a zentai suit

T: only perverts wear those

L: it's still the same color but has so much balance and interest in it

T: the sheerness L: the sheerness and the patterns

L: the patterns aren't overwhelming either

L: i think this is a cute pose I want to know how you balanced like that

T: she's in the grass with heels!

L: did she do this on self timer like 1-2-3-GO

T: she fell over right after this L: yeah yeah yeah

L: or does she have perfect balance and posture

L: in that case I'm impressed I mean I'm impressed either way

L: oh I don't know how to say this name

L: I'm so sorry I'm gonna butcher it

L: Muhen-G-I-ou

L: how would you say G and then J then A T: Ga-jiggy-ow

L: Gah-jiiig-ow T: GAh-JIGGY-OW

L: muhen-gyaou?

T: I'm look at that and I gotta say

T: I can't even look at the coord cause my brain is thinking fire hazard

L: Ooooh T: yeah

T: I'm seeing outlets, nice fabric, electrical equipment

T: you could say they're fairy lights maybe that's fine

T: man I'm having a hard time with this one

T: it's difficult look at it

T: it's got flowers and a cute lil hat L: are the shoes the right color?

T: yeah brown matches the trim

L: It's the right brown too T: matches the trim

T: the carpet isn't obnoxious I don't see any weeb kibble in the background

T: there's no flip flops or dog trying to escape the frame

L: the carpet doesn't match it but it's not over powering it either

T: are you saying you have to match your dress with your carpet? L: NO!

T: does that carpet have to match the drapes? L: no no no no

T: is that what you're trying to say?

T: I thought I was supposed to roast them apparently all of you have to match your dresses with your flooring now

L: NO! I was saying it doesn't do that I was thinking of your video

L: where you show the couch and the matching dress

T: and classic lolitas can be found by sitting on enough grandma's couches

T: until one of them grunts in discomfort

T: please note that they can also take the form of love seats, wallpapers and suitably dusty tapestries

T: suitably dusty tapestries *slower*

L: that's a problem with classic

T: that never happened, I don't know what you're talking about

L: insert clip here

T: suitably dusty tapestries *slower/deeper*

L: I think this coordinate reminds me of a storybook

L: I love this set dressing I was thinking maybe

L: the bed is normally infront of it T: did they move their whole bed?!

L: because that's what it looks like to me like a canopy

L: or maybe they built it just to take this picture but like

L: this is giving me Larme magazine vibes

L: it reminds me of the sort of set they do and I'm really inspired I want to do something like this

L: this coordinate is perfectly balanced your hair color is perfect with it

L: and I'm really impressed you found the right brown shoes to match the perfect brown

T: mmhmm a lot of brown shoes come off black

L: mmhm or more orangey too T: I can't say nice things

L: or they don't balance but this is good

L: uh marianne emmanuelle you've met her she's at this convention

L: you have to say her name with a proper french accent

L: but I can't really do it

T: yes yes I've talked with her several times

T: which is what I'm about to say is very hard for me

T: why is your dress touching that weird rusted wall?

T: your whole dress you're not even leanin'

T: you're completely on that rusted out wall

T: oh my gosh L: I don't see what you're talking about

T: you don't see that what is this?!

L: no because she's camouflaging I can't see anything

L: did she submit a coordinate? I don't see the-

T: that dad joke was OVER 9,000

T: oh my god L: I tried

T: there's nothing wrong with the outfit it was the wall

T: why are you touching the wall?

L: and there's bears in it T: There's bears?!

L: yeah do you see the outline of the bears?

T: what is with these hidden figures?!

L: but it's still camouflage I want to see more cuts like this

L: can you imagine if Angelic Pretty did a cut like this with a sweet print

L: this is so cool Marianne can do so many different styles of lolita

T: she looks completely different L: she can pull it off

L: so well and just do anything

L: Kiranebula? kiranebula! T: yeah

T: fishnets.....

L: I was gonna say you roasted me on fishnets so you- T: fishnets

T: Lor also wore fishnets

L: I wear fishnets with lolita all the time

T: she had an excuse though, she was in the Gavelston bay area

T: so the fishnets had an alternative use

T: I will not retell that joke you know what I'm talking about

T: I don't see any ocean in this picture

L: she might be somewhere where it's really hot

L: fishnets are so good and we're allowed to do it now because AP released fishnets

L: so it's allowed

L: this is my friend Lee from california

L: her username is x_haro_x

L: she also goes by Haro

T: I don't even know where to go with this one we've got bunny ears

T: and a nurse cap, it's a nurse cap right?

T: are they doctors? L: I think they're doctors

T: they look like nurses L: this one kinda looks like a witch

T: wait oh yeah wait no that's not a stethoscope that's a tie

T: are you mixing themes?

T: ok yeah she's not mixing themes

T: that is a pill bottle this is a medical theme print

T: she's not mixing themes our research has confirmed it

T: I like that she's outside of a Japanese food establishment

L: yep she's in Little Tokyo T: are you serious?!

L: she's in Little Tokyo in LA yep

T: OMG this one is hard because this outfit would be hard to pull of in general

T: but she's balanced it really well and I have to think about it

T: you know the last time I had to pass it was also a nurse coordinate

L: Oh yeah that's true T: like the nurse bunny or something

T: she had the lazy oaf bunny

L: yes yes yes T: what is it with the nurses?!

L: You have a soft spot for nurse coords

L: maybe you should do one

*tyler taps nails*

L: that's not a read

T: I'm too sick inside to be a nurse

T: nurses are supposed to cure you not make you worse

♫ Disturbed- Get down with the sickness ♪

T: I can't think of anything to say about this one

T: I got nothin' my brain is dead

L: This is an amazing coordinate that's her real hair

T: that's her real f***ing hair?

L: yes it always looks perfect I don't understand

L: even in California's dry hot weather and everyone else is sweaty she still looks perfect

L: this is how she looks in real life this isn't just a lucky photo this is how she always looks

L: Darthelle!

L: I'm really really scared that she's so close to a pool

T: that's what I was thinking

L: the first thing I thought when I saw this was OH NO you're so close to a pool I'm very scared

T: I feel like she has an insurance policy though because

T: the first thing I thought when I saw this was she has the balloons

T: so if she falls backwards she'll just float away L: awww

T: maybe she'll get snagged by a low slung tree

T: and she'll be able to climb back down

T: I just can't ignore the pool that's where my eyes go

T: I'm worried for you L: oh no brand

L: Chlorine T: Angelic Pretty RIGHT INFRONT OF A POOL

T: What were the balloons for? that's what I want to know

T: I need your detective eye on this

L: I feel like it's a party- OH MY GOSH SHE HAS A MEOWTH TATTOO

T: OMG L: that's so cool

L: ok so merry making party, party theme and she has balloons

L: it's probably for her birthday or a birthday coordinate

L: or a party coordinate of some sort there's definitely a party vibe

L: maybe this is her coord shot before her party

T: ok that makes sense

L: I also first loved this because

L: the way she's holding balloons and how they are clustered it immedaitely made me think of Pennywise

T: you're supposed to be making them feel better

T: why are you comparing her to a serial killer clown?

L: because I think he has style

L: the new Pennywise T: Oh no

L: he's like an ouji, a creepy ouji T: oh no...

T: I'm picking on you L: no no no

T: It's hard cause she's cute as hell and I got distracted by the pool

T: so I'm just like ugh god

T: what do you even roast about this I mean you get people who are like 'she's got tattoos'

T: but I don't wanna feed into that

L: her tattoos are really cute and they're not distracting from the coordinate

L: I'm not staring at her tattoos

L: I get messages from people all the time asking 'I have tattoos can I wear lolita?'

L: 'Do I have to cover them?' No just do it

L: If you wanna cover them go ahead cover them

L: if you don't and you wanna show them then don't cover them and do it, show them

L: I don't think that it takes away from it

L: I love that she's proud and showing her tattoos and they are really cute!

L: I love them T: cute lil fandom tattoos

L: I think that's it! T: that's everybody?

L: that's everybody we did it T: holy sh*t yay!

L: I mean there was a lot more submissions....

L: those are for future videos

T: you went easy this time

T: It was hard I don't know if it was the sleep deprivation the travels

T: or what talking but that was hard

T: i don't know if you guys are stepping up your game

L: you have to do it

L: you were so lovely in this video Tyler!

T: hu-hu-hu-ha

T: st-

T: stay lovely


L: yeah T: I thought you were the rolly chair

L: Milky fawn the chan? T: Milky fawn the chan

L: Milky?

L: fawn?

T: Lovely Lor isn't a real lolita hashtag FAKER

L: Milky chan the fawn? T: yes

T: Milky chan the fawn

L: I just second guessed myself it all blurs together

T: there's so many characters it's not even worth it

T: don't even worry about it

For more infomation >> Roasting my followers AGAIN w/ Last Week Lolita News - Duration: 18:05.


Indoor Toddler and Preschool Play Ideas - Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 6:41.

In this video I'll show you how to use nursery rhymes to help your kids get

some active play and burn off energy when they're stuck inside.

Hi everyone. I'm BJ and welcome to Little Rooted Minds where we make resources for

parents to help them play with their kids in ways that grow their family

closer together and deepen their kids roots for thinking and learning. Now I

don't know about you but our kids have been stuck inside a lot lately because

of some bad weather and we've been coming up with lots of simple ideas to

help our little ones play around the house that gets them active and burns

off some energy. In this video I'm going to show you how to use some simple

Nursery Rhymes to do just that. Now as we get started here please make sure to

subscribe to this channel and ring that bell so you get notified every time we

make a new video and also hit that like button if you haven't had a good nursery

rhyme told to you in quite some time. So this is a great play idea because

there's absolutely no equipment required.You just need to know Nursery Rhymes and

if you don't know them for some reason of course you can just go ahead and

google that and find out all kinds of Nursery Rhymes.

All you need really is either a crash pad and you can see a link for one in

the description down below or your couch. Either one really works. So you pick a

nursery rhyme. One of the ones I like to do is Humpty Dumpty and you know my kids

sit up on the couch and I sing Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall and I when I get

to Humpty Dumpty had a great fall I say Humpty Dumpty had a great faaaaaall and

I bring my kid down to the ground and when they're down on that ground first

of all I've exaggerated that fall and cushion them onto a cushion on the

ground and then I sort of start to tickle them and give them kisses as I

say all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together

again ... simple, fun play like that. Another way we played was with Little Miss

Muffet sat on her tuffet and I put them on an extra pillow on the couch there.

As I said and then the spider sat down beside her ... Ahhhh ... the spider would chase them

sometimes and they'd run and crash into the other couch and you can see the

smiles on their faces.They come running right back and quickly saying more! MORE!

I want some more! Now as you know I don't give you an activity here on Little Rooted

Minds without also talking about how is this helping my child's brain how is

this preparing them for future learning and thinking as well. So as I've always

said any time we're playing with our kids we can be building relationship

with our kids and really what we know about attachment with children is that

children who are securely attached to their caregivers are going to learn

better as they grow. You know our felt safety, our self-regulation skills, all of

that comes out of attachment first. So we really want to build close relationships

with our kids if we're looking for them to be a success in life in general.

Beyond that we're getting a lot of language play in when we're using

Nursery Rhymes. There's rhythm to those rhymes. There's

wonderful rich language in those rhymes as well and we're creating a language

enriched environment for our preschoolers, our toddlers, our young

elementary kids and when we do that we're supporting all kinds of reading

skills and writing skills and thinking skills and comprehension skills. All

that's happening from just this simple game we're playing.

All that running and crashing or jumping over the candlestick and tickling - all of

that has some wonderful brain benefits as well. We know that movement promotes

brain function and connections in the brain between hemispheres and all over

the brain.So anytime we can get our kids running, jumping, crawling, anything like

that we're going to be stimulating the brain in wonderful ways. Now if you have

a kid who has some sensory needs who likes to crash and jump and run and

seems to really enjoy it when you give them tight bear hugs and things like

that, then they're gonna love crashing into the couch and some of these Nursery

Rhymes and if you do have one of those types of

kids you might want to actually think about investing in that crash pad

I mentioned - there's a link in the description down below. We've got one in

our family and our kids love it! All our kids! Every age we have absolutely loves

this thing! It's a little bit expensive but you can always make it a gift for

the whole family that maybe a grandparent buys or that's just a

family gift that you get everybody at one time and then it's not so bad.

It holds up really well too. So again check it out in the link down below. One more

thing to mention - you want to really play it up and have fun with these Nursery

Rhymes changing your voice up a little bit

singsong-y style and and you know Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet adding that

extra energy to it and you want to draw some things out. For example when you get

to the spider along came the spider --- and sat down beside her that little pause you

put in there builds anticipation, builds predicting skills, so now your kid's a

toddler or preschooler playing this game and they're learning to predict mommy or

daddy's about to lower that hand. It's about to be the time to jump off. You're

helping your child build predicting skills.Now when they get older and they

have to make a prediction in a book about what might happen next you've

actually laid some foundations now here for that skill. So all those types of

things were being very purposeful about in the way we play with our kids.

Now that you've seen how to play this game here's my question: What's one of your

favorite Nursery Rhymes? You know we all have different Nursery Rhymes we love

but some of us don't know some of the nursery rhymes so go ahead and put in

the comments down below your favorite nursery rhyme that you enjoy and if

you've got a favorite book that you find that has a lot of great nursery rhymes

in them go ahead and put that in the comments also because I'm sure lots of

parents who are watching this video would love to see those resources. We'll

also put a few of our favorites in the description down below that you can link

to to go ahead and check out. Thanks for watching this video. Now if you enjoyed

this video please make sure to hit that thumbs up button and also remember to

subscribe to our channel by hitting our round

logo button that just appeared on the screen. You can also check out some of

the related videos that we have on the screen right now and always remember it

takes a big heart to grow little minds! Thanks everybody!

For more infomation >> Indoor Toddler and Preschool Play Ideas - Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 6:41.


Top 10 Cherry Blossom Spots in Tokyo | - Duration: 6:08.

Tokyo is Japan's capital, most populated metropolis, and also boasts more cherry blossom-viewing

hotspots than anywhere else in the country.

Nestled amid its giant buildings and winding expressways are a plethora of parks, gardens,

tree-lined lanes and riverbanks that offer some of the best sakura experiences in all Japan.

Visitors from around the world flock to Tokyo each spring to take in the beautiful blossoms.

In the average year, the peak of sakura season occurs during one week in early April.

However depending on temperatures in the preceding weeks, the peak can start in late March or

last into mid April.

It is also worth mentioning that due to the variety of cherry trees found throughout the

city, even if you are visiting a few weeks on either side of this zone, you should still

be able to find a few blossoms.

With so many spots to choose from, we thought we'd make planning your perfect, petal-filled

trip a little easier by giving a quick rundown of our Top 10 cherry blossom locations in Tokyo.

Number 10: Koishikawa Botanical Garden

Belonging to the prestigious Tokyo University,

Koishikawa Botanical Garden is home to thousands of varieties of trees and plants as well as

a beautiful landscape garden.

During spring it doesn't get as crowded as other popular sakura spots around the city,

making for a pleasant atmosphere for visitors to enjoy the blossoms.

Numer 9: The Meguro River

The Meguro River is an attractive canal lined

with hundreds of cherry trees and a plethora of shops and cafes in one of the capital's

hippest neighborhoods.

During peak season, the many bridges which span the waterway provide picturesque views

of the river crowded by pink petals so don't forget to bring your camera.

Number 8: Koishikawa Korakuen

Among Tokyo's prettiest traditional gardens,

Koishikawa Korakuen is particularly famous for its weeping cherry trees, which take center

stage in spring among the park's many other picturesque features.

Number 7: Asukayama Park

This hilltop park in the north of the city

has been popular as an atmospheric hanami spot since the Edo Period and still attracts

a large number of cherry blossom lovers of all ages even now.

Number 6: Yoyogi Park

One of the city's more well-known parks.

Yoyogi sits across the street from the stylish Harajuku neighborhood and directly next to

the famous Meiji Shrine.

This expansive park is a hotspot for hanami parties, having enough space for a lively

atmosphere to prevail here throughout the season.

Number 5: Showa Kinenkoen

With over a thousand trees, this huge, family-friendly

park is located 30 minutes west of Tokyo.

The abundant blossoms here typically bloom a few days later than those in central Tokyo,

making the park popular with those who missed hanami downtown.

Aside from the cherry blossoms, the park also boasts other beautiful flowers and a variety

of facilities and amenities.

Number 4: Sumida Park

During spring the walking paths along the

shores of this picturesque river become lined with pink petals.

Located only a short walk from the famous Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, Sumida park is

an ideal place for visitors to take in views of the iconic Tokyo Skytree framed by cherry blossoms.

Number 3: Chidorigafuchi

One of the most photogenic sakura spots in

the city, Chidorigafuchi consists of a path alongside the sakura-lined moat of former

Edo Castle just west of the Imperial Palace.

For a fee, visitors can even rent a rowboat to paddle around in the old moat.

This atmospheric area makes for a charming petal-filled stroll both during the day, and

also in the evening during nightly illuminations..

Lastly, the nearby Yasukuni Shrine is home to hundreds more cherry trees, including Tokyo's

representative tree, which the meteorological agency uses to determine the state of the

sakura season for the entire city.

Number 2: Ueno Park

Ueno Park is the most renowned party spot

in all of Tokyo during sakura season, and is a true hanami haven packed with vistiors

enjoying the festivities both in the upper section where the wide central walking path

is located and also around Shinobazu Pond in the lower section.

The park's paths are lined with hundreds of cherry trees, and it's recommended to

get here early if you intend to get a place under one.

Number1: Shinjuku Gyoen

This large, family-friendly park stands as

a natural oasis in one of Tokyo's busiest districts.

This peaceful park boasts over one thousand cherry trees which span a range of species

and bloom at different times during the season, making Shinjuku Gyoen a great place to visit

for blossom enthusiasts who are in town a little before or after peak season.

One point to be aware of is that the park doesn't allow alcohol inside and so is not

a good option for visitors intent on enjoying their hanami with some drinks.

Nevertheless, with so many beautiful scenes and sakura viewing opportunities throughout

its vast and varied grounds, Shinjuku Gyoen takes the cake as our number one sakura location

in all of Tokyo.

So there you have it, our top ten cherry blossom spots in Tokyo.

Hopefully this video helps you to plan your perfect petal-filled trip.

More in-depth information on the cherry blossoms can be found in the dedicated section of our website

including this year's forecast, lists of the best sakura spots, tree varieties, and during sakura season,

daily cherry blossom reports from around the country.

For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen below now

or head to, your comprehensive up-to-date travel guide first hand from Japan.

Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell for more videos about Japan.

Happy travels.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Cherry Blossom Spots in Tokyo | - Duration: 6:08.


LAPD investigates Turkish flags hung at Armenian schools - Duration: 7:26.

Police are investigating reports of several Turkish flags being hung on the gates of Armenian schools in Encino and Canoga Park, sparking concern and outrage in L

A.'s Armenian community.  Tuesday morning, officers were called to Holy Martyrs Ferrahian High School, an Armenian school in Encino, after school staff discovered Turkish flags hung on the campus, said officer Kevin Lee, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department

The incident is being investigated as a hate crime. Advertisement >  An estimated 1

2 million Armenians were rounded up and killed by the Ottoman Turkish government beginning in 1915

Armenians regard the acts as part of an organized, orchestrated effort by the Turkish government

Historians have characterized what happened as a precursor of — and even a model for — genocides that followed

Turkey claims only half a million Armenians died when they rose up against their rulers after World War I, and denies that their deaths constitute an act of genocide

 Police believe the flags were posted at about 4:40 a.m, but they were taken down before students could see them, Lee said

The school is working with law enforcement to examine video surveillance footage of the suspects hanging the flags

 Lee could not immediately confirm a second report of the Turkish flags at AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School in Canoga Park, but the school's principal Arpi Avanesian said its staff called police at about 6 a

m. Tuesday.  Avanesian said the school's P.E. coach and chef, who arrive at the campus first, saw the flags hung outside the main gate when they pulled into the campus

They took photographs and removed the flags before students arrived. Later that morning, staff walked the perimeter of the six-acre school to find more flags posted, she said

Video surveillance footage shows one or two men dressed in all black hanging the flags on the school gate early Tuesday morning, she said

 Avanesian said LAPD was investigating the event as a hate incident, not a hate crime, because the suspects were unable to enter the property

 "It came as a complete shock and surprise in the sense we weren't expecting it," she said

"I don't know what this person was thinking about. Why today? What set them off to do this? What doesn't shock me is they did it

"  Avanasian said she doesn't believe the incident is about the simple hanging of a flag

She said the suspects wanted to send a message discrediting the Armenian genocide

 "We want to all get along," she said. "We want people to understand the crimes of the past and we can all have a bright and happy future

Our hope is one day Turkey will understand what their government did over 100 years ago

"  In a statement, AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School officials said LAPD officers would be present Wednesday morning when students are being dropped off

Officials assured parents and students the school is safe, but requested that they park off campus in the afternoon

 Rep. Brad Sherman, who represents the San Fernando Valley, condemned the vandalism in a statement Tuesday

 "It is particularly cruel to those whose family members died in the Armenian Genocide," he said

"I call on law enforcement to make arresting the vandals a high priority."  Tuesday afternoon, Holy Martyrs Ferrahian High School had replaced the Turkish flags with Armenian flags

 A number of countries have issued statements over the years condemning Turkey's actions as genocide

But the United States has not. Early this morning, Turkish flags were hung on various Armenian schools in LA including Ferrahian Armenian School

Absolutely disgusting and unacceptable in 2019.— Dickran Khodanian (@DKhodanian) January 29, 2019

For more infomation >> LAPD investigates Turkish flags hung at Armenian schools - Duration: 7:26.


Kingdom Hearts 3: Memorias – Amanecer - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Kingdom Hearts 3: Memorias – Amanecer - Duration: 4:16.


How to make a No Sew Fabric Brooch or Hair-clip - Duration: 15:58.

hi and welcome back to Darvanalee Designs Studio for those that don't know my

name's Nicole Reed and today I've got an awesome no-sew project for you to make

these cute little brooches and all out of your scrap bin so let's get started

okay so today as I said we are going to make these little rounds and we're going

to either turn that you can either turn them into a hair clip or you can turn

them into a little brooch like I've done here

these are little brooch ones are perfect you can pin them either on your lapel or

you could put them on a handbag or something like that or even on a diary

just to decorate a little bit you're going to need some craft little diamond

tees or a button or something along those lines I just got these what they

call bling cluster they're a little bit sparkly they came in like a grey color

or black and a silver and they just sort of give it a little bit of bling you'll

need either some hair clips just plain silver ones or some brooch clips I'll

put a link down below where you can get your supplies you're also gonna need

some felt and the fabric that I used is labelled by Riley Blake designs and it

was just a few scrap pieces that I had leftover this from memory I think it was

a six inch strip that I had and I've just cut my strips the width of the

fabric at one and a half inches I probably wouldn't go any less than one

inch so just work with what you've got you're going to need something to create

a circle so I've just got a piece of template plastic here you're going to

need a marking device you're going to need some scissors and you're also going

to need a hot glue gun and a safety pin okay so our first step is we're going to

just open up our pieces of strips that we've got here we don't need to do any

sewing with this at all and you don't even need to cut off the selvage end if

you don't want to I generally just give it a quick snip with some pinking shears

and just get rid of that stiffer part of the

selvage but really close to it and then all I'm going to do is lay them on top

of one another with the right sides facing up and just like so so it looks

like you've got three pieces there and then I will just fold them on themselves

and just tie a knot so wrap it around my finger

and just slip that through and then move the knot as close as I can to the end

and pull that really tight okay and then what I do is I just grab my safety pin

and you can attach it to a tablecloth or you can sit it under something heavy or

anything like that so for me I just don't put a safety pin in it and then I

just grab my ironing pad because it's got a little bit of weight to it and I

just stick that in there and come back out again and then just attach it to

that now that's got a bit of weight for me and just get rid of some of my other

stuff and I move it as far away as I can from me so to plat them I just fold them

in half so the right sides are facing outwards so you can see they're on the

other side the right sides facing out it doesn't have to be super even that's

fine okay and then I've got one down the center and I've got one coming out to

the right so what I'm going to do now is take my left over the center one and

then that will become my Center one then I take my right one over the center one

and then that will become my Center one and that Center I will now become the

right and I just keep doing that it is just like braiding someone's hair and

the reason I've got it pinned in here it's just to give it that little bit of

stability so I can plant it now you can hug this as loose as you want so you

don't have to do it super tight so this one is loose see here you can see it's

quite easy to manipulate but if I was to do it tighter I would just pull it a bit

tighter so you can see there it just goes a little bit tighter

and basically you do that to all the way to the end

okay so we've got down to the end here so what we're going to do is we are

going to finish that off so we'll take off our salvages and we'll just get rid

of those and then what you're going to do is you're just going to get your hot

glue gun and we're just going to try it and make this as flat as possible so

bring your hopper we go over and on your centerpiece just put a little dollop and

squeeze that together and then the same over this side again just putting a

little bit of a dollop and squeezing that together and then on your outline

outer side you will notice that there is a little bit that's still open just

close that and the same on this side too so that's just nice and flat then we

just grab our safety pin undo that take it out and then we've got a piece of

cord here so one end is flat and it doesn't have any knot in it and this end

has a bit of a knot so we can trim this little bit of excess down and now what

we're going to do is we're actually going to turn it into a circle just like

this one here so to do that we start with our knot in the center and we just

start winding it around itself like so keep it you can see there I'm keeping

the the plat flat and just making sure that you put a little bit of pressure on

it as you're turning it around if you find that it's moving on you you just

grab a little pin and just pop a pin in there and that'll hold it closed

and then you just keep spinning around building the circle out so you can see

there that I'm just keeping it as flat as possible and if it rises up a little

bit or overlays that's fine too so I'll just pop another pin in there just to

hold it in place for me there may be one around here and you can see here we've

come to the end so what I do with this bit is I just slide that under because

it's got that little bit of a hot glue in it it's made a little bit stiff and I

just bring that around and I just slide it under and you can see there that

that's going to hide really well so be just before I sort of secure it in place

so just make sure that everything is sitting how I want it I'm pretty happy

with how that's turned out so I'm just going to pull that bit back out grab my

hot glue gun just put a small dollop on it and then I'm just going to gently

lift the platter the circle up and then pop that underneath there and just give

it a bit of a press and you can see there that that is now created the

circle so we can take up gently take our pins out and you can see there is a

little bit of movement there so what we're going to do is you just grab your

hot glue gun and just down the bottom of the plat so you can see here this is the

top up this bit here is the top and this is the bottom we're just going to put a

little tiny just a tiny little squirt of glue and then I will just push them

together and that will just secure it in place so I'm going to continue doing

that and then we'll put our felt on be careful because the glue is hot and

wherever you think that it could do with a little bit more security just put a

little bit of glue and because this glue is clear you can't actually see it and

it's hidden anyway so just get in the groove there where it's not going to be

seen and pop it into place okay so I'm pretty happy with how the outside is all

coming together but I just want to make sure that

so you can see there my Center one's not really secure so I'm just gonna put a

little bit of blue there and just secure that nicely and then I'm going to flip

it over and where I started I'm just going to put a little bit of glue on

that underneath then secure that in place so you can see there then I've got

this nice little plaited round and now I'm ready to put my felt on the back now

depending how big you make it or you can make it a little bit bigger so I just

used three strips the width of the fabric and then just plotted them

together and this gives you a nice size so you can see that it fits in the palm

of my hand but you could make it bigger if you wanted to you could make it so

it's like a underneath a pot or something along those lines it's just a

great way to use up your scraps so now what I'm going to do is I'm just going

to set that aside and let that cool a bit and then I've just got a piece of

scrap felt here that was in my scrap bin I'm gonna grab my friction pen and I'm

just gonna outline the circle okay so we've traced around our circle and all

we're going to do now is we're just going to quickly cut that out and just

cut on that line and then basically all you're going to do is now that that's

cooled and everything is in place and you can see there that it's got quite

some stability to it but this felt on the back will actually give it at that

little bit more stability so what I do is I just basically grab my glue gun and

I just put it wherever I can sort of do a spiral and this is going to act as an

anchor for all these pieces so then I just don't pick that piece up and gently

and carefully not to burn myself I place that in the center of

the little circle there so you can see there that that's on there now you just

need to hold that in place for a little while and then basically if I've got any

areas like just here where it hasn't got any glue on it I will just go and put a

little bit of glue there and press it down just need a little bit not too much

alright and that's it it's pretty much done now and now all we want to do is we

the turn it into a hair clip or into a little brooch so I'm going to turn this

one into a little brooch so I flip it over again I just grab one of these at

and I'm just going to make sure that it's up the right way so you can see

here that it has a little hook on it and there's all different ones out there but

I'll leave a link down below where you can get some of these supplies and then

I'm just eyeballing the center and make sure that I've got it in the right place

and that looks to be about right I just make a little mark in those holes there

and you can see that that I can now line that up once I've put the hot glue so I

know not to put glue where those holes are so I just put a little dollop there

a little bit on the other side of the the dot and a little bit on this side of

the dot and then I can just get my little brooch pin and I can just place

that on and hold it in place lining those two dots up with the holes

that are in it now if yours doesn't have any holes in it don't worry about it you

can just make a mark at the top and at the bottom and at each side and then

you'll know that you've got to put the glue into that space just holding that

into place to secure it and then I just grab a little piece of fabric here and I

just trim it up little square piece of fabric will be fine that's just a little

bit of scrap from the from the ends that we cut off and then I grab the hot glue

again and I just put some on either side and in the middle of those dots again

so just like so and then I just placed this on top and that will just give it a

little bit more security and it also hides all the hot glue that didn't go

into the right place because if you're anything like me I am so messy with this

hot glue all righty so I can see this little bit here is still sticking up so

I'm just going to pop a little tiny little bit of glue underneath there and

hold that in place and I do the same thing of any other corner so this

corners up a little bit too a little bit there all right so that's now secure it

in place so you can see they're nice and secure we can open and close that and

pop it on our handbag or on a jacket anywhere you want really okay so then

what we need to do is put a little bit of bling so on this one I'm actually

going to put a little bit of silver bling on it and these you you'll find

these sort of things in your scrapbooking department of your craft

store that you go to or in the dollar shops or anywhere like that and you find

them all online as well and I'll put a couple of links down for a couple of

different sorts underneath this video for you so I just have a bit of a play

around where I want to place it and ideally I want to sort of have it where

that knot is and where we started and we can hide that a little bit so I'm pretty

happy with where that's going to sit so I'll just grab my hot glue we've got a

gun again and put a little dollop of glue on that and then place that where

it needs to go and then press it into place

and there you go our little brooch is done okay so thank you very much for

joining me today I really do hope that you enjoyed this know side project nice

little change from what we normally do here and it's a great way to use up your

scraps or you can even cut some of your favorite fabric straight off the fat

corner and if you like this video today give us a thumbs up down

tell us what you thought in the comments because we always love to hear from you

and if you new here consider subscribing to our channel and hitting that little

bell icon beside it and that way you won't miss out on any future posts and

we would love to see some of your projects that you make from our channel

and we have a Facebook group for that so you can share your pictures and whatever

else you're working on and the link is down below this video so if you click on

that either the moderators or myself will add you as soon as possible my name

is Nicole Reed for Darvanalee Designs Studio thank you very much for joining me today

everybody and I'll see you again next time

bye for now

For more infomation >> How to make a No Sew Fabric Brooch or Hair-clip - Duration: 15:58.


Python Tutorials - Copy | Part 2 | Shallow Copy | Example - Duration: 15:56.

Hello guys and welcome to Python programming tutorials by Amuls Academy, and today in this

tutorial we are discussing about the shallow copy.

In the previous tutorial we saw how to use assignment operator for the immutable objects

so today we will see how to use Shallow copy on the mutable objects.

So Shallow copy is a copying method it creates a new object which stores the reference of

the original elements ok so when i will do Shallow copy, it will create a new object

ok and which stores the reference of the original elements, so this definition may be little

trickier but when we take example you will get the clear picture ok.

so in the shallow copy first we will take the example ok next I'll explain you how it

actually works OK. when we learn this we can understand Shallow copy easily.

ok fine, so first we will take the example we can do

Shallow copy in four different ways OK so the first is, we can use built in functions

for list we can use list, for set we can use set, for dict we can use dict() ok for dictionaries.

so this is the one way to do the shallow copy and the second way is we can use slicing operator

and the third way is using list comprehension method and the last way is using copy function

from copy module, so we can do Shallow copy in four different ways, so will take example

for each ok, so first we will begin with the built-in function

so here i will take the example of list ok, so next i will take list2 equal to list this

function will create a new list ok so here i will take list1 ok, so now if i check list2

, now we have the two set of this data right?, so list1 and list2 contains same data, so

now i will modify one list ok so i will append a new value to list2, ok so now i will check

list2 ok it contains 1,2,3,4 and a new value.

Now i will check list1, this change is not affected this list.

so this is the first way to do the shallow copy ok next we will take the next example,

next we will see how to do Shallow copy using slicing operator

so here I'll take list2 ok so, list2.

now we have two set of same data, list1 and list2 contains same data, now i will modify

list2, so here i will change the value present in the 0th index of list2, i will change it

to a string ok, so now if i check list2, we can see the value present in the 0th index

is this string, ok so now i will check list1 here we can see the different list ok so this

is the second way to do the shallow copy in Python, so third way is using list comprehension

method, so for list comprehension i will take list2, so here you can take any variable name

i will take "x" ok so now if i check list2 here we can see same set of values, if i do

any changes to list2, so i will change the last value

ok fine.

so here the original data is safe and the copied list will contain modified data, ok

so this is the third way to do the shallow copy in Python, and the last way is,

for this we need to use copy module so i need to import copy module, so next

i need to take the copy, this is the module name dot copy this is the function name and

here i need to mention list1 ok so now if i check list2 it contains 1 2 3 4.

so now if i do any changes to list2, i will append a new value "hello" string, so

if i check list2 here we can see a new string is appended.

if i check list1 it contains the original values ok so these are the four ways to do

the shallow copy in Python.

So now we saw the example but till now we didn't understand how this shallow copy will

work so I'll explain that now.

ok so when i create a list ok this will be created ok the name is list1 it contains 4

elements ok this will contain the reference to value one this will be the reference to

value 2, That is nothing but it contains the address

of this value here ok so when i do the shallow copy so for example list2 equal to copy dot

copy list1 ok so what will happen is, as definition says "Shallow copy creates a new object"

ok so here we will get new object ok so this name will be list2 ok and this id of list1

and list2 are different, if the id of list1 is 001 OK then id of list2 will be different

so I'll take 002 ok so this also contains 4 elements but here what it will do is, Shallow

copy don't copy the object it will copy the reference ok so here whatever the reference

will be present here ok that will be copied here ok so that is nothing but this also contains

the reference to this object same object ok like this ok.

so this one two three four values are shared between list1 and list2, so if you have still

confusion i will take like this ok so these are the values right?, 1 2 3 4 these contains

one address ok so for example i will take 01, 02, 03 and 04 ok, i am taking this address

randomly ok so now this list1 will contain that reference ok here it will contain like

this, so in the Python list don't contain the values it contains the reference to that

value here we can see.

Ok when i do shallow copy, so it will create a new object right?, so this id will be different

but it will copy the reference of that object, that is nothing but here this also contains

same reference here both this lists are sharing same content ok this is also referring the

same values so when i do any changes to list2, for example if i append a new value 10 ok

so here a new value will be created and that reference will be stored here in the list2

if this is 05 ok that will be stored here ok this modification is done after the copy

that's why it won't affect the list1 that's why we will get two different list.

In this way shallow copy will work, ok so now you may ask if i take immutable objects

then i can use assignment operator which will do the work, for the mutable object i can

take Shallow copy ok it will work, so then what is the use of deep copy?, but deep copy

is also important because this Shallow copy will behave differently for the compound object,

for example if i take nested list this shallow copy behave differently, so i will show you

an example.

so first of all I'll show you this id of list1 and list2 in the shallow copy, print false

because list1 and list2 are different objects here ok, shallow copy create a new object

that's why list1 and list2 are different objects, that's why their ids are not matching

ok so now if i take nested list and if i apply Shallow copy then what will happen?.

Ok so here i will take a list called list1, it contains nested list, this is the nested

list and these are the values ok so now if i use,

Ok so now if i check list2 ok this contains the same set of values but if i do any changes

here, so first i will append a new value , Ok if i check list2 a new value is appended,

list1 is unaltered but when i do changes to this nested list part ok it will affect the

both the lists, so i will show you that so if i take list2 0 and 1,ok so here i am referring

this value because this is the 0th index and this is the first index so equal to i will

change this value to "a" ok.

So now if i check list2 ok here we can see this value is changed that's fine but i will

check list1 now, here we can see this value is also changed Ok here we don't want this,

here we can see if i change a value in the list2 it is affecting list1 also in the nested

list part right?, ok so this shallow copy behave differently when it is applied on the

nested list so I'll explain you why?. so when i take list1 as ,

Here this is the 0th index, this is the first index, this is the 2nd index ok so here this

is the list1 it contains three elements, ok so here this contains the reference of this

list ok it contains two elements and this contains the reference to one, this contains

the reference to 2 ok, this contains the reference of 3 and this contains the reference of four

ok ok so i will take this as 0001 ok I'll take this address as 001,002, 003 ok that

will be stored here 001, 002, 003.

Ok if take 01 and 02 this, so that will be stored here 01,02 ok so now when i do Shallow

copy here that is, "copy dot copy of list1" what will happen is, it will create a new

list ok so that will be list2 and this also contains three elements it will copy the same

reference here.

so it contains 001 002 and 003 this address will be something different like this 0002.

ok so now that is nothing but here this ok is contains the reference to this and this

contains the reference to this and this contains the reference to this ok so now when i add

a new value to list1 or list2 ok for example if i am appending a new value called 5 ok

so then a object is created 5 and that reference will be stored here if it is 004 ok it will

be stored here, because list2 and list1 ids are different it won't alter the list1 ok

so we'll get two different list but when i try to do changes here ok so for this value

ok so if i try to change list2 of zero of one, so that is nothing but here list2 it

contains the reference of this and in that one index value is this ok so now if i try

to alter this what will happen is, ok take example i am changing it to "a", ok so

new Object is created "a" and its reference is something like 03 ok so here this will

be overwritten it contains reference 03 now ok so this will be deleted ok now it contains

this value now, because it is altered now ok but here we can see both this list ok contains

this same reference that is 001 and we did changes here ok so that's why it will affect

both, that's why we can see the changes in both the list.

ok so because 001 we can see both list contain that reference so when i do changes here ok

so that will affect both the list, that's why the shallow copy behaves differently in

the nested list OK so when we don't want this then we can use deep copy and to know about

the deep copy you need to watch the next tutorial.

so that's it for now guys today we discussed about how actually Shallow copy works thank

you for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel i will meet you in next class

till then take care .

For more infomation >> Python Tutorials - Copy | Part 2 | Shallow Copy | Example - Duration: 15:56.


रूई जैसी सॉफ्ट सूजी की इडली बनाने का तरीका | Instant Suji Rawa Idli - Duration: 3:46.

Suji / Rawa 1 cup

Dahi 1 cup fresh

Salt 1 tsp

Mix it properly so that there is no lumps

Rest it for 15 to 20 mins

Grease idli stand with oil

Add ENO 1 tsp in it

Arrange idli stand as shown

Place idli stand in steamer for 10 mins in medium flame

Let them cool properly

Our Suji Idli is ready

For more infomation >> रूई जैसी सॉफ्ट सूजी की इडली बनाने का तरीका | Instant Suji Rawa Idli - Duration: 3:46.


Steffany Gretzinger - Save Me - Duration: 5:27.

I tried to be the hero for a day But all my super powers failed to save

So I turned in my ego and my cape I was made to fly, but not this way

It all starts with breathing You in Breathing You in Deeply

I've been drowning under my skin No one but You can save me

My weakness is my honor not my shame Leaning is my portion not my pain

I was frantic till You changed the pace You won't give me more than I can take

It all starts with breathing You in Breathing You in Deeply

I've been drowning under my skin No one but You can save me

You're my hero You're the only One Who is strong enough

You're my hero You always pick me up Before I self destruct

You're my hero You're the only One Who is strong enough

You're my hero You always pick me up Before I self destruct

It all starts with breathing You in Breathing You in Deeply

I've been drowning under my skin No one but You can save me

For more infomation >> Steffany Gretzinger - Save Me - Duration: 5:27.


Why was John the Baptist Beheaded? - Duration: 6:18.


December 23, 2018 Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami!

One person asked on Quora "Why did Jesus not save John the Baptist from getting beheaded?"

Could You please answer this question?

At Your Lotus Feet, Anil Swami Replied: O Learned and Devoted Servants

of God!

God gave freedom to all souls so that they could do whatever they felt was good.

God helped the souls in determining what is good and what is bad by preaching to them

through holy scriptures, holy devotees and holy Incarnations.

Freedom means the complete freedom for all souls in this creation to act in any direction,

without the slightest force on the mind, either here or in the upper worlds.

God always preaches to every soul to bring the realization of the truth to the soul and

to reform the soul.

The soul is expected to realize and get reformed only through this knowledge introduced into

the mind of the soul.

It is the only way the soul can be saved.

The only force used by God on the mind of a sinner is imparting knowledge.

He does not use any physical force or miraculous power to reform the sinner.

The king tries to reform the sinner through physical force in the form of punishment,

but such reformation is only temporary.

Even the horrible punishments in hell cannot reform the soul permanently.

Eternal reformation can never be attained through punishment.

In spite of this defect of punishment, it is still used to reform the soul temporarily.

Only the spiritual knowledge given by God-in-human-form can bring an eternal reformation in a soul.

Generally, the cloud rains everywhere and the rain makes the seed present in fertile

soil to grow up into a plant.

But a seed fallen on rocky soil cannot give rise to a plant immediately in spite of a

lot of rain.

Devilish or demonic souls are like the rocks present here and there on earth.

The God-cloud does not use His miraculous power to change the rocky soil into fertile

soil since God never interferes with souls using any type of force.

Judas was like rocky soil.

But due to his association with Jesus and continuously listening to His preaching, he

realized, confessed his sin, and punished himself at the end.

The priests of the temple never listened to the preaching of Jesus at all and so they

never got reformed.

They were like solid rocks.

Judas was like soil having some rocky nature.

So, the seed of reformation at least germinated in him, even though it germinated late.

For a person's reformation, apart from the divine force of spiritual knowledge, the receptivity

of the person's mind is also important.

There are some good souls with high receptivity for the knowledge.

They are like good soil and they get reformed immediately on listening to the spiritual

knowledge preached by the Human Incarnation of God.

Then there are some average souls, who are like rocky soil.

They take some time to get reformed like Judas.

Both these types of souls are reformed and saved.

But there are some other souls like the priests who crucified Jesus, who have no hope of reformation

at all.

They are like solid rocks and they are condemned forever.

This worst type of souls is punished in the liquid fire of hell forever.

Their punishment is forever because such souls will never get reformed.

They are kept aloof from mankind in the lives of wild animals, worms and so on (Tānahaṁ


God's attempts to reform are confined only to the first and second types of souls who

are like good soil and rocky soil respectively.

The moment a soul is reformed, it is saved forever.

Note that John, the disciple of Jesus, was different from the John who baptized Jesus.

John the Baptist, was like good fertile soil with good seeds, but he could not hear the

preaching of Jesus.

This John had received the rain of God's grace in his generation and was already saved.

That is why he was able to recognize Jesus as a Human Incarnation of God.

Every soul upon hearing the knowledge of God-in-human-form need not be totally reformed since the reformation

depends on the fertility or receptivity of the mind.

The killing of John the Baptist by the king might be the punishment for some sin committed

by John previously, which is unknown to us.

In other words, it is possible that his death was not related to his spiritual life but

the result of a sin committed by him in his worldly life previously.

Also, just because he baptized Jesus, we cannot be sure that he was fully reformed.

All pending punishments get canceled only upon complete reformation.

We are not aware of the complete case history of John the Baptist to decide with certainty

that he was fully reformed.

Only the omniscient God knows the full truth.

The death-punishment given by the king might also be a divine test given by God to test

his faith.

Even Jesus was given a death-punishment.

Does it mean that the Savoir Jesus did not have salvation Himself?

There are so many divine factors in the background, which are not understood by us.

We should not be hasty in drawing quick conclusions since we are ignorant of the total background

of the soul.

The nature of a person's death does not decide the quality of the spiritual life of

the soul.

The deaths of several Human Incarnations were very horrible.

But the reason for it is that the Human Incarnation bears the punishments for the sins of His

dear devotees on His own body even in the last minutes of His life.

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